
arXiv:2002.08794v1 [astro-ph.EP] 20 Feb 2020 xie ytersnne ni ls noneswt plane with encounters close resonanc until resonances into the ac pushed by excited widely are is e Yarkovsky belt it by mainly main Nowadays, the 1998). that al. cepted et (Farinella up brought e Yarkovsky 1998 until Gladman unsolved remained and disagreement (Morbidelli This ages CRE iron 199 the and al. with stony et inconsistent most is (Farinella e which years 1997), cosmic-ray million al. with few et a Gladman of of ages fraction deli (CRE) large posure shall a mechanism co by this the As- However, resonances to NEOs. other. into of each ejected source be with major to lisions thought the once be were to teroids considered is a et and Bottke e.g. (see (NEOs) review). a a objects for members near-Earth 2006, family of of origin dispersion the the the as (1999), such Vokrouhlický aspects, by given model e Yarkovsky linear continuousl decrease complete or increase the to asteroid the e lead of accumulated axis pressure jor the radiation and net re- force, recoil the and rotatio tiny the asteroid, of the Because the of while. from a revolution after radiation out energy the the receives radiates therma of asteroid re-radiation An anisotropic ergy. and absorption the from e Yarkovsky Introduction 1. fe J7 after edo Send eray2,2020 21, February h 7 The of orbits between in belt main the in zone resonant The h eoac n nteopst ieo h eoac ihr with resonance the of the side to opposite mainly the attributed on and is resonance it the and considerably, up pumped be n nlnto u otecmie nunefo ohtere the both from influence initi combined the the rate, to drifting Yarkovsky due the inclination on and depend to found are akvk e Yarkovsky ul uhdb akvk e Yarkovsky by pushed ously e words. Key discussed. simulat are numerical it of by asteroids results of our transportation using explained is members n seod.Tefato fatrista aesuccessf make that asteroids of fraction The asteroids. ing u oteisaiiyo Ms hyaecniee stepri the as considered are They e MMRs. the simulations of numerical instability the to due o aiyta eiersetvl nteinradotrsi outer and inner the on respectively reside that family Eos 3 2 1 4 ff / rn eussto requests print nttt fSaeAtooyadEtaersra Explora Extraterrestrial and Astronomy Space of Institute e aoaoyo oenAtooyadAtohsc nMini in Astrophysics and Astronomy Modern of Laboratory Key colo srnm n pc cec,NnigUniversity, Nanjing Science, Space and Astronomy of School nttt fAtooy ainlCnrlUiest,Jhon University, Central National Astronomy, of Institute M)i n fteipratrsnne ntemain the in resonances important the of one is MMR) 3 rni fatrisars h / ikodgpudrthe under gap Kirkwood 7/3 the across asteroids of Transit / enmto eoac MR ihJptr(here- Jupiter with (MMR) resonance motion mean 3 ff ff & c a enitoue oslepolm nmany in problems solve to introduced been has ect c rdcsanngaiainlfreta arises that force non-gravitational a produces ect Astrophysics ff c ly nipratrl natrisditn nteinne the in drifting asteroids in role important an plays ect eeta ehnc lnt,atris eea m – general asteroids: , minor – mechanics celestial huL-. e-mail: L.-Y., Zhou : ff c,adltrterecnrcte a be may eccentricities their later and ect, aucitn.ResTran no. manuscript ff cso h 7 the of ects ff c norgoso di of regions into ect agB Xu Yang-Bo ff c rvstesemima- the drives ect z / [email protected] M ihJptr(J7 Jupiter with MMR 3 1 , akvk effect Yarkovsky 2 iYn Zhou Li-Yong , ff rn enmto eoacs(Ms n hneetdatra after ejected then and (MMRs) resonances motion mean erent ff c was ect .With y. lcosn hog h eoac n h saigrt from rate escaping the and resonance the through crossing ul oa to s and n eo h eoac.TeJ7 The resonance. the of de ts. en- l l,TounCt 20,Taiwan 32001, City Taoyuan gli, ABSTRACT in(J AT,NnigUiest,China University, Nanjing CAST), & (NJU tion liciainadtemgaigdrcin h excitation The direction. migrating the and inclination al ver sett h orsodn aiycnr.Teeitneof existence The centre. family corresponding the to espect os ial,terpeiheto seod nteJ7 the in asteroids of replenishment the Finally, ions. eoac.I h bevtoa aa aiymmesaeal are members family data, observational the In resonance. nd of x- es 3; l- ). l. oac n akvk e Yarkovsky and sonance - cplsuc fna-at bet.W netgt nthis in investigate We objects. near-Earth of source ncipal 6 ini vne ajn 106 China 210046, Nanjing Avenue, Xianlin 163 / M)o h rnpraino seod rmKrnsfamil Koronis from asteroids of transportation the on MMR) 3 tyo dcto,NnigUiest,China University, Nanjing Education, of stry it faot00 U(orulcýe l 06,teJ7 the 2006), al. et (Vokrouhlický AU 0.01 about of width a Ms oeatrismycostersnnewiesome J7 while The resonance the in. the trapped especially be cross resonances, may may by others asteroids modified Some Howev be MMRs. region. will non-resonant the migration in the axis semi-major in freely eimjrai)adEsfml ntergthn side. hand right Eos the smaller of J7 simulations on (with few the a transiting side family made asteroids have hand Eos (2006) al. left and et Vokrouhlický the axis) on semi-major family Koronis namely eod nteJ7 found so the Kirk- of 1991) in behaviours the (1989, teroids chaotic for Yoshikawa and variations responsible position. eccentricity and its large unstable around be gap to wood thought is MMR J7 l aygetyi h eoac.Ltr h eua resona secular the Later, resonance. the ν in greatly vary ily epme pt . tms.Tesrcueo h J7 the of structure The most. at regio 0.8 chaotic to this up in pumped asteroids be of eccentricity The region. ntelf adsd ftersnnei diint hs in those to addition in resonance members the Eos of few side a hand are there left that the showed on (2014) al. et Milani evn saslciebrirfrditn asteroids. drifting for barrier selective a as serving aepc sJptr(rStr)de,wr on nteregio the of overlapping in the found and were 1995), does, Morbidelli ) and (or ( Jupiter as pace same ocuin,icuigta o aiycno xedt the to J7 extend the cannot of family side Eos other that including conclusions, a loivsiae yTiai ta.(03,adteinst the and again. (2003), confirmed al. was et ity Tsiganis by investigated also was etdsieishg re.Lctdat Located order. high its despite belt 1,2,3 5 / M nrdcscasta oiae h oini this in motion the dominates that chaos introduces MMR 3 and oa ytm ntemi et ayatrisaecontinu- are asteroids many belt, main the In System. Solar r w ao seodfmle eieaon h J7 the around reside families asteroid major Two A tos miscellaneous ethods: n igHe Ip Wing-Huen and , ff ce yteYrosye Yarkovsky the by ected ν 6 hr h eieino natri rcse tthe at precesses asteroid an of perihelion the where , / / M,btteecnrct i o necessar- not did eccentricity the but MMR, 3 M cslk eetv are omigrat- to barrier selective a like acts MMR 3 ff c sdsusd nyteecnrct can eccentricity the Only discussed. is ect / M.Hwvr h lsicto by classification the However, MMR. 3 / M n ie oequalitative some given and MMR 3 3 , 4 ff / c,a seodi bet drift to able is asteroid an ect, M ssc resonance, a such is MMR 3 a ril ubr ae1o 10 of 1 page number, Article 7 / 3 ≈ / M n the and MMR 3 2 feccentricity of eido time of period h resonance the . 5 Uadwith and AU 957 hs family these ofudin found so ae by paper

c S 2020 ESO and y ν / / MMR, 3 5 MMR 3 , eas- me ν can n 6 abil- nces and er, / 3 n A&A proofs: manuscript no. ResTran the resonance (see Section 4). Tsiganis et al. (2003) found that ing longitude of the ascending node Ω, argument of perihelion all asteroids in the J7/3 MMR have short dynamical lifetimes, ω and mean anomaly M, having not long-term influence on the ◦ ◦ so that there must be a continuous supplement of asteroids, for orbital evolution, are set arbitrarily Ω0 = 100 , ω0 = 274 and ◦ which they found that the diurnal Yarkovsky effect could provide M0 = 285 . a flux of members from both Koronis and Eos families enough In addition, to investigate the resonance transit in the oppo- for maintaining the population in the J7/3 MMR. site direction, we make other two sets of test particles labelled As more and more asteroids have been identified as mem- Korout and Eosin, which are the same as Korin and Eosout except bers of both families, it is desirable to revisit the transiting of for the initial semi-major axes. Korout and Eosin are placed at asteroids across the J7/3 MMR in greater detail, as a coherent a0 = 2.962AU and a0 = 2.948 AU, respectively. process, and in a full dynamical model. We report here our inves- The recoil force of Yarkovsky effect is dependent on a se- tigations on the transit of asteroids across the J7/3 MMR under ries of physical parameters, most of which have not been mea- the influence of Yarkovsky effect. The rest of this paper is orga- sured accurately yet. As a compromise, Yarkovsky effect is gen- nized as follows. In Sect.2, we introduce the dynamical model erally degenerated into an equivalent drift rate of semi-major and initial setting of the numerical simulations. In Sect. 3, the axisa ˙Y . For a “typical” asteroid at a = 2.9 AU with radius results of simulations will be presented. In Sect.4, we compare R = 1km and rotation period P = 8hrs, assuming typical pa- our results with observational data, and the supplement of - rameters as follows (Vokrouhlický et al. 2006): albedo p = 0.13, oids into the J7/3 MMR is discussed. And finally, conclusions thermal conductivity K = 0.005W/m/K, specific heat capacity 3 are summarised in Sect.5. C = 680J/kg/K, surface density ρs = 1.5g/cm , bulk density ρ = 2.5g/cm3 and spinning obliquity γ = 0◦, its Yarkovsky drift rate can be calculated,a ˙Y = 0.128 AU/Gyr (Xu et al. 2020; 2. Dynamical model with Yarkovsky force Zhou et al. 2019). The currently known smallest asteroids of To investigate the behaviour of asteroids transiting the J7/3 and have radii of about 0.5km, i.e. MMR, we numerically simulate their orbital evolutions. The dy- half of the above mentioned example asteroid, whose Yarkovsky namical model adopted in our simulations consists of the Sun, all drifting thus will be twice quicker |a˙Y | = 0.256 AU/Gyr. Con- planets but and massless fictitious asteroids (test parti- sidering the uncertainties of parameters, the maximal drift rate may be larger than this value, while the minimum can be as cles). It is worthy to note that four terrestrial planets were gen- ◦ erally ignored in the study of dynamics of main belt asteroids small as 0 (e.g. if γ = 90 ). To make our simulations be able to (e.g. Tsiganis et al. 2003). We exclude only the innermost represent all possible situations, we set 8 different drifting rates Mercury in our model because its small mass and short orbital |a˙Y | = 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 AU/Gyr. In general, period make its perturbation ignorable, and also to include Mer- most of asteroids affected by Yarkovsky effect will be in this do- cury requires much more computations. We adopt the zeroth cor- main of migration speed. rection of Mercury by adding its mass to the Sun. We adopt the Our aim is to investigate the orbital evolution of test par- Earth- barycentre instead of the separate Earth and Moon ticles when they are crossing through the J7/3 MMR region as usual (e.g. Dvorak et al. 2012; Zhou et al. 2019). The initial under the influence of Yarkovsky effect, thus the timespan of orbits of the planets at epoch JD2457400.5 are derived from the our simulation T should be long enough to allow the migra- JPL’s HORIZONS system1(Giorgini et al. 1996). tion of asteroid into and out of the resonance to complete. How- To simulate the motion of asteroid members of both Koronis ever, asteroids may “wander” in the resonance for a while rather and Eos families near the J7/3 MMR, we generatetwo sets of test than cross it immediately without any hesitation. The time de- particles, one on the inner side of the resonance (ap < a7/3), and lay in the resonance can be estimated using the functional de- the other on the outer side. The inner set mimicking members of pendence of the trapping time in the resonance on |a˙Y | and the Koronis family is labelled Korin after Koronis hereinafter, and strength of the resonance as proposed by Milic´ Žitnik (2016); the outer set (with ap > a7/3) Eosout after Eos family by the same Milic´ Žitnik and Novakovic´ (2016), where the strength of J7/3 token. Each set includes 1000 test particles, and we will check MMR can be found in Gallardo (2006). After some attempts, we how they transit through the J7/3 MMR under the influence of finally set T = 0.02 AU/|a˙Y| empirically, which ensures that al- Yarkovsky effect. most all of test particles leave the resonance in the end in our The initial positions of these test particles are chosen care- simulations. We note that the integration time T for the adopted fully. A test particle too far away from the J7/3 MMR will waste |a˙Y | in this paper will be from 40Myr to 1Gyr. plenty of integration time on its way approaching to the reso- The software package Mercury6 (Chambers 1999), with an nance, while too close to the J7/3 MMR will miss the process of additional Yarkovsky force subroutine, is adopted to simulate the drifting into the resonance from the non-resonant region. After orbits. The hybrid integrator is used, which is basically a sym- some attempts, we set the initial semimajor axis a0 = 2.948 AU plectic integrator switching to Bulirsch-Stoer only during plan- for Korin and a0 = 2.962AU for Eosout. etary close encounters. The Yarkovsky force is included in the The proper eccentricities ep of Koronis family and Eos fam- subroutine mfo_user with the samemethodas Zhou et al.(2019). ily are both approximately in the range from 0.04 to 0.10. ◦ ◦ They have different proper inclinations ip, averagely 2 and 10 for Koronis and Eos family, respectively (Milani and Kneževic´ 3. Results 2003). Following the same strategy applied in Tsiganis et al. Yarkovsky effect (mainly the diurnal effect) may increase the (2003), we set the initial osculating eccentricities e0 randomly i = ◦ semi-major axis if the asteroid has a prograde rotation (the spin- vary from 0.08 to 0.14 and initial osculating inclinations 0 3 ◦ Kor i = ◦ Eos ning obliquity γ smaller than 90 ), or drive the asteroid toward for in and 0 11 for out. These numbers are used just to ◦ make the test particles have the same proper elements as the as- the Sun for the retrograde rotator (γ> 90 ). We simulate the out- ward migration and crossing of the J7/3 MMR for asteroids from teroids of these two families. The rest angular elements, includ- ◦ ◦ two sets of initial conditions Korin (i0 = 3 ) and Eosin (i0 = 11 ) 1 ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi both from a0 = 2.948 AU. And other two sets Korout and Eosout

Article number, page 2 of 10 Xu, Zhou & Ip: Transit of asteroids across the 7/3 Kirkwood gap under the Yarkovsky effect

◦ ◦ both from a0 = 2.962 AU but with i0 = 3 and 11 respectively 3.1. Fraction of resonance crossing are for the inward migration and crossing of the resonance. A test particle should migrate 0.02AU at the end of our nu- In our simulations for four sets of initial conditions of test parti- merical integration if it did not feel any resistance. But the J7/3 cles, we record the number of orbits that have made successful MMR is able to trap asteroids (though temporarily), thus some crossing by the end of numerical integration, and we summarize test particles (in fact very few) might still stay in the resonance all the results in Fig. 2. Eight values of |a˙Y | from 0.02AU/Gyr to until the end of integration. For those not in the resonance, some 0.5AU/Gyr are adopted, as mentioned previously. The positive have been ejected from the neighbourhood via close encounters a˙Y for outward migration and negativea ˙Y for inward migration, with planets after their orbits were excited by the resonance, and and cases for two initial inclinations are plotted in the same fig- the rest of them cross the resonant region successfully and con- ure. tinue their migration. Generally we may tell whether an object is in the resonance 1.0 by checking the resonant angle, but for high-orderresonance like fit the J7/3 MMR in a complicated dynamical model,the critical an- fit ) 0.8 gle seldom keeps oscillating all along. Instead, we adopt an indi- ( rect method similar to that in Milic´ Žitnik and Novakovic´ (2016) to check if a test particle has crossed over the resonancesafely or 0.6 is still in the resonance. The key point of this method lies in the fact that the J7/3 MMR must modify the migration speed of test particles. We present in Fig.1 an example of the semi-major axis 0.4 evolution of a test particle to show our method of identifying the resonance crossing. 0.2 crossing fraction fraction crossing

a˙ Y = 0.5 AU/Gyr 2.975 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 |a˙| (AU/Gyr) 2.970

Fig. 2. The crossing fraction against Yarkovsky drifting rate |a˙Y |. 2.965 Crosses and solid circles are for outward and inward migration respec- ◦ ◦ tively, while blue and red indicate initial inclination i0 = 3 and 11 . 2.960 Lines are fitting curves (see text). (AU) a

2.955 Apparently in Fig.2 the crossing fraction increases with in-

2.950 creasing |a˙Y |. Asteroids with large drifting rates cross the reso- nance easily, which is a foregone conclusion (Brož 2006). An-

2.945 other interesting feature in Fig. 2 is the different crossing frac- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 t (Myr) tions for opposite migrating directions. The transiting from the outer side to the inner side of J7/3 MMR (of Eosout and Korout) is always easier than the inverse transiting (Eosin and Korin). Fig. 1. An example of resonance crossing. The black lines are piecewise The difference in crossing fraction of opposite directions for Ko- linear fitting to guide eyes. ronis family (low inclination) is much more significant than that for Eos family (high inclination). This difference is due to the As shown in Fig.1, three stages of evolution can be seen asymmetry of dynamical structure of J7/3 MMR (Tsiganis et al. clearly. When t . 11Myr before entering the resonance and 2003), and the degree of asymmetry is higher at low inclina- & t 24Myr after escaping from the resonance, averagely the tion (Korin and Korout) than that at high inclination (Eosin and semi-major axis drifting rate is just the given Yarkovsky drift- Eosout). Additionally, test particles at low inclination cross the ingratea ˙Y = 0.5 AU/Gyr, i.e. the migration is determined solely resonance more easily than those at high inclination, because by the Yarkovsky effect. While in between these two stages, the the dynamical structures of J7/3 MMR at different inclinations semi-major axis is nearly constant, implying that the J7/3 MMR are different (Tsiganis et al. 2003). takes control of the motion. The relationship between the crossing fraction α and the Therefore, we monitor the semi-major axis drifting rate in Yarkovsky drifting rate |a˙Y | can be numerically fitted using a our numerical simulations, and fit the time series of semi-major function as axis using the least squares method in a running window with width of 2Myr, which is 1/20 of the shortest integration time in C2 our simulations. The test particles always start to migrate at the α = C1 |a˙Y | + C3 , (1) given speeda ˙Y . Their migration will then be suppressed by the   resonance after entering into the J7/3 MMR, in which the orbits might be excited and ejected. Except only a few ones staying in where Ck (k = 1, 2, 3) are pending constants. For a better vision, the resonance all along thereafter, most survivors from the J7/3 we plot in Fig.2 only the fitting curves for results of Korin and MMR will continue the migration at the same given speeda ˙Y . Eosout, which are two sets of test particles referring to the real As soon as the drifting rate was found to return back to the given asteroids of Koronis family and Eos family, respectively. Later in a˙Y , the test particle is considered to have successfully crossed this paper, these functional relationships will be used to estimate the J7/3 MMR. the supplement flux of family members into the J7/3 MMR.

Article number, page 3 of 10 A&A proofs: manuscript no. ResTran

3.2. Orbital Excitation tion of test particles in all our simulations. For asteroids success- fully crossing through the resonance, a statistical estimation of ff The orbits of asteroids may be excited by the combined e ects the variations of eccentricity and inclination can be obtained by ff of the resonance and the Yarkovsky e ect. Currently, some as- calculating the difference between the maximum and the min- / teroids have been found in the J7 3 MMR although it has been imum of the corresponding mean orbital element (∆e and ∆i) proven to be dynamically unstable. The orbital state of these as- during the evolution. The mean orbital elements are derived in a teroids is attributed to their sources and the excitation processes. running window with width of 0.2Myr. For those asteroids that Checking the orbital evolutions of test particles in the sim- failed to cross the resonance, being either trapped in or ejected ulations, we find that the objects that make successful crossing out of the resonance, in order to reveal the dynamical influences / ff through the J7 3MMRhaveverydi erent behaviours from those solely from the combined Yarkovsky effect and the J7/3 MMR, that fail to cross. Four randomly selected but typical cases of we should eliminate the part of excitation that attributes to close the evolutions of eccentricity and inclination are presented in encounters with planets. To do so, we expel the orbital evolution Fig.3, two for objects that successfully crossed the resonance, since a short period before the first-time-ever close encounter and other two for objects that failed to cross the resonance. As with a planet (defined as when the asteroid is within 3 Hill radii shown, for the former case, both the eccentricity and the incli- from the correspondingplanet), which is reported by the integra- nation are barely excited, but for the latter case the eccentricities tor package Mercury6. Then the ∆e and ∆i are calculated just as are evidently pumped up, especially during the late stage of the in the former case of successful crossing. We summarize the re- resonance regime. Seemingly, the inclinations increase consider- sults as follows and present as an example the case for the initial ably but this excitation is mainly due to close planetary encoun- set Kor in Fig. 4. ters after the objects have obtained the high eccentricity and left in the resonance. 1.0 failed to cross successfully crossed 0.8 successfully crossed 0.20 0.6 e 0.15 0.4 ∆

0.10 0.2 e 0.0 0.05 6 0.00

8 4 ◦

6 i 2 ) ∆

◦ 4 (

i 0 2 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 e 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 t (Myr) Fig. 4. The excitations of eccentricity ∆e (top) and inclination ∆i (bot- tom) against initial eccentricity e for initial set Kor . The Yarkovsky failed to cross in 1.0 drifting ratea ˙Y = 0.05 AU/Gyr. Green dots refer to test particles that successfully crossed through the J7/3 MMR, while red dots for those 0.8 that failed to. The dashed line represents the average value of red dots. 0.6 e 0.4 As shown in Fig. 4, the variations of eccentricity obviously

0.2 split into two distinct groups, one for test particles that success- fully crossed the J7/3 MMR and the other one for those failed. 0.0 In the former case, the excitation of eccentricity is less than 0.1, 40 while the eccentricities in the latter case increase by about 0.4 30 in average, with the maximal ∆e being larger than 0.7, which

) is consistent with the result in Moons and Morbidelli (1995). ◦ 20 (

i In these extreme cases, asteroids with eccentricity up to 0.7 or 10 higher will have a chance to become NEOs directly, without any close encounters with other planets. 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 In addition, it seems that there is no evident relationship be- t (Myr) tween the excitation and initial value of eccentricity. And sur- Fig. 3. The evolutions of eccentricity and inclination for two asteroids prisingly, no test particle appears in the intermediate zone be- that successfully crossed the resonance (upper two panels) and two as- tween the above mentioned groups, implying that the Yarkovsky teroids that failed to cross the resonance (lower two panels). In each drift and the resonance contribute to the orbital excitation in a panel two objects are distinguished by colours. The arrows in corre- complicated way. The excitation mainly attributes to the reso- sponding colour denote the the moments of entering and leaving the nance. In fact, without the Yarkovsky drift, the eccentricity of resonance. All examples are randomly selected from the set of orbits asteroids in the J7/3 MMR undergoes slow chaotic diffusion for Korin and the Yarkovsky drifting rate isa ˙Y = 0.5 AU/Gyr. millions of years and this process is then followed by a fast in- crease and large oscillations of eccentricity until the asteroid is To find out the statistical results about the dynamical exci- scattered away (Tsiganis et al. 2003). After the Yarkovsky drift tation, we reckon the variations of the eccentricity and inclina- is introduced, such dynamical evolution route may be well kept

Article number, page 4 of 10 Xu, Zhou & Ip: Transit of asteroids across the 7/3 Kirkwood gap under the Yarkovsky effect for some objects (see Fig. 3, bottom two panels), thus their ec- Yarkovsky effect, additional decreasing arises mainly because centricities are significantly pumped up and they fail to cross the Yarkovsky effect influences the stability, as well as because through the resonance. a few particles may be lost when they are forced to cross the There is also a certain probability that the forced migration boundary of this resonance, where a broad chaotic zone associ- may interrupt the above mentioned process, preventing the aster- ated with the resonance separatix and the accumulated secondary oids from entering the quick excitation phase, and finally convey resonances (e.g. Henrard & Sato 1990; Malhotra and Dermott the asteroids through the J7/3 MMR. In this case, the eccentric- 1990; Ferraz-Mello et al 1996) is located. We summarize the de- ity excitation arises from the slow chaotic diffusion as well as creasing of surviving ratio (normalized number of particles) in the Yarkovsky migration. the Resonant Groups with respect to time in Fig.5. Brož and Vokrouhlický (2008) found that the Yarkovsky ef- fect might drive the eccentricity of a prograde spinning aster- 1.0 Koronis oid locked in a first-order MMR to increase, or decrease if 0.8 the asteroid was a retrograde rotator. Similar phenomenon has a˙ = 05 AU/Gyr 0.6 a˙ = 01 AU/Gyr ) / been observed, e.g. in the 3 2 MMR with Jupiter (Milani et al. ˙

a = 005 AU/Gyr 0.4 ( 2017) and in the 1/1 MMR with the Earth (Zhouet al. 2019). a˙ = 002 AU/Gyr But the J7/3 MMR studied in this paper, as a 4th-order res- 0.2 onance and under the influences of complicated perturbations 0.0 from other planets in the dynamical model, is relatively weak in 1.0 Eos term of dynamical effect. Therefore, the mechanism of transfer- 0.8 ring the Yarkovsky effect on semimajor axis to the eccentricity a˙ = − 05 AU/Gyr 0.6 a˙ = − 01 AU/Gyr

ff ratio surviving (Brož and Vokrouhlický 2008) works less e ectively here, and a˙ = − 005 AU/Gyr 0.4 the eccentricity excitation is very limited. Of course, the interac- a˙ = − 002 AU/Gyr tion between the Yarkovsky effect and the weak MMRs deserves 0.2 a thorough investigation in future. 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 As for inclination, the separation between two groups disap- (Gyr) pears. Test particles trapped in the resonance have low excitation in inclination and are mixed up with those crossed through the resonance, as shown in the lower panel of Fig.4. This happens Fig. 5. The surviving ratio against time for test particles in Resonant ff | | / ff Groups. Di erent Yarkovsky drifting rates a˙Y are adopted for four sets because neither the J7 3 MMR nor the Yarkovskye ectis able to of initial conditions. The upper panel labelled Koronis is for two sets pump up the inclination. This result is consistent with the conclu- ◦ with Koronis-like inclination i0 = 3 while the lower panel is for Eos- sion in Granvik et al. (2017) that the distribution of inclinations ◦ like inclination sets with i0 = 11 . The solid and dashed lines indicate for J7/3 MMR is virtually constant. the outward and inward migration by Yarkovsky effect, respectively. The orbital excitations in simulations for other sets of test particles are similar to the ones shown in Fig. 4. The Yarkovsky Since the initial positions of test particles are all out of the drift rate and the drift direction have only very limited influence resonance, they spend some time in approaching the resonance. on the orbital excitation. If a test particle safely crosses through We disregard this transitional period and set the moment of the the J7/3 MMR, its eccentricity will increase about 0.03 in aver- first escape of test particle as the starting point of timing. It age, and its inclination will increase about 0.5◦ in average. For should be noted that this time-zero is not exactly the moment those test particles that failed to cross the J7/3 MMR, the excita- when the test particle reaches the boundary of J7/3 MMR, which tion in eccentricity is about 0.4 averagely, while for inclination is almost impossible to locate accurately, but the first escape hap- it increases by about 1◦ in average. pens very soon after the particles reach the resonance. Thus, such selection of time zero is good enough for our purpose of study- 3.3. Escaping from resonance ing the decaying of surviving ratio with time, which happens in the order of tens of millions years. Starting from the initial positions, all test particles in our simu- As illustrated in Fig. 5, the surviving ratio for Eos-like par- lations will migrate toward then meet with the J7/3 MMR. After ticles (lower panel) drops more quickly than Koronis-like parti- running into the J7/3 MMR, a test particle spends a period of cles (upper panel). This is because the J7/3MMR of ∼10◦ is less time before being ejected or making a successful crossing. We stable than that of ∼3◦ (Tsiganis et al. 2003). The Yarkovsky ef- follow the evolution of each orbit and divide all particles into fect enhances the instability, shortens the dynamical lifetime of two groups according to their final destinations, one group for particles. The larger the Yarkovsky drifting rate, the shorter the those particles that are ejected by the resonance and the other typical lifetime. In addition, the migration direction, either in- one for particles that cross over the resonance successfully. As ward or outward, makes no evident difference in the decreasing mentioned in Section 3.2, those ejected particles must have been rate, not like in the case of Earth Trojans under the influence excited by the resonance. Thus, their destiny is mainly domi- of Yarkovsky effect, where the inward migration increases the nated by the resonance, and we call this group of particles Res- libration amplitude of the resonant angle of the 1/1 MMR and onant Group. Furthermore, those particles that finally cross the vice versa (Zhou et al. 2019). J7/3 MMR successfully constitute the Transit Group. Particles The Transit Group is consisted of particles that make suc- in both groups will leave the J7/3 MMR, and below we discuss cessful crossing of the resonance. Unlike the particles in the their escaping from the resonance separately. Resonant Group that escape from the resonance region and get As particles in both groups escape from the J7/3 MMR, removed “violently” in excited orbits, particles in the Transit the number of particles that remain in the resonance region de- Group leave the resonance by crossing the boundary “peace- creases with time. For Resonant Group, without Yarkovsky ef- fully” with relatively small eccentricities. For Transit Group, fect the decreasing rate reflects purely the dynamical stability the decreasing of the numbers of particles that still remain in of this resonance (Tsiganis et al. 2003). After considering the the J7/3 MMR with respect to time is presented in Fig.6. It is

Article number, page 5 of 10 A&A proofs: manuscript no. ResTran worthy to note that the J7/3 MMR does impede the transition the function can be applied to make useful estimation of the sup- of these particles, otherwise for a given Yarkovsky drifting rate plement flux of asteroids to the J7/3 MMR, as we will show in they should cross the resonance all at the same moment because next section. they all start from the same initial semi-major axes as we set. Also note that the total number of particles in the Transit Group for slow Yarkovsky migration (small |a˙Y |) is small, because the 4. Transportation of asteroids by J7/3 MMR crossing fraction is small for slow migration (see Fig. 2). The results presented above should be verified by observational data. After that, we will apply them to investigate the replen- 1.0 Koronis ishment of asteroids in the J7/3 MMR by members of Koronis 0.8 family and Eos family. a˙ = 05 AU/Gyr 0.6 a˙ = 01 AU/Gyr ) ˙

a = 005 AU/Gyr 0.4 ( a˙ = 002 AU/Gyr 4.1. members around J7/3 MMR 0.2 The Koronis family and Eos family originally reside in the in- 0.0 ner and outer side of the J7/3 MMR respectively. Assisted by the 1.0 Eos Yarkovsky effect, members of these two families may approach 0.8 a˙ = − 05 AU/Gyr and cross the resonance from opposite directions. As shown by 0.6 a˙ = − 01 AU/Gyr our simulations in previous section, those asteroids in Transit surviving ratio ratio surviving a˙ = − 005 AU/Gyr 0.4 Group may keep their original eccentricities and inclinations af- a˙ = − 002 AU/Gyr 0.2 ter crossing the J7/3 MMR. Thus, they might still be recognised as the members of the family with the hierarchical clustering 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 method introduced in Zappala et al. (1990). (Gyr) We download the data of members of these two families from AstDyS2 (Milani et al. 2014) and show the proper semi-major Fig. 6. Same as Fig. 5 but for test particles in Transit Groups. axes and inclinations in Fig.7. Apparently, the J7/3 MMR serves well as a boundary to both families, but still a few members that The contours of the curves in Fig.6 are similar to the ones have transited through the resonance can be found. The numbers in Fig. 5. And similarly, the larger Yarkovsky drifting rates lead of these transited members can be used to set constraints on the to quicker decreasing of number of particles. But different from possible evolution history of these families. Fig.5, in Fig.6 the solid curvesfor outward migration are always above the dashed curves for inward migration, implying that the 0.25 Koronis prograde spinning asteroids (thusa ˙Y > 0, outward migration) will leave the J7/3 MMR in a slower pace than the retrograde Eos J 7/3 rotators. 0.20 In a dynamical system the surviving ratio of orbits generally decays with time following either an exponential law in the fully 0.15 chaotic region of phase space, or an algebraic law in the mixed p i region of chaotic and regular motion (see e.g. Sun & Zhou 2015, sin p.147), but we find the curves in Fig.5 and Fig.6 can be well 0.10 fitted by Gaussian function as follows,

0.05 t − t 2 β = exp − 1 . (2)  t !   2    0.00   2.90 2.92 2.94 2.96 2.98 3.00 Here we denote the surviving ratio by β, and t1, t2 are pending ap (AU) parameters. Obviously, t1 is the time after which the test parti- cles begin to escape from the resonance (either being ejected or Fig. 7. just cross the resonance boundary),and t indicating the width of The distribution of members of Koronis family (blue dots) and 2 Eos family (red dots) around the J7/3 MMR. The dashed line shows the the fitting Gaussian curve is the e-folding time. The parameters location of the center of J7/3 MMR. t1,2 depend on the Yarkovsky drifting rate |a˙Y |, and the depen- dence can be numerically fitted using the same function as in In fact, asteroids found near the exact location of the J7/3 Equation(1). Finally, the surviving ratio as a function of time t MMR in Fig.7 might be trapped in the resonance currently, | | and the drifting rate a˙Y reads which should be identified first. The FAst Identification of p 2 mean motion Resonance (FAIR) method by Forgács-Dajka et al. t − (p11|a˙Y | 12 + p13) β(t, |a˙Y |) = exp − (3) (2018) is adopted here to identify these resonant asteroids. We  " p |a˙ |p22 + p #   21 Y 23  numerically simulate the orbital evolutions of asteroids near the   J7/3 MMR for 104 years, and plot the scatter diagrams of some   where pk j (k = 1, 2; j = 1, 2, 3) are numerically fitting co- critical angles, which help us identify the resonance. An example efficients. For each set of initial conditions of test particles is shown in Fig. 8. (Korin, Korout, Eosin, Eosout), these coefficients are calculated In Fig.8, we see 7 centres along the abscissa and 4 centres and the functional relationship β(t, |a˙Y |) are obtained. We should along the ordinate in the λ′ − λ versus M plot, while in the λ′ − λ note that this is a purely empirical function and the physical or dynamical meaning of these coefficients is ambiguous. However, 2 http://newton.spacedys.com//astdys/

Article number, page 6 of 10 Xu, Zhou & Ip: Transit of asteroids across the 7/3 Kirkwood gap under the Yarkovsky effect

′ versus M plot the numbers of centres are 3 and 4, indicating that a˙ YK = 0.0353AU/Gyr anda ˙YE = −0.0324AU/Gyr, respectively. this asteroid is in the 7/3 MMR with Jupiter (for more details Approximately,these drifting rates can be regarded as the typical please refer to Forgács-Dajka et al. 2018). For an asteroid not in migration speeds in recent period of time for the two families’ the resonance, these scatter plots will be just a mess. members that are now located around the J7/3 MMR. The leftmostEos memberin Fig.7 has the minimum of semi- 360 major axis amin = 2.948AU. With the migration speed men- tioned above, it has spent ∆T = (amin − a1)/a˙YE = 0.085Gyr 270 ) in travelling after it crossed the J7/3 MMR. During the same pe- ◦

( riod, the Koronis asteroid escaping from the J7/3 MMR should

180 have travelled to a position amax = a2+a˙YK ∆T = 2.965AU. Con- ′ sequently, Eos asteroids in (amin, a1) and Koronis asteroids in

90 (a2, amax) crossed the resonance during the same period of time ∆ 0 T, and their numbers reflect the flux of family members cross- 0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360 ◦ ◦ ing the J7/3 MMR. From the observational data, we find 9 Ko- M ( ) M ( ) ronis asteroids and 6 Eos asteroids in the aforementioned semi- major axis intervals, and the Koronis-Eos ratio is 1.50 (= 9/6). Fig. 8. An example of the FAIR method. The asteroid is (348975) 2006 Adopting the Yarkovsky drifting rates 0.0353AU/Gyr and UG111, an Eos family member. λ and M are mean longitude and mean −0.0324AU/Gyr for Koronis and Eos asteroids, we calculate the anomaly of the asteroid, while the prime denotes the ones of Jupiter. crossing fraction α using Equation (1). The results are αK = 0.211 and αE = 0.0626 for two populations. The ratio αK /αE = From AstDyS website, we download the data of 829 aster- 3.37 is much higher than 1.50 because we have assumed that oids around the J7/3 MMR with semi-major axes being between equal number of asteroids approach the J7/3 MMRper time from 2.952AU and 2.962AU. Via the FAIR method,we recognise 440 both families. In fact, there are about nK = 87 Koronis asteroids asteroids currently trapped in the resonance, among which 66 and nE = 196 Eos asteroids per 0.002AU around the J7/3 MMR. and 26 have been identified as the members of Koronis family Taking into account of the number density of asteroids and the and Eos family, respectively. Yarkovsky drifting rates together, we obtain the flux ratio be- = + In addition to these 92 ( 66 26) family members trapped tween these two populations (nKa˙YK )/(nEa˙YE ) = 0.407, and the in the J7/3 MMR, we find 24 Koronis asteroids on the right hand final Koronis-Eos crossing ratio is 3.37 × 0.407 = 1.37. This side of this resonance and 6 Eos asteroids in the left hand side number (1.37) agrees roughly with the ratio from observational (see Fig. 7). They are the family members that have crossed suc- data (1.50), although the statistical significance of the latter is cessfully the J7/3 MMR. However, some calibration should be limited by small sample numbers. This agreement verifies our made before these numbers can be used to give meaningful esti- calculations so far. mations. It is worthy to note that the estimation given above may be affected by several uncertainties, including the ages of two fam- 4.2. Crossing fraction of family members ilies, the adopted Yarkovsky drifting rates, and the membership recognition of the family members particularly those strongly Hanuš et al. (2013) suggest that the centres of Koronis and Eos influenced by the resonance. family locate at aK ≈ 2.870AU and aE ≈ 3.015 AU, respec- Because the resonance may significantly change the orbital tively. For the ages of these two families, we notice that some characteristics of an asteroid, it requires special caution to iden- different values have been proposed in literature. For example, tify the family members on the opposite side of the resonance we may find the age of Koronis family TK = 2.5 ± 1.0Gyr with respect to the family centre. In this sense, the globalmethod (Bottke et al. 2001) and TK = 2.5 ∼ 4.0Gyr (Hanuš et al. applied to the whole main belt population (Milani et al. 2014), 2013), while for Eos family TE = 2.0 ± 0.5Gyr (Nesvorný et al. by which we obtain the families’ members in this paper, may not +0.15 ± 2005), 1.3−0.2 Gyr (Vokrouhlický et al. 2006) and 1.3 0.5Gyr be the best choice. We examine the data of the Koronis and Eos (Nesvorný et al. 2015). Based on these references, we adopt families on the AFP (Asteroid Families Portal, Radovic´ et al. roughly the “averaged” value of family age TK = 2.5Gyr and 2017) website3, in which some interlopers are removed, and we TE = 1.5 Gyr. find in this data that there is no Eos memberon the left hand side It is not easy to determine the exact location of the bound- ofJ7/3MMR and only5 Koronismembersreside on the opposite ary of J7/3 MMR. We note that to the left of J7/3 MMR, the side. Obviously, more observations with less bias (favouring in largest semi-major axis among the non-resonant members from big asteroids thus slow Yarkovsky drift) and more careful family both Koronis and Eos families is a1 = 2.951AU, and this value membership recognition are needed in future. is approximately set as the left border of J7/3 MMR. In a sim- ilar way, we define the smallest semi-major axis of the non- resonant family members to the right of J7/3 MMR as the right 4.3. Replenishment of asteroids in J7/3 MMR border a2 = 2.962AU. Starting from the birth place (the cen- tre of the family), a member of Koronis family has to travel We find 440 asteroids in the J7/3 MMR, among which 92 are family members. Since the J7/3 MMR is dynamically unsta- |a1 − aK| to reach the J7/3 MMR. Therefore, those Koronis fam- ily members who are reaching the J7/3 MMR nowadays have ble, these resonant asteroids must be replenished constantly from some sources, two of which are Koronis family and Eos family approximately the migration speed ofa ˙YK = (a1 − aK)/TK. The same calculation gives the migration speed for Eos family mem- (Tsiganis et al. 2003). bers approaching now the resonance asa ˙YE = (a2 − aE)/TE. Using the fitting functions in Section 3, we are able to calcu- Adopting the resonance borders a1, a2, family centres aK, aE and late the amount of replenishment from these two asteroid fami- family ages TK, TE, we estimate the Yarkovsky drifting rate of Koronis and Eos asteroids that are entering the J7/3 MMR as 3 http://asteroids.matf.bg.ac.rs/fam/index.php

Article number, page 7 of 10 A&A proofs: manuscript no. ResTran lies by the formula thus we have to perform the practical calculation of Equation (5)

t based on the current data, including those family members now trapped in the J7/3 MMR. N7/3 = F(τ) 1 − α(τ) βR (t − τ, |a˙Y |) Z−∞   (4) As shown in Fig.9, after a transient period due to the lack of knowledge of the past, the replenishment of asteroids from Ko- + α(τ) βT (t − τ, |a˙Y |) dτ. ronis and Eos family may maintain an almost steady number of  about 320 asteroids in the J7/3 MMR, among which ∼190 from where N7/3 is the number of asteroids in the resonance, F is the Koronis and ∼130 from Eos family. Since the current population flux of asteroids approaching to the starting location where our in the J7/3 MMR is the legacy of the asteroids flux in the past, simulations in Section 3 were started, τ is the time needed for an which is not known, we will not compare directly this total num- asteroid to travel from its orbit to the starting location, α is the ber (320) with the observational data. In fact, two additional rea- crossing fraction given in Equation (1), βR and βT are the sur- sons as well stop us from making direct comparison. One is the viving ratio of asteroids in Resonant Group and Transit Group J7/3 MMR may get supplemented by capturing background as- given both by the function in Equation (3) but with different fit- teroids (but not necessarily from the two families), and the other ting coefficients according to curves in Fig.5 and Fig.6. reason is that even if the replenishments are the families’ mem- In practice, the integral in Equation(4) can be replaced by a bers their recognition as family members may be difficult due to summation as follow. the perturbation arising from the resonance. However, among the total 440 resonant asteroids found in N7/3 = 1 − α(τ) βR (t − τ, |a˙Y |) + α(τ) βT (t − τ, |a˙Y |) . the J7/3 MMR, the number ratio between the Koronis asteroids −∞X<τ≤t    (66) and Eos asteroids (26) is higher than the value NKor/NEos (5) in our calculation (Fig.9), which is always smaller than 1.6. One possible explanation is that the J7/3 MMR takes a shorter time In this summation, F∆τ = 1 by definition, where ∆τ is the differ- to modify the orbital characteristics of Eos asteroids than that of ence of arrival time between two asteroids successively arriving Koronis asteroids, thus the Eos asteroids are easier to lose their at the starting location, and that’s why F and ∆τ do not appear original identities as the source family members. That is to say, explicitly. In calculating this summation, the time delay τ of an in the J7/3 MMR there are in fact more asteroids originated from asteroid can be calculated using the distance from its current or- Eos family than we know, we just cannot recognize them. bit to the starting location (in semi-major axis) and the migrating speed (|a˙Y |), which in turn is simply approximated by the quo- tient of its distance to the family centre divided by the family 4.4. Transportation to near Earth region age. Adopting the data of family members downloadedfrom Ast- The J7/3 MMR is continuously replenished by asteroids from DyS, we calculate for each asteroid the values of |a˙Y |, τ and the both Koronis and Eos families via the Yarkovsky effect. And probabilities α, βR, βT . The results obtained from Equation (5) subsequently, some of them, i.e. those members that cannot are shown in Fig.9. At the end of our calculation (t = 0.4Gyr make successful crossing of the resonance, will be scattered out from MJD58200), 1321 Eos members and 626 Koronis mem- from the J7/3 MMR and transported to other regions in the so- bers from the AstDyS data have been fed into the summation. lar system, e.g. to become NEOs. Following the same strategy adopted above, we derive the formula describing the accumu- 220 1.8 lated number of asteroids transported out via the J7/3 MMR as Koronis below. 200 Eos 1.7

180 1.6 N = 1 − α(τ) 1 − βT (t − τ, |a˙Y |) , (6) −∞X<τ≤t    160 1.5

Eos where α and βT are the same as in Equation (5). And we present 3

/ in Fig. 10 the calculated flux of asteroids of both families trans-

7 140 1.4 /N

N ported out by the J7/3 MMR. Kor 120 1.3 Apparently, there are 2∼3 times more Eos family members N scattered out from the J7/3 MMR than that of Koronis family, de- 100 1.2 spite the fact that more Koronis asteroids might be found in the resonance as shown in Fig.9. The flux from Koronis family to 80 1.1 the J7/3 MMR is relatively smaller while Koronis asteroids have a higher crossing probability (see Fig.2), as a result, the ratio of 60 1.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 Koronis asteroids to Eos asteroids reaches ∼0.4 after the tran- t (Gyr) sient period of time, as shown in Fig.10. Granvik et al. (2017) obtained a similar result that the ratio between asteroids with in- ◦ ◦ Fig. 9. The numbers of asteroids in the J7/3 MMR attributed by Koronis clinations of 2 and 10 for J7/3 MMR is about 0.3. Since the family (blue) and Eos family (red). The dashed line is the ratio between objects in their study are the whole main belt asteroids rather these two populations, specified on the right ordinate axis. The initial than Koronis and Eos families only, the difference between their time t = 0 corresponds to MJD 58200. result and ours is acceptable in this degree. It is important to bear in mind that due to the Yarkovsky ef- It should be noted that the lower limit of integration in Equa- fect asteroids pushed into the J7/3 MMR from Koronis family tion (4) is set as −∞ to emphasize that theoretically the calcula- must be prograde spinning ones while those from Eos family are tion should start from the “real” initial time in the past. However, retrograde rotators. If we believe that asteroids from both fam- the original statuses of the two asteroid families are not known, ilies will evolve following the same rule after they escaped the

Article number, page 8 of 10 Xu, Zhou & Ip: Transit of asteroids across the 7/3 Kirkwood gap under the Yarkovsky effect

1000 larger the Yarkovsky drifting rate is, the more quickly the sur- Koronis 800 viving ratio drops. Eos 600 The Koronis family resides on the left side of the J7/3 MMR,

N while the Eos family is on the right side. However, some family 400 members from both families are found on the opposite side of 200 the J7/3 MMR. We estimate the Koronis-to-Eos ratio of family 0 members that successfully cross the resonance, and our calcu- 3000 0.5 lations suggest a ratio of 1.37, which is in agreement with the

2500 0.4 observational data. ) 1

2000 Eos − Although the J7/3 MMR is not a dynamically stable region

0.3 ˙ 1500 N / for asteroids, we find from the observational data ∼440 asteroids 0.2

(Gyr 1000

Kor that are on the 7/3 resonant orbits. The replenishment of aster- ˙ ˙ N 500 0.1 N oids into the J7/3 MMR is investigated. Our estimation based on 0 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 the current knowledge of the families members shows that two t (Gyr) asteroid families may provide a steady flux of asteroids into the resonance to maintain a population of ∼190 members from Ko- ronis family and ∼130 members from Eos family in the coming Fig. 10. Accumulated number (top) and flux (bottom) of asteroids trans- ported out via J7/3 MMR from Koronis (blue) and Eos (red) families. 0.4Gyr. Of course, the background asteroids will also contribute The dashed line is the ratio of transported asteroids from Koronis family to the resonant population. ff / to those from Eos family (N˙ Kor/N˙ Eos). Aided by the Yarkovsky e ect, the J7 3MMRacts as a trans- portation route for asteroids from its vicinity to other regions in the by exciting the orbits of asteroids that are in- J7/3 MMR, they will have the same probability of visiting any jected into this resonance. Our calculations show that the trans- area in the solar system, including the near Earth region. There- ported number of Eos asteroids is 2∼3 times that of Koronis as- fore, as a source of NEOs, our calculations show that the J7/3 teroids. A fraction of these transported asteroids will arrive in the MMR sends 2 ∼ 3 times more retrograde spinning Eos family near Earth region,thuswe may find amongnear Earth objectsthe members to the NEO orbits than the prograde spinning Koronis footprints of this transportation process, such as the distribution family members, just as the accumulated numbers of the trans- of their orbital inclinations and their spinning axes’ directions. ported asteroids show in Fig. 10. If the inclinations of asteroids Last but not least, we have adopted the simplified Yarkovsky are conserved in the following evolution after escaping from the effect model, in which only the semi-major axis of asteroids is J7/3 MMR (the inclination is more unalterable than other orbital modified monotonically and continuously. Although the colli- elements such as semi-major axis and eccentricity), even more sions among the asteroids and the YORP effects must introduce accurate comparisons with the NEO population can be made in randomness and uncertainties to the migration of individual as- future. teroids, averagely and statistically the calculations in this paper are still valid. Acknowledgements. Our great appreciations go to Dr. Bojan Novakovic for his 5. Conclusions comments and suggestions that helped us improve the manuscript. We also thank Dr. Kleomenis Tsiganis for his constructive comments during revising the pa- The mean motion resonances (MMR) are thought to be responsi- per. This work has been supported by the National Key R&D Program of China ble for the formation of Kirkwood gaps in the main . (2019YFA0706601) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, Grants No.11473016 & No.11933001). Asteroids in these MMRs accumulate eccentricities until they are removed by close encounters with planets. Meanwhile, due to the Yarkovsky effect, asteroids are forced to migrate into and replenish these MMRs. In this paper, we investigate such trans- References portation of asteroids originated from the Koronis family and the Brož, M. 2006, Yarkovsky Effect and the Dynamics of the Solar System, Eos family into the 7/3 MMR with Jupiter (J7/3 MMR). Ph.D. Thesis Our calculations show that from both families asteroids may Bottke, W. 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