
Hagelin 31a pg. 1

I. Intro

Brothers and Sisters, St. Teresa of Avila’s most famous work is titled the “Interior Castle.” In it, she depicts spiritual growth as a difficult journey through SEVEN STAGES deeper and deeper inside the Castle. The Goal is to enter the innermost chamber of the Castle, where she encounters the One she calls “His Majesty.” One begins with friendship with the Lord Jesus, and ends in betrothal or marriage to Christ.

With all this talk of castles, a difficult path there, and marrying royalty, my mind could not help but turn to the . Seriously now, Cinderella’s path to meet Prince Charming, marry him, and live “happily ever after” is not a bad way to envision our own Faith journey; though our goal is not Prince Charming, but the “Prince of Peace” Jesus Christ. Follow me now:

II. Initial Stages

Stage 1

Cinderella had a blissful early childhood. Although her mother has passed away, she lived securely in a beautiful Chateau with her doting father. Life was simple and happy as a child. She knew she was loved and destined for a content life.

Although certainly not all of us had good parents, most of us were brought up in Faith, a simple Faith at first: the beginning of the Gospel message, after all, and what we rightly first teach kids, is God’s immense love for us; that we are called to friendship with God now, and destined to live with Him forever in heaven. THIS IS THE FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH ABOUT WHO YOU ARE, GOD’S LOVE & YOUR DIGNITY and DESTINY. But deeply believing this WILL NOT ALWAYS BE EASY as it might have been when you were a child. Cinderella’s path represents her perseverance and victory.

Stage 2

Cinderella simple childhood did not last. Her father remarried, and then died soon after, leaving Cinderella in the care of her “Evil Stepmother,” Lady Tremaine, who we find out to be Hagelin 31a pg. 2

“Cold, cruel, and bitterly jealous of Cinderella's charm and beauty.” And Cinderella ends up as a family slave essentially.

Lady Tremaine is a fitting villain given today’s Gospel: like the Pharisees she rules over Cinderella’s Father’s House, and uses her authority to oppress Cinderella. Sound familiar? The Pharisees (and Lady Tremaine) are masquerading as kind stepparents, when really they are interested in only themselves.

You know, as parents are supposed to help a child flourish, religion is meant to foster our relationship with Jesus; to affirm THAT FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH I MENTIONED: that you are beloved; and that your dignity means a journey of growing into a disciple of Christ. Saint Paul described what good religious leadership looks like in today’s Second Reading:

We were gentle among you, as a nursing mother cares for her children. With such affection for you, we were determined to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very selves as well, so dearly beloved had you become to us… [We] Work[ed] night and day in order not to burden any of you, But when our religious leadership is more like Lady Tremaine or the Pharisees, that is a HUGE challenge and scandal.

But that is just one possible challenge. The transition from a simple childlike Faith occurs when we face life and Faith difficulties. Our faith must mature at a pace similar to our human development if it is to remain relevant. How do we hang onto that FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH of God’s love, our dignity and destiny.

III. Parallels

Again, the story of Cinderella as it unfolds is well parallels many challenges we might face in Faith. Follow me:

 In Cinderella, a Royal Ball is announced – through which the King seeks a spouse for his son: the Prince. Lady Tremaine says Cinderella can go to the Royal Ball “IF” she finishes her chores and finds something suitable to wear. But then she assigns Cinderella tons of extra chores to sabotage her. In your own journey, do you feel hope of Hagelin 31a pg. 3

encountering God, but then get too busy, believe that what’s in the way is insurmountable, or discouraged that you are not suitably “dressed” to approach Him?

 Next, 1. Cinderella’s animal friends step up to help finish the chores, and also create a beautiful dress for her to attend the Royal Ball – 2. then her evil stepsisters rip her dress apart where she stands. 3. In tatters and distraught Cinderella goes outside and prays,1 and her tears summon her Fairy Godmother who fixes her up and sends her to the Ball. 4. There, she meets the Prince who falls in love with her. 5. But then…she runs out of time – when at Midnight the spell wears off [when?]. In your journey, do you pray for help? When help comes but another obstacle occurs, do you go back to Him for help? Was there a time you felt close to the Lord, but – like the midnight toll – you feel the “spell” fade…or did you run away from Him because you were afraid he’d see who you really are?

 But the Prince does not give up hope of finding Cinderella; and sends a delegation around the Kingdom looking the foot on which the GLASS SLIPPER fits. In your own Journey, do you realize He loves you exactly as you are, and that He is always seeking you?

 Upon hearing of this search, however, Lady Tremaine (evil as ever) locks Cinderella in her room, so she cannot try on her slipper. Locked in her room? In your own journey, do you ever feel blocked in your path by an unsupportive spouse? Have you locked yourself inside out of fear or shame?

 The Royal Delegation arrives at the Chateau, Cinderella’s step-sisters try on the glass slipper without luck. Cinderella’s friends break her out; and she appears victorious and descends the staircase to confirm her identity. In your own journey, do you reach out to friends or religious leadership when you feel trapped?

 But even now – out of spite – Lady Tremaine trips the servant carrying the glass slipper, and it shatters, preventing Cinderella from confirming her identity. . Luckily, Cinderella

1 In the Original Version, at her mother’s grave Hagelin 31a pg. 4

had a “back-up” (the other glass slipper). In your own journey, do you hold fast to the promise and Christ’s victory over death and sin in your life? Even if you feel like you totally blew it, or it is no use to try, do you trust that the Lord Jesus always has a “back- up:” a beautiful way to restore your identity and bring you into your inheritance?

Where the rubber hits the road for us, is that each of us will face many challenges, but also will receive even more Divine help when we seek it. Hanging onto the foundational truth of God’s love, our dignity and destiny IS PARAMOUNT – even as we encounter the messiness of life and are tempted to be discouraged and give up?

IV. The Gifts and Call of God Are Irrevocable2

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says that despite the hypocrisy of the Pharisees:

Do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example.

What the Lord Jesus means [very slow] is that the Gospel’s truth depends not at all on humans. In today’s Second Reading, Saint Paul likewise praises the Thessalonians for seeing the Divine Truth of the Gospel:

You received not a human word but, as it truly is, the word of God, which is now at work in you who believe. What I want you to take away from this; the Gospel’s truth depends not at all on humans. That foundational truth of God’s love, His invitation to friendship NOW, and His desire that we all be saved CANNOT be annulled by religious hypocrisy or other difficulties. God’s love overcomes, is unconditional and permanent; praised Jesus. May our very experience of disappointment in others, ourselves, and our life circumstances ALL THE MORE lead us to to trust in the Lord Jesus alone.

My friends, every Saint and every disciple’s perseverance in THAT FOUNDATIONAL truth, that we are beloved by God; every person’s perseverance in their discipleship and walk with the Lord – contains the essential element of community through which we encounter the love of Christ – albeit imperfectly.

2 Romans 11:29 Hagelin 31a pg. 5

This year’s stewardship speakers, Cathy and Leigh Goodrich, will share today how Saint Luke Parish has helped them to know, love and serve Jesus; and how they see their investment in this community helping them and others in building our relationship with the Lord Jesus.