The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention Volume 1 issue 8 2014 page no.627-640 ISSN: 2349-2031 Available Online At:


Fakokunde, Tolutope Olubamiji1, Iwarere, Henry Taiwo2, Mustapha, Adeniyi Mudashiru3

1Ph.D. M.Sc,MBA, B.Sc. Department of Business Administration, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria. Email id: [email protected]. & 2(Associate Professor) Ph.D, M.Com, B.Com, FCA(Nigeria), ACMA(England) Department of Accounting,Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria. Email id: [email protected] & 3Ph.D Department of Business Administration, University of Ilorin, Ilorin. Nigeria. Email id: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: The changing socio-cultural pattern witnessed worldwide, especially in developing economies, has brought the fast food industry into limelight more than ever before. This paper therefore considers it worthwhile to expose the fast emerging sector in Nigeria, with the aim of consolidating and improving current operating procedures in the industry. The paper therefore while recommending strict application of quality control and improvement measures, also comes to the conclusion that the industry’s activities portends great opportunities for economic development of the country, if properly harnessed. Keywords: socio-cultural pattern, quality control and improvement, citizens, proliferations, restaurants, perception, practitioners.

INTRODUCTION landmark in the economic history of the country.

The opening of what can be referred to as Since then, the Nigerian business environment has the first modern fast food outlet in Nigeria in never remained the same again. It has witnessed

1986, by Mr Bigg’s, a subsidiary of UAC Nigeria, and continues to witness the establishment of could be regarded as a turning point in the social various fast food joints, fondly referred to as wellbeing of the citizens as well as a significant eateries in virtually every nooks and corners of the


Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640 country. A glance at any street corner in Nigeria, The essence of this paper, therefore, is to now, especially in the urban centres, may likely present the current dynamics of fast food reveal at least two eateries with their front-lit operations in Nigeria against the backdrops of menu boards jostling for customers’ attention. At existing quality service administrations and present, there are over 150 brand names in the customers perception and with a view of finding a country. Also, the South western Nigeria alone common need for improvement and proper control accommodates nothing less than 500 outlets of in the industry. different sizes established by corporate individuals THE CONCEPT OF THE MODERN FAST and organizations (Fakokunde, 2010). According FOOD to Eke (2006) and reported by Olutayo and The modern fast food industry is highly

Akanle (2009), the number of fast food outlets in commercialized and characterized by various pre-

Nigeria is increasing at a geometric rate and formulated procedures and food preparation expected to double in five years. methods usually set up with the intention of

Notwithstanding, this increasing growth minimizing production cost and delivery time. and proliferation of fast food restaurants in Greater emphasis is always placed in ensuring

Nigeria can be excused on the basis that it is a certain level of flavour and quality consistency of worldwide phenomenon. The Food Institute products and quick services as expected by

Reports of February 6, 2006 and April 19, 2010 customers. Various variants of cuisines and dishes both confirmed the ever-increasing global demand are popularised by fast food restaurants across the for fast food services. In 2006, the global fast food globe. While pizza is wide known in the U.S., market grew by 4.8% and reached a value of sushi is common in Japan, kebab, fish and chips

102.4 billion and a volume of 80.3 billion are popular fast foods in Europe, Australia and transactions. It was also reported in April 2010 New Zealand. that sales increase of 3.0% from a year earlier is It is noteworthy that the business of fast the largest in the sector since January 2009. food retailing is fast spreading and striving 628

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640 globally with numerous fast food ventures located sales figures of $142 billion in 2006, are expected all over the world. McDonald’s is considered as to increase by 5% yearly. In India, the fast food the largest operator of fast food in the world, with industry is growing by 40% yearly over 31,000 restaurants located in 120 countries, ( on six continents. The busiest fast food in the THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD INDUSTRY: world is McDonald’s in Moscow, which was CURRENT TRENDS AND ISSUES. opened on January 31, 1990. Other fast food The fast food is linked to the food multinationals include Burger King, Kenturcky industry. Mainly, fast food outlets in Nigeria can

Fried Chicken (KFC), Big-mac, Pizza Hut, be classified as either providing unstandardized or

Subway and Taco Bell. In Nigeria, the leading fast standardized services. The unstandardized outlets food operators are Mr.Bigg’s, Tantalizers, Tastee are usually the unregistered small operators,

Fried Chicken (TFC), Sweet Sensation, Tetrazzini providing informal but fast casual table services to and Chicken Republic. The indigenous South customers. In this category are the traditional food

African fast food market is dominated by Nandos, vendors, cafeterias and casual dining restaurants.

Black Steer and Chicken Licken. In Canada, On the other hand, the standardized outlets

PizzaPizza and 241 Pizza are among the leading include the registered food retail outfits with indigenous fast food operators. formalized business names and organized

Consumption records show that about structures, whose operations are usually large-

$110 billion was spent on fast food in 2000 as scaled and certified by appropriate regulating against $6 billion in 1970 in the U.S. alone. authorities. In this category are the single-branch

Employment records also shows that over 2 eateries and chained quick service restaurants that million workers are employed in the areas of fast provide minimal table service to customers. Also, food operations and servicing in the United States. unlike the former, which is considered to have

Although the organized fast food industry loses existed for generations, the latter category is substantial market share to the informal sector, regarded as modern and emerging, as a result of 629

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640 recent rapid urban developments in various farm to the table. The management and operations countries of the world. Outlets in the organized of quality service restaurants (QSRs) require and sector are usually established by either corporate attract various job opportunities and professionals, individuals or multinational organizations including service providers and suppliers. These concentrating mainly in urban centres. ranges from farmers, caterers, horticulturists, In this light, the Nigerian fast food interior decorators, technicians, food technologists industry can thus be divided into two: the formal to estate agents, architects, engineers, auditors, sector and the informal sector. The formal fast accountants etc. food industry consists of the newly emerging Although the list of new entrants increases organized and registered outfits of different sizes daily in Nigeria, as earlier mentioned, but this providing large scaled standardized eat-in and research identifies only seven fast food owner- take-away services to consumers. The informal operators as dominating the industry with less sector consists of the plethora of usually than 50% share of the total industry market as at unregistered small operators and restaurants 2007. There are other numerous indigenous QSRs providing unstandardised fast but casual table holding sway in Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan, Port services to consumers. Harcourt and other urban locations, namely Sweet According to the Association of Fast Food Sensation, Chicken Lovers, Chicken Licking, and Confectioners of Nigeria (AFFCON), the Mama Cass, Captain Cook, Chicken Palace, Nigerian fast food industry is healthy and Spices, etc providing varieties of Africana and currently worth about N190billion with the continental cuisines to teeming customers. The potential to grow bigger. presence of international brands such as Nandos, Also, the industry is considered as highly Steers and St. Elmos is also felt in the industry. At labour-intensive. In Nigeria, this category of present, there are about 100 brand names in the industry is identified as a leading overall employer industry. Some big established outlets now offer of labour, looking at the food supply chain from 630

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640 franchise opportunities and arrangements for coffees, chips, pizzas, ice- creams, soft drinks etc willing individual investors to own and operate are now translating into local and traditional fast food businesses with their brand names. dishes such as ofada (white rice), iyan (pounded

Through these arrangements and others, it is yam), amala (yam flour), asaro (porridge), emu planned that more restaurants will be opened in (palm wine) etc. Some restaurants now offer due course to meet the ever-yearning desires of traditional foods only. Notwithstanding,

Nigerians for an ideal fast food industry in the restaurants providing specialized country. products/services such as ice- cream only, pizza-

Due to the socio-cultural background of only, outdoor- only, Chinese-only menus are still the various ethnic settlements of the country, the striving in various parts of the country.

Nigerian formal fast food industry operates amidst QUALITY APPRAISAL IN THE FAST its more active informal counterpart, which is FOOD INDUSTRY characterized by unregistered indigenous The fast food industry is a product- operators also providing restaurant services to the offering as well as service-rendering industry. populace. But, the fast food industry is quick in This poses a fundamental challenge for any changing the existing pattern by distinguishing practitioner in the industry, more so that service itself into an organized structure providing quality is even more difficult to measure. Thus, healthy, modern and local menus, with class, different approaches could be adopted in status and taste attached to it identifying quality of fast food products and ( services. According to Fakokunde (2010), these Also due to rapid sociaI transformation in include: the country, the main menu of fast food A. The subjective/objective approach restaurants which used to be exclusively foreign B. The descriptive approach and continental cuisines like hamburgers, fried rice, jollof rice, salads, hot dogs, meat pies, 631

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640

A. The subjective method is based on the yardsticks in evaluating quality and satisfaction. individual opinion, and arises from psychological These are considered as veritable means of reactions to product/service offering. It is also measuring the extent to which key service quality usually based on personal past experiences and factors such as the ones proposed in this study, are previous trainings. It involves the use of sensory meeting levels of service expectations and organs to perceive and evaluate product\ service satisfaction. In the Nigerian fast food industry, quality. Thus, the interpretation or judgement is these may include maintaining a certain level of based on personal preference and may not be an cleaning, hygiene, nutritive contents etc, as exact recording of the situation Schiffman and prescribed by a supervisory authority such as

Kanuk (1998) offered that the basis for NAFDAC, from time to time. Fast food perceptions of product and service quality are practitioners must therefore strive to continually usually provided by both the intrinsic and upgrade their operations in line with these extrinsic characteristics of the product/service. For standard operating procedures (SOPs). example, the aroma and colour cues surrounding B. Descriptive approach: This is another the operating environment, including the approach perspective from which product quality can be and interior decorations all contribute significantly determined or measured. It may be classified as: to the assessment of quality service offered by a (i) Physical method of measurement, which is fast food operator. concerned with using physical attributes to On the other hand, the observation of evaluate product quality such as colour, quality level may entirely exclude personal texture, size etc. For examples, the size preferences and attitudes. Instead, quality and colour decorations of cakes are often judgements are purely based on generally used to judge its quality. accepted and recognized scientific standards. This (ii) Chemical method of measurement. These is referred to as the objective method. Thus, are standard methods for the quantitative service quality indicators provide the accurate 632

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640

evaluation of the nutritive value of the Arora (2006) agrees that quality measurements,

product offer. In this case, the extent to especially in service organizations, should include

which the prepared items such as pizzas, external conformance, which can be traceable to

cakes, breads etc meet the nutritive content the aspect of the organization’s operation that can

and requirements specified by regulating be sensed by the consumers. Therefore, how a

authorities is used as a basis for quality customer perceives a product has a strong

evaluation of fast food services. influence on both purchase intentions and

(iii) Microscopic method of measurement. This purchase satisfaction (Schiffman and Kanuk,

requires considerable amount of training 1998). Perception can be described as how we see

and state-of-the-art equipment for product the world around us. It represents the

quality to be examined. This is a special interpretation of a situation by the individual

method of quality evaluation usually based on his cognitive processes. Within the

applied in cases involving contamination, framework of consumer behaviour, perception is

adulteration, expiration etc. Stored and regarded as the process of becoming aware of

frozen foods usually fall under this products and their qualities by way of the sense

category organs. The sense organs function singly or

collectively to evaluate the status and ability of a CUSTOMERS PERCEPTION OF FAST product or service to reach a certain level of FOOD SERVICE QUALITY acceptance. Schiffman et al discovered that, apart Some researchers believe that, since from the purchase price, product utility is quality is inherently difficult to measure, a better associated with consumer purchase. This yardstick should be seen in customers’ perception represents the perceived economic gain or loss, of quality. That is, service quality measurement pleasure or displeasure, associated with a may be based on a comparison of customer purchase. The customer is always wary of the expectation with actual service performance. difference between his expectation of a product 633

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640 and the actual quality of the product. This so, it is difficult for consumer to evaluate the provides a yardstick in measuring his level of quality of services than the quality of products satisfaction with a product/service and thus because of certain characteristics of service sector which sharpening his continuous patronage decisions. include: intangibility; perishability; inseparability;

Schiffman et al offered the following heterogeneity and demand fluctuation.In order to determine explanation regarding customers perception of the operational efficiency of in the fast food industry, it is necessary to first ascertain the unit cost of services rendered, quality: and to compare it with the price charged or with the Informational cues provide the basis for competitive price. In ascertaining the unit cost in a fast food perceptions of product and service quality. These industry, per meal serves as the basis of measurement used cues include both intrinsic and extrinsic for dividing the total cost incurred because of the nature of characteristics of the product. Intrinsic cues used, the industry (Iwarere 2014). To overcome the inability in some cases, by consumers to judge product of consumers to compare services side-by-side as quality concerns the physical attributes of the they do with competing products, consumers tend product itself, such as the size, colour, flavour, or to rely on surrogate cues (i.e. extrinsic cues) to aroma. For example, consumers often judge the evaluate service quality, such as pricing, flavour of ice cream or cakes by colour cues. Even packaging, advertisement, company image, the perceived quality of food of an eatery is trademarks and even peer pressure. For example, affected by the aroma surrounding its physical in evaluating a fast food retail outlet’s services, operating environment. Although, more often than the approach, the reception, interior decorations, not, the physical characteristics are used to judge professionalism among others contribute more to quality, however, they have no intrinsic the consumers overall evaluation of service relationship to the products/service quality. quality.

It is therefore not surprising to discover On the other hand, the actual quality of that consumers usually find it difficult to identify services have been observed by researchers to superior brand through physical attributes. More vary from day to day, employee to employee, 634

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640 outlet to outlet, and even from customer to food customer expects quick and courteous customer, especially in the fast food industry. The service, cold drinks, safe and hygienic main concern should therefore be the institution of environment, a clean toilet and even a proper quality processes in the industry towards television set in the dining hall. achieving a high level of standardization in 2. Selective Quality: This second level of service delivery. These processes, which must be quality can excite the customer if entrenched in all operations of the organization provided, and can cause indifference or and imbibed by management, must be based on dissatisfaction if not provided. In this case, everyone’s understanding of each other’s needs. the customer expressly specifies his

This is referred to as customer / supplier requirements. A fully air-conditioned alignment, which includes all specific exercises dining hall, secured car park, traffic organization, must follow to streamline work controller, even installation of insects’ processes and maintain quality. electrocutors could actually excite the

The study shows that three levels or types customer if he gets it or otherwise cause of quality could be identified based on customers’ indifference or great dissatisfaction if his perception. specifications are not met.

1. Expected Quality or Compulsory 3. Unexpected or Elective Quality: This

Quality: This level of quality never third level of quality can cause real

excites the customers, but if not provided excitement if provided, but may not cause

can cause deep dissatisfaction. Whilst the any difference or dissatisfaction if not

customer will not tell it or ask for it, he provided, because it is unexpected.

actually expects this minimal level of Customers cannot request for it because

service. The customer may therefore be they are not aware of its existence or

indifferent to this type or level of quality possibility. It is only introduced to

unless disappointed. For example, the fast encourage customer loyalty. However, 635

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640

once experienced, an unexpected & satisfaction and customer loyalty. Thus, a

exciting quality becomes expected quality satisfied customer appears to be loyal to

and more room is thus created for further the firm by trying to continue patronising

improvement of service delivery. The the firm’s products and services (Iwarere

customer would be excited by personalized 2010)

service delivery, seasons’ greetings and THE NEED FOR QUALITY CONTROL AND text messages, all serving as marks of IMPROVEMENT PRACTICES IN THE appreciation and recognition towards FAST FOOD INDUSTRY customers. Undoubtedly, the consumption of fast food Because of the characteristic nature of has become a fact of life. This, according to service industry, it becomes necessary to Mrs.Olayinka Adedayo, the President of the focus on customer satisfaction and Association of Fast Food and Confectioners of customer loyalty in determining the quality Nigeria (AFFCON), is due to the general increase of services rendered in a fast food in average disposal income of families, decrease industry. Customer satisfaction is the in the cost difference between eating out and extent to which an organisation’s products cooking at home, and increasingly hectic lifestyles and services satisfy the customers’ of people, which gives less time for home specifications and other attributes such as cooking. In this regard, the fast food industry can reliability, durability, and prompt not be exonerated from worldwide calls for customers’ service as demanded by the improved quality living standards and wellbeing customers. While Customer loyalty is the of individuals, especially, the emphasis on food extent to which the existing customers hygiene, safety and nutrition. Studies linking the continue to patronise a particular firm in increasing consumption of fast food to excessive procuring its products or services. There is body weight, especially in children, obesity, a strong relationship between customer 636

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640 diabetes, heart disease, etc., dynamic economic climates and increase global

( have therefore competitiveness, have also revitalized the urge in stimulated renewed interest for a global review of fast food firms to adapt to new changes and put fast food contents. more efforts on issues relating to their customers

Unfortunately, the local fast food setting satisfactions, if their major reason of existence does not appear to be adequately responding to (profitability) is to be achieved. This, MacDonald this increasing health concerns, considering the &Piggot (1990) referred to as global quality various unethical practices pervading the industry, challenge. This actually justifies the formulation from the plethora of restaurants springing up on a of series of standard relating guidelines by various daily basis in the nooks and corners of our international organisations, such as the World suburban communities. Recently, it was reported Health Organisation (WHO) and International that the National Agency for Food and Drug Organisation For Standardisation (ISO). These

Administration and Control (NAFDAC), the food operating rules governing the operations of regulatory agency in Nigeria shut down a popular business organisations, apart from ensuring outlet for failure to comply with specified hygiene customers safety and security, have a direct effect standards (The Daily Champion, February 2010). on the global health system (Dubois, 2002).

It is against this background that the issue In the fast food industry, quality practices of standards, nutritional contents and quality are governed and regulated, globally, by industry, control cannot be pushed to the sidelines in the government and international standards. fast food industry. Any effort in this direction, it is International standards such as ISO 9000 and ISO believed, will also go a long way in sanitising the 22000 have been formulated to provide series of rots presently experienced in our public health guidelines and regulations regarding the system. applications of quality management and safety

Also, the increasing importance attached principles in the food retail industry. Firms with to quality internationally, coupled with the certain level of compliance and conformance to 637

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640 these laid-down standards are certified and In Nigeria, the fast food industry is awarded due recognition. The objective of these organized by the Association of Fast Food and regulations and control schemes is mainly to guide Confectioners of Nigeria (AFFCON) and the attainment of best practices among regulated by the National Agency for Food and practitioners in the industry worldwide, towards Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). ensuring high level quality delivery, safety and The need for the operations of fast food good health of their numerous consumers. firms in Nigeria to be harmonized necessitated the

In Nigeria, similar efforts such as the ones inauguration of the Association of Fast Food and targeted at regulating the activities and operations Confectioners of Nigeria in 2009. AFFCON, the of fast food restaurants can also not go on only umbrella body for the organized fast food unnoticed. Thus, the establishment of the National sector in Nigeria, is therefore set up to provide a

Agency for Food and Drug Administration and common front in the industry with the aim of

Control (NAFDAC) in 1993. promoting further investments and unified

All these phenomena, coupled with the standard quality practices in the industry. greater health awareness on the part of consumers, Recently, AFFCON challenged the Lagos State have made the issue of product quality control and government in a law suit over the imposition of improvements more vital to fast food operations. 5% tax on consumption of food and services at

The fast food restaurants, small or big, have events centres, hotels and eateries. Also, at a therefore, come to realise that their continuous stakeholders’ forum on “Excellence and Quality existence and survival rests solely on satisfying Consumer Services in the Fast Food Industry” and fulfilling the expectations of their customers. organized by the association in May, 2009, the

This probably accounted for reasons why some President, Mrs.Olayinka Adedayo stated, firms manage to find their feet in the challenging “……our association was formed to promote the market, while others eventually get sunk. rich and diverse nutritional culture of the nation

through introduction of Nigerian food while our THE ROLE OF AFFCON AND NAFDAC. 638

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640 restaurants had become major eateries for all Challenges facingFast Food Industry in Nigeria

Nigerians to entertain themselves.” Some of the unorganised restaurants are seriously

The National Agency For Food and Drug attacking the fast food industry in the areas of

Administration and Control (NAFDAC) was quality and price per meal.In recent years, the established as a parastatal of the Federal Ministry unorganised restaurants have introduced of Health by Decree No. 15 of 1993 as amended continuous improvement in the quality of meal by Decree 19 of 1999. The Agency has the prepared to their customers and attached marginal mandate to regulate and control the manufacture, increase in price per meal. The aspect yet to focus importation, exportation, distribution, is the quality of facilities installed. The advertisement, sale and use of food, drugs, unorganised restaurants focus their attention on cosmetics, medical devises, chemicals, detergents, the masses, whereas fast food operators focus on packaged water and other drinks. The mission of elites and to some extent university students

NAFDAC is to safeguard public health by wherever university is located. For this reason, ensuring that only the right quality of food and there seems to be peak and slack periods in a year. other regulated products are manufactured sold However, of resent, some market leaders fast food and used. firms have been closing down their operations in

The National Agency for Food and Drug some of their major branches. Majority of the

Administration and Control (NAFDAC), in students and the elites they focus upon in some of performing its role as a food regulatory agency, the towns and cities where universities are located listed the contending quality issues that needed to could no longer patronise the fast food business be regularly examined in the operations of fast because of economic problem and the food business in Nigeria. The conditions must be unaffordable price charge. regularly satisfied by fast food operators and their CONCLUSION outlets during and after regular unscheduled An examination of the Nigerian fast food inspections and visits by NAFDAC officials. industry reveals that the whole essence of 639

Cite as : SERVICE QUALITY DELIVERY IN THE NIGERIAN FAST FOOD 2014 INDUSTRY- A Re-Examination Of Current Practices; Vol.1|Issue 07|Pg:627-640 providing a reliable and dependable fast food REFERENCES service, which primarily concerns improving the Arora, KC, (2006). Total Quality Management. New Delhi. Katson quality of life of citizens, must be well propagated Books. and adequately protected by practitioners and Dubois, HFW, (2002). ‘Harmonization of the European Vaccination Policy and the other stakeholders in the industry. Role TQM and Reengineering could play.’ Quality Management in Health Schlosser (2002), however, noted that Care 10 (2): 47-57. Fakokunde, T.O. (2010). Quality Control and despite efforts on the part of fast food Improvement Practices among Fast Food Retail Outlets in Southwestern Nigeria. practitioners to improve quality and achieve best Iwarere, HT (2009).Competitive Management practices, the attendant negative effects of their Accounting. Bhoti International Publishing Limited. 1sted, Egbe, P 814- operations on public health is yet to be effectively 815. addressed by stakeholders. Also, its full Iwarere, HT (2014).An In-depth Approach into Cost Accounting. Bhoti implementation among QSRs and fast food chains International Publishing Limited.1sted, are still hindered by many obstacles and Egbe, P 581. bottlenecks (Parsa and Kwansa, 2001). The fast MacDonald, J. and Piggot, J. (1990). Global Quality: The New Management food operators should start focusing on how to Culture. London. Mercury Books. improve quality and reduce price per meal in Olutayo, A.O. and Akanle, O. (2009). Fast Food in Ibadan: An Emerging Consumption order to remain in the future business Pattern. environment. The paper, therefore, while calling Schiffman, L.G. and Kanuk, L.L. (1998).Consumer Behaviour.6th Edition. for a blueprint guiding the operations and New Delhi, Prentice-Hall . activities of the industry is in agreement with The Food Institute Report: Quick-Service Goes Upscale….February 6, 2006. The Food Institute Choppin (1995) which reiterated that achieving Report. April 19, 2010. success in organizations may still be attributed to Daily Champion: NAFDAC Shut Down Outlet Over Filth. 12 February, 2010. developing a unique model, which reflects the business ethics and purpose of the industry in www, question. 640