Burbank Sanitary District 1
BURBANK SANITARY DISTRICT 1. BURBANK SANITARY DISTRICT A GENCY O VERVIEW Burbank Sanitary District (BSD) provides sewer collection services for unincorporated islands within the City of San Jose. The District contracts with the San Jose-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility for wastewater treatment and disposal. Additionally, BSD provides solid waste collection and street sweeping services through franchise agreements with private contractors. Santa Clara LAFCO last conducted a service review covering BSD in 2006. BSD was established in 1940 to acquire, build, operate, and maintain a wastewater disposal system and provide solid waste and street sweeping services within an unincorporated area of Santa Clara County. The principal act that governs the District is the Sanitary District Act of 1923. The principal act empowers the District to acquire, plan, construct, reconstruct, alter, enlarge, lay, renew, replace, maintain, and operate all of the following: garbage dumpsites, garbage collection and disposal systems; sewers, drains, septic tanks, sewage collection, outfall, treatment works and other sanitary disposal systems; stormwater drains, collection, outfall and disposal systems; and water recycling and distribution systems. Districts must apply and obtain LAFCO approval to exercise services authorized by the principal act but not already provided (i.e., latent powers) by the district at the end of 2000. Boundaries BSD consists of two non-contiguous unincorporated areas that are surrounded by the City of San Jose and within San Jose’s Urban Service Area (USA). Since the last MSR, two areas have been detached from the District, subsequent to the territory being annexed into San Jose. The District’s bounds presently encompass 0.28 square miles.
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