Summary of the Tax Reform Act of 1976, H.R. 10612, 94Th Congress
^/i I O I M T C M \ ENACTEi:: q4.T^ JOIN'- SUMMARY OF THE TAX REFORM ACT OF 1976 (H.R. 10612, 94TH CONGRESS, PUBLIC LAW 94-455) PREPARED BY THE STAFF OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION OCTOBER 4, 1976 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 77-889 O WASHINGTON : 1976 JC8-31-76 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $1.65 CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES (94th Cong., 2d sess.) Joint Committee on Taxation Senate House RUSSELL B. LONG, Louisiana, Cliainnan AL ULLMAN, Oregon, Vice Chairman HERMAN E. TALMADGE, Georgia JAMES A. BURKE, Massaciiusetts VANCE R. HARTKE, Indiana DAN ROSTENKOWSKI, IlUnois CARL T. CURTIS, Nebraska HERMAN T. SCHNEEBELI, Pennsylvania PAUL J. FANNIN, Arizona BARBER B. CONABLE, Jr., New York Laurence N. Woodworth, Chief of Staff Herbert L. Cuabot, Assistant Chief of Staff Bernard M. Shatiro, Assistant Chief of Staff (n) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL October 4, 1976. Hon. Russell B. Long, Chairman, Hon. Al Ullman, Vice Chairman, Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C Dear Messrs. Chairmen: Immediately following the passage of the conference report by the House and the Senate on the Tax Reform Act of 1976 (H.R. 10612), the House and Senate also passed a House Concurrent Resolution (H. Con. Res. 751), rearranging the section numbers of the bill in a more logical sequence. In addition, the House Concurrent Resolution made corrections of printing, clerical, and technical errors. Primarily because of the rearrangement of the section numbers, the Public Law (P.L.
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