Santos Welcomes Coongie Lakes Decision

ustralian oil and gas major Santos recognition of their significance, they were Limited has welcomed a decision by declared of international Athe South to importance under the in protect the unique Coongie Lakes wetlands, 1987. located about 11 0 km north of Moomba on the in the state's far "The Coongie Lakes are a series of unique northeast. freshwater wetlands and lakes in arid Australia. Santos therefore decided it needed The cata lyst for the decision was a historic to bring the parties together on this important agreement between Santos, which previously environmental site", said Santos ' Managing held the exploration rights to the Coongie Director, John Ellice-Flint. Lakes area, and the South Australian conservation movement, which represents 50 "While Santos has held exploration rights to environmental groups. this area in the past, we recognise that we have a community responsibility to protect Early in 2001, Santos initiated negotiations for this important wildlife habitat and refuge. a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the South Austral ian Conservation "I am particularly proud of the way our Counci l and the Wilderness Society. The MoU employees and contractors have operated in recommended that the government protect this area, to the highest possible the Coongie Lakes and adjacent areas not environmental standards over time. Because covered by petroleum licences. of this, the values and beauty of the area remain. The MoU called on the SA Government to make the Coongie Lakes Control Zone (CLCZ) "Santos took a leadership pos ition on this a 'no-go' area for resource activities and to issue against the wishes of some. It has been increase the size of the CLCZ to include an arduous and at times frustrating process, important wetlands nearby. but the outcome is worth it. The challenge now is to find ways to improve dialogue The lakes are part of an important freshwater between all the key stakeholders." • system in arid Australia. In

PESA News No. 65 (2003) • PE!iA New¥ August/September 2003 Copyright © 2017 by Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)