A 50 Day Devotional Guide

1 Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

A Devotional Guide for 50 Days

CELEBRATING GOD’S FAVOUR During Kenya’s Golden Jubilee



Memory verse: Jer. 6:16a This is what the Lord says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Day One: 23rd October 13 Scripture Reading: Exodus 20:8-11 Reflection: Among the Ten Commandments, the Lord ordered the children of Israel to set apart one special day in a week when they give their bodies a rest. This was after the manner in which he too rested after six days of creation. In our busy modern life this certainly will reduce some of the physical and psychosomatic illness that we have as we give our bodies a break. 1. What are some hindrances that prevent us from taking such a Sabbath rest? 2. Is there a way you can adjust yourself to consistently be able to take a break regardless of the particular day?

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Day Two: 24th October 13 Scripture Reading: Exodus: 23:12 Reflection: 1. This favor was to be extended to all those who were part of the household of the follower of Yahweh, including animals. In today’s world we perhaps would refer to the workers and even machines, including computers, I suppose. We also experience rest as we give them rest. 2. What benefits would follow such a move to us and to those that work under us?

Day Three: 25th October 13 Scripture Reading: Mark 6:30-33 Reflection: 1. What comes to your mind about the kind of ministry schedule that the apostles must have had at this time? 2. What would be the wisdom of going to a quiet place where they would be alone? 3. Ask God to help you set apart that kind of time frequently and regularly.

Day Four: 26th October 13 Scripture Reading: Psalms 62:1-8 Reflection: 1. How would considering God as a rock in a rocking world give us peace and stability? 2. If you were to invite your soul to find rest, where would you direct it? 3. Pray over issues, objects and activities which might have taken that place that belongs to God alone in your life and which might be hindering you from receiving true rest.

Day Five: 27th October 13 Scripture Reading: 1 John 3:16-20 Reflection: • How would a troubled heart or conscience deny us of the rest that God would want to give us? • What joy or benefits do you get by showing genuine love to others by meeting their felt needs? • Thank God for the opportunity that he has given you to express this genuine love to others.

Day Six: 28th October 13 Scripture Reading: Psalms 16:5-11 Reflection: 1. What effect would dwelling in the presence of God have in your heart, to your tongue and your body? 2. Ask God to help you cultivate an attitude of practicing the presence of God that will be a basis for constant renewal and joy in your life.

INSIGHT: “Weariness often leads to something called burnout. One simply loses the will to pursue dreams and sense of mission…More Christians than any of us know have made decisions that they will regret for the remainder of their lives under the influence of fatigue. And what do we learn from this? How to monitor

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the times and circumstances in which such weariness and its ultimate product, burnout are likely to occur. And then we learn to avoid such extreme conditions or ask for others for help.” Rebuilding your Broken World, Gordon MacDonald (Oliver-Nelson: Nashville, 1988, p.121)

GROUP BIBLE STUDY GUIDE: A TIME OF PHYSICAL REST Ours is a generation of busy people. There is so much to be done that 24 hours are hardly enough. Our busyness makes God’s idea of Sabbath both difficult and even more necessary at one and the same time. Gordon MacDonald makes the following observation:

“I get the feeling we are a tired generation. Evidence of that fatigue abounds in a multitude of articles about health problems related to overwork and exhaustion. Workaholism is a modern word. No matter how hard we are willing to work in our competitive world, there always seems to be someone willing to put in a few more hours than we are… There is a biblical view of rest that needs to be uncovered and examined. In fact, the Bible reveals God Himself as the first ‘rester’. “On the seventh day, He rested…” An even more enlightening comment is made by Moses in Exodus 31:17: ‘In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day, He ceased from labor, and was refreshed.’… Does God indeed need rest? Of course not! But did God choose to rest? Yes. Why? Because God subjected creation to a rhythm of rest and work that He revealed by observing the rhythm Himself as a precedent for everyone else.”i

1. Does your own life experience agree with this assessment of general fatigue? Please share with your group members.

Exodus 20:8-11 1. What instructions did God give the Israelites concerning the Sabbath? 2. Why do you think God was so particular about the need for the people to rest on the Sabbath day? a. In what ways do you think the people could keep the Sabbath day holy? 3. Share your experience in as far as observance of the weekly Sabbath rest is concerned. What have been the joys and struggles, and how have these impacted your life? a. Discuss ways in which you can observe the Sabbath day?

Leviticus 25:1 – 55 1. What does this text say about the Sabbath and Jubilee? 2. What are the similarities and differences between the Sabbath day, sabbatical year and Jubilee? 3. List the benefits that the Jubilee year would bring to the people, their families and their land? a. Of the benefits listed above, which one do you think is most needed: i. By you as an individual? ii. In our country?

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Memory Verse: Isa 40:31: But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint.

Day One: 30th October 13 Scripture Reading: Hebrew 10:19-25 Reflection: • How would approaching the presence of God give us rest spiritually? • How would sharing your burdens with others give you rest? • Is there something in your conscience that is a burden to you now that you would want to release to God? Pray it out to the Father.

Day Two: 31st October 13 Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:15-23 Reflection: • Ask the Lord to give you some insights into who he is and who you are in Christ. • What would happen to us and our Christian lives if we daily plugged into the power that raised Jesus from the dead? • Ask the Lord to renew your strength as you draw from his power and his spiritual resources.

Day Three: 1st November 13 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 35:1-10 Reflection: 1. What kind of thing might you be going through now that would make your hands be feeble, your knees shake and your heart fear? 2. How would knowing that the Lord will come through for you give you the courage to face another day? 3. Pray that the Lord may straighten out your way and make it traffic-jam free highway as you serve him.

Day Four: 2nd November 13 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 30:15-18 Reflection: 1. Why do you think there is strength in quietness and trusting the Lord? 2. What are some things which are clattering your life which make it very difficult for you to be quiet? 3. Remember the Lord is waiting to be gracious and compassionate to you. Submit to him now.

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Day Five: 3rd November 13 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:27-31 Reflection: 1. What attribute of God do we see that is so different from human beings? 2. How can we as human beings get close to constant renewal of strength by the Lord? 3. Pray through a practical step that you would want to put in place for personal renewal.

Day Six: 4th November 13 Scripture Reading: Psalms 126:1-6 Reflection: 1. What situation previously in your life had brought tears and weeping in your life and had made you feel like a captive? 2. Allow your heart and mouth to be filled with laughter and thanksgiving to God fior having reversed the situation. 3. If the challenging circumstances are still there, commit them to God in prayer and ask him to bring about your liberty and freedom.

INSIGHT: “I could be a hypocrite in my personal life and yet my gift could continue to function. I could even deceive myself by telling myself, ‘I must be right with God or I couldn’t preach…by study and hard work I can improve upon those gifts – without a fresh anointing that comes only from continued intimacy with God.” Sensitivity to The Spirit, R.T. Kendall

GROUP BIBLE STUDY GUIDE: A Time of Spiritual Rest Even though the practice of Sabbath and the Year of Jubilee in the Jewish calendar was physical and ceremonial, scripture attests to the fact that a deeper spiritual significance always accompanied such rituals and practices. Indeed, although many of us are tired and weary in our bodies, spiritual weariness is a reality all have to contend with. Though not easily seen from the outside, many walk around with a feeling of hollowness, thirst, and restlessness that none of the things life offers will satisfy. Our discussions on Jubilee will, therefore, not be overly fixated on the number of years, but on the reality that in the New Covenant, believers are invited to experience Jubilee in Christ, in whom true and complete rest is found. As we discuss these passages of scripture, let us remember the words of St. Augustine who said: “You created us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee.”

Matthew 11: 25-30 1. What does this passage say about rest in relation to Christ? 2. What is your understanding of weariness, yoke and burden as used in this passage? a. What would it mean to enter Christ’s rest? 3. Discuss the things that cause spiritual weariness, then evaluate your own life in light of these

Hebrews 3:12 – 4:11 1. What is the requirement for entering God’s rest and how did the children of Israel fail to enter it?

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2. What invitation is the writer extending to the Hebrews, and how can they actualize it? a. Verse 11 says: “Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no-one will fall by following their example of disobedience.” In our daily walk with Christ, what are the challenges we have to overcome to enter this rest? 3. Take a few minutes to share your needs and pray for one another in light of this discussion.


Memory Verse: Isa 42:9 “See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you."

Day One: 6th November 13 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 42:5-9 Reflection: 1. What would need to happen to you for you declare that a new day has dawned in your life? 2. How can you partner with God in being an agent of change that he would want to use in the new era of your life? 3. Ask God to open your eyes to see the things that he is already doing that you can log into and partner with him.

Day Two: 7th November 13 Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 15:1-11 Reflection: 1. Although debt relief has been a point of discussion both at national and International level, how should you treat those who are your debtors in the fear of the Lord? 2. Jot down the thoughts which come to your mind on how you can be involved in poverty alleviation of some of the needy people close to you. 3. Commit the less fortunate that you know to the Lord in prayer as you request the Lord to show you whether you could be an answer to that prayer.

Day Three: 8th November 13 Scripture Reading: Luke 13:10-17 Reflection: • What was the cause nature and the cause of the problems of this woman? • Compare and contrast the response of the synagogue ruler with that of Jesus to the predicament of this woman. • Ask the Lord to give you a heart that is touched by the infirmities of those around you and not to shift that burden to the government or the NGOs or other groups.

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Day Four: 9th November 13 Scripture Reading: Psalms 124:1-8 Reflection: 1. What are some of those challenges that you have passed through to which you can say, “If the Lord was not on my side… we would have been swallowed whole.” 2. Look at some of those snares and traps that the enemy had set for you which the Lord has broken and thank him for having delivered you.

Day Five: 10th November 13 Scripture Reading: 1Samuel 12:3-5 Reflection: 1. What leaves a deep impression on you from the witness that Samuel demands from the children of Israel? 2. If you were to ask the same question from your colleagues, your friends, those that you have dealt with in government offices and your business acquaintances, what would there honest response be like? 3. If there are issues in your life where you think you have compromised, ask the Lord’s forgiveness and seek to make it right.

Day Six: 11th November 13 Scripture Reading: Matthew 11:1-19 Reflection: • What are the things that Jesus points out as authenticating his ministry? • Are there times when you doubt and question the reality of Jesus in your circumstances? What gives you confidence to hold on? • Ask the Lord to keep you steadfast and not to be swayed by the common trends in our generation.

INSIGHT: “My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way rough, my companions are few, my Guide reliable, my mission clear. I cannot be bought, compromised detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the enemy, pander at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.” Martyred Presbyterian Zimbabwean Pastor Bernard Midzeki, Quoted in The Signature of Jesus: Brennan Manning (Multnomah: Portland, 1992,pp. 29-30)

GROUP BIBLE STUDY GUIDE: A Time of Relief Kenya is, this year, 50 years old as a Nation. At the birth of the Nation, the joy of the people was great. Years of colonial rule had established a sense of suppression, and independence brought sweet release and relief. The nation looked forward to years of freedom and prosperity of a people set loose to experience their full potential. On that occasion, the new leader, Jomo Kenyatta, said the following in his speech:

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“Our march to freedom has been long and difficult. There have been times of despair, when only the burning conviction of the rightness of our cause has sustained us. Today, the tragedies and misunderstandings of the past are behind us. Today, we start on the great adventure of building the Kenyan Nation. As we start on this great task, it is right that we who are assembled at this historic ceremony here today, and all the people of Kenya, should remember and pay tribute to those people of all races, tribes and colours who – over the years – have made their contribution to Kenya’s great heritage: administrators, farmers, missionaries, traders and others, and above all the people of Kenya themselves. All have labored to make this fair land of Kenya the thriving country it is today. It behooves each of us to vow that, in the days ahead, we shall be worthy of our great inheritance… Today is rightly a day of rejoicing. But it must also be a day of dedication. Freedom is a right, and without it the dignity of man is violated. But freedom is itself not enough. At home, we have a duty to ensure that all our citizens are delivered from the afflictions of poverty, ignorance and disease, otherwise, freedom for many of our people will be neither complete nor meaningful.”ii

These are the aspirations and dreams we, as a people, are called upon to evaluate in our year of Jubilee.

Leviticus 25:10, 39 – 43 1. According to the passage explain how the Israelites were to experience freedom? 2. Why do you think God gave each of these specific instructions? 3. Evaluate how we as a country have done in these areas and then suggest ways in which we can make Jubilee a reality today.

Isaiah 61:1 – 11 In this passage whose setting is the foreseen captivity of God’s people, the destruction of Jerusalem and the return of the people from exile, Isaiah looks forward to the new Jubilee. This would be the time when the Messiah would establish the Kingdom of God and bring forth its attendant blessings.

• According to the passage, what promises and benefits would accompany the year of the Lord’s favor? • Imagine the Israelites reading this passage in the context of the devastation of the exile. What thoughts and feelings do you think this elicited in them? ◦ In light of verse 8, how do you think injustice and iniquity would prevent the fulfillment of jubilee? • What things would need to be put in place to make the year of favor a reality in our country?

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Memory Verse: Ps 85:6 “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”

Day One: 13th November 13 Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-14 Reflection: • When would the “dry-bone” syndrome be upon the people of God such that they are quite dormant and hopeless? • How can we lean or position ourselves to have the breath of God blow in us and refresh us? • Request the Lord to reveal to you the state of your heart and ask him for a fresh move of his spirit in your life.

Day Two: 14th November 13 Scripture Reading: Hosea 6:1-3 Reflection: 1. When we are feeling bruised, battered and wounded by the elements of the world what will happen to us, according to the prophet, if we return to the Lord? 2. Reflect on the images that the prophet uses to speak about this phenomenon in these verses and the certainty of God’s response. 3. Ask the Lord to move in that powerful way in your life.

Day Three: 15th November 13 Scripture Reading: Luke 19:41-44 Reflection: 1. What moved Jesus so much about the city of Jerusalem that he actually wept over it? 2. Similarly what would cause the Holy Spirit grief over our lives and how can we avoid this from happening to us? 3. Examine whether there have been moments when you have missed a move of God in your life and ask for a re-visitation from him.

Day Four: 16th November 13 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43: 16-19 Reflection: 1. What are some experiences, family issues, wounds or failures in our past which might be hindering us from moving forwards in our lives in the direction that God would want us to? 2. What new thing to you sense (perceive) that God is doing in your life, in the church and in the nation that you want to be realized?

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3. Ask the Lord to help you to forget the old that might be holding you and to appropriate the new that he is doing among us.

Day Five: 17th November 13 Scripture Reading: 2Kings 22:8-20 Reflection: 1. What impact did the rediscovered word of God have on King Josiah and what was his response? 2. Why do you think this attitude pleased the Lord so much that he postponed the judgment that was to come upon Judah? 3. Think of the moments you have NOT responded to the Lord in obedience to his word. Ask his forgiveness so that you may experience the revival that he would want to bring to your life.

Day Six: 18th November 13 Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-2 Reflection: 1. Sometimes we are defeated in our minds before we are defeated in reality. Why is it so important not to allow the world to squeeze us into its mold? 2. What are some processes that you could go through to allow your mind to be renewed and what would be the outcome of this? 3. Submit yourself to God through prayer and allow him to fill you with himself.

INSIGHT: “Passionless so common today, is no threat to the devil. Focused on concepts and activities to the neglect of heartfelt affection and obedience to God, it brings no pleasure to God’s heart. It does not even bring pleasure to the believers. But true Christianity sparks a flame in the human spirit. It ignites the heart with Holy fervency for God.” Passion for Jesus, Pastor Mike Bickle

GROUP BIBLE STUDY GUIDE: A Time of Renewal Have you ever found a vehicle stalled on the road because it has run out of fuel? Gordon MacDonald, in his book Restoring your Spiritual Passion writes: “I have a childhood memory of my father habitually driving his car with the gas tank gauge always signaling EMPTY… ‘Dad, you’re running on empty,’ we would say. ‘I know,’ he would respond, ‘but when the needle gets to that point there’s always a gallon or two left in the tank.’ I remember there were many worrisome journeys with the gas gauge silently screaming the tank is dried out! He never seemed perturbed by this. Spiritually speaking, many followers of Christ run on empty most of the time and wonder why there seems to be no natural energy to engage in spiritual life or work… The unfilled spiritual tank is an invitation to disaster, and many of us have known that awful moment when, like a car out of gas, we seem to cough and sputter and pull over to the shoulder, out of service, not able to go any furtheriii. What MacDonald says for the spiritual life is true for every segment of life: Mental, physical, emotional etc. We cannot run on empty for too long. We are in constant need of renewal. God provided the year of Jubilee as a time of renewal for his people and his land. Jubilee is, therefore, a time of renewal!

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Leviticus 25:18 – 22 1. What would be the benefits of following God’s decrees and obeying his laws? 2. How do you think the Israelites’ faith would be impacted by observing the year of jubilee and experiencing the promises God made concerning it? 3. With the recent environmental degradation, economic uncertainties and political challenges, how can we make meaning of the jubilee promises contained in this passage?

Isaiah 40:1 – 31 • Compare the character and nature of God on one hand, and the character and nature of men on the other hand, as described in this passage. Support your answer with scriptural reference from the passage. • What is the Lord promising to do to His people in their desert experience? • Looking back at your life, what personal or family challenges have you faced in the recent past. How is this passage speaking to your situation?


Memory Verse: Joel 2:28-29 28 “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. 29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”

Day One: 20th November 13 Scripture Reading: Judges 16:25-31 Reflection: • What made Samson be captured by the Philistines and how did he regain his strength? • What do we lessons do we draw from Samson’s prayer about the source of his strength? • Think of areas in your life where you may have lost ground to the enemy and perhaps have become a captive and ask for restoration from the Lord as the song writer says: “Take me back Dear Lord, to the place where I first started”

Day Two: 21st November 13 Scripture Reading: Psalm 23 Reflection: 1. How does the Psalmist find restoration for his soul? 2. Many people have some ways of receiving refreshments from the Lord. For some it is listening to worship music while for others it is meditation on the word of God. By what streams does the Lord lead you to refresh your soul? 3. Respond to him in thanksgiving for his faithfulness in restoring you again and again.

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Day Three: 22nd November 13 Scripture Reading: Job 42:7-17 Reflection: 1. List the areas in which were restored in the life of Job after his troubles and after praying for his friends. 2. Think of those situations in which the Lord might be impressing upon you to think and pray for the needs of others rather than concentrating on your own needs. 3. Respond by praying over those issues.

Day Four: 23rd November 13 Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 5:1-16 Reflection: 1. What kind of injustice was going on in Nehemiah’s time and how does he respond to it? 2. What should be our role in responding to the social, economic and land injustices in our days and are there some practical ways that you can respond to a specific situation? 3. Ask God to give you the sensitivity and the wisdom to be the voice of the voiceless in our generation today so that people would have their dignity and humanity restored back to them.

Day Five: 24th November 13 Scripture Reading: Acts 3:11-26 Reflection: • What processes does Peter challenge his audience to go through in order to experience “times of refreshing”? • What do you think Peter had in mind when he was talking of “times of refreshing”? • How can you live in such a way that you would experience such moments of refreshing from the Lord. Ask the Lord to continually replenish your soul with his fullness.

Day Six: 25th November 13 Scripture Reading: John 14: 7-15 Reflection: 1. What promise does Christ give to his disciples concerning his works? 2. In your opinion what are these works that Christ would want to continue with his followers? 3. Ask the Lord to open your heart and remove every shade of doubt so that his promises would become a reality in your life.

INSIGHT: “In revival the saints are suddenly roused from a state of turpor and lethargy by a new and overwhelming awareness of the reality of spiritual things and of God. They are like sleepers now shaken awake and half blinded by the unaccustomed glare of the sun. They now see everything as they never saw it before.” J. I. Packer Collection, Alister McGrath, (IVP, Downers Grove, 1999, p.79).

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GROUP BIBLE STUDY GUIDE: A Time of Restoration In a critique of the tendency towards an uncritical appropriation and celebration of the year of Jubilee by Kenyan Christians, Dr. Thuo Mburu says:

If truth be told, our independent fathers committed the country into a covenant which sought to pursue life from a deeply humanistic platform. By declaring umaskini, ujinga na ugonjwa as the principal enemies of the new independent state, they further missed the fact that godlessness would subtly erode the country at its central fiber. Fifty years down the line, the fight against poverty, illiteracy and disease has become a mirage or pipedream. We have deluded ourselves through calculated efforts at economic development championed through Grand National plans but dampened by endemic corruption in governance as evidenced by state officers and public offices. Furthermore, treachery has become a hallmark of our national leadership while it epitomizes the character of every segment of social and public life. Even where ‘development’ has taken root, its socio-economic impact has been reduced by the reality of an all-round moral breakdown emanating from a fast decaying national fabric.

The book of Joel reflects the experience of the Israelites at a very difficult time economically and politically for Judeans who were just recently back from exile. An agricultural crisis was threatening the survival of the community: They had just experienced a devastating bad harvest, and a severe locust plague affected more than one year’s harvest. Joel, as a prophet, had the role of interpreting these experiences in religious terms and guiding the community to take suitable religious measures to cope with the problem. (New Bible Commentary)As Kenya celebrates its 50th year, it is important to remember that the Nation’s experience of God’s rest and blessings is not resident in the magical number of years, but in our commitment, as a people, to honour God and walk in his ways. Joel’s call to self examination that leads to repentance which in turn brings restoration is worthy of our examination. We can experience these, not only in this Jubilee year, but always!

Joel 1:1 – 12, 2:12 – 17 1. Describe the devastation that came to land of Israel as a result of disobedience. a. What does the prophet call on the people to do? 2. Explain what you think repentance as called for in this passage would entail. 3. What are some of signs in your life, your neighbourhood, the church and nation that can be comparable to the situation the Israelites were in? What do you learn from this passage on how to respond to such?

Joel 2:18 – 27 1. What is God’s response when his people return to him? a. According to the passage, what would such a response achieve? 2. How is the nature and character of God illustrated in this passage? 3. Many a times we encounter/ experience pain and challenges in life. How does the teaching in this passage inspire us to move on?

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Memory Verse: Isa 58:6 "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?”

Day One: 27th November 13 Scripture Reading: Ruth 2:1-18 Reflection: 1. How did Boaz reach out to Ruth, a foreigner, a widow and a less fortunate person to show that he cared and was concerned? 2. It has been said that “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care”. How can we reach out to the under-privileged members of our society and show them that we actually care about them? 3. Ask the Lord to give you wisdom on how to respond to the needs of those that he has laid upon your heart.

Day Two: 28th November 13 Scripture Reading: James:1:1-18 Reflection: 1. In James mind, what constitutes pure religion? 2. Are there practical ways in which we can show this pure religion in our personal lives and in the church as a whole? 3. Think about the people with whom you can partner to have greater impact for God and take some practical action.

Day Three: 29th November 13 Scripture Reading: Acts: 4:32-36 Reflection: 1. What was the attitude of the early believers towards wealth and its use? 2. How does this compare with our modern day handling of possessions? 3. In this year of God’s favour, are there some people who are needy that you know whom you could be a blessing to in a small way? Pray that the Lord will give you an opportunity.

Day Four: 30th November 13 Scripture Reading: Acts: 6:1-7 Reflection: 1. What issue was causing a rift in the early church? 2. How did the disciples respond to this ethnic and social injustice?

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3. What lessons do we learn from the apostles on how to engage some of the social and ethnic discriminations that we might see apart from prayer and reading the word? Pray that God will give us bold

Day Five: 1st December 13 Scripture Reading: Matthew 9:35-10:10 Reflection: 1. What moved Jesus to reach out to the multitudes and how did he respond to their needs? 2. What did Jesus invite and assign the disciples to do so that they would be in partnership with him. 3. Pray over your response to a similar invitation that the Lord has also forwarded to you as well.

Day Six: 2nd December 13 Scripture Reading: Acts 13:1-4 Reflection: 1. As leaders in the church at Antioch were worshipping and praying, what did the Holy Spirit say concerning Paul and Barnabas? 2. Is there a possibility that God has been speaking to you too concerning a special task he has given you to reach out as well? 3. Turn to the Lord in prayer and worship and commit yourself to him for that for which he is committed to using you.

INSIGHT: “I was hungry and you formed a humanities group to discuss my hunger I was imprisoned and you crept off quietly to your chapel and prayed for my release I was naked and in your mind you debated the morality of my appearance I was sick and you knelt and thanked God for your health. I was homeless and you preached to me of the spiritual shelter of the love of God I was lonely and you left me alone to pray for me You seem so holy but I am still very hungry And so close to God, lonely-and cold” Dr. John Stott, on Matthew 25

GROUP BIBLE STUDY GUIDE: A Time to Reach-out Dr. Thuo Mburu, still in his reflections concerning the concept of Jubilee, says the following concerning Kenya:

“That Kenya has continued to perfect an oppressive economic approach based on the dictates of the secular capitalist worldview is obvious. The principles and practices of commerce and labour are ever skewed in favour of the rich. In fact, the poor masses (and their descendants) have been destined to a hopeless cycle working, as it were, for the enrichment of the wealthy class at their own impoverishment. While many people would agree that this is the case at the national level, few hardly see its manifestation at the personal level. What do we say of the millions of underpaid maids, watchmen, gardeners, drivers, shopkeepers, and so forth? What about the desperation of the ever increasing multitudes living in deplorable conditions in shanties called homes in slums? Who cares that millions of children have nowhere to call home? Can we even start to talk about the heartbroken families who have

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been dispossessed or disinherited of their ancestral land or property with no recourse in the law skewed towards the ‘haves’? What do we make of the demoralized lower cadres of civil servants committed to unproductive public service? Space does not allow me to mention the peril of hardworking industrial workers, jua kali artisans and the mama mboga who drive the engine of economic survival in sheer self- abasement for their own survival and that of their kin.

“As a result, the dream of abundant life in self-governance has been overshadowed by the reality of multiplied socio-economic ills leaving behind ‘impoverished dreamers’ in a utopian land of promise. Is it a wonder that about 50% of Kenyans live below the poverty line in a vicious cycle over their descendants? Unfortunately, this state of affairs is well safeguarded by the lofty ideals of democracy under which capitalism thrives unabated. Multinational corporations have worked in cohort with Kenyan capitalists to defraud the ordinary citizen off the basic sense of life in post-independent imperial nationalism. True to its creed, this system maintains a tax regime which continually sucks the blood of its hopeless victims of economic rape to sustain the gluttonous lords of socio-economic marginalization and oppression.

“The prevalent capitalistic worldview and its practice of Kenyans oppressing Kenyans is completely antithetical to the biblical ideals of jubilee. There surely cannot be a Year of Jubilee in this environment.”iv

The issues raised above are actually addressed in scripture. Indeed, the very purpose of Jubilee was to enhance social justice and protect the vulnerable. It is for this reason that God’s word commands his people to reach out to, protect and take care of the vulnerable, and in so doing, give jubilee its true meaning. This study calls on us to reflect on this mandate.

Leviticus 25: 35 - 55 1. List the various instructions that God gave to his people in this passage 2. What are the reasons for each of these instructions? 3. Who constitute the poor and disadvantaged in your community? a. Identify the structures, systems and conditions that promote poverty and inequality. b. Suggest practical ways that can empower the poor amongst you.

Isaiah 58:1-14 1. Why was God disappointed with Israel’s form of fasting? 2. Read Mathew 25:31 – 46. From these two passages, what do you perceive is in God’s view about social justice and compassion? 3. What do these passages have to say to individual Christians and the Church of Christ in our context?

17 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE


Memory verse: Acts 10:38 “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.”

Day One: 4th December 13 Scripture Reading: Joshua 14:6-15 Reflection: 1. How did Caleb express his long term passion and focus to Joshua? 2. Are there some areas in your life where you have changed with time and do not express the same kind of passion and concentration you used to, in your devotion to the cause of Christ? 3. Ask the Lord to re-energize you and renew your passion as you serve him so that his Kingdom would be extended.

Day Two: 5th December 13 Scripture Reading: Micah 6:6-8 Reflection: 1. What options does the prophet present as possible ways of approaching God? 2. What actually does the Lord himself require? 3. Examine yourself whether there are some unacceptable and deceptive ways that you might have used to approach God which could lull you to a sense of contentment and miss the actual way of the Lord. Ask God to lead you to the right way.

Day Three: 6th December 13 Scripture Reading: Psalms 20:1-9 Reflection: • What does the Psalmist point out as the objects of some people trust or faith in this prayer for the King? • What does he himself chose to put his trust on? • Is it possible that there may be some people, institutions and objects that you have put your faith on beyond what you should? Ask the Lord to bring your focus back on him.

Day Four: 7th December 13 Scripture Reading Ps.121:1-8 Reflection: • Although the Psalmist gazes at the nearby hills in his pilgrimage, what is attention and focus on and why? • Outline the number of things that the psalmist believes the Lord will do for him.

18 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

• Ask the Lord to give you a deep sense of security and concentration on him that you will feel protected.

Day Five: 8th December 13 Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 36:24-36 Reflection: 1. What does the Lord intend to do to overhaul the lives of his people completely? 2. As we think of the dawn of a new era and a new beginning for you what would like the Lord to do for you? 3. Ask him to work in your life in a new dimension and move you to greater heights and away from stagnation.

Day Six: 9th December 13 Scripture Reading: Acts 10:34-48 Reflection: 1. According to Peter’s sermon why did God anoint Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit and Power? 2. Subsequently what did the Lord command the disciples to do? 3. Ask the Lord to similarly anoint you with his Holy Spirit and power and commission you to serve him in his vineyard.

INSIGHT: “This life’s dim windows of the soul Distort the heavens from pole to pole And lead you to believe in a lie when you see with, not through, the eye” The Everlasting Gospel, William Blake. Nicholson & Lee, eds. 1917

GROUP BIBLE STUDY GUIDE: A Time to Refocus Having gone through the previous six studies, this last study is a time to refocus. As said in the preface, our experience of Jubilee will not be in the mere fact that Kenya, as a nation, is this year sixty years old. It will depend on our commitment to appropriate and actualize the spirit of Jubilee as originally intended. However, it is also important to appreciate that in the New Covenant, each believer in Christ has an opportunity to live in the Jubilee experience every day of their walk with Christ, because of what Christ has done. Let us, therefore, seek to refocus our lives in light of the studies in this guide, and also in light of the blessings of our faith.

Luke 4:16 – 21 1. Describe the scope of the mission of Christ according to this passage. 2. What do you think should characterize the year of Jubilee? 3. Share with your team areas that you, individually and in your family, feel you may need the liberating touch of Christ. Take time to pray for each other.

Acts 2: 14 – 21 1. What does the author describe as “the last days” and what will be the experience of different age groups in the last days? 2. With reference to verse 21, what do the various symbols used in the passage mean?

19 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

3. How can you, as a believer, be position yourself for the last days awakening? 4. Reflect back on all the seven studies in this guide. List and share with your group at least two personal commitments that you are making for your life at the end of this study.

i MacDonald, Gordon. Ordering Your Private. Nashville World: Oliver Nelson. 1084. Pp 211-212. ii Kiruthu, Felix. Voices of Freedom: Great African Independence Speeches. Nairobi: Cana Publishing, Page 71 – 72. iii MacDonald, Gordon. Restoring your Spiritual Passion. 1986. Nashville: Oliver Nelson. Pp47 – 48. iv Mburu, Thuo. 2013. The Year of Jubilee: A Biblical Perspective. (Unpublished paper).

20 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

A 50 Day Prayer Guide

1 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

A 50 Day Prayer Guide

CALLING FORTH THE FUTURE KENYA During Kenya’s Golden Jubilee




23rd October 13

2 Chron 7:14-16 and Lev 25:9: In as much as the Jubilee trumpet was sounded on the day of Atonement, pray that there would be Repentance, that the blood of Jesus would cleanse the church of sin. Repent for the sins of the church which include Pride, leading to Disunity & competition among ministers, ministers loving Dishonest Gain (the sin of Balaam-resulting in witchcraft in the house of God), the Defilement of God’s altar (the pulpit) by ministers who approach it to minister while living an immoral and impure lifestyle. Like priest, like people…

Pray for and Baringo County

Prophecy watch God is going to shake things so that the glory of the latter house in Kenya will be greater than the glory of the former house.

Pray for a re-alignment during the seasons of shaking so that the power of postponement breaks off of the nation and of your life.

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24th October 13

Heb 12:14 and Lev 25:10: Jubilee is a time of “Returning.” Pray that there would be a sincere, passionate return to the Fear of God in the lives of individual believers: Pray that believers would live a holy life, valuing righteousness, purity and holiness. Pray that the church corporate would “Return” to her Divine Mandate & Purpose: a. To live lives of obedience to the Word of God b. To be salt and light in society c. To take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth

Pray for and Bomet County


25th October 13

Lev 25:17: God promised a season of Rest over the land in the year of Jubilee. That rest today comes through His people, the church. Pray that the church would champion the cause of the less privileged in society – the poor, the widow, the orphan, the prisoner and the alien.

Pray for Dorobo people and Bungoma County

Prophecy watch A new apostolic government and prophetic anointing is arising in God’s people.

Pray for the arising of this new government in the church. Declare that what has scattered the church before will not scatter them in this season.


26th October 13

Luke 4:16-18: The year of Jubilee was the year of Release of slaves, a year of freedom. Pray for a fresh anointing to come upon the church that she may carry out her God-given duty of setting the captives free with a fresh zeal and power.

Pray for Rendile people and the County of Busia

3 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE


27th October 13

Zech 12:10a, Psalm 27:8: Pray for the Restoration of the spirit of prayer & love for God’s word in the church, both in the pulpit and in the pew. Pray that the church would arise in militancy in spiritual warfare. Pray against religion, tradition and carnality pervading a large cross-section of the church.

Pray for Iteso people and the County of Elgeyo Marakwet

Prophecy watch A door will open out of Kenya for the latter glory to all of Africa. We shall be called the redemptors of Africa

Pray for the church and the nation to take up their redemptive position.


28th October 13

Luke 19: 42, 44b: Pray that the church in Kenya would not miss the hour of her visitation; that as we enter the 51st year, the church in Kenya would enter her prophetic destiny – which is to be a LIGHTHOUSE unto the nations of Africa, to be a missionary sending church. Our redemption draws nigh!

Pray for the Mijikenda people and Embu County


29th October 13

Job 22:8; Decrees over the mountain of worship. We decree and declare …… o …. that the pastors and church leaders in Kenya to set an example of holiness, integrity and Christ- like character. o …. that the pulpits in our nation are aflame with the truth of God’s Word, never shrinking back or compromising. o ….that the Christians of Kenya will devote themselves to obedience, prayer, being watchful and thankful, walking in repentance and humility, believing the promises of God, and witnessing signs, wonders, and miracles. o ….. that the Church in Kenya will not miss the hour of her visitation. In this season of Jubilee the church will enter her prophetic destiny. o ….for a warrior spirit of intercession that will stand and fight against the forces of darkness over our nation. o ….the stirring up and release of spiritual gifts in the church for the binding up of the broken-hearted, freedom of the captives and release from darkness of those that are bound. o ….that the church returns to obedience and her assignment of being the salt and light in the society,

4 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

and of taking the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth.

Pray for and Garissa County

Prophecy watch God is bringing Kenya out of its shadow to its place in leadership.

Pray for the church and the nation to take up its leadership position.



30th October 13

Prov 9:10; Col 3:16; 1 Cor 3:18. Praying for our National Educational System. Pray for God to direct the hearts of those influencing the education mountain to submit to that which is right in the sight of God. Pray for unrighteous leadership to be uprooted and godly leadership to be employed throughout our nation's educational system (principals, counselors, college professors and positions within the Ministry of Education, County Education departments, etc.) Pray for a shifting within the educational mountain, such that the Body of Christ would be granted favor and be given strategies to influence education and reverse the decline of quality, morally sound education across the nation.

Pray for and Homa Bay County


31st October 13

Deut 6:5-10; Eph 6:1-4. Role of Parents in their Children's Education. Pray that parents would recognize and be more proactive concerning their responsibility and fundamental rights in directing the education and upbringing of their own children in the fear of the Lord. Pray that parents would have wisdom and revelation for implementing effective strategies in disciplining and instructing our children.

Pray for and Isiolo County

Prophecy watch God is going to give Kenya a new name. She shall not be called the land of the dead any more.

Pray for the nation to embrace its new identity.

5 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

DAY 10

1st November 13

Deut 6:5-10. Role of Teachers in Children's Education. Pray that teachers would recognize and be more proactive concerning their responsibility in directing the education of children. Pray that teachers would have wisdom and revelation for implementing effective strategies in disciplining and instructing children in Godliness. Pray that the teaching profession would be characterized by a sense of calling, and not by lack of choice or financial gain. Pray for a strong moral foundation in the teaching staff in schools, and that their educational philosophies would be characterized by the fear of God. Pray for revival in the teaching profession.

Pray for and Kajiado County

DAY 11

2nd November 13

Matt 18:6; Ps 119:9; Lev 18:22, 24. Homosexuality, Sexual Perversion, drug and alcohol abuse in our Children's Schools. Pray for exposure to public scrutiny those who are covertly working to advance the homosexual indoctrination of our children through the educational system. Pray that God would raise up righteous leaders to successfully contend against the encroachments of the homosexual activists upon our nation's educational system. Pray that defenders of family and protectors of our children's welfare remain strong and courageous and true to their calling. Come against drug and alcohol abuse in schools. Pray for the exposure of drug cartels that are working to enslave the school-going youth. Pray for protection of our children's minds and hearts as they sit in school, college and university classrooms.

Pray for and Kakamega County

Prophecy watch By November 2013 the land will begin to unlock.

Prepare your heart for the month of November, and its significance in God’s agenda for the nation.

DAY 12

3rd November 13

Col 2:8; 2 Cor 10:3-5. School curricula and textbooks. Pray for exposure to public scrutiny of those who are covertly working to advance anti-godly indoctrination of our children through the educational system. Pray that truth will be upheld in our children's classrooms and textbooks concerning different religious beliefs and practices and issues of sexuality and morality. Pray that God would raise people to shape the curricula in a manner that would promote His purposes for the different generations.

6 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

Pray for Borana people and Kericho County

DAY 13

4th November 13

1 Tim 4:6-8; Joel 2:28. Revival on College Campuses and Children's Classrooms. Pray that houses of prayer would be raised up on every college and university campus in the nation to contend against the tide of perverse ideology and unrighteousness and usher in God’s presence to hover over our schools & colleges. Pray for wisdom and boldness for Christian schoolteachers and college professors to stand up for and instruct their students in what is true, holy and pure and be agents of love & revival among those they teach. Pray for God to Ignite prayer revivals among school children. Pray that Christian ministries in Kenyan schools will be effective.

Pray for and Kiambu Couinty

Prophecy watch Through Kenya many other nations will be reconstructed and raised up

Pray that God would raise ‘builders’ from this nation to reconstruct and raise up other nations (1 Cor 3:10).

DAY 14

5th November 13

Job 22:8; Decrees over the mountain of education. We decree and declare …… o …..Kenya will turn to kingdom education and not just pursue knowledge as the goal o ….that the Ministry of Education and officials who make decisions about our children’s education materials will have God’s guidance and wisdom o ….that each principal and/or headmaster would sincerely care about their students and staff, and administer their school with Godly wisdom to achieve academic improvement. o ….for God’s blessing upon every educator in Kenya and their families. o ….that teachers would strive to bring out the best in each student while teaching respect for all in authority. o ….that teachers would instill high moral standards in every student. o ….that teachers will have Godly concern for the well-being of each student, and consistently exert a positive influence on their students, causing them to feel secure and valued. o ….for God’s protection over every school in Kenya o ….that every student will persevere to learn well and graduate successfully. o ….that students in Kenya will never be victims of religious, or ethnic discrimination, and that any physical, mental, or sexual abuse that is taking place upon any child within the schools will be revealed and brought to justice. o ….that the Lord will advance the standards of purity and abstinence, and destroy the strong influences of sexual immorality and perversion that are affecting children in Kenya. o ….that our Children will grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

7 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

o ….that each student in Kenya will develop wisdom and discernment beyond their years, and have courage to resist peer pressure to do wrong. o ….that anointed students will be raised up to lead Bible studies and prayer groups within the schools of Kenya.

Pray for and Kilifi County


DAY 15

6th November 13

Heb 10:38-39; Phil 4:8; Repentance for Retreating. Repent personally and on behalf of the Kenyan church for abdicating her role on the arts/sports/entertainment mountain. Repent for the silence, which has caused a moral decline in the industry. Pray that there would be a greater understanding on how the arts affect us for good or evil. Pray that the arts and those with creative gifts would be welcomed back into the church and released to function for the glory of God, and that the spirit of religion would be uprooted. Pray for the Holy Spirit's conviction where we have enjoyed or tolerated arts and entertainment with content that is offensive to God (violent games, perverse images and music, etc.), which has caused ours and our children's hearts and minds to become defiled. Make covenant with your eyes to not look upon any ungodly thing. Make covenant with your ears to not listen to any ungodly thing.

Pray for Akamba people and Kirinyaga County

Prophecy watch The blessings of 50 years shall be given in one day

Pray for the blessings of 50 years to be given in one day.

DAY 16

7th November 13

Rom 1:25; Ps 24:4-5; Repentance for Idolatry. Repent personally and on behalf of the Kenyan Church for our participation in idolatry, witchcraft, and occult practices that pervade the arts/sports/entertainment mountain. Repent for the worship of man and mammon through idolizing stars (actors, singers, musicians, dancers, athletes, models, etc.) and the idolatry of fame, beauty, fashion and wealth. Ask God for eyes to see the humanity and spiritual poverty within the lives of the rich and famous, and for a heart that is moved with compassion to intercede for the prosperity of their souls. Ask God for opportunities to minister to those in the arts and entertainment arena and bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

8 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

Pray for the and Kisii County

DAY 17

8th November 13

Ex 35:31-34; Rom 9:17; Zech 1:21b; Redeeming the Arts/Sports. Release a spirit of holy inspiration, technical excellence and divine creativity among Godly artisans, athletes and entertainers. Call forth the creativity to express and celebrate who God is and His divine attributes through the arts/sports, drawing all men and women to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Release the wisdom of God for those in the arts/sports/entertainment industry for the good and faithful stewardship and expression of their God-given gifts, talents and abilities. Pray for the restoration and empowerment of the various forms of artistic expression that the world has perverted and the church has neglected.

Pray for the Njemps people and Kisumu County

Prophecy watch The Lord will make a covenant of peace in the land.

Pray for the one camp across the camps (churches/body of Christ) and one tribe across this land; a tribe that represents God’s kingdom.

DAY 18

9th November 13

Ps 5:12; Deut 8:18; Releasing Provision and Protection. Ask that the Spirit of God would breathe on every God-inspired idea so that Christ will be proclaimed and His light would shine out of the darkness. Pray for increased favor, visibility, influence and strategic relational connections for believers within the arts and entertainment industry. Pray that those called to finance the kingdom by investing in the arts and entertainment industry would arise and be quickened by the Holy Spirit in their giving. Pray that believers in the arts and entertainment industry would walk in the favor of the Lord and be quickly promoted to positions of great influence. Pray for ample covering (intercessors, church family support, mentors, accountability partners, principled managers, divine protection, etc.) for Christians who desire to make an impact in this mountain. Pray for protection over the marriages and families of artists, athletes and entertainers from the pressures and temptations prevalent within the industry.

Pray for and Kitui County

9 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

DAY 19

10th November 13

Acts 26:17-19; Matt 6:22; Is 11:9; Righteous Standards for Cultural Reformation. Pray that God would raise up men and women of prayer to intercede for holiness in arts/sports/entertainment mountain. Pray that Christians would become increasingly active in this arena by boycotting ungodly forms and sources of art and entertainment and strongly supporting Godly movies, music, television shows, plays, etc. Release the fear of the Lord upon those in the entertainment industry, such that righteousness and integrity-especially among believers-would be brought back to this mountain and once again we would see Biblical, family values set in place and honored. Pray for defenders of Godly standards in the arts and entertainment industry to be voted into office, and used of God to contend for standards of righteousness to be established and adhered to within the industry. Pray that a great revival and visitation of the Holy Spirit will invade the porn industry. Intercede for the prodigals within the arts and entertainment industry to return to their Father and to their true calling - (Many young artists, entertainers and athletes had Christian roots and original intentions to stay pure in this industry, but the challenges to keep the faith have proven difficult.) Pray that there be a new, God-honoring, renaissance and revival of the arts.

Pray for and Kwale County

Prophecy watch From now the land shall spring up to you. The land shall overtake you. The land will clothe and fill you with glory.

Pray for the redemption of the Land to fulfill this prophetic word.

DAY 20

11th November 13

Hab 2:14; Releasing believers into arts/sports/entertainment. Pray for the Church to regain its biblical worldview and manifest it through arts/sports/entertainment. Pray that the light of Christians in the industry will shine brightly so others will see their good works and give glory to God. Call forth a Godly, prophetic company of writers, musicians, film producers, painters, sculptors, athletes etc. to arise and display the splendor and power of the Lord through all their works. Pray for the Lord to raise up those who would pioneer new venues for Godly art and entertainment.

Pray for Walwana people and Laikipia County

10 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

DAY 21

12th November 13

Job 22:8; Decrees over the mountain of arts/sports/entertainment. We decree and declare …… o ....that the church in Kenya begins using the arts for the kingdom of God and His glory. o ….that God will raise up men and women in Kenya who have Godly character and anointed talents or gifts to influence the art, sports and entertainment world with righteousness, and grant them favor to do so. o ….the release of divinely inspired plays and movies with messages of truth and virtue to be written in Kenya and given to good directors who will impact the movie and play industries. o ….the release of financial blessings upon the wholesome arts and entertainments in Kenya. o ….that all the arts in Kenya be turned from perversion and idolatry to purity, because the Lord created the arts for His glory. o ….the financial blessing on wholesome arts and entertainments in Kenya and the cutting off of the funding of entertainment productions that are wicked and perverse. o ….the Lord sends laborers into the harvest field of the arts, sports and entertainment industry in o Kenya and brings about the salvation of many souls. o ….to give Christian sports personalities a platform to speak the Word of God boldly in Kenya.

Pray for and County

Prophecy watch These are days of restoration. The past is coming under judgment.

Declare that every enchantment against the nation is broken. What has been lost is being restored.


DAY 22

13th November 13

Genesis 2:21-25; Acts 16:24-28; God is the originator of the first family, yours and all the other families on earth. He has a purpose for every family in Kenya. Thank God for your family ancestry; parents, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, in-laws. Celebrate God’s wonderful gift of people who love unconditionally. Spend time thanking God for the way He has taken care of your ancestors. Appreciate Him for His wonderful plan for every family in our land. Action: Commit to visit an elderly family member you have not seen in a long while. Embrace a family member - spouse child, brother, sister, mother, father and let them know that you appreciate them.

Pray for and Machakos County

11 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

DAY 23

14th November 13

Lamentations 5:1-7; Daniel 1:6 I acknowledge that ‘Both my father’s house and I have sinned’. Repent as a family for forsaking God, His commandments and original purpose for the family. Repent for the three sins of idolatry, bloodshed and immorality that have contributed greatly for the desolation in the family unit in our nation. Repent for disrespecting/dishonoring parents, breaking the marriage covenant, angering children and neglecting responsibility at every family level. Action: Gather your nucleus family together and lead them in this prayer.

Pray for Ajuran people and Makueni County

Prophecy watch Strength is coming forth out of Kenya.

Pray that the strength from this land will have global impact.

DAY 24

15th November 13

Genesis 14:14; 18:18-19; Deuteronomy 6:6-9; Psalm 127:3-8; Genesis 24:60; Psalm 112:1-3 Abraham raised his household to be an army. The family is meant to be a training ground of an army of sons and daughters taught of the Lord who will possess every gate in society. Pray that every family in Kenya will return to this God given mandate of deliberately training the next generation in righteousness. Most adults struggle in life because of things they learnt/did not learn at home. Pray to bring an end to all the errors of the forefathers and lay a new foundation for Instruction, Training, Discipline, Obedience, Respect, Honour, Good Habits, Love and Unity in our families.

Pray for and Mandera County

DAY 25

16th November 13

Leviticus 25:10 The Year of Jubilee was a time of Return to one’s inheritance and family. It was a time of anointing the next generation of family elders. Pray that every family will return to its inheritance and that wise leaders will emerge at the family level. We have seen in the local papers reunion of family members separated for 70 years and another for 25. ( October 2nd, The People 30th September) Pray that this will be the experience of many families in our land.

Pray for and Marsabit County

12 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

Prophecy watch It's a time of crossing over. God is bringing us to the place of our rest.

Pray for the reconciliation of the past of this nation. Declare that we enter a new season.

DAY 26

17th November 13

Romans 1:18-32 The family unit is under attack from the spirit of the age as men sink further into depravity. Pray that against the so called gay rights (sad wrongs); that these will never be entrenched into our laws.

Pray for and

DAY 27

18th November 13

Psalm 68:5-6 God is a father of the fatherless, a defender of widows. He sets the solitary in families. Where is your brother? Pray that the widow, the fatherless, single, elderly and the sick will be embraced and taken care by their families. Action: Reach out to a family member in this category.

Pray for Suba people and Migori County

Prophecy watch God will raise help for His people from within the Government.

Pray for favor with the Government.

DAY 28

19th November 13

Psalm 113:9-8 Leviticus 25:25-26 The Book of Ruth - God raises the poor from the dust and sets them among the princes of His people. Pray that there will be many kinsman redeemers for the poor in our families in the order of Boaz. That there will be an equitable redistribution of resources nationally and at family level, improving the livelihoods of many poor family members

Pray for Tharaka people and County

13 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE


DAY 29

20th November 13

Is 59:12-14; Repentance for Turning our Back on God and Truth. Repent personally and on behalf of the Kenyan church for: abdicating her role on the media and communications mountain and allowing ourselves to be deceived and swayed by the media rather than searching for truth in the Word of God. Pray that there would be a greater understanding on how the media and communication affect us for good or evil. Repent on behalf of the media industry for: reporting a worldview that focuses on humanistic foundations, propagating fear through inaccurate reporting and turning their backs on God and the truth. Invite God back into media and communication streams.

Pray for the Bajun people and Muranga County

Prophecy watch A new sound is coming forth.

Pray for the birthing of a new sound in the land, and that this land will begin to rejoice in the Lord.

DAY 30

21st November 13

Is 5:20; 2 Cor 10:3-6; Eph 6:12-13; Waging War for the Airwaves and our Freedom of Expression. Bind the strongman that wants to instill fear and anxiety in people through the media. Bind that spirit that wants to manipulate and report news that is either untruthful or slanted to persuade inaccurate reporting. Bind the spirit that wants to silence those standing for truth, censor the media and block communications lines. Pray that those working covertly to control media would be exposed, all unholy alliances would be broken, and all communication lines unblocked and healed. Pray for the displacement of the demonic authority over this mountain by those who fill the airwaves with the Good News of the Kingdom.

Pray for Degodia people and for Nairobi County

DAY 31

22nd November 13

Phil. 4:8-9; 1 Sam. 2:35-36; Is 59:19; Raising a Standard of Truth. Ask God to raise up more Kingdom voices in mass media and grant favor, strength and excellence to those already there. Pray that believers working in the media industry will be bold to report the news from a Kingdom perspective. Ask God to raise up news networks, newspapers, blogs and other media methods that have Gods agenda, are Kingdom-minded, culturally relevant and competitive with secular sources. Release

14 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

vision and encouragement over young spiritual leaders who are called of God to infiltrate the media industry and make a powerful impact. Pray that the accurate reporting among some news outlets will force a new level of accountability upon other news outlets. Pray that elected officials would be more proactive in influencing national policy to make television and radio programming appropriate for the general public.

Pray for the Nubi people and the County of Nakuru

Prophecy watch The Lion is the symbol of Kenya in the spiritual realm.

Pray that the nation would get back its roar, and begin to roar in this Jubilee Season. For it is Kenya’s time.

DAY 32

23rd November 13

1 Cor 16:9; Eph 6:19-20; Deut 8:18; Equipping God's Media Army. Release a spirit of holy inspiration, technical excellence and divine creativity among Godly communicators for effectively demonstrating a biblical worldview through the written or spoken word. Pray for open doors to careers, increased favor, visibility, influence and strategic relational connections for believers within the media industry. Pray for the transfer of wealth to come into the hands of Godly Christians who possess the revelation for the implementation of new Kingdom-based media models and strategies. Release the wisdom of God for those in the media industry for the good and faithful stewardship and expression of their God-given gifts, talents and abilities. Pray for ample covering (intercessors, church family support, mentors, accountability partners, principled, divine protection, etc.) for Christians who desire to make an impact in this mountain.

Pray for the Burji people and the County of Nandi

DAY 33

24th November 13

2 Cor 6:7-8, 11; Acts 4:29, 31; Is 52:7; Hab 2:14; Releasing God's Media Army: The Bearers of Good News. Pray for the Church to regain its biblical worldview and manifest it through the media. Pray that God will raise up a courageous new generation of uncompromising godly representatives in the media that will cause truth and righteousness to come forth and impact government and every sphere of societal influence. Pray that believers in the media industry would follow Jesus' instructions to live as sheep among wolves and be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Pray for the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit upon what believers in media speak and write so that it shapes perceptions of truth and reality. Pray that the light of Christians in the industry will shine brightly so others will see their good works and give glory to God. Pray for a great harvest of souls to be brought into the Kingdom as the Word goes forth through all media outlets.

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Pray for Gurreh people and the County of Narok

Prophecy watch God is coming in this hour to restore one camp across the camps (churches/body of Christ) and one tribe across this land; a tribe that represents His kingdom.

Pray for unity in the church and nation.

DAY 34

25th November 13

Eph 6:19; Prov 21:1; Current crop of media personalities. Pray that all who work in the media industry would cherish truth more strongly than their own prejudices and personal agendas. Pray that those in the communication arts would present truth in a way that will enlighten hearts rather than inflame passions and conflicts. Pray for protection over the marriages and families of media practitioners from the pressures and entrapments of influence. Pray for revival among journalists, broadcasters, television producers, news network executives, and all those in the media industry. Pray for the Spirit of Truth to become the spirit of the men and women working in our nation's media marketplaces.

Pray for Waat people and the County of Nyamira

DAY 35

26th November 13

Job 22:8; Decrees over the mountain of media. We decree and declare …… o ….that God brings to the forefront righteous men and women who are called to work in media and communication systems, and anoint them with His grace, favor, and success to influence the media and communication outlets. o ….a release of funding and promotion for those men and women called by God to influence the media and communication outlets. o ….that the spirit of truth would expose deception and uncover the works of the antichrist spirit at work within the media all of our communication outlets. o ….the raising of of righteousness and integrity within the media and all communication outlets and the inspiration of all reporters to be God-fearing, unbiased, and truthful in reporting the news. o ….the drying up of funding that is financing and fueling the pornography, sexual promiscuity and perversion, violence, drug abuse, rebellion, anti-marriage, anti-family, pro-abortion and anti-God lifestyles. o …. Protection over those working in the media and communications field who are standing for Judeo-Christian values within our society, and give them strength and boldness as they stand for truth.

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o ….that God will pour out His Spirit upon people involved in the media in Kenya and enable them to produce fruits of righteousness within their sphere of influence. o ….that the Christians in Kenya are effective witnesses in sharing personal testimonies of God’s power, love, and truth with gentleness and respect via the social media. o ….that the Spirit of Truth exposes all deception at work within every communication outlet in Kenya.

Pray for Galla people and the County of Nyandarua

Prophecy watch It’s a new season and a new mantle. It's a season of release, a new measure of authority and a new measure of influence.

Pray that the church would be good stewards of the authority and influence that God is bringing.


DAY 36

27th November 13

1 Sam 12:4 “You have not cheated or oppressed us,” they replied. “You have not taken anything form anyone’s hand.” Repent of the entrenchment of corruption in our economic activities and governance. Pray and decree an end to this vice in this new season. That God will raise men like Samuel in the market place who neither oppress nor condone corruption

Pray for Sakuye people and Nyeri County

DAY 37

28th November 13

Lev 26:9 “I will look on you with favour and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and will keep my covenant with you.” Pray for favour upon the economy of the nation, mention all the enterprises you can remember and decree favour upon them. Pray for increase in business, productivity, tourism numbers, jobs created, new start-ups. Pray for a better business environment in this new season to attract more investors, favour with investors. Pray for the small and medium enterprises to flourish and the jua kali sector to develop further and not stagnate in traditional methods of yesteryears.

Pray for Taveta people and Samburu county

Prophecy watch God says Prophets will no longer be held captive in Kenya for this is the year of Jubilee and He will release revelation for the Nation.

Pray for a release of the prophets in the land, and for the release of revelation knowledge.

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DAY 38

29th November 13

Prov 12:27 “The lazy man does not roast his game, but the diligent man prizes his possessions. Pray for the wisdom and grace to add value to our raw materials and farm produce to standards that compete on the world market. Pray for the right gate keepers in negotiating prices for our products and contracts for works within our nation so that we are not taken advantage of by other nations or multinationals.

Pray for Dasenah people and Siaya County

DAY 39

30th November 13

Luke 19:13 “And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” Pray for believers to rise up in the market place, see the opportunities, put to work the wisdom given by God and actively be involved in developing the economy. Call forth many with a calling in the market place to emerge, cast off fear and long held beliefs that believers cannot make it in the market.

Pray for Gosha people and Taita Taveta County

Prophecy watch There will be 12 key gatherings of worship throughout this Nation.

Pray for the developing of these centers of worship in the land.

DAY 40

1st December 13

Rev 18:23 “The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world’s great men. By your magic spell all nations were led astray.” Pray against every form and influence of Babylonic principles on our economy and the market place. Pray against the use of magic, occultism, blood sacrifices and such in our markets. Pray against every secret brotherhood, cartel systems that control certain traders and hinder others from joining or succeeding there. Pray for righteous Kenyans to break though in fields long a preserve of few exploitative individuals

Pray for Konso people and Tana River County

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DAY 41

2nd December 13

Lev 26:6 “I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no-one will make you afraid. I will remove savage beasts from the land, and the sword will not pass through your country” Pray for a peaceful and secure environment to do business in Kenya. Pray for wisdom for the leadership and security agencies to curb all forms of insecurity and threats. Pray for the citizens to respect each others rights to property and enterprises

Pray for Orma people and Tharaka Nithi County

Prophecy watch This Jubilee time causes the gifts of God to come alive in a nation.

Pray for a birthing (re-birthing) of God’s gifts in the land. Pray for a release of the spirit of invention in the business, science and technology worlds.

DAY 42

3rd December 13

Isaiah 65:21-24; Decrees over the Economy of Kenya for the next 50 years and beyond. We decree and declare … o … wisdom and knowledge from above for proper and appropriate business ideas to transform Kenya immensely o … witty inventions and discoveries that propel the nation to great development heights in infrastructure and technology o … grace to labour and put many young people to the job market o … godly ethics inculcated in business to rid our society of exploitation and oppression of workers. That everyman in Kenya will enjoy the labour of his hands o …. that no foreigners or foreign enterprises will exploit our resources to the disadvantage of our nation o …that our enterprises will grow beyond our borders become mighty on earth o … that our resources will be exploited in godly ways, preserving the environment and being used wisely for the betterment of our nation. o … blessings upon our trade, manufacturing, service industry, farming

Pray for Asians and Trans Nzoia County

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DAY 43

4th December 13

1 Tim 2:1-4; Praying for Those in Authority. Give thanks for Kenya and our government and take time to bless all those in positions of authority. Pray for our governmental leaders, that they would choose to walk in wisdom, Godly counsel, and the fear of the Lord, and come to the knowledge of the truth. Pray for the exposure of hidden motives, corruption and immorality in government. Pray for the President and Deputy President for their protection, welfare, wisdom to lead the nation and make the right decisions, and continual humility before the Lord. Pray for the Cabinet secretaries, principle secretaries and other government officials that they would use their positions to facilitate God’s purposes for the nation. Pray for the cabinet to promote laws that would promote infrastructure development, value addition to our agricultural produce, and proper stewardship of our newly found mineral wealth.

Pray for the Caucasian Kenyans and Turkana County

Prophecy watch A new generation of fathers and mothers will arise and it will be said that the presence of God will move from one generation to another.

Pray for these fathers and mothers to take their position, and for mantles to transfer from one generation to the next.

DAY 44

5th December 13

Mic 6:8; Senate & the National Assembly. Pray for Laws that promote righteousness and justice. Pray for laws that promote the welfare of the poor, oppressed and the minorities. Pray for integrity among the legislators. Pray for the facilitation of laws that would create pathways for God’s purposes to come to pass. Pray for laws that would positively address social imbalances in the community, the rich-poor divide and youth unemployment. Pray that the church would embrace and develop a kingdom strategy for influencing and impacting government at all levels.

Pray for Kenyans in the diaspora and Uasin Gishu County

DAY 45

6th December 13

Rom 13:1,4; Ex 18:21; County Governments. Pray for proper service delivery to the people. Pray for right support staff within the County institutions. Pray for proper structures to handle county resources, whether from the National government or from the minerals and other resources within the county.

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Pray for infrastructure that would promote the needs and welfare of the poor and oppressed. Pray for integrity in our County Governors, and a desire to leave a positive legacy for the succeeding generations.

Pray for tourists and Vihiga County

Prophecy watch There is a revival of blessing coming up.

Pray for the church would no longer be crippled in the land, but would be a blessing to the nation.

DAY 46

7th December 13

2 Chron 19:6-7; The Judiciary. Pray for the Kenyan Supreme Court Judges by name. Pray that the fear of the Lord would come upon the judges of our land, such that they would render righteous and just judgments. Pray for the challenges within the judicial system that God would provide wisdom and solutions to delayed rulings, lack of capacity (judges, magistrates, researchers, stenographers), inefficient systems, corruption and power struggles. Pray for Judges who love righteousness and truth. Pray that the JSC would value integrity, competence and justice. Pray that the Judicial system as a whole would value justice and integrity.

Pray for Wajir county

DAY 47

8th December 13

Ps 127:1b; Ps 122:6; National Security Issues. Pray for the National Security apparatus that they would do what is right in terms of providing security. Pray for the Police force that they would develop a passion for righteousness and truth. Pray against corruption in the Police force. Pray for laws that promote the welfare of the Police, and of the Security forces at large. Pray against terrorism, and that God would continually expose the plans of enemy to bring fear, confusion and death. Pray for our military and intelligence services that they would promote the welfare of the nation and that they would be dedicated to serve and protect the nation. Pray that God would seal every loophole that the enemy is using to infiltrate our Security apparatus.

Pray for West Pokot county

Prophecy watch Kenya will be a lead Nation in Global Prayer. The prayer movement will now shift into an authoritative move of God.

Pray for the spirit of grace and supplication (Zech 12:10) to come on the nation in a new way.

21 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

DAY 48

9th December 13


Biblical Background: 1. In the time of Moses they desired to be different from other nations; God-led – Ex. 33:16 2. In 1 Sam. 8:5 the Israelites demanded a king; contrast to Moses: to be like other nations A. God stated they had rejected Him – 1 Sam. 8:7 B. He said it was a culmination of the spirit of idolatry – 1 Sam. 8:8 C. The danger of political idolatry is very real D. In most cultures, leaders are often idolised – see Acts 12:21-23 E. This is true in our Kenyan cultures and national life; a work of the flesh – Gal. 5:20 3. Election cycles have shown discernible patterns: A. Tribal and ethnic conflicts – people do anything for the idolatry of the tribe B. Political manipulation and idolatry – they do anything for the idolatry of a politician C. These are hindrances to Kenya’s divine destiny. Intercessors, fellowship gets affected D. Our generation has the privilege to undo this destructive pattern Is. 61:4 E. The Lord is exalted in a place of His own – Josh. 5:1315; impartial – Acts 10:34-35 4. Personal and identificational repentance is needed – Neh. 1:5-11 5. The power of prophetic declarations and decrees is seen in the Bible – Job 22:28; Matt. 16:19; Luke 10:19

The declarations below are proposed for any gathering of believers. For each of the items, one person can read them out and the people respond AMEN!

Thanksgiving items: 1. We give thanks to God for His grace upon Kenya for the past 50 years, for all the development, infrastructure, agriculture, growing economy, and precious minerals that have been found! AMEN! 2. We give thanks to God for the nation’s role in peace efforts in neighbouring countries and other parts of Africa over the years. AMEN! 3. We give thanks to God for His peace during the recent elections and thereafter. AMEN! 4. We give thanks to God for freedom of worship and the knowledge of the True God, whose Hand has continued to be upon Kenya by His grace. AMEN! 5. We give thanks to God for His covenant relationship with Kenya. AMEN!

Repentance, Renouncing, Declarations and Decrees: 1. We repent for embracing negative ethnicity and division along tribal lines to the point of speaking evil of one another and shedding one another’s blood. AMEN! 2. We repent for every drop of innocent blood that has ever fallen upon this land of Kenya from the very first drop to the present time. AMEN! 3. We repent for embracing negative politics and division along political lines to the point of speaking evil of one another and shedding one another’s blood. AMEN! 4. We repent for worshipping our leaders at the tribal levels in the past, at institutional levels, in the church, and in the nation at large. AMEN!

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5. We repent for worshipping at the altar of politics and for worshipping politicians and others to the point of doing their bidding even to the point of shedding one another’s blood. AMEN! 6. We repent for desecrating God’s Altar by allowing our pulpits and platforms to advance short term human agendas rather than God’s eternal purposes and plans. AMEN! 7. We repent for compromising on our calling and our integrity to serve the interests of human beings rather than to serve God’s divine purpose and be faithful to His calling. AMEN! 8. We renounce the spirit of tribalism and the idolatry of it in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN! 9. We renounce the spirit of leader worship and the idols of politics in Kenya in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN! 10. We reaffirm that we have been purchased with the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and He is our only Lord, Saviour, King, and Master for evermore. AMEN! 11. We shall worship Him and serve Him alone. AMEN! 12. We decree and declare that any tribal and or political agendas that are negative or demonic in nature that tend to manifest during election cycles or at any other times shall never prevail in Kenya. AMEN! We uproot them forever in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN! 13. We decree and declare that any demonic or Satanic agenda concerning Kenya shall never take root in this land forever in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN! We uproot all such forces from this land in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for this land rightfully belongs to the God who created it now and forevermore. AMEN! 14. We dedicate every tribal and ethnic group in Kenya to God the Creator in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they may serve Him alone and bring glory to Him in all their interactions. AMEN! 15. We dedicate the politics and leadership of Kenya at all levels to God the Creator that they may bring Him all the glory and serve in His grace, in His wisdom, and in His strength alone in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! AMEN! 16. We decree and declare that Kenya shall live up to her prophetic destiny to be a lighthouse in the continent and beyond to the glory of God in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! AMEN!

Let us conclude by speaking God’s blessing over Kenya in every area and then let us shout HALLELUJAH 7 TIMES and then give High Praises to God in joyful celebration!

DAY 49

10th December 13

Job 22:8; Decrees over the mountain of governance and politics. We decree and declare …… o …. God-given wisdom for all leaders in Kenya. The Lord reveals Himself for a personal relationship with each one, and opens their ears so they will know the voice of God and be led by His direction. o ….that wise men and women like Joseph and Daniel will be raised up with abilities to solve problems and bring Godly influences to the leaders of Kenya. o …. our legislators are clear-minded and well-informed so they can pass wise laws for the land that promote the welfare of the people and the will of God. o …. divine protection and wisdom for all elected officials. May they be visited by the Lord and make righteous decisions. o …. the Lord’s protection from any social unrest, terrorism, geo-physical disaster and any other enemy warfare. Our leaders are prepared to face any crisis and deal with any challenge that

23 Kenya Turns 50 in 2013 The Year of Rest and a Fresh Start THE YEAR OF JUBILEE

manifests. o …. the Lord’s protection upon the President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta and his family, and the deputy President, William Ruto and his family. We declare angelic protection over them as well as those around them. o …. that the Christian heritage of our nation would not be undermined and lost by ungodly influences. o …. the Spirit of the Lord rests upon our Judges with discernment, wisdom, knowledge and understanding and the fear of the Lord as they make decisions for the people. o …. angelic visitations and God encounters for our Judiciary in the night seasons where the fear of the Lord will overtake them-especially all new court appointments. o …. that all bad laws are struck down and laws are upheld that are based on God’s Word and His truths. o …. that the Lord cleans out the corruption in government o …. the Lord fills government leaders and servants with character and integrity; that these men and women will not be bought or bribed to pervert justice or twist our laws for evil. o …. the Lord places wisdom, understanding and insight upon the leaders to solve problems and bring solutions for the different Counties. o …. that the financial funding supporting the pro abortion, anti-family-marriage and homosexual agenda would be cut off. The Lord exposes and thwarts the plans of these evil men. o …. that Israel would be supported by our government. o ….that Kenya’s police force effectively addresses crime and upholds the law. o ….divine protection over every police officer and member of the defense forces in Kenya so that no harm will befall them in the line of duty, and we speak peace in their homes and marriages.

Prophecy watch God is going to make the heathen weak in this season.

Pray that these weaknesses would drive the non-believers to the Lord. Their eyes should be opened.

DAY 50

11th December 13

Give thanks to the Lord for the past 50 days of prayer and the past 50 years of the nation of Kenya. Praise Him concerning the future and the greatness of His plans for this nation. (Ps 92:1-10; Ps 103:1-5; Ps 34:1)

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