Voters Must Choose Four Councilmen at Monday's Election
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Winner of the Michigan Prc5s General Excellence Award .n g h' a' m·, Co 'u nty .N e.w'i'l'lns~P~Prt:~aer~. ·J.,. for 4 Counoilmon ,, The I City Eloctlon Monday Ninely·fifth Year, No. 13 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, April I, 1954 4 Sections - 26 PaQcs News Index Police Blame Pnlfl'll H, Wnnt tub, 6, 7 nnd Pnt'L J. l.. ottL'rfl to }~dltor, Pnwl'l R, Purl l. l.n-.rttl nuw11, J'nJeu R. PurL I 1 l'uw-n r,, l'nrl :1 i Pngvtt 4 nnd 6, Pnt·t. -t, Voters Must Choose Blaze in Barn Sndnl 1\DWH, Jlllltl'll 4 JI!HI r., Put·t I; Pnuo ·1. 1'11rL ~. Church nowl4, l'IIKOK 2 tiiUI :1, Ptu·L 2. nounr.ll curullthttr.n, Puun I, Pnt·t :!, On·to Prowler ·Vernon J. Ih·uwn'H cnlumn, I'llf\1' I, Pnt·t n, Four Councilmen at Sl·ate police blnmc a pt•ow• l•!dltnrlnll'l, PnH"n ), Pflt'l 4. ~·ul'm newn, PnH"nK :!, n nnd r;, Ptlll let' for the flt•c ln the Howard Slnm llnrn ncar Vnntown '· March 22. Monday's Election Evidence lnrlicalcs, f:nld Delee· By-Pass Crash tlvc Ru:;sell K\tzingel' of lhe slute Mnson voters hnve the duty of choosinr~ <1 councilmen pollee, thul the lire wus humanly Monclny. 'I'here are 8 candidntcs. The city charte1' pt•ovidcs applied. There IH no evidence, lw cleclnred, thnt the fire cotllrl l1ave Sends Drivers til!ll. there mw;t be at lens!. double the number of cnnclidu1es stnrt('d uny oi!H'r way. S]mntu· thn t there arc offices to fill. In case cnndidales don't qualify neortll r:onhurtlnn wns rulr.rl out by filin~ petitions, the councll itself must make nominations because the fire started beyond To Hospitals up to 11w t•equh·ed numbet·. the plalr. In the caves ovr.rhang-. Hlmt of between 100 lmrl fiOO de· Dewey Clal'l<, 55, Aurelius, This year t.hc council had to make no nominations. All grees would have been requlrcc\ and II. C. DeWeese, 47, Stock 3 entered the lists \'villlngly. They arc A. ,J. Betcher, Hm·beJ'I. to set fire to the chaff which ap Colby, Richard Mm'l"is, Robct"l ---·- parenlly ~preaci to the lnmlnatecl bridge, are in hospitals follow Phillips, Eric Spenny, Ralph rafters. There was no wiring near ing an accident at Mason the spot. Stmpc, Don VanderVeen, St·., Wednesday aftemoon. Their While there is no rlireel evl· and Dr. Lewis A. Wileden. Advisory ·vote rlence, Vilzlngm· and Capt. Robert cars collided at the int.ersce- Stropc is lhe onl~· Incumbent. Foster of I he Lansing fire depart· tion of new US-127 and South The •1 whose terms expire are rnent, told Sims anrl Stewart My street. Cotlncilmcn Sl rope, Fran it Dakin, Is Called on all, who opr.rntes. t11c farm, that n prowler might hnve :;tarter! · a At the Mason General ho:-;pllnl C. II. Ilall and S. A. Morrison. small nrc in the hurn to J'eep ThursdaY noon Cloi'I' was still in Both Hall and Morrison hnve 11 coma \vith a concussion and a ' ·;erved as mayor. Hall wns elected Civic Center warm anrl that it got out of con possible skull fmcturr., a broken mayor and tiwn served as mayor trol. Ncar the spot ·where the fire arm, leg and facial ln· _by started officers found an overcoat a bro):;e~ ;l~lde~· Ill~ ne\~ char!:-~ V~rt?,of In addition to voling-, J'm· juries. His condition w<ts llste;J .us collc.lp;ucs. Mm nson sc1 I ed and a blanl1et. owned by Myall. ~s criUcal. as rna_Yor uncier· the old chm·lcr. council candidates Monclay, They har\ been left in a not her · W Councilmen are elected lo 2-yc;u· Mason voters will have the . ·' part of the barn hy Myall. De cesr. was taken lo t 1te ·----------~----·--- On the night of the fire tlie Sparrow hospital in Lansing. IIis op[)ot"l.uni1y to express them- Myalls had been away from the condition was repclrlecl as "fair" Candidates Speak selves on t·est.oml.ion of the by hospital attendants Thursday farm. They returned al 10:30. The Council <~tndidn.f.('S Wtll'tl Legion Mcmm·ial building as a morning. He has broken ribs and uslu~d fo IIXJII'e.o;,~ their vlcwH fire was discovered at 11:45. civic centet·. Neighbors put it out with small possibly Internal ln.Jul"ies besides 1111 seveml issues. Whnl damage. painful cuts and bruises. I hey had tu sny IH on l'llg!l The cxpn•;;sion will nol be! of· On Sunday night several Boys Accorrllrig to Ralph Hall, Ma· 1, l'lll't 2. fieial. II. will be .iltst a :;\raw vole!, Vocational school youths fled the son police chief, DeWeese was ·-....... _.. ____ --- --·- .... ------....... an advisory vote to indic:ate lhe Lansing institution. One Is still at driving north. He had an ap· terms. The terms of Councilmen will of 1\w people. enunr:ilmcn liberty. When he Is caught he will pointmcnt with II. H. Warner, Alton J. Stroud anct Alfred agreed al. lhch· rnccl ing held Mon· WJIAT 1\lAI\ES GEI~SE SILLY could be such an unex be questioned about the Leroy La'nslilg attorney, about a case Forche and Mayo1· ClaiJmont day night. Tlw vole will nol l'OI11· a fai1·yland Tuesday morning. The white mantle bedecl<ed scheduled for trial in circuit Everitt run for another year. mit the council to any pmgram. pected fall of snow the last of March. These Canadian geese sht·ubs and trees and covered the gmund 7 inches deep, By fire, said the state pollee detcc· tivc. cour;t April 5. DeWeese had ap- There has been no aclive cam 'fhls is. )ww the ballol, as prr.· at the state game farm didn't mind the snow too much. The Tuesday morning strands of frost hung from 'fences. pealed from a justice court ver- paig-nlng on the part of any can· same webs which send them through the water helped them A Vocational youth confessed parer! by Cily Allomey Howard In the bl'ight ~;un all outdoors glistened. The sun melted diet in Mason. Clark was driv· didate, Seven of the 8 candidates A. McCowan, will read: "SIIall tht"Ough the snow Tuesday morning. But they had difficulty to starting a fire in a Fowlerville lng east on South streel. gave short lalks before the Ma· down much of the snow by nightfall and again Wednesday barn to keep warm. the City of Mason rebuild, main· locating their nests under all that white stuff. noon the sun stat'tccl to work in earnest. Walter Morton, 930 South son Kiwanis clt(h Tuesday nigh!. tain and opcmle the Legion Me· Although some people had just as soon not seen it so street, was. starrdin;.: oulsidc his Absent was VanderVeen, unable moria! building as a eommu nil y Tuesday was as pretty a day as this world has ever seen. barn vhen he· heard a crash. He to attend because ofsiclmess. He late in the season, the snow transformed the countryside into (Ingham County News photo.) 1 building, lhc ~ame lo he linance;l t • • • lool,ed up to sec cars and debris and hls wife rctumcci from Ari· by taxation?" Alaiedon Board flying through space· at the lnler· zona Monrlay -night. section, he told Chief Hull. Roy Polls will open nt· 7 o'clock Petilions asldng lhe <'OIIIH'il lo consider rcsloi·ing the building Have You Met? Evans, 3092 West Sills road, also Monday morning and remain Vaccine lests· were prescnlerl Monday nigh!. Gives 0. K.. to heard the r.ars when tbey struck open until 8 o'clocl1 at nigh!. As School Bo,ard Purchases Mr. and Mrs. Fmnk Flem There were about 60 signalurPs, Neither Evans 1101' Morton usual. flrsl precinct VOiers will ing, 4271/" S. Jr•fferson ~lrect, . 0 d"n·. e announcer! Cily Cieri' Gcoi'J.:-e and l11eir •I children, Carole, 13; Against Polio Zomng r I anc noticed \he c_ars before the calli· cast their ballots in COLII'I house Kellogg. · Frank, Jr., 11; Mary Lee, 10; . 111 son, (I 1ey Sill d .: bootlu~. Sel'onc\ precinct voters and Klm,-2'1 Alaledon township's zoning ·m·· • · According to I he police chief's will use booths in Ihe city coun Rrmfals Wonl<l Ul' ChuJ'gl'd East ·Side ·Buildi11g .·Site. Start April 20 Coundlman Alfred Jo'nn:itc dim;nce gained. the approval of the report, Clari<; wa~ hurled to the cil room. The Flemings movecl-·lo •Ma· . ' ...•... _., ....... ,. ..... ~ ........ - ... - ........... Dr. Douglas Fryer announced foWnooarU'Tucsaay·-·afterii'ociri. pavemeiii. · 65 'teet -·Irom the At the mccling Tuesday night sponsored I he rc::olution c·alling Bought and paid for by the ago. The church offered the son from Muni~irig l11e first for lhe slmw vole. part of November, 1953. In Thursday morning that Ingham's It becomes effective May 1 unless wreclmge of his car. DeWeese rc· cundldates discussed sewer ex· school board is 314 acres adJoin· ~chool district a .. chunk. o( the 8 "It i:; not 1\w inlenlion o[ tlw Munising they owned and op· vaccine polio tests are now sched· residents file for a referendum. mal ned ·tn the car while It rolleti tensions, the sewage rllspol'al • lng Athletic field on the north. acres but the deal was not made.