International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.2, Issue-3(3), July-September, 2015

Madan Mohan Bhuyan, Research Scolar, P.G. Department of History, University, Berhampur-760007, Ganjam,

Bharatiya line for the party. Three senior leaders who were cabinet While regionalism, in general, is ministers in the previous essentially a product of ’s diversity, government of -Biswabhusan sub-regionalism in particular is the result Harichandan, Vedprakash Agrawal, and of historical and geographical factors in Sarat Kar joined the Bharatiya Janata it. The term ‘sub-region’ refers to a Party. A section of the state Janata Dal smaller area within a region or ‘nation’ legislators had taken enthusiastic which for economic geographic, historical interest to shape a joint opposition front and social reasons is aware of possessing together with the a distinct identity.(1) Sub-regional against the congress in the forth coming conflicts have often been found to take Odisha Assembly election of 2000. the shape of movements claiming their , who was elected an M.P separate identity in the formation of from the Aska parliamentary regional political parties on the basis of constituency after his father’s death and local support. For the emergence of Biju was holding a key portfolio under the Janata Dal in Odisha factors like political Atal Behari Vajpayee at the central pluralism, religion, regional imbalance, cabinet, was extensively leaned to be the anti centre, and caste factors are not leader of the dissenter group. Leaders largely responsible. It cannot identify a like Dillip Roy, union Minister, Vijay regional party in terms of its ethnicity or Mahapatra, and other MLAs of western religion-cultural identity. Odisha including Ananga Udaya Singh In 1997 after the demise of Biju Deo and Prasanna Acharya were openly Patnaik, the Odisha unit of Janata Dal came in support of Naveen Patnaik’s showed the way for a split. There was leadership. also disagreement in the party over the The plan of a magnificent deal leadership issue. At least 15 Janata Dal with Bharatiya Janata Party did not find legislators out of 46 in the state helping hand with Ashok Das, leader of legislative Assembly had advocated a pro- International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.2, Issue-3(3), July-September, 2015 opposition in the state legislative In the last week of December, Assembly and Srikant Jena, Union 1997 Naveen Patnaik stood under a giant Minister. They provoked the central cut out of his father at ‘Naveen Nivas’, Janata Dal leadership to meddle in this Biju Patnaik’s house in matter. A resentful Janata Dal and announced that he and a large President, Sarad Yadav warned, “we number of legislators were breaking away made it clear to the dissidents that we from the Janata Dal (JD) to form the Biju were willing to go to any length to Janata Dal (BJD). “My father had a lot of accommodate their views, the only dreams for Odisha,” he intoned, “to condition being that there should be no realize those dreams are our goal”. He truck with the Bharatiya Janata Party”. also promptly declared that the new Old friends of Biju Patnaik like Surendra party would have an alliance with the Mohan, Minister of Information and Bharatiya Janata Party. Shortly Broadcasting S.Jaipal Reddy and afterwards, Asok Das, State Chief of the Planning Commission Deputy Chairman truncated Janata Dal, reacting to the new Madhu Dandavate were asked to meet development demanded, “We are the real Naveen Patnaik and talk to him. (5) party which will strive to fulfill Biju Babu’s dreams”. (8) I.K. Gujral one time Prime Minister of India met Naveen Patnaik for The new party Biju Janata Dal an hour and tried to impress upon him (BJD) had attracted a surprisingly large the need to avoid, “compromising with number of supporters, including 29 the very forces your father spent his MLAs. Inherent contradictions and lifetime fighting”. Ignoring all the tensions among the Janata Dal Members request of the senior Janta Dal leaders of Legislative Assembly (MLAs), which Naveen Patnaik group was all set to form had vitiated the political life in the state a regional party. Subsequently Asok Das, for last few months, after the demise of who held both the state units Biju Patnaik, came to an end with the Presidentship of the Janata Dal and the formation of Biju Janata Dal in 1997. leadership of the Janata Dal legislature Going by the ground realities in party, was asked to quit his Assembly Odisha, the Bharatiya Janata Party could post. (6) not be kept at arm’s length. Though the So by the time the wooing of Bharatiya Janata Party was yet to win an Naveen Patnaik began, the split was election in the state both for 147 almost a certainty. In his last attempt Assembly and 21 Loksabha seats - the Sharad Yadav, the President of the party had emerged as a major factor in Janata Dal at national level phoned the state, especially in . In Naveen Patnaik from Mumbai, “Come to the 1996 elections, the Bharatiya Janata Delhi tomorrow and you will get the Party secured over one-lakh votes in half letter appointing you as president of the a dozen parliamentary seats, helping the janata dal at the airport itself. Naveen congress to win by default. Logically, Patnaik did not take into account the there fore, the Janata Dal leaders had to plea of Sarad yadav and at the same night ensure their own survival by working out he and his group decided to break away. an arrangement with the Bharatiya (7) Janata Party to counter the challenge of the congress. (9) International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.2, Issue-3(3), July-September, 2015

As things stand then, the BJD Interestingly, both sides (Naveen was the second largest party in Odisha. Patnaik and Vijay Mahapatra Group) They had 29 legislators, while the accused each other of being agents of Bharatiya Janata Party had only 10 Congress Chief Minister J.B.Patnaik. members. Therefore, in the BJD’s While the loyalist camp alleged that the working relationship with the Bharatiya rebels were out to break the party at the Janata Party, the B.J.D was “A” team behest of J.B.Patnaik, the rebels pointed and the Bharatiya Janata Party was “B” the fact that the party president, Naveen team. Patnaik, for all his talk of uprooting the “Cynical, corrupt Congress government” On the contray, the Congress in the state, had failed to spearhead any Chief Minister J.B. Patnaik was wary meaningful agitation against the about the emerging alliance between the J.B.Patanaik Government. (12) BJD and the Bharatiya Janata Party. Both the parent Janata Dal and the Naveen Patnaik had clearly congress had been found wanting in underestimated the clout and support framing a political response to the sudden Vijaya Mahapatra enjoyed in the party. development. The Janata Dal central His decision to induct Damodar Rout and leadership badly misread the warning Sarat Kar had disaster written all over it. signals emanating from Odisha and could If Naveen Patnaik really believed that do little to retrieve the situation. Even the entry of these gentlemen would sore J.B.Patnaik realized he had few options up his party, it was a genuine error of before him. Naveen Patnaik’s main judgment. After all both of them had lost slogan was going to be “Save Odisha” and the last Assembly election badly - there was little that the rivals could do to Damodar Rout from two places and had oppose such an emotive plank. (10) done precious little till then. But Naveen Patnaik’s subsequent moves suggested The man who fathered the Biju that his action was designed to snub Janata Dal latter found to his dismay Vijaya Mahapatra who had a long- that he presides only over a handful of standing rivalry within them. His leaders and not the party itself. There decision to reconstitute the party was a trouble for the BJD chief at home organization to ensure that no as the party headed for a split. The BJD Mahapatra loyalist remains in a position led towards a vertically split between of authority had brought the party to the groups owing allegiance to Naveen brink of a split. And it could have a Patnaik and to rebel leader Vijaya miracle of sorts if it continued the crisis. Mahapatra. Mahapatra was the nuts and (13) bolts man who was controlling the party network particularly in vital coastal Naveen Patnaik suspended five Odisha. Building a strong pressure group party MLAs for anti-party activities. with 10 MLAs in his grip he always threw Naveen Patnaik badly faltered at the first his gauntlet against Naveen Patnaik. test of his leadership quality. Not only Things had reached a stage where even had he failed to rise above the various minor party mandarins can publicly factions within the party and to keep lambaste the party president and wonder them on a leash, he had also failed of wonders -get away with it (11) enthuse the party cadre. Apart from an occasional memorandum to the Governor International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.2, Issue-3(3), July-September, 2015 or a stray press statement demanding the Meanwhile dates for the election resignation of Chief Minister to the 12 was declared. In the J.B.Patnaik, there had hardly been an 1998 elections to the the agitation worth the name against the BJP and Allies (15) secured 252 seats state Government. In the wake of law (BJP-179, Siva Sena –6, Samata Party-12, and order situation, attacks on the BJD-9, SAD-8, TC-7, Lok Shakti-3, H.V.P Christian minority, Anjana Mishra case –1, AIADMK-18, PMK-4, MDMK-3, TRC- and the ongoing battle of attrition with 1 and J.P.-1) The Congress (I) and its his powerful deputy Basant Kumar allies(16) secured 166 (Congress (I)-140, Biswal, J.B.Patnaik was at his most RPI-4, IUML-2, KC (M)-1, UMF-1, RJD- vulnerable during 1998-99. In view of 17, RJP-1. The United Front secured (17) the slender majority of the ruling party in 96 seats and independents and others (18) the Assembly, a concerted opposition secured 23 seats. The BJP-led attack could have made life miserable for Government assumed power at the him. But, the intra-party conflict, it was Centre. The withdrawal of support of one the opposition, which was gasping for of its allies, the AIADMK resulted in its breath. losing the trust vote by one vote 269-270. In another significant After the Lok Sabha election of development, 18 Janata Dal legislators 1998, in Odisha BJD-BJP combine from Odisha had announced that they became a major political force. This had were opposed to any type of resulted in the marginalization of the understanding or alliance with the BJP. ruling Congress (I) and the decimation of These MLAs included Narasingha the Janata Dal and its Left allies. (19) The Mihsra, Judhistir Das, Surendranath BJP won seven seats out of nine it Nayak,, Prafulla Ghadei, Prafulla Samal, contested. Most of the seats were in Mangala Kissan, Ranendra Pratap Swain, Western and Northern Odisha. The BJP Duryodhan Majhi, Bira Sipka, has won 9 out of 12 seats it contested. (20) Balabhadra Majhi, Jogendra Behera, Significantly, the BJD-BJP combine also Suryamani Jean, Prasanna Kumar made inroads into Congress (I) Patsani, Bijay Ranjan Singh Bariha, strongholds in constituencies with a Hrushikesh Nayak, Bikram Kesari Arukh substantial number of people belonging and Madhabandnda Behera. to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The huge margins with which Later the leaders of the BJD led many of the candidates of BJD-BJP by its President Naveen Patnaik Staged a combine won were indicative of an in front of the residence of the upsurge of popular support in favour of Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly this combine. (21) The combine fought with for not granting recognition to their the slogan able leadership and stable break-away group in the State Legislative government”. Some Congress (I) leaders, Assembly even as the house was however, saw a strong anti-establishment adjourned sine die. (14) Speaker of the mood, combined with the Janata Dal’s State Legislative Assembly later, on obliteration, which led to a consolidation December 19, 1997 recognized the break- of the opposition votes, contributed to the away group of Janata Dal, thus Congress (I) debacle. The people of formalizing the split. Odisha also stamped their approval on Naveen’s status as the real inheritor of International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.2, Issue-3(3), July-September, 2015

Biju legacy. The BJD not only On the other side of the situation appropriated the Dal vote bank but also the political scenario of Odisha gradually formed a powerful combination with the became worse with the growing of ever-growing section of the BJP sycophants centering round Janaki sympathizers. Ballav Patnaik’s Ministry. On the other hand his continuance in office became The exceptional success of the untenable, politically since the1998 Bharatiya Janata Party and the Biju Loksabha election with Biju Janata Dal- Janata Dal in the elections to the 13th Lok BJP lliance own 16 out of 21 seats and Sabha had started a morally since Anjana Mishra was gang new trend in the politics of the state. Out raped a month ago. The above situation of 21, the BJD-BJD combine had further precipitated when the Australian captured nineteen seats. This was three Missionary Graham Stewart Stains and more than the number of constituencies his two sons were torched to death in the it had won in the last Parliamentary deed of night of the village Manoharpur elections. The BJD has scored 33 per cent in the district of keonjhar, Odisha. (25) of votes as compared to 24.6 per cent by Within the fortnight of these the BJP. In the two constituencies, events, a Nun belonging to the daughters and Koraput, where the of a Charity Home was attacked at Congress had won, the margin of victory Bripada in Mayurbhanja District. Even was really small. The victory of before the people would recover from the K.P.Singh Deo, a former Union Minister shock of the incident, suddenly from Dhenkanal was attributed to the appeared the killing of two youths at presence of a rebel BJP candidate in the Mandasore in . (26) constituency. Another significant trend was that the BJP-BJD combine led in 128 Similarly, the R.Udahagiry assembly segments out of 147. In the incidents in the indeed coastal area, the alliance got nearly 58 deserve a much closer look. It was not per cent of votes. In the 1999, elections to merely a law and order problems. The the Lok Sabha the BJD-BJP combination incidents undoubtedly had a definite secured 19 seats (BJD-10, BJP-09) out of pattern symptomatic of issues of larger 21 seats. Naveen Patnaik-led BJD had dimensions like the economy and social declared unconditional support to BJP- order. It is an admitted fact that the led Government at the Centre, unlike slightly better of Pana Harijan’s many of other partners of the coalition. (22) whom are Christian converts have been systematically exploiting the innocent But Bijay Mohapatra has been Adivasis. And the tribals are gradually arguing in the party forums that their losing faith in an administration leaders should not only strive to maintain apparently indifferent to their woes. (27) separate identity but also fight for the At the behest of political intricacies on interests of their state. The BJD MPs 9.2.1999 Janaki Ballav Patnaik preferred staged a walkout in the Lok Sabha over to sacrifice him self offering his the poor allocation to the State in the resignation to the Congress President Railway Budget. The BJD wanted an Oil sonia Gandhi on the ground of moral Refinery project at . Another responsibilities for the spate of violent demand of the BJD was to declare Odisha incidents, especially gruesome attacks on as a special category state. Christians by the communal forces in the International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.2, Issue-3(3), July-September, 2015

State. (29) J.B.Patnaik was replaced by Vidhan Sabha (State Assembly) as well as Giridhara Gmango to save the party’s the Lok Sabha elections in 2009, winning image. In the in the meantime, during 14 out of 21 Lok Sabha seats and 103 of October 1999 the coastal areas of the the 147 assembly seats and was sworn in State were flattened by a killer Super as the Chief Minister of Odisha on 21 cyclone and tidal wave and the May 2009 for the third consecutive term. Government kept itself busy for a Elections 2014. Naveen Patnaik won a considerable period with relief huge victory in both the 2014 Indian operations. But no significant headway General Elections and the Legislative was made in any field of development. Assembly of Odisha elections in 2014. Giridhara Gamang’s government proved Naveen Patnaik's Biju Janata Dal secured total inefficiency in providing relief. 20 out of the 21 Lok Sabha Seats of Resentment brewed among the natives of Odisha and 117 of the 147 Odisha Vidhan the cyclone affected areas. And then it Sabha Seats. (33) was in the grip of a worsening political The party crisis even Sonia, the President of under Navin’s shrewd dynamic and Congress acknowledged his as the most transparent leadership has attained ineffective chief minister in the state’s marked popularity as is evident from re- history.(31) As an administrator Gamang election of Navin and triumph of his was not a great success. He was soon party in the assembly election. replaced. He was succeeded by Hemananda Biswal, a tribal leader from To western Odisha. (32) strengthen the Panchayati Raj system, the state government has kept 21 In this vague state of affairs then the subjects concerning 11 departments general election in 2000 came off at the under the control of Gram Panchayats. peak of anti-congress wave in the state. the BJD-BJP coalition was again : To involve farmers victorious in 2004 and Patnaik continued in the maintenance and operation of as the Chief Minister, but the friction irrigation, 9182 Pani Panchayats have between the ruling partners was getting been set up under the irrigation more and more apparent, especially after management scheme. So far, 4498 Pani the killing of Swami Laxmanananda Panchayats have been given over 3.41 Saraswati[14] in the Kandhamal district of Lakh hectares for irrigation Odisha in 2007–2008 and also active management. (34) participation of Bajrang Dal in the riots Nine that hit Kandhamal region. In the run-up hundred fifty one Pani Panchayats have to the polls for the Lok Sabha and been formed under Biju Krushak Yojana Legislative Assembly of Odisha elections which facilitates irrigation of 30,000 in 2009, BJD walked out of the BJP after hectares of land. severing ties with the BJP and joined the nascent Third Front constituted mainly It involves the by the Left Front and few regional setting up of drought proofing parties. He did it after severely criticising mechanisms to harvest rain water for BJP's involvement in Kandhamal anti- agriculture. Christian riots during 2007. The BJD won a resounding victory in both the International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.2, Issue-3(3), July-September, 2015

As a regional party, the BJD has made a Poverty reduction, social number of significant contributions to security coverage and road connectivity— the political scenario of the country. important areas of development in the Some of these are listed below: districts of Kalahandi, Bolangir and The BJD is committed to a holistic Koraput—have been undertaken development of women and children vigorously. in the state, through education and : The empowerment. A 50% reservation has Western Orissa Development Council has been made for women in the Odisha been established to initiate, execute and Municipalities. It has implemented a accelerate projects in the western number of schemes for women and districts of Orissa. children, such as the 'Mamata Yojna', 'Mission Shakti', 'Tupti', 'Nua Three Arunima' and the very crucial 'Self hundred and twenty five new primary Help Group Energy Franchisee schools have been opened. Plans are afoot Arrangement (SEFA) Program'. to open 780 more primary schools and 2,771 upper primary schools. Essentially an agricultural state, the farmers of Odisha is the backbone of the state. The BJD government In order to provide better medical initiated a separate agricultural and health care in the region, A.B. budget for the farmers, increasing the Vajpayee—the P.M. laid the foundation budget allocation for agriculture from stone for the regional centre of AIIMS at rupees 2,000 crores to rupees 7,000 Bhubaneswar. crores. Indian Oil Through a number of schemes such Corporation is to operations the oil refinery project at Paradip in the near as the 'Biju Krushak Vikas Yojna' and future. the 'Biju Krushak Kalyan Yojna', Naveen Patnaik has ensured Six integrated steel projects agricultural loans at a nominal 2% in the State are being launched. The rate of interest. alumina project of starlight industries of Laujigarh is already in progress. Navin— Odisha is the first state in India to the C.M. Orissa emphasised that Orissa’s organize animal health camps, abundant natural resources untapped operating in more than 12 districts energy and vast work force make it a and treating more than 24 lakh potential gold mine for the investors animals so far. while its rich cultural heritage is a haven to visitors,’ He remarked in an interview, “I believe that Orissa will be one of the most advanced states of India in 10 years The character of politics at the national from now. We have the vision and the and state level has been changing and resolve to realize this.” He is rated as one regional aspirations are getting more of the best C.Ms, of India. (35) prominence in the national politics too. There is some commonality among national and regional parties so far as International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.2, Issue-3(3), July-September, 2015 there are changes in the process of d. Orissa is one of the few states in the adapting to the new situation. It is country that have not witnessed any against this theoretical background of a major sectional mobilisation along caste transitional polity that the Biju Janata or class lines. The absence of a large Dal has been singled out for the analysis. peasant caste has meant that politics is Some broad conclusions drawn from this still the prerogative of the small upper analysis are given below. These should castes and that mandalisation has had no not be taken either as definite or even as effect. It is true that the OBCs, SCs and authoritative because we deal with an STs, all have been politically mobilized on entity, which is nascent and still growing. the decision making processes but they (36) are still too fragmented and are less dominant in the political scene in Orissa. a. The Biju Janata Dal emerged as a product of political developments at the e. The changing pattern of party system national level and state level. In the from two party Congress-Janata Dal and national level, the decline of the congress then a triangular (Congress-BJD-BJP) party, regionalisation of national politics, competition has added little to the coalition culture, political realignment, political agenda except the question of etc., on the one hand; and at the state regional discrimination. But this pattern level two political developments within changed in 1998. The emergence of bi- the inter party leadership crisis and nodal party system was the outcome of a factional conflicts on the other hand. In process of alliance between the BJD-BJP this situation of an open division, the in the 1998 general elections. The state unit of Janata Dal would not be in a changing patterns of party System in position to function as an effective Orissa since post mid 1990s as political opposition; rather it plays an effective observer pointed out in past as bipolar i.e. role as a state party to consolidate anti- the Congress and the BJD-BJP shift Congress politics by forming an alliance towards the hi-nodal party system i.e. the with the BJP. Naveen Patnaik was a true anti-Congress vs anti-BJP at the State of inheritor or Biju's Janata Dal, he has Orissa. The BJD-BJP alliance is an formed the BJD, a typical regional party. example of anti-Congressism. This is due b. So far as the question of its social base to the party merger, party splits and is concerned, it suffers from a dualistic electoral alliance etc. (37) approach. On the one hand, it originated f. The leaders of the Biju Janata Dal are in anti-Congressism that is; it evolved as from higher socio-economic background. a party of middle class/ caste, especially It does not mean that other socio- the three upper caste Brahmin, Karan economic backgrounds are not and Khandayat. The other sections of represented in the BJD. The emergence society - women, dalits and minorities not of the educated legislators in BJD is a neglected. No doubt, the party positive sign in party politics in Orissa organisation is dominated by the middle under the leadership ofNaveen Patnaik caste but it claims to be a broad based, which was lacking under its predecessors mass political body dedicated to the party i.e. Janata Dal. They were centred aggregation and articulation of the on a single leader. However, the BJD as interests of a cross-section of the society. in the case of many other state level This is a characteristic of normal feature parties lacks internal democracy and is most of the Indian parties. International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.2, Issue-3(3), July-September, 2015 centered on a single leader. This makes 3. Naveen Patnaik's master stroke in the party authoritarian in nature. Odisha – India News. 4. Reshmi R Dasgupta, TNN 10 May The Study shows that the Biju Janata 2004, 03.13am IST (10 May 2004). Dal has a member of achievements to its "Naveen Patnaik sets stage for credit, for instance, providing a clean and GeNext Doscos – Economic Times". transparent administration, achievement of socio-economic targets, a fair deal to 5. "Naveen Patnaik: The man who the down trodden, especially the dalits would be king, or would he? – and minorities. Most of these came as a Economic Times". 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