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AT STATE MEET Ti The Leading Paper 3,000 Copies of Western Sixteen Pages Nebraska The Alliance Herald Two Sections BEAD BY EVERY MEMBEP NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION. ALL THE NEWS OF ALLIANCE AND WESTERN NEBRASKA OFFICIAL OR" -- PARKA VOT.nNTF.ER FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION. IT REACHES HEADQUARTERS FOR IROfin PTPEMF.M TOLUME XXIII ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THUUSDAY, MARCH 9, 1916 NUMBER 14 CITY ORDERS SPECIAL BUILDINGS ON FEDERAL CLUB BANQUET LITTLE ALECK KILL JOY ALLIANCE BOYS CLEAN-U- P AT ONCE SITE SOLD AT AUCTION MoT) AND ELECTION this- I tow AT STATE MEET HEwA MAkkisp Inspection Will lie Made Monday of Loral Parties Bid on Old Shacks tit Iow Will Move Meeting of Alliance Clob Will Public and Private Prem- lrlces to High School BatkHhall Team Com- - AmbaI New Iocations lifting Be Held Tonight at the I'he-In-n ises by Officials at Lincoln Opera Honw New locations will be found for all TIIHKK DAY 8 VOU UN AM I.NT Company's coming and special the buildings on the federal building COLORADO GOVKRNOH INCLUDING 7 H'HOOLtt FeRMFJl preparations must be made. Do your site, and they will be moved PRINCIPAL SPFAKKIt in a few TO BE spring housecleanlng at once, that is, days by the parties who purchased First (lame Won Played .Wight, next week, and put on your best bib the lineal Boyd Meeting 4tonplete Report of Year's Aceonv them at the auction sale held Satur- the and tucker. So orders the city po- pllshments Will Be Made by day by the Federal Site Association. Urand lUnd Team lice department, and woe unto them W. Fisher A total of $RR1.50 was realized by Eight I. who fail to heed the order, for in of the Alt'ance high school wHV, NJ J lit the Association from the auction, and boys with their coach, opera this case there will be no favorites 100 T MljrCRl 1'iofessor Tonight at the Phelan house 0h't M" IMP while that amount does not begin to At VOU DO (WW 7o Crawford, are in Lincoln this week ban- -' and no exceptions will be made. Miiru represent will be held the second annual the value of the buildings, participating In the state basket ball net and election of directors for the Several thousand visitors will be it will enable the association to about In Alliance the weeks of March 20 tournament and competing for the Alliance Commercial Club. The date break even on the deal which they Nebraska state championship. and March 27 for the land drawing 1 I lor the annual banquet was first set U-aW- undertook several years ago in order and the auction sale, and you know 'Jt Mr. Crawford, with the team com tor Wednesday night, March 8. but that Alliance's new federal building prised custom when visitors are expect of Lester Harvey, captain; wing to the fact that this was Ash it's might be located on this spot, the deorge ed to do a extra cleaning up Fennlng, Robert Ralls, Floyd Wednesday and the attending of the little corner of Box Butte and Fourth Ixtspelch, about the home. And even if it Ira Wright, Edward neetlng of this kind on that day con- streets. O'Keefe, Donald Spencer and Philip futed with the religious principles of wasn't custom, you should have civic At the time the appropriation was pride enough to do your part in put- droves, left AllUace Tuosday noon, Mine of the members of the organiz- made for the Alliance building, only and expect to return home Saturday to-ag- hL ting Alliance, the biggest little city ation, the date was changed to $15,000 of the amount was allowed or Sunday. in the world, in such condition that for the purchase of a site. A num- The tournament began Wednesday The banquet will be served tonight nothing but the most favorable im- ber of locations were offered but pression will be made on each and MAY ORGANIZE TO DEAL NEW ELECTRIC SUPPLY afternoon, and there will be continu- by the ladies of the Christian church, none seemed quite so suitable as this ous playing every one of the thousands of strang- until the finals are play- which fact is sufficient guarantee of one. However, the owners asked ed Saturday night. Alliance's first pro- ers who are coming. tho Buccess of that part of the WITH THE DELINQUENTS AND REPAIR BUSINESS $20,000 and held to their price, and game was night la- - Not Alliance isn't presentable last with Grand gram. The ladies of the Christian that had it not been for a few enterpris- land. or been kept clean for we have etsrch have showed on previous oc- hasn't ing business men who made up the Over 750 champion high the reputation now of being ahead of of the casions their ability in this line and Many Cose in City Reiortcl as Need- II. I.. Pugh IUigiiN. Position with difference, the building would proba school basket ball players of Nebras- other cities in our class, but, in fol (Jar-ag;- the one hundred and fifty or more ing Immediate Attention of Telephone Company to Open e bly have been located on a Bide street. ka are reported In Lincoln participat lowing the ordinary pursuits of life. Miens of Alliance to whom tockets mimI Klec-trl- Riisinesn These men who have property and ing in this, one of tno greatest tour- all of us are prone to forget the little the City Official have been sold for the event have business interests wanted to see the naments of the kind ever held 1 1 the things, the unkemnt appearaYice of II. L. Pugh, who has been with the pretty well in mind what is in store So many cases of children improp- building on Box Butte avenue, so United States. la the fifth yards, the litter in the back local telephone exchange as wire It annual tor them. front erly and being brought up they formed a local organization, tournament conducted unr'er the aus yards, the rubbish, ashes and manure cared for chief for several years, has resigned Henry Augustus Buchtel, former in improper surroundings have been bouhgt the property for $20,000 and pices of the University of Nebraska, piles in the alleys. Such little things his position to engage in the garage ajrrernor of the state of Colorado, sold the site to the government for eighty-uin- e so gradually brought to the attention of the city and includes leading 1117-190- 9, as these have come on and electrical business in Alliance. and present Chancellor of officials recently a movement is $15,000. In the meantime they have teams of the state. we have not noticed them but that E. I. Hanna, division plant super- ike University of Denver, will be the that now on foot for a roncerted action of paid the government $225 per year Those schools represented in the they would be among the first things intendent, of Omaha; O. W. Ruther-ror- d. principal speaker. He will talk on city county officials in for the use of the ground on which tournament have fought their way to noticed by our visitors. the and district plant chief, of Grand "The Pleasantness of American with the school authorities to their buildings were located and col- the top in their respective districts, The city of Alliance has an ordin Island; and District Plant Chief Ray life." Chancellor Buchtel, who is a investigate these cases and make lected rentals from the occupants of and the winners of tUe three divis- ance prohibiting such things but the Hartford, of Deadwood, were in the platform lecturer of some renoun and proper disposition of them. the buildings, and the rentals, to- ions of the tournament can lay undis- officials have been lenient with Alii city first of the week checking who has received only the most favor- Numerous complaints have been the gether with the amount realized from puted claim to the BlgLent !ionors in ance citizens to the extent that some out Mr. Pugh, who will be succeeded able of criticism from the press made lately of young "pulling the sale Saturday, has been sufficient the basket ball field. done. You should not lads by Mr. Douglas of thine must be as wire chief ho-d- wherever he has been called in this off stunts" that cannot longer be tol- to permit them to break about even. As there are so many n s in the be- necessary to have your indiv- the 15th of this capacity, bears the distinction of make it of Deadwood about February 24 they received an or- association it would be impossible to attention called to this matter erated under the classification tas the only clergyman and college idual Boys, most of them month. der from the government to have the arrange a schedule In which each gover- however, it's up to you. Monday Mr. Pugh has rented the building president ever elected to the belonging to a gang runs togeth- ground cleared within sixty days, team would meet every other team la an inspection will be made that avenue owned by II. J. norship of a state in the United morning especially on Box Butte This action has made it necessary for the association, coiiHeeuently three every and al er, have been troublesome by Nor- v ; that will include street igHis and occupied last season Bate. In the way of annoying old people the occupants to find new locations distinct classes or U1yfien are mads ley in the town and also the condition garage, and the place Is now be- He was widely known as a minister and children by throwing stones ton's and since these changes have been A, B and C, and Ihe nn'i trophies" of private premises.
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