The Failure of Indonesia-Malaysia Cooperation in Resolving Indonesian Illegal Migrant Workers in the State of Sarawak, Malaysia 2013- 2016
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THE FAILURE OF INDONESIA-MALAYSIA COOPERATION IN RESOLVING INDONESIAN ILLEGAL MIGRANT WORKERS IN THE STATE OF SARAWAK, MALAYSIA 2013- 2016 By Fenni Adella ID No. 016201300163 A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Major in Diplomacy 2017 THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER This thesis entitled “The Failure of Indonesia-Malaysia Cooperation in Resolving Indonesian Illegal Workers in the State of Sarawak, 2013-2016” prepared and submitted by Fenni Adella in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations in the Faculty of Humanities of President University has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2017 Recommended and Acknowledged by, Dr.Endi Haryono. M.Si. Thesis Advisor i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis entitled “The Failure of Indonesia- Malaysia Cooperation in Resolving Indonesian Illegal Workers in the State of Sarawak, 2013-2016” is to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree. Cikarang, Indonesia, May 17, 2017 FENNI ADELLA ii PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET Panel of examiners stated that the thesis entitled “The Failure of Indonesia-Malaysia Cooperation in Resolving Indonesian Illegal Workers in the State of Sarawak, 2013-2016” that was submitted by Fenni Adella majoring in International Relations from the Faculty Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examination on Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph.D Chair – Panel of Examiners Dr. Phil. Reza A. A. Wattimena, S.S., M.Hum Examiner Dr.Endi Haryono. M.Si. Thesis Adviser iii The Failure of Indonesia-Malaysia Cooperation in Resolving Indonesian Illegal Migrant Workers in the State of Sarawak, Malaysia Indonesia is the biggest supply of labour force to Malaysia‟s development. Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia can be both legal and illegal. Legal migrant workers are those who entered the state legally, while illegal migrant workers are those who work in or enter to the receiving state without a proper pass or procedures. The high demand for cheap labour in Sarawak catalysts the rise of illegal migrant entrance to the state. The Malaysia's economic development had been significantly contributed by the existence of foreign labour forces. However, their increase in number especially as illegal migrant worker negatively affects Malaysia and had brought concerns to the public, as well as the government. Additionally, for Indonesia, the presence of Indonesian illegal migrant workers in Sarawak results in the increase of Indonesian death cases due to the lack of work training imposed by the employers and the lack of access to legal protection of the workers. Accordingly, Malaysia imposes tough sanctions against illegal migrant workers, while legally recruited foreign workers are welcomed. Therefore, there is an urgency and need for both government of Indonesia and Malaysia in combating the illegal entry and the existence of Indonesia illegal migrant workers in Sarawak. This thesis is significant in providing detailed information and analysis on how did the cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia in getting ride in solving the problem of Indonesia Illegal Migrant Worker in Sarawak, Malaysia Keyword: Indonesia Illegal Migrant Workers, National Interest, Relative Gain, Neorealism, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sarawak, Entikong iv ABSTRAK Kegagalan Kerjasama Indonesia-Malaysia Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Pekerja Migran Ilegal Indonesia di Sarawak, Malaysia Indonesia merupakan pemasok tenaga kerja terbesar terhadap pembangunan Malaysia. Buruh Migran Indonesia di Malaysia terbagi menjadi dua yaitu pekerja legal dan illegal. Buruh migran legal adalah mereka yang masuk ke Malaysia secara legal dengan menggunakan dokumen yang lengkap, sedangkan pekerja migran ilegal adalah mereka yang bekerja atau masuk ke Malaysia tanpa izin atau tidak melalui prosedur yang benar. Tingginya permintaan terhadap buruh migran Indonesia di Sarawak menyebabkan tingginya aktivitas keluar masuk pekerja illegal Indonesia ke negara bagian Sarawak. Perkembangan ekonomi Malaysia terlihat secara signifikan oleh adanya tenaga kerja asing, namun tingginya angka buruh migran ilegal di Sarawak menimbulkan efek yang negatif dan juga kekhawatiran terhadap publik dan juga pemerintah Malaysia. Begitu juga halnya dengan Indonesia, banyaknya jumlah buruh migran Indonesia yang berstatus ilegal di Sarawak mengakibatkan tingginya angka kasus kematian buruh migran Indonesia dikarenakan kurangnya pelatihan kerja oleh perusahaan dan sulitnya akses terhadap perlindungan hukum dikarenakan status mereka yang ilegal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kerjasama antara pemerintah Indonesia dan Malaysia dalam memberantas masuknya pekerja ilegal dan mengurangi angka pekerja ilegal Indonesia yang telah tersebar di negara bagian Sarawak, Malaysia. Skripsi ini signifikan dalam menyediakan informasi rinci dan analisis bagaimana mana kerja sama antara Indonesia dan Malaysia dalam mencegah dan menyelesaikan masalah Pekerja Illegal Migran Indonesia di Sarawak, Malaysia. Keyword: Pekerja Migran Ilegal Indonesia, Kepentingan Nasiaonal, Keuntungan Relatif, Neorealisme, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sarawak, Entikong. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillahi rabil „alamin, I would like to expresses my highest gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta‟ala for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this thesis entitled” The Failure of Indonesia-Malaysia Cooperation in Resolving Indonesia Illegal Workers in the State of Sarawak, 2013-2016” is submitted as the final requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations in the Faculty of Humanities of President University. 1. To my beloved parents Mr. Fauzi Sastra Warman and Mrs. Nenni Hayati for the phone call every time in order to remind me to keep going and never giving up. Thank you for your endless love and supports (both financially and mentally) since the beginning of my journey in university. Thank you for your never-ending prayers day and night. Thank you for my sister and brothers for cheering me up when I am down. You guys have taught me the real meaning of family and love. I love you and couldn‟t ask for more. 2. My thesis advisor, Dr. Endi Haryono. M.Si and Mrs.Witri Elvianti SI.P,Ma for their patience and care in guiding, advising and commenting my way through this thesis. Without their guide, I will be lost. Without their advice, I will be clueless. Without their Comments, I will not be able to finish my thesis. Thank you for helping me to pass this final stage of my university 3. Thank you to Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph.D and Dr. Phil. Reza A. A. Wattimena, S.S., M.Hum for the guidance and well instruction during one of my most important moment in my life. 4.Thank you for all lectures in President University who have shared their knowledge, insight, and experiences. 5. Thank you to beloved Khairina Auliannisa Lubis, couldn‟t ask for more best friend. 6. Thank you to ITA for supporting me emotionally and love me. vi 7. Thank you to my lovely crazy Mentary/Devregaz or whatever is her name right now. Me love you and I know you do too. To my moody Ayla Namira, you know I Miss You so badly, good luck for everything. 8. Thank you to Wahid Pratomo Putra Biantoro for your kindness and your sincerity in helping me every time. 9. Thank you to my university squad who did not come to my thesis defence but still exist in my heart. I love you guys and see you guys on top Dwi Chintya, Cherrish and Ines. 10. All My friends in life, my high school squads. Love you all. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS THESIS ADVISER ................................................................................................................. i RECOMMENDATION LETTER .............................................................................................. i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................................................ ii PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................ iii ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ........................................................................................... x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................xi CHAPTER I ......................................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 I.1 Background of the problem ..................................................................................... 1 I.2 Problem Identification ............................................................................................. 6 I.3 Statement of the Problem ........................................................................................