Intro13uction to the Study of Islamic Arms and Lwmour

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Intro13uction to the Study of Islamic Arms and Lwmour Gladius, I (1961), pp. 17-29 A. Rahman Zaky ISSN 0435-029X INTRODUCTIONINTRO13UCTION TO THE STUDY OF ISLAMICISLAMIC ARMS AND ARMOURLWMOUR By Dr. A. Rahman Zaky.Zaks. Types of IslamicIslamic SwordsSwords Early Islamic weapons ofof anyany archaeologicalarchaeological value areare comparativelycomparatively very few. TheThe earlierearlier swordsswords areare allall straight,straight, mostly double edged.edged. CurvedCurved sabressabres do not become commoncommon until circacirca 1500, neverthe­neverthe- lessless thethe Mongol typetype startedstarted to become aa fashionfashion in somesome Moslem provinces duringduring thethe 13th13th cent.cent. Here, we mention somesome known types.types. Flyssa TheThe nationalnational swordsword ofof thethe tribestribes ofof Morocco.Morocco. ItIt has aa long single­single- edgededged blade, straightstraight onon thethe backback andand with aa veryvery longlong point. ItIt isis widestwidest atat aboutabout thethe centrecentre ofof percussion, narrowingnarrowing inin anan easyeasy curvecurve toto aboutabout halfhalf thisthis widthwidth andand thenthen wideningwidening againagain toto nearlynearly itsits maximum atat thethe hilt. The blades areare frequentlyfrequently engravedengraved andand in­in- laidlaid with brass. The hilts areare smallsmall with oneone sidedsided pommel andand have no guards. Kaskara TheThe swordsword carriedcarried byby thethe BaghirmiBaghirmi (W.(W. A.A. Sahara).Sahara). ItIt isis straight,straight, twotwo edgededged blade withwith aa plain cross-guardcross-guard suchsuch asas isis used inin thethe Sudan.Sudan. SomeSome KaskarasKaskaras have finefine oldold EuropeanEuropean oror OrientalOriental bladesblades whichwhich areare highlyhighly valued.valued. Occasionally;Occasionally; thethe chapeschapes andand hilts areare coveredcovered withwith')I) Khanda Among thethe oldestoldest andand mostmost typicaltypical ofof IndianIndian swords.swords. Itit hashas aa broadbroad straightstraight blade,blade, usuallyusually widening towardstowards thethe point. Some­Some- timestimes itit isis double-edged;double-edged; but,but, itit generallygenerally hashas aa strengtheningstrengthening plateplate withwith ornamentalornamental bordersborders onon thethe backback forfor aa considerableconsiderable partpart ofof itsits length.length. TheThe hilthilt hashas aa broadbroad plateplate guardguard andand widewide fingerfinger guardguard whichwhich joinsjoins thethe largelarge roundround flatflat pommel.pommel. SometimesSometimes therethere isis aa spikespike onon thethe pommel.pommel. TheThe KhandaKhanda isis thethe nationalnational swordsword ofof Orissa,Orissa, butbut veryvery generallygenerally usedused byby bothboth RajputsRajputs andand thethe MahrattasMahrattas inin India.India. (Fig.(Fig. 1,1, toto thethe rightright onon top).top). 17 Digitalizado por InterClassica Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Gladius, I (1961), pp. 17-29 A. Rahman Zaky ISSN 0435-029X Fig.Fig. 1.1. AA selectionselection ofof OrientalOriental swordsswords andand da.Q,qers,daggers, particnlarlyparticularly fromfrom PersiaPersia andand India.India. PersianPersian shield.shield. (Coli.(Coll.E. E.A. A. Christenscn,Christensen,Copenl1a.l}en. Copenhagen. Amlresf'nAndresen fol.).tot.). Qilij.Qilij. KilijKilij ItItis is thethe typicaltypical TurkishTurkish sabre.sabre. TheThe bladeblade isis broader,broader, shortershorter andand lessless curvedcurved thanthan thethe PersianPersian shamshir,shamshir, thethe backback hashas aa fairfair curvecurve nearlynearly parallelparallel toto thethe edge,edge, whilewhile inin thethe Turkish,Turkish, thethe curvecurve ofof thethe backback stopsstops eighteightor orten ten inchesinchesfrom from thethepoint; point;the theblade blade thenthenwidens widens 18 Digitalizado por InterClassica Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Gladius, I (1961), pp. 17-29 A. Rahman Zaky ISSN 0435-029X outoutabruptly abruptlyand andextends extendsto tothe thepoint point nearlynearly inin aastraight straight lineline withwith aasharp sharpedge edgeon onthe theback. back.The Thekilij kilij cancanbe be usedused forfor aa thrust,thrust, thoughthough notnot veryvery effectively.effectively. TheThe shapeshape ofof thethe kilijkilij isis ofof Central-AsiaticCentral-Asiatic origin,origin,yet yet ititwas wasextensively extensively usedused inin thethe 15th/16th15th/16th cent.cent. (Fig.(Fig.2 2c). c). E I 'I ", i' , li: \ (I Fig.Fzg.2. 2.fl- a-b: b:yataguns; yatagans;c: c:qilij; qilij;d: d:sail saif fromfrom Morocco;Morocco; e:e:Arab Arab.'In!! saif (,~traight(straightswo1·d). sword). TheThehilt hiltis isusually usuallypistol-shaped pistol-shaped andandmade made ofof twotwo piecespieces ofof horn,horn, bone,bone,ivory ivoryor orstone, stone,fastened fastenedto tothe theflat flattang. tang.The Theguard guardis isstraight, straight, slimslimcrossbar crossbarwith with ballsballs oror acornsacorns onon thethe ends.ends. TheThe curvecurve ofof thethe bladebladeis issuch suchthat thatthe theback backof of thethescabbard scabbard atatthe thetop top mustmust bebe openopen ininorder orderto toadmit admitit. it.The Theopening opening isisoften often closedclosed byby aa springspring oror aa hingedhingedplate. plate.The Thesling slingloops loopsare aregenerally generallyon onopposite opposite sidessidesof of thethe scabbardscabbard andand itit isis hunghung inin frontfront ofof thethe wearerwearer withwith thethe edgeedge upwardsupwardsby by cords.cords. TheThekilij kilijtype typewith witha aslighter slightercurve curvehas hasanother another namename- -pall pallashash ororpalache. palache.It Itmay maybe bethe thePolish Polishsabre sabreof of thethe17th 17thcent. cent. NimshaNimsha AnAn ArabArab shortshort sabresabre withwith aa knuckleknuckle guardguard rectangularrectangular atat thethe 19 Digitalizado por InterClassica Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Gladius, I (1961), pp. 17-29 A. Rahman Zaky ISSN 0435-029X basebase withwith droppingdropping quillonsquillons onon thetheopposite opposite side.side.It Itis is usedused inin Morocco.Morocco. (Fig.(Fig.3 3b). b). ? # j .;,01 ;~ ~ I . \ J.: \ , \ a F·ig.Fig.3. S.a: a:pulouar; pulouar;b: b:nimsha; nirnshtr;c: c:sdmitar scimitaror or8hamshil·. sharnshir 2020 Digitalizado por InterClassica Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Gladius, I (1961), pp. 17-29 A. Rahman Zaky ISSN 0435-029X Pulouar An Indian sword with a curved blade. The hilt has short quillons curving towards the blade, a hemishperial pommel and no counter guard. It is a variety of the talwar. (Fig. 3 a). Qama. Khama The national sword of Moslem Georgia, probably the ongmorigin of the Cossack kindjal. Qamas vary in size and length. The hilts are covered with embossed silver, frequently set with coral. (Fig. 1, to the left, almost in the middle). Quaddara A Persian broad sword like a long kindjal, which is employed in the Caucas. It has broad, straight double-edged blade, with nearly parallel sides for the greater part of its length, and a very long, sharp, point. The hilts are straight in the grip with broad pommels. Sabre A sword sharpened only on one side of the blade which is nearly always slightly curved, the sharpened edge being on the outside. Often the point of the blade is sharpened on both sides, but this does not make the sabre a double-edged weapon. The sabre is in-in­ tended mainly for cutting, but is also effective for thrusting SailSaif An Arab sword, a rather broad-bladed and sometimes with a pe-pe­ culiarly hooked pommel. The size varies greatly. It is found in most countries in which the Arabs have lived, and each has its own variety. Early Arab chroniclers used to mention two kinds of swords: Saif anith, which was made of iron, and Saif fulath or muzakka, wich was made of steel. Mostly the sword "Saif«sSaif<(is an Arab common word of a sword, and it does not refer to a certain type. (Fig. 2 d and e). Scimitar A curved sword, chiefly originated in Asia, but used in Europe after the Crusaders and the Mongols campaigns in Eastern Europe. The same name is applied to "Shamshir«.)Shamshirc<. Shamshir The strongly curved Persian sc:~":·::.SL?':-_~. It is purely a cutting weapon, the point being practically c;:!-sst,~:! :ss owing to the extreme curvature. The blades are narroT::narro...: l;;I:,;:t t, rather thick, and are usually inscribed 21 Digitalizado por InterClassica Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Gladius, I (1961), pp. 17-29 A. Rahman Zaky ISSN 0435-029X withwith thethe namename ofof thethe makermaker oror ownerowner andand sometimessometimes thethe TheThe shamshirshamshir beganbegan toto existexist circacirca thethe 15th/16th15thil6th centurycentury inin Persia.Persia. TheThe hilthilt isis simplesimple andand lightlight withwith aa cross-guardcross-guard andand aa pommelpommel projectingprojecting atat oneone side.side. PersianPersian shamshirshamshir bladesblades areare frequentlyfrequently usedused inin Turkey,Turkey, Syria,Syria, EgyptEgypt andand IndiaIndia wherewhere theythey areare generallygenerally re­re- mounted inin thethe stylesstyles charateristiccharateristic ofof thesethese countries.countries. ShamshirShamshir means thethe tailtail ofof thethe lion.lion. (Fig.(Fig. 33 c,c, figfig 44 mostmost ofof thethe
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