Thorough Guidebook of Lively Experience in

A タイプ Map of East

知床岬 Cape Shiretoko

知床岳 Mt.Shiretoko-dake 知床国立公園 Shiretoko National Park 網走国定公園 カムイワッカの 滝 Quasi-National Park Kamuiwakka Hot Water Falls 硫黄山 Mt.Io サロマ湖 知床五湖 能取岬 Cape Notoro Shiretoko Five Lakes 羅臼町 93 238 RausuTown ウト ロ 羅臼岳 87 道の駅「サロマ湖」 Utoro Mt.Rausu-dake Michi-no-Eki(Road Station)Saromako 知床横断道路 7 能取湖 76 網走市 334 佐呂間町 City オシンコシンの滝 冬期通行止 Saroma Town 103 Shiretoko Crossing Road Notoro 道の駅「流氷街道網走」 Oshinkoshin Falls Closed in Winter Michi-no-Eki(Road Station) 道の駅「知床・らうす」 Ryuhyo kaido abashiri Michi-no-Eki(Road Station) Shiretoko Rausu 網走湖 Lake Abashiri 334 道の駅「うとろシリエトク」 小清水原生花園 Michi-no-Eki(Road Station)Utoro Shirietoku Koshinizu Natural Flower Gaden 道の駅「メルヘンの丘めまんべつ」 333 Michi-no-Eki(Road Station)Meruhen no Oka Memanbetu 斜里町 104 大空町 244 Shari Town Oozora Town 道の駅「はなやか小清水」 道の駅「しゃり」 7 女満別空港 Michi-no-Eki(Road Station)Hanayaka Koshimizu Michi-no-Eki(Road Station)Shari 39 102 道の駅「パパスランドさっつる」 Michi-no-Eki(Road Station) 335 334 Papasu Land Sattsuru 391 122 清里町 244

北見市 243 小清水町 Senmo Line 釧網本線Kiyosato Town City 美幌町 Koshimizu Town 斜里岳 50 Bihoro Town 津別町 102 Mt.Sharidake Tsubetsu Town 斜里岳道立自然公園 Sharidake Prefectural Natural Park 標津サーモンパーク 27 藻琴山 Shibetsu Salmon 143 Mt.Mokoto Scientific Museum 道の駅「ぐるっとパノラマ美幌峠」 野付半島 Michi-no-Eki(Road Station) 開陽台展望台 ClosedGrutto in WinterPanorama Bihorotouge Notsuke Peninsula Kaiyoudai 根室中標津空港 272 240 冬期通行止 屈斜路湖 Observatory NemuroNakashibetsu 野付湾 Airport Notsuke Bay 51 52 摩周湖 標津町 尾岳沼 道の駅「あいおい」 Lake Shibetsu Town Odaito Michi-no-Eki(Road Station)Aioi 52 Mashu 150 トド ワ ラ 中標津町 244 阿寒国立公園 道の駅「摩周温泉」 Todowara 242 Nakashibetsu まりも展示 Akan National Michi-no-Eki(Road Staion) Town 観察センター Park Mashu Onsen 道の 駅「 おだいとう」 Marimo Exhibition and Observation Center 弟子屈町 Teshikaga Town Michi-no-Eki(Road Station) Odaito 阿寒湖 243 13 雄阿寒岳 241 野付風蓮道立自然公園 陸別町 Mt.Oakan-dake 900草原 143 多和平展望台 272 8 別海町 Notsuke Furen Prefectual Natural Park Rikubetsu Town オ ン ネト ー 900 Onneto Grassland Tawadaira Observatory Betsukai Town 19 P13~14 53 13 241 冬期通行止 35 阿寒富士 Closed in Winter 大草原展望台 243 根室市 35 雌阿寒岳 Mt.Akanfuji 標茶町 Prairie Observatory 243 Nemuro Mt.Meakan-dake Shibecha Town 391 City 240 風 蓮 湖 納沙布岬 標茶 Cape Nosappu Shibecha 243 道の駅 274 「スワン44ねむろ」 釧網本線 Michi-no-Eki(Road Station) 釧路市 厚床 44 Swan44 Nemuro 14 Attoko 阿寒町 123 142 Akan 鶴居村 Senmo Line Village シ ラ ルト ロ 湖 浜中町 274 道の駅 53 Lake Shirarutoro Hamanaka 落石岬 「阿寒丹頂の里」 塘路湖 Town 浜中 142 274 Michi-no-Eki Lake Toro 道の駅「厚岸味覚ターミナルコンキリエ」 Hamanaka Cape Ochiishi 阿寒IC (Road station) 14 Michi-no-Eki(Road Station) Conchiglie Akan Tancho no Sato 浜 中 湾 Akan I.C 達古武湖 272 釧路湿原国立公園 Hamanaka Bay Lake Takkobu あっけし望洋台 霧多布湿原センター Kushiro Shitsugen 厚岸町 Kiritappu Marsh Center 霧多布岬 丹頂鶴自然公園 Akkeshi Boyodai Observatory National Park 391 Akkeshi 霧多布湿原 Cape Kiritappu Japanese Crane Reserve 根室本線 Town 北海道横断自動車道(道東道) 白糠IC Nemuro Line 厚岸湖 Kiritappu Marsh Shiranuka I.C た ん ちょう 釧路空港 Hokkaido Odan Expressway Tancho Kushiro 釧路町 琵琶瀬展望台 (Doto Expressway) Airport Kushiro Town Biwase Observatory 38 123 白糠町 厚 岸 湾 原生花園あやめヶ原 392 釧路市 44 142 Akkeshi Bay Shiranuka Kushiro City Ayamegahara Natural Flower Garden Town 142 釧路市 尻羽岬 厚岸道立自然公園 道の駅「しらぬか恋問」 Cape Shirepa Akkeshi Prefectural Natural Park 音別町 Michi-no-Eki(Road Station) Onbetsu Shiranuka Koitoi 56 P2~4 P5~12 0 10 20 30km Simplified table of distances between major cities and towns Estimated travel times listed below are calculated based on the average speed.


釧 路 Akkeshi 厚 岸 49km 1hr 厚 岸 Akkeshi Nemuro 根 室 124km 79km Nemuro 2hr.30min 1hr.35min 根 室 Nakashibetsu 中標津 91km 76km 78km Nakashibetsu 1hr.50min 1hr.30min 1hr.35min 中標津 Shibecha 標 茶 50km 38km 117km 46km Shibecha 1hr 45min 2hr.20min 55min 標 茶 Teshikaga 弟子屈 75km 63km 118km 45km 25km Teshikaga 1hr.30min 1hr.15min 2hr.20min 55min 30min 弟子屈 Tsurui 鶴 居 35km 72km 151km 80km 34km 37km Tsurui 40min 1hr.25min 3hr 1hr.35min 40min 45min 鶴 居 AkankoOnsen 阿寒湖温泉 74km 103km 158km 85km 65km 40km 77km Akanko Onsen 1hr.30min 2hr 3hr.10min 1hr.40min 1hr.20min 50min 1hr.30min 阿寒湖温泉 羅 臼 154km 140km 133km 67km 110km 105km 154km 125km Rausu 3hr.5min 2hr.50min 2hr.45min 1hr.20min 2hr.10min 2hr.5min 3hr.5min 2h.30min

〈1〉 Kushiro Shitsugen National Park

The Kushiro Marsh is a registered under the Ramsar Convention and ’s largest wetland with an area of 28,000 ha. Blessed with diverse ecosystems, the park is particularly renowned as a habitat for the Japanese crane (Red-crowned Crane), a Special Natural Monument.

Kushiro City Marsh Observatory This building, reminiscent of an old European castle, is full of information on the wetland and is Kushiro Shitsugen National Park surrounded by a boardwalk 2.5 km in circumference. The “satellite square,” located in the middle section of the boardwalk, offers the best overlooking view west of the Kushiro Marsh. (The boardwalk is partially closed in winter.) Hours: 8:30-18:00 in summer (May – Oct.) 9:00-17:00 in winter (Nov. – Apr.) Closed: Dec. 31 – Jan. 3 Admission fee: 470 yen (adult), 250 yen (high school), 120 yen (junior high and elementary school) Access: Take Akan Bus, Tsurui & Hororo Route, from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx. 40 min.) to Marsh Observatory Bus Stop; 680 yen (adult) TEL/FAX: 0154-56-2424

Hosooka Viewpoint Kushiro City Marsh Observatory Kushiro Marsh at dusk This observatory is representative of the eastern portion of the wetland. It offers a spectacular view of the meandering through the wetland and the sun as it sets over the wetland with Mt. Oakan and Mt. Meakan in the distance. Access: Take Senmo Line from JR Kushiro Station (approx. 15 min.) to Kushiro Shitsugen Station, and walk for 10 min.; 360 yen (adult)

Hosooka Visitor’s Lounge Located near Hosooka Viewpoint, Hosooka Visitor’s Lounge is a rest facility where materials regarding the wetland are exhibited. The Lounge also has a coffee shop and a store. Hours:9:00-17:00 (Apr. – May) 9:00-18:00 (June – Sep.) 9:00-16:00 (Oct. – Nov.) Hosooka Viewpoint Marsh Jacob’s Ladder in 10:00-16:00 (Dec. – Mar.) full bloom Closed: Dec. 31 – Jan. 5 Admission fee: free TEL/FAX: 0154-40-4455

Hokuto Viewpoint Hokuto Viewpoint commands a panoramic view of the wetland from the west. You can feel the sheer size of the Kushiro Marsh from here with nothing to obstruct your view. Access: Approx. 300 m from the Kushiro City Marsh Observatory

Kottaro Marsh Viewpoints Hokuto Viewpoint From the Kottaro Marsh Viewpoints, you can witness the most primeval images of the wetland. Access: Approx. 50 min. by car from Kushiro City

Fully Playing in the Wetland

Walking along the boardwalk Taking a stroll on the boardwalk is the most suitable way to observe the wild birds and plants. Let’s roam along the boardwalk while enjoying fresh air.

Kottaro Marsh Viewpoints Onnenai Boardwalk A wooden walkway with courses ranging from 500 m to 3 km in length. Choose one that best suits your needs and enjoy observing the wild birds and vegetation. What’s more, the 2 km-course is wheelchair accessible. Since snow is not removed in winter, visitors can enjoy cross-country skiing here. Onnenai Visitor Center The Onnenai Visitor Center offers a lot of information on flora and fauna that can be observed along the boardwalk. Complementary skis and snowshoes are available in winter. Hours: 10:00 – 17:00 (Apr. – Oct.) / 10:00 – 16:00 (Nov. – Mar.) Closed: Tue. , and Dec. 29 – Jan. 3 Admission fee: free Access: Take Akan Bus, Tsurui & Hororo Route, from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx. 50 min.) to Onnenai Visitor Center Bus Stop; 720 yen (adult) TEL/FAX: 0154-65-2323/0154-65-2185 Walking along the boardwalk Daylily 〈2〉 Canoeing & Rafting Traveling down the Kushiro River, which meanders through the marsh, you can experience the marsh in the same way as flora and fauna in the marsh do.

Experience-based tourist agencies TEL/FAX ・R (アール) 0154-65-4100/0154-65-4100 ・East Hokkaido Outdoor Center (ひがし北海道アウトドアセンター) 015-487-3111/015-487-3110 ・Canoe Pro (カヌープロ) 0154-91-9838/0154-91-9837 ・Lakeside Toro ( レ イ ク サ イド とう ろ ) 015-487-2172/015-487-2220 Canoeing & Rafting Horseback riding ・Toro Nature Center (塘路ネイチャーセンター) 015-487-3100/015-487-3101 ・Canoe Shop Hiraiwa ( カ ヌ ー ショップ ヒ ラ イ ワ ) 0154-91-6185/0154-91-8829 ・Kushiro Marsh & River (釧路マーシュ&リバー) 0154-23-7116/0154-22-2864 ・Northeast Canoe Center (ノースイーストカヌーセンター) 015-482-5131/015-482-5150 ・Lodge Shirarutoro (ロッジシラルトロ) 015-487-2325/015-487-2388 ・ReRa (レラ) 0154-36-5431/0154-36-5431 ・Mintara (ミンタラ ) 0154-91-5763/0154-91-5763 ・Kushiro Bird Watching Support Group (釧 路 バ ード ウォッ チ ン グ サ ポ ート の 会 ) 090-4878-7663/0154-91-6292 ・Shien net Kushiro (支援NET釧路) 0154-36-2842 ・Shitsugen Guide Hanashinobu (湿 原 ガ イド は な し の ぶ ) 0154-64-5151/0154-42-7230 Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko-go ・Family Canoe Toro(フ ァミリ ー カ ヌ ー とう ろ ) 015-487-2888/015-487-2888 ・Taito Nature Club(TAITO ネイチャー 倶楽部) 0154-64-3111/0154-64-3333 ・NPO Yachinokai(NPO法人 やちの会) 090-5220-9779/0154-91-1644 ・B&B Come Home(湿原の宿 B&B かむほーむ) 015-487-3360/015-487-3360 ・Kusuri DEKOBOKO Guide Company(クスリ凸凹旅行舎) 0154-37-6513/0154-37-6513

Horseback riding Let’s trek through the surrounding area and deep in the wetland on horseback. With easy lessons, even beginners will feel comfortable with horseback riding. SL Fuyu-no-Shitsugen-go Tsurui Dosanko Pasture Access: 45 min. by car from Kushiro Airport. TEL/FAX:0154-64-2931 / 0154-64-7468 Kushiro Fureai Horse Park Access: 10 min. by car from Kushiro Airport. Take Akan Bus, Yamahana Onsen Refre Route or Akan-cho Route, from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal to Yamahana Onsen Refre Bus Stop, and walk 5 min.; 870 yen (adult) TEL/FAX: 0154-56-2566 Japanese Crane, ★Both facilities require reservations. the Symbolic Bird

“Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko-Train” and “SL Fuyu-no-Shitsugen-Train” Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko-go, a train slowly running through the green wetland in summer, and the smoke emitting steam locomotive, traveling through white snowfields in winter, have become typical sights of the Kushiro Marsh. Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko-go: one or two round trips per day between Kushiro Sta. and Toro Sta. SL Fuyu-no-Shitsugen-go: one round trip per day between Kushiro Sta. and Shibecha Sta. Kushiro Branch Site: Hokkaido Railway Company Global Site: Japanese Crane, the Symbolic Bird

Reduced to a population of over a dozen, the Japanese crane became endangered as a result of indiscriminate hunting. Thanks to the conservation efforts of neighboring residents, however, the population has increased and the Japanese crane was designated as a Special Natural Monument in 1952. Currently, approximately 1,000 Japanese cranes live in East Hokkaido throughout the year. The largest bird in Japan, Japanese cranes are regarded as birds of love since, once they have found a mate, they remain in pairs for the rest of their lives and cooperate in bringing up their offspring.

Japanese cranes can be seen throughout the year.

・Kushiro Japanese Crane Reserve Currently (2016), 14 Japanese cranes live in this park. Hours: 9:00-18:00 (Apr. 10 – 2nd Mon. of Oct.) 9:00-16:00 (2nd Tue. of Oct. – Apr. 9) Closed: Dec. 31 – Jan. 3 Admission fee: 470 yen (adult), 110 yen (child) Access: Take Akan Bus, Lake Akan Route, from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx. 55 min.) to Tsuru Koen Bus Stop; 910 yen (adult) TEL/FAX: 0154-56-2219 / 0154-56-2216 ・Kushiro Zoo The Kushiro Zoo has the Tancho Protection and Propagation Center. In addition, Blakiston’s fish owls, Steller’s sea eagles and white-tailed sea eagles, which are all natural monuments, can also be seen here. Hours: 9:30-16:30 (Apr. 10 – 2nd Mon. of Oct.) / 10:00-15:30 (2nd Tue. of Oct. – Apr. 9) Closed: Dec. 29 to Jan. 2, and every Wednesday Dec. through Feb. Admission fee: 570 yen (adult), free (junior high & younger) Access: Take Akan Bus, Refre Route or Akan-cho Route, from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx.1hr.) to Dobutsuen (Zoo) Bus Stop; 870 yen (adult) TEL/FAX:0154-56-2121 / 0154-56-2140

Wild Japanese cranes gather in several hundreds in the following feeding grounds Photo by K.K.Lam (HongKong) from late October to late March: Japanese cranes fighting with white-tailed sea eagles 〈3〉 ・Japanese Crane Observation Center (Akan International Crane Center Branch) Located adjacent to the Tancho no Sato Roadside Station, the Japanese Crane Observation Center Shitsugen Marshland 55 Pass offers visitors a chance to take in the action at afternoon feeding time as the Japanese cranes Enjoy 5 local sightseeing spots for 5 days at one special low price sometimes compete with white-tailed eagles and Steller’s sea eagles. with the Shitsugen Marshland 55 Pass! Hours: 8:30-16:00(Nov. – Jan.) / 8:30-16:30(Feb. – Mar.) Admission fee: 470 yen (adult), 240 yen (junior high & younger) (common ticket with Akan Pass Valid At: International Crane Center) ・ Kushiro Marsh Observatory Access: Take Akan Bus, Lake Akan Route, from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx. 1 hr.) ・ Kushiro Zoo to Tancho no Sato Bus Stop; 1,450 yen (adult) ・ Kushiro City Museum ・ Kushiro Japanese Crane Reserve Feeding time: early morning and around 14:00 ・ Akan International Crane Center TEL/FAX:0154-66-4011/0154-66-4022 Cost: 1,020 yen ・ Tsurumidai Plain Learn about at Kushiro Access: Take Akan Bus, bound for Tsurui, from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx. 1 hr.) City Museum, enjoy a stroll and to Tsurumidai Bus Stop; 1,000 yen (adult) marvel at the view from Kushiro Feeding time: around 14:30 Marsh Observatory, meet the inhabitants of the wetlands such as Blakiston’s Fish Owl at the ・Tsurui/Itoh Tancho Sanctuary Kushiro Zoo, and experience the Access: Take Akan Bus, bound for Tsurui, from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx. 1 hr.) grace of the spirit of the wetlands, to Tsurui Mura Yakuba mae Bus Stop, and walk 15 min.; 1,250 yen (adult) the Japanese Crane, at the Crane Feeding time: around 9:00 Park and Crane Center. TEL/FAX:0154-64-2620/0154-64-2239

Map of Kushiro Marsh and Places Where Japanese Cranes Can be Seen 至網走・弟子屈 13 至網走・弟子屈 To Abashiri・Teshikaga 391 To Abashiri・ Teshikaga 53 至北見・阿寒湖畔 To Kitami・Akan Lakeside 標茶駅 274 Shibecha Sta. 標茶町 Shibecha Town

53 14

五十石駅 鶴居村 Gojukkoku 274 Tsurui Village


茅沼駅 鶴見台 Kayanuma 鶴居・伊藤タンチョウサンクチュアリ 243 コッタロ展望台 Sta. 391 Itoh Tancho Sanctuary Tsurumidai Plain Kottaro Marsh Viewpoint

14 鶴居どさんこ牧場 シ ラ ルト ロ 湖 釧路市 Lake 34 Tsurui Dosanko Farm Shirarutoro 音羽橋 サルボ展望台 エコミュージアムセンターあるこっと 阿寒町 240 Sarubo センター Eco Museum Center Arukotto Akan 阿寒国際ツルセンター「グルス」 Otowa Bridge Viewpoint Akan International Crane Center GRUS 釧 路 カ ントリ ー ク ラ ブ 塘路駅 丹頂観察 9 Kushiro Country Club Toro Sta. 塘路湖 23 Japanese Crane Observation Center Lake Toro 風 林 カ ントリ ー ク ラ ブ 53 キラコタン岬 11 道の駅 阿寒丹頂の里 Furin Country Club Kirakotan Rise 35 Micchi no Eki Akan Tancho no Sato 宮島岬 Miyajima Rise 釧路湿原美術館 細岡湿原展望台 Kushiro Shitsugen Art Museum 釧路湿原国立公園 Hosooka Marsh Viewpoint Kushiro Shitsugen National Park 阿 寒 カ ントリ ー ク ラ ブ 温根内ビジターセンター 達古武キャンプ場 Akan Country Club 木道 Takkobu Camp Site Onnenai Visitor Center Boardwalk 達古武湖 丹頂鶴自然公園 Lake Takkobu Japanese Crane Reserve 釧路湿原駅 細岡駅 釧路市動物園Kushiro Zoo 北斗展望地 Kushiro Hosooka Sta. Shitsugen Sta. Hokuto Viewpoint 釧路市湿原展望台 阿寒IC 24 岩保木水門 Akan I.C Kushiro Marsh Observatory 岩保木山 Iwabokki Iwabbokki Hill Sluice Gate 17 木道 北海道横断自動車道(道東道) Boardwalk 釧路湿原道路 釧路町 Hokkaido Odan Expressway ふれあいホースパーク Kushiro Shitsugen Road 釧路川 (Doto Expressway) Fureai Horse Park Kushiro 遠矢駅 Kushiro Town 冬期間閉鎖 River Toya Sta. Closed in winter 阿寒川 釧路西IC 新釧路川 上尾幌駅 Kushiro nishi I.C Shin Kushiro Kamioboro Sta. River 釧路中央IC 240 Kushiro chuo I.C た ん ちょう 釧路空港 釧網本線 Tancho Kushiro Airport 53 JR Senmo Line 根室本線(花咲線) JR Nemuro Line 6 2 391 釧路市 272 (Hanasaki Line) 36 Kushiro City 釧路東IC 38 Kushiro higashi I.C 白糠町 根室本線 44 44 大楽毛駅 新大楽毛駅 釧路駅 JR Nemuro Line Kushiro Sta. Shiranuka Otanoshike Sta. Shin Otanoshike Sta. 新富士駅 至厚岸・根室 庶路駅 Shinfuji Sta. Town Shoro Sta. To Akkeshi・Nemuro 西庶路駅 太平洋 道の駅 Nishi Shoro Pacific Ocean 春採湖 392 Sta. しらぬ か 恋問 Lake Harutori Michi-no-Eki 白糠駅 Shiranuka Koitoi Shiranuka Information Souvenir shop Rent a car Sta. 38

Convenience 至札幌・帯広 store Gas station Parking To

〈4〉 Strolling in Kushiro City

Nusamai Bridge Nusamai Bridge is one of the top three bridges in Hokkaido, along with Toyohira Bridge in Sapporo and Asahi Bridge in . It is enveloped with white sea fogs in summer and colored red by the setting sun in autumn. 10-min. walk from JR Kushiro Station Statues of the Four Seasons Bronze statues symbolizing the four seasons of East Hokkaido, made by a sculptor representative of modern Japan, are standing on the rails of Nusamai Bridge.

Kushiro Fisherman’s Wharf MOO Nusamai Bridge enveloped in fog Nusamai Bridge Representing the waterfront of Kushiro, Fisherman’s Wharf MOO consists of restaurants and shops. The wharf accommodates numerous souvenir shops and eateries ranging from large-scale restaurants and food stalls at the port. (Minato no Yatai) 10-min. walk from JR Kushiro Station

EGG Adjoining MOO, EGG is a dome-shaped greenhouse. Why don’t you enjoy briefly basking in the woods when you become tired from shopping or walking along the wharf.

Kushiro City Museum Located at the edge of Lake Harutori, the Kushiro City Museum building is featured by its shape as a Statues of the Four Seasons Japanese crane spreading its wings. The museum offers information on the geography, history and Spring Summer Autumn Winter climate of Kushiro. Hours: 9:30~17:00 (admission until 16:30) Admission fee: 470 yen (adult), 250 yen (high school), 110 yen (elementary and junior high school) Closed: Mon., national holidays (open on national holidays between Apr. and Nov. 3) and Dec. 31 – Jan. 5 Access: Take Kushiro Bus, Route No. 2, 12, 17, 30 or 55, from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx. 10 min.) to Nusamai Chugakko (Junior High School) mae Bus Stop, and walk 5 min.; 220 yen (adult) TEL/FAX:0154-41-5809/0154-42-6000

Kushiro City Lifelong Education Center (Manabotto Nusamai) Kushiro Fisherman’s Wharf MOO•EGG EGG The Center’s appearance is based on the image of a lighthouse. From the restaurant and the observation room on the 9th floor, you can enjoy not only a panoramic view of Kushiro City, but also the mountains in Akan and Cape Erimo in the distance. Hours: 9:00-22:00 Closed: Mon., and Dec. 31 – Jan. 5 Access: 20 minute-walk from JR Kushiro Station TEL/FAX:0154-41-8181/0154-41-8182

Yonemachi Park

The Yonemachi Park area, overlooking the Port of Kushiro, is the birthplace of Kushiro City. On the Kushiro City Museum Kushiro City Lifelong Education Center (Manabotto Nusamai) opposite side of the park is Yonemachi Heritage Museum, the oldest wooden house in Kushiro City. Yonemachi Heritage Museum Yonemachi Heritage Museum has an archive dedicated to Takuboku Ishikawa, a poet associated with Kushiro. Closed: Mon., and Dec. 31 – Mar. 31 Access: Take Kushiro Bus Route No. 1 from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (10 min.) to Yonemachi Koen (Park) mae Bus Stop; 210 yen (adult)

Golf Courses in the Suburbs of Kushiro City Yonemachi Park Yonemachi Heritage Museum There are a number of first-class courses in Kushiro Subprefecture. It is exceptional to play golf in the midst of magnificent nature and in the refreshing air.

Kushiro Country Club 36 holes, 14,044 yards, par 144 Shimohororo, Tsurui Village, Akan-gun TEL/FAX: 0154-65-2331 / 0154-65-2078 Period open to the public: throughout mid Apr. – late Nov. Akan Country Club 27 holes, 10,594 yards, par 108 14, Shitakara, Akan Town TEL/FAX: 0154-66-3833 / 0154-66-3835 Period open to the public: throughout mid Apr. – late Nov. Kushiro Furin Country Club 27 holes TEL/FAX: 0154-65-2121 / 0154-65-2445 Kushiro Airport Golf Club 27 holes TEL/FAX: 01547-5-3131 / 01547-5-3133 Shin Kushiro Golf Club 18holes TEL/FAX: 0153-56-2141 / 0153-56-2332 Golf course in Kushiro suburbs 〈5〉 Enjoying Shopping in Kushiro

Showa District There is a large-scale shopping mall, and surrounding it are drug stores, toy stores and electric appliance shops. Access: Take Kushiro Bus Route No.28,66 or 77 from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx. 30 Showa District min.) to AEON Kushiro Showa Shopping Center Bus Stop; 370 yen

Kushiro-cho District Featuring a shopping center with stores that carry brand names popular among young women, men’s tailors and sporting goods retailers. Access: Take Kushiro Bus Route No. or 101 from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx. 30 min.) to AEON Kushiro Bus Stop; 270 yen Kushiro-cho District

Harutori District With a shopping complex dealing in stationery, CDs, videotapes and publications on a vast one floor as the core, there are also drug stores, fashion volume retailers and revolving sushi bars, and other restaurants. Adjoining the shopping complex is the Harutori Ice Arena, where you can enjoy ice skating. Access: Take Kushiro Bus Route No. 17 or 30 from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal (approx. 20 min.) to Coach & Four Bus Stop; 260 yen (adult) Harutori Ice Arena Harutori District Hours: 10:00 – 16:00 Closed: Dec. 31, Jan. 1, and June 1 – July 31 Fees: 490 yen (adult), 370 yen (high school), 250 yen (junior high school), 170 yen (elementary school & younger) Skates for rent: 300 yen TEL/FAX:0154-46-5115

Downtown (from in front of JR Kushiro Station to Kita-Odori)

Downtown (from in front of JR Kushiro Station to Kita-Odori) This is the center of Kushiro City, which also serves as the starting point for transportation systems. Seafood and souvenirs from Hokkaido can be found primarily at the Washo Market, one of the top three markets in Hokkaido located in front of JR Kushiro Station, and Kushiro Fisherman’s Wharf MOO at the foot of Nusamai Bridge. Washo Market – Accommodating approximately 60 shops, Washo Market is considered to be the kitchen of the residents of Kushiro City. Crabs, salmon and other fresh seafood landed in Kushiro as well as processed seafood can be bought here. In recent years, “Katte-Don (Donburi Rice Bowl)” has been very popular among tourists. Katte-Don – Top your boiled rice, available at a delicatessen, with your choice of sashimi (slices of raw fish) from a variety of stores. Access: 2 min.-walk from JR Kushiro Station

Washo Market Katte-Don Model Routes

Summertime: Kushiro Marsh One Day Course (using public transportation systems) Norokko-go from JR Kushiro Station (morning)→Toro Station (bicycle rental at Toro Station Norokko & 8001; 2,400 yen for 4 hrs.)→1.5 km →Sarubo Observatory →1.7 km →Strolling by Lake Toro, Eco Museum, hands-on experience in canoeing → 1 km → Toro Station →Norokko-go (evening) → Kushiro Station Charges: 1,080 yen for a round trip between Kushiro Sta. and Toro Sta. by Kushiro Shitsugen Norok- ko-go (half price for children); additional 520 yen each way for reserved seats JR Kushiro Station

Winter model route Lake Akan One Night Plan (mid-January – late March) ① Board a morning bus bound for Lake Akan at the Akan Bus Terminal in front of Kushiro Station → Alight at “Tancho-no-Sato” → Have lunch cooked from local ingredients at “Akai Bere” → Observe Japanese cranes, a special natural monument, at the Japanese Crane Observation Center → Board an evening bus bound for Lake Akan → Arrive at Lake Akan → Check in at a Lake Akan hotel → Enjoy “Ice Land Akan” and “Ice Akan Fuyuhanabi (Winter Fireworks)” → Stay at the hotel (Please enjoy hot springs and fine food and drinks) ② Take a stroll in an Ainu kotan (village) and enjoy many winter activities, including snowmobiling, fishing on ice and ice skating at “Ice Land Akan” Board an afternoon Akan bus bound for Kushiro → Arrive in Kushiro in the evening Kushiro – Tancho-no-Sato ¥1,450 Tancho-no-Sato – Lake Akan ¥1,620 Lake Akan – Kushiro ¥2,700 Lake Akan Fireworks 〈6〉 Sightseeing Buses Various sightseeing buses are in operation according to seasons.

Summer: “Pirika-go” – One-day course covering the Kushiro Marsh, Lake Mashu, Lake Kussharo and Lake Akan

Winter: “White Pirika-go” – Course aiming to enjoy East Hokkaido in winter by making a tour to Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, etc. “The Tancho Tour Bus featuring the Shitsugen 55 Pass” The Tancho (Japanese crane) tour bus, takes riders on a wintertime voyage to enjoy the sights of Japanese crane and the Kushiro wetland areas.

◆Akan Bus: TEL/FAX: 0154-37-2221 / 0154-37-9083 Lake Mashu

Kushiro’s Flavors and Dishes

Hearthside barbecue Robata: Kushiro is believed to be the cradle land of hearthside barbecue. Fresh seafood grilled over charcoal is delicious beyond expression.

Sushi: Sushi that uses fresh ingredients from Kushiro’s port is exceptional. Sushi in Kushiro is touted as the best in Japan whether you eat it at an exclusive sushi restaurant or a casual revolving sushi bar.

Ramen: Kushiro ramen features thin noodles and light soup. It is one of the four major types of ramen noodles, along with Sapporo,Asahikawa and ramen.

Lake Kussharo Soba or buckwheat noodles: Yabu soba (dark, sweet noodles made from the whole buckwheat grain) is the mainstay soba in Kushiro and is characterized by its unique strong taste and sweet dip. Dishes unique to Kushiro, such as egg-mixed buckwheat noodles and soba zushi (buckwheat noodle rolls), are also available.

Zangi: Deep-fried chicken is called “zangi” in Hokkaido. The people of Kushiro dip zangi into sauce, which is so simple in taste so that they can eat a lot.

Sweets: Kushiro has a wide variety of sweets, ranging from ice cream abundant in high-quality locally produced raw milk and other dairy products to Japanese bean and pea based confectionaries.

Local sake: Locally-brewed sake “Fukutsukasa” was born out of the tasty waters in Kushiro and rice produced in the famous paddies of Tohoku. Sushi

Soba Ramen Zangi

Soft serve ice cream

Hearthside barbecue Robata Local sake

〈7〉 List of Restaurants

Japanese & Local Cuisine Buckwheat Soba Noodles 1 駒形家 Komagataya 10P 1 竹老園 東家総本店 Chikuroen Azumaya 12P 2 ふく亭櫂梯楼 Fukutei kaiteirou 12P 2 そば処 日本橋 Sobadokoro Nihonbashi 11P・12P 3 醍醐 Daigo 10P 3 寿庵 Juan 11P 4 ちく半 Chikuhan 10P Other 5 とん㐂 Tonki 10P 1 鳥善 Toriyoshi (Zangi-Fried Chiken Kushiro Style) 10P 6 八千代本店 Yachiyohonten 10P 2 北斗 Hokuto 4P 7 ふく亭とと櫓 Fukutei Totoro 11P 3 焼肉菜包朴然 Yakinikusaihou Bokuzen (Korean Barbecue) 11P 8 瓢 Fukube 10P 4 レストラン 北ふく楼 Restaurant Kitafukuro 10P 9 ふく亭 Fukutei 4・1 0 P 5 釧路霧のビール園 Kirinobiiruen (Mongolian Barbecue and Beer) 10P 10 かつ善 Katsuzen 11P 6 た ん ちょう Tancho 4P 11 釧里 Senri (Reservation-only) 12P 7 Yakiniku Dining 弦 Gen (Korean Barbeque) 12P 12 六園荘 Rokuenso (Reservation-only) 12P 8 オルディネー ル Ordinaire (French) 10P Hearthside barbecue / Japanese-style Pub 9 七人の小人 Shichininnokobito (Western) 10P 1 いろはにほへと Irohanihoheto 10P 10 花ばんや Hanabanya (Local and Western) 10P 2 あぶり家 Aburiya 10P 11 メリー さん の ひつじ Meriisan no hitsuji (Western) 4P 3 案山子 Kakashi 10P 12 レストラン 泉屋 Restaurant Izumiya (Western) 10P~12P 4 ちゃりん こ Charinko 10P 13 たかつな Takatsuna (Local Cuisine) 10P 5 鳥政 Torimasa 10P 14 どれみふぁ空 Doremifa Sora (Cafe Restaurant) 4P 6 魚政 Uomasa 10P 15 イタリアンピッツアポロネ Italian Pizza Porone 10P 7 番小屋 Bangoya 10P 16 味よし Miyoshi 10P 8 居酒屋 あけぼの Izakaya Akebono 10P 17 レストラン憩っと Restaurant Ikotto 4P 9 炉ばた しらかば Robata Shirakaba 10P 18 イオマンテ Iomante (Kushiro style French ) 10P 10 炉ばた 煉瓦 Robata Renga 10P 19 釧ちゃん食堂 Senchan Shokudo 11P 11 酒楽 Shuraku 10P 20 ステーキ宮 Steak Miya 12P 12 鮭番屋 Sakebanya 11P 21 アールベルアンジェ貴賓館 Art bell Ange(Group Reservation only) 11P 13 ろばた 鱗 Robata Uroko 10P Fast Food 14 炉ばた 釧路しつげん Robata Kushiro shitsugen 10P 1 ケ ン タッ キ ー フ ラ イド チ キ ン Kentucky Fried Chiken 11P・12P 15 岸壁炉ばた Ganpekirobata 10P 2 ミ ス タ ード ー ナッツ Mister Donut 11P・12P 16 ちくぜん Chikuzen 10P 3 ピ ザ ハ ット Pizza Hut 11P・12P 17 はたご家 Hatagoya 10P 4 マ クド ナ ルド McDonald's 11P・12P 18 和創会席ゆらり Wasoukaiseki Yurari 10P Bars / Clubs / Snack bars 19 海へ Umie 10P 1 スナック メモリー Snack Memory 10P 20 炉ばたかじか Robata kajika 10P 2 パブ ス ナック あ け ぼ の Snack Akebono 10P 21 王将 Ousho 10P 3 ナ イト イ ン 稀 々 Night in Mama 10P 22 旬鮮炉ばた もりや Shunsen Robata Moriya 10P 4 スナック 芽森you Snack Memori you 10P 23 虎や Toraya 10P 5 ス ナック あい Snack Ai 10P 24 旨いんだもん Umaindamon 10P 6 ニューカメラード New Camerade 10P 25 とりの 介 Torinosuke 11P 7 BAR YOKOHAMA 10P 26 山の猿 Yamanosaru 12P 8 Bar 麗光 Bar Reiko 10P 27 旬菜酒房参久 Shunsaishubo Sankyu 10P 9 カクテル・スナック 笑の館 Cocktail・Snack Warai no Yakata 10P Ramen 10 HANANOYA 10P 1 河むら Kawamura 10P 11 スナック Ba・Chi・Gu Snack Ba・Chi・Gu 10P 2 かど屋 Kadoya 10P 12 ラウンジ プラチナ Lounge Platinum 10P 3 魚一らーめん工房 Uocchi Ramen Koubou 10P 13 リ ード LEAD 10P 4 ラーメン純水 Ramen Junsui 10P~12P 14 アマテラス Sky Lounge Amateras 10P Sushi 15 プロスパー Prosper 10P 1 なごやか亭 Nagoyakatei 11P・12P 2 くしろ都寿司 本店 Kushiro Miyakozushihonten 10P 3 やちよ寿司 本店 Yachiyozushihonten 10P 4 鮨茶寮 四季彩 Sushisaryo Shikisai (Reservation-only) 10P

〈8〉 List of Accommodation Facilities A w/ breakfast B w/ Western-style breakfast C w/ 2 meals The charges, telephone numbers, fax numbers, etc. listed in this leaflet are as of April 2016. The D Hot spring facilities E Rental PC available F Area code: 015 charges listed in this leaflet include taxes and are for accommodations without meal services unless G Guest rooms with Internet connection H LAN connection available I PC are J Hot Spot (wireless LAN access point) otherwise stated. Area code (0154)

No. of Prices per Map Name Tel Fax guest person Note Internet rooms (incl. tax) facility (page)

ホテル Hotel 1 駅前ホテルパルーデ釧路 Ekimae Hotel Palude Kushiro 22-3111 22-3116 98 3,900~ G・I・J 10P 2 釧路センチュリーキャッスルホテル Kushiro Century Castle Hotel 43-2111 42-0318 48 5,500~ G・I・J 10P 3 ANAクラウンプラザホテル釧路 ANA CROWNE PLAZA KUSHIRO 31-4111 24-8640 180 6,500~ G・I・J 10P 4 釧路ロイヤルイン Kushiro Royal Inn 31-2121 31-2122 153 5,400~ A E・G・H・I・J 10P 5 ホテルクラウンヒルズ釧路 Hotel Crown Hills Kushiro 22-0109 24-5498 150 5,000~ E・G・I 10P 6 ラビスタ釧路川 La Vista Kushirogawa 31-5489 31-5335 245 7,800~ D E・G・I・J 10P 7 釧 路プリンスホテル Kushiro Prince Hotel 31-1111 31-1202 400 4,600~ E・G・H・・JI 10P 8 ホテルラッソ釧路 Hotel Rasso Kushiro 23-3311 23-6433 111 4,500~ A E・G・I・J 10P 9 スーパーホテル釧路駅前 Super Hotel Kushiro Ekimae 25-9000 25-9001 84 4,600~ A・D E・G・H・I・J 10P 10 スーパーホテル釧路 Super Hotel Kushiro 24-9000 24-9100 101 4,600~ A・D E・G・H・・JI 10P 11 ホテルフロンティア Hotel Frontier 24-3557 24-3563 24 4,860~ E・G・I・J 12P 12 ホテルエリアワン釧路 Hotel Area One Kushiro 31-0946 31-1946 41 2,150~ E・G・H・I・J 10P 13 ホテルパコ釧路 Hotel Paco Kushiro 23-8585 31-0085 221 7,700~ D E・G・I・J 10P 14 東横イン釧路十字街 Toyoko Inn Kushiro Juji-gai 23-1045 23-1046 208 4,644~ A E・G・I・J 10P 15 ラスティングホテ ル Lasting Hotel 21-9111 21-9133 84 5,700~ A E・G・I・J 10P 16 コ ン フォート ホ テ ル 釧 路 Comfort Hotel Kushiro 21-5711 21-5712 126 8,900~ A E・G・I・J 10P 17 ホ テ ル マ ー シ ュ ラ ンド Hotel Marshland 51-5557 52-4087 66 5,700~ A E・G・J 11P 18 ホテルアクシアイン釧路 Hotel AXIA in Kushiro 24-5000 24-5200 74 3,400~ A G・H・I・J 10P 19 ラビスタ阿寒川 La Vista Akangawa 67-5600 67-2266 64 11,000~ D G・J 1P 20 ホテル千友館 Hotel Senyukan 51-5867 51-6252 31 4,200~ A G・H・J 11P 21 ビジネスホテル中園第一 Business Hotel Nakazono Daiichi 23-1764 23-1900 13 3,600~ E・G・H・J 12P 22 ホテルTAITO Hotel Taito 64-3111 64-3333 16 7,710~ D G・H・J 4P 23 丹頂の里温泉 美肌の湯 赤いベレー Akai Bere 66-2330 66-2331 15 4,920~ A・D J 4P 24 山花温泉リフレ Yamahana Onsen Refre 56-2233 56-2277 16 8,710~ C・D J 4P 25 ホテルルートイン釧路駅前 Hotel Route Inn Kushiro Ekimae 32-1112 32-0090 220 6,000~ A E・G・I・J 10P 26 ホ テ ル マ ー シ ュ ラ ンド 別 館 Hotel Marshland Annex 51-6791 52-4087 41 3,180~ E・J 11P

旅 館・民 宿 Japanese-style hotel(Ryokan・Minshuku) 27 旅館大喜館 Ryokan Taikikan 25-1934 25-2709 62 4,200~ A・D G・J 10P 28 つたや旅館 Tsutaya Ryokan 41-8730 41-8730 14 4,200~ 10P 29 民宿 銀鱗荘 Minshuku Ginrinso 23-8512 25-6133 10 2,400~ 11P 30 栄屋旅館 Sakaeya Ryokan 23-0241 23-0242 11 3,240~ J 10P 31 すみれ旅館 Sumire Ryokan 23-1285 23-1286 13 3,800~ 10P

ペ ンション・その 他 Pension・The others 32 ペ ンショングリー ン パ ーク Pension Green Park 41-2685 44-3565 14 3,240~ 12P 33 民 宿ファミリー ハウス Minshuku Family House 22-0208 22-0209 10 3,240~ J 11P 12,500~ 34 ロッジシラルトロ(カヌー専用) Lodge Shirarutoro(For canoeist only) 487-2325 487-2388 10 (inclding canoefee) D・F closed Nov1~Jan7. G・I・J 4P 35 B&B かむほーむ B&B Come Home 487-3360 487-3360 3 6,000~ A・F J 4P 36 ア スリート イ ン Athlete Inn 65-5216 65-5216 8 3,000~ G 4P 37 バリアフリーホテル メルシー Barrier-free Hotel Merushi 22-3888 22-3388 9 4,000~ A G 10P

〈9〉 Enlarged View of Kushiro City (downtown ) Information Police box Souvenir shop Rent a car

Convenience Bank Post office store Gas station


三十間道路 Sanjyukken Douro Street ←To Obihiro 27

釧路駅 4 JR Kushiro Station

アベニュー946 15 Avenue 946 Dept.Store

Central 3 和商市場 Post くしろ丹頂市場 Wasyo Ichiba Market office Kushiro Tancho Market 1F Kushiro Bus terminal 25 Akan Bus terminal

37 ● 9 5

16 幸町公園 Saiwaicho Park 11 1


12 To Nemuro・Abashiri→ 新大楽毛 北大通 新大楽毛 新大楽毛 Kita Odori Street 釧路地方合同庁舎 こども遊学館 ●Palace Bowl National Gov't Bldg. Kushiro Children's パレスボウル of Museum Kushiro district Kodomo Yugakukan Kushiro Police Station 釧路警察署 38

Kushiro Koryu Plaza Saiwai 交 流プラザさいわい NTT 日本銀行 Bank of Japan 4 9 釧路市役所防災庁舎 Kushiro City Hall Annex “Bousai-chosha” Building

14 釧路市役所 Kushiro City Hall 7 8


18 44 3 Mitsuwa Bldg. Oriental Praza Summit Bldg. 6 16 三ツ輪ビル サ ミット ビ ル Sakaemachi Park オリエンタルプラザ 12 15 7 栄町公園 2 1 13 14 1 10 4

2 20 3 9 8 11 道立釧路芸術館 釧路市観光国際 8 7 Kushiro Art 交 流 センター Top Tour Kushiro Branch 14 16 ●トップ ツ ア ー 3 Museum Kushiro Tourism & 2 17 International 5 9 Relations Center 38 8 5 27 21 18 5 4 旅 客 船ターミナル 24 3 10 4 6 3 Passenger Ship tarminal バス専用 Bus only 8 4 17 2 4 1 12 15 9 23 30 13 13 10 6 5 22 18 13 Kusuri Bridge 15 6 19 1 5 久寿里橋 Fisherman's Wharf MOO EGG フィッシャーマンズワーフMOO ぬさまい河畔広場 幣舞観光ガイド Nusamai Riverside Square ス テ ー ション Nusamai Tourist Guide Station 釧路川 Nusamai Bridge Kushiro River 幣舞橋

●Kobunkan 港文館

The Chamber of● Commerce & Industry 釧路商工会議所 2


●Flower Clock ●Nusamai Park 花時計 幣舞公園 0 50 100m

生涯学習センター Kushiro City Lifelong Education Center 28 3F市立美術館/3F Kushiro Art Gallery 南大通 Minami Odori Street

〈10〉 Map of Kushiro District

イオン釧路昭和店 イオン釧路昭和店 AEON Kushiro Showa AEON Kushiro Showa ● ● 釧路商業高校 1 3 釧路商業高校 1 3 平成橋 平成橋 Kushiro Commercial Kushiro Commercial Heisei Bridge Heisei Bridge High School 7 2 12 High School 7 2 12 ● 4 ● 4

仁々志別川 仁々志別川 Ninishibetsu River Ninishibetsu River 昭 和 ショッピ ン グ エ リア 昭 和 ショッピ ン グ エ リア Showa Shopping District Showa Shopping District 1 1 3 3

● ● 鳥 取ド ーム はしど鳥 い 取ド 橋 ーム はしど い 橋 Tottori Dome HashidoiTottori Bridge Dome Hashidoi Bridge 昭和橋 昭和橋 Showa Bridge はなしの ぶ 橋 Showa Bridge はなしの ぶ 橋 Hanashinobu Bridge Hanashinobu Bridge

鶴見橋 鶴見橋 2 2 Tsurumi Bridge Tsurumi Bridge 鳥取北橋 鳥取北橋 Tottorikita Bridge Tottorikita Bridge 38 38 河畔公園 河畔公園 4 4 25 25 Kahan Park Kahan Park 17 17 4 4 鳥取開拓記念館● 鳥取開拓記念館● 日本製紙● ● 日本製紙 至帯広・札幌 至帯広・札幌 26 26 To Obihiro・Sapporo To Obihiro・Sapporo Tottori Historical Museum Tottori Historical Museumアイス アイス 1 アリー ナ 1 アリー ナ 20 鳥取神社● 20 鳥取神社● Tottori Shrine TottoriNippon Shrine Seishi Nippon Seishi Ice Arena Ice Arena 12 12 33 ● 釧路市民 釧路市民 文化会館 文化会館 Kushiro Citizens Kushiro Citizens Cultural Hall Cultural Hall Shinkushiro River Shinkushiro柳町公園 River 鳥取橋 鳥取橋 Yanagimachi 釧路中央● 釧路中央● Tottori Bridge Tottori Bridge ● Park 卸売市場 卸売市場 Kushiro Central Kushiro Central 新 釧 路 川 新 釧 路 川 イト ー 新橋大通 イト ー Wholesale Market Wholesale Market 日本製紙釧路工場 日本製紙釧路工場ヨ ー カド ー Shinbashi-odori Street ヨ ー カド ー 根室本線 根室本線 Nippon Paper Mill Co. NipponItoyokado Paper Mill Co.● Itoyokado ● JR Nemuro Line JR Nemuro Line

Tetsuhoku鉄北大橋 Bridge Tetsuhoku鉄北大橋 Bridge 10 新富士 Kushiro新富士 Bridge Kushiro Bridge 釧路大橋 釧路大橋 1 Shinfuji Shinfuji 釧路赤十字病院 Kushiro Red Cross Shinkawa新川橋 Bridge Shinkawa新川橋 Bridge Hospital 西港臨海公園 西港臨海公園 Nishikorinkai Nishikorinkai Park Park Nishiko西港大橋 Bridge Nishiko西港大橋 Bridge

12 12

4 釧路西港 釧路西港 West Port(Kushiro Port) West Port(Kushiro Port) 21 副港 副港釧路ガス Sub-Port(Fuku Port) Sub-Port(FukuKushiro Port) Gus.Co ● 3

●マリントポ スくしろ ●マリントポ スくしろ 19 Marine Topos Kushiro 3819 Marine Topos Kushiro

釧路合同庁舎 National Gov't Bldg .● 北埠頭 of 北埠頭 Kita Pier Kushiro district Kita Pier

29 消防庁舎● 太平洋 太平洋 Kushiro Fire ● Station 釧路港湾 道立 Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean 合同庁舎 釧路 Harbor 芸術館 中央埠頭 Administration Kushiro Art Chuo Pier Building Museum

米町公園 Yonemachi Park ● 米町 ふ るさと館 厳島神社 Yonemachi 0m 1km 500m Itsukushima Heritage Museum 南埠頭 Shrine南埠頭 Minami Pier Minami Pier ●釧路埼灯台 Kushirosaki Police box Souvenir shop Rent a car Lighthouse

臨港鉄道 Convenience Post office store Gas station Harbor Railroad

〈11〉 釧路市大規模運動公園 釧路市大規模運動公園 釧路中央IC● 釧路中央IC● Sports Park Sports Park Kushiro chuo interchange Kushiro chuo interchange 湿原の風アリーナ釧路 湿原の風アリーナ釧路 Shitsugen no kaze Shitsugen no kaze Sports Arena Kushiro Sports Arena Kushiro 孝仁会記念病院● 孝仁会記念病院● テ ニ ス コ ート テ ニ ス コ ート Kojinkai Memorial Kojinkai Memorial Tennis Court Tennis Court Hospital Hospital 市民球場 市民球場 Baseball Stadium Baseball Stadium

陸上競技場 陸上競技場 Track and Field Track and Field Stadium Stadium

●釧路中央IC ●釧路中央IC Kushiro chuo interchange Kushiro chuo interchange

釧路公立大学 釧路公立大学 ●Kushiro Public ●Kushiro Public University University

釧路外環状道路 釧路外環状道路 Kushiro-sotokanjyo Kushiro-sotokanjyo

● 釧路明輝高校 釧路東高校 釧路東高校 Kushiro Meiki Kushiro Higashi Kushiro Higashi 26 High School 26 High School High School 3 3 ● ● 1 1 釧路町1 釧路町 2 ショッピ ン2 グ エ リア ショッピ ン グ エ リア 2 2 Kushiro-cho Kushiro-cho 391 391 Shopping District Shopping District 20 1 20 1 釧路労災病院 釧路労災病院 1 7 1 7 Kushiro Rousai Hospital Kushiro Rousai Hospital 4 4 ●釧路東IC ●釧路東IC Kushiro Kushiro イオン釧路店 イオン釧路店 higashi higashi 柳町公園 →至標茶 ・ 弟子屈 interchange →至標茶 ・ 弟子屈 interchange Yanagimachi AEON Kushiro AEON Kushiro Park ●

● 雪裡橋 雪裡橋 Setsuri Bridge Setsuri Bridge 釧路江南高校 釧路江南高校 To Shibecha・Teshikaga→ To Shibecha・Teshikaga→ Kushiro Kounan 21 Kushiro Kounan High School High School ・JR Senmou Line ・JR Senmou Line 3 ●柳 町 ス ケ ートリンク 3 場外馬券場 場外馬券場 Yanagimachi Ice skating rink ●ウインズ ●ウインズ Wins Kushiro Wins Kushiro 11 釧網本線 釧網本線 ●

釧路赤十字病院 貝塚大橋 貝塚大橋 Kushiro Red Cross Kaizuka Bridge Kaizuka Bridge 2 2 Hospital 別保川 別保川

Beppo River Beppo River 三十間道路 至厚岸・根室 To Akkeshi・Nemuro→至厚岸・根室 To Akkeshi・Nemuro→ SanjukkenDoro Street 11 11 44 44 Higashi Kushiro Higashi Kushiro 釧 路 川Kushiro River 東釧路 釧 路 川Kushiro River 東釧路 共栄大通 Kyouei-odori Street 44 44 Musa Musa 武佐 武佐 Kushiro ・JR Nemuro Line ・JR Nemuro Line 釧 路 根室本線 根室本線

●和商市場 4 ● 武佐の森4 ● 武佐の森 Washo Ichiba Market Musa no Mori Park Musa no Mori Park

幸町公園 旭橋 旭橋 Saiwaicho Asahi Bridge Asahi Bridge Park 釧路短大 ● 釧路短大 ● Kushiro Kushiro 釧路 栄町公園 Junior Junior 市役所 Sakaemachi Park Collage Collage ●Kushiro 釧路北陽高校 釧路北陽高校 City Hall Kushiro Hokuyo Kushiro Hokuyo 久寿里橋 久寿里橋High School ● High School ● Kusuri Bridge釧路市観光国際 ● Kusuri Bridge ● 釧路湖陵高校 釧路湖陵高校 交 流 センター 仏舎利塔 仏舎利塔Kushiro Koryo Kushiro Koryo ● Kushiro Tourism & Stupa StupaHigh School High School ● International Relations Center 道立 ● ● (四季の像) 北海道教育大学釧路校(四季の像) 北海道教育大学釧路校 幣舞橋 釧路 MOO・EGG● 幣舞橋 Hokkaido University of ● Hokkaido University of ● Nusamai Bridge )芸術館 Nusamai BridgeEducation) Kushiro Campus Education Kushiro Campus (Statues of the SeasonsKushiro Art (Statues of the Seasons ● 釧路工業高校 ● 釧路工業高校 Museum Kushiro Industrial Kushiro Industrial ●武道館 High ●School武道館 春 採 アイス High School 春 採 アイス 図書館 Library ● 図書館Budokan Library Hall Budokan Hall アリー ナ アリー ナ 32 Harutori Ice Arena 32 Harutori Ice Arena 三慈会病院 ● 三慈会病院鶴ヶ岳 公 園 鶴ヶ岳 公 園 ● ● Sanjikai Hospital SanjikaiTsurugadai Hospital Tsurugadai ● Park Park 4 4 1 1 ● ● 3 3 市立病院 ●市立コーチャンフォー釧路店病院 ●コーチャンフォー釧路店 City Hospital CityCoach Hospital & Four Kushiro Coach & Four Kushiro ● ● 生涯学習センター 生涯学習センター 2 3 1 2 3 1 Kushiro City Lifelong Kushiro City Lifelong 春採公園 春採公園 Education Center Education夜間救急センター Center Harutori夜間救急センター Park Harutori Park Nighttime Emergency Nighttime Emergency 春 採 ショッピ ン グ エ リア 春 採 ショッピ ン グ エ リア Harutori Shopping District Harutori Shopping District Medical Center ●市立博物館Medical Center ●市立博物館 武修館高校 武修館高校 Kushiro City Kushiro City ● Busyukan ● Busyukan 12 Museum Museum High School High School 米町 春 採 湖 春 採 湖 ふ るさと館 Lake Harutori Lake Harutori Yonemachi Heritage Museum 1 1

炭鉱資料館 炭鉱資料館 ● Coal Mine ● Coal Mine 千 代 ノ 浦 マリン パ ー ク 千 代 ノ 浦 マリン パ ー ク Museum Museum Chiyonoura Marine Park Chiyonoura Marine Park 臨港鉄道 Harbor Railroad

〈12〉 Akan National Park

Akan National Park features a rich natural landscape of primeval forests surrounding crater lakes that were formed by volcanic activities. This park is also renowned as a hot spring resort.

Lake Akan Lake Akan is well known for its Marimo(algae balls), a Special Natural Monument. The lake is Marimo (It is said that it takes approximately 150 to 200 years for an algae ball to grow into 6 cm diameter.) enjoyable throughout the year, with ice breaking in spring, mountains covered with verdure and mysterious blue lake surfaces in summer, beautiful crimson foliage in autumn and numerous events on the thick frozen ice in winter.

Ainu Kotan In the Ainu language, Ainu and Kotan mean a human being and a village, respectively. There are approximately 30 souvenir shops, standing side by side, where you can come in contact with the Ainu culture here. Approx. 2 hrs. from JR Kushiro Station Bus Terminal to Lake Akan by Akan Bus (Lake Akan Route); 2,700 yen (adult)

Snowmobile (Enjoying the frozen Lake Akan in winter) Lake Akan Ainu Theater Ikor Where traditional Ainu dance, Lake Akan Ainu puppet theater performances, and the Iomante Fire Festival, can be enjoyed at the Akanko Ainu Kotan. TEL/FAX: 0154-67-2727 / 0154-67-2657

Bokke Bokke derives from the Ainu word Pufuke meaning boil or simmer. Underground gas spurts out to create Bokke Lake Akan Ainu Theater IKor bubbles as if the water is boiling.

Akan National Park Akankohan Eco Museum Center The nature of Lake Akan and Akan National Park explained by means of exhibitions, slides and videos, as well as the introduction of other sights to see in Akan National Park Hours: 9:00-17:00 Closed: Every Tuesday (following day if Tues. is a public holiday), year-end & New Year period Admission fee:free Akan National Park Lake Akan Pleasure Boat (The Lake Akan Pleasure Akankohan Eco Museum Center Boat is used to transport tourists to the Marimo TEL/FAX: 0154-67-4100 / 0154-67-2568 Exhibition and Observation Center. You will feel that mysterious forests in Akan are at hand.)

For inquiries about tourism in Akan, please contact: NPO Akan Tourist Association TEL/FAX:0154-67-3200 / 0154-67-3024

Other Must-See Sights in Akan National Park

Onneto Onneto Onneto is a lake that looks like it is from a different world. Autumnal leaves there are breathtakingly beautiful. Access: Approx. 30 min. by car from Lake Akan

Lake Mashu Lake Mashu is mysterious and one of the world’s most transparent lakes. Access: Take Senmo Line from JR Kushiro Station to Mashu Station (approx. 1 hr. & 30 min.); 1,640 yen (adult); Take Akan Bus bound for Lake Mashu Observatory No.1 (in seasonal operation) from JR Mashu Station(approx. 25 min.); 560 yen (adult) 市立 阿寒湖小学校 Lake Mashu Mt. Io Lake Akan Elementary School

阿寒湖畔 トレ ー ニ ング ス ケ ート Mt. Io リンク センター Mt. Io is a live volcano and emits a great deal of smoke. Public Training Center Skating Rink Access: Approx. 20 min. by car from JR Mashu Station

市立阿寒湖中学校 Lake Akan Lake Kussharo Junior High School Lake Kussharo is the second largest lake in Hokkaido, where 400 to 500 whooper swans come in winter. Access: Approx. 20 min. by car from JR Mashu Station Lake Kussharo 〈13〉 HOTELS Restaurant Name QUOTA ROOMS RATE (yen) TEL fax 1 両国総本店 Ryougoku souhonten 1 ニュー阿寒ホテル New Akan Hotel 1531 370 10,650-15,900 67-2121 67-3339 2 食事処 味心 Restraunt Ajishin 2 あかん遊久の里鶴雅 Akan Yuku no Sato Tsuruga 1108 280 14,850-52,650 67-4000 67-2754 3 温泉工房 あかん Onsenkoubou Akan 3 あかん湖鶴雅ウイングス Lake Akan Tsuruga Wings 530 127 13,110~ 67-4000 67-2754 4 pan de pan Pan de Pan 4 ホテル阿寒湖荘 Hotel Akankoso 466 98 10,650-21,150 67-2231 67-2593 5 食事の店 あずさ Restraunt Azusa 5 阿寒の森鶴雅リゾート花ゆう香 Forest of Akan Tsuruga Resort HANAYUKA 419 95 12,750-15,900 67-2311 67-2330 6 百味庵 Hyakumian 6 ホテル御前水 Hotel Gozensui 700 159 8,550-12,750 67-2031 67-2053 7 仙客 Senkaku 7 あかん鶴雅別荘鄙の座 Akan Tsuruga Bessou HINANOZA 164 25 36,750-89,250 67-3050 67-3050 8 湖鹿 Kojika 19 ラビスタ阿寒川 La Vista Akangawa 150 64 11,000-28,000 67-5600 67-2266 9 奈辺久 Nabekyu 10 喫茶エルム Coffe Shop Elm RYOKAN(JAPANESE STYLE HOTEL) 11 レストランきせん Restraunt kisen Name QUOTA ROOMS PRICE (yen) TEL fax 12 海兵 Umihei 8 東邦館 Tohokan 60 22 6,450-8,550 67-2050 67-2945 13 焼肉 あっけ Yakiniku Akke 9 山水荘 Sansuiso 70 21 7,500-8,550 67-2101 67-2307 14 ケラアン Keraan 10 阿寒湖バスセンターホテル Lake Akan Bus Center Hotel 100 30 6,500 67-2655 67-2281 15 ぎんれい食堂 Restraunt Ginrei 11 鶴雅レイク阿寒ロッジ トゥラノ Tsuruga Lake Akan Lodge 29 10 5,250~ 67-2111 16 奏楽の森カフェ Sora-no-Mori Café 12 八谷旅館 Hachiya Ryokan 30 10 7,000 67-2747 67-2246 17 味のゆりかご Ajino Yurikago 13 ビジネスホテルまつおか Business Hotel Matsuoka 40 18 6,975 67-2746 67-2734 18 北国の味 ばんや Kitaguninoaji Banya 14 芳友荘 Hoyuso 56 15 7,350 67-2728 19 喫茶 ポロンノ Coffe Shop Poronno 20 コ ル・ア カ ン Cor Akan

MINSHUKU(TOURIST HOME) Name QUOTA ROOMS PRICE (yen) TEL fax 15 民宿 両国 Minsyuku Ryogoku 30 14 5,925 67-2773 67-2773 16 民宿 山口 Minsyuku Yamaguchi 35 12 5,925 67-2555 67-2506 17 民宿 桐 Minsyuku Kiri 26 9 3,000 with meal 7,500 67-2755 67-2755 18 民宿 ぎんれい Minsyuku Ginrei 30 9 5,925 67-2597 67-2597 ※These rates are per person (not per room). ※Price will be changed by season, date, room condition, etc. ※These rates are includes 2 meals (dinner, breakfast) except Minsyuku Kiri and Turano.

マリモの唄歌碑 ● ● ● 石川啄木碑 ボッケ Monument of Ishikawa Takuboku Enlarged map of Akan lakeside Monument of Marimo no uta Bokke 湖の小道 森の小道 Nature Path(1km) Nature Path (1km) Mizuumi no Komichi (Mori no Komichi) 遊歩道● 松浦武四郎碑 Nature Path ●Monument of Matsuura Takeshiro 前田記念館 阿寒湖畔 Maeda Memorial Hall エ コミュ ー ジ ア ム セ ンタ ー Lake Akan Ecomuseum Center → 弁慶の足湯 まりも の 手 湯 19 ● Benkei no Ashiyu Marimo no Teyu 12 阿寒湖 ● 4 梟の手湯 遊覧船のりば ● Fukuro 2 Pleasure Boat Deck ● Lake Akan 3 no Teyu 9 観光汽船 よたちゃんの 手 湯 Pleasure Boat Yotacyan 15 1 至釧路・弟子屈 no Teyu 湖畔園地 5 To Kushiro・Teshikaga Lakeside Park 4 ● 福の湯 阿寒岳神社 11 5 Fukunoyu Mt.Akan Shrine 遊歩道 Nature Path 6 フィッ シ ュ ラ ンド 1 7 14 阿寒 7 Fish Land 8 20 遊覧船乗り場 Akan 10 Pleasure Boat ● まりむ 館 Deck 12 Marimu kan 13 バ スタ ーミナ ル Bus Terminal 11 6 阿寒湖畔診療所 9 Health Clinic 13 8 3 歯科診療所 2 14 10 Dental Clinic

16 17 16 15 18 ●遊び湯 241 17 Asobiyu 土産店街 アイヌシアター 18 イコロ 19 240 Souvenir Shops Ainu Theater アイヌコタン 重複国道 飲食店街 Ikor オンネチセ Ainu Kotan Restaurants Onne Cise Route 240 and 241 宿泊施設 至北見・帯広 消防 Accommodation Fire Station ● 手 湯・足 湯 To Kitami・Obihiro Hot Spring for hands and feet

Information Police box Post office

Convenience Gas station Parking store

〈14〉 札幌 Sapporo 千歳 Chitose 釧路 Kushiro

東京 Tokyo

Kushiro Tourism & Convention Association Kushiro Tourism & Convention Association / Kushiro Airport International Promotion Association June 2016

March 2016.