Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42530-8 — Under Caesar's Sword Edited by Daniel Philpott , Timothy Samuel Shah Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42530-8 — Under Caesar's Sword Edited by Daniel Philpott , Timothy Samuel Shah Index More Information Index al-Abadi, Haider, 39 African Union Mission in Somalia Abdelati, Rabie, 97 (AMISOM), 75 Abdollahi, Rasoul, 137 Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 136 Abducted in Iraq: A Priest in Baghdad, Ahmadis, 378, 382 37 aid neutrality, 474, 482 Abdullah (king of Saudi Arabia), 159 Aid to the Church in Need, 463, 465, 487 Abdullah, Abdul Aziz bin, 148 Aikman, David, 347, 352 Abdullah II (king of Jordan), 47 Akinola, Peter, 20 Abedini, Saeed, 140 Al-Azhar, 58 academic dialogue in Pakistan, 251 Alderstein, Yitzchok, 130 accommodation strategies Aleksei (patriarch of Moscow), 196 in China, 348, 354 Alencherry, George, 275 in Sri Lanka, 285 Aleppo, Syria, 40, 45 of Western Christians, 445 Ali, Suryadharma, 382, 384 ACCORD, 444 Alito, Samuel, 441 ACT Alliance, 465, 473 All India Catholic Union (AICU), 270 Ad Scapulam (Tertullian), 18 All India Christian Council (AICC), 270 Adaktusson, Lars, 466, 487 All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA), 2, ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief 254 Agency), 185 Allen, John, 396, 421 Advisory Council of Heads of Protestant Allende, Salvador, 403 Churches of Russia, 225 Alliance Defending Freedom, 443 advocacy Alliance Defending Freedom International religious freedom advocacy by Christian (ADF), 273 TANs, 483 alliance with authoritarians, 60 in Vietnam and Laos, 324, 330 All-Union Council of Evangelical Christian- Afghanistan Baptists, 209 blasphemy, 242 Al-Monitor’s The Pulse of the Middle
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