Maine Campus March 3 1960 Maine Campus Staff

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Maine Campus March 3 1960 Maine Campus Staff The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Campus Archives University of Maine Publications Spring 3-3-1960 Maine Campus March 3 1960 Maine Campus Staff Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus March 3 1960" (1960). Maine Campus Archives. 193. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. thrtaary 25, 1960 THE hies cabmen; Audrey :Parmalee, fresh- MAINE CAMPUS Publiahed Weekly by the Students of the University of Maine :y Thomas, fresh Vol. LXI Z 265 Orono, Maine, March 3, 1960 Number 20 ha: Sandra Van 3orothy Jeremiah, All-Maine Women Senate Revises Proposal kat, Ginny Clem- Sue Ede!, Leona ed and Rosalie Top Organizations Cutting Its Membership e Bently, Carolyn The All-Maine Women topped all 2.30; Tau Epsilon Phi, 2.27; Tau Kap- ace, Barbara Mc- other non-scholastic honor societies pa Epsilon, 2.268; Sigma Chi, 2.265; By Ron Drogin rmmer, Deborah last semester with a point average of Beta Theta Pi, 2.263; Alpha Tau 'ooster, freshmen; 3.469. The all-University average Omega, 2.258; Sigma Phi Epsilon, A Student Senate committee Tuesday night offered a revision to the plan given at the last Senate homore. was 2.37. 2.23; Sigma Nu, 2.15 and Sigma Al- meeting to cut down the size of the organization. The new arrangement calls for retaining the present pha Epsilon, 2.09. Average of all fraternity allotment and a Senate membership of 41. Phi Beta Kappa was the highest fraternities was 2.38. ranking scholastic honor society with Sororities were ranked: Pi Beta The proposal advises a membership zations actively representing their partments to take adequate measures an average of 3.8. They were fol- consisting of four Senate officers and groups. to insure the safekeeping, both in 0 Phi, 3.09; Delta Zeta, 3.24; Alpha lowed by Omicron Nu, 3.7; Phi Kap- Omicron Pi, 2.95; Phi Mu, 2.95; Del- 41 campus representatives. A Senate Senate president Mark Shibles preparation and storage, of all prelims F HITS U pa Phi, 3.5; Neai Mathetai, 3.46; Kap- ta Delta Delta, 2.77; Alpha Chi Ome- seat would be given to each of the 17 supports the proposal. Shibles and finals. Senator Bassler of Chad- pa Delta Pi, 3.45; Tau Beta Pi, 3.43; ga, 2.757; and Chi Omega, 2.71. Av- fraternities, and the six men's dorms. told the Senate he feels the new bourne made the motion which re- Alpha Zeta, 2.8; Xi Sigma Pi, 2.76; erage of all sorority women was 2.88. Off-campus men would have five seats, arrangement would decrease in- sulted from theft of several final THROUGH South Apartments two and one each efficiency, and instigate an in- exams last semester. DAY and Sigma Pi Sigma, 2.71. Skull Society had a The Senior to the Cabins, Off-campus women and formal atmosphere for meetings. 2.84, followed by the Sophomore Bernard Mire, Off Campus senator, iw on Earth Phi Kappa Sigma led the fraternity eight women's dorms. Ile expressed hope that the or- group and Pi Beta Phi ranked highest Eagles with 2.79, and Sophomore asked the Senate to establish a tem- isney's ganization would then be able to among sororities. Phi Kap's 2.5 led Owls, 2.59. Under the new plan, the Senate devote more time on national ed- porary committee on political edu- INLER. Phi Mu Delta, 2.472; Phi Gamma The Maine Masque led campus or- executive committee would con- ucational problems. cation which would release objective Delta, 2.471; Alpha Gamma Rho, ganizations with 2.74. Other organi- sist of the four officers of the press reports to the Campus and 2.45; Delta Tau Delta, 2.43; Lambda zations were: Scabbard and Blade, Senate, and two other members Peter Gammons, also speaking for WORO concerning University political .S WITH A Chi Alpha, 2.37; Theta Chi. 2.35: 2.588; Prism Staff, 2.4717; Maine elected by the Senate. The vice the passage of the bill, said his com- activity. US" Kappa Sigma. 2.31; Phi Eta Kappa. Campus, 2.42. presidents of A.W.S., the Inter. mittee reasoned that 26 to 28 legisla- fraternityCouncil and the Cen- tive hours are now split between 80 color tral Dormitory Council would people under the present Senate ar- ing serve on this committee in ex- rangement. He said much debate in Editors Positions Open RCORAN officio rapacity. If passed, the the Senate is repeated, and a new Ari those interested in apply- Phi Kappa Sigma Clarifies new Senate representation would allotment might allow an informal acing ing for the position of Editor-in- 'UBBS become effecti$e September I, attitude among a more closely knit 1960. body concentrating on specific goals. Chief or Business Manager of Position On 1FC Proposal The Maine Campus or the Prism Peter Gammons, chairman of the Presently the Senate includes more kuraction should write a letter of applica- Phi Kappa Sigma clarified its posi- suggestion for the proposed bill. temporary committee, said his group than 75 members. Each dorm has BEACH" tion on the Room and Board motion Should individual fraternities request changed the motion presented two four Senators, the fraternities have 17, tion to Brooks Hamilton, 4 Fer- :h at IFC last week after refusing to assistance from the University. they weeks ago due to inconsistencies in Off Campus Men 9, along with repre- nald Hall. Deadline for Campus Y PECK support the bill at their February 17 suggested that the University bill representation. The first suggestion sentatives from the Cabins and North applications is noon, March 14, RDNER meeting. Jon Ord, president of Phi members of that fraternity. Any fra- for changing the Senate's size asked Dorms, South Apartments, and Off and Prism applications noon, STAIRE Kap. elaborated on their position of ternity participating in this plan will for a membership of 39, with fraterni- Campus Women. March 25. Announcement of refusing to support the bill, and of- have the right to withdraw from such ties having six, Off-campus men seven, The Senate recommended to the those receiving Campus positions fered an alternative suggestion. assistance at the end of the school dormitories one each, and the vice Committee on Administration that it will be made before spring vaca- year. presidents of several campus organi- request the deans and beads of the de- tion. In explaining their stand on the proposal, Phi Kap said "We believe that its (fraternities) financial mat- ters are handled well under the pres- ent system .. and members derive Russell Holds Three Skimeister Trophies much benefit from the experience of responsible bookkeeping.. The fi- 8 made me take up skiing. Since North skiers and jumpers. he scored 10th in nancial structure of a fraternity is a re- Conway is so close, everyone skies. the Alpine-Combine, I I th in jumping, ge-; 2r, flection of the responsibility shown I tried it once and loved it!" 15th in the Nordic-Combine, 12th in C y)L. by individual members." So began a skiing career that lifted the Slalom, and 13th in the Down- Brett Russell from an In further criticizing the proposal, eleven year old hill. Not too bad for an afternoon's prospect to an accomplished skier. Phi Kap said "It is the privilege and work. Russell who graduated from Frye- responsibility of a fraternity to gov- burg Academy in 1956 has been in The Colby Carnival was the ern its own financial affairs ... uith- the field of athletics for a long time. next skiing event for Russell. He out intervention from the University, Not only a skier, he excelled in foot- just went out and did his best. no matter how beneficial the inter- ball and baseball. In football, he was The result was the Skimeister vention might be." The Fraternity a guard and in baseball he played in Trophy. This is a trophy given that the bill, in proposing also felt the outfield. to the top all-around skier com- that house treasurers may report to Brett, in his sophomore year peting in all four events—down- the University members who have not at Fryeburg, started taking top hill, slalom, jumping, and cross paid house bills, offers no "uniformity honors in the state. In the jump- country. Brett scored nearly a of treatment of fraternity accounts be- ing division, he captured the perfect 400 in these four events. BOND tween individual houses and the Uni- State of Maine Class B Jumping / The following weekend. the Uni- versity." championship in 1954. In 1956, The fraternity made an alternative versity of Maine held its own Winter Brett not only won the jumping Carnival. Brett proved again that he title again, but he also won the was the top Skimeister in the State. State of Maine Downhill Class B He won his second straight Skimeister Sigma Chi Gets Championship. To prove that Trophy with another nearly perfect these two titles were not flukes, score. Probation Brett became the Class B Skimei- 'This weekend he will represent Social ster Championship in '56 also. Maine at the Eastern Intercollegiate Since coming to the University of Sierra Chi Fraternity was placed on Skiing Association Championships. Maine in 1957, Brett has improved He will be skiing in the Senior the remainder of Divi- social probation for consistently in skiing competition.
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