1130 Llanteg Butterfly Haven TS
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TRANSPORT STATEMENT February 2019 Butterfly Haven Conservation & Eco-Tourist Attraction The Downs Llanteg Pembrokeshire acstro Butterfly Haven, Llanteg Transport Statement Table of Contents 1 Introduction & Background ............................................................................................... 1 2 Policy Context .................................................................................................................. 3 3 Existing Conditions .......................................................................................................... 6 4 Proposed Development ................................................................................................. 10 5 Summary & Conclusion ................................................................................................. 13 Appendices Appendix 1 Location Plan Appendix 2 Site Context Appendix 3 Existing Access Appendix 4 Proposed Access Revision History Issue 1 23rd January 2019 Issue 2 4th February 2019 Client comments 1211 Tenby Tourers TS .docx This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client and unless otherwise agreed in writing by Acstro Limited, no other party may copy, reproduce, distribute, make use of, or rely on the contents of the report. Acstro Limited assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection with this document and/or its content. © 2019 Acstro Limited Acstro Ltd., Ty Penbryn, Salem, Llandeilo, SA19 7LT www.acstro.com T. 01558 824021 E. [email protected] acstro Butterfly Haven, Llanteg Transport Statement 1 Introduction & Background 1.1 Acstro has been appointed by Dr. K. Caley, the applicant, to prepare a Transport Statement to support a planning application for the development of a Butterfly Haven Conservation and Eco-Tourist Attraction at The Downs, Llanteg, Pembrokeshire. A location plan is provided in Appendix 1. Appendix 1 Location Plan 1.2 Dr. Caley was formerly Research and Conservation Executive at Twycross Zoo. He is a zoologist and marine biologist, with a PhD in evolutionary ecology. As an ardent field naturalist who has interests in increasing the biodiversity awareness of the general public, he has been involved in the virtual, expert peer-reviewed, The Encyclopedia of Earth. 1.3 Dr. Caley’s intention is to create a truly unique conservation project and visitor attraction. Dr Caley has extensive experience in both research and nature conservation related to a variety of insect species. His particular interest in butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) has led to this proposed development to create a wholly new management system for looking after captive butterflies and presenting the conservation plight of pollinators. 1.4 The proposed development will showcase butterflies, moths and other insects, both indigenous and tropical, in appropriate display display areas (heated and unheated biomes, outdoor gardens), in close association with a private nature reserve, which is not part of this application, but which is an integral part of the more general conservation project. Separating species of Lepidoptera into their respective provenances will provide a habitat-based management system that has not been adopted anywhere else in the country. Furthermore, the creation of a reserve that is specifically focussed on insect conservation will provide a uniquely specialised Haven for butterflies. 1.5 Butterfly houses in the UK generally form part of a wider zoological conservation park, for a range of animal species. Rarely do they exist as independent entities and even then they include species from all over the world in one flight area, with little or no outside provision for native species, although there are some attempts to remedy this in more general terms. The conservation project that is the basis of this application is looking to provide conservation measures on-site for protecting and enhancing local pollinator communities, with a primary focus being Lepidoptera and their associated flora, whilst catering for other native species as part of the holistic management. 1.6 The Butterfly Haven at Llanteg will be one of the few devoted pollinator-specific gardens in the UK. The purpose of the tourism element of the development is to sustain the nature conservation and the management of the nature reserve. 1.7 As well as conservation of a range of important species, and providing a new and unique tourist attraction for visitors to Pembrokeshire, the attraction will also include an active education programme. Dr Caley is well equipped to ensure appropriate education provision, given his expertise in this field of nature conservation. He is also well aware of the education requirements of DEFRA’s zoo license, due to his involvement in the zoo license reassessment procedure. He is a former executive of Twycross Zoo, has extensive experience in ecology and research and was a member of the BIAZA (British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums) Research and Field Programme Committees. acstro 1 Butterfly Haven, Llanteg Transport Statement 1.8 The development will be built out in phases over 7-10 years with the final completed scheme providing up to 8 FTE jobs to support the local economy. Phasing of the development will allow the natural and traditional conservation of the whole site to occur as the biomes and other buildings emerge in the landscape. 1.9 The first of the purpose-built biomes and the Café / Reception will be provided within the first phase. As the scheme matures the remainder of the biomes will be completed (in phases 2, 3 and 8). Improvements to the gardens, the provision of the ponds and the and enhancement of the native habitats in terms of increasing biodiversity, will occur throughout phases 1-9. The education programme will commence from phase 1 and be improved and expanded as the development progresses to completion. Overall, the proposal will have significant benefits locally, providing a focus for the community in the immediate vicinity of the village hall, with volunteer and community associations that will aid community cohesion. 1.10 This Transport Statement sets out the transport issues relating to the proposed development. The structure of the Transport Statement has been informed by best practice advice contained within ‘Guidance for Transport Assessment (DfT 2007). 1.11 The structure of the Transport Statement is as follows: • Section 2 describes the relevant planning policy context that is relevant in terms of transport issues; • Section 3 describes the site’s location, its proximity to services and facilities and its accessibility by all forms of transport. • Section 4 describes the proposed development and its access arrangements. An estimate of the likely trip generation of the proposed development of the land is also provided. • Section 5 provides a summary and conclusion. acstro 2 Butterfly Haven, Llanteg Transport Statement 2 Policy Context Planning Policy Wales 10th Edition 2.1 Planning Policy Wales (PPW) sets out the land use planning policies of the Welsh Government. The primary objective of PPW is to ensure that the planning system contributes towards the delivery of sustainable development and improves the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales. 2.2 In terms of transport related policies paragraph 4.1.1 states that “the planning system should enable people to access jobs and services through shorter, more efficient and sustainable journeys, by walking, cycling and public transport”. 2.3 Paragraph 4.1.9 states that “the planning system has a key role to play in reducing the need to travel and supporting sustainable transport, by facilitating developments which: • are sited in the right locations, where they can be easily accessed by sustainable modes of travel and without the need for a car; • are designed in a way which integrates them with existing land uses and neighbourhoods; and • make it possible for all short journeys within and beyond the development to be easily made by walking and cycling.” 2.4 PPW advocates a sustainable transport hierarchy for planning, the hierarchy being, from top to bottom: • Walking and Cycling • Public Transport • Ultra Low Emission Vehicles • Other Private Motor Vehicles 2.5 It is Welsh Government policy to require the use of a sustainable transport hierarchy in relation to new development, which prioritises walking, cycling and public transport ahead of the private motor vehicles. 2.6 The transport hierarchy recognises that Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV) also have an important role to play in the decarbonisation of transport, particularly in rural areas with limited public transport services. To this end the provision of ULEV charging points is encouraged within new developments. 2.7 PPW requires (4.1.53) that local authorities develop and adopt standards that set maximum levels of parking for broad classes of development, together with a threshold size of development above which such levels will apply. Parking standards should be applied flexibly and allow for the provision of lower levels of parking and the creation of high-quality places. acstro 3 Butterfly Haven, Llanteg Transport Statement TAN18 Transportation 2.8 Planning Policy Wales Technical Advice Note 18 (TAN18) details the Welsh Government Government’s policies in terms of transportation and repeats the general principles advocated in PPW i.e. that development is encouraged in sustainable, accessible, locations that will reduce the need to travel by car. Its aim is to promote