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THE OHIO MORE THAN Ufl PRIZES IN JI MAMMOTH NEWSIES' NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet Saturday OHIO STATE VUSSUM LIBRART 15TH * Hiaa ST. Slory On Page 8 COLUMBUS, OHIO THB OHIO i CROSS-POINTS YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER SENTINEL OHIO COMES FIRST CONTEST •#i& THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 20 CENTS EVER-GREEN POINTS CROSS-POINTS COLUMBUS, OHIO (Count Singly) (Count Double) JFK's Housing Bias Order Is First Important Step : 11 FOR Story On Page 2 *51#^ UI___„y EASTER ,7 , Slays Man ill- Plus Cash Commission Money You Will Earn Each Week As A Sentinel Newsle

•- 1st PARTY-BIG CHRISTMAS WEEK PARTY mm mm e Stole m IHME WH0 0UM,FY - iikso Slory 0B Page 2 One Ever-Green Point For Every Paper Yon Sell. (Note: Average Ol More Than 10 Base Papers Weekly Must Be Sold To Qualify As An Entrant Or As A Prize Winner. One Ever-Green Point For Each Paper Sold Including Base Of 10 Or More Is To • Be Awarded. Example: Newsies Who Are Selling 20 Papers At Start Of Cross-Points Contest During GUN MAKES TWO SISTERS LEAP Week Ending Nov. 17 Will Be Awarded 20 Points. Contest Starts Thursday, Nov. 15. No Double Points Will Be Awarded First Week Of Contest When Paper Sale Start*, Thursday, Nov. 15, And Ends Saturday, Nov. 17. * AND One Robin-Blue "Nest-Egg" Point (Counts Double During First Week New Customer Is Sold) For THRU WINDOW AT FLAME CLUB Every New Customer Added To Your Route In Weeks Following Week Ending Nov. 17 And Which Customer Is Held To End Of Cross-Points Conies t on March 30. CONTEST ENDS on Saturday, March Story On Page 2 30, 6 P. M., 15 Days Before Easter of 1963. 50 Points Entitles Newsie To FREE Dinner At The Christmas Party. 100 Points Entitles Newsie To Christmas Party Prize Present.

• MOST POINTS EARNED CHRISMAS BY BEST NEWSIE INCREASED - SALES GETTER CONNIE BANKS, notfrd socia­ lite MM! businesswoman, wa* at­ Fiie Cuts Belbnen-Waiters Club WALTER WILMS, weU-fcoown (EVER - GREEN POINTS PLUS CROSS -POINTS) ENTITIES NEWSIE TO WIN tacked and robbed Tuesday even* Columbn* native and former New Football, Football Suit And Helmet larr after leaving a bar on E. Jfwy On Page 7 doorman and bellmaa at De*b*> Loaf ot. See story oa pare 3. ter-HUton died following an over*' CHOICE OF: OR aUoa on Nov. SS. Story on pace t. New Softball, Baseball Uniform, Bat And Cap MOST POINTS EARNED BY EASTER (Ever-Green Points Plus Cross-points) ENTITLES CHAMP NEWSIE TO WIN AT POLICE SHOOT ANOTHER BURGLAR 2nd PARTY-EASTER WEEK EGG ROLL AFFAIR Slory On Page 3 . 2ND PRIZE—New Softball, Baseball Uniform, Bai And Cap FIRST PRIZE - Hi 28 - Wheel MCYOE -J S^Mruew o, N_W cwe 5TH To 10TH PRIZES—Softball* CRC Orders Tavern To Stop Bias , tory On Page 3

1WTE: Dae. tf Deadline For Christina* Party Award Totals. Dr. Charles Wesley's Mother Dies In Xenia Hospital Slory On Page 3 PAGE 2 THE OHIO SENTINa THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1961 THE OHIO SENTM Exec. Housing Order Seen PAGE 3 As Important First Step Rob, Beat Connie Banks, PRES. KENNEDY'S long-delay­ THE ORDER does hot cover ed Executive Order banning dis­ "conventionally" financed housing. Socialite, Businesswoman crimination In federally-assisted Mortgages on new housing arrang­ housing was welcomed by NAACP ed with federal savings and loan Mrs. Cornelia "Connie" Banks, same tavern a couple of mlnutea Executive Sec'y Roy Wilkins as associations and banks with fede­ popular Columbus matron, well- later and yelled at the fellow who an Indication that thc government ral insurance are exempted from known In social circles and re­ was beating her. Tbe youthful rob­ has made plain "that the national coverage. ported on a police offense report ber, lowered his head, still holding policy of non-dlscriminatlon be­ "Even though the order does to be the owner of the Royal Grill, onto Mrs. Banks and butted tween citizens, which has been not cover all aspects of discrl- was attacked on busy E. Long St. the football-build man in the recogni/ed in other areas of Amer­ minatfon in housing, It is an Im­ Tuesday night about 7 a. m. and chest and bounced off into near­ ican life, applies as well to hott­ portant first step," Mr. Wilkins was seriously beaten and robbed by St. Clair st alley and then ran ing." sold. "We are calling upon our by a slim-built man In his late up the alley holding Mrs. Banks branches throughout the country teens or early twenties. purse in his hands. In a telegram of commendation to seek prompt Implementation to the president, Mr, Wilkins said THE BOLD robbery took place A number of bystanders said at locally of all applicable require*. the Ume that they did not inter­ that the order was welcomed "In while approximately a score ot ments of the President's order. We fere because they felt it might the anticipation that It will remove persons who apparently did not will utilize the order fully and have been a man and wife's fight, longstanding harriers to freedom know either her or her attacker, seek to have lt broadened." a lover's quarrel, or one of the of residence." or realize exactly what was hap­ many male nighlifers chastising GORE Negro civil rights group pening, looked on. The whole event Not only Negores and members one of his lady friends, or per­ applauded the Government's act­ was over in a matter of less than of other minority groups, "but nil haps even an Indignant male pick­ ion as a belated recognition of lis three minutes. citizens who revere our constitu­ up chasl Using a woman who had FIRE GUTS BELLMANWAJTER9 CLUB. responsibility to halt bios in hous- Mrs. Banks, popular Junior Lea­ tional guarantees of equality, must n cUpped his pocket. a friend Mary Duckett of 1*163 caused by defective wiring in a • «* guer, was emerging from the bar ABOVE COMMITTEE prepare* large poster hail this reaffirmation of our na­ Mra. Bruce M. Hall, Tony ROCCUUM* and Mrs. Cleveland av., was apparently the first floor rear room, firemen But Its national director, James with the day's receipts of more MR8. BANKS, a business woman •ketches for the table decorations of special !»- tion's commitment to basic de­ James Barnes. Committee members not shown: Bellman's Club last to leave the club and did not than 8300 In her purse ahe told of spotless repute, falls into none terest for the NAACP Freedom Fund dinner said. mocratic ideals,"' tho telegram Farmer, made it clear that OORE Robert Williams, Mrs. George Baydea, Mrs. police, when the slim, brownskin of these classifications. But of the Satarday, Deo, 1, at tke Tooth Center. Lett te see any signs of smoke or fire. Loss was estimated at $2000 to said. is not yet satisfied, He said: Isabel!, Berlao Sunioo aad Mr. ahd Mrs. John youth followed her out and spoke onlookers, apparently there were right: Sirs. Kay Mason, chairman; Mr. aad They left between 1 and 1:13 a. in. the building and $500 to the con­ "It is a first •tep.'V Huggard.—Pierce Photo. Struck By Fire Sunday, he aald. -„ tents. ^ THE NAACP LEADER addition­ Builders have expressed concern to her and then immediately none who knew the well-known < "Firemen said two -fire com­ The club founded In 1031. in­ ally noted that "the order does that the ban on race discrimina­ started to beat her, knocking her socialite business woman or who The Walter's and Bellman's panies were dispatched to scene cludes memberships of waiters not go as far In coverage as has tion in federally aided housing to the ground. recognized her at the time. The Man Shot By Cops Club, 898 E. Long st., was struck at 1:50 a. m. and a third a few and bellmen with an auxiliary of been recommended over a long might sap the health of the al­ area usuaUy well-covered by pat­ A HEAVY-SET, football-tackle- Says Negroes Are Switching To GOP by. fire causing $2500 loss to the minutes later. By the time of the women barmaids, etc., it was re­ period or years by the NAACP ready wobbly homebuildlng indus­ rolling cruisers, had not a cop In Asks Them for Cigaret build man, hearing her scream as enthusiasm and confidence. Short­ arrival of the companies heavy ported. and more recently by the U. S. try. sight at the particular mlnutea "Anybooy got a dgaret" asked "THE Republican NaUonal Com­ ly after midnight Saturday, Nov. she went down under her attack­ during which Mrs. Banks waa rob­ that the Negro vote waa wedded black smoke was*>evldent for two MR. CLIFTON JONES of 882 E. j Commission on Civil Rights and A FORECAST-of a damaging Im­ Kelly Chapman, 34, of 478 Lin­ mittee was greaUy heartened in to the Democrats and made plans er's blows, also came out of the bed. blocks around. Long st. is owner of the club. j other responsible organizations." pact on housing activity camo wood av., after being shot three viewing the big city election re­ to stimulate voting for Republican WRIGHT SHARP, manager- from Leonard L. Frank, president Umes by police wMle fleeing the turns to find that Negroes had candidates, Congressman Miller treasurer of the club, said he and ORIGINATION of the fhe was of the National Ass'n of Home scene of a burglary early Sunday, given the GOP its greatest sup­ said:"Our election plans to go Builders. Recalling results of a re­ CSC President's CRC Orders Cafe Nov. 85. port since 19S6." so said Congress­ after the Negro vote paid off! A cent nationwide survey of Ita man William E. Miller, chairman team of national committee staf­ Walter Willis, Succumbs PAUL OATS* 28, of 989 Oregon of the GOP NaUonal Committee. member builders by the ass'n, To Slop Color Bias fers working closely with cam­ Jealous Woman Slays Man WELL-KNOWN COLUMBUS were-: as a Union station red-cap av., owner of'a Sohio station at paign committees in states and Frank said: In checking out the elecUon re­ NATIVE, Walter Willis, 47, 285 N. for ten years; in the public re­ Mother Passes BABBERT'S TAVERN, 3114 680 E. Main at., gave this account big cities produced an impressive "The survey reflected the opion turns In New York City, Detroit, Monroe av., died Nov. 23. Mr. lations department of the Red Top Groveport Pike, has been ordered to police, records show. Oats and result." of many builders throughout the Philadelphia and Cleveland, Chair- f Willis was born June 2, 1915; was Brewery Co. for a period of five Mrs. Matilda Wesley, mother of by the Ohio Civil Rights Commis­ his wife were driving past the country that such an order would man Miller found that Negro vo­ With Stolen Butcher Knife educated ln the Columbus public years and the Schoenling Brewery Central State CoUege President sion to stop discriminating a- station about 1 a. m. when he noil* ••THE election of a Negro Re­ cause a cutback In housing pro­ ters had voted contrary to the be­ A WOMAN stole a butcher knife, carrying a concealed weapon. schools; and lived most ot his life for two years. He was also an Dr. Charles H. Wesley, died Tues­ gainst persons because of race. I ed the night light was not burning. publican Edward W. Brooke as duction, have an adverse effect oa lief of political strategists and colu­ ran after her boyfriend and stab­ Records state the victim and Bell in this city. employee at one time at North day afternoon at the Greene Coun­ j Investigating closer Oats saw a Massachusetts attorney-general the entire economy, and conse­ The order, first issued In this mnists who predicted that this bed him to death late Friday, had been drinking in a bar before American Aviation, Inc. ty Memorial hospital Xenia, O. man Inside and called the police and the increased numbers of Neg­ Surviving him are: his wife, quently on Jobs and Income. area, has been served on Mrs. Nov. 23, near her home, police golrig to the woman's home. John The 87-year-old Louisville, Ken­ from across the street. vote would be solidly and over­ roes that voted Republican in New Mrs. Gcnelle Willis; daughters, Florence Babbert Frye, owner aald. Bell (no relation) watled outside MR. WILLIS was an original Wc feel the health of the home tucky native was known affection­ whelmingly Democratic. York, Michigan, Ohio and Penn­ Evelyn Willis and MiWcent Tho­ and operator of the tavern. Prof. Patrolmen Trafford Ream and Police arrested and charged Ola while George BtlJ. entered the member of the popular Columbus building industry now may be ately as "Mother Wesley" to thou­ He indicated that Ute GOP did sylvania created ^some interesting mas; son, Walter; brothers, Ber­ Roland J. Stanger, of the Ohio Tom Ricketts approached the front Mae Smith, 31, of 682 Gibbard av. home. *.<• Hormonaires; was a former Merry sapped by the executive order." sands of CSC students and gradu­ not accept ihe pre-election theory statistics." nard, James, Roscoe, and Edward; Maker and a former member of State university CoUege ot Law of the station as Sgt. Harold Yates with first degree murder Saturday FROM OTHER quarters the ates. JOHN BELL told officer he saw sisters Velma Rcddick and Ellen St. Mark's 21, Prince Hall Affili­ heard the case Oct. 17. went to the rear. In the slaying of George James reactions, both pro and con. were I the woman and man running Brown; grandson, Bryant W. ation, Masonic Temple at Miami #A member of the Metropoli­ Hold Indianapolis Bridge f ournamenf Bell, 35, of 898 E. Srd av. milder than expected—apparently Records state Chapman came Quite a number of Ohloans, in­ from the house with the woman Thomas. and Long sts. tan AME church of Washington, "Naptown" tourney second pla­ because the White House order It­ out the front entrance and started cluding 9 players from Columbus JOHN LEE BELZ* 23, of the In pursuit, yelling "been seeing she was bom Aug. 6, 1876 ln Louis­ Creative Writirg to run. Yates ordered him to halt cers were Sara Fox and Corlne Gibbard av. address Is booked for During the past five years, Mr. Funeral services were held Nov. self was far less drastic than civil motored to Indianapolis for a dou­ other women." Bell's body was ville. She served as secretary to and -when he failed to do so the Graham. found across the street dead ap­ Willis" was employed as doorman 28 ln the chapel of Mrs. D. A. rights have been demanding. Contest Announced ble grade A post Thanksgiving and bellman at the Deshlcr-Hll- the Dean of the School of Religion officers opened fire on him. bridge tourney, Nov. 24-23. parently stabbed Inside the home, Whittaker and Sons. Burial was NEW YORK—Talented young Others attending the tourney ton hotel at Broad and High sts. 1st place trophy went to Charles It was reported. In Green Lawn Cemetery. Rector at Howard University. Negro writers will have a TWO BLOCKS AWAT Chapman from capita! city were: Ctto Beat­ His other places of employment THE OHIO SENTINEL Pyant and Inez McClelland, who ty, Wilson Heard, Lawrence Pril­ GET-ACQUAINTED j Mra. Smith then asked the other Herbert Smith officiated. chance to compete for cash feU wounded in the back and left SIRS. WESLEY had lived at are repeaters from the Springfield. lerman and the Timothy Tread- Bell to hide the butcher knife L. M. Shaw, General Manager; prices and an expense-paid trip arm from three ot the 13 bullets Wilberforce since 1042 and served Dayton, Xenia tourney held Nov. wells. PINT! under his overcoat and they went Edmund B. Paxton, President: to New Tork, It was announced fired. It is alleged that when the 17, to a bar. Upon returning home Ralph E. Roger, Editor-in- at one time as house director at last week. Winners of tho third officers reached the wounded Congratulations to aU winners! they were arrested by policemen. Gun Makes 2 Women Leap Chief; Annie R, Moore, Business WUberforce University. annual Creative Writtng Contest, Chapman, who has a lengthy po* Monday the woman was charged Manager. co-sponaored by the Render's Uce record, he looked up and TwTtt-on sisteroctnrcs madmn/t*e. emergenc,—_•»_» y ex­ i JUAXITA BATTED, 27, and Friends are asked not to send in Municipal .Court on a count of Digest and the United Negro dramatically asked, "Anybody got its early Sunday morning, Nov. 25 Martha Sayyed, 28, both of 931 Established June 1, 1M»- -**•*>• flowers, but to donate the money first-degree murder. CoUege Fond, can win a total of a cigaret?" by leaping through a plate glass Franklin av., were in the Flame llshed each week at 480-32 E. Ixng Mrs. Smith and John Bell are St (P.O. Box 629) by The Ohio to the CSC Wesley Scholarship 81850 for their short stories, es­ Other shots shattered windows window at the Flame Club, 1402 Club when a fight broke out The cousins, police said, but the Sentinel Publishing Co., Inc., Co­ Fund. says and poems. in a car parked across the street Joyce av., when an employe drew two girls attempted to atop the Bells are not related. a gun on them. lumbus 16, O. CinclnnaU Office! from the station, police said. White Label fight and were ordered outside 8551 Reading R

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 19*7 THB OHIO SENTINH l»AGf 5 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 OHIO SCNTMa Meredith Praises NAACP In Ohio Elks Report Sat. Evening Post Article NEW YORK.—In a lead article,' ag GREETINGS brothers, daugh­ Mrs. Constance Motley, associate Winter Conference, meeting •„ In the Nov. 10 Issue of Thc Satur- j ters and friends ef Etttdom. Once counsel of the NAACP Legal De­ Troy, In January, the State Ass'n day Evening Post. James II. Mere, again this column Is'revived, after fense Fund, came to my assist­ meeUng.In Cleveland, In June and dlth has only the highest praise I being •.dent for many weeks There ance. Tho NAACP was prompt and the Natl Convention, hi Boston for the role which NAACP Missis-' have been some changes made in Mass., to August The Mid-year efficient and that was of prime sippi Field Secretary Medgar Importance. There was a great r*«portiag ELK news in Ohio. How­ Encampment of the Anuered Everg and thc Ass'n played in hla ever, we hope you will be read­ Guard DepL wUl meet in up. morale factor Itere, and every lime admission to Ute University ot we called them, they were there." ing about our various activities stale New York, to April, AJJ Elk Mississippi. programs lead to these various In the same Issue Post Corres- in this paper every week. In his story Mr. Meredith states: events. spondent Robert Massie, who All Antlered Guard Units, State "As soon as I filed application tor covered the violent period pre­ Franklin Lodge, under the its. Staff, District Staffs and local admission. I contacted Medgar ceding Meredith's admission to derahlp of Exalted Ruler John A. tmlts have re-organh*d tor ihe Evers, Mississippi field secretary the university, quotes Field Sec'y PulHns, to making rapid stride,* ensuing year and are moving a- for the NAACP, and through him Evers in an article called "What towards a building program. Capt,- I asked for NAACP legal aid. Next in Mississippi?" long on their respective program. Jesse Jones and his Columbus The lodges win be electing officers EDts Marching Cub are m.iking "We're not going to wait any during December. Then we will and carrying out plans to make File VA Questionnaire longer for Mississippi to comply be looking forward to the Mid- that unit the best In the stale. with Ihe law. After eight years KOOM WINNERS of Champion Jr. High Nesbitt, Kenneth Turner, Paul Bailey, Herman Before Jan: 31,1963 we're not going to wait any lon­ school's PTA Membership Drive are shown, dones, Victor Sheppard, Ervin Boyd. Fourth ger. As a matter of fact, we are Approximately 12,000 disabled i left to right, front to back. First row: Feme row: Hcrcd Craig, Norman King, Phillip going to tile suit this fall to de­ veterons and dependents of de- ! mt %mM mrtamhray Zirrlar, Pamela Stewart, Ginger Kheffersoa, Green, Thomas Watson and Raymond King. segregate the public schools of ceased veterans in Ohio *who re­ Tan Pigskin Carriers Margaret Llojd, Orallne Moss, Denlse Ilump- Not shown are Phillip Dyer, Lois Hamer and Jackson." t'ut. Brenda Bryant, 8berrie Thomas, Drgora homeroom teacher, Mrs. Bessie Beecham. The ceive monthly pension payments Martin. Second row: Sylvia Keaton, Rita members of this eighth grade class brought in are being reminded by Veterans •'Evers senses, perhaps better 1 Deserve Credit, Too I.wiil., Martha Henderson, I.nth Anne Yarbor­ n total ot 104 memberships. Mrs. Helen Paxton Administration to report their ann- j than most* whites can, the speed ough, Andrla Folder, Pamela Richardson, Ro­ was PTA membership drive chairman. Mem­ ual income promptly and avoid the with which Mississippi's long is­ First Negro Boys Rehabilitation salie Hunter, George Btimjrardner. Third rowt bership* for the school now total more than risk of having their payments olation Is ending. 'Whatever the Benjamin Crumpler, Robert Taylor, James 730. Champion is a part of District 12. stopped.. different sizes of their houses.' he explains, 'the Negro sharecropper James C. Robinson. Manager of and Oie Massa have the same si/e Center Observes Anniversary the Veterans Administration Re­ TV antenna. On television Missis­ gional Office, Cincinnati, O., said BeSevfeg tha best in todSridoals Attorney General of Ohio, Mark E. 'after'they are released and with sippi Negroes see Negro enter­ Airman Rodgers thnt all pension recipients are re­ wih come through once grren an McElroy, helped to getttog tbe first a rating at a fifty percent chance ; tainers treated as equals, they < ceiving a tabulating card along opportunity the Rev. Edward Tray- four boys from tbe Boy's Industrial j *- rehsbfliution. "Every cpportunl- see African diplomats being given with their November check due lor has set op a naven Dor pro* School to Commence Rev. ty is given tbe boys to help make j ticker-tape parades. They learn Tray* Dec. 1. It Is on this tabulating card fhgated Negro boys once thry tor's aspiration. adjustments back to mommunity' Assigned To England that there Is a different world that the income report must be leave industrial schools ra joveafle An Immediate problem confront- j bvtog successful,'* me head said, outside Mississippi." AIRMAN First Class. William D. He entered military service Sept. made and returned to the VA. center to Ohio. tag tbe minister was the housing of i He said tbe boys attend public Rodgers, a warehousing specialist 9. 1955, and already ls a veteran 9-The uniqueness of "Re Tray­ his boys. T. E. Wallace was instm-. school as weU as receive tutoring The Income questionnaire Is be­ for the new Defense Electronics of tliree-*^ears duty In England. ing mailed one month earlier this lor Group Home" at 1577 E. 11th mental in securing a $15,000 loan at tbe home. Supply Center at Dayton, O., has av. b the first established home tor the home and final approval Born Oct. 13.1938, at Coshocton, year in order that pensioners may LAST WEEK fn observing the j been reassigned to overseas duty Ohio, Airman Rodgers completed file in December, instead ot wait­ tor Negro boys attempting to make was made Jess than 30 minutes first anniversary of bis "brain­ In England, Brigadier General Wil­ •octal readjustments to society erf later. Central High school there In 1965. ing until January as in the past. child,,* Rv. Traylor had Atty Mc­ liam W. Veal, commander, an­ During his Dayton assignment, If they file in December the VA KM types. Catering to boys between Rev. Ttaytor b«Ut a modem Elroy aad others to an apprecia­ nounced last week. ranch style hone for tbe boys with he. in* wife, Phyllis, and son, can give better service, therefore, tbe ages of IS aad IS the mtototer tion luncheon for "placing an a- Airman Rodgers, who served in esmUeiufnaasy 'tmmYBSmB* valued Michael, had resided at 1021 South file before Christmas, Mr. Robin­ poshted cast "tor th* most part cons to the ground for an oak tree off-base storage facilities at at 09,000. He made the hone as Euclid, Dayton. son stated. these are basically hoys who have of tomorrow." Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, "homey" as poaaibie ao tbe fellows 4 suffered f raeiftatfcr expeitcaecs snd Speaking of future plans BOB FERGUSON, at toft, cue of Ohio State's tamed tan gridders came to Dayton in 1961 following The airman Is the son of Mr. REGULATIONS require pay­ could feel a sense of security thus awignt re veuge ee Btetr rnvvrao- Rev. Traytor said each boy will action. two years of duty at Fairfield and Mrs. John C. Rodgers, 1322 ment to be stopped it the income ttseet or orphans but both seeking making rehabilitation faster. have a simple work project and Air Force Station In California. South 6th st., Coshocton. RODGERS report is not returned to Ihe VA re acceptance to an ever changing BT MICHAEL MORRIS Big Ten catching up with Woody? -aWPBDW THE HOME one win save at least ten per cent for !9t? HAS certainly not been on** by Jan. 31. 1983. They must report society." Each boy is screened by Also when Woody starts to single ail Income received for 1962 as a spacious living room ad­ when he returns to his community. of the great football seasons for a committee and is expected to re­ joined by a beautiful dinning out the important clogs on his well as expected Income for 1963. Be farther revealed plans for a Woody Hayes and his pre-season main at the home for at least six room, the two betng separted by small chapel being built behind the gridiron machine, many also won­ State of Ohio No Income questionnaire is sent number one rated Buckeyes, months. a huge fancy rock fireplace with house with a seating capacity ot der are his praises misplaced? to veterans or widows who ore Woody has blamed officials and BEV. TKAYLOB was called to On the west of tbe living room b fifty. Collections tor the chapel al­ receiving service-connected bene­ injuries for the lack of success TBE MOST RECENT was his Department of Insurance pastor Lee Avenue Methodist chur­ a replica of a cross ceotciiag it. ready amount to 12500 of the fits. in his "Cloud of Dust Offense," statement at the Appreciation Din­ ch in Columbus from Springfield the administrator's office and a- 16000 coat but many have wondered Is the ner held Monday about Dave to 1963 cod inculcated daring that partment and tbe east is a dormi­ Funds tor naming the school are Francis, the, part-time fullback. WHERE YOU CAN BUY year die conception to organize a tory type compartment of rooms provided by governmental sources Woody stated that "Bob Ferguson CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE home for wayward Negro boys. tor tbe boys capable off lodging ten. and private donations. Fun Festival Af Kent at his best never gave us one The undersigned, SUPER1NTE NDENT OF INSURANCE OF THE However, toe dream was not act­ Rev. Traylor said die policy of •STAFF MEMBERS serve only single game aa good as Dave ually attained until 1961. the the home Is to take te these the time needed while two or three Fun Festival chmn. is Mrs. Vin- Francis gave us last week against STATE OF OHIO, hereby certifies thai ATLANTA UFE INSURANCE THE OHIO 9 On November li, lfsl tbe boys from institutions of Ohio wort full time. They are Mrs. st Kent Street Elementary School, Michigan." COMPANY of ATLANTA, State of GEORGIA, haa complied with the laws WQma Books, tutor; Dr. John W. Friday, Nov. *» from 6:30 to 9 of this State applicable to it and is authorized during the current year to Leist, psychiatrist; Mr. Stanley p. m. Perhaps this goes back to the SENTINEL Cook, psychiatric social worker; night the Touchdown Club of Co­ transact in this State its appropriate b nsiness of insurance. Children and parents are wet* Mrs. Valerie-Samuels sister of lumbua had its 1061 .Banquet and THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE PUBLISHED IN A NEWSPAPER OF This Week's Listing: For the best Rev. Traylor and housekeeper; come to attend and enjoy the bake did not make an attempt to even GENERAL CIRCULATION IN FRANKLIN COUNTY AND FILED IN Dr. William Fleming, medical sale, white elephant sale and many invited Ferguson. GRAY DRUGS doctor; Dr. WilUam Preston, den­ other carnival Bke activities. THI* OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. tist and Rev. Edward TrayJor, ad­ THE PUBLIC wonders why no 21 N. Nelson Rd. deal on Fun FesUca! chmn. is Mrs. Vin­ Its Financial condition is shown by it i annual statement to have been ag ministrator. attempt ia made by the Columbus cent Butter, plans for the affair TYLERS DRUGS 9 Coal of these people? To were arranged by Miss DoUis press and Woody Hayes to give follows on December 31, 19611 make these fellows better citizens Long, principal, and PTA presi­ credit where credit to due for un ADMITTED ASSETS $56,836,526.43 1484 E. Long St. SNOW TIRES tor the perpetuity of humanity.— dent la Mrs. Juanita Bricher. gridders at Ohio State. WOO, UABILITIES $42,232,642.38 TAYLOR AVE. CARRY-OUT $14,603,884.10 NET ASSETS 250 Taylor Ava. Buy At THI REAl SPOT FOR FUM CAPITAL . $ 4,000,000.00 SURPLUS $10,603,884.10 MT. VERNON - TAYLOR INCOME $12,368,710.35 MARKET NORMAN BROWN'S 1547 Mi. Vemon Ave. "Mr. Freedom" EXPENDITURES _ $ 9,861,229.46 DOWiTOWR EAST SIDE 10RTH END Musical Notes Trio IN WITNESS WHEREOF; f hove hereunto subscribed ROSATI'S SUPER MARKET ft****, at **m r«*«* BILL GARRETT my name and caused my seal lo be affixed at 19 N. Nelson Rd. Columbus, Ohio mis day and date. $99199 *ei HAMUJ0* 99* 3211 CUVEU8D WINE FOOD BONDSMAN JULY lt 1962 j THIRD STS. *t*t HAJI AVE. BEER CAMEL BELL INN PAUL BAILEY (SEAl) Robert L. Mullins CA, 1-5155 BE. 7-3797 267*7513 HU E. MAIN ST. CL 1^6°1 449 Taylor Ave. Q. 2-ff81 On— n-n. .^11* ^rf^ * -tatotrday NHe Superintendent of Insurance ef Ohio _W»^y5:«t A. M. Till *2:M A. M.*Suada-todayy 1U1 A. M. TIB 2:20 THURSDAY, NOVEMBEt 29, 1962 PAGE 6 THE OHIO SENTINa THURSDAY, NOVEMBEt 19, 1HT THI OHIO SENTINa PAGE TEG ROUNDUP EDITORIALS While Friend Of Meredith Afraid, leaves School OXFORD, Miss.—James H. Meredith plans to remain at the Unl- veralty of Mississippi but a white freshman who aroused his class­ mates' animosity by befriending Meredith probably won't. Craig 1 Knobles, a freshman student from Meridian, Miss, who found his room In dlssarray last week after eating with Meredith In the student 'Gruel At Christmas cafeteria, probably won't return, according to his roommate. Knobles left the campus Immediately after the incident and said he was un­ • IT IS DIFFICULT to believe that what is happen­ decided about returning. He admitted to being "slightly" afraid of ing in Columbus' Franklin Village today is really 1962, and what might happen if he returned. not 1838 in the heart of Victorian London. Oliver Twist seems almost as much alive at Franklin Village today as he did in Says Walker Compeleitf For Federal Trial the pages of Dickens' story. OXFORD, Miss A Federal Court Judge has ruled that Edwin A. Oliver and the childhood he knew in the inhuman Alms­ Walker is mentally competent to stand trial on federal charges of house where he grew up is not as remote as we would like to seditious conspiracy and Inciting an insurrection. No trial date has believe from the purely custodial or survival services being pro­ been set however. Walker, was arrested and charged on Oct. 1 for alleged actions during rioting at the University ot Mississippi the vided children at Franklin Village today. The plain facts arc night of Sept. 80, after Negro James H. Meredith arrived on the —Franklin Village is out of money! campus. • THE FOOD the children will eat for the rest of the year is now in cans and boxes in the Franklin Village store­ Chamber Of Commerce Accepts First Negro room. "Balanced meals'' will not be possible, except for milk ATLANTA, Ga.—The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce has accepted and a sparse smattering of meat and fresh fruits. what la bellved to be its first Negro member. The H. J. Russell Plastering Company has been accepted as a member of Atlanta's It is not a rumor to say that the children many have foremost business group, Herman Russell, president of the Company "gruel" for Christmas;—except that the gruel may be corn­ stated, He received the various membership credentials including the flakes or bean soup. Chamber Membership Plaque this week. < PETITION TO EXPEl AFRICA MAXES HER MINDFUL OF MISSISSIPPI • THE PROSPECTS for improvement in 1963 are very dim! In fact, it looks like Franklin County will be neglecting One Out Of 200 Negroes Pass Dixie Test more "neglected children'' during 1963 than are now under HOLLY SPRINGS, Miss.—Only one Negro In Marshall county, Miss, County Child Welfare Services care. c haa succeeded In passing a preliminary voter registration test out of % 3 St. Ji! KJy eJLticiuS old 200 applicants. This was the report of Frank Smith, 23 year old field The Operating Budget comes almost entirely from two secretary for the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee. He has requested Justice Department aid from President Kennedy. In his Special Levies, passed several years ago (totalling .65 mills, DR. THOMAS E. SHOCKLEY, assistant pro­ letter io the President, Smith stated, *'We*ar» convinced that the tg LAST week I finally obtain- and note the prize purses announ- legal limit for Special Levies). As the number of children ask­ fessor of microbiology at Meharry Medical col­ Dr. Hotchkisa lectured at Meharry recently on the Catholic church that flowered Negroes In this country are being deliberately denied their right to ed a painting I had wanted for ced and check the prices on the ing for help increases and the revenues from the two Levies lege, shows soma chemical genetlo properties geaetio transformation aad was the first ef a the Renaissance era of master­ vote because of their race. years. About ten years ago, some pictures; The white world buys pieces for it paid artists to adorn remains much the same, inevitable and gradual strangulation to his former associate. Dr. Rollin Hotchkiss, series of 10 lecturers to appear at Meharry local colored artists got together and encourages artist*;, but the church walls. of the services to children results. professor of genetics at Rockefeller Institute. during the coming year. an exhibit shown at the old Blue Negro does little along that line. Negro Voters Hit fn Deep South Triangle YWCA on Long st I There are many beautiful color- Few, If any, well-known Bible • THERE ARE, however, some long-look solutions which don't remember all the artists who ed homes which abound in pic- scenes are more than 600 years INDIANOLA, Miss.—An attempt to register to vote by SO Negroes to prescribe by law any particular entered works, but there were tures. 1 can conjecture that no old, although Bible times came to County Child Welfare Services are studying and about which here has touched off a new wave of reprisals against sharecroppers form of prayer which is to be used Darius Worsham, Billy Agney, Le- time-worn master pieces are a stop almost 2000 years ago. That the genera*! public will be hearing in coming months; but first and farmers ln the Delta region. Two girls were wounded when shots Prayer In The Public as an official prayer ln carrying roy Jackson and George Higgins among them, for such master means that modern men have a way must be found to finance an adequate program in 1963. were fired into their home In Rulevllle, at least three sharecropper on any program of governmental!/ done the paintings which lead me families have been evicted, five workers lost their jobs and indepen­ among them. pieces are too expensive. The pic- The only immediate solution would be the appropriation sponsored religious activity." The Mr. Higgins had entered a tures were, no doubt, bought in to urge that some local churches dent farmers are facing loss of private credit, according to reports Schools As Affected decision pointed out that tho fore­ of money from the County's General Fund to supplement levy received by the National Sharecroppers Fund. painting of a boy and girl stand- local furniture stores and from let some modern colored artists fathers of many Americans fled Ing in a doorway and, as I viewed other merchants, but other than paint a crucifixion or a Ijist Sup­ resources, and the only way this is going to happen is if to this country because of similar lt, the whole personality of a Mt the frame values, tljey probably per. The well known paintings are enough citizens express their concern to the County Commis­ National lawyers Guild Workshop restrictions on religious freedom only the notions of modern men. sioners. By The Supreme Court by European governments. Vernon av. night scene fell upon have little time-lasting value, me. The painting hung around my Those homes should have paint- ATLANTA—An Imposing group of authorities on civil rights and (Editor** Note: The recent V. S. beea some reaction to the dec!- 9 ONE OTHER painting that The Supreme Court decision, mind as one of those rarities in ings by colored artists. They do When the Commissioners believe that trus com­ negligence law will Join the struggle against segregation at a confer­ Supreme Court decision regarding sioo here In Ohio. Here, an Edu­ has tantalized my interest was by however, did not reduce or eli­ which the. artist not only photo- very fine work, but have little en- ence workshop for southern lawyers. The conference, to be held here, prayers In the publio schools haa catioa News Service writer ex­ Lloyd Dillard. It was a kind of munity wants to help these children as much is it wants im­ minate the use of prayer in the graphed but caught the soul of couragement to continue. I saw Is aimed at making lt possible for more southern attorneys to accept beea widely reported, and often plains tbe decision and tells what brief promontory wetted by proved roads, new sewers, professional health services and suf­ civil rights causes by making their practice in negligence law more public schools. It merely said that misinterpreted. There has also some Ohio school systems are do­ something. Perhaps no one else, many paintings by a former East ground water trickling out of a ficient protection from the sheriff's office,—then perhaps some lucrative. it was unconstitutional for a state viewing the same picture, would High football star, Frank Anthony. hillside and through a swirl of ing) government to adopt an "official" General Fund money will be indued in the operating appro­ —are being tried in three elemen­ get that feeling and might even that would have rivaled ballerina rust-colored sand. Dillard, too. had prayer. glance to look away without any fcrene* of Degas. And I have seen priations to the Quid Welfare Board for 1963. tary schools this fall. THE U. S. Supreme Court deci­ caught the spirit of something. sion about prayers in the public impression at all, but rarely have street,scenes and houses hy Billy Here in Ohio many boards of Frank Stewart has one painting he City Schools Are Solving Problems COLUHBII8: Lists of good schools has been called one of 1 felt an affinity with the inner Agnew that would command at- • IF YOU ARE CONCERNED, and convinced that the education felt it was necessary to has changed many times. It is »R * laaro,n..i-nn niviA*i»vr/^vv* *..... t m. ^T , , _^* .. books, to be read for pure enjoy- the most Important decisions af­ soui.of a painting so much. tention for a long tarry. children have a right to receive a larger share, you should symbolism but it has not quite EducatioBy JOSEPn NewH HANLOs ServicNe Akrotask no f schooltwo learnins operateg centerd lasst whicsumh­ _ ,' . . .. fecting our schools In many years. restate their policies concerning 1 finally caught up with H'gglna communicate this to the County Commissioners by writing per­ % AS I SAID above, there are said what he has wanted it to say. BIGsiri.u~.4 city tschoo »*l systems=~_•-, - beset mer. More than 900 talented cMI- ment, have been drawn up on five It has also caused widespread prayers in the public schools. and asked him the price of the many clubs and so many of them He strives further. sonal letters and by having the organizations with which yoa by all the problems of their small­ dren in gre les 5-12 studied sci­ levels: primary, elementary, jun­ discussion, and often misinterpre­ Superintendent James McBride of painting, and he gave it to me. have no special worthwhile proj­ are associated to so express themselves. A visit to the County er brethren as well as a number ence, composition and the fine ior and senior high, and adults. tation. Columbiana County said that teach­ And this Is what brings me back A few homes have a colored ect other than to give a few bas­ Commissioners by representative groups to discuss the pro­ of unique situations, are moving arts. A new high school (Fire­ Paperback editions will be used to an old matter which Is, that painting—probably stuck away in ers in the system will continue kets at Christmas. There ought to vigorously on many fronts to cut stone) opened this fall ls designed where possible. The case before the high court there Is no encouragement and the attic now—because I used to blem should certainly be influential. DAYTON: Five Dayton schools to start each day with short de­ be one that could raise money to these problems down to size. to encourage Independent study stemmed from the fact that the little help for local artists. I learn­ give paintings, by local colored are cooperating with Ohio State votional exercises of their own establish prize money for an an­ If you would like to join with others who arc determined A spot-check by the National with students scheduled to spend New York State Board of Regents ed that the Woodland Av. Christian artists, for wedding presents. That university's center for school ex* choosing. nual art exhibit for colored and and desirous of "acting," get in touch with Mrs. Emma Lou EducaUon Ass'n of big city school 20 percent of their time ln large adopted a so-called "official" pray­ church has engaged Higgins to is an idea for encouraging colored perimentatlon trying to develop even neglected whites. There just systems, including six In Ohio, lectures, 40 percent in small con- er which was to be said aloud ln paint some murals which is n to paint I understand that anoth­ Worthington (2282001), a member of the citizens' Advisory improved methods of instruction THE Columbus board adpotcd a ought to be some club to do that shows these systems are aware ferences or seminars, and 40 per­ all classrooms throughout that great step ahead, but there is er church or so has works of local Committee on Community Relations. in dealing with culturally deprived Many of them can gather up buc­ of the magnitude of their prob­ cent in individual study. state at the beginning of each resolution encouraging more than groRS neglect in general. Negro artists that might match children from kindergarten kets of coins to send help in legal lems and making a determined school day. Students who did not 3,000 teachers in the system to the Christian church. • IF THE SITUATION of child care in Franklin County through grade two. The program wish to participate could be ex­ 9 THERE ought to be some or- matters elsewhere and someone effort to solve them on their own CINCINNATI: Parents of chil­ continue to make use of prayers JU h b, to a a,iu is so bad, shouldn't it be improved? Shouldn't somebody do aims at discovering a different cused. ganizalion that should sponsor an . < '? * *° •-* « « ***? *- * A I AM apologetic to those and ln cooperation from interested dren who aro studying "new ot co,ns {or a Ioca something? The answer is obviously, "Yes!" The someone who kind of teaching to help these they judged fitting, proper and art exhibit annually to encourage * project who are doing and have done but foundations. math" may attend night courses will make the changes, WUl HAVE TO BE YOU! at any of three schools to intro­ children develop. The prayer was simple and appropriate. At Lockland, O.. the colored artists. The group that Students arc taking art in grade there is such a vast horde of pub­ direct: "Almighty God, we acknow­ The six Ohio cities Included In duce them to materials created by board specified that the Lord's held its exhibit ten years ago did and high schools but have nothing lic-minded socialites that do YOUNGSTOWN: A uniform ledge our dependence upon Thee, so without reward, for very few to turn to after graduation other the survey were Akron, Cincin­ the School Mathematics Study nothing to uplift the cultural nati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton city-wide policy for honors cour­ and we beg Thy blessings upon Prayer should be given in every viewed the exhibit There was no than to find a job. Somewhere In group. phase of Negro life. There should and Youngstown. Here is a city- ses tn mathematics Is in effect. us, our parents, our teachers, and classroom at the beginning of each prize money and I conjecture that that body of students there could Wisdom From The Past be art exhibits, musical contests, by-city report on what these sys­ CLEVELAND: A new Junior The programs, for pupils of better our country." no paintings were purchased. That be an El Greco or a Cezzane. If day. essay and short story contests tems are doing. titan average ability, begins at the Is what can discourage the artist given encouragement. AH great • HAS NOT the experience of two centuries shown that high school which will contain a sponsored to encourage. While planetarium and greenhouse is un­ fifth grade level. The children THE Supreme Court ruled, how­ In North Baltimore, however, th* and leave him apathetic in In* artists, with possibly one or two gradualism in theory is perpetuity in practice? Is there an in­ AKRON: Identification and en­ ever, that under provisions estab­ there may be a praise of art for der construction and will be open­ will have an enriched program in board ruled that no mention ot •pirat'on to paint exceptions, painted for a cause, stance, in thc history of the world, where slaves have been couragement of creative students, lished ln the First and Fourteenth art's sake, the will to do and ex­ ed In February. Special classes mathematics so that by gradua­ f f frCelovement will speak Saturday, of Osteopathic Medicine and-Sur­ Mrs. Helen Richardson. There are four active branches working for the hospital. Chairmen, Pec. 1 before the second annual gery in Des Moines, Iowa, 'and ATT'Y AND MRS. WILMAM H. RROORS make a «triklag:pair Phi Zeta KM ts composed of of the branches are: 1, Mrs. Ethel Columbus NAACP Life Member­ later a Doctor of Medicine Degree as they arrive at Valley Dal« daring the Sr. Leaguer*' annual cultural beauticans and is incor­ Farrer; 2, Mrs. Ruth Stewart; I, ship Freedom Fund Banquet at from the California College of Me­ Thanksgiving eve formal. Mrs. Brook* wa* stunning far*he r white porated. According to its charter, Mrs. Maggie Smith; 4, Mrs. Roy thc Ohio State Youth Center on dicine, Los Angeles, Calif. mink, as this wa* tbe first time she wore it la public. . , this non-profit organization was Hairston. 37th av. Interrupting his private practice formed with the philosophy of Dr. Anderson a former teacher to head the Albany Movement, Dr. Alumni Give Dinner brotherhood to all mankind, dedi­ These ladies work with all other Anderson Jailed during the Initial In the Atlanta. Ga. Public School Council Meets The Meharry Alumni chapter of cated to peace and justice, to auxiliaries of the hospital with aU system, and a former instructor series of mass demonstrations, tn. The Mother's Council met at Columbus is completing plans foir establish a permanent program money from their projects going In the Atlanta School of Mortuary Dec. 1961, in protest of injustice* Spring SL YMCA with Mrs. Fanny a chitterling dinner Saturday, Dec. for continued advancement of Neg­ to Children's hospital. There will Caldwell presiding. 1, at the Belmont Club, Oak st. ro welfare, to promote encourage­ also be a tour of the hospital fol­ and Ohio av. ment and good will through a vari­ lowing the tea. December agenda Includes in­ ety of charitable, civic and social Dinners will be served from 12 stallation of officers by Nelson activities. Newsom, annual club Christmas to 4 p. m. and tickets are avail­ UA Thank* able by calling 388-1T44. AT present, it is in the midst of party, boys ' and girls Christmas promoting a candy sale, which will Contributors party. Mrs. Emma Erby ls chair­ extend from Nov. 23 through Dec. Mrs. Edith M. Cox, 1962 Mid- COMMITTEES mapping the annual NAACP man of the club Xmas Party. George W. Scott, ticket chairman; Wilbur Wedd- St. Proceeds are for the benefit East United Appeal residential Freedom Fund banquet, to be held Saturday, lngten. Standing: Mesdames Lillian Allen, Ann Members present included Mes­ of the union's building fund. Pre­ chairman, wishes to express her Dec 1. 1 p. m., at the Youth Center Bldg. on the Smlth-e-inca*. Basel Palmer, Lortine Phillips, MASON'S sident of the organization is Wy- ' sincere gratitude to all colonels dames Babel Tidmore. Goldie Ohio State Fairgrounds, are shown .as they flaal-* Betty Isbell. Lawrence Whlttaker and WiUa OPTOMETRISTS dell Gaines, 36 Auburn av. and ' captains, workers, and the public ise plans for the affair. Left to right, seated: Terry. Mrs. Ann Stokes, Lite Membership chair­ Kearney, Dorothy Webb, Marie JEWELERS general chairman of tbe current • for their whole-hearted support In Mesdames Myrna Beatty, general chairman; man, was absent when photo was nnule—l'hoto CHITTERLINGS DR. ANDERSON Lee, Catherine Hoke, Mildred EYES EXAMINED project ls lu secretary. Mm. Col- j the UA Residential Solicitation Lucille Young, souvenir program chairman; By Pierce. GLASSES RTTED -• leen Powell, HM Mooberry *t. Day dinner. in Albany, Ga. This series of de­ Crimm, Bmma Erby, Mildred Sliced BactMi WATCH REPAIRING monstrations heralded the mass Henderson, Zadie Angel, Delight CAN $2» Reasonable Prices SECOND COFFEE HOUR nonviolent resistance movements Eubanks, Miss Pat Hunt, Mr. New- lb. 39c Satisfaction Guaranteed Everyone is invited to attend Involving thousands ot grass-roots . some and Frederick Joseph.. 773 E. LONG ST. CA. 4-2813 the "SECOND COFFEE HOUR," citizens. Under bis leadership 616 MOMENTS which will be held at Polndexter some 1200 persons were arrested j Towers, 1253 Mt Vernon ave. Nov. SOLID ROUND over a period of 9 months in pro- Msde Beautiful 29, 1962 from 11 a. m. to 12 noon. ] test demonstrations against the en­ RIEDER'S HARDWARE—27 H. Nelson Rd. ^ PRINT STEAK lb. Ik At this time the presentation of OLEO tire system of segregation In Al­ Ifrim • FREE PARKING • 258-3670 By Swan a beautiful fifty-eight cup auto­ bany. Her beaoty wm* accented by the deli­ matic coffee urn to the Senior Citizens of Polndexter Towers by 5 * 90c Dr. Anderson received national cate beauty cleaning of her gown. - . . -• Color* shimmered . . . the fabric the "Semper Fidclis Guild," Mrs. PORK acclaim after his appearance on • showed its natural loveliness. Whea Bessie Banks, president RIB "Meet The Press" at which time CHRISTMAS appearances count ... always count STEAKS lb 49c on Swan Cleaners. STEAK * 69c he matched wits with one of the FOR THE FAMILY south's leading arch segregationi­ sts, James KUpatrlck, Virginia's Toys For The Children RESERVE HAMBURGER architect of massive resistance. Housewares For Mother NOW FOB Tools For Dad BEEF UVER $ RESERVATIONS for tbe ban­ • Wed-iings • Parties Tree Deccralioitv-Ilouse Decorations • Receptions • Danoef B0100HA quet can still be made by calling Outdoor Aad Indoor light Sets or visiting the state NAACP office, (American Made) • Banquets (In Piece) 3 90 N. Fourth st. (CA. 1*«061), or Revolving Color Wheel*—light Set BoBw CALL the local NAACP office, 8W E. OUt Wrapping—Ribboa-Corsage*, Etc Weanei Friday ond Saturday 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Long st (CL. 3-2303). BARNETT'S M ond ay I hru Thursday 8 A. M. to 7 P. M„ Mrs. Myma Beatty Is general WHITE HOUSE; INC 33 STORES ALL OVER TOWN "BUTCH" BANGERT - Manager RIEDER'S HARDWARE 4300 INDIANOLA AVE. chairman..-._-, *•$ OPEN FROM 7:30 A. M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AM. 3-3152 HU. 8-9395 Mmufaurist ol toner's Bergamof/Tha hr with the Star" f ... ^rHlMMMMITin .' Kfi V. t ti rt-. i » i-rn *•*-• . rt i • tSttxxi , *>infMiiitHiiti?mitMH«iiiiiMiwitfiiniiriiM^v _~— • TrtimSDAV, NOVEMBER », 1963 Trtt OHIO StKHNII PACE 10 THI OHIO SENTINfl THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 99, Wot MGf IT best bet la buying beef at thla other featured fruit on the Decem­ tomatoes, radishes, -celery, camrts 1 j eeaaoM te to follow the food ads for ber list. Red tart cherries frozen and others are plentiful far your Jr. Leaguers Thanksgiving Eve Formal A Smashing Su featured cuts, noting she grade and and earned, are more plentiful shopping Ust Mushrooms ere in ccess how well the meat Is trimmed, aa than usual far the makings of peak supply la December-while weH as the price per pound. scrumptious desserts. never cheap ia oar are h***mt at LOOS FOR PLENTY at oranges. THE ROOT VEGETABLES and high production costs Quality ti The 198248 Flordia orange crop is members of the rahhage family usually highest te December. expected to reach »early Md mil­ are especially economical. Pota- If you're needing to stock up «i lion boxes - over 8 million more toc still carry low price tags; canned fruits aad vegetables watch than the record crop la afiei. True, yams are kltn nricd now, which many of the oranges are small means they will keep better in the prices aa care, peaa, pears, this year but that's because there home storage. fruit oodktaB, cranberries aad all are so many oranges on the tree— Salad hems—leUuce, greenhouse tomato products. *}ua!lry is good. Tangerines and taagakua will become more faenti* no WEEK tMOB FOB: Frntts—Citrus trulls, apples, Eassperor fid as we approach Christmas, and grapes, cranberries Begggafmms Yarns, hroccoil, salad greens. cabbage, the auallty better..The navel or­ PTA Council Meets Dec. I winter squash, celery Preseta mmtS* Fryers, pork sola roasts, Boston ange crag tram California and "ADVENTURES Into Yuletide made up of fifth aad sixth grade butts, bulk sausage, beef "specials" dairy products, egg*. Arirona ts also a good oae this year and shipments are increas­ Traditions" wUi be the theme of pupils from Leawood Elementary YSYB YKM DECEMBER the Columbus Council PTA aoeet- school. FOOD SHOPPING cent larger than teat Denwaber, ing each week. log oa Dee. 8, et 1:80 p. m. in Teachers et the participating Lota of good eating la ia sight meaning tow prices and frequent December Is also the lag month Central'High school. classes am: Mra. Janet Sander, far the big holiday month of Dec­ specialing. Turkey*, too, will con­ tor many less common fruits such Miss Faith Yocfeum. Mrs. Gladys ember. Low prices for the month tinue to otter you e good product. A program of carols, ysdeUie as, oooosuts and persimmons aa Newell aad Doe Stefan. eo poultry, pork, citrus fruit aad TORS. SUPPLIES remain aea- traditions and customs wiU be pre­ we— as dried fruits aad aats for Assisting stadeat teachers loom root vegetable will make tt possi­ aonaUy heavy aad afi cut. are sure sented by the 150 voice chorus holiday taking. MhB* this teat the Capital university wUJ be Miss ble to serve tempting meals and to be featured In one store or an­ best nut year, there will be no S^Xi^S^hWSmMBBmmmmmmmmmWBet h Under aad Ronald Kearelcfa. still save for the Christmas gift other. Many retailers win give shortage and prices on walnuts, at PATRONTZB buying that's ahead. emphasis to pork loin roasts and least, win likely be about the same Mrs. Kathleen Trueblood ls prin­ LLEWELLYN (JACK) COLES help, his beauUIul uife Doris BROILER . FRYERS win give shoulder cuts, but sausage, bacon, as last year. Cranberries, which SENTINEL ADVERTISERS cipal. with her wraps as they put ia their annual apparance. pork keen competition this month. epareribs and ham wilt come In team so wen with, poultry, are an­ Supplies of these young birds are lor their share. Beef prices wlU FOR FOOD FLAVOR expected to be as mach as 30 per­ likely stay fairly steady. Yoar

< ATTENTION! NEW LOCATION! "0_? Btt__t_" CT. CLAIR CARRY OUT PHOTOGRAPHER George Pierce was ea la accompanying photos, took Ume oat from the faaod with his (rusty camera as Jr. Leaguers, gay festivities to pose for Pierce. Left to right: SOS SL Clair Ave. Columbas, a CL. 2-0229 guest and trieads made merry at Valley Dale Att'y and Mrs. 11. Alfred Glascor, Mr. aad Mrs. during; the annua! formal, always held ea Clyde Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steele, Mr. DICK'S FOOD MARKET Groceries, Meats, Co-*fectiooery, Ice Cream TimnUsKivifij- .me. Tbe above croup aad others aad Mrs. Leroy Bowen. 861 St. Oak Ave. AX. 9-5280 Wise and Beer ta Carry Out Joe Moore, Prop. Groceries, a_-_^ f3,-|, -* FOR YOUR TABLE moots, wooTooionj SENTINEL RECOMMENDED BEAUTY SALONS

FASHIONETTA BEAUTY BAR 6TYLETTE BEAUTY SALON 533 E. LONG ST. CA. 9-VaAO Complete beauty service Complete Beaaty Servlco 1281 Mt. Vernoa CL. 8-1388 Oprs.t Gertrude McElroy, Katherine Gunnell, Specializing in Hair Cutting Eileen Pettlgrew, Herbert Sellers, Lodlle BagJand, and Styling Lucille Brady. Dora Good, Evelya MoBroom. Graee McCoy, Mary Francis Smith snd Lucy M, Loretta Landrum, Eleaora Prince Griffith, Oprs. Booths For Beat SALE Evenings by appointment Ida Mae Griffin and Dorothy Bryant, Owners PREMIER BEAUTY SALON AARON BBOWN, AiTy Lawrence Curtl. and Mrs. Caroiiae 1718 Greenway Are. ci*. t-5871 LOGAN'S with her wraps an they pat in their annual appearance. BABY BEEF • Hair Styling . Manicure . Hair Coloring . Hair-Cutting Hair Straight Permanents • Processing . Facials Ueoute Shoppe Save 15c- Kroger Brand Cosldenla Harris, Mgr.-Prop. AU Phases of Beauty Culture Bey live o-ez. com for 83c Operators i Lois Patrick, Sarah Boyd NEW LOCATION: Orange Jake Gat onother con ter lc Q tees* We Sirloin Steak A. 79c W9 SIT. VERNON AVE. - Melvoo Givens, Beea Wright, Suva lfe-NfcfeH BABY BEEF INA'S BEAUTY SHOP ArthiUa Logaa, Mgr. Bay leer 12-ox. cons for 112c • Mary 8Uasoa Golden Corn Get another can for lc «# cans 83C Comrlete Beaaty Service—Halt st-zling aod Beata Treatment Open Monday thru Satarday Rib Steak te. 79c Prop. Ima Johnson, Kroger Brand - Sove 16c Oprs. Genera Miles aad Evelyn Bryant VOGUE BEAUTY SAION • 336 St. Clair Are. CL. 3-6083 Open Daily 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Buy 5 No. 303 can* for 88c /No.303 flfl BABY BEEF 784 E. Filth Ave. Applesauce Get another con for lc 0 cans BTC AX* 1-8858 BR. Ss578S • Ethel Amos, Pecker's Label-Sove 11c BEAUTY HEIGHT HOUSE of GLAMOUR PORTERHOUSE 807 Mt. Veraoa Ave. Ethel Amos, Operator Ivy 5 No. 303 cent far 13c 895 Mt. Vernon Ae. CL. 8-5311 Ida Speight, Prop. K CL. 8-1111 CL. S-687S Complete Beauty Service Get onother can far lc Complete Beauty Service OPERATOBS WANTED Temaloes 6 r?4c Hair Styling—Halt Catting BOOTHS FOB BENT No Appointment Necessary Prop Mattle Warren Tamer All flavors - Krogar trend • Sove lee STEAK •,89c Operators: Operators: Oars CaldweU, irntm ftrm.mmg*, •*** 3 pints for tie BABY BEEF Mattie Darlena Majors, Almeda Mary Louisa Grippar, Joan GRAVELY "1132 ICC uCaDI <*• -"*" «•» «•* *« ML Scott: Clara Rogers. Mgr. Turner, Annie Kate Dixon 418k OPERATORS WANTED COIFFURE SHOP ted Tort Pitied • Save 19c LITTLE 1132 E. Long PL CI* Buy 4 COBS for ?8c r-rWt Round Steak *79c DORA'S CLASSIC HOUSE of BEAUTY Get another con for lc Hair Styling a Specialty NOW UNDER Kroger Cherries Beauty Salon 948 Mt Vemon CL. S-82U Complete Besaty Service Anaa Bozeman, Prop. NEW MANAGEMENT "NITE BEAT" columnist William (Bubbles'. Holloway is Hanked Leola Simpson, Beverly Handoa SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS "NEW LOCATION* Mrs. Helen Price, Mgr. (as usual, by loveliea Jady RumarB. lelt, aad Joan Payne during a Corrlna Rsgsdale Smith Mrs. Winifred Williams, festival moment. 183 N. Central Ave. BB 4-8963 Operators Operator Dora P. Moore, Prop. i-Transister Radio **w%^ Come In or Call For The Lat­ BANANAS 2 - 25« LULA'S BEAUTY SHOP est In Hair Styling, Tinting. ALMA'S BETTY'S HOUSE Electric Shaver 954 E. Long St. Cutting and the Utmost In High JUST A MERE Fashion Styling and Relaxation Shop Phone: 8SZ-6408 BEAUTY CLINIC Of STYLES Christmas Wreaths Lady Sunbeam •"•v $1.77 BEAUTY SAION Home Phoaet 3524547 155 Wilson Ave. 252 1295 345 N. 20th St. — CL 2-3370 Complete Beauty Service DEADLINE FOI PLACING 703 Woger St. 444-8711 FEATURING COMPLETE Schick » Hair Styling A Specialty Choose your color or design $*fY Complete Beaaty Servteo Lula Jackson. Mgr. COPY IN THE SENTINEL Alma Sullivan; Owner BEAUTY SERVICE 49 Sally Nolan, Anaa Flenard, Kowena <;ilnv>re. Operator Betty Stopfer, BEAUTY DIRECTORY IS Operators: Addie Kelley, from 10 difierofif types* _£ •"ly $7.77 Zorado White, Operators Mr. Johnny Jenkins, Operators Mgr. Betty White*ide Electric Stayer 12 NOON ON MONDAY I. M. Nash each Dgetaa Ctorrington,Owner Booths For Beat BOOTHS FOR BENT l**%^i3zZ2BSIK*99gSBMBMBBB PAGE 12 THE OHIO -nrlTlrm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1942 THi OHIO JENTINH ' m « n II mr I IF I i , PAGE ra ued count of 10-16 points not vul­ a« 10X, in tht overcalied suit. hands: nerable, 12-17 vulnerable. At the Responder, lacking better action, QJ8769 — 62 — KJ10 — 83 two-level they show a good rebid­ could raise.' KJ10952 — 4 — J887 — 107 Gents Club Distributes Baskets; Maps Plans For Winte dable suit with a count of 12-17 Here are typical cases showing Primary function of these hands Bridge By FINNIS BREEDLOVE non-vulnerable and 14-18 vulner- the required count for a raise: is to create chaos in Uie enemy sumptuous meal on Thanksgiving Looking forward to a long-range a b I e. Minimum requirements Non-Vul. Vul. camp. day, members of the Gents club BY BEN UCEY should only be applied when the ID IS Pass 2S 9-13 9-12 program, the Gents social and did likewise and felt glad Uiat lead directing value of the over- ID IS Pass SS 14-17 13-15 MULTI JUMP OVERCALL athletic club launched their winter they had done their good deed by call is positive. ID IS Pass «S 18 up 16 up These are pre-emptive and (lis- season program at "Sags" Tavern providing Thanksgiving dinners 9 THIS WEEK'S column will call, jump or not, is the equivalent ruptlve high level pre-empt Nov. 18, with a wild game dinner. for needy'families that were rec­ point out and acquaint you with of a No Trump opening. 9 BELOW are, typical sound STRONG JUMP OVERCALL WIUi this hand bid 3S over ID. Under the direction ot Mrs. Pearl ommended to them. both Constructive and Destructive An exception ls the re-opening examples: Single jump to the Uiree-levcl KQ107543 — 732 — 6 — J8 Edwards, several varieties cf SEVEN churches are represent­ Defense. These aro some of the 1 NT. Note this: QJ768 — «2 _ AJ8 -* K64 with the hands below, Jump to wild game were served to an over­ If you are non-vulnerable. ed In thc club and it was through modern tools used ln the Bridge W N E S Non-vulnerable bid Is over 1H, 3C or 3H against a IS opening: flow group of game-hungry diners. this media that the families were world today and it is only fitting 1H P P T ID or 1C, vulnerable. This It a 642 _- K3 _ 8 — AKJ10754 UNUSUAL NO TRUMP With a request for a repeat per­ and proper that you know what found. When told of the situations You sit South and hold minimum overcall. 52 _ AQJ1074 — Q10 _- AQ7 After having passed, either de­ formance (due to Mrs. Edwards' they arc. K972 — K108 — Q43 — QJ7 82 — AQ10853 _ Q76 — J8 fender may call No Trump at any cooking) another may be given of, some of these families, this This is caUed Constructive De­ Even though you have previous­ DIRECT OVERCALL IN before the game season ends. writer could not believe they exist­ Non-vulnerable bid 211 over IS, OPPONENT'S SUIT level at which ho feels reasonably fense: ly passed, you re-open with 1 NT. All over Uie nation last week, ed in this LAND OF PLENTY. pass, vulnerable. The only way to identify a pow­ secure Uils is nn artificial ask for Defensive bidding Is bidding by { With a legitimate No Trump hand K4 — AQJ985 — Q76 — J8 minors or if a minor has been people were giving thanks for the Somo ore receiving the barest the non-opening partnership. It you would double Instead of bid­ erhouse, a game-going hand, is to many blessings that had been be­ necessities of Ufe while others have Over IS, bid 2H, vulnerable or caU the opponent's suit If your bid, partner should bid his best may commence with a simple ding 1 NT. This re-opening action not unbid suit Generally Jumps In No stowed upon Uiem. Knowing there been unsuccessful in getting on the indicates 9-13 points and one or right hand opponent opens IS and suit or No Trump overcall, a Jump In response to a simple overcall Trump are reserved for very weak were many less fortunate than relief roles. Elderly persons, there overcall, a multi-jump overcall. a more stoppers In the enemy suit. you hold this hand: themselves, members of thc Gents should be something done about partner may deny support and of­ , _ AJ1098 _ KQ9843 — AK but freakish holdings. In • these cue-overcall, or a Takeout Double. club decided they would do some- their plight Thanks to Oie GENTS SI3IPLE SUIT OVERCALL ; fer a counter suit with moderate Bid 2S. This cue overcall Is a cases an original pass is unnec­ tiilng about them. for their thoughtfulness in provid­ NO TRUMP OVERCALL All simple overcalls are sound. values 10-17 points, independent of game force. (The only exception essary provided that the undoub­ ing for these people. Barring those cases In which the At the one-level they show a fair vulnerability. The counter suit is Clubs because of the preva­ ted penalty Is not likely to bo While others sat down to a more than the value of opponent's bidding marks a No Trump over- 6-card or longer suit with a reval­ should be rebiddable with as little lence of the short Club.) In res­ ponse to thc cue-overcall. partner game. TAKING TIME out from their regular duties, bert Murphy, Thomas Mum is, vice president; some of the members ot the Gents club pose Charles Roberts and James Edwards. Baskets should name his best suit. If the MODIFIED FISHBEIN for the photographer as they load the fir*t of were distributed to needy families ami are second cue is made, partner At tho pioneering forefront of 1.000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1.000,000.000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000.000,000,000 many baskets for Thanksgiving. Left to right; expected to be duplicated at Christmas time. should answer with his second Bridge analysis, it is generally 1,000,000.000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000.000,000,000 1,000.000,000,000 Green Eiland, Robert Morehead, secretary; Ro­ —Pierce aad Son Photo. best suit, unless No Trump ap­ conceded that the best defense 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo pears highly attractive. 1.000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 against pre-empts which has been Several planned programs for one in our city will enjoy some happiness to someone else Is a 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000.000,000 1.000,000,000,000 1.000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 TAKEOUT DOUBLE devised to date Is "Modified Flsh- the winter are In the making for of tho benefits of our endeavors blessing to me." 1,000,000.000.000 1,000,000.000,000 1,000,000,000,000,000 the benefit of the needy and child­ is one of the greatest thrills of 1.000.000,000,000 If, despite opponents' having bein." This consists of: Robert Murphy: "Knowing tho 1,000,000,000.000 1,000,000,000.000 1,000,000.000,000 1.000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 ren for Uie Christmas season, as my Ufe." 1,000.000.000,000 opened the Auction, you hold any 1. Making an "optional" double families to which the club gave < 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000.000 1.000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 weU as for social affairs. Pro­ 1,000,000,000.000 1,000.000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 opening bid and support for unbid In 4th (reopening seat, and Charles Roberts: "Too many food made it something different 1,000.000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 ceeds of most of the affairs of J.000.000.000,000 1,000,000,000.000 1,000,000.000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1, suits, you should double. This Is 2. Making a penalty double in people seem to be self-conceited. to me. As I am aware of their club have gone into such projects 1,000,000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 1.000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1.000,000.000.000 not for penalties. It announces 14 second seat with an overcaU in If I can help another person to be plight, nothing on earth could have 1.000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 in the past 1.000,000,000,000,000 points up non-vulnerable or 16 up the cheapest minor to serve as an happy on any occasion, I think that made me or the recipients prouder 1.000,000.000,000 1.000,000.000.000 1.000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 artificial takeout double. I havo contributed something to than the basket of food I delivered 1,000,000.000.000 1,000,000,000.000 1^00.000,00^000 i,ooaooo,ooo,ooo in support of the weakest major, AN INTERVIEW with some of 1.000,000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 humanity." to them for their Thanksgiving din­ 1,000,000.000.000 1.000.000,000,000 or, if doubling a major, the weak­ . 3. RHO opens 3H. Bid 3S. natur­ the members revealed the foUow­ i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo 1.000.000,000,000 1,000.000,000,000 Green Eiland: "To think that my ner." 1.000.000,000,000 i,ooo.ooaooo,ooo 1.000,000,000,000 est unbid suit. It asks partner to al and not forcing 3 NT. Shows de­ ing: 1,000,000,000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo children are enjoying a good din­ 1.000,000,000,000 1,000.000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000.000 cooperate by bidding his best suit. sire to play No Trump 4C. Take­ So, to the Gents club, many 1,000,000.000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo Troy Mixon, president: "This ner and I know of other children 1,000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 l.ooaooaooo.ooo out Double. 4D or 4S, not forcing thanks from this writer for a job 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000.000,000 1,000,000,000,000 ag HERE IS a typical takeout but strong double, strongly imply­ club Is made up of members of who are hungry brings a sickness weU done. May you have many 1.000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 l.OOaOOO.000,000 1.000.000,000,000 1,000.000,000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo 1,000,000,000.000 double of ID: ing penalties. This rule applies the working class. We are not seek­ to my soul. Knowing that I am successful affairs during the com­ 1,000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000.000,000 ono of those who has brought 1,000,000,000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo 1,000,000,000.000 AQ6 — QJ94 — 82 _ KJ108 against weak two bids, the 4C pre­ ing glory but to know that some­ ing season. 1.000,000,000.000 1,000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000.000 1.000,000.000.000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 In response to a takeout double empt, the pre-emptive 3 NT and 1,000,000,000,000 1,000.000,000,000 1,000,000.000,000 MEDICAL AUXILIARY VOLUNTEERS—Pictured aa they were 1,000,000,000,000 1.000,000.000,000 positive action must be taken. To the weak 1 NT. 1,000,000,000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo 1,000,000,000.000 pass Implies great strength and briefed by the TB Society's director of cane detection, C. Edward 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 Wc have the gigantic "takeout 1,000,000,000,000 1.000,000.000,000 1.000,000.000,000 1,000,000,000,000 solidity in the trump suit of the Harrison, aa volunteer* for the school tuberculin testing program 1.000,000,000,000 1,000,000.000,000 double" of a 4 level pre-empt. 1.000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 i.ooo.ooaooo.ooo 1.000.000,000,000 enemy. Lacking this you should Naturally Its requirements are of the TB Society are, left to right: Harrison; Mrs. William II. 1,000,000,000,000 1,000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo Allen, 3220 E. Livingston av.; Mrs. OUle Goodloe, 2522 Brookwood 1^00,000,000,000 1,000,000.000,000 bid your best suit preferring the strict. 1,000.000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo 1,000,000,000.000 majors. av.; !• ml Mrs. Hariey S. Manuel, 3270 E. Livingston av. They are 1,000.000,000,000 1.000,000,000.000 1,000.000.000,000 1.000,000.000,000 An example: 1,000,000.000,000 1,000,000,000.000 among members or the Medical Auxiliary who are assisting with 1,000,000.000,000 1.000,000,000,000 1.000,000,000.000 3 _ AJ102 _ AK.I9 _ AQ109 Here is 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1.000.000,000,000 1,000.000,000.000 DESTRUCTIVE DEFENSE the TB case-finding and prevention program. 1,000,000,000,000 1,000.000,000,000 1.000,000.000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000.000.000 i.ooo.ooaooo.ooo Single Jump Overcall Opener bids 4S, Bid 4 NT with exciting new beauty 1.000,000,000.000 1,000,000,000,000 1.000.000,000.000 Bid 2S over 1C with these 1,000,000,000^)00 1.000,000,000,000 1.000.000,000.000 this hand. for your home 1.000,000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 1.000.000,000.000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 1.000.000,000.000 1,000.000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 Serving As Volunteers 1,000.000,000.000 1, 1,000,000,000.000 1,000,000.000,000 1,000,000,000,000 Members of the Medical Auxili­ CUSTOM-MADE 1,000,000,000,000 1.000,000.000.000 1,000,000,000.000 1,000,000,000.000 ing as volunteers for Christmas 1,000,000,000.000 1,000.000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 YWCA Serves Dinner ary from every section of Colum­ 1,000,000.000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1.000.000,000,000 Seal school tuberculin testing pro­ 1.000,000,000.000 1,000,000,000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo bus and Franklin County aro serv- grams, the Tuberculosis Society 1,000.000,000,000 1,000,000.000,000 The traditional turkey dinner i Modern Dance Group will take 1.000,000.000,000 1,000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000.000 1.000.000,000,000 reported this week. 1,000,000,000,000 1.000,000,000.000 will be served from 6:30 to 7:30 j part in the interpretation. 1,000,000.000.000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000.000,000,000,000 More than 50 auxiliary members 1,000.000,000,000 1.000,000,000.000 1,000.000,000.000 p. m. Tuesday. Dec. 4, in the first I The public is invited to the din­ 1,000,000,000,000 l.ooaooaooo.ooo have been recruited and scheduled 1,000.000,000.000 1,000.000,000.000 1,000.000.000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo floor dining rooms of the YWCA, j ner but may attend only the pro­ 1.000,000.00en and a visit to the simp 1,000,000,000.000 1,000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 Dark Brown, Light Brawn. cruitment sessions are planned In 1,000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000.000 1, family dinner will feature half* will aid In thc selection of the un­ 1.000,000,000,000 1,000,000.000.000 price fare for children under 12 Genuine Imported Human early January. AMAZINOtY 1,000.000.000,000 1.000,000,000,000 1.000,000,000,000 usual gift for Christmas. Hair. Don't be fooled by tOW PRICED AT 1.000,000,000,000 1.000.000,000.000 years of age. Reservations may be By spring, 1963, the ladles will 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 i.ooaooo.ooo.ooo 1,000,000,000,000 Uie word "Human-Like." 1.000,000,000,000 1.000,000.000.000 made by calling the YWCA. have delivered registration and re- j 1,000,000,000.000 1.000.000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 FARMERS UP INCOME Get the real thing at Lee'a 1,000.000,000,000 1.000,000.000,000 1.000,000,000,000 quest forms to more than 200 1,000,000,000.000 About 600 N. Carolina colored —Yoor official Import Oat 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000.000 1,000.000,000,000 1,000,000.000,000 DURING the dinner hour, the schools, explained procedures and Boulevard Presbyterian church farmers are adding to their in­ let. CaU CL. 3-1816. MaU DALE 1,000,000.000.000 orders filled promptly. stressed the importance of TB test 1,000,000,000,000 Bell Choir, under direction of Rev. come from cotton and other crops Ing to personnel and pupils and { Walter Horsby, will present a pro­ by raising cows and producing LOVABLE helped the physician in charge in 267 Trillion Cubic FBBt That's the gram of music from the balcony milk for cheese, canned milk and Chignon tabulating reactions on students DRAPERIES SPECIAL Page Boy amount of natural gas reserves in the United States tn the lobby of the YW. other dairy products, says R. L. tested. Wynn, dairy specialist of the N. 4279 EAST MAIN STREET At 7:30 p. m. the guests will as­ More than 20,000 first graders ln — gas that is ready to help meet energy needs in semble in the auditorium to view Carolina Extension Service. Columbus Public Schools and first, CUSTOM MADE homes and industries in the years ahead • It would pictures of thc "YWCA In Action" seventh and eleventh graders In as taken and narrated by Mrs. Lo­ Slip take five million years to use just one of those tril­ suburban and parochial schools well Riley. covers lions of cubic feet of gas in your home. • Each year will be tested by qualified physi­ LUCY DEAN cians during this school year. G •* ,ou' f jimtw* -:*« l-l*. thoos* tiom since 1945 the amount of natural gas discovered in AN INTERPRETATION of the tut *3t«n»i.» collection ot print*. *o(id». story by Anatole France, "The PLAY SCHOOL A and tt*«*d fabric*: »'! at* vat-djad. p-e- the U. S. has exceeded the amount of gas "Percentage of participation In thrun* «fid waih*bt*. Out totat* »ia cot- Juggler of Notre Dame," will be KINDERGARTEN S099 $199 schools already tested this fall is - For true elegante— tcm-UiiofttJ tot partact fit. Coma *» at used. presented, with Mrs. John a Dean FALL REGISTRATION call today. Day cove for children 3 to 9 running from 5 to 10 percent dancing as "The Juggler." . Mrs. * UP years old. Certified "-y city •UP higher than last year's." Harrison John Dicklmt.it will serve as ac­ Panel Prints ond stale. For detaita col' STYLE said. "We believe that contacts tan tiring drama and excitement to any room. companist. The Whetstone High CL 3-7775 SHOP made by the Medical Auxiliary are school Mixed Ensemble, directed V* hare a tionJrrful group of IUK designs. SHOP AT HOME THE OHIO FUEL GAS COMPANY LEES an invaluable aid to this Important' by Miss Ruth Morgan, the Colum­ Set I Arm too*. Free Estimates —- Decorator Service 336 Wilson Ave. (el's IOCS-1011 Ml VfcBNON AVS. TB case-finding and prevention i bus Folk Dancers and Uie YWCA I Hannah Barnett, Directress open Frl * Sat Nights program." Phone BE. 1-7645 Budget Terms ..•I I'MISX: llL«l I

THURSDAY, NOVEMBEt 29, 1962 PAGE 14 THE OHIO SENTIN& THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 19*3 THE OHIO ScHTTNEl FAGE 13 Aldersgate Meth. Church News Hosack Baptist Cessna Will before On Christian Science BY MARY E. STACY In line for congratulations a- Finding and facing reality thr­ On Sunday, Dec. 2, Immediately gain is the MYE! At Thanksgiving WEEKLY MEDITATION Rev. E. C. Brogsdale Of Christ ough an understanding of God is - (the -'.-^ following Communion, the Com­ they gave a basket to a needy Memorial Baptist was guest speak­ the theme ot a free public lecture family. It was a .very fine effort er in observing the anniversary of on Christian Science to be given in mission on Stewardship and Fin­ • "THE IJGHT shines ea the light eiiii rJiir.es! Today that Light showing thnt they do think of tho the Nurses Corps, The chorale Columbus on Saturday, Dec. 1, by- ance will sponsor a rally. All darkness, aad the darkaess has in which men have put their faith useful as well as the "fun side'* group also celebrated their anni­ Ralph W. Cessna of Evanston, 111. members and friends are nsked never put It out" (%*feha 1:3) God­ Is exposed to the black clouds snd of life, Miss Charlesetta Brigg.i, versary Sunday followed by a to come out and support this speed. Ia modern speech transla­ engulfing currents of war, of bit­ MR. CESSNA wiU speak In the (thurches effort. president reception ln the lower auditorium. church edifice, 45? E. Broad St. at tion by Dr. Weymoolh the above terness, of hate, or cruelty and of The Commission on Education Willie Glover; Editor CONTRIBUTIONS are coming in scripture reads* "The light shines death. Win the Light be extin­ ALL MEMBERS of tho church 8 p. m. under the auspices of the will conduct a workshop on New for thi* Building Fund. A few havo aa la the darkaess aad the dark­ guished? We are convinced that are asked to register in a special First Church of Christ Scientist Resource Materials on Friday, have almost paid out their pledges. ness haa never overpowered IL" It will not be. We win not let ft book placed ln tbe vestibule to His subject will be "Christian Sci­ Nov. 30, at the Parish House. Thc Oscar McGee was In Rose Hill, 9 ONE CAN imagine the strug­ be put out We will keep It guarded bring the membership record up- ence Faces Reality." entire Church school curriculum Miss., recently on a hunting trip. gle of a tiny candle flame to sur­ fn our minds, in our faith, tn our to-date. Before entering the public prac­ will be changed in '63. Dinner will His nieces, Mary Ann and Jlmmie, vive tbe current of air In a dark hope and ln our determination. There will be an important tice of Christian Science in 1M7, l>e served by thc WSCS. Miss returned with htm for an extend­ and drafty house. We have Just Yes, by our deeds and by our Uvea mass meeUng ot all members on Mr. Cessna was a newspaperman, I-ouoll.i McClain chairman. ed visit given thanks to Almighty God for we will help to keep it shining. Dec. 29. working on papers in his native THr MBTtlODIST MEN are in Mrs. Frankic Cooper, chairman His guidance and protection of For lt ls the Light that counts in Baptism candidates win be state of Michigan and also ln the process of renovating the pas­ of the Commission on Missions, is leading us as a nation and people this life and the next. baptized Sunday, Dec. 2, immedi­ Florida, until he joined the Chris­ tor's study. They arc sponsoring doing a wonderful job on the drive thus far. But should we refuse ately following Sunday school, tian Science Monitor In 1229. Dur­ the Light which has led us In ths OUR PRAYER ing World War II, he was a captain a breakfast on Sunday, Dec. 2, in for "Blankets for Algiers," RALPH W. CESSNA the Parish House, Edward Lewis, Rev. A. A. Zebbs is pastor ot past? # GOD, grant that we might SICK AND SHUT IN are: Lee in the United States Army and was president Aldersgate. We can Imagine the Light of know that it Is tha Light that Betton, Sam Clark, Eli Pearson, a panel chairman with the War teacher of Christian Science since nope and faith and goodness fight­ makes us men. It is the light Mrs. Mary Ruthford, Mrs. Ann B. Labor Board In the Chicago area. 1052, and is currently on extensive ... _...,. . ..„,.._ . :,._ ,; f ing to survive the fierce rushing that gives promise to the future. Harris and Mrs. Georgia Whaley. He Is a Christian Science practi­ tour as a member of Christian darkness thnt has swept against it, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. tioner, has been an authorized Science Board of Lectureship. . Second Baptist Church Notes but the Light still stands. Ute Amcji.-REV. L. SIMPSON. ——_ . Zion H01 Bapt 4 WSMSSmSBSSB The Pastor's Aid Society of Zion 9 USnERS DAY services were Following this, Mrs. Alice Ly­ Negro Reeds To SUA Jays Dr. t. Jackson Hill Baptist win sponsor dinners Gospel Circuit conducted at last Sundny's morn­ man gavo a piano solo with re­ World renowned theologian Dr. of three types this Saturday, Dec. ing worship Eugene Jefferson was marks by the pastor, Rev. Jenkins. J. H. Jackson said In Atlanta last 1, at the church. The dinners organist for the day. Presiding at Howard B. Collins presided. Atty. week at the Baptist Convention are chicken, chitterling and barbe­ Evangelistic Unit conducted wor­ tn Williamson, West Virginia. the "Call to Worship" was Atty. Webster Lyman was general chair­ that the Negro must shift his cue. ship services at Home Echo Nurs­ Those who wish to accompany Webster Lyman Jr. man. Committee: Pearl Conrad, struggle for equality from "protest ing Home last Sunday afternoon. Rev. Kee are asked to contact A solo, "The Publican," was Maelo Griffin, Betty Jones, Ho­ to production." - Sunday afternoon Rev. A. Cun­ Devotional services were led by Bro. Walter Gregory at CL. 8-8013 PRINCIPALS AT the Mt. Olivet Baptist Wo­ tor, guest speaker; Mrs. Odessa Foster, co- rendered by Frederick Johnson, ward Early, Nathaniel Hayes and ningham and congregation will Sisters Geneva Taylor, Alice Stride or Rev. Kee at CL. 2-2030. men's Day tea Sunday, held in the II. Beecher OBVIOUSLY TAKING issue with chairman; Mrs, Laurene Smith, president, Mis­ bass, with El Louise Penn Harris Frank Wiggins, president of tho worship with First Baptist ln and Brother Thomas Jones. Bro. Sunday, Dec. 9, at 3:30 p. m. the Hicks Fellowship Center ot the church, pause tho various civil rights move­ sionary Society, sponsor of the annual affair. as -accompanist. Following a se­ usher board. Bloomingsburg, O. Arden Dennis spoke from the sub­ Day Star church win observe their for photographer during affair. Left to right: ments, Dr. Jackson said, "protest lection by the Cherubic Choir, of ject, "Looking For Jesus." Rev. first Women's Day. Sister Thelma Mrs. Lillian Scott, general chairman; Mrs. J. Mrs. Anna Mae Moore was tea chairman—- is not enough. We must go frtan which Mrs. EsteUa Tyler Is direc­ • COMING: Dec. 9. "Youth A. W. Stroman and Rev. C. Kee Kee is speaker. II. Hagan, sister of Rev. H. Beecher Hicks, pas­ Piecce Photo. protest to production—the right to Day"—Church School Classes will Progressive Bapt gave remarks. tor, the "Anthem" was sung by buy must be Implemented with the the Concord Choir, of which Robert be taught by the Young People. At the morning Servlcc-SPEAK- ability to purchase." Rev. W. A. Wood of Bethany Sunday, Dec. 2. the Unit wUl be \\*\nOft glVA Dinner C. Anderson is director. nt May's Nursing Home, 1567 E. v j * *" Baptist Laymen's League To Meet In Columbus December 1 ER-Rev. Stephen Bates, Clrcle- Dr. Jackson has just recently Baptist wUl preacn at Progressive The Celestial Gospel Singers are The sermon was delivered by Long st., Brother Arden Dennis The Ohio Baptist Laymen's Lea-1 General Ass'n, elected James L. meeting held at Shiloh Baptist ville Ohio. 5 p. m. DEBATE: "On returned from a three-week visit Baptist of which Rev. C. C. Sykes sponsoring an Appeal Dinner on the Rev. Charles F. Jenkins, mini­ will be in charge of services with gue. an auxiliary of the Baptist J Martin, president at their annual church. Dayton on Oct 17. Whether Or Not There Should he to the World Ecumenical Council is pastor Sundsy st 3 p. m. Pastor Dec. 8 for the purpose of obtaining Mr. Martin who is a member of ster. Visiting ushers were from Dating at 16 or under, Phyllis meeting ln the Vatican. He also W. A. Patterson of Mt. Carmel Brother Thomas Jones as speaker. Shiloh Baptist Church. robes. Shiloh Baptist church, 720 Mt. Ver* Buckner, Program Chr. praised the NAACP in getting cer­ Baptist wfll deliver the evening REV. CLEOPHUS KEE will be Dinners will be sold at 866 E. non av. Columbus, announces the The 5:43 p. m. Baptist Training ON Dec. 9, at 7 p. m. CIRCLE tain cases tb the high court. DR. JACKSON message. Both ministers win be guest speaker, Sunday, Dec. 2, at 3rd av. during the hours of ll a. ra. organization of the United Baptist Union was nicely attended. 1 presents "Christmas In Other accompanied by their choirs and 11 a. in., for the 67th Anniversary to 4 p. m. or by calling AX. 1-7861 Services ln Columbus Churches Laymen's Council In the Columbus Lands," a dramatic interpretation congregations. of the Logan St BapUst church for home deUveries. area. 9 SPEAKER at the 7 p. m. of customs, fashions, music and Nat'l Confab To Be On (ace And Religion The Good Samaritan Christian Methotlbl Church The following men have been service was the Rev. Charles L. ceremonies. Don't miss this uni­ 700 religious leaders received In­ "Over 70 national religious and (of the Dayton District and Ohio Conference) elected officers: Hawthorne Lewis, Harrison, deputy Supt. of Boys que program. vitations this week to attend the religloualy indentlfled groups have (ME Bishop Passes ; «:e ** • • •. * • -• • • • • • • # chairman; Mosell Ward. Sec'y; Industrial School. Musical selec­ tit Mt. Vernon Ave. (Side Entrance) National Conference on Religion Indicated they will join forces In Funeral services were held last Welcomes you, to worship at our regular Sunday morning Harvey Randolph, reporter; Nat- tions were by the BoyB Industrial • OUR CHURCH was honored and Race to be held at Chicago's the National Conference. It is an week' for Bishop Luther Stewart, ' 'How to Find PEACE'; sen-Ices at 11 a. m. * hanell Alexander, chaplain. School Chorus and by Mr. Gibbs. Friday, Nov. 23, "Church-of-The- Edgewater Beach Hotel, January unprecedented meeting, cutting ac secretary of the college of bishops Rev. H. R. Craig. Pastor Next League meeting will be at the school's director. Rev. Harri­ Week" on WTVN-TV's program, FOR YOU. 14-17, 1863. ross an major faith lines. The of the CME church, after an ex­ a • the Ohio Baptist headquarters, 48 son delivered a sermon on "Re­ "Dailing For Dollars." A floral The lnvitatiana were extended Conference provides religious tended Illness. He was the senior YOUR FAMILY, Cay Street Baptist N. Parkwood av. on Dec. 1. sponsibility of Society to Youth.'* arrangement was given by Rain­ by the Rev. Dr. Benjamin E. bishop in the church. For The Spiritual Refreshing Pause, Come To TlIE GAY ST. BAP* leaders a unique opportunity to bow Flower Shop. Mays, minister, educator and YOUR NATION TiST CHURCH, 496 E. Gay St.. Cor. of Gay St. and Washington stand together ln speaking on an Thc bishop presided over the chairman of the National Confer­ important moral issue to the citi­ Ave.. U. G. Campbell, Minister. Sunday Church School—9:15 a. ra. second Episcopal district which in­ Attend this mf factor* Regular Worship—10:39 a. m. Communion services each first Sua* ence on Religion and Race. zens ot lhe United State and the day. Special services upon announcement. 5TH cluded the Ohio and Kentucky con­ COLUMBUS "THIS INVITATION comes on world. ferences. "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FACES REALITY" DRIVE-IN CLEANERS behalf of the religious groups con­ Mt. Olivet Baptist AVE. by Ralph W. Cessna, C. S. B. of Evanston, lllinoit. Complete Dry Cleaning Sendee, Alterations A Repair vening and participating in this During the past year the senior Visit next Sundav at Mt. Olivet Baptist. 428 E. Main St. "No FUNERAL DIRECTORY historic Conference," Dr. Mays' bishop delivered funeral sermons Member ot the Beard sf Lectureship ef The Mother Church, Drapes A Household Articles Our Specialty Thanksgiving Dinner The First Chureh of Christ, Scientist, fas Boston, Massachusetts Creed But Christ." H. Beecher Hicks, minister. The Church At 1 • Day Senico Pick-Up A Delivery invitation states. for two of his fellow CME bishops, Study. 9 a. m. The Church At Worship, 10:43 a. m. Baptist Train­ WILLIAMS AND McNABB A delightful Thanksgiving dinner ing Union, 6 p. m. The Church At Worship, 7:30 p. m. 222 E. Fifth Ave. at Fourth 8t AX. 1-9S07 late Bishop James Arthur Hamlett 8:00 P. M., Saturday, December 1 Charles Collins, Prep. MORTUARY, INC. was given at the home of R. C. in Kansas City, Kas. and Bishop FUNERAL HOME Rummage Sale Wilson, 1183 Hildreth av. Guests W. Y. BeU of South Boston, Va. First Church of Christ, Scientist Second Community Church 818 E. Long St. CL. 84621 St. Paul's Episcopal church, 88 were as follows: Mesdames Lu­ 457 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio Excellent Service At For a message and fellowship that lifts, instructs, Inspires and Hniita S. Garfield av., will have a rum­ cille Champ, Lillian Champ, L. Final rites were held Tuesday, AU ARE WELCOME challenges, worship with Second Community Church, 22S S. High C D WHITE AND SONS Lattimor, Miss Helen Hughes and Nov. 20 tn the Freeman CME mage sale Monday, Dec. 8, in the Under the auspices of First Church land Ave. Church School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship. 10:43 Hooney Chinese Hand laundry & FUNERAL HOME Harold Barnes. Chapel ln HopkinsviUe. Ky. a. m. Rev. Normal C Crosby, Minister. parish house from 5 to 6 p. rn. of Christ, Scientist, Columbus, Ohio Dry Cleaning 1217 Mt Vernon Ave. CI. t-ISM Second Baptist One-Stop Laundry A Dry Cleaning CROSBY FUNERAL Store No. 1 store No. 2 You're always welcome at Second Baptist, 1M N. 17th St. C. F. HOME Jenkins, minister. Church school, 9:15 a. m. Morning worship. 983 Mt. Vernon Ave. 916 E. Long St. e 10:43 a. m. Evening worship, 7 p. m. 8 A. M. • 7 P. M. Moa. thru Sat. "The House of COLUMBUS' MOST FAMOUS BEFORE AND AFTER TF ATRE RESTAURANT CL. 8-4298 Friendly Service" Shiloh Baptist 2333 E. Filth Ave. MEETING PLACE FOR TKE BIG NAME STARS Come to ShHoh Baptist, Hamilton at Mt Vernon Aves. James W. Parrish, minister. Radio broadcast (WBNS), 8:15 a. m. Church CALL (LUSCH ft SCHttl) 300 E. 5th AVX BROOKS FUNERAL school (children may be left with competent mothers during wor­ HOME INC. ship). 9 s. m. Church At Worship, ll a. in. Continued Church Installation — Safes Engineering school for small children, ll a. m. Baptist Training Union, I p. m. Free Estimates—* Tears To Pay 1108 E. Long St. CL. Stilt SIZZLING $TEAK$»FRIB fflKKB*»SEAFOOD Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. Music by Ove choirs. We Sendee—Repair—Clean All Makea FULLY INSURED A LICENSED MRS. D. A. WHITTAKER far-dag A OcaapleU Moan Of Delect-bis foods Ajroand T1M Clock ... 14 Hoars Everyday Union Grove Baptist WORK GUARANTEED AND SONS, INC FUNERAL HOME WATCH FO* BUSINESS LUNCHEON AND OTHER MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS Church At Worship, 10:45 a. m. and 7;30 p. m. Nursery for babies ADAMS HEATING & C00UN6 INC. 720 E. Long St. CL. SBM9 Phale D. Hale, minister. Church school for all ages, 9 a. m. snd pre-school children while you worship. Junior church with and dining room planned worship on tbe level of children through sge of 12 at 10:45 Adam J. Pataky JANITROL 24 HOUR The Above Ust Includes a. m. BTU for all ages, 6 p. m. Personal and family counseling Heating & heating aaJ cooling SERVICE Members Of The Columbus novelty food bar by appointment Cooling Factory Authorized Funeral Ass'n 741 e.kmgsf. at hamilfon Specialist Dealer AX. 4-5237 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 3962 THE OHIO SENTWa •AGE 17 PAGE T6 THI OHIO SENTINEI THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1962

"great." THKAT TlD-IUTS: Sammy Davis, Jr. and wife May Britt have adopted a 2'i year old Neg­ Kite Beat ro boy. Dorothy Daodrldge's mar­ By WILLIAM "BOBBLES" BOLLOWAT riage to'Jack Denlson which looked 91B^mBMMBmmm9mMtmmgSBSmmmmS so promising ended Oct. S3 when JiAmusements Miss Dandridge sued for divorce. 9 THANKSGIVING and all its Surah Vaoghaa's off-again; on-a*> trimmings is over and this is one Ing tune, however, was one of the who la always glad, not only for most beautiful it has been my plea­ gain marriage is off-egaln. Mary Bradley Mumble, prominent Clevo- Thanksgiving to be over but any sure to witness in many years. holiday that disrupts the normal Most ably assisting her were leand actress .will appear soon in In The Limelight the Cleveland Playhouse produc­ procedure of business. One would three , fine tragedians: William Charles Briggs; City Editor tion of "The Miracle Worker." think that you would find an extra Roerick, veteran actor of the number of people celebrating on Broadway stage, was mors than holidays, but, no, it doesn't work adequate as MacBeth and later as like that. the tortured Jason In "Medea." Sam, and that means you and Lilyan Chauvin, a French actress, Great Performance me, are always different. We do although no match for Dame Jud­ it up the night before, causing ith, turned ln good supporting per­ businessmen to get bald earlier. formances in both excerpts. Fred Given By Judith JUDITH ANDERSON "BUBBLE8 Foreman, a rhetorical equal to Mr. ( Tom Page* proprietor of the new­ VALLEY DALE was a meeting place far oU who has jost finished ten days at the Jamaica enccd eye and the after-holiday Rot-rick, did a splendid job as King of the evening. Not only the audi­ ly decorated Continental Room of friends last Sunday when The Three Deuces dub, "Babbles" Holloway. featured theatrical Creon In "Medea." ence was audibly amused but also the Jamaica Club, was swamped actions of old Sam would make presented Hash Ballard aad The Midnlghters columnist of Tbe Ohio 8en(inei, aad Hank HaJ- Anderson At MershonJean-Loui s and Valentine design­ such a trouper as Dame Judith, with business Thanksgiving" eve— me say Uiat Willie Russell fought for one night Yietnred above Is Theroa Hill !ard.--Pboto By Robert Cass. who literally fell over in hysterical 9 DAME Judith Anderson, kills the young princess and cli­ ed Dame Judith's wardrobe which even Tom was waiting table. So to a draw again. laughter. She quickly regained her Christmas dance, which has al­ to the now four-drinks Toler, swooped into Columbus last Wed­ maxes the play with one of the in "Lady MaBceth" consisted of wouldn't one expect more busi- LMWfl'f CHOP 8UET self-composure, apologized for the • FLOYD BROWN, the im­ ways been a success. "Your pretty wife is a natural nesday evening to present a bril- most bloody and horrorlng scenes royal blue silken capelet and con­ ni'ss on the holiday night? rnftV J RESTAURANT "goof" and continued her excellent presario at Litchfield Lounge on gem. She doesn't need nothing on c, lisnt and exciting three-art play in tragic theatre. Medea, ravingly trasting dark blue gown. As Mo­ SO you hiro three more waitres­ 31 N. NeUon Rd. CL. 0-3284 s performance to the thundering and 4th, st. off Long, an old hand at O JR. LEAGUERS' formal, as < I paused to sip a drink) her fin- bill of tragedy at OSU's Mershon mad, kills her two sons because des, she was attired simply in a ses, two more bartenders, an as­ appreciative applause of her audi­ promotions, in fact, an old hand, pre-reported In this column, was Special Prices On Carryouts they'll continue to remind her of gold romanlc tunic. sistant hat check girl, put out CONTIM'EH ON PAGE 23 auditorium. period, is waiting until Friday, a natural—lovelies galore, expen­ Legal Beverages Jason, their unfaithful father. ence! more whiskey, give a pep talk to Major scenes from the Shake­ Esch of the exquisite designs Nov. SO, a full week after the sively, dressed out-of-towners, to spearean tragedy, "MacBeth" As Lady MacBeth, Dams Judith afforded the actress great ease and I only sight this amusing inci­ ail the eoiployees, telling the shake name a few: The Mr. n*»,*•. j •• .. . :. Clarence Ramsey, Prop. , young daughter of the King. Creon, Wednesday evening—this crunch- Complete Meals Dally and Southern Fried Chicken MacBeth" set very easily adapted was worthy of the adjective Valley Dale. Hunk BaHard, who Specializing In Barbecue • JON HAUL, the Cavaliers' Beer, Wine, Whiskey to that required for "Medea." For 18c Hamburgers ha* been knocking . them, down 5 4541PM RECORDS ONLY S3.98-LATEST HITS wherever he sings, was a good promotions chairman, making fin­ UNDER NEW Dally 9 A. M. to 1 A. M. a traveling show this was accept­ Meet Tho Gang Al 7 A.M. Until 1A.M. attraction to book, but my experi- al arrangements for their big MANAGEMENT able, however, upon sitting for sev­ Prep, James Anthony A i A Discount MIAMI RECORD SHOP eral hours even the most astute HORACE'S PLACE Serving Columbas 17 years VU MIAMI AVE. CL. S-08* student of theatre wishes for Just (Formerly Sam's) LENNY'S BAR Record Shop Dally n A. M. Till 10 P. M. /Free Delivery a bit more, m the way of settings, til N. FOvrtb 8L at Second IHE Largest Selection Of Spiritual Records la Central Okie for the sake of interest and lessen­ AX. 94592 Formerly Betty's Bar NEW 45 RPMs...... 75* ing monotony. Cor. 2nd aad St Clair Dine and Dance Open « A. M. to 5 NEW 45 RPMs.. $3.75 To Tho Music of TY SERVICE 2:30 P. M. REG. $3.98 LPs $2.49 v The sound affects department Little J. C Free Home Estimates Short Order Oa Foods should also be noted. During the Lienor, Beer, Wine 1026V, Mt. Vemon Ave DEUCE VISIT THE SPIT And His EXPERT WORK GUARANTEED opening scene of "Lady" the sound DYNAMITES Leonard (Knobby) Watson 252-9755 502 St. Cloir Ave. tape wss cued ln at the wrong NO SERVICE CHARGES AX. 9-0376 SPiRTSrWS GRILL * speed. Instead of eerie bagpipes BEER - WINS - WHISKEY Open Daily 4-12 P. M. PRESENTS FINE FOOD WHERE THE PRICES ARE RIGHT across the moors, mickey mouse FOR A LIMITED Horace DoJomoH, Prop. Liquor, Beer, Food 9 Try Our Famous Fish Sandwiches throughout Mershon was the order ENGAGEMENT *.i Draft Beer Just A Little Bit Better AX. 4-2064 LONG ST., COR. SRD CA. 4-3C37 COMPARE! GET ACQUAINTED! THE HEADLINERS IN THE NEW SHOW AT THE Full 6 years old! Full 86.8 proof! SAMMY IMPORTED CANADIAN •

• MMJ^AUGHTON BRYANT JAMAICA BAR DOT BAMM UA ijlij TAKEELA • CODC #I75C CIRCLE BAR & COCKTAIL LOUNGE NITELY IN THE NEW BAND LIQUOR * BEER • WINE B**m**mt**mm*ma*M***9**s*A Continental Room (Upstairs) mm**** Featuring See Our New LP Console Stero 1048V't MT. VERNON AVE. 252-930:5 LITTLE SHIRLEY'S Floyd Brown Presents 941 MT. VERNON AVE. OPEN 8:30 P. M. TILL 2:30 A. M. LITTLE CHARLES ECKSTEIN KEY CLUB "AN AFTERNOON IN NASSAU" BAR AND DOTRAMM SONNY EMCEE Presents CALYPSO SKYLINE NMN6N00M HARRIS Cor: LONG I HAMILTON Ct 2-0228 CHRISTINE KITTRELL TAKEELA DAVIS Al lis Fined Where Hospitality Begins DANCERS VIVLOYO PLUS THE BIBIGG SOUND OF THE AT Tr,E Monday - Talent Nighl Your Hostess • Mrs. Ray Redman Jazz Piano Stylist Serving Liquor, B—r, Good rood Daily FOR YOUR LITCHFIELD LOUNGE Sunday - Matinee JAMAICANS DANCING PLEASURE NIGHTLY 3:30 - 6:30 MATINEE EVERY SERVING SARGE'S TALENT and TWIST NIGHT 90 N. FOURTH STREET 21 SHRIMP SUNDAY 5 TO 9 BARBECUE EVERY TUESDAY MEN, HAVE YOU JOINED YET? ADMISSION FREE . IN A BASKET C&R FOR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WEN NO ADVANCE IN PRICES DANCIN6 UQUOR Jamaica Lounge (Downstairs) OVER THE AGE OF 2$ HU Bow • Wins • Food FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1962 Oral DAHY FROM 9 A.M. TILL 2,30 A. H. 862 E. MAIN ST. - CL 2-0258 To Carryout $ , 4P.M. TO 6P.M. NITELY Champion & Mt. Vernon CL. 2-0300 Mrs. Ray Redmon, Prop. THOMAS W, PACE, YOUR HOST A m •» « •'.•t-ri •»»,•• i 3irruni' *I-IJMilj^f^ PAGE 18 THS OHIO SENTINa THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 THE OHIO lENTWll PAGI 19 i in * M. V. P. Bernardino WffBffiBtWKWMiirilMIiaTa.il illJIHillll 'Draw Christmas' Art Contest East High Sports Hooks And Slices Poindexler Center News Being Sponsored By WBNS-TV rm BMmMmmmmmmmmSlBmmmmmmmM WBNS-TV ts sponsoring a "Draw nounced on WBNS-TV'» "Toyshop" .9 EAST HIGH School's Tigers who prepped at West High and 9 WITH one more week to go my destination. As I walked out # I'OINDKXTEK'S Cross Coun­ Brown's will meet Nick and Thanksgiving for members of the Christmas" contest which is open program on Monday, Dec. 10. unfolds their 196243 basketball Ohio State university. Pennell ls • before closing of thc municipal golf of the Union Station, there were try team entered competition for Lynch at 9:08. center's clubs and their guests. to youngsters 11 years and under. season under the leadership of Bob In his second year at East but course, some of the stalwart golf­ about IS ttoocabs nned up. I Mail drawings to the "Draw the first Ume Saturday, Nov. 17, To enter all that Is required ls Hart, Nov. 29 (tonight) at Chllli­ this will be his first venture ln ers trying to get In all of the shots grabbed rny CARPET BAGS and when they competed ln the Colum­ • THE Intermediate Boys Bas­ • POINDEXTEJV8 Golden Ago Christmas" contest, WBNS-TV, the drawing of a Christmas scene, cothe. High School coaching. possible before the winter season headed for Uie first one In line. bus RecreaUon Dept. Inter-Center ketball league got underway Mon­ Club held Its second meeUng of or whatever Christmas means to 770 Twin Rivers Dr., Columbua. On Hart is taking over the varsity sets ln. Such DIE-HARDS as The driver told me that I would two mile run at Linden RecreaUon day, Nov. 10, with the Warriors Uie month last Friday In the cen­ *f MEMBERS of the reserve the artist. the back of each drawing should job after five years as reserve George Cartwright, Paul Cumm­ have to wait my turn. After about Center. defeating the Hawks, 10*17, the team who will be trying for a- ter's lounge. Over 18 members Entries may he submitted thr*> be the artist's name, age, address coach. Hla reserve teams have won lngs, George Rudolph, Charles 15 minutes, a man driving A Skyscrapers defeating Uie Royals. nother championship are: Galen Poindexter placed third, with were present at the meeting when oigh Nov. 30. Winners will be an­ and phone number. five championships. He replaces Sims, Walker Moore, George Wil­ BOOTLEG CAB came up to me 40-16, and thc Net Burners defeat­ Bias, Jack McClcndon ond Skip two of their runners finishing in club president Marie McMorrls Mark Whitaker as varsity tutor. son, Chris Sams, Eugene Callo­ and asked where I was going? ing the Lakers, 62-41. Oliver from Franklin, John Lewis tho top ten. Bruce Grant, 1330 called the meeting to order for way, Wodie Saunders, James Ant­ Telling him my destination, I Coach Hart Inherits six of last John Johnson, Gerald Turner, and Clifioii nv.. an 11 year old, finish­ Polndexter's six team Jr. Boys hony and others arc hoping that finally relaxed In comfort but was their business. year's seven lettermen. He only Sherman Lundy from Champion, ed in seventh place in 14.33 and Basketball League will began Join Jewish (enter Orchestra the beautiful fall weather will last very much bewildered. loses Charles Mitchell by gradu­ Marvin Owens, Mike Thornton, Gregory CruUicrs finished eighth League play Nov. 30 with a three The Music Committee of the corned as a fellow participant In ation. Back are: Mike Hammond, all winter. m 1.4 3,. Michael Hall, James Cox, the Jewish Center orchestra which Frank Watson and Tom Muny from game schedule and will continue Jewish Center extends an lnvita- Bob Calloway, Ken Fowlkes, Gene Several golfers are dividing their 9 SEVERAL days later, I de­ Jt'tfiald Washington, Larry Austin is under the direction of Richard Roosevelt, and Jerry Bynum from to play every Friday evening until tion to all instrumentalists ln the Reynolds and Ed Waller. In addi­ time between golf and hunting. cided to go to one of the downtown and David Grant finished thc two Suddendorf, faculty member of the Mohawk Jr. High. February 15, with Uie exception community to participate in the tion, returning ls Avery Godfrey, Forming a sportsmen's club, theatres. Turned away at tho door, mile run in 14th, nth. 18th, 21st School of Music at Ohio State uni­ of Dec. 7 when there will be a Center orchestra. a 8-2 center, who was a pleasant The varsity and reserves teams Charles Sims, Nay Garrls, George I decided I would buy a hambur­ and 22nd places, respectively. versity and a member of the Co­ special school program at Cham­ The orchestra Is meeting regu­ surprise to East followers last have the potential and the enthu­ Cartwright and others have formed ger and return home. Being met lumbus Symphony. pion Jr. High school thc night of larly for rehearsal at thc Jewish year in the tournament siasm to go all the way this year. the Safety Hunters club. Having at the door by ono of the em­ 9 FORREST LYNCH, repre­ Center, 1135 College av.. Thurs­ ployees, I was told that they didn't senting Polndexter's Intermediate all Poindexter RecreaUon Center If further Information is desir­ 9 WITH basketball taking over made application for membership days at 8 p. m. mtmimm^*.''^ Up from last year's champion re­ serve Negroes. (Luckily, I didn't Boys Shufflcboard players, cap­ athletic activities. ed, please call the Adult Activities the high school spot-light, most In the League of Ohio Sportsmen, Anyone who ls a musician by LOWELL BERNARDINO serve squad are: Walter Byers, eat them anyway). tured the InterCenter Champion­ Dept. of the Jewish Center, Be. people don't even know that East as well as seeking membership in Columbus Recreation Dept.'s In­ vocation or avocation will be wel- WILMINGTON—Lowell Bernar­ , BUI Hairston, Melvin When I went to a certain a- ship at Schiller Park Recreation 1-2731. has a very good wrestling team. the Allied Clubs of Franklin Coun­ ter-Center Teen Council held the dino, son of Mrs. Arnetta Bernar­ Smith and Mike Gordon. gency for employment, it was Just Center recently. Two other Shuffle- Coaching Jim Porter, who al* ty, It will be a welcome to sco first meeting of the Current Center dino, 61S Maple st., Lockland, has as bad, as there were jobs in board champions won sectional ELIGIBILITY dealt the Tigers ready has title under his belt this some of the minority sportsmen Year Thursday evening, Nov. 15. Violinist Appears been named the most valuable certain categories open to me. championships; Junior girl, Doro­ a very severe blow as grades fall (X-Country) will be defend* representing a club In the league Miss Mary Ellen Davis, Helen Pearl Bailey Joins player of the 1982 Wilmington It was several years ago (If thy Alexander, and. senior boy, struck down two fine prospects ln Ing his 1961-62 championship. Re­ meeting. .'.-. Tolber, Parties Morris and Charles team. He received memory serves me right), an em­ Curtis Pryor. Fresh-irora-ihe- With Symphony senior Bob Martin and Junior Dick turning lettermen are: Capt. Jack Hardy represented the Center at the Carr ^Brothers trophy award, 9 CHALK UP another one for ployee In the city utilities division Polndexter's Sr. Boys Basketball Ed Sullivan Sunday Tanner, but both boys could be Hamler, Ted Brown, Roger Young, Uils meeUng. The Teen Council barrel taste < THE Columbus Symphony which has been given to a differ­ the Old Divoter. It was Osslc made the mistake ot moving to League got off to good start Wed­ eligible at mid-year. Billy Evans, Harold Mansfield, sposorcd the Teen Dance prior to chorus and The Denlson univer­ Singing comediene Pearl Bail­ ent player each year since 19(S. Blount of Cleveland who made the the suburbs, thus making him In­ nesday, Nov. 14, with three high, Albert Britford, Dalton Basley, everytirae. *, sity choir will be featured wfth ey, currently appearing in a A 0 ft, S In., IBS-pound end, Lo­ 9 A COUPLE of promising great shot on the Berwick golf eligible to continue to hold his Job. seoriiiR games and outstanding James Hough and Clarence Cos- the brilliant young American vio­ night-club engagement at New well served as captain of the Qua­ sophmores are Frank Watson and course. Jake Blount, who ls a fine It was at this time that tho law.picformance s by Robert Johnson aett Hamler is defending city OSU Employees Locals because linist, Michael Tree, at the Colum­ York's Waldorf-Astoria hotel, New ker squad this year, which won Its Marvin Owens from Roosevelt Jr. golfer, is from Indianapolis. Sorry was relaxed and he. was allowed ot Central Community House, champ at 165. Brown, Britford and bus Symphony Orchestra concert Orleans Jaz*x trumpeter Al Hirt first game in three years and 22 High. for the error. to continue in his capacity. This Richard Tanner, of. Sandy's Drive- lH REGISTERED Gossett were city runners-up at 580, 1531 To Meet Wednesday, Dec. 5, at 8:30 p. m. and his musical combo, and Bill games ot play earlier this fall. It It was several months ago when Is the same as a man living in In, Robert MarUn of Nick and ln Veterans Memorial Auditorium. Last year, the Tigers had a 11-12 112, 138 and 175, respectively, last Dana, famed for his Jose Jimenez was ln a game against Defiance there was mention of the south­ West Virginia and being the gover­ Lynch'a Barber Shop and Harvey Ohio State University Em­ record. In the City League, a 8-8. year. nor ot"Ohlo. Since that time, there Allen of Tuney's Sunoco Service. WIEDEMANN comedy characterization, perform college which Wilmington won Although they finished fifth In their paw golf trio that represents Co­ ployees, Local 580 and Local 1531, Other members of the squad are has been a migration to the out­ The second round on Nov. 21 FINE $fg BEER on "The Ed Sullivan Show" Sun­ 18-0. On Nov. 12 they won again league, the Tigers were the last lumbus on the golf course. Roland wUl hold a joint meeting Saturday, Len Coles, Charles Hood, Ronald James, Charles Sims and George lying districts and' in order to provided much excitement with America's Only day, Dec. 2 (84 p. m.) on CBS- against Taylor university, 15-14. team to bow In the tournament. Dec. 1*1 p.m. at 27« S. Third at. Peaks, Dan Hilton, Dan Willis. keep these people votirig' and rtrfv- Nick and Lynch meeting Central Registered bttr HOTEL TV, Chan. 10, Columbus. • Lowell, who Is a Junior majoring Tlley lost to Dlstrclt Champion Rudolph could play'a *pretty fair In chemistry, Is playing his third Carl Bush, Will lam McCoy, Bob game of golf. Frank Dyer, Louis­ nlng' Uie city proper,' Wlyantiei' Community House. Nick and Lynch University employees are invited •»« MO. WMUM MOM taamm Newark in the semi-finals. the property to the city'and pro­ year of football at Wilmington, Butler, Bill Coleman, Gerald Tur­ ville; has sent an official chal­ won, 01-28.' Sandy's defeated Carl to attend this meeting. TaaaaastSmmmBamB vide aU ot the facilities possible last year he was named first Again this year, the East High ner, Art Woodruff, Ralph Eske- lenge to this trio to meet his team MAJESTIC SUBSCRIBE to Ths Sentinel: ridge, Myron McLaughlin, Steve to see that they are comfortable. string defensive end on ths Mid* schedule includes several of the any place, any time next season. perennial "toughles" throughout Beets, Bob Reed, Tllton Reed, Les ENJOY CLEVELAND'S On* year. $6.50; six months, 13.30. Ohio League All-Star team. He Is It such a maicn enn he arranged, O THROUGH the concentrated the state. The Tigers annually McClean, Gary Rispress, Bill Grif­ VACATION LAND mSmmmmSS 9BMM •Braoaa I960 graduate of Lockland High it should be interesting to watch. efforts of minority groups In the school where he played football play one of the toughest non-lea­ fin, Mike Durant. Harold Moss, A question ohen aSKcd this wri­ t2tl East 65th Street city, mast of the blight has been' under Coach Charles Schmidt. gue schedules in this area. Orlee Simon, James Hough, James ter Is, "What has happened lo golf Cleveland, Ohio TURNER'S Hairston, Otis Wingo, Roland Mar­ wiped out and with the executive" In the league this year, the In the Columbus area?" To try order of Uie president of thc U. S. Private Baths — Radio •RESTAURANT tin, Joe Holliman, J. C. Smith and Pick-A-Pair teams to beat aro Central, North to answer an Inquiry of this nature a few days ago there will be no Television VILLAGE TAVERN Harold Burkes. 45SH t. Long Rt and Linden with the dark horse would take several days and much segregaUon In federally-supported e Transient Goest Welcome 1% Beer - Wine - Whiskey 1211 MT. VERNON AVB. being a surprising newcomer in The wrestling team plays host to research. SO I will deviate from housing, Columbus has only to be­ e Efficient Room Service BOMB COOKED FOODS Colombo*, O. Whetstone. West on the season opener, Dec. golf and have one of those good Serving the People Ira aod gin fighting three more batUes— Becomes The Style Center For e Frco Parking OA. 4-Ofttt Taking over the reserve team B, ln the East High gym at 3:33 Around Poindexter Village looks at Columbus as I have seen housing, labor and sports. ilEKB. WINE GOOD FOOD will be Paul Pennell, a local figure p. m. It in thc past. Columbus realtors are scream­ WELCOME Opea 1 A 51. Close 1 P. M. Having been told all my life that ing to HIGH HEAVEN about Uie tothe CHE8TEB B. WHITE. Oar. there was no segregation in the damage Uiat wiU be done If Uie execuUve order is carried out and C"l «| FOR THE BEST IN north by teachers and those who had lived across the CREEK, (the the depreclaUon of property that HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS TRY THE Ohio river) this was the Ideal place will follow. To this writer, it seems TV Picture for me. Uiat the value of the property goes Arriving in Indiana, I was told up when Negroes move Into a DoUmiTioor- point-blank that I could not sit community. For thc past several Tubes '19" In one of the parks that was city- years, I have noticed that houses CHICAGO CARNEGIE Hom owned but would have to go to that are more than 20 years old the one that was situated along and with a value o( less than S0 FINE ACCOMMODATIONS (an (L 2-7181 60 Rooms - Air Conditioned - Television the river. Certain jobs were off- thousand are being sold to Negroes CONVENIENT LOCATION limits to trie and I had to take the for twice their value. If this Is •&L%% Attractive rooms with For Free Estimate next best thing. depreciation, 1 would hate to see baths and showers, the CLEVELAND'S FINEST Thinking that I should come something that is rising In value. mfsgmggfsgaBgstj Southmoor offers every­ further north. I boarded a train thing you'd expect in in Evansvillc and Columbus was OONT1NED ON PAGE Si war BISUTU ntoa BAR AND RESTAURANT service to make your stay Daatalmm CUc*t*. ai*V JOHNNIE WALKER an enjoyable one. Mod­ »r*» Kr**rt. C*!«m*( Sky. a<* Ute C*ixowt Huter Foi A New '63 DODGE ern studio apartments, ana. Uaivanil*- at Oil* COURTESY sac*. MS—a *t Sri**K*) large and small suites ace a** l*4ntr*. Iftttrn*. FLl-l Or A LATE MODEL Used (ar FOR THE BETTER DRESSED MAN Maaat *ma*immmt **4 also available overlook­ COMFORT ing Jackson Park and"< JIM Lake Michigan. CONVENIENCE 'f:frTZ* 7~_H AMfLC PARKING SELL"«TELEVISIO«N AMPLE PARKING '***aB*wa • SEE HAYNIE Pick-A-Pair Stores Located 1; % - • 1068 MT. VERNON AVE r •I 100 New-Car Selection (1 Deer East el p4*siM » Cameo Theatre) 6803 Carnegie Ave. 60 Used-Car Selection 800 Parsons Ave. 1406 Cleveland Ave. MOTORS Stat* Island mmm* •*. S70, Strss* _,< Dependable and Cleveland, Ohio CMcsg* 37. UUnsts J>±1*^ • INC Guaranteed Television HE. 1-1500 Charmoine Room Of COLS. 1183 N. High SI. 2451 Cleveland Ave. Service SPITZER An H. L "Deon" Johnson Enterprise 2010 E. Main St. CL 3-8641 PAGE 20 THI OHIO SENTINa THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2©, 1*962 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 19*53 THB OHIO SENTINEI PAGE 2)

Redlighf For Davis over ths famous Huskies Gunneds. '• MASV WOODSON was India­ (n 1962 Grid Season na's greatest hero since George Taliaferro Saturday evening, be­ "Ernie Davis win not bo acti­ SPORTS GLEANINGS Along Pin Way cause of his 92-yard run after vated In 1962." This was Ihe word touchdown against Purdue. For By BILL PERRY last week from * By BILL BELL • Sports Editor that touchdown not only brought head coach Paul Brown. 9 I BAD truly hoped to have Moving-'n-Storage to a sweep over the Hooslers a victory over hated •'Art Model! and I feel It's too a photo ol the group of determined the talent laden Pepst-Cola team. Purdue, It also gave them their late in the season for Ernie to young men who are in the midst John Counts tallied &G8 for those 9 OHIO STATE salvaged the tion League Journeyed to McKees- first Big Ten win since 1969. It calch up enough to play," aaid of selling stocks In a tremendous who think young. end of an unsuccessful season Sat. port. Pa., where they defeated was the first time Uie Hooslers Brown. "However, he will now be* effort to buUd a beautiful new ui day by crushing a weak Michi­ the McKecsport Tigers, who had were able to carry home the old O IN THE Women's Progrea- gin full-scale workouts and attend bowling palace. Those men have gan team, 28-0, before 82,840 fans. an unbeaten streak of 42 games. Oaken Bucket, which haa been sive League, Garland Equipment, metitlngs with the team as part met wonderful response from the The most satisfying thing about Then, at tho end of the season the trophy for tho game since Lee's Style Shop and the Inde­ of a long range plan aimed at stock-buying public and are cur­ the victory to Scarlet and Grey the Hawks attempted on Iron-man 1947. B pendent Five each took two games giving him a better background in fans was that the Buckeye grid­ rently making plans for ground­ feat by returning to McKeesport Central State will play Prairie from their opponents, with Mary our system." breaking ceremonies. The group LES HKCP.DtTS ot Central st.it,- Coilegr. aet a mark of If came the first school to repeat as champions. Central won this ders refused to be tricked by and losing to the Tigers Saturday Wooden and Pearl WUliams work­ View In tho Prairie View Football lncludlngs young progressive men min. 50.1 sec. to lead hi*, team to vlrtory recently lu the NCAA exent previously in 1900. I, to K: (lop five men) William Moore, "The moment when any player Michigan's famous place-kick play, night, 8-0, for the first defeat ln out Garland Equipment laced the Classic on Dec. 1 ln Houston, Tex. such as Charles Byrd and Nell college division rrox*. country meet st Vfheaton. III., anil thus t>e- Lestts Hegedus, Choice Phillips, Nate Foster, Ted Seymour aad Is ready to play is always strictly which has defeated many Ohio tbeir carver. Then they rode a)V Jolly Five in spite of the efforts Bryant, and veterans like C. T. David Vouugblade (roarh). for the coaches to decide. Paul teams, which were better aggre­ night to get home ln Ume to battle 81 , made of Irene Hutchinson. Roaetta Davis Turner, the hauling genius. . -.*» -* --- and I hnve talked It over and aro gations physically than Michigan. Arlington that Sunday at 2 o'clock,. both UP and AP Ail-Big-Ten put on a one-woman show as the r; rr Smooth Robert Reed, of the LISTON'S LOADED WITH LOOT In complete agreement that a pro­ This year, the play resulted in a ending in a 20-20 tie for the cham­ teams. His running-mate on the Independent Five took two from Nick and Lynch Barber Shop team, CHICAGO—Heavyweight boxing and leave Philadelphia where he gram aimed at preparing Davis* loss of six yards and the loss of pionship of the Ohio Boys Founda­ UPI11 is Larry Ferguson ot Iowa, the Five Stars. Dorothy Palmer led the Vermount League action champion Sonny Llston last week feels he has lx*en bounded by the enormous talents for next year their star halfback, Dave Raimey, tion. The next Sunday, the W. and on the AP team It ls Marv tried hard for the Stars. Florence SPORTSfwisfer By Brooks thla week as he showed the Mon­ ronted the mansion of Jazz pianist law are in full force. would be best for all concerned,'* for a quarter. Mound Rams, another Found-itlon Woodson of Indiana, Matt Snell Richardson guided her Lee's Style day Niters the proper way to Ahmad .Tamal. a rambling struc- said Mode!!. team, crushed a visiting Kentucky make AP's~second team. Shop team to two victories over The developments were announc­ Paul Warfield. who, despite the roll a M6 scries. George Jackson, turc that once belonged to Dr. QUESTIONS: 4. There are umpires In base­ team, 32-0. Bobby Dell of Minnesota was the understaffed team No. 6. ed as Llston was finally paid his "All of us In thc Browns' organ­ fact that he has been injured John NeU. and Reed shot 310, 207, Harold I'rey. ro-developer of the ball, football and many other Last Sunday, The Westslde one of the two unanimous picks share of Ihe purse for knocking 1. After the last free throw fol­ ization are delighted with Ernie's most of the season, has still played and 197, respectively. Bowling scores are getting bet­ atomic l>omb. to be used as a sports but la Uiere an umpire In Pirates, champions of the Bear* for the team. Bell, who is a re­ Floyd Patterson out to win the lowing a double foul in basketball, wonderful medical and physical more minutes than any other ter each week In the Saturday temporary home. basketball? cat League, went to Overland, Mo., peater from last year, was picked 9 IN THE Merchants Industrial title. how do the officials resume play? progress report." Buck, picked up 2*2 yards In four Mixed League. Here are some At the same time Uston was; to play for the Eastern Division at tackle, and has been picked on League, Eugene Wooden took sin­ 2. What country has many more 5. How long Is the playing time tries and made three tackles, ran examples: Lloyd White, 212, a new re|H>rted to l>e shopping for a 10 I He earned approximately championship In their class. They two All-American teams already gle game honors with a nifty 224. skiers than any other country In for each quarter In the National back one punt 12 yards. .league high. Mac Welch, 526. acre tract where he plans to move j (300,000. came through with a 33-0 victory this year. Horace Jones led the parade of the world and mountains, like the Basketball Ass'n? Record Making Thief Charles Sanders, 207-659. Russell Rockies and Alps? 9 BEN ESPY picked up 18 600 plus series as he toppled 220- FREE _ FREE _ FREE Price, 522. Ruth Stell. 495. Wilson Maury Wills In the locker room yards in four tries, caught two 632. John Whlttaker foUowed Jones 8. We K'tvm- that skiers love the Waderker, 19CWH6. Hitils Wader­ Everyoae Is eligible. All yon after the heartbreaking third play­ with a nifty 610 to Whlttaker's <' Patterson must snow-covered slopes on mountains passes for a minus-two yards and ker, 501. Moses Lias, 811. Carnell Really TT Club do i<* mail or bring in In person off defeat to the Giants: "Gentle­ plnfall to lead the Reynelds All- and the skater Is at home on a made two tackles. Manns, 513. Margo Dabney. 487. the answers to The Sentinel of­ men, I will answer no questions." stars to a 932-271*1 series. Roscoe's smooth, sturdy sheet of Ice, but Matt SncH again was a tower L. Cunningham, 844. High team fice- be-toro Wednesday noon of But later relenting. "I don't caro Car wash team waa Reynelds' Regain "Image" Elects Officers do people ski on Ice? of defense at end. He made three scores in the Saturday Mixed Lea­ «-ach week and get The SenUneJ SO muth for myself. I'll keep busy victim. Carl Reeves and Lloyd As a result of their recent meet­ clean tackles, assisted In six more, nothing wrong with golf. The main gue were: Daniel Boone Cleaners, nuiil.d to your noma for IS over the winter making records CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 Webb (MW44) tried hard for the ing, newly efnVted officers of and knocked down two attempted question is, What is SO WRONG 810; Thompson's Eight Chair Bar­ weeks. Clues: DicUonary, rule (Wills Is a singer). It's the other losers. Beatty Table Tennis club are: passes. • ON THE labor scene, there is WITH THE GOLFERS? With In­ bers, 854; Waderker Family, 846, bunks, newspapers aod encyclo­ fellows I fee! bad for. They could I George Sinclair, president, 6th Rod Foster, who Is great block­ much to be desired. Certain Jobs fluential golfers all over tho city and J. E. Hangers, 809. pedias. have used Uie pennant money." Buger Beer took two games term; Florence Trimble, vice-pre­ ing guard, was one of the reasons are1 still being denied qualified (independent, as well as those who from the Waderker Aces with vete­ 9 NEW FACES Department: sident, 2nd term; Barbara Sin­ the three fullbacks romped for a person due to racial or naUonal belong to clubs) It is pitiful to ran Warren Palmer, pacing the Charles and Ida Carrcwex. Bb clair, secretary. 2nd term; Johan­ total of 280 yards in 44 carries. origin* How this fight win be again look at Columbus as an ALL- TRAIN TO BE A BARKR attack with 2001557. Little John Bradley, A. B. Flod, Mary Hun­ na Tyus, corresponding secretary; i launched ls not known but here's AMERICAN CITY and think that [ *g MICHIGAN'S top ground Neal was leader of the losers. Mac ter, Rosle Jcnnison, Brenda •Vick, James T. Lawrence, treasurer, hoping something will be done a- there Is only one municipal golf gainers were two Ohio boys, senior •Tip-Tip) Welch, with 214-680, led Marie and Ronald Betton, Lawr­ lOth term; Hugh Clark Jr.; vice- bout It soon. course on which to play. FOR right-halfback Dave Raimey of the NaUonal Champion White Bro­ ence and Esther Trudo Edward president; Att'y Napoleon Bell, 9 SPEAKING to city officials I Dayton and sophomore, third-string, Looking at sports, It was not too thers Barbers to a sweep over Townsend, Kathryn and Sanford chairman. Board of Trustees. was informed that there was a fullback of Cincin­ long ago that It was a rarity to Peppers Barber Shop. Don Pep­ Lockhart and the star of the new PATTERSON The club's Initial program will ENROLLMENT INFORMATION see a Negro on a basketball team bond issue passed several years pers and Buss Ford tried hard nati. Raimey gained 51 yards In faces, Jean Tibbs, whose, 151, be extensive training. Inter-club ago to build another golf course Ex-heavyweight champion Floyd CALL, WRITE, VISIT 12 attempts and Anthony picked at Ohio State and not more than for the head shrinkera. game beat her husband, broad- matches, tournament participation on the Eastside of the city. Asked Patterson is the current target of up 19 ln six carries. two on the field In football. Since The Williams and McNabb Mort­ minded Harry Tibbs. New York newsmen, who insist and planning for the coming 12th OHIO HATE BARBER COLLEGE, INC. the relaxaUon ln these sports, as why it has not been built, he in­ icians took three games from an that he must regain his "image" Annual Midwest Table Tennis 9 LITTLE LEAGUE football well as baseball, there ls living formed me that it was because of (Short Waiting Period) undermanned B and T Metals before meeting champion Sonny Tournament to be held at Beatty has come of age ln Columbus, proof that ability is not the SAC­ the low flying planes coming in 197 HIGH ST. COLUMBUS 15, OHIO team to get back on tho right Liston in a return match. Recreation Center this coming Early In the season, the West- RED HERITAGE of any race. for landings at Port Columbus. FOR Mil LOTS track. Buss Ford led Uie winners. A bout with either Eddie Machen May. Hawks of the Ohio Boys Founda­ Getting back to the question, A pitiful excuse, if I ever heard In further notion In the T Lea­ or Cleveland Williams is being "What ls wrong with golf ln Co­ one. % gue, veterans Warren Palmer and fOS HOME SITES suggested as a fitting test for lumbus," I will soy that there is So, with thousands cheering for Floyd, leading to a second test Winfer And Redworros RUSSELL such stars as BUI Willis, Waktins John Whlttaker paced Brooks Stort tow payment now while Columbus Barber Shop Directory Realty tb a two of three victory with Liston. and Ferguson in football, Jesse Streets ore being constructed. over the Aero Lanes Maintenance For Bluegill Catch Owens ln track Mel Noweli in Only $25 down—bolan« on XENIA _ Spring Valley Lake, Celtic's Sill Russell entry. Palmer rolled 218-661 while basketbaU and Bob Veale in base­ land contract at $15 per mo. Warren and Green Counties, ls SUG'S £W0W Whlttaker hit the maples for 189- Sporis-Rubber-tecords TOM'S RONTON ball, there has been established in CALL Tt. 5-3714. Only a few still yielding good sized bluegilts the minds of certain pe^Dle that 546. Bill Russell, a big gun In ba&ket- BARBER SHOP Shirts sndTUs of these large 93x117 ft. lots despite the cold weather and ang­ BARBER SHOP NEW LOCATION | (he only thing for them to excel ! ball with the Boston CelUes and Tie Utu* nam i* !%*» Waa** Slow, easy going Jim Hood hit available on these terms. lers are to be found fishing on S31 N. ZOlh St 169 E. LONG ST. ln ls golf. Given the same chance, Sfe)^ who owns and operates a rubber Ed Baihy a grand 220, 213-622 to help Woods j some of the cold blustery days. Complete Barber Service Complete Barber Service this could easily slip away also. These bluegill are everaging close plantation ln Liberia, is now the Barbers: Sag Hotmaa, Thank*--* N. High •?»-.. I to 1 Sat. I to • So until next week, the Old to seven inches ln length and they ! sole distributor of American re- William E. Stewart Leonard Thomas, Prop. BARBER WANTED Divoter says. "If social ldealogy are being taken on red worms and I cords in that country. (Ml US FOR John Wesley Jenkins, Barber was thrown aside to accomplish all mousles at this publicly-owned Bill says that Uie biggest demand Barbers Wanted OLDTIMEB of the other things In Columbus, PREVIEW LOUNGE FULl MEASURE area. for Ford, Falcon. Fairlane, T-Bird I in records is for American Jazx. Haley's Barber Shop why can't golfers concentrate OF PROIECTIOH 1502 ML Vemon Ava. the Thrifty Man Deals with Dan their efforts to see that they get Complete Tonsoriai Service what ls due them," m AND LONG Docs the present day WHALEY Eugene Haley. Prop. IS BECOMING THE CEOTER OF ATTRACTION value of your property Complete Transmission BARBER SHOP Floyd W Saunders Barber FOR ENTERTAINMENT IN COLUMBUS outweigh your fire in­ (14 E. LONG ST. 621 E. LONO ST. UtXIOB GROWING BIGGER ALL THE TIME surance coverage? If Complete Barnai Service FORD DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET 'J Barbara: so your loss could be OVERHAUL BROGSDALE'S OPENING THIS WEEK Crone Turner ft Ruth Jones 1400 N. HIGH ST AX4-4661 X-2K's substantial. Better DELUXE FACIALS BARBER SHOP check WILLIS WHALEY. Prop. Complete Barber Berries FRI. SAT: SUN, Special $85 Total Price facials and Scalp Treatment* P'RTS & UBAR A Specialty 50 TOP VALUE STAMPS ADDITION: JOHNSON'S Don Mitchell, Barber WITH EVERY 8 GALLONS OF GAS 158 686 549 THE FABULOUS Earl Hood 90 Day Written Guarantee FREE Towing In City Bennle Broftdale. Prop. 427 836 217 FORDOMATIC — DYNAFLOW — POWERGUOE BARBER SHOP Insurance Agency K4 E. «b Ave. piERers Men, Women aad Children'* BARBER SHOP Smitly's Cities Service SCBTR ACTION} ROCKING KINGS 976 E. Long CL. 2-4211 Bate Carafe* 955 E. Main St. 252-0404 757 672 .885 Member Ernie's Auto Service Hoars: 1;M A. M. 1:10 P. M Complete Barbet Serriee Direct From The Plana Lounge; Datrvtr, Colo. Experienced Mechanic on the Job 432 N. CHAMPION AVI. — CL 2-0307 $*t 7:» A M. To i P. nl. 824 E. LONG ST. 492 339 752 Mt. Veraoa Avo. District Complete Line of Auto Accessories WATCH FOR TALENT NIGHT Improvement Association Ernest Stewort, Prop. 20 Yedrs Experience CLOSED WEDNESDAY Elijah Pierce, Prop. OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY ADDITION: 998 82* M9 General Repair All Makes and Models Prop. Bcsrtfas Smith Attendant Harold Anderson ALSO ROOR SHOWS ON WEEKENDS . SUBTRACTION* Ml SSS 133 COMING SOON!!

r^saaai THURSDAY, NOVEMBEt 29, 1942 THI OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 2Z> PAGE 22 THI OHIO SWTTNIl THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1961 flclstlng. Interment In Green Lawn Society, are Oevelandcrs. The fie. Cemetery by Crosby Funeral swinging new aggregation at the PUBUC NOTICES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Home, Deuce, Sammy Bryant and band, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT BRICK—4-BEDBOOM MODERN, 8-ROOM HOt'SK art from Cleveland. Roy Coleman, WANT ADS WOMEN to work mornings, after­ PORTER—Douglass, 1115 St. Clair Notice is hereby given that Hawthorne Ave. east of Taylor. • In KlrkersvUie, on N. Srd st. OBITUARIES the hot guitarist with Chart*-*- noons and evenings. Choose your Ave., Nov. 21. Retired employe ARE EASY TO PUCE Lulu C. Smith, 1403 Klrkley Rd., Full price Ill.QSO. FHA, $499 down. Home aU completely Insulated, Brown at the Cadillac Club, hails own hours. Avon CA. 1-3379. of ths PRR. Survived by widow, JUST DIAL CA. 1-4566 Columbus, O., has been duly ap­ Includes all closing costs. New gas heat, soft water, can bo seen from the Lakcfront, ond the en­ BATES* -Daisy, 1382 E. Long St., Fred Bryant, Carol Bryant, Frank Margaret; son, Harvey Lee, Allan* Continued From Fage 17 A Courteous Wont Ad pointed and qualified as Execut­ furnace, entrance hall. Paul Tur­ at any time, from 10 A. M. to , OOOD GALLONAGE tire cast of 13 entertainers, ex­ Nov. M, Survived by daughters, Potts; sister, Etta Dobson, New ta, Ga.; brother, Samuel Smire; Taker WUl Help Yoa rix of the Estate of Forest G. ner CL. 2-3900. 10 P. M. Box 53, KirkersviUo, O. Sunoco Station, located at Broad ger," Honestly, Bill, I did say cepting Chm U Beodenwe, ihe mus­ Daisy Young and Odessa Kemp; York City. Funeral service will be 2 sisters, Rosle Walthall, Atlanta Word Your Ad Smith, late of Franklin County, FRIEDMAN DEEMS. REALTORS and Monypenny. Available for finger. ical director at the Jamaica, are 986 HELTON AVE. ulster, Rosa Cumberlander, Chic­ Thursday, Nov. 29, at ll a. jn. In and Ann Mackllna, McDonald, Ga. MINIMUM CHARGE O., deceased. 1706 E. BROAD ST. lease. Call days, BR. 9-9121. Even­ Clevelanders. Hank Marr, Colum­ 3-bedroom, 2-story home. Brick ago, DL'I brother, Amos Edwards; the chape] of Mrs. D. A.Whlttaker Funeral service was held Nov. 24 9 TAKEELA DAVIS brings her $1.40 Dated this 7th day of November, tss-sm ings, Mr. EUls.BE. 7-2179. bus' rising star, is holding down and shingle. ExceUent condition Funeral services will be held Fri­ and Sons. Burial In Eastlawn ln the chapel ot Williams and Mc­ dancers in town this Thursday. 1962. the Cleveland waterfront at lhe Display Want Ads and neighborhood. John E. George day, Nov. 30, ln the C. D. White Cemetery, Rev. A. L. Mason offici­ Nabb Mortuary, the Rev. J. W. Needless to say, at the Jamaica, JOSEPH J. VAN HEYDE MISC. FOR SALE 100 Club and packing them in, Par Inch $1.40 Judge of the Probate Court 2 QUALITY HOMES BE. 1-7800, BE. 7-7401. and Son Chapel, Rev. Phale D. ating. Parrish officiating. Interment, Clustered around placards all over RUMMAGE BALK so thai the Music Box, only a 211877 11-22, 29, 12-7, 1962 KUE1SCHER BENNETT Hale officiating. Interment, Union Union Cemetery. Tarbell Masonic the city the boys are asking who No. air—Brick and stucco. S Given by Tau Kappa UpsUon, will ELMS—Charles James, 375 Waldo block or so away, to fight the Cemetery. Lodge held memorial service 7:30 is that tali one. Crystal FarreH Is large bedrooms, 2 baths, with FOR SALE BY OWNER ba held Friday, Nov. 80, at 620 St., Nov. 21. Survived by sister, competition, booked in Mile* Davis MISC. FOR SALE p. m. Nov. 23. her name, fellows, and as short, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT fireplace ln living room. Natural E. Livingston Ave. Itl u. -George James, 696 E. 3rd Mra. Margaret Jones, Parkers­ for next weekend. 3-bedroom, frame home with alum­ old, poor and fat as I am, If lt Notice Is hereby given that trim plaster walls. Divided base­ inum siding. 562 Seymour Ave. BV., Nov. 23. Survived by mother, burg, W. Va. Body was shipped RANSOM—Cora, 1387 N. 6th St., takes a stepladder I'll be trying • irs WITH deepest shock and Robert G. Relber, 2840 S. Dor­ ment, gas furnace. Bargain. $13,- Wall-to-wall carpeting, new gas HELP WANTED-FEMALE "Mrs. Norena Bell; sisters, Mrs. to Parkersburg for funeral and Nov. 23. Survived by son, Henry to reach her too. sorrow that we learn of the death chester Rd., Columbus, O., and 000. GI. CaU M. E. Hayhurst AM. forced air furnace, drapes, cur­ Emmie Smith, Mrs. Lulu B. Smith, Inlerment by Mrs. D. A. Whittaker Ransom Funeral service was held of one of the best, natural enter­ For Sale-Moving Ralph W. Lucas, 8 E. Long St., 2-6095. AX. 4-3731. tains throughout CaU AM. 8-7053. SALESMEN WANTED Miss Mildred Bell. Funeral Ber- and Sons. Nov. 2S) \jk the chapel of Williams 9 HOT RAMM, the singing star Columbus, O., have been duly ap­ tainers I and this city of Columbus vices were held In the chapel of and McNabb, Elder C. J. Fulton of Vcrv Records, and Mr. Eck­ Karaiten Oriental rug, 10x16. pointed and qualified as Executors 3 BEDROOMS—I FLOOR We need six full-time or part* 0JKAVE8— Pfc. Richard J., age 19, has ever known. For years, Walter Crosby Funeral Home, Dr. H. officiating. Interment, Eastlawn stein, Cleveiano-s gift of gab to of the Estate of C Wlihelm Relber, COMPLETELY time salemen to work for one of son of Carrie and John Graves, Willis entertained his hast of worth $800, sell for $3JO. No. 497—Corner fenced lot Part Beecher Hlcka officiating. Inter­ Cemetery. show biz, to donate their talents late ot Franklin County, O., de­ MODERNIZED Columbus' largest Installment com­ ment, Evergreen Cemetery. 1074 Wlldwood av., Nov. 5, ln friends from club to club with stone front, permanent siding, SIMS—Mary A., 239 S. Wheatland to the NAACP Freedom Fund Din­ Wilion velvet Rose rug, ceased. panies. High commissions. For Nuremberg, Germany. Funeral hts makeshift situation stories. A full basement, gas furnace. A real 5 rooms, 1% baths, 2-story, stone av., Nov. 28. Survived by widower, ner under the courtesy of Mr. Dated this 7th day of November, further information aU Westgate BRYANT—Eric, pf 183 Jefferson service was held at Mt. Olivet terrific golfer, a lover of the lOV-xlO; $50. Sofa — Gold buy—312.900. FHA or GI. CaU M. front, hardwood floors, new wir­ Sam; nephew, Robert Lee Klnslcr.' Tom (Civic-Minded) Page, from 1962. Curtain Co. and ask for Mr. An­ av., Nov; 23. Survived by brothers. BapUst, Rev. H. Beecher Hicks of- laughs In life, an ex-Merry Maker, E. Hayhurst AM. 2-8099, AX. 4-3731. ing ahd copper plumbing through­ Funeral service will be Thursday, the Continental Room. Mafelosse, $75. Mahogany JOSEPH J. VAN HEYDE derson 276*6470. the one-time star salesman nt Rod Judge of the Probate Court out Finished basement, air-condi­ Nov., 29, at 2 p. m. in the William SHI MAN * SORRELL. INC. GROCERIES, CARRY-OUTS GROCERIES, CARRY-OUTS 9 CLEVELAND, Ohio's nite life Top beer an All-American guy, Double Bed, mattress and 211881 11-22, 29, 13-7, 1962 tioner, dishwasher and disposal, and McNabb Mortuary, Rev. Fre­ 2043 Cleveland Ave. MAIDS—N. Y. •— to 163 week. capitol, Is helpful In boosting the Walter Willis, I am sure, will have lH-car garage, car port Chain derick B. Clay officiating. Inter­ springs, $75. Mahogany dres­ AX. 4-3731 Tickets sent. Jobs waiting, MAM entertainment calendar in Colum­ some angles smiling, the same as link fence, FHA approved, 3400 JIMMY'S MARKET SMITH'S ment, Union Cemetery. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Agency. 210 Post Ave., West* bus. Let's not forget that Dick he ketyt Long st. rull of laughter ser with mirror, $40. 16- PUBUC NOTICES down. This is a beautiful home. bury, N. Y. Ife w Loeanoa Notice Is hereby given that TOLES-Mrytles, of 1774 Clifton akeJtoa and his sajeman, G°**tes for years. Keep them laughing, Must see to appreciate. Open laS3 ML Veraoa Ave* CL. 8-0833 (OHFECIICvNERY pound bowling boll, $8. Wat- Mary. M. Bosley, 1261 Lee Ave., av., apt. 3, Nov. 21. Survived by Foust, currently appearing at.Cafe .WW. '• NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT house Sunday 2 to 5 p. m. 225 SITUATION WANTED Nest to East karfcet 1470 Granville St. CL. 3-1308 Columbus, O., has been duly ap­ niece Mary Jane Patterson, with > i| ». I n II. • I , . I Notice is hereby given that Whltehorne Ave. CaU BR. 4-6473 Specializing In Choice Meats man mahogany leather-top pointed and qualified as Admini­ EVENING babysitting ln my Groceries, Meets, Confections whom she made her home. A char­ < Jean Clare Founds, 1040 Geneva after 6 p. m. Quality Farm-Fresh Produce Dairy 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. gold tooled tobies, $40 each. stratrix ot the Estate of Charles Avs., Columbus, O., has been duly home. WUl pick up and deliver •Moo. thru Thurs. ter membe of Ephesus Seventh Bosley, late of Franklin County, CL. 8*0424. ELIZABETH RANSOM and Day Adventist Church. Funeral appointed and qualified as Execu­ 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ALMA DEWS, Props. The Rolling Sixties Other miscellaneous chairs, O., deceased. service was held Nov.. 24 at the trix of the Estate of Florence C Patroniie Sentinel Frl. and Sat. Dottie Byrd of the Cadillac Irene Mason of the Cadillac Club Dated this 7th day of November, Nagle, late of Franklin County, O., 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ephesus Seventh Day Adventist tables, etc. Phone 685-4642. Cluh shot the best high game and was third-high with a 478. ,. 1962. deceased. Advertisers Church, the Elder A. N. Brogdon JOSEPH J. VAN ftEYDE Soutbgate Manor series Isst Tuesday evening at The Cadillac Club still holds first 117 Breadmeadows at High­ JOSEPH J. VAN HEYDE TED'S MARKETS officiating. Interment, Green Lawn Judge of ths Probate Court FEATHERSTONE MKT 818 Mt. Vemon Ave. the Jewish Center. DqtUe had a place 'position with Tom Dem In 211940 11-22, 29, 12-7, 1962 Judge of the Probate Court Cemetery, by C. D. While and Son. land (Southslde of street). 211813 11-22. 29, 12-7, 1962 CL. 3-2021 Impressive 208-347 and with only i second and Tyler's third. APTS.. ROOMS FOR RENT Aparfmenls 439 N. 18TH ST. CL. 8-6033 VEGETABLES MEATS T 223 E. long St. WALKER—Arbutus A., of 142 S. two pins less, Norma, entry of The, following girls get credit NOTICE OF AFPOIXTMENT 2100 Block Alma Greek tar. : GROCERIES a. ,3-7602; Oakljey av., Nov. 26. Veteran em­ Tyler's Drugs, and second high for turning in some difficult splits; Good Ohio and NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT •COOPER'S TOURIST Notice is hereby given that GL-8-84