Bismarck, Dakota [ND]
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• -.umawtaigxtw,.,-. TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1913 m BI8MAS0K DAILY TRIBUNE JUNE A BU8Y MONTH. June will be a busy month in the way of conventions. Not only the Sev Scenes From Mandan Chautauqua Grounds enth Day AflveutistB will be here, but the State Firemen's tournament and THE BYRNE ABSTRACT OFFICE the Masons of the state will also be The Mandan Chautauqua associa ing attractions for the chautauqua in Bismarck. Both these organiza tions will bring several hundred peo Bismarck, North Dakota tion in offering to the people of the week of 1913: ple here. Missouri Valley, for a second year, The Chicago Male Quartet. the entertainment and education of The Hearons Sitters Concert Com The Shafer Record carries a fine . i THE PIONEER ABSTRACT OFFICE OF a chautauqua, believe that the tatter pany. line of legals. will recognize the opportunity at William Wellington Norton's Band BURLEIGH COUNTY their doors and will enable the asso and Orchestra. Mecca Marie Varney and Charles ciation, by their patronage, firmly to The only abstract office in the county main- establish an annual chautauqua week Edward Varney, Jr., Debaters. ing its own system of records.) Lou J. Beauchamp—Lecturer- CASTOR IA as a leading feature of life in the Mis For Infants and Children. souri Valley. Robert Park Miles—Journalist. The only abstract office in the county comply The association has purchased the Father P. J. MacCorry—Dramatic fli KM Ym Han Alwiys BaugU ing with the letter and spirit of the law govern grounds where the chautauqua is Orator. held and are going to make them in Bears the ing abstracters. Charles Howard Plattenberg—Lec to a park. Anyone who has seen this Signature of delightful spot knows well that its turer. i This office also issues the Byoio Daily Abstract beauties are unsurpassed. The large Robert W. Bowman—Character Report, containing each day's filings of shade trees, magnificent lawn and Portrayals. beautiful Heart river make a combi Henry Augustus Buchtel—-Ex-Gov Don't Use Any imitation of Chattel Mortgages nation of qualities that for park or ernor of Colorado and Chancellor of Real Estate Mortgages outing purposes cannot be duplicated the University of Denver. anywhere in western North Dakota. Real Estate Transfers James E. Watson—Member of Con Various public and private enter Bills of Sale prises have united on plans for a gress from Indiana. V Mechanic's Liens The Chautauqua association will M— dam in the river that will provide BATHING PLACE AT MANDAN CHAUTAUQUA . (Tndvltrk Bwlrtartd) Judgments boating for two or three miles above issue a prospectus in May or June on YOUR Corn*, Callouses, the Chautauqua park. Work will be clearly explaining and describing the This report is invaluable to bankers, real estate begun on the dam soon enough to al jand its advantages, one should not scribed, with the added enjoyment of different numbers. Bunion* or Wart*! fhm In't iBythl&l ID tta world "Jtjit u food.** T«B dealers, Ipan agencies and business men gener low for the use of the river at the j overlook the camping facilities which being entertained afternoon and eve For any particulars in regard to SanSr*on wint&• 0«*0w«. OKIUIN'AI. "BINGO" —nothing *lM. Me |»rbotU*»t all drafflata, or dtreol ally. The subscription price is $2.00 per time of the 1913 chautauqua. Be ning by som of the country's best tsnt reservations or any information, are one of the most enjoyable fea e postpaid, by Pennison Pharmacal Co., month, or $20.00 per year, if paid in advance. sides the boating, the river and dam lecturers and entertainers? write 3759 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. Tile follow will afford excellent opportunities tures of any chautauqua. Can any W. H. ORDWAY, Sample copy upon request one imagine a more delightful place The entertainment committee with ing sell and recommend "Bingo": Cow for bathing and swimming. Secretary Commercial Club, an's Drug Store, 1st Nat'l' Bank Block. In any summary of the Chautauqua to camp than the one already de great care have selected the follow Mandan, N. Dak > k THE BYRNE ABSTRACT OFFICE > * , " ' * i' -no dis- Bismarck Bank Bldg. Bismarck, N. D. coloration- no sagging rims, W no lumpyje%>wns 2•'d I in Goraofl* derby hats—the quality makes them That New Spring Suit stay put. Gordon soft felt Order It Nob) hats will appeal to your good taste. Our New Spring and Summer Woolens are ready. Come in our shop and look them over. A look will in no way oblige you to buy—but an Beautiful colors, new early choice will assure you of the best selection. styles—hats worth wearing. THE Nichols, The Tailor AT MANDAN CHAUTAUQUA GROUNDS CAMP UIFE AT MANDAN CHAUTAUQUA. 115 Fourth Street Phone 396 HINCKLEY BUILDING ACCEPTED. entirely modern and easily accessi PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Gordon ble to everyone. In fact, Hthe location Your druggist will refund money if The committee to arrange for new could not be improved upon. The PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any HAT The city commission at Minot has There were some washouts in the quarters lias decided to accept the case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or MERCHANTS FUN hall will be somewhat larger than the decreed that paving some of the western part of the state caused by proposition of A. C. Hinckley for the Protruding Piles fa 6 to 14 days. 50c. streets of that city is necessary. the overflow of the Knife river. entire second story of his new build ^ present one and will have ventilation —(Adv) EF'PINGER'S CLOTHING STORE ing on Fourth street north of Broad I on three sides. The billiard and way. Plans are being drawn by Mr. card room;, .twill be better arranged Humors Come to the Surface in the Van Horn. There will 'be consider and the dining room and kitchen will spring as in no other season. They don't ably more floor space for the use of also be larger than at present. The run themselves all off tliat way, however, FARGO WILL ENTCftjAIN NORTH the club than it now has and the new quarters will be such that 'both but mostly remain in the system. Hood's DAKOTA STATE ASSOCIATION rooms will be much better arranged. the club and the city at large can Harsapiirilla removes tlicm. wards off The building will be a new one and be proud of them. danger, makes good health sure. • ON JULY 8, 9 AND 10 FARGO, X. D„ April 14.—Arrange ments are rapidly ibeing completed for the annual convention of the North Dakota Retail; Mei^hants' asso ciation, which will meet, he re on July V 8, 9 and 10. The officers of this as sociation are as follows: President, John Bruegger of AVilliston; vice president, George M. Pike of New Knit Underwear 'Rockford; secretary, W. W. King of Fargo; treasurer, H. F. Sctiroeder of Dickinson. "While it is a little early to give an estimate of just how many will be here," said Mr. King, "I am convinced from what I hear over the state that For the Entire Family we will not have less than 500 retail merchants of the state present, and I would not be at all surprised if there would be double that number here. We are preparing aprogram now, |UR Knit Underwear 'is now complete with an im- and the hew head ofr the city com mission will haye a1 chance to make Smense range of all styles of summer underwear for the address of welcome, _ 'Frank X. Gravel, chief of the sales department of the Stone-Ordean-Wells company Somen, Men and Children-particular attention has been of Duluth, Minn., will make the re sponse. Our plans are to liaVe sever given in the selection of mercerized, lisle thread and cot al entertainment features, including ton fabrics-these garments are perfect fitting and of the a banquet." F you knew that SELZ • :"f. best finish- PHOSfftR Of IEIN0 IRoyal Blue shoes would suit WTnm&nc Union Suits-perfect fit- IVfonc Munsing Union Suits in fine you, you would buy a pair today. You can VY Uillcllo ting garments with low l'lcllo cotton ribbed. Perfect fitting AMILIOtt CENTEI neck, no sleeves and umbrella bottoms, with wide roomy button flaps-long sleev (Special M Tribune.) be sure of their proving satisfactory before lace trimmed. Excellent values at es, ankle styles or short sleeve or sleeve I FA1RMOUNT, N. D„. Apr^I 14.—/The 1 less knee length styles at work on the construction Of the Fair- mount and Veblen railioad will be you buy. The makers know they will satis 39c, 50c, 85c, $1.25 Suit started May 1. Mr. Roshoit, of Min Extra sizes in all styles at n slight advance. $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Suit neapolis, who is prompting the deal, announces all the iqoiiey. has been fy you and that is the reason why raised, the surveys completed and the Wnmonc Union Suits-perfectly RflVC Union Suits in long sleeves, contracts let. The road will serve YY Ulllt/llo fitting, fine cotton and UUya ankle length or short sleeves, !a splendid country between this' ppint lisle with low neck, no sleeves and tight and Veblen, S. D. Here it Urill con knee length, fine ribbed styles at nect with the Soo, the Milwaukee and Selz Royal Blue Shoes knee, cuff length-regular and extra sizes at the Greslt Northern, which will give the line a great outlet in every direc 39c, 50c, 65c, 86c, $1.25, and 50c, 60c, 65c and tion.