COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA STATE COMMISSION ON CONSER,VATION AND DEVELOPMENT VIRGINIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ARTHUR BEVAN, State Geologist Bulletin 5O Ground-water Resources of Northern Virginia BY R. C. CADY Pnrpanno rN CoopenarroN wrrrr rnn lJrvrrno Srnres GBor-ocrcnr, Sunvey T]NIVERSITY, VIRGINIA 1938 RICHMOND: Drvrsrox or Puncnast aNo PnrntrNc DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCE$ P. O. Box 3667, UniversitY Station Charlottesville' Virginis Vrncrxr,t Geolocrcat Surr,riy BunnrrN 50 Pr-arn I b0 o' !s]. (nu!@ id uo 6aa '6i o. F8 tn 6G ,eE I ". a- bi- Fo -4, > r;g o<B >6o G (4'; 4". -d .-O ! Vtuc;trir,r Gtolocrcrr Suur l:r llulloux 50 Prern I d bro tr-Y ia Av aaa '&ai6 r>A {l =LJ 6J -N -iE It9v 6,f- -a> 6E OO ;E "/ 6 ! STATE COMMISSION ON CO\ISERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Wrr,sun C. Har,r, Chairman, Richmond BneueN VaxoBvnxrax, V ic e-C hairwan, Norfolk Mansuar,r, B. BoorBn. Halifax C. S. CanrBn, Bristol D. D. Hur,r, Jn., Roanoke Rrcrreno A. Grr-r,reu, Erecutiae Secretary and, Treasurer, Richmond 111 LETTER OF' TRANSMITTAL CoulroNwBALTrr oF VrncrNre VrncrNre GBorocrcer Sunvnv IJNrvensrrv or VrncrNre Cuanr-orrBsvrr,r,tr, Va., January 25, 1938. To the State Comtnission otc Consetwatiorc anrl Develobntent: GeNrrurrBN: I have the honor to transmit and recommend for publication as Bulletin 50 of the Virginia Geological Survelz series of reports the manuscript and illustrations of the Ground,-zaater Resowrce.s of Nortkern Virginia, by Mr. R. C. Cady of the United States Geological Survey. This report is the second complete one of a series based on detailed field investigations of the ground-water resources of Virginia made in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey.
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