APPENDIX C UNIVERSITY OF State and National Register Listings

University of Denver • Land Use Plan Update I

University of Denver State and National Register Listings

Buchtel Boulevard Chamberlain Observatory

University Boulevard to Monroe 2930 E. Warren Ave. State Register 08/12/1992, 5DV2943 National Register 03/27/1980, 5DV187 Named for and dedicated to Henry A. Buchtel, Th e 1891 observatory is important for its role in governor of and chancellor of the University education and science at the University of Denver. of Denver, Buchtel Boulevard opened for traffi c in Th e building is also important for its fi ne architectural 1926. Th e boulevard fi gured in the pre-World War II features in the Richardsonian Romanesque style. development of the University Park Neighborhood, Robert A. Roeschlaub, one of the leading architects of providing a natural area with trees, prairie grasses, and 19th-century Colorado, designed the structure. wildfl owers.

Evans Memorial Chapel Buchtel Bungalow University of Denver Campus 2100 South Columbine St. National Register 12/27/1974, 5DV174 National Register 11/03/1988, 5DV2953 Th e Evans Memorial Chapel is signifi cant for its F. T. Adams designed and built the Craft sman-style association with John Evans, who was the fi rst bungalow in 1906-1907 for Henry Augustus Buchtel. territorial and founder of the It served as the Governor’s mansion from 1907 to 1909 Colorado Seminary (which owns and operates the while Buchtel served as governor of Colorado. Th e one- University of Denver). Evans built the chapel as a and-one-half-story structure of smooth white- faced memorial to his daughter Josephine Evans Elbert in brick, with heavy wooden knee braces and wood trim, 1878. An example of early Gothic Revival architecture, is typical of early California Bungalow/Craft sman-style the chapel served as part of the Grace Community architecture then gaining popularity across the nation. Methodist Church from 1889 to 1953. In 1959, it was moved from its original location at 13th and Bannock to its present location on the University of Denver campus.