A Geological Background for Planning and Development in Wigan
This page is blank BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY In association with Roger Tym and Partners TECHNICAL REPORT WN/95/3 A geological background for planning and development in Wigan Volume 2: A user’s guide to Wigan’s ground conditions Editors: A Forster, A Arrick, M G Culshaw and M Johnston Authors: A Arrick, A Forster, D F Clark, M Stewart, and D J D Lawrence Editors A Forster, A Arrick, M G Culshaw and M Johnston Authors A Arrick, A Forster, D F, Clark, M Stewart, and D J D Lawrence Maps and diagrams used in this report are based on Ordnance Survey mapping. Bibliographic reference ARRICK,A, and others. 1995. A user’s guide to Wigan’s ground conditions. Vol. 2 of A geological background for planning and development in Wigan. FORSTER, A, ARRICK,A, CULSHAW,M G, and JOHNSTONM (editors). British Geological Survey Technical Report, No. WN/95/3. Disclaimer This Technical Report was produced under contract with the Departmentof the Environment. The views expressed are those of BGS and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of the Environment or any other government department. 0 Crown copyright 1995 Published with the permission of the Controller of HerMajesty’s Stationery Office. Keyworth, Nottingham British GeologicalSurvey BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The full range of Survey publicationsis available through Keyworth, NottinghamNG 12 5GG the Sales Desksat Keyworth and at Murchison House, e 01 15-936 3100Telex 378173 BGSKEY G Edinburgh, and in the BGS London Information Officein FaxOl15-9363200 the Natural History Museum Earth Galleries. The adjacent bookshop stocks the more popular books for sale over the Murchison House, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH93LA counter.
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