Leadership in Times of Tragedy January 2013 There have been a number of events in others was always in his thoughts, especially l Unless there is an immediate and recent months that are accurately described as he visited with soldiers who were present danger, avoid making as tragedies. Some of them are “natural” wounded on the battlefield. In the middle permanent changes when in an disasters, while others are acts of violence of this national tragedy, he suffered the loss emotional state. Long term solutions at the hands of individuals who are either of his young son to typhoid fever – a loss so are best handled with clarity of demented or evil, or both. Given the young profound that he and his wife, Mary Todd thought. age and innocence of the victims, the Lincoln, never fully recovered. The strength shooting at the elementary school in Sandy of his character in the face of such hardship We can learn a lot about ourselves and Hook, Connecticut may have been the is one of the greatest stories in history of forge stronger bonds with our fellow human most horrific of all of these events. Seeing leadership. beings in difficult situations. We can also each of these situations on the television gain a fresh perspective on what is important screen leaves an indelible mark on each of If we are lucky our leadership skills will in life. In addition, the strength or weakness us, especially if children or the elderly are never be tested in any truly horrific event, of the foundation stones of our lives can be involved. As hard as the images are to see on either behind the scenes or in front of exposed in times of tragedy. When tested, television, the effects of tragedy can be much a podium filled with microphones and we may be surprised by our strength, or more difficult when viewed up close. television cameras. But make no mistake, troubled enough by our weakness to make horrible things happen every day, and significant changes in the way we live. Several years ago my wife and I were on sometimes they can happen close to us, at vacation with a tour group of about 25 work or in our neighborhood. It is more Finally, our faith can be strengthened, even people. Our first morning traveling we had likely to be a car accident, debilitating when we have no words to express the grief breakfast with a husband and wife who were medical condition, or the sudden death that surrounds us. Faith can be the last from another part of the country. Making of a friend or co-worker than a history refuge in the storm or lift us from the depths small talk at breakfast, we inquired if they making calamity. Some of these things have of despair. had children. The husband said yes, but the happened within the Presbyterian Senior wife said no. This was puzzling to us. Later Living family over the years. we discovered that they had a child, a college God of Tears age daughter who had been a student at What are we to do if we find ourselves in a Virginia Tech. She had been killed just a position of leadership when a tragedy occurs God of tears who weeps with us few months earlier in the mass shooting that close to us? I have a few simple thoughts to And holds our trembling hands. is still the largest loss of life of any similar offer: God of fears, embraces us incident of its kind in this country. Sensing When we’re too weak to stand. their grief up close was something that I will l Focus on people first. Things can be never forget. I am not certain if they will fixed or replaced. God of worried restless nights ever recover from the experience of losing a l Resist the impulse to try to explain Has eyes that never sleep. child in such a violent and public manner. the unexplainable. It is not up to you to God of sorrow, sighs with us try to sort out circumstances that When visited by grief. Leaders play important roles during every appear to be entirely senseless. tragic event. Starting with the emergency l Avoid platitudes. Giving someone a hug response, the collective expressions of grief, and saying nothing is far more The times when we are most alone the investigation of how and why something comforting than empty words. Is when He is most near. happened, to the steps taken to prevent a l Don’t say that you know how someone And when we are engulfed by fog, similar situation happening in the future, else feels. Even if you have had a His vision crystal clear. leadership is critical to recovering from the similar experience, everyone reacts trauma. Sometimes leaders are captured on differently. God’s with us in each darkened hour camera, sometimes they are invisible, but l Be human enough to grieve with those And suffers every loss. they are there nonetheless. who are grieving. The absence of Because He gave up heaven’s realms emotion does not engender respect. On For nails upon a cross. Recently I had the opportunity to watch the contrary, keeping a stiff upper lip the movie Lincoln, which highlighted a may appear to be cold and uncaring. short period of time in the life of Abraham There is something reassuring in our Lincoln, the 16th president of the United shared grief when it helps us to realize States. From the film and the books I have that we are not facing the cold hard read on the life of Lincoln, it is my opinion world alone. that there is no leader in the history of l When in doubt, do something Steve our country that had to deal with the constructive to help. Find the most combination of personal loss and tragedy pressing needs and take action. If in his work life as this remarkable man. The possible, enlist others to join you in a battle reports of the civil war chronicled over concerted effort. 600,000 American deaths on both sides of l Sometimes sustained help is needed. the conflict. The awareness that his decisions Look beyond the immediate rush of the could result in the death of thousands of moment to offer ongoing assistance. www.presbyterianseniorliving.org

Ref lections on Leadership

I Heard it Through the Grapevine February 2013 Growing up not far from Detroit in the phones, texting, and e-mail have added to consequences of the grapevine. Being 1960’s, my musical tastes were shaped at a the speed, but not necessarily to the accuracy secretive invites speculation. If you very young age by the sounds of the region. of person to person communication. News are known for openly sharing information, Marvin Gaye, one of the iconic singers of accounts offer examples of how ill advised your team members will be less likely to the time had a hit song in 1968 with the title posts on Facebook can lead to unintended believe an untrue rumor, and will keep “I Heard it Through the Grapevine” that told a consequences. you informed of what they are hearing story of a romance in question because of on the grapevine. Sometimes transparency talk heard through the “grapevine”. Not everything about a grapevine is negative. is not possible, especially when Whenever anyone in business talks about confidential medical or employment According to The Phrase Finder, the word of mouth referrals today, the term related information is involved. Even in term grapevine has a much older history. “social media” is the description of the way these situations a lack of transparency When Samuel Morse sent a message the grapevine is most likely to travel. Many can be overcome if you are known to be from Washington to Baltimore in the first businesses today have a social media strategy. fair and honest in all things. practical demonstration of the telegraph in I don’t think it is a stretch to observe that • When you hear a story or gossip that is 1844, the era of rapid communication was no matter what technology is adopted in traveling on the grapevine, do not repeat started. “It soon became clear that close the future, that the grapevine will always it. But if you are a leader, silence is not communities already had effective word be with us. As leaders, we are compelled to enough. You must combat untrue or of mouth communications. Soon after the understand this phenomenon and adjust harmful communication whenever you telegraph was invented, the term “grapevine our communication style to take this into can. telegraph” was coined – first recorded in a account. • Focus on work by tempering your US dictionary in 1852.” curiosity about extraneous things. My So from a leader’s perspective, what should mom would call this minding your own When I began working as an orderly in a we do about the grapevine in the work place? business. This is illustrated by a story hospital, the term “grapevine” took on a I heard some time ago entitled, “How I more vivid meaning. I quickly learned that • First of all, accept the grapevine as learned to Mind My Own Business.” any group of employees had an informal a fact of life that will not go away. The network that was swift, highly variable in observation that nature abhors a vacuum One day I was walking by a schoolyard surrounded terms of accuracy, and amazingly creative. can be directly applied to communication. by a very tall fence. On the other side of the fence Because of the grapevine, working in a The grapevine will kick into overdrive I heard a group of children chanting in unison, health care facility was like living in a when tensions increase and there is an “Twelve, Twelve, Twelve, Twelve…” Coming to fishbowl. There were few secrets. abscence of information. a knot hole in the fence, I decided to look through • Leaders need to deal with perceptions the hole to see what was going on. Before I Sometimes the grapevine has a destructive as well as facts. Fears do not have to be was able to see anything on the other side, I was nature – reputations have been ruined by based in reality to drive human behavior. immediately poked in the eye with a sharp stick. offhanded remarks, and the most innocent If someone is financially insecure, the As soon as I felt the pain from the tip of the stick, situations have been exaggerated into fear of losing their job may come to the the chant changed to “Thirteen, Thirteen, Thirteen ...” harmful gossip. To further complicate surface before there is evidence to And that is how I learned to mind my own business. matters, we now have confidentially support that fear. requirements for employment and medical • A leader’s words need to be chosen One final note – It is possible for the information that are rooted in law and carefully to avoid misinterpretation. grapevine to work for you. Positive regulation. Severe penalties can result if the Think about how someone might receive reputations are also the subject of grapevine wrong information gets into the grapevine. your words before committing them chatter. If you are known to be a fair and to paper, leaving a voice mail, or speaking competent leader and a caring person, the I think the concept of the grapevine is driven directly to someone. When in doubt, use word will get out, and like minded people by the natural curiosity of all human beings. someone you trust as a sounding board if will flock to you. Building a high performing Anyone who has been in a “gaper block” on you are unsure of how your message will team can be much easier with a positive a highway knows how curiosity can affect be interpreted. reputation. How do I know that? I heard it human behavior. A gaper block is a traffic • Cultivate a reputation for honesty. The through the grapevine. jam caused by cars slowing down around the best way of getting a reputation for scene of an accident, even when the traffic honesty is by being honest in everything lanes are wide open. It seems that everyone you do. Never mislead someone with driving by has to pause to look at what carefully chosen words. In Biblical times happened. The same curiosity that causes certain people attested to the honesty of Steve a gaper block inspires people to seek out a statement by taking an oath. In information from any source that will satisfy Matthew Chapter 5, Jesus advocated a need to be “in the know.” for honesty at all times, “And don’t say anything you don’t mean…. Just say ‘yes’ Over the years, new layers of technology and ‘no.’ When you manipulate words to get your have only enhanced the speed and variability own way, you go wrong.” (The Message) of communication in the grapevine The • Having a reputation for transparency internet, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, cell is a virtue that can limit the negative www.presbyterianseniorliving.org

Ref lections on Leadership

The Art of Paying Attention March 2013 Recently my wife Rhonda visited the eye doctor The encounter affected him so profoundly that Susan Scott expresses this idea in her book for discomfort in her right eye, and was given eye for several years he did not wear a watch when “Fierce Conversations”, as principle #3 - “Be drops and scheduled for a follow up appointment he was visiting people as a way to brush away all here, prepared to be nowhere else.” This phrase in seven days. Four days later, her right eye was other matters and be fully present. is packed with meaning. It acknowledges the somewhat better, but she was experiencing pain reality that many of us go through life always in her left eye. With my encouragement, she When we are fully present we have the prepared to be somewhere else - ready, willing called the doctor back to report this change opportunity to learn things that we will miss and able to be distracted from what we are doing in condition, and asked if he would like to see when we are distracted. Over the years, I have now. If we are only prepared to be in the present her before her next scheduled appointment. had several encounters that have been helpful in it is harder to shift away from the conversations Communicating through the office nurse, the teaching me the value of being in the moment. we intend to have right now. It also suggests that doctor instructed her to make sure that she was Those experiences have changed the way I look we should work on being prepared to address shaking the drops vigorously before applying at those around me. I now expect that given what we are doing now rather than simply them to her eye. When Rhonda asked the nurse a chance to have a focused conversation, it is reacting to our surroundings. how doing this would help her left eye, the nurse possible to discover a connection with almost said that she was not sure, but the doctor would anyone. We live in a world of loud voices and polished see her at her regularly scheduled appointment. presentations that compete for our time and While the final outcome was uneventful, there Paying attention is a critical skill for leadership, attention. In such an environment we are remains an unsettled feeling about the way the and can make the difference between an effective drawn to the dramatic event when many of the situation was handled. It was clear to both of us and an ineffective leadership style. Paying important things of life happen under more that the office was so stuck in a routine that they attention communicates how much you value ordinary circumstances. There is a great example were not paying attention to which eye they were the other person, and the respect you have for of this in the . First Kings, Chapter 19 treating. the contribution they can make to the mission recounts the story of the prophet Elijah as he was of the enterprise. It also strongly implies that being pursued by wicked king Ahab and Queen I am afraid that this is not an isolated incident, you understand that you do not possess all of Jezebel, who were intent on killing him. Chased and may be a symptom of a larger problem. the answers: that knowledge and wisdom come out into the wilderness, Elijah is discouraged Many of the people we come into contact with from many sources, and you are open to learning to the point of giving up, and is looking for a are so distracted and unfocused that they miss something new. It is also a way to attract people message from God about what to do next. He important clues about what is going on around to work with you to build a strong team. It should is instructed to stand on the mountain before them. But if we are honest, we have to admit come as no surprise that people are attracted to the Lord, where he is exposed to a series of that the story of the doctor not paying attention leaders who are good listeners. impressive displays of power – first a great and describes each of us at one time or another. strong wind that tore up the side of the mountain. Realizing this about myself and other people I One of the barriers to maintaining focus on the This was followed by an earthquake, and finally know, I have come to the conclusion that if we present is that technology in its various forms a fire. But the Bible says that God did not speak did a better job of living in the moment and can easily interrupt us and take us “out of the to him in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire. paying closer attention to what is right in front of moment”. It takes a lot of discipline to avoid the Eventually God speaks to Elijah in what scripture us we could provide better service, foster stronger cell phone, e mail, text messages, television, radio, describes as a still, small voice. One translation relationships and create a kinder and gentler and a host of other distractions that are common (ESV) describes it as a low whisper. The lesson is world. in our environment. John Izzo, who struggles with clear – we tend to appreciate the grand gesture, being distracted, uses a technique that makes a but the most profound lessons often come to us in In his book “Second Innocence”, John Izzo tells lot of sense to me. When he is concentrating on quiet moments - but only if we pay attention. the story of when he was a graduate student something or someone he imagines raising his studying for the ministry and completing an hand and brushing the distraction aside, as if to So the leadership challenge is this. How can internship at a large nursing home on the south say “not now.” He states: we remain focused and in the moment when side of Chicago. As an intern he spent most of “In that moment I must ask myself the important the rest of the world is competing for our short his time visiting from room to room with elderly attention span? The answer may be different for questions: Is this important in influencing what I do residents. Late one afternoon he was visiting an each of us. But the art of paying attention must right now, or is it a distraction? Is there anything I can elderly man and listened to the story of his life. be cultivated if we are to fulfill our potential as After an hour or so, the man said, “Do you want do about this right now? If in both of these cases the leaders. to know, son, what I appreciate most about you? answer is no, it is a distraction….that has only one real You are the only one of the people who visit me potential: to rob the present moment and those who are Steve who doesn’t look at his watch.” John accepted participating of my full engagement. When this occurs, the compliment, but confessed in the book that I simply imagine that hand gently brushing aside the that his watch had stopped working that very thought… as if to say, ‘Not now’. I am now able to morning. Not having his watch on allowed him bring myself back to the present moment in a matter of to be fully present and made that man feel loved. seconds.” www.presbyterianseniorliving.org

Ref lections on Leadership

Servant Leadership – The Art of Foot Washing April 2013 Since this issue of Reflections on 2000 years old when Greenleaf began But the most striking example of Leadership coincides with Easter writing on the subject. servant leadership is recorded in week, it is only fitting that the chapter 13 of the gospel of John as subject be Servant Leadership, In the book of Luke, chapter 22: 24- part of the celebration of the last one of the four essential elements 27, there is a description of a conflict supper during holy week, just before of PSL’s leadership culture (the among the disciples regarding who Jesus was crucified. Knowing that he other three being Stewardship, among them would be considered the would be leaving his disciples, Jesus Transparent Leadership, and Striving greatest. As in any group, there was a provided a powerful example of his for Excellence). As a Christian sense of competition for recognition, expectation of leadership by washing organization dedicated to serving honor, and authority. Jesus addressed all of the disciples’ feet. Jesus was so older persons, there is no aspect of this concern with the following words: committed to teaching this lesson leadership that is more central to our The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; that he told the apostle Peter that “If success as an organization. and those who exercise authority over them I do not wash you, you have no share with call themselves Benefactors. But you are not me.” He followed this visual image of The term Servant leader was coined servanthood with an explanation, just by John Greenleaf in the 1970’s and to be like that. Instead the greatest among you shall be like the youngest, and the one who so his disciples would not miss the he wrote extensively on leadership point: from that perspective. Greenleaf rules like one who serves. For who is greater, defined Servant Leadership as the one who is at the table, or the one who Do you understand what I have done for you? “a practical philosophy which serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? You call me “Teacher” and “Lord”, and supports people who choose to serve But I am among you as one who serves. rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that first, and then as a way of expanding Other references to servant leadership I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your service to individuals and institutions”. include Luke 9:48 – For he who is least feet, you should also wash one another’s feet. I To many people this idea of a servant among you all – he is the greatest, and have set you an example that you should do as leader seemed revolutionary. For those Matt. 20:16 – The first shall be last and I have done for you. with a Christian worldview, it was a the last shall be first. revolutionary idea that was nearly Continued > Servant Leadership – The Art of Foot Washing April 2013

Servant leadership is exhibited by It does not mean that we can transfer a new leader whose life contains the a sense of humility in the way we the responsibilities of leadership to attributes of servant leadership. It is live, combined with action – tangible others or shrink from making difficult no surprise that the descriptions of his evidence – of serving other people. decisions. Being a servant leader approach to life and how he fulfills his defines how we treat other people as leadership role are widely celebrated. How do we translate this activity into we fulfill the obligations of leadership. While we may never approach our daily leadership responsibilities? such an exalted example of servant Here are a few ideas: Servant leadership is not as popular as leadership, we can all aspire to follow almost all of the other attributes that their footsteps. • Eliminating real and symbolic we equate with effective leadership, trappings of rank and privilege in in part because it goes against the Those of us who have chosen to work the work place. grain of our human nature. When Jim in a ministry that includes the support • Articulating the virtue and honor Collins identified humility as a part of frail and vulnerable seniors should in serving others by providing of being a level 5 leader in his book have a particular appreciation for the recognition to those who serve well. “Good to Great”, there were many image of Jesus washing the disciple’s in the corporate world that viewed feet. Some of our team members • Look for opportunities to model this approach as being soft or weak. perform such acts of kindness and the behavior of serving others, Even those who may have agreed in compassion on a daily basis, and we including tasks that are not in the principle with Collins did not embrace can clearly see the profound impact typical leader’s job description. this as completely as other parts of of their work. Our approach to his book. Since servant leadership leadership should be a reflection of • Displaying an attitude of respect goes well beyond the concept of this attitude of service to others. and humility in all personal humility, it is no wonder that the idea relationships. is underrepresented in leadership Steve • Listening to and giving other people literature. The paradox of servant credit for ideas that advance the leadership only makes complete sense organization’s mission. when viewed through the eyes of faith. • Engaging people at all levels of the Throughout history there have been organization in the decision making many who have firmly grasped the process. idea of being a servant leader. The Apostle Paul, St. Francis of Assisi, • Encouraging and empowering and Mother Theresa are three of the people throughout the organization most vivid examples that come to to take the initiative to do what is mind. As I write this newsletter, the necessary to serve well. Roman Catholic Church has selected • Embracing the many facets of diversity as a means of improving the quality of decision making and fostering a sense of fairness in the way the organization operates. Being a servant leader does not mean that we lower our expectations of ourselves or those we work with on a daily basis. www.presbyterianseniorliving.org

Ref lections on Leadership

No Excuses Leadership May 2013 The tendency to make excuses for of that belief that every bad decision out there. Everyone in our sector is bad decisions of poor outcomes is as or outcome can be explained by a having problems. We are doing as well old as human history. In the circumstance that is beyond anyone’s as everyone else.” creation story of Genesis, control. “Seriously – it’s not my fault!” Adam and Eve There are a number of shining tried to make Recently there was a cheating scandal examples of those who had legitimate excuses for their in Georgia where teachers altered reasons to expect failure but rose disobedience. test results to create the impression above those circumstances to achieve (Adam) “The that students were improving in stunning results. Ben Carson’s rise woman whom their academic performance. When from poverty in inner city Detroit you gave to be the cheating was discovered, there to become chief of pediatric with me, she gave were those who placed the blame on neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins me fruit of the tree”. (Eve) “The the system that required the testing University is one such story. As a child serpent deceived me”– an excuse of students, where “educators feel of single mother who could not read, that the 1980’s the comedian Flip pressured to get the scores they need in a school system that was one of Wilson updated to “The Devil by hook or by crook”. the worst in the country, there were made me do it”. One of the most ample reasons for underachievement. For generations governmental The movie of his life “Gifted Hands” preposterous excuses was given when leaders have used excuses to avoiding Moses descended from Mt. Sinai with emphasizes his mother’s heroic role responsibility for making progress in in his life as she refused to let her sons the Ten Commandments and was solving society’s problems. Someone greeted with the children of Israel see themselves as helpless victims of else created the problem or will not circumstance. worshipping a golden calf. What was cooperate in finding a solution. Voters Aaron’s excuse? “The people were set do not understand what needs to be How does the temptation to make on evil”. “I threw this gold into the done. The global economy is not excuses intersect with our role fire and out came this calf ”. It should good. The list goes on and on. as leaders? It has been observed be noted that none of these excuses that the difference between worked out very well for the people Leaders in businesses of all types organizational success or failure who offered them as a reason for are not immune from thinking of is based on the extent to which a making a bad choice. themselves as victims and finding culture of victimization or a culture excuses for substandard performance. of empowerment prevails. The We seem to live in a time of excuses. It is the labor market, the overall No matter what happens to a person frequent use of blame or excuses economy, government spending cuts, by an organization’s leadership is a in life, there is always a corresponding consumer confidence, the real estate excuse. There are even web sites that strong indication of which way the market, government regulation, the culture is leaning. The problem of list the best and worst excuses for uncertainty of the future, or a host missing work. One of my favorites making excuses in an organizational of other issues that are the reasons context is that excuses become the is “I am busy stalking my previous for the failure to achieve success. One boss, who fired me for not showing reason to lower our standards, avoid of the most frequent excuses is the changing behavior, or to resist looking up for work.” Excuses are a reflection common victim syndrome. “It’s tough Continued > No Excuses Leadership May 2013 for new solutions and take risks the desired result?). The joint guise of holding their team members that are essential for success. This is accountability to satisfy the customer accountable for results. not just about looking at the world is broader than the confines of any from a glass half empty or half full particular position description. The virtue of accountability must perspective - it is accepting the mind- start with leadership if it is to set that we are trapped by a larger While the broad concept of penetrate the rest of the organization. environment or circumstances that accountability applies to every Like every other virtue, it must are beyond our control. With that person in an organizational setting, be modeled to be taught. The limitation in place, failure is likely, and it is especially true of persons in question posed by the Oz principle the best an organization can hope for leadership positions. One of the most is not focused on others - It is highly is mediocrity. vivid and tragic examples of this can personal. “What else can I do to be found in the Penn State – Jerry rise above my circumstances and In the book, “The Oz Principle”, Sandusky scandal. Joe Paterno, the achieve the results I desire?” By Connors, Smith, and Hickman, iconic head coach and revered leader asking this question, the leader takes contend that “Individual and of the football program may have a major step in moving from a culture organizational results of people fulfilled his responsibility in reporting of victimization to a culture of improve dramatically when people the incident of suspected child empowerment. overcome the deceptive traps of abuse to his superiors, but the public the victim cycle to take Steps to perception of him as a leader was that There is one other benefit to escaping Accountability.” They describe he was accountable to do more. the mind-set of victimization and accountability as: excuses. On the job stress is not just The application of the Oz principle a function from the pressure of the “A personal choice to rise should not be used as a hammer by work being performed. Stress is often above one’s circumstances and leaders as a reason not to listen (I correlated with feeling trapped by demonstrate the ownership don’t want to hear why this cannot circumstances and being unable to necessary for achieving desired be done). Nor should it be used as affect the outcomes that are critical results to See It, Own It, Solve It, a way for a leader to avoid personal to success. The Oz Principle authors and Do It.” accountability (If only my staff was contend that empowerment and more accountable for results, things accountability are two sides of the Much of their effort is focused on would improve). Some leaders have same coin. It is evident that the path getting leaders and organizations also tried to justify autocratic and to success and less stress involves both. from what they call a “below the line disrespectful behavior under the victim mentality to an above the Steve line focus on personal and shared accountability”. One of the author’s most insightful observations is the difference between responsibility and accountability. Responsibilities are articulated in position descriptions (This is my job). Accountability reaches beyond individual responsibility (What else can I do to achieve www.presbyterianseniorliving.org

Ref lections on Leadership

The Power of Self Control June 2013 Recently I had the opportunity to Most of all, it would take a person Whatever the terms used to describe watch the movie “42” – the story who could see beyond the moment the virtue of self control, the of Jackie Robinson’s heroic effort and resist the powerful temptation underlying assumption is the same. to break the color barrier in major to retaliate in order to accomplish Self control is the mark of an effective league baseball in 1947. While the the objective of opening the major leader. Almost any human feeling can story was inspiring, in many ways leagues to future generations of impair one’s judgment - fear, anger, it was a hard movie to watch. The minority baseball players. envy- even love or compassion. The abuse heaped upon Jackie Robinson ability to avoid acting on impulse, by bigoted fans and players, and the The ability to exercise self control think about the consequences of societal conditions that were constant is an essential ingredient for leaders. behavior ahead of time, and select reminders of the injustice of racial There are many ways this is expressed a more mature course of action is prejudice were clear. I am certain in leadership literature. Daniel the definition of strong leadership. that the movie did not capture the full Goleman in his book “Working with There are many stories of flawed extent of what Mr. Robinson had to Emotional Intelligence” uses the term leaders who suffer the consequences endure. “self mastery” as the ability to keep of impulsive behavior, but fewer disruptive emotions and impulses in examples of how to cultivate self Much of the movie is about the check. He claims that people with this control. relationship between two men, Branch competence exhibit several attributes: Ricky, the owner of the Brooklyn A few years ago I had the privilege • Manage impulsive feelings and Dodgers, and Jackie Robinson. There of serving on the board of a middle distressing emotions well. were a number of gifted athletes that school for disadvantaged inner city could have been chosen to become • Stay composed, positive, and boys. One of the extra-curricular the first African American player in unflappable even in trying activities that the school strongly baseball. Ricky knew that being a moments. encouraged was playing chess. In great athlete was only the addition to playing chess with each beginning. He was also • Think clearly and stay focused other over the lunch period the school looking for a person of under pressure. participated in chess competitions character – someone with other schools periodically. with drive, ambition, When I asked the principal why this strength, and was considered a part of the boy’s determination. education, she explained it to me this way: “One of the main problems we have with children is getting them to think beyond the moment. Boys of this age are inclined to strike back when they perceive an insult or slight of some kind. Continued > The Power of Self Control June 2013

They live in the moment and It is not easy for a leader to always retired from use for the entire league rarely think of the consequences of think ahead. Human beings are more – no player on any team in the future their behavior. Playing chess is all emotional than rational, and the will be able to wear Jackie Robinson’s about thinking ahead, anticipating tendency to act without fully thinking number. However, on one day every the next move or moves of the of the consequences is natural. Often year the number of every major other player in reaction to what the ability to overcome human frailty league player’s uniform is changed they are about to do. The player takes more strength than we possess. to the number 42 out of respect for who is better at thinking ahead is In his book “7 Men and the Secret Jackie and what he stood for as a more likely to win. The boys are of Their Greatness”, Eric Metaxas player and a leader. This illustrates the under the impression that they describes how Branch Ricky and power of self control in leadership. are playing a game. In reality we Jackie Robinson understood this as Few of us are called to display the are trying to change the way they they discussed what Jackie’s heroic kind of superhuman leadership that think. Before they act impulsively, journey would be like. was required of Jackie Robinson. But we want them to consider the Knowing that Jackie shared his Christian leaders are often tested in many subtle consequences of what they are faith and wanting to reinforce the spiritual ways. Those who depend on us for about to do.” dimensions of what the two men were about leadership expect that we will exhibit to embark on, Rickey brought out a copy a sense of maturity and not give in of a book titled “Life of Christ”, by to pettiness or retaliation, even when Giovanni Papini. He flipped to the passage we are being treated unfairly. Leaders in which Papini discusses the Sermon know that it takes greater strength to on the Mount and refers to it as “the control a temper than to give in to most stupefying of [Jesus] revolutionary anger. teachings.” It certainly was revolutionary. In fact, it seemed impossible. In Matthew So whenever you need a reminder 5:38-41, Jesus said, “You have heard that to stop and think before acting it hath been said, An eye for and eye, and a impulsively, just pause and think “42”. tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That If you can use that simple reminder in you resist not evil: But whosoever shall smite times of stress, you may find that you you on thy right cheek, turn to him the other can be a better example of a leader also. And if any man shall sue thee at law, and have a greater influence on those let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever around you. shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.” Steve Ricky was betting that Jackie Robinson knew what he himself knew: although this was indeed humanly impossible, with God’s help it was entirely possible. The respect that Jackie Robinson inspired during his time in baseball is unparalleled in all of sports. His number (42) is the only jersey number that Major League baseball has www.presbyterianseniorliving.org

Ref lections on Leadership

Creatures of Habit July 2013

Whether we like to admit it or not, is a social experience that families causes was passed down to their we are all creatures of habit, and that share. It seems like it is easier to break children through their teaching and is not a bad thing. Habits which are a habit that is good for you – like a example. incorporated into routines can be daily exercise routine. useful and efficient, saving time and There are times in our lives when we keeping us on track. When I go to the As parents we know that lifelong are more apt to change our habits. A grocery store I always carry a list. If I habits are often taught at a young 1984 UCLA study by Alan Andreasen am looking for breakfast cereal it will age. The timelessness of this truth is theorized that people are more likely take less than 2 minutes, even though expressed in Proverbs 22:6 – “Train to change buying habits when they there are more than 50 different up a child in the way he should go; go through a major life event – like brands and types of breakfast cereal. even when he is old he will not depart getting married, moving into a new The reason is that there about 3 from it.” Brushing teeth, washing house, getting divorced, losing or different kinds of cereal that I like, hands, doing school homework, and a changing a job, or having someone and I know exactly where they are host of other daily activities are about enter or leave a household. This on the shelves and approximately teaching good habits that we hope will affirms the observation of a pastor I what they cost. Without this deeply become automatic over time and help knew many years ago who shared his ingrained habit, every trip to the small children to become responsible approach to growing his congregation. grocery store would be a singular young people and adults. I came from He said that over the years he could and unique experience, requiring a working class family with 5 brothers correlate growth in his church to the me to look at every type and brand and sisters. But my parents taught us number of weddings and baptisms of cereal, evaluating and comparing that you did not have to be rich to be he performed, even when the people each before making a final selection. generous. The habit of giving 10% of being married or baptized were not Depending on the length of my their income to church and charitable previously connected to the church. shopping list, I could be gone for He viewed the preparation for each hours. of these events as a window of opportunity to draw people into a Habits can be positive or negative. life of faith at a time when they were Changing negative habits can be open to change. hard. Ask anyone who has tried to give up smoking or lose weight. I am Effective leadership is all about habits. reminded of the quote attributed to Stephen R. Covey made a fortune Mark Twain. “Giving up smoking is from his 1989 classic book, “The 7 easy. I’ve done it a thousand times”. Habits of Highly Effective People”. Weight loss can be especially hard, People in leadership and management since you cannot completely stop positions are always looking for ways eating. Hunger returns, and eating to become more organized and effective in carrying out their daily

Continued > Creatures of Habit July 2013 responsibilities. But leadership habits change our habits to become better, A couple of final thoughts: involve more than techniques to more effective leaders. improve efficiency or get things done • Think consciously about your in a more organized way. Even though in many respects we are habits and intentionally work to the sum of our habits, the situation make them an expression of the We may not realize it but we exhibit is never hopeless. It is possible to behavior that you want. our habits as leaders every day. For break bad habits and cultivate more example, do we show the same kind positive habits. In his book “The • Don’t let your habits become and courteous behavior to our staff Power of Habit, Why We Do What superstitions. Habits should serve that we wish them to show to our We Do in Life and Business”, Charles a purpose. Anyone who has customers? Or do we—by habit— Duhigg studied habits in individuals, observed a professional baseball simply greet a coworker passing organizations, and society. Even after player at bat can observe rituals without really acknowledging them looking at destructive habits like that border on the superstitious. as a person? In a world where many compulsive gambling and alcoholism, You should control your habits, front line staff members feel like he observed that: they should not control you. they do not receive affirmation or • Habits are not as simple as they • Avoid situations that will tempt recognition for their work, this simple you to fall back into a bad habit. change in behavior is a powerful appear… even once they are rooted in leadership tool that can have far our mind, they do not determine our Good habits are essential to reaching effects. destiny. We can choose our habits, once achieving excellence in individuals we know how. and organizations. Name the field – Another leadership habit that can sports, music, academic achievement, have big impact is listening. A major • To modify a habit, you must decide to change it, and once you know an manufacturing, health care, or any attribute of a good leader is being other field of endeavor – you will genuinely interested in the thoughts (unhealthy) habit exists, you have the responsibility to change it. find good habits at the core of every and opinions of others. With that success story. If you want to be a intention firmly in place, the path to • When you understand that habits better leader – make it a habit. encouraging better communication can change, you have the freedom and involves actively seeking ideas and responsibility to remake them. Once you Steve advice, maintaining eye contact and understand that habits can be rebuilt, the other affirming cues while talking power of habit becomes easier to grasp, to someone, and timely follow up and the only option is to get to work. to indicate that you have heard what they have to say. Like learning • Changing a habit involves identifying anything new, these habits will take the routine, experimenting with rewards, conscious effort at first—but then will isolating the cues that trigger the habit, become natural and routine. There and having a plan for change. are literally scores of opportunities to


Ref lections on Leadership

Adversity, Failure and Success August 2013 Recently I had the privilege of • Teddy Roosevelt overcame vision hearing McCullough, the problems and a very sickly childhood widely acclaimed author make marked by severe asthma. Father died some observations on the nature when he was 20 years of age, mother of leadership. As someone who and wife died on the same day when he has written books featuring the was only 26 years old. He was elected towering figures from American vice president at age 42, and became history - from the founding fathers president upon the death of President to Teddy Roosevelt and Harry McKinley. Truman - McCullough has a unique • Franklin Delano Roosevelt was vice perspective on what it takes to be a president on the losing Democratic ticket great leader. While I expected to hear in 1920. In 1921 at the age of 39 about virtues like vision, courage, he experienced paralysis in his lower strength, and integrity, I was not extremities. In spite of this limitation, prepared for a message that focused • George Washington lost his father and he was elected as Governor of New York on the role of adversity and failure in brother at an early age. As commander in in 1928 and 1930, and U.S. President preparing leaders for greatness. chief of the continental army he suffered in 1932. He is the only person to be many military defeats at the hands of McCullough observed that almost all elected as president for four terms. the British, and lost much of his army to of the great leaders in politics and disease and the elements at Valley Forge • Thomas Edison is the 4th most prolific business were shaped by struggles before securing victory and ultimately inventor of the 20th century with over in life. It is his belief that adversity American independence. 1,000 registered patents. Even after he and failure prepared each of them suffered a significant hearing loss as a to overcome great obstacles later • Abraham Lincoln lived a hard life on the young man, he remained industrious in their careers, and became the American frontier. His mother died when and persistent as he endeavored to create springboard for success and greatness. he was 9. He lost one Illinois legislative inventions that transformed American McCullough cited Herbert Hoover and two Illinois senate races. He failed in society. He tested over 3000 filaments as a person who had an outstanding business and spent several years repaying before he came up with his version of a background and had been successful the debt. At age 26 his sweetheart died. practical light bulb. When asked about at everything he had ever attempted. He lost in two attempts at the US senate, failure, he reportedly said “If I find Because he had never failed at but his life in between these failures 10,000 ways something won’t work, anything, McCullough theorized that was marked by a number of successful I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, Hoover was handicapped when faced endeavors. While he served as President because every wrong attempt discarded is with the circumstances of the great of the United States from 1861-1865, often a step forward....” depression. over six hundred thousand Americans died in the Civil War. He is acknowledged • Milton Hershey only completed 4th grade The examples of success borne from as one of history’s towering examples of in school. He failed at his first candy adversity or failure are compelling: leadership under stress. business in Lancaster, Pa. and at selling

Continued > Adversity, Failure and Success August 2013

candy in New York City before founding “you can’t learn to be an inventor, luck when it comes. They contend the candy company that still bears his or a nurse or a scientist without that everyone has both good and name. Failure played such an important failing.” This attitude toward bad luck. The difference is in how role in the success of Milton Hershey that failure can be applied to any you handle it. Hershey Chocolate features a “Failure to learning experience – like learning Fortunes” exhibit to tell the story. to dance or a new language. • Accountability and a sense of control. Effective leaders • Jackie Robinson endured a life of • Finding inspiration in acknowledge that the reason for discrimination and hardship before unlikely places. Recently I their present situation may be breaking the color barrier in Major spoke to a woman who went back due to the decisions they have League baseball. Based on the quality of to college to get a PhD and have made or lack of attention to his character and athletic achievements a successful career in academic the environment. Success never on the field, was inducted into the Major research while being the caregiver springs from a victim mentality, League baseball hall of fame. for her disabled parents for because the path to overcoming more than 25 years. When asked adversity and failure is the belief Entire books have been written what inspired her to persevere, I that our personal and professional about overcoming adversity. Lest we expected to hear a story about a decisions matter. Better choices think that these inspiring stories are gifted teacher or mentor. Instead will result in different outcomes. rare or subject to exaggeration, they she responded, “Because I had are supported by many first-hand an alcoholic boss who was utterly Successful people in life have a clear accounts from less famous individuals useless, I came to the realization picture of how success and failure are who have achieved success in all walks that I could keep things going in connected. Michael Jordan, acclaimed of life. spite of him. When I discovered to be the best basketball player of all time, may have said it best - “I’ve But we all know of people who suffer that I was a capable person who missed more than 9000 shots in my from adverse circumstances and could do anything I put my mind career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 succumb to negativity throughout the to, it was a great boost to my self times, I’ve been trusted to take the rest of their lives. I believe that there esteem.” game winning shot and missed. I’ve are a few keys to turning adversity into • Seizing opportunity failed over and over and over again in achievement: that comes your way. my life. And that is why I succeed.” • Making the connection Thomas Edison observed that Incidentally, as a sophomore in high between failure and success. “Opportunity is missed by most school, Michael failed to make the In their book, Switch, How to people because it is dressed in varsity basketball team. Change Things When Change is Hard, overalls and looks like work.” But Finally, Michael Jordan understood Chip and Dan Heath talk about sometimes opportunity looks a that life’s disappointments and the the “growth mindset” - Expecting lot like luck. In Great By Choice, sweetness of success are connected by that failure will occur along Jim Collins and Morten Hansen a single, unbreakable thread. In order the road to success and being examine the role of luck. This to experience the thrill of victory or prepared to pursue success by involves recognizing luck when it the agony of defeat, you must be in overcoming failure. This involves happens, applying wisdom to see the game. stretching yourself, taking risks, when, and when not to let luck accepting feedback, and taking the disrupt your plans, being prepared Steve long-term view. They contend that to endure a run of bad luck, and taking advantage of good and bad


Ref lections on Leadership

Consider Your Calling September 2013 As a young person I was raised in a you send us we will go” to the prophet values and faith commitments were Presbyterian church that was only four Isaiah, “Here I am Lord, send me”. a part of the package. There was doors down the street from our house. no separation between the secular But most important to the Presbyterian One of the many benefits of growing world where you earned a living understanding of being called was up in that environment is that the and the sacred world of values and that it was not confined to religious concept of being “called” was always faith. When a person is called into an purposes or occupations. People familiar to me. Pastors were called occupation, they take their entire self were called by God into a variety of to serve a congregation. Lay persons into the venture. settings, and everyone was called in were called to serve as elders and some way – to serve their neighbors What is the difference between just deacons. Some were called to teach or to a particular vocation. We having a job and being called to a Sunday school or lead a Bible study. knew people within our circle of place of employment? I think the best This was reinforced with the earliest friends who were called to be nurses, way to understand it is illustrated by a memories of Bible stories that physicians, teachers, social workers, John Izzo in his book, Second Innocence. included people being called, or set accountants, sales persons, engineers, John tells a story about working part aside for a special purpose. Moses and architects, or any one of a hundred time in a post office during college, a the burning bush, Samuel hearing other jobs. The underlying idea was job that he found to be both tiring and the voice of God in the night, Jonah that everyone is given a unique set irritating. While he was miserable and and the great fish, Gideon putting of gifts and we are responsible to use longed to do something important, his out the fleece, the chariots of fire that those gifts in a positive way. friend Joe Hughes, thoroughly enjoyed marked the call of Elisha to succeed working there. One day a customer While the call to an occupation or Elijah, or the Apostle Paul struck came into the post office and John service was not expected to be as blind on the Damascus road were all absentmindedly inquired how she was. dramatic as the Biblical narrative, vivid stories that illustrated what it She responded that her daughter was it was no less real, and no less meant to be “called”. The language in the hospital dying of cancer and anticipated. The concept of being of the response to being called she had to pay her rent by 5:00 p.m. called to a secular job had a spiritual could be equally inspiring – from or she would be evicted. The owners dimension. If you were called to be Joshua’s response, “All that you have of her building would not take cash, a lawyer, or a business person, your commanded we will do, and wherever so she was in the post office getting a Continued > Consider Your Calling September 2013 money order when she should be with Izzo finished their work at the post It is my firm belief that you can her dying daughter. Izzo continues: office the same week. Izzo’s leaving always tell the difference when was hardly noticed, but the customers someone understands that they are Some 25 years later I cannot recall the threw a going away party for his called by the attitude they have about specific words I said to her that day. I do friend Joe. What was the difference? their work. The world desperately know that for the first time in six months it Izzo explains: needs called people – dedicated to the occurred to me that I might actually have proposition that there is a profound made a difference in the post office. After By then I knew why. For Joe, the post office need for excellence, integrity, and an exchange of kind and tender words she was a part of his ministry. He knew that values in every occupation. headed off, but at the door she stopped and wherever people were gathered, whatever your turned around. Stepping back to my counter, job description said you were supposed to be There is a great lesson in this for us as putting her shaking, small, feeble hand on doing, you were there to make lives better - and leaders. We need to ask ourselves two my young forearm, she looked deeply into my it showed. The job in the post office was not questions: eyes: ‘Son, I just want to thank you. Thank too small for me, I was too small for the job. • How do we view our work? you for being so kind. You do know, you made Izzo’s writings are consistent with my my day.’ • How do we view the work of our own experience. In my life I have been team members? That night the sleep would not come. Her called to do a number of things – I felt words kept ringing in my ears. ‘You made my the call to be an orderly in a Sisters If we do not see our work and the day.’ For months I had seen my job at the of Mercy Hospital in Michigan, to work of those around us as a sacred post office as licking stamps and weighing be a staff nurse and employee of calling, how can we expect those we things. Could it be that during that time that Presbyterian Homes, and later as a lead to find meaning in their chosen there had been a deeper calling? What would Director of Nursing, Administrator, occupation? Izzo puts it this way, have happened if I had thought about my job Executive Director, Chief Operating “A large part of leadership is to help as making people’s days? Officer, and Chief Executive Officer. others see the deeper possibilities in In each case, I had a sense of comfort their own roles.” To me that sounds This experience was a revelation for in knowing that in the moment, I was like an extremely noble calling. Izzo, and he began to change his fulfilling the call of God in my life. behavior. He also understood why Every one of those jobs was a labor Steve his friend Joe Hughes saw his work of love, because there was a sacred in a much more positive light. As fate component to my vocation. would have it, Joe Hughes and John


Ref lections on Leadership

Sticks and Stones October 2013 I remember coming home from the skinned. Physical injuries are real, that they have grown numb to the playground as a child and telling my psychological injuries are imaginary.” effect that it has on others. I am not mother about some hurtful things It was a message that I needed to hear referring to the textbook verbal abuse that had been said to me by another at the time. I had to develop effective that would repulse the listener – like child. Like many of my generation, coping skills that would enable me to loud and obnoxious foul language. the model of parenting was by nature handle other tough situations in life. Sometimes the worst things are said less sympathetic and more practical in with a humorous bite. Sarcasm is In later years, however, a more mature terms of preparing us for the bumps frequently used to mock, insult, or reflection on the long lasting effects and bruises of life. Her advice to belittle another person. Sharpened by of words included the understanding me was to respond to name calling hours spent listening to the dialogue that, in many ways words have an or hurtful words with a simple jingle of movies and television comedies, even greater potential for permanent - “Sticks and stones may break my the use of humor at the expense of injury than some physical mishap. I bones, but words will never hurt me.” another has become second nature. have known people in my life who Hearing myself repeat these phrases Some of the most corrosive use of can recall hurtful words 40 years after many years later, it almost sounds like sarcasm appears among people who the fact, reopening wounds that have an encouragement for the offending claim the mantle of leadership, and is altered their entire outlook on life. party to change tactics and resort to often used as a way to avoid an issue The words of the jingle may have violence in place of ineffective verbal by changing the subject. Directing been useful in the moment, but were harassment. But given the tenor this language toward an opponent is not entirely true. Words are powerful. of the times, the message was clear. not new, it just seems more frequent “These are only words. There was no It is my opinion that we live in a now than in the past. blood drawn. No permanent damage. time where many people witness Denny Hagel in her column “The Toughen up kid. Stop being so thin verbal assaults with such frequency Secret to Parenting” talks about the destructive effects of sarcasm on children. She has observed 4 major problems with the use of sarcasm:

• It is disrespectful

• It sends mixed messages

• It creates a sense of mistrust

• It models negative communication skills

Continued > Sticks and Stones October 2013

I would add to this list that sarcasm: Some leaders use words liberally. I have a good friend whose children • Undermines the self esteem of the have observed that “Dad would target of the attack. never use 10 words when 100 would • Damages interpersonal do.” Other leaders use words relationships more sparingly, only saying what is absolutely necessary, knowing that • Invites retaliation. when they do have something to say, • Creates a small minded and petty everyone pays attention. Either style image of leadership can work, as long as it is authentic. When handled properly, even difficult Sarcasm may play well to an audience The truth is that leaders are conversations clear the air and in a comedy club, but it has no surrounded by people who are strengthen relationships. Openness constructive use in a leader’s tool kit. hungry to hear something uplifting and positive, often because they have and honesty communicated with As leaders we know that every day we been the frequent target of negative authentic concern creates trust. In can use the power of words to build remarks. In this respect their work the book of James the use of words is up those we work with. Words can be lives may be the bright spot in an compared to the rudder on a ship - a used in many constructive ways - to otherwise difficult life experience. rudder may be small, but it has the inform, reveal truth, inspire virtuous The image of well chosen words that power to change the direction of a conduct, correct, convey affection, I like the best is taken from Proverbs large seagoing vessel. or express genuine human concern. 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like We all fall short in the way we use Words can also be used in profoundly apples of gold in a setting of silver.” words in our role as a leader. In the negative ways to injure, dispirit, beat Being able to say the right thing at the give and take of communication in an down, trigger episodes of anger, or right time is truly a thing of beauty, organizational setting, mistakes will worst of all, create a sense of apathy and a gift to be treasured. be made. Whether you are a leader that can immobilize an entire work in your home, community, church, force. That is not to say that all a leader has to do is become the fountainhead of or in the work place, your words happiness and flowery compliments have a tremendous impact on those in order to be effective. Those we around you. This realization should work with can tell when praise is cause each of us to choose our words deserved or hyperbole. A constant carefully. An altered version of the stream of undeserved happy talk will jingle may be a more accurate guide eventually damage the credibility - “Sticks and stones can break your of a leader so completely that the bones, but words can hurt forever.” superior performance of the best team members will actually decline. On the other hand, being on the receiving end of a positive comment from someone who is not known for giving out accolades freely will be remembered and treasured.


Ref lections on Leadership

Leadership with a Lighter Touch November 2013 One of the common misconceptions There are two examples that are public works projects had created a about leadership is that the higher perfect illustrations of this leadership heavy burden on the country, and your position on the organizational dilemma taken from the ancient texts they asked for some relief. “Please chart, the greater one’s ability to of the Old Testament recalling events lighten the hard service of your father command others toward a vision that took place nearly 3,000 years ago. and we will serve you.” Hearing these or goal. This may be true in some words, ’s senior advisers situations, like a military leader on According to the Book of First recommended a conciliatory response. the field of battle, but in most places Kings, when , the son of “If you will be a servant to this people where leadership is required, the pure King David ascended to the throne, today and serve them, and speak good words command approach to leadership the Lord appeared to Solomon in a to them when you answer them, then they is an illusion. The reality is that dream by night: and God said, “Ask will be your servants forever.” The King’s leadership does require decisiveness, for anything and I will give it to you”. To younger advisers recommended that strength, vision, high standards, and which Solomon replied, “ I am but a he lay down the law and let them singleness of purpose. But these little child: I do not know how to go out or know who was boss, suggesting virtues must be tempered with an come in. Your servant is in the midst of your that he respond with the threat that understanding that human beings people whom you have chosen… Give your “If you thought my father’s burdens were follow leaders with their heart. High servant therefore an understanding mind heavy, you haven’t seen anything. I will performing teams are comprised of to govern your people, that I may discern add to your burdens.” As a young and team members who are completely between good and evil.” So God said inexperienced leader, Rehoboam took engaged – head, heart, hands, and to him, “Because you have asked for this the advice of the younger advisors feet. Engaging the heart may be the and have not asked for yourself long life or and responded harshly. The result was most difficult part of leadership, partly riches or the life of your enemies but have that 10 of the 12 tribes rebelled, and because it reaches beyond the bounds asked for yourself understanding to discern the Kingdom was split in two, never to of logic. But what may be harder to what is right, I will do what you have be reunited again. understand is when to use a lighter asked.” Solomon’s life was marked by touch, or even give ground in the many shortcomings, but this humble The contrast in these two situations face of resistance that may be based desire to do the right thing was the is stark. Given the opportunity to on more emotional than rational foundation of a successful period of have anything he desired, Solomon, arguments. leadership. referring to himself as a servant, asked for an understanding heart so he While some would have us believe Approximately 40 years later, could be a better leader. Rehoboam, that the need for a lighter touch to Solomon died, and was succeeded by taking the mantle of the heavy leadership has emerged because of a his son, Rehoboam. In his first days handed, authoritative ruler, demanded generational change in the attitudes of leadership, he was approached by obedience from his subjects. The of individuals in the workforce, a group of elders with an observation lighter and more thoughtful approach history would suggest otherwise. and request. Solomon’s many to leadership is something that we Continued > Leadership with a Lighter Touch November 2013 refer to as servant leadership. From a practical standpoint this means that the Adopting the servant leader model leader’s day to day conduct is marked by a number of distinct characteristics. is not easy or achieved by adhering to a formula. In his book “Authentic Leadership”, Bill George stated that unless leaders understand their purpose they are at the mercy of their egos and vulnerable to their self centered impulses. He cites Robert Greenleaf as understanding the purpose of leadership as service to others, observing that “If people feel that a leader is genuinely interested in serving others they will be prepared not just to follow you, but to dedicate themselves to the common For example, effective cause.” servant leaders: For those of us who are nearer to the • Are not self righteous, front lines of providing leadership arrogant or overbearing. in the face of pressing deadlines and increased customer expectations, • Value the thoughts and talk of the lighter side of leadership opinions of others. may seem like nothing more than an interesting idea. When faced with the • Understand that integrity and temptation to retreat when conditions values must override the ego and self interest that exists in become difficult it can be hard to tell every person. if making midcourse adjustments • Can insist on superior performance without being based on changing conditions is the disrespectful. application of wisdom or a lack of courage. • May be intensely goal directed and clear about what needs to be accomplished, but have a sense of when to keep their foot While there is no easy answer to this on the accelerator and when to apply the brakes. dilemma, starting from the vantage point of servant leadership makes it • Are able to make hard decisions in the face of adversity, easier to know when to press forward and articulate the reasons they have reached an unpopular and when to lighten up. As I struggle decision. with this question, I find hope in the prayer of Solomon - “Lord, give your • Struggle with an awareness that all leaders are prone to errors servant an understanding mind… that I in judgment, but make decisions and move forward without might discern between good and evil”, and anxiety or regret. the words of Jesus to his disciples - “I am • Acknowledge when they have made a bad decision and change among you as one who serves.” course when it is clear that they have taken the wrong path.


Ref lections on Leadership

Anticipation December 2013 Whenever I think of the Christmas tradition came to be, but that was our frenzy. It seems that the older I get, season, I think about the anticipation signal that Christmas morning had the less I am influenced by these people feel about the Christmas begun. The anticipation was over. attempts to generate excitement. holidays. Of course, we all anticipate The race was on. different things, depending on our The sense of anticipation at stage in life. My most vivid childhood In later years, the anticipation Christmas time is not entirely spent memories of Christmas involved changed somewhat – focusing on on children or an outgrowth of the sitting at the top of the steps with the traditions of Christmas Eve and retail trade. For people of faith, the my brothers and sisters at 4:00 in the Christmas day, seeing family and core of the Christmas season is based morning, wondering what was waiting friends, wondering if the gift chosen on anticipation. On the Christian for us under the Christmas tree. The for that special person would be calendar, the Advent season includes five of us would speculate on what received with the same enthusiasm the four Sundays prior to Christmas. presents were awaiting for us and that inspired its purchase. This type The term advent is an anglicized when my Dad would call us to come of anticipation was a little more version of the Latin word adventus, downstairs. My parent’s bedroom was sedate than the drama of childhood meaning coming. In this context, on the first floor, and about 6:00 a.m. Christmas memories. Advent has two parallel applications my Dad would get up, make coffee, – a time of expectant waiting and Some of the anticipation of the and generally wander around for a preparation for the celebration of the Christmas season is manufactured by few minutes. At this point the tension coming of Jesus as the fulfillment of the retail and commercial influences was unbearable. However, we had prophesy of the Old Testament. At of society. It seems like every year been trained to remain in place until Christmas we celebrate the coming of there is a push to move thoughts of he would call to us – “Daylight in Jesus as a baby in a manger. Advent Christmas earlier and earlier in an the swamp!” I am not sure how that also refers to the return of Jesus as attempt to ignite the desired shopping prophesied in the New Testament - the Second Coming. Both applications involve a strong sense of anticipation.

But anticipation is not just a phenomenon that we experience at Christmastime. It is a part of the human condition that exists to some extent in every person. It often defines the kind of life we lead, or the type of leader we become - casting either a positive or negative influence on ourselves and everyone around us. Continued > Anticipation December 2013 For many people, anticipating the vacation, saving to buy a present for purpose. There are many things in life future is filled with dread. The someone you love or looking forward that might tempt a leader to convert ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle to spending an afternoon with a anticipation into anxiety, but effective observed that “Fear is pain arising grandchild can be a great source of leaders do not succumb to negativity. from the anticipation of evil.” Anxiety joy. Sometimes the anticipation of Anticipatory leadership acknowledges has been described as experiencing an event is every bit as sweet as the the reality of today’s circumstance (or anticipating) failure in advance. experience itself. Instead of living life and eagerly looks ahead to embrace This approach can rob us of the joy with anxiety and fear, anticipating the possibilities of the future. of living in the moment. There is a something positive can be a reason to quote attributed to Mark Twain that get up in the morning. Where can we find the positive expresses it best –“I am an old man and outlook we need as leaders, especially have known a great many troubles, but most Most leaders know that there is a when we are surrounded by negative of them never happened.” strong connection between superior people and every nightly newscast performance and anticipation. is filled with critical and fearful Leaders who adopt a negative and Wayne Gretsky, nicknamed the Great comments? I think we need to look fearful view of the future have an One, is regarded by many as the beyond ourselves to something acute awareness of the “horror floor” best professional hockey player in deeper. For me, this is clearly stated – the worst thing that can happen the history of the National Hockey in the Old Testament book of in every situation. With this outlook, League. His key to success was an Lamentations, “But this I call to mind, decisions are made from a defensive incredible sense of anticipation. In and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love posture. Progress is nearly impossible team sports, most great athletes seem of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never under such leadership, because every to know where their teammates are come to an end; they are new every morning; opportunity involves some degree at any given time. In addition to his great is your faithfulness.” This is the of risk. It goes without saying that acute awareness of his surroundings, type of confidence that is not easily lost opportunity is the by-product Gretsky possessed a knack for shaken. The future does not seem as when avoiding the pain of failure is a knowing where the puck, and his scary when you know who holds the leader’s primary goal. teammates, would be next. When future. asked about this apparent gift, he But anticipation can also be a simply stated “I skate to where the The Christmas season is a time of powerful tool for good. In the book, puck is going to be, not where it’s promise. Eagerly anticipate the joy of Three Weeks with My Brother, been.” From Gretsky’s point of view, the season, and you will likely find it. Nicholas Sparks expresses the positive opportunities unfolded every time he Embrace the future with expectation effects of anticipation. “Never forget took the ice. and hope throughout the year and that anticipation is an important part of you will become a better leader. life. Work’s important, family’s important, I think the key to anticipatory but without excitement, you have nothing. leadership lies in the realm of You’re cheating yourself if you refuse expectation and hope – the ability to enjoy what’s coming.” Planning a to look forward with optimism and www.presbyterianseniorliving.org

Embrace the possibilities of the future