Issue no: 953 • JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 • PUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY PRICE: GEL 2.50

Source: IWPR In this week’s issue...

UNM Offers Rustavi 2 TV Anchor as Mayoral Candidate NEWS PAGE 3 The Enduring Trilateral Format: Turkey--Azerbaijan POLITICS PAGE 4 Benjamin FOCUS Fricke on ON GEO-AZERI-TURK Georgia’s RELATIONS Uncertain Arrests and 'kidnappings' are Future tarnishing an otherwise fantastic relationship PAGE 4,6,7 POLITICS PAGE 9 Business Forum "Construction Georgia 2017" Georgia: Trying to Avoid BUSINESS PAGE 11 Beauty Needs No Sacrifi ce- First Mutual Customs Agreement Georgian Organic Makeup Products BY THEA MORRISON SOCIETY PAGE 12

eorgia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tbilisi to Host (MFA) says that the Russian Fed- eration’s statement about involving Exhibition de facto South Ossetia (Tskhinvali) of Chinese region in the agreement of Russia Gand Georgia over customs administration and Contemporary commercial monitoring represents “a clear attempt to avoid the implementation of the agree- Conceptual Artists ment”. Offi cial Tbilisi underlines that the object and CULTURE PAGE 19 purpose of the agreement is to monitor trade between Georgia and the Russian Federation. The MFA says that with the support of partner state-Switzerland, important steps have been taken to make this document practical. However, the Georgian side says that the com- ment made by the Russian Federation, about tion of the agreement is “unacceptable to the transit from Russia as an equal partner. involving Georgia’s breakaway Tskhinvali in the Georgian side, well-known by the Russian side”. The MFA of Russia released a statement say- agreement, brings the process to a deadlock. “We call on the Russian Federation to return ing they welcome a “constructive and respon- “The Russian side is trying to portray the occu- to the legal framework, review its unconstruc- sible position representing a real prospect for pied Tskhinvali region as a participant in the tive position and to fulfi ll its international obli- the development of trade-economic communi- above-mentioned agreement, which clearly con- gations,” Offi cial Tbilisi stressed. cation in .” tradicts the principles and purpose of this agree- So-called President of de facto South Ossetia, Russia also called on Georgia to show a simi- ment,” Georgian MFA stated. Anatoly Bibilov, stated at the St. Petersburg Eco- lar constructive spirit. The ministry also added that such interpreta- nomic Forum that they are ready to ensure cargo Continued on page 2 GEORGIA TODAY 2 NEWS JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 Georgia: Russia Trying Georgia to Have New to Avoid Mutual Customs Agreement 5 GEL Banknotes Continued from page 1 dinates. The agreement establishes three trade corridors: Adler – Zugdidi; the “The practical realization of the agree- village of Nar (North Ossetia) – Gori; ment would contribute signifi cantly to and Zemo Larsi – Kazbegi. All goods international trade in the region. Unfor- entering and exiting these corridors from September tunately, the Georgian side refrains from would be subjected to monitoring by completing the commitments within the neutral private company. the framework of the agreement. We The sides agreed to create a mecha- are hopeful the position will change,” nism of customs administration and BY THEA MORRISON Russian MFA stated. monitoring of trade in goods. The mech- On November 9, 2011, in Geneva, with anism’s functions included gathering the participation of Switzerland, Georgia and sharing information, ensuring trans- and the Russian Federation agreed on parency, data transfer, crime and smug- fter releasing updated 20, having a neutral company monitor the gling prevention, and examining suspi- 50 and 100 GEL banknotes, movement of goods. The Swiss Confed- cious cargo. the National Bank of Geor- eration was tasked with selecting a neu- Moreover, Georgia and Russia decided gia (NBG) is going to release tral private company in consultation with that the mechanism would entail both new 5 GEL banknotes in Georgia and the Russian Federation. an Electronic Data Exchange System ASeptember. The announcement was made The agreement does not mention any (EDES) and International Monitoring by NBG Head Koba Gvenetadze at a geographic name, only geographic coor- System (IMS). press conference on Wednesday. "The process of upgrading Lari bank- notes is still in progress[…]The upgraded 5 Lari banknotes will be issued from the 1st of September 2017 and will be in cir- Tbilisi Mayor: New culation with the banknotes of the pre- vious issues,” he said. paintings “A Fisherman in a Red Shirt” added that the new banknotes are made Gvenetadze added that original Lari and “Threshing”, as well as Georgia's with special materials and security banknote themes have been preserved coat of arms. mechanisms to help them stand up to Payment System to Be on the upgraded banknotes. The front The updated 5 GEL banknote is pro- contamination and natural wear-and- side features the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbi- tected with modern technological secu- tear. lisi State University building as well as rity features that at the same time are The designer of new 5 GEL banknotes a portrait of Ivane Javakhishvili with easily intelligible to users. The banknotes is Bacha Malazonia. Introduced on Buses improved relief quality and volume. will also have improved features for the The NBG says they will update the 10 The rear features Niko Pirosmani’s visually impaired. The NBG Head also GEL banknotes in the future. NGOs Stage Protest in Support of Arrested Turkish College Manager

pretending to study. They say this is Cabuk's lawyer Soso Baratashvili says BY THEA MORRISON to demonstrate that Cabuk is being that his client is not guilty, and he is ensure a comfortable payment process unfairly investigated considering he accused of having links to the organi- BY THEA MORRISON for locals and tourists. was only engaged in educational activ- zation FETO, registered in the United “The changes are aimed at improvement on-Governmental Organ- ities in Georgia. States and associated with Fethullah of quality. At the moment, no consulta- izations (NGOs) have The spouse of Emre Cabuk and some Gulen, who is accused of orchestrating bilisi Mayor Davit Narmania tions are underway concerning tariffs and gathered at the govern- students also joined the protesters. a military coup attempt in Turkey on says that City Hall will soon other issues. The payment system is ment administration in The manager of Demireli College was July 15, 2016. announce a competition to becoming better,” Narmania said. support of Mustafa Emre arrested on May 24. Tbilisi City Court Baratashvili is sure that Cabuk was establish a universal pay- The mayor added that modernization Cabuk,N one of the managers of the ruled on May 25 that Cabuk would stay detained at the request of the Turkish ment system in municipal of public transport is one of the priorities Turkish Demirel College, who was in three-month pre-extradition deten- government. transportT that allows payment of fares of City Hall. “The buses project was the sentenced to three-month pre-extra- tion. The decision was made the day Cabuk denies all allegations and says not only with metro cards but with a fi rst stage. A metropolitan modernization dition detention over alleged links to after an offi cial visit of the Turkish that he has been carrying out only edu- variety of different bank cards. The mayor project is also underway, which is our a terrorist organization. As part of their prime minister and cabinet members cational activities during his 15-year says that the aim of the initiative is to next priority,” he said. protests, they wore handcuffs while to Georgia. stay in Georgia. GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 NEWS 3 UNM Offers Rustavi 2 TV Anchor as Mayoral Candidate

“I’ll announce my decision in the next will likely nominate second Vice-Premier BY THEA MORRISON few days,” Udumashvili said. and Energy Minister Kakha Kaladze for According to unoffi cial information, the post of city mayor. the UNM’s second mayoral candidate Georgia’s Parliament Speaker Irakli pposition party the United might be one of their leaders, Nika Melia. Kobakhidze is sure no opposition can- National Movement (UNM) As for the parliamentary minority, didate can win the Mayor’s election and has offered opposition- European Georgia, they already have an is “confi dent that the GD candidate will minded Rustavi 2 TV anchor, offi cial candidate for the post – Elene win the race and become a good Mayor Zaal Udumashvili as their Khoshtaria. So far, she is the only offi cial for the capital”. candidateO for Tbilisi Mayor. candidate from all parties. Parliamentary majority leader, Archil Udumashvili has confi rmed that he The independent candidate of Tbilisi Talakvadze, says the GD has chosen received the offer from the UNM but City Council and environmentalist Alex- Kaladze but the fi nal decision will be added he has not yet made up his mind. ander Elisashvili may also run but has made after their next council meeting. He made the statement at Tbilisi Inter- yet to decide. Some time ago, Elisashvili “Our decision will be declared by the national Airport on Wednesday, as he confi rmed that he had discussed the Prime Minister. As for Kakha Kaladze, returned from a trip to Ukraine and a issue with the Republicans and Free he is the forward of our team,” Takalvadze meeting with former President Mikheil Democrats non-parliamentary opposi- confi rmed. Saakashvili and other National Move- tion parties. The local elections will be held this ment leaders who are in exile there. The ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party autumn, most likely in October. Georgian Airways Launches Tbilisi-London Flights tion of the new fl ight with Britain’s vili said. BY THEA MORRISON Ambassador to Georgia, Justin McKen- He added that at present Georgia has zie Smith. 21 fl ight destinations to 13 European The PM expressed hope that the new countries and the number of those bilisi and London are now fl ight will contribute to increased coop- travelling from Georgian airports in linked with a new direct eration between Georgia and the UK, Tbilisi, Batumi and Kutaisi has increased fl ight by Georgian Air- strengthened ties between the Georgian by 47% in the last fi ve months. ways. The airline will and British people and increased tourism. Ambassador Justin McKenzie Smith serve passengers on the “Road infrastructure, a hotel network agreed that the journey between Lon- routeT between Tbilisi-London using a and a number of tourist destinations don and Tbilisi has now become easier Boeing 737-700 aircraft. are developing in Georgia. I hope these and shorter. “Links between Britain The Prime Minister of Georgia, Giorgi fl ights will continue even after the and Georgia, in all kinds of areas, are Kvirikashvili, attended the presenta- tourist season has fi nished,” Kvirikash- expanding quickly," he added. GEORGIA TODAY 4 POLITICS JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 The Enduring Trilateral Format: Turkey-Georgia-Azerbaijan

confl ict between and Azerbaijan, The three countries do not align because BY EMIL AVDALIANI multiple breakaway territories and varied of a common threat. Nevertheless, they religious settings- that the cooperation all feel Russian pressure on various fronts between Turkey-Azerbaijan-Georgia, or from Syria to Abkhazia and S. Ossetia/ he former Soviet space has so-called trilateral cooperation, continues Samachablo to Nagorno Karabakh. Even seen a number of political to be a strong one. in Baku, the skepticism around Russia and economic alliances. Some Moreover, over the past several years, grows as recently Moscow abolished the of them, such as the Com- since the trilateral cooperation was fi rst All-Russian Azerbaijan Congress. monwealth of Independent introduced in May 2012 in Batumi, engage- The trilateral cooperation between TStates (CIS), work only nominally; GUAM, ment between the three countries even Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan seems another regional cooperation endeavor, increased. The countries initially pledged to be based on mutual interests and geo- resurfaced only recently. In , to deepen defense ties. And indeed, the political challenges. The countries are any deep cooperation agreements between defense cooperation between the coun- less concerned with different religions, the countries largely failed in the 1990s tries increased and we witnessed numer- foreign policy vectors, etc. All three see and early 2000s. However, it is in the South ous joint military exercises and sharing how interdependent they are and there Caucasus- where we have a perennial of intelligence between the three mili- countries have “exemplary relations.” large economic or military alliances. are clear imperatives (internal problems, taries. Moreover, the countries also He also added that “new projects will The format, as said fi rst inaugurated foreign pressure) to increase the coop- cooperate on exchange of military staff be developed within the framework of in 2012, has even seen the change of gov- eration within the format. In other words, and military expertise. the Tripartite Ministerial format.” ernments. For instance, in Georgia, the energy and transport infrastructure tying The last meeting between the three From his side the Georgian Defense United National Movement was replaced the three states, such as the Baku-Tbilisi- defense ministers took place on May 25 Minister Levan Izoria mentioned said by the Georgian Dream. While Turkey Kars pipeline, take precedence. in Batumi. The enduring cooperation the sides discussed the future of the tri- moved from close cooperation with And this geopolitical thinking, in fact, was tested by overshadowing develop- partite format and exchanged views on Moscow to adversary and back again. has been the key to the trilateralism’s Despite the three ments around Georgia. The government how to increase the cooperation to a However, despite the three countries’ continued relevance. True, the countries of the country has been criticized both higher level. evidently divergent strategic paths, the still lack a common agenda on how to countries’ internally and internationally for shut- Similar statements were made by the basis for trilateral cooperation has only further develop the military cooperation, ting doors to Azerbaijani dissidents and Azerbaijani Defense Minister Colonel increased. Every country of the three and there are not yet any concrete mech- evidently arrests of those wanted by Turkey. Zakir Hasanov. needs the others. Turkey wants a more anisms on how to deal commonly with But the durability of strategic partner- Considering how shaky and fast-mov- stable Georgia with deeper economic foreign challenges, but the format nev- divergent strategic ship takes precedence as the three coun- ing is the regional political and security and energy relations, while Azerbaijan, ertheless has proved to be a long-lasting tries need each other. Military coopera- landscape in the South Caucasus and in the light of uncertainties regarding one. The countries are clever to not paths, the basis tion, although not ambitious enough to the Black Sea, the cooperation between Nagorno Karabakh, needs Turkey’s back- posture themselves as creating a defi nite cause fears in Moscow, along with railways the three countries is certainly impor- ing. Georgia, in between, under pressure military alliance in order not to provoke for trilateral and pipelines, represents a far greater tant. The trilateral alliance is altogether from Russia and being dependent on Russia, rather using the trilateral format sticking point for the countries than arrests noteworthy as is consists of NATO mem- transit, in turn needs both Turkey and to stress the importance of economic cooperation has of dissidents or other fi gures. ber and EU-hopeful Turkey, EU/NATO- Azerbaijan. Moreover, the two countries and energy cooperation, potentially Thus, for instance, the Turkish Defense oriented Georgia, and Azerbaijan which are Tbilisi’s biggest trade partners and backed if/when necessary by deeper only increased Minister Fikri Isık noted that the three up until now has avoided joining any investment sources. military cooperation. Montenegro In, and Georgia?

INTERVIEW BY VAZHA TAVBERIDZE HOW ARE THE RUSSIANS AT LEAST NOT BEHIND GOING TO REACT? THEY SEEM MONTENEGRO OR SERBIA RATHER UNHAPPY WITH It’s more sad than naïve, really. If you com- THE TURN OF THE EVENTS pare democratic standards between Geor- he 5th of June proved to be Of course they’re unhappy- it’s a major gia and Montenegro, then the later doesn’t a historic day for the small blow to Russian interests in the region. even come close, but Montenegro is, fi gu- Balkan nation as the coun- It’s, as they like to call it, “A NATO Expan- ratively speaking, a brick in the wall that try became the 29th mem- sion”. But then what can they really do to NATO is building in front of Russia. It’s ber of NATO. Georgia stop it from happening? Unlike Georgia one small, yet crucial part of the puzzle Twatched with great interest, what with and Ukraine, Montenegro was never con- that NATO has been assembling for quite our country’s undisclosed desire to join sidered as “Russia’s backyard”. So, we don’t a while now. Slovenia, , now Mon- the ranks of the North Atlantic alliance. expect major changes. Sure, there might tenegro – this means ensuring the security How did it come that they were fi rst? be some uproar, some clashes and so on, of the Adriatic, and to a larger extent, the What did they do to deserve a MAP but generally we in the pull these Mediterranean Sea… And mind you, the ahead of us? These were some of the things off just perfectly without Russian Adriatic is a lot closer to Western Europe questions entertained by the more Euro- intervention. Sad to admit it, but it has than the Black Sea is. To wrap it up, Mon- skeptically inclined members of our become a know-how of sorts for us. tenegro has the luxury to trade over things society. We tried to look for a middle with NATO, while Georgia is not so lucky. ground and asked these very questions HOW CAN MONTENEGRO It has nothing to do with Montenegro to… A Croatian. Bernard Karakas is the CONTRIBUTE TO being democratic or not. Take Albania – editor-in-chief of the Vecernij List, Cro- INTERNATIONAL SECURITY this country has nothing to do with democ- atia’s biggest daily newspaper and he (SINCE IT'S A SMALL racy whatsoever, yet is a NATO member was only too keen to discuss Montene- COUNTRY WITH ONLY already, for geopolitical reasons. gro’s ongoing NATO adventure with 600,000 INHABITANTS) GEORGIA TODAY and Panorama TV Funny question, that. Nobody asks Mon- SO, IT’S ALL DOUBLE Talk Show. tenegro to contribute anything, really STANDARDS AND NOTHING “First and foremost, it’s a preventive – their prime contribution will be the TO DO WITH REFORMS measure on behalf of Europe and the fact that Russia won’t have a potential AND DEMOCRACY? West in general,” he tells us. “Its goal is access route into the Adriatic Sea, which Not exactly. Both are very much needed to weaken Russia’s presence in the region will save NATO and the West a lot of and welcomed, but at the end of the day, and most importantly, to deny Russia headache for years to come. So, Monte- it’s still a political question. Georgia access to the Adriatic Sea. This, in the negro is in there mainly thanks to its being a post-soviet republic is yet another long run, would prevent scenarios such geographical proximity. stumbling block. With Putin being fi rmly as the one that is unfolding in Ukraine at the helm of Russia and more often right now happening in the Balkans. AT THE RISK OF SOUNDING than not dictating the foreign policy Keep in mind that not so long ago, about NAÏVE, HOW FAIR IS THAT? trends to the whole world, the European 10 years or so, Montenegro was quite WHAT IS MONTENEGRO leaders are afraid to provoke him. That’s close to Russia, right before the ex-PM DOING IN THE FIGHT AGAINST the main reason Georgia isn’t already a Milo Djukanovic, who is still a de-facto ORGANIZED CRIME AND NATO member. So, it doesn’t need to ruler of the country, did a U-turn on the CORRUPTION? WHEN YOU compare itself with Montenegro or Alba- Kremlin to prolong his political lifespan. LOOK AT CORRUPTION nia – that’s a futile endeavor… It’s the We shouldn’t forget Serbia, either – the STATISTICS, REFORMS, FREEDOM geopolitical situation that has the Alli- main leverage of the Kremlin in the Bal- OF PRESS, TRANSPARENCY, ance’s collective hands tied, not a lack kans. Bernard Karakas, the editor-in-chief of the Vecernij List, Croatia’s biggest daily GEORGIA WILL DEFINITELY of effort on Georgia’s part. newspaper COME IF NOT AHEAD, THEN

GEORGIA TODAY 6 POLITICS JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 The Ins & Outs OP-ED BY ZAZA JGARKAVA Illustration: Tom Casson

eorgian political scandals seem to have no end. One hasn’t fi nished yet and already the next one begins. This could be seen in last week’s political calendar. Just as the steam from the Gso-called scandalous conspiracy against the Patri- arch seemed to be dissipating, Rustavi 2 threw another one at the Georgian Dream’s government: according to their information, the Azerbaijani journalist abducted recently in Tbilisi was discov- ered in the central detention isolator of Baku’s Border Service. And so the new scandal began, developing with such “speed” that the governments of both Geor- gia and Azerbaijan were obliged to issue offi cial statements. However, instead of giving answers, these gave rise to yet more questions. Soon, the European Union and the US Department of State got involved and the scandal became bigger than anyone could have imagined. So what was so dif- ferent about this case that has caused so much tension? The wife of the kidnapped journalist, Khadija Ismayilova, declared that on May 29, Mukhtarli was allegedly kidnapped from Chonkadze Street in Tbilisi, forced into a car with his hands tied, eyes covered, and was beaten. Afterwards, two people had been reviewed by the court during wasn’t followed by any signifi cant protests, either; Europe was with the new Georgian democracy”- the silent kidnappers supposedly changed car President Shevardnadze’s government, with the but didn’t all three of these cases exemplify the and now they are inevitably facing a dead end. twice and in the third car the journalist heard the “evidence” of the Russian Prosecutor's Offi ce mak- same level of violation of the country’s sovereignty Most importantly, they have found themselves people talking in Azerbaijani. Afgan Mukhtarli ing innocents of both. Upon the return of President and legislation? caught in the trap of international politics without was let out of the car in the neutral border zone Saakashvili to Tbilisi, the Georgian special service In reality, as harsh as it may sound, both current allies. What they are left with is a claim to being of Georgia and Azerbaijani and led towards the kidnapped the Chechens and took them to the Larsi and the former governments have been acting completely uninvolved in the abduction of Afgan checkpoint, where he was arrested by the border checkpoint to the Russians. For some reason, this based on the limited capabilities of our small, Mukhtarli. And by doing so, they are only further guards. And it was this information that stirred case didn’t catch the expected attention of NGOs weak, vulnerable and helpless country amid the deteriorating their situation and reinforcing their protests among the NGOs who were later joined or society at that time. uncontrollably cynical world that we are living complete powerlessness. by a range of “big” political players. In 2010, an Iranian scientist, who visited Georgia in. The only difference is in the fact that Georgian Notably, very soon, the Georgian government will About the same scenario was seen in 2004, when as a tourist, disappeared. Later, he was found in Dream has let the genie out of the bottle so much be facing a new challenge of whether to extradite Russia placed an ultimatum on the then-newly prison across the ocean; the Israeli press actively so that putting it back is no longer possible. To one of the Private Demirel College managers Mustafa chosen President Mikheil Saakashvili to transfer discussed the idea that he might have been “inter- put it more bluntly, before coming to power, the Emer Çabuk to the Turkish government, who is two refugees from Chechnya which the Kremlin esting” because he had some connection with Teh- GD talked much about the authoritarian system also accused of terrorism, but this time by the Turk- had accused of terrorism. Notably, the case of the ran's "nuclear program". Surprisingly, this case of the United National Movement and how “amazed ish government and not the Russian. Information Campaign on Arbitration Kicks Off in Georgia

he Alternative Dispute Resolution as litigation. The rising popularity of ADR can be an effective tool for citizens, busi- attributed to the increasing caseload of courts, nesses and legal professionals will be higher level of confi dentiality and lower costs than the focus of an information campaign in litigation cases. Arbitration is one of the most to kick off in June 2017 in eight Geor- commonly used ADR mechanisms particularly Tgian cities. The campaign is initiated by the Geor- favored by businesses. Despite the obvious advan- gian International Arbitration Centre (GIAC) and tages, ADR awareness in Georgia is still extremely will be supported by the European Union (EU) and low, which has become the main reason behind the Development Programme (UNDP) information campaign initiated by the Georgian with contributions from the Georgian Chamber of International Arbitration Centre (GIAC). Commerce and Industry (GCCI). The European Union and UNDP promote Alter- The campaign was announced on June 5, 2017, at native Dispute Resolution in Georgia within the the fi rst workshop in Telavi, east Georgia. The framework of their project to ensure better acces- event brought together representatives of local sibility, quality and scope of free legal aid and pay- businesses and lawyers. Nino Chikovani, President able legal services as well as alternative dispute of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Indus- resolution mechanisms, including arbitration and try (GCCI), and Shombi Sharp, Deputy Head of mediation. This project is part of the comprehen- UNDP in Georgia, opened the event. This was fol- sive EU4Justice Program, a cooperation framework lowed by a presentation by Beka Injia, GIAC Sec- between Georgia and the European Union in the retary-General, who spoke about the importance justice sector with a current EU budget allocation of Alternative Dispute Resolution for legal envi- of EUR 50 million, which also includes coopera- ronment and business development, and introduced tion with the Ministry of Justice, prosecutorial, activities of the Georgian International Arbitration judiciary and penitentiary institutions. Centre (GIAC). Liana Kartsivadze, legal expert of the European Union and United Nations program “Justice for All”, addressed procedural aspects of arbitration and noted interna- tional experience in this area. The seminar participants also discussed the new Fast Track Arbitration Rules tailor-made by the Georgian International Arbi- tration Center (GIAC) for speedy and effective dispute resolution. The information campaign will run until July 30, with a series of similar workshops in Gori, Akhalt- sikhe, Zugdidi, Poti, Ozurgeti, Batumi and Kutaisi. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) helps disputing parties come to an agreement short of GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 POLITICS 7 GIP Commentary: Georgia’s Image Tarnished by Relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan


n international relations, image matters. This is especially true for small states such as Georgia. The country’s image has suffered since Afgan Mukhtarli, an Azerbaijani inves- tigative journalist who moved to Georgia in 2015,I went missing from Tbilisi on May 29. Accord- ing to a report by Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty, he appeared in a detention facility in Baku a day later. Mukhtarli’s lawyer, Elchin Sadigov, told report- ers that the journalist was kidnapped near his home in Tbilisi by persons he believes are representatives of the Georgian state security service. According to Sagidov, the captors covered Mukhtarli’s head and drove for hours before taking him across the border into Azerbaijan, where his presence was confi rmed on May 31. A statement by Amnesty International said that Mukhtarli is at risk of torture. Moreover, another recent case has damaged Georgia’s reputation. Mustafa Emre Chabuk, a Turkish school teacher, was arrested by Georgian police--at the request of the Turkish government- -on suspicion of supporting terrorism. He was placed in pre-trial detention on May 25. He faces imminent risk of extradition, according to a report by Amnesty International. The report warns that if extradited, Chabuk will be at risk of torture and ther alienates Georgia’s population--including an it should attempt to involve relevant international The Georgian Institute of Politics was founded in other human rights violations by the Turkish infl uential section of civil society--from both gov- organizations (Council of Europe, European Court 2011 to strengthen institutions and promote good authorities. Chabuk is accused of having ties to ernments. The Azerbaijani authorities must under- of Justice, and diplomatic missions) in the Chabuk governance and development through policy research US-based cleric Fethullah Gülen, whom the Turk- stand that Georgia’s obligations undertaken under case, and take a decision based on these consulta- and advocacy in Georgia. It publishes its blog with ish government blames for last year’s failed coup its Association Agreement with the European Union tions. However, Georgia must approach this delicately, Georgia Today twice per month. Check out our attempt. are real and cannot be fl outed. both adhering to its human rights obligations and website in English and Georgian at for more Implications for Georgian-Azerbaijani relations: • The incident in any case will have a negative managing its strategic partnership with Turkey. blogs, data, and analyses. • The Mukhtarli incident has damaged Georgia’s impact on international perceptions of the level of image domestically and internationally. Georgian democracy and human rights protection in Georgia. President Giorgi Margvelashvili admitted that the At best, the authorities failed to stop Mukhtarli and case dealt a blow to Georgia's image as a regional his captors at the border, let alone keep him safe. leader in media freedom and human rights. Marg- At worst, members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs velashvili referred to the incident as a "serious chal- actively participated in his abduction. lenge to our statehood and sovereignty." Levan Implications for Georgian-Turkish relations: Asatiani, Amnesty International’s chief offi cial in • The case of Mustafa Emre Chabuk highlights the South Caucasus, accused the Georgian author- Georgia’s vulnerability to pressure imposed by a ities of being complicit in the abduction. The US larger strategic partner. His arrest came shortly after State Department refrained from direct criticism of an offi cial visit to Tbilisi by Turkish Prime Minister Messe Frankfurt to Hold International Exhibition Georgia but nonetheless reported being “disturbed” Binali Yildirim, and is understandably seen as the by the incident. Several ambassadors, notably from government bowing to external pressure. The case Tendence 2017 in Frankfurt, June 24-27, 2017 the and Germany, have voiced con- poses a dilemma for Georgia: On the one hand, there cerns with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, calling is an offi cial request for extradition from the Turk- for a full investigation with the results disclosed ish government; on the other hand, there is the immediately. Otherwise, Georgia’s image will be put probability that Chabuk’s rights will be violated if in question. extradited. If the Georgian government does not • The incident has also cast doubts about Georgia’s extradite Chabuk, tensions may grow between the ability to withstand pressure applied by a key stra- two countries. The Turkish government will per- tegic partner. Earlier this year, Georgia and Azer- ceive it as a diplomatic affront and as tacit support baijan signed a natural gas agreement viewed as for the plotters of last year’s attempted coup. How- favorable to Georgia’s interests. Under the terms of ever, if Georgia does extradite, it will be in violation the agreement, Azerbaijan will meet all of Georgia’s of international human rights obligations, causing New, exciting and creative ideas are abound at Tendence. The exhibition hosts over 1000 partici- domestic demand in 2017, obviating the need to serious damage to the country’s image and credibil- pants and is home to a wide range of quality products from home furnishings and decoration to gifts, purchase additional supplies from Russia. The ity. jewelry and accessories. A large selection of mid to upper price segments can be found, representing Mukhtarli case has fueled speculation that Georgia • A number of concrete areas could potentially be the latest collections for spring, summer and beyond. is cooperating with Azerbaijan’s security service in adversely affected by worsened relations between exchange for favorable terms on the provision of Georgia and Turkey. These include: 1) cooperation gas. Such criticisms have been building up for some on implementation of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway time, as the government project; 2) Turkish support refused to grant safe for Georgia’s accession to haven to several Azer- NATO; 3) Turkish diplo- baijani dissidents earlier matic support for Georgia this year. in international bodies • Azerbaijan’s heavy- such as the UN and OSCE; handed approach is 4) the visa free regime counter-productive between Turkey and Geor- DWV is offering support to Georgian citizens, exhibition members and visitors wishing to organize because it undermines gia; and 5) bilateral trade their attendance at Tendence 2017. strategic relations relations. between Baku and Tbi- • As Georgia is not able lisi. Additionally, it fur- to tackle this problem alone,

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For more information visit tendence. and contact Zaira Soloeva +995 599 011082 E: [email protected] Source: GEORGIA TODAY 8 POLITICS JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 Flagrant Secularism in Church

Christian Orthodox Church goers are convinced OP-ED BY NUGZAR B. RUHADZE forever and irrefutably that the Orthodox belief is the strongest among the extant Christian denom- inations in the entire world, but based on what’s ot always, but right now, I'm awfully going on in the Georgian Church today, nobody happy that I’m not registered as a could say it’s the most sacred venue of saints. The believer, and I have my reasons for issue in question and its development have fi nally it. I know well what the Church staggered the remnants of my belief that the Church means in the history of Georgia and can teach me morals and ethics. What I see is the Nin the current life of its populous parish, and I have unmitigated secularism with all its vices and humane a lot of respect for their feelings. What bothers me, erroneousness happening in our church. I am ear- though, is that the Church today looks like a regu- nestly surprised that people still want to go to lar industry, ridden with outrageous scandals. We church, but that’s probably an individual belief in hear that somebody wanted to take our Patriarch’s God – not in the organized faith called religion. life, and to this end, that ‘somebody’ had clandes- Judge me as you wish, but I feel myself a better tinely purchased poisonous material, strong enough person for not being involved in church life than to assassinate the holy man. The investigation into anybody else who is. I hate the entire skullduggery the alleged crime has been ongoing for months I hear and see in the realm of our longstanding now, with zero results. Moreover, the more time traditional faith. I don’t even understand what those passes, the more the plot thickens…and the char- grandly and expensively frocked and equipped men acters involved are multiplying like mushrooms. are talking about. What do lawyers have to do with In this sickening process, we, the watchers of the the Church? The Church should have its own things fi lthy story, are gradually coming to believe that to do – kind, elevated, tolerant and wise. Do they the Church is not much different from the rest of have time in there to wax so secular? Unbelievable! our life’s regular components: the lay want to have As a consequence of the scandalous incident of the fun and frolic around, so do the clergy; the lay want supposed poisoning of His Holiness, one of those to drive expensive modern cars and use overly clergymen is arrested, ready to do time for God knows sophisticated cell phones, so do the clergy; the lay how long. Others are still at large, but are suspected want to drink and go garrulous, so do the clergy; for criminal acts. But that’s all OK – almost! The most the lay want to make a fortune overnight, so do the deplorable side of the situation is aggravated even clergy; the lay go out and do business, so do the more by what is happening with the Patriarch’s image clergy; the lay go on TV and radio with big mouths and stance, especially at his age of unbidden caducity. to somehow justify the alleged wrongdoings, so do Somebody has managed – very wrongly and viciously the clergy. Both use the same style of parlance, – to hurt the man’s great name and fame. One of the same vocabulary, same stresses and accents, same evaluations of the demoralizing happenings that I ups and downs, same slang, same everything. So, have recently heard is that Church needs as much what’s the difference between the two? The only management and leadership with a strong hand as difference is the social status – the clergy preach any other segment of human activity. and the lay listen. The result – zilch! The Church is even more diffi cult to lead and I understand well that what I’m saying can be manage and let it function on the level of its genu- construed as atheist’s talk, but no- I’m just a regu- ine vocation. We need our Church, but not as it lar pursuant of the truth. And where the truth might stands right now. We need it intact, pristine and be is either egregiously obfuscated or deliberately lofty as it has always been with its heroic past and concealed so tightly and masterfully that centuries individuals, and with its indispensable role of a will pass and the people will never know it. spiritual leader of the nation. Appointment of New Deputy Chief Prosecutor Raises Suspicion in Civil Sector


he appointment of Giorgi Badashvili, a former Head of the Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, to the post of Deputy Chief Prosecutor raised many questions Tamong the civil sector and opposition parties. In 2014-2015, Badashvili served as Chief Prosecu- tor and the current Chief Prosecutor Irakli Shotadze was his deputy. He also held the position of Head of the Investigation Unit of the Prosecutor’s Offi ce (POG) of Georgia in 2013. Mixture of Cafe and Theatre under a single space in the very heart of the old city. The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) GYLA believes that Badashvili’s appointment is Warm environment, Georgian & European Food, Art and Music not well-grounded. “The exchange of staff does not change anything “A person who used to work in the POG for many and the informal governing will still exist,” Otar years and who could not show himself well returns Kakhidze from European Georgia said, underlining Open everyday from 12:00 pm to 01:00 am to the same structure. We would like to know what that by informal infl uence he means ex-Chief Pros- the argument was for such decision,” GYLA Head ecutor, Otar Partskhaladze. Ana Natsvlishvili stressed. The United National Movement (UNM) has the The same question was raised by the NGO Trans- same position on the issue. parency International (TI) Georgia. “It seems Badashvili will be more comfortable in "In connection with law enforcement offi cers, we the POG…The biggest problem is that today we see they are often moved from one position to have clans and Mafi a governing us,” said Deputy another. We cannot understand it,” Eka Gigauri, Chairman of the UNM Political Council, Zaza Executive Director of the TI, said, adding that there Bibilashvili. are suspicion in society about the existence of Justice Minister Thea Tsulukiani says that Badash- informal infl uence in law enforcement bodies. vili returned to the POG because Chef Prosecutor “It is important for us to know very clearly why Irakli Shotadze requested the addition of one more a specifi c person is appointed to a particular posi- deputy prosecutor. tion and what this person has done to be liked or “The request was approved by the government disliked," Gigauri said. after which I made changes to the list of staff,” she The opposition parties spoke out about the exist- said. ence of so-called clans within the state bodies. Eka Beselia, Majority member, says that rumors They believe that there was a controversy between about the reason behind Badashvili’s appointment the clans of Finance Ministry and the POG and are false. Samghebro St. 9/11 +995514001122 Badashvili’s appointment was the result of this. “I know Badashvili quite well and I think his skills )%ϤϛϯϟϢϟϛϭϫϣ‡&DIH7KHDWUH Opposition party European Georgia says such will be good for the POG and for all of us,” Beselia facts are bad for the country. noted. GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 POLITICS 9 Benjamin Fricke on Georgia’s Uncertain Future which were extremely necessary to ensure a func- INTERVIEW BY VAZHA TAVBERIDZE tioning infrastructure and administration. I always like to use example of that “mushroom building” – the Public Service hall. I don’t think I know any place in Germany where you can go and fi nd eve- eorgia at the Crossroads: An Uncer- rything under one roof. Everything is transparent. tain Future – Benjamin Fricke pulled Because corruption is a disease in every function- no punches when presenting his views ing country. This is the fi rst thing that needs to be during a public lecture at The Insti- fought. That was well done and needs to be con- tute of World Politics (Washington tinued. GDC) last month. As there is an acute shortage of But you asked whether Georgia is derailing right international scholars that can deliver a viable, well now. I do believe that there are some signs which thought out analysis (emphasis on adjectives) on should be looked at and they are a little bit worri- Georgia, GEORGIA TODAY and Panorama TV some. We’ve seen some stagnation in the will to show dully jumped at the chance to interview the reform. If you look at the current government of German born scholar who is currently pying his Georgia – it is not the right thing to have one per- trade as a Scientifi c Associate at Konrad-Adenauer- son who has a lot of money running the govern- Stiftung's regional program in the South Caucasus. ment or pretty much pulling the strings behind the scenes. People really need to understand this. It’s LET’S DISCUSS 1990S GEORGIA. the oligarchic system in Russia that has always a problem selling land to foreigners per se. Yet, benefi ted from that expect for cheap products WHAT WERE THE MILESTONES AND broken Russian civil society’s neck. For Georgia, checking someone who wants to buy land and to coming back to Africa and to some extend loans CHALLENGES SINCE INDEPENDENCE? it is very important to keep a close eye on strength- see the true intentions behind it as well as where provided by the Chinese government. And it is Coming from a country that was divided by a cold ening civil society and public involvement in gov- money is coming from is essential in those cases mostly Chinese-backed companies that are doing war as the consequence of WWII, I can draw a clear ernment. to prevent corruption, money laundering or even exceptionally well. I think this really needs to be conclusion that Georgia by itself did a marvelous a land grab. I’ve always been a proponent of private considered if you make a decision whether or not job in managing this transition from a soviet repub- LET’S TALK ABOUT GEORGIA’S property rights and freedom of investment. Because to sell your land or fi nd alternatives such as a Hong lic into an independent country. Of course, we have EURO-ATLANTIC INTEGRATION. after all this is the main backbone of the German Kong style land lease. to understand the 90s as the wild period. There was HOW REALISTIC AND ACHIEVABLE economy with its middle-sized businesses, innova- a shortage of food, electricity, and even Tbilisi metro ARE THESE ASPIRATIONS? tion and investments. On the other hand, it also COULD THAT HAPPEN IN GEORGIA? was closed. Georgia was knee-deep in corruption. If you look at Georgia’s engagement with NATO, depends on what any land buyer is trying to achieve. I’m sure such things can happen anywhere in a We should not forget that in the Soviet Union there over the years 11,000 Georgian troops have fought Georgia’s just signed a FTA with China. If you look very similar way. I hope Georgians are aware of was a decentralized system in the republics- they in Afghanistan, give or take. That’s an impressive at Chinese behavior in some African countries, the experiences some African countries had. Because were supposed to function themselves as one union. number for a country the size of Georgia. Many that is also a new form of economic-colonialism. it was to some extent a new form of neo-colonial- So, it was very tough for this country to transition politicians and reps of NATO and the EU very They brought their own workers, they built infra- ism and again is a different player who also may itself into a self-sustaining economy. The “wild 90s” much appreciate this. They see Georgia’s commit- structure to connect to the mines and ports. So be in cahoots with Russia to some extent. I think as we sometime call it were very hard for Georgians. ment not only to NATO but also to fi ghting organ- they had the strategic infrastructure in the places Georgia has to be wary of this position globally But then again, I believe that it helped to form Geor- ized crime. The Georgian authorities have done a they needed. And this is what they used the prop- and to pay attention what it sells to whom under gia’s identity. And it is a time many Georgians do marvelous job in prosecuting them. And by looking erty for. Hardly anyone from the local population which circumstances. not want go back to. If I talk to Georgians younger at the visa liberalization, we can see that Georgia than me and hear them say that Stalin was a good has been rewarded for this. Of course, the EU itself man and he did good things like winning WWII and is a state in need of improvement. We have eco- building up the Soviet Union, then that most likely nomic troubles in southern Europe, Brexit; we had comes from that period of time because they had recent elections in France, and we still have debt Irakli Kovzanadze: Investors delusions in the 1990s and an urge to romanticize a problems... So, the EU and its member states are period in which they, especially the older felt eve- very much absorbed with their domestic problems. rything functioned and was organized better. But, All things considered, I think Georgia has been put obviously, the 90s meant hardship for people and back on the political map and it make sure it stays Not Worried about Article that eventually led to the Rose revolution. I think there. Georgia’s difference compared to other Southern Caucasus countries was that it had an opportunity LET’S PLAY EUROSCEPTICS FOR A to actually manage a democratic revolution that MOMENT - MONTENEGRO NEVER SENT 94 in Constitution changed the political and economic system of the A SINGLE SOLDIER TO AFGHANISTAN country. AND GOT ITSELF INTO THE ALLIANCE. HOW ABOUT GEORGIA THEN? GOING TO THE ROSE REVOLUTION ANY DOUBLE STANDARDS HERE? AFTERMATH. DID GEORGIA DEVELOP Sometimes, I can’t follow the trend of thought IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION? THERE ARE which applies in these processes, either. The only CRITICS WHO CLAIM THAT GEORGIA thing I can say is of all countries that could poten- IS DERAILING ITSELF FROM THE tially become an associate or a member of NATO DEMOCRATIC PATH AND SOMEHOW and or the EU, Georgia has done its homework at MOVING TOWARDS THE RUSSIAN POLE the best. The Rose revolution was a breaking point in Geor- gian history. And compared to other countries like SO, GEORGIA DESERVES IT? Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan, I think by all standards Georgia would be the most Georgia managed to get a party into power that appropriate candidate. reformed the country. It had a very dramatic police reform. It put anti-corruption measures in place GEORGIA AT A CROSSROADS. WHAT’S NEXT FOR THIS COUNTRY? If you look at developments of the last months and years - it is at a pivotal point right now. We can even fall back and neglect reforms achieved in recent years because people are either not quali- fi ed to run the country, they have different inten- tions with regards where the country is going right We can even fall back now, or they are useful idiots for someone else. The Georgian public needs to live up to their dem- and neglect reforms ocratic rights they have hard earned after 2003. achieved in recent THERE IS NO CONSENSUS IN GEORGIA REGARDING LEGAL years because people CHANGES ON SELLING OF LAND he Parliament’s Finance and Budget isfi ed and calm about the existence of Article 94, TO FOREIGN CITIZENS. SOME Committee hosted a discussion of the which enables decision-making only by referen- are either not qualifi ed MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNMENT new constitution draft, chaired by dum, and that it should not be removed from the THINK THAT THE LANDS SHOULD Irakli Kovzanadze, the Chairman of Constitution. to run the country, have BE SOLD TO FOREIGNERS WITH A Budget and Finance Committee of “The 94th article must stay in the Constitution,” VIEW TO DEVELOP AGRICULTURE TParliament of Georgia. Kovzanadze said at a committee meeting, referring different intentions with AND ATTRACT INVESTMENTS, AMID The Finance and Budget Committee provided to the draft law on amendments to the Constitu- CONCERNS IN SOCIETY OF SUCH several arguments and comments on the draft of tion, adding that the abovementioned article in the regards where the SALE. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION? amendments to the Constitution, including the Constitution offers a stable and calm environment I see why that would be a debating point. Property issue concerning the National Bank audit by the for investors which is good for our economic devel- country is going, or is to some extent responsibility but is also power. State, supported by the Chairman of the Parliament opment. I think Georgians really need to come to terms Irakli Kobakhidze. Parliament’s Finance and Budget “I believe that the 94th article should stay untouched they are useful idiots themselves whether or not and under what condi- Committee fully supported the proposed draft at in the constitutional changing project, as it creates tions they are selling the land and to whom they the fi rst hearing. a soft environment for investors and I think that it for someone else are selling their land. I would not personally have Irakli Kovzanadze has said that investors are sat- is very important for the future,” he declared. GEORGIA TODAY 10 BUSINESS JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 Putting Georgian Youth to Work through Education & Entrepreneurship

are now employed. But it’s not only youth activity- BY MAKA LOMADZE we are also supporting youth for their future employment, advising our benefi ciary organiza- tions, mainly businesses and business associations, t is well known that unemployment is one to hire them in order to continue their career in of the most acute problems in Georgia. Con- the private sector. According to our statistics, we sidering the fact that youth represents 22.5% feel that ‘employment after internship’ should be of the population, it is clear how paramount developed in the country. This is one of the major it is to take care of the future generations. components that youth can really use,” she said, IOn June 5, the Youth Employment Forum was adding that the aim of the project is to develop held at Fabrika, organized by G4G, YES-Georgia, partnership with the private sector and govern- ZRDA Activity in Georgia, Ph International, Crys- ment, supporting the public-private dialogue. Coffee NRJ tal and Chemonics, and funded by USAID. The “Youth unemployment is quite an acute issue, theme? Internships, entrepreneurships, co-fi nanc- and it’s increasing, not decreasing. The project ing and providing youngsters aged 15-29 with infor- we’re implementing is about youth entrepreneur- With de Kuyper Triple Sec mation about job opportunities. ship and income generation. We needed to focus Of the abovementioned 22.5%, almost a third of on state-level policy and participation so that eve- young people in Georgia is unemployed. The recent ryone is participating in resolving this problem. studies suggest that considerable positive growth They asked questions and received answers from will not be observed in this regard for some time the representatives of the ministries and various to come. Youth employment is thus believed to be departments and sectors. We invited governmen- a pressing issue and major challenge faced by pol- tal and non-governmental institutions, the business icy and development actors in Georgia. sector, as well as a lot of youth. The project YES- The objective of the forum was to provide a plat- GEORGIA is focusing on the main political issues. form for refl ection and discussion in order to assess It’s about supporting youth entrepreneurship and the achievements and challenges and revisit cur- young people’s internship programs. We support rent practices and strategies for youth employment. young people to self-employ themselves, but also It brought together government decision-makers companies to employ them. We created a young and business representatives, international and entrepreneurs’ school so that young people aged local organizations and education experts to dis- 16-27, irrespective of their educational background, cuss solutions and strategies to increase the employ- can participate, including from the regions. This ability of the youth of Georgia. time, 15 municipalities are involved and Tbilisi, The agenda consisted of a number of keynote too.” sessions and panels that refl ected the current Amanda Tsutskiridze is a young girl living in opportunities and challenges to youth employment Kutaisi who, together with her friends, received and explored potential policy options, reviewing co-funding to purchase a part of the neighboring the gaps and lessons learned and discussing pro- forest territory. She plans to develop it into a very gress made towards ensuring youth employment. popular tourism destination which will include The forum not only provided a platform to ensure cultural tourism. “We named our territory Green that the employment issues of Georgian youth are Wood. We bought some land and tents, too. We’ll on the policy agenda, but also contributed to the build Swedish cabins which are energy effi cient USAID-funded YES-Georgia project’s key goals of and healthy.” advancing and advocating for youth employment GEORGIA TODAY learned that currently, energy issues (a project initiated by Crystal Fund, PH and water management professions are at a defi cit International and MFO Crystal). The co-organizers in the Georgian market. Reportedly, Georgians still of the event, USAID G4G and ZRDA, are also think that vocational education is not popular and actively working on youth programs. The outcome still prefer to study in economics, business and of the event is a Forum Report with the keynote legal faculties. One of the main messages of the speakers’ speeches. major fi ndings, and recom- forum was market demand. They might want to mendations to the government and all stakeholders become lawyers, but the market cannot tolerate working towards youth policy development and such an abundance. So, they have to be informed implementation in Georgia. fi rst and foremost and make their professional Parallel to the Forum, Yes-Georgia, G4G and choice afterwards. Thanks to USAID, the program 10.47 GEL ZRDA organized the Expo of their projects and the teaches benefi ciaries how to become entrepreneurs benefi ciary companies/organizations presented and later, are co-fi nanced. The attendance at the their ongoing activities and results. forum was very high. Let’s hope that it will be fruit- Address:2 V. Dolidze Str. GEORGIA TODAY spoke to Maia Eristavi, Advo- ful for as many youngsters as possible. Interested cacy and Capacity Building Component Leader of parties can received the latest updates on https:// facebook/radiocafe G4G: “The USAID-funded project ‘Government for Growth’ coordinated this event and is involved The Forum is expected to have laid the founda- in a youth internship program. We have a very high tion for an annual event that will help coordinate TEL 555 59 10 47 percentage of youth employment. 47% of our youth and advance youth employment issues in Georgia. GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 BUSINESS 11 Business Forum "Construction Georgia 2017"

would be raising the awareness of the BY MAKA LOMADZE population and developing a proper understanding of energy effi ciency”. Ana Gogishvili, Director General of n June 6, at the Hotels & BUSINESS GEORGIA talked to GEOR- Preference Hualing Tbilisi, GIA TODAY fresh after the forum: “Our BUSINESS GEORGIA forums are created in order to enable organized the Business the public and private sectors, as well Forum CONSTRUCTION as international sectors, to have discus- OGEORGIA 2017 at which the construc- sions, solve problems, outline plans for tion business was discussed as one of the future and share their opinions with the fastest growing sectors in Georgia. one another in the same space. This The event's main goal was to emphasize was the fi rst construction forum of ours, the role of the construction sector in the which we began working on after con- economic growth of the country and the ducting a large market survey. The next signifi cant impact of standardization on forum will be held at the end of July the construction sector. and will focus on real estate. It will be The themes included Market Specifi - attended by representatives of broker cations, Supply & demand correlation companies and investment funds of on the market and the impact of urban- various countries”. Reportedly, before ization on fi eld development; The cause that, at the end of June, BUSINESS of providers, spectrum of the resources GEORGIA plans a business forum necessary for construction and their Women in Business. compliance with quality; Investing & GEORGIA TODAY also spoke to Zura Funding: Funding the construction busi- Tsiklauri, interim Head of the Service ness and existing risk factors; Construc- of Architecture under Tbilisi City Hall, tion sector – an attractive fi eld for inves- about the unlawful constructions which tors, implemented investments; Safety have been quite abundant, which often and Standards: safety issues meeting the threaten to destroy green zones, includ- standards and the role of regulations; ing parks and other recreation zones: “I Infrastructural base necessary for effec- can tell you that at present, illegal con- tive functioning of the fi eld; Strategy: structions are maximally restricted. Cluster policy of managing a construc- There may be old projects that are still tion business; and Energy effi ciency ongoing but we have an approach to have standards in construction – strategy and as much free and green space as possi- obligations for 2022. forming the business climate for strate- ing sector, media, Chambers of Com- nomic growth, “We are increasing this ble, which will be by all means included BUSINESS GEORGIA is distinguished gic business development in Georgia. merce and Industry, alongside individu- ambition in the EU and other countries, in the development plan of the city”. for its organizing of business forums The business forum at Hualing brought als who represent decision-making including in Georgia. Energy effi ciency According to the National Statistics and, by defi ning relevant topics, it empha- together around 300 participants, includ- organizations and play a key role in is a growing fi eld in EU world coopera- Offi ce of Georgia, construction has sizes the facts and processes that refl ect ing high level government offi cials, com- creating effective business environment tion. The EU can be a partner for the increased by 70 percent in Tbilisi and the business environment in the country. mercial and international sectors, entre- and developing further process. private sector, including the construc- by 63 percent in Adjara. 64,692 employ- By conducting subject based, industry preneurs and start-ups, construction and Karina Jansone, representative of the tion sector. All our cooperation will be ees are working in the construction based and regional business forums, the developer companies, importer and EU delegation to Georgia, focused on conditional on developing a sound and fi eld. However, the coin has two sides company aims to provide all interested exporter company representatives, inves- energy effi ciency, saying that it is often sustainable energy framework, which and while the boost to the economy is parties with relevant information and tors, fi nancial institutions, insurance forgotten, but this is a very important will also include energy effi ciency in the good, our green spaces must also be support those involved in the process of sector, investment companies, consult- topic, related to creating jobs and eco- construction fi eld. One of the [themes] protected.

SOCIETY Escaped from Alcatraz! Charity Swim Raises $5000 for Georgian Mental Health Services

swim and are still dreaming about the BY KATIE RUTH DAVIES experience. It was also emotional for Keith who put a laminated photograph of Jack under his wetsuit against his n June 4, Georgia-based chest”. Brit, Robin Forestier- Robin is now taking some time out Walker, who has been before returning to Tbilisi in July where reporting for Al Jazeera he has already lined up some meetings English from Europe and to help allocate the funds. “I've now CentralO Asia since 2008, successfully raised over $5000 and I'm delighted with swam the 2km stretch of water from the this result, though the fundraiser remains Californian Alcatraz prison to the main- open”. land in order to raise money towards Robin has yet to allocate the money, improving mental health services, in “but GCRT and Maclean have been help- particular for people suffering from ing,” he says. “One option is to try to mental disorders such as schizophrenia, pilot a new scheme such as a helpline in Georgia. or messaging service targeting young "I’m asking people to consider making people, or some form of online resource a donation via the web- TODAY. “When Keith proposed Alcatraz, phere and everyone was chatting and rounded the swimmers like a fl otilla. with information to help them under- site,” Robin said before the swim. “So I said let’s do it for charity. Keith has making new friends. We stopped 100m Then they blew the starting horn and stand what’s happening and where they far, we’ve raised about $5000. There are since raised almost $20,000 for mental off the island from where the prison we were off. Obviously, with 800 swim- can go for help. Another option is to some good charities [in Georgia] work- health in the US, which is a fabulous complex could clearly be seen, then it mers in the water, you can imagine that fund an awareness-raising project. It may ing in mental health and a little can go result”. was time for everyone to jump overboard, it was quite busy, and there were more also be that we donate the money to an a long way." We spoke to Robin the day after his lemming fashion, into the Bay water,” than a few fl ailing arms and legs to avoid, initiative that is already up and running.” Robin was inspired to make the swim massive feat, which saw him braving Robin told us. “Fortunately, swimming but once I got into my rhythm, I just kept Robin’s future plans? He and Keith are by the tragic suicide of his cousin’s son, 2km of icy water with 800 other swim- Tbilisi Sea in April had prepared me for my head down and aimed for the sight- already thinking about where their next Jack Rohman, who was suffering from mers. the chilly Bay waters and the conditions ing boat, emerging on the shore about swim will be! schizophrenia. “His father Keith found “I walked with more than 800 swim- could not have been more perfect, with 40 minutes later”. solace in swimming and he and I discov- mers towards two passenger ferries beautiful sunny skies and calm waters, Both Robin and Keith found the expe- To donate, go to: https://www.generosity. ered a mutual love of open-water distance which took everyone out to the starting and a wonderful view of the Golden Gate rience emotional. “Keith and I are very com/medical-fundraising/escaping-alcatraz- swimming,” Robin told GEORGIA position. It was a very friendly atmos- Bridge. Canoeists and small boats sur- happy to have completed this iconic for-mental-health-in-georgia GEORGIA TODAY 12 SOCIETY JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 Tbilisi Kindergarten Entertains Diplomats

City Assembly, Jaba Jishkariani, were gia is crucial for the proper development BY DIMITRI DOLABERIDZE also present at the event. of the system,” Tordinava stressed. “We After the Dance of the Flowers per- have carried out signifi cant reforms for formed by the children in the kindergar- the development of the preschool edu- bilisi N162 municipal kin- ten yard as a welcome show, the honor- cation institutions and this process is dergarten welcomed special ary guests were led to the concert hall, still in progress. We have ambitions, yet guests on Thursday – First where the director of the N162 Kinder- we also acknowledge that there are more Secretaries of the Embas- garten, Nino Tsiklauri, delivered an challenges and in this reality, interna- sies of Kazakhstan and opening speech and led a brief photo tional involvement is crucial, especially TAzerbaijan to Georgia: Mr. Daniyal presentation of the work performed dur- in terms of improving legislation and Toishubekov and his wife from Kazakh- ing past three years in the preschool sharing international experience”. stan and Mr. Vugar Mustafayev from institution, hailing the reforms carried MP Mariam Jashi, who chairs the par- Azerbaijan, were welcomed by the chil- out by the current administration of the liamentary committee for education and dren and the head of the Tbilisi Munic- Tbilisi City Hall. is intensively engaged in the work for ipal Kindergarten Management Agency, The children sang in Georgian and the development of the preschool edu- Temur Tordinava, with a spectacular English, and performed national and cation legislation, including the intro- show held as the part of the week dedi- international dances, earning a standing duction of national standards and author- cated to International Children’s Day. ovation from the guests. ization of kindergartens, praised the Members of the Parliament of Georgia, Director Tsiklauri thanked the audi- organizing the event. “The involvement of and cooperation reforms carried out under the manage- Salome Zourabichvili and Mariam Jashi, ence for their visit and the parents of Mrs Toishubekov then gifted an illus- with different international organiza- ment of Tordinava, saying the progress Mtatsminda District Governor Gela two pupils at the Kindergarten, Dimitri trated bilingual (English-Russian) book of tions with the purpose of improving the in Tbilisi municipal kindergartens was Archvadze and Member of the Tbilisi Dolaberidze and Katie Ruth Davies, for Kazakh legends to the kindergarten library. preschool education legislation of Geor- obvious and impressive.

Beauty Needs No Sacrifi ce- First Georgian Organic Makeup Products The Frog that Croaks in the Water state, I pathetically thought I could repeat structure mostly consisted of an English BY TAMZIN WHITEWOOD ate organic products which would not back what was being said to me. Wrong. base, with some Russian words thrown in BY MARIKO NATSARISHVILI harm human beings, because beauty My vain efforts were met with uncontrol- and ending it with ‘Aba ra’ – I didn’t really should not cause damage or require sac- lable laughter. Three letters in particular. know what I was saying, but knew I could rifi ce,” Resulidze said. akaki tskalshi kikinebs – ring If you are not Georgian, and have had some fi nish off a sentence this way without he human skin wraps and They named the cosmetics line ‘Gish- any bells? time in this country, no doubt you’ll know sounding too conspicuous. I recently had protects our bodies. It con- eri,’ which comes from the Georgian When I think back to my fi rst what these three letters are. a conversation with my friend about the stitutes a living, dynamic 12th century epic-poem ‘The Knight days in Georgia, as a foreigner ყ – Well blow me down, this ain’t a letter, meaning of the word ‘Aba’, and how it can tissue system. It has the in the Panther's Skin,’ in which the and not having much of an idea it’s a trick of the tongue, no?! No. It is a be translated into English. To this day, I remarkable ability to absorb beauty of a woman is told using the aboutB the culture, identity or indeed, lan- letter, and one I thought I would never be cannot fi nd one single word to defi ne its Tapplied products, partially or completely, same word. ‘Gisheri’ is metaphor for guage of the former soviet republic, it able to master numerous connotations in Georgian. into the bloodstream. In fact, up to 60% refi ned taste. makes me smile. Not simply because they კ– Ok, so a hard ‘K’ right? So why am I I owe a lot to my job there, and to the of the products we use on our skin as “At fi rst, we had three products: nail are fond memories, but because the iden- being told that I’m pronouncing it incor- people I had around me. I truly believe makeup are absorbed and deposited into polish, matte lipstick and lip gloss. We tity of that person eludes me. I don’t really rectly? It’s what I like to call ‘the click’ – that if they had have spoken more English, the circulatory system. What’s more, created 50 pieces of each. We were excited recognise her anymore. This, if memory The word Yes (in Georgian: კი) is a prime my level of Georgian would not be where chemically reactive beauty products may since we did not know how customers serves, was back in 2014. Personal ties took example of this, and where ‘the click’ is it’s at today. As the days, weeks and months not only ruin your physical appearance would react to cosmetics made in Geor- me, quite happily so, to the country. I best displayed. rolled by, I found myself conversing more and cause painful allergies, they can go gia. We were surprised when they sold remember it vividly. I instantly fell in love წ– A jumple of letters all rolled into one! and more in Georgian; sometimes without so far as to interfere with your respira- over a weekend,” Ghlonti told us. with Tbilisi, coming from London, I had ‘Tz’ was a real enemy of mine in the begin- even realizing it. I am frequently asked by tory system, causing serious breathing The girls are planning to set up a sales- never seen such contrast before. Yet, one ning. Georgians and foreigners alike, how I learnt disorders. desk in Batumi City Mall and later visit prominent memory will always stay with So I suppose back then, looking back, I the language and more specifi cally, how I With this in mind, two Georgian girls Tbilisi and offer the products to Geor- me. Looking out of the window of a cab admitted defeat. I gave up trying and stuck learnt to pronounce the letters. The secret? from Batumi, Nini Resulidze and Mariam gian and international visitors to the from Tbilisi airport to Didube, with a jaw- to Russian. Then something weird hap- I have no friggin’ clue. All I can say is I Ghlonti, who study at the Business capital. After gaining recognition around dropping type expression on my face, try- pened.. immersed myself in Georgian life. Not an Administration faculty of the Georgian- the country, they want to open a shop. ing to avidly comprehend how people My life then took me back to London for ex-pat one. I had one British friend in Tbi- American University, decided to make Their long-term goal is to export the could actually understand the Georgian a while, but I would come back to Georgia lisi, that was it. The rest of my beloved the fi rst Georgian 100% organic makeup products to Europe. alphabet, and pronounce letters that, to every couple of months and drive by the friends were Georgian speakers only. So, products. my naive ears, sounded incomprehensible. same places. So, to my actual point, what the only methodology I can come up with “A year ago, we visited Bulgaria to I’m not going to bore you with anything was the triggering factor in my learning to explain my attainment was that fi rstly, attend a conference and saw huge num- other than my quest to learn the language, of the language? The word ‘Lombardi’. I I had no choice, I chose to really listen and ber of rose-fragrant cosmetics, produced for fear of rambling on. Suffi ce to say, my kid you not. There in an area stretching mostly importantly, I TRIED. Sure, I failed locally, being sold next to traditional initial trip took me to three Georgian cit- from the church on Rustaveli, up until the on many an occasion, but if I hadn’t given souvenirs. That’s when we realized that ies, all in stark contrast to the other. Tbilisi, beginning of Vake on Chavchavadze, that it a go, I’d be no nearer to success. creating Georgian cosmetics could be Batumi and, rather signifi cantly, Zugdidi. has Lombardi’s (Bureau de change) a plenty. As I look back on my article here, I real- attractive in many ways and from that I had already brushed up on my Russian So those were my fi rst letters, simply ize that, once again, I’ve swayed from point moment we started to work tirelessly before arriving, as I knew that English, at because they were blasted everywhere to point. Let me conclude by saying this: I on the best formulas for our products,” least outside of the capital, was not widely and I knew what it said. Having 8 letters am now somewhere near fl uent in Geor- the girls told GEORGIA TODAY. spoken. under my belt, I thought I’d test the waters gian. However, I’m not exceptionally intel- The pair studied cosmetics, the com- Sitting around the table in the Kakhati and see if I could go any further. I went to ligent, don’t have a ridiculously high IQ , positions and the risks involved in not region of Zugdidi, at a Supra my hosts had Biblus books and bought a children’s book nor am I a book worm who studied the using quality ingredients. put on in honor of my arrival, I vividly on the Georgian alphabet. A…B…G… three language nonstop until perfection, at least “Our product has more advantages remember a dear, dear lady, whom will more. Maybe this seemingly impossible in my eyes, was attained. No, I lived it. I compared to exported brands: the fi rst always stay in my heart, slowly going language was possible after all, just maybe? breathed it. Most importantly still, I had a thing is that this is a purely Georgian through the Georgian alphabet and asking My linguistic skills improved slowly over true passion for the language, and the coun- product, the second is that it is organic me to repeat. Wait right there; let me paint the next year, with frequent visits to Geor- try. I still do. I encourage those of you who and no chemical impurities are used. you a little picture, this very evening was gia, me listening to Georgian radio and may have some reservations about giving Local honey wax, shea butter, castor oil the fi rst time I’d ever ‘tasted’ Chacha. I was news in my offi ce in London, and a year it a go, to really try. It’s possible. I arrive at and coconut oil, and other organic pig- already two shots down. Megrelian Cha- to the day that I fi rst visited Georgia, I Tbilisi airport to the greeting of ‘’You’re the ments are the main ingredients of our cha is stronger than any other, and at this decided to move there. I got a job as a English girl who speaks Georgian, right?’’ products. Our main mission was to cre- early stage and in my slightly intoxicated Medical Director and my daily sentence – enough of an incentive for me.

Tel: (995 32) 2 45 08 08 10 Galaktion Street E-mail: [email protected]


The Delegation of the European Reading the Ezo: Reporting Union to Georgia is searching for a property to be leased Back from the Stadslab Tbilisi or purchased, to be used for Urban Design Masterclass offi ce purposes Part II


bilisi, and central Tbilisi especially, is built behind its facades. Over the course of fi ve days in one of Tbi- lisi’s most quickly-changing Tneighborhoods, the Stadslab Masterclass worked to understand the traditional Tbilisi courtyard, or ezo, one of the city’s most important physical and social struc- tures.

MISGUIDED INTERVENTIONS The situation as we see it now is that economic pressures – the same faced worldwide – are encouraging the disin- This property should meet the European Union's requirements, tegration of the courtyard community concerning quality of construction, space, security and location. It as a social institution, depriving Tbilisi should comprise a lot with a stand-alone building located at a min- of what could form the solid foundation imum distance of 15m. (ideally 20m.) from the perimeter of the lot, of a strong, positive, equitable, and pros- in particular from neighboring streets and surrounded by a bound- perous municipal future. Economic pres- ary wall. The building's surface area should be between 1 700 and sures, however, would have taken some 1 900 m² and should consist of a maximum of 4 fl oors. time longer before posing a real threat The property should be situated within the city limits of Tbilisi. to our study area had it not been for the Its location should be easily accessible and consistent with the intentional catalyst introduced by poli- needs of representation and visibility of an important diplomatic cymakers. Government intervention into mission. our study area, as indicated before, and The required offi ce space should be suitable for hosting around although well-intentioned, has to be 60 members of staff either in individual offi ces or in shared offi ces evaluated at this point as more harmful and in open space in different combinations. It should also provide than helpful. an adequate number of meeting rooms, one multi-purpose confer- Pedestrianization can only be deemed ence room of approximately 140 square meters, as well as archive a success if the purposes of the fi nal spaces, storage rooms, server room, kitchenette and lavatories. Suf- development match and address the fi cient natural light is a pre-requisite for the offi ces; rooms without needs of those most likely daily to walk windows can only be foreseen for archiving, photocopying, etc. there. On Aghmashenebeli, this is only debatably the case. Not to say there are Energy-effi cient, "green buildings" will be considered with prefer- no individual successes in the New Tifl is ence. development; to be sure, there is a tan- The total 1 700 – 1 900 square meters as indicated above should gible positive impact for those able to include corridors, entrance hall, reception area, and internal stair- take advantage of newfound tourist cases but not parking spaces and areas entirely dedicated to tech- attention and raised rents and prices. nical equipment. The development is certainly popular A minimum 30 parking slots should be available within the perim- to tourists and citizens alike as a clean, more painfully in the district below public space of a courtyard, rather than eter boundary of the compound. attractive, and relatively pricy café dis- Narikala – and it should be granted that intruding upon the fully public space of The offi ce space must be compliant with all local building stand- trict. The question is whether a café the government made at least an effort the street. Despite its touristic function ards and regulations, in particular in terms of occupational health district with a touristic bent was really to consider conservation in their selec- – it is advertised primarily as a hostel, & safety, fi re prevention and anti-seismic construction codes. Com- the best use for the street or fulfi lled the tion of tenders. Nevertheless, that same and a massive one at that – Fabrika seems pliance with EU standards or other international standards is a area’s most immediate needs. What was municipal government insisted the actual to engage with the Tbilisi community valuable asset. The overall quality of fi nishing as well as the tech- once a green and picturesque street has work be completed before elections, a far more effectively than New Tifl is does, nical and mechanical equipment facilities should be in line with lost its tree and vine cover to strangely time frame that made meaningful con- not least with an array of second-location EU or international standards. uninviting benches and expensive cafes, servation of the street’s once-gorgeous storefronts for locally owned businesses. The offi ce space should be available for occupation, after con- a change that can be heard lamented in Art Nouveau facades essentially impos- Its owners, moreover, appear to have struction or fi tting-out works completion, on 1 August 2019. conversation with families living just off sible. A lack of worker oversight sealed taken seriously their role as agents of Offers may include either: the renovated street. As a result of the the street’s fate. The sitting government historic preservation, maintaining and - Proposals from private constructors to develop, sell or lease a infl ux of foot traffi c, and especially tour- did win its return, so perhaps, despite even highlighting the industrial heritage bespoke offi ce facility to shelter the European Delegation istic foot traffi c, many courtyards on the our criticisms, we will have to admit that of its building for the benefi t of visitors - Proposals to rent or sell existing suitable buildings, including if street itself keep their gates closed that the project did succeed in its political and citizens alike. in need of refurbishment. through daytime would have been open aims. But it remains in many ways ill- The comparisons raise important ques- In case of rental, the building will stay the property of the owner, before; cars are exiled from their own- conceived, socially harmful, and archi- tions for policy makers, developers, while the European Union will enter into a long-term agreement ers’ yards on account of restricted access tecturally inadequate. That is to say, for designers and preservationists going for- assumed to be for 10 to 20 years minimum, with an option to extend times; and rising prices encourage tour- the city and nation as cultural inheritors, ward. It isn’t clear that the public sector and/or even purchase at a further stage. ist-oriented businesses in buying out for the neighborhood as a whole, for the is the most effective agent for responsible Submitted proposals should provide: residential owners, further fracturing wide swath of households living within intervention in Tbilisi’s core. Neither, long-established communities. None of walking distance of a newly walkable though, can the private sector be looked these need to be read as necessarily street, it remains diffi cult from an urban to for the necessary maintenance of indi- • A full description of the lot and/or the existing building negative changes, but they certainly are design perspective to view this as a suc- vidual buildings and courtyards that, • Spreadsheets of surfaces in square meters changes for many residents’ ways of life, cess. legally, the city does provide. We certainly • Detailed information on the construction proposal often quite uncomfortable ones, with are not presuming to offer complete solu- • In case of a construction proposal, information on building com- the potential for causing much more A TALE OF TWO COURTYARDS tions as a result of our short study period. pany signifi cant and uncomfortable change Perhaps counterintuitively, an ideal foil The best we can offer is frank observa- • Information on rental and sale conditions, including rental price in the future. Looking as an outsider it for the New Tifl is project exists in the tions and enthusiastic ideas. If only by per square meter. seems unclear whether those changes form of Fabrika, a private development contributing a new set of eyes and fresh were truly justifi ed or necessitated by located only blocks away and opened at perspectives to what we know is already Proposals must be submitted: the New Tifi lis development as com- roughly the same time. Fabrika has taken a vigorous discussion, we hope we can a. either by post or by courier not later than 16:00 on 20 June 2017 pleted. over a previously closed space, a Soviet- contribute in some small positive way to to the address indicated hereunder. More obviously troubling is the disre- era sewing factory, and opened it to the an ever-more lovely Tbilisi. b. or delivered by hand not later than 16.00 on 20 June 2017 to the gard with which the aesthetic restoration entire city. Its own inner space has been address indicated hereunder work itself was undertaken. On the main transformed into a new, publicly acces- The Stadslab European Urban Design Labo- street, facades that ought to have been sible ‘courtyard’. Despite its unabashed ratory is a Dutch think tank and design lab For further information please liaise with the Delegation of the regarded as shared cultural heritage were market-oriented and commercial pur- for cities, connected to Fontys University (www. European Union to Georgia at DELEGATION-GEORGIA-HOA@ not restored, but replaced. Cheap mate- pose, infl ated prices, and entirely private The workshop was co-organized rials and shoddy craftsmanship are pain- ownership, Fabrika arguably serves a by Tbilisi-based NGO Urban Experiments Address of the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia: fully obvious at, if not the fi rst, then more successful public role than the Group. 38 Nino Chkheidze Street certainly the second glance. The end ostensibly social New Tifl is does. This This two-part article serves both as a basic 0102 Tbilisi - Georgia result is certainly better than earlier is perhaps precisely because it confi nes introduction to the topic for new Tbiliselebi Tel.: 995 294 37 63 attempts at renovation – further north its interventions to a particular purpose, and interested outsiders, and as a very brief on Aghmashenebeli, for instance, or even to private building stock and to the semi- report back to our host city. GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 SOCIETY 15

GT Education Inspires Logos Pupils

room environment. Logos is a member of several interna- BY DIMITRI DOLABERIDZE The teachers in attendance at Logos tional organizations: NACAC - National Tbilisi also got to see how a typical class- Association of College Admission Coun- room news-analysis activity can work. selors, College Board and Common eorgia Today last week In this case, the Editor, Ms Davies, intro- Application. The school partners count presented its June edition duced the topic via the given ‘Food for the American University of Rome, Saint of GT Education to the Thought’ questions before reading, not- Anne's Belfi eld School and Princeton upper school students of ing that, alternatively, the questions can Review. Logos. be used to open discussion and sum up Accepting children from the 7th grade GThe group were introduced to the after reading. The students were invited and offering 30-40% of subjects taught monthly newspaper and given a com- to contribute their own work to a future in English, the school academic program petitive reading task with prizes given issue of the newspaper as a way of covers the requirements envisaged by by the Editor-in-Chief Katie Ruth Davies encouraging and inspiring use of the the Georgian National Curriculum and related to her Young Adult book saga English language and highlighting the includes SAT and TOEFL tests which ‘Blood Omen’. The pupils were asked direction of journalism. enable pupils to continue their studies specifi c questions related to the chosen Logos School was founded in 2010 on both in Georgia and in the best universi- article, which was presented, as are all the initiative of US-educated Giorgi ties of Europe and America. stories in the 16-page newspaper, with a Chavleishvili, who graduated from the 136 students have so far graduated from glossary and extra information on the Virginia Saint Anne's Belfi ld High School Logos Georgia, 68 of whom went on to topic. The aim of the newspaper is to and Hamilton's Liberal Arts University. enroll in various prestigious universities provide school teachers throughout Gia Murghulia, Barbara Jimeli-Sulashvili, throughout the world with scholarships Georgia with extra monthly classroom Ketevan Batsankalashvili and Irina Shar- totaling some $3,532.000, while others language material which can be used not abidze participated in determining the were enrolled in top Georgian universi- only to boost student engagement with basic principles of the educational pro- ties (Free University, Caucasus Univer- and use of the English language, but to gram and teaching methodology at the sity, Georgian University, Georgian- inform and inspire them. Stories are of school, supported by the Advisory Board American University, Ivane Javakhishvili a social and cultural nature and relate members: Doctor of Psychological Knowl- Tbilisi State University, Black Sea Inter- to the latest good causes, reforms and edge, Nino Gogichadze; Hamilton Uni- national University, etc.), having received programs. Other articles relate to spe- versity professors Todd Franklin and more than 285,000 GEL as grants. cifi c careers. Two activity sheets are Barbara Haysel; John Haysel, one of the The success of the school is determined provided by the British Council in Geor- directors of the fi nancial department of by highly qualifi ed staff and teachers gia and another by Finca Bank which Hamilton University, and Philip Briland, both local and foreign, as well as its Lib- aims to offer small doses of fi nancial the director of HEOP's New York State eral Arts program and modern teaching awareness-raising to the typical class- Branch. program. GEORGIA TODAY 16 CULTURE JUNE 9 - 12, 2017

Blues Diva Sharon Lewis to Open the First Blues Fest in Georgia

BY MAKA LOMADZE SHANNA WATERSTOWN A popular singer who has toured the globe, Shan- na’s concerts are sell-outs in the US, France, Ger- many, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and in many other oward Reich, Musical Critic of the countries. Since her childhood, she has been keen Chicago Tribune, assessed Sharon on soul, gospel and country music and has emerged Lewis’ strong, touching voice as “the on stage with such stars as James Brown, Buddy eighth wonder of the music world.” Guy, Maceo Parker, Matt Bianco, Louisiana Red Lewis is one of those 10 renowned and Mud Morganfi eld. Her fi rst album released in Hsoloists who took part in the unique concert Blues 2008, titled “Inside My Blues”, is ample with tra- Mamas for Obama, in 2012. Her voice is compared ditional melodies of Gospel and Blues, and brought to such renowned vocalists as Aretha Franklin, Etta international appraisal to the singer. She lives in James and Koko Taylor. Like other blues divas, she Paris where she is considered an indelible jazz started singing before she could talk. She played performer. on her red little tambourine and sang gospel together Elegant Shanna Waterstown, with a distinguished with her sisters in the church. After leaving Texas sensitive voice, will meet the Georgian listeners for Chicago, having merged gospel with delta-blues on Friday, July 7, instead of the scheduled Saturday, (one of the old regional variations of country blues), due to her busy agenda. infl uenced by Texas and Chicago blues schools, her performing manner became amazingly distin- STEVE MORRISON guished. With his strange manner of guitar-playing, Steve Lewis is to open the fi rst blues festival in Georgia has conquered all the European festivals and per- to take place on June 17. forming arenas and last year, he conquered the TV Sharon has been a headliner of the Chicago Blues space as a fi nalist of “Guitar Star”. Festival for years and is a resident performer at What exactly are those traits that make his sig- Buddy Guy's Legends and Rosa's Lounge – major nature so distinguished? Steve Morrison creates a blues clubs of Chicago. In 2009, ‘Sharon Lewis unique playing style by means of lingering chords &Texas Fire’ entered the list of the top 15 blues on bass until the singing melody starts to run non- bands of America. By means of the prestigious stop. All six compact discs of Steve Morrison are magazine “Blues Revue”, the album released in 2011 sold with record indices. There are a lot of original titled “The Real Deal,” acquired international songs in his repertoire that he performs accompa- acclaim. During her music career, Sharon has nied with witty comments, peerless guitar chords stepped forward with such blues and soul legends and a sensitive voice. as Koko Taylor, Son Seals, Denise LaSalle, Robben Steve Morrison is referred to in the music world Ford, Coco Montoya, Billy Branch, Melvin Taylor, as a “one man band”. He has been able to merge Sugar Blue, Mumford & Sons and many others. She the energetic rhythms of John Lee Hooker with has visited half the globe with concert tours and the mellifl uousness of Ry Cooder. Thus, he in June, will come to Georgia. In Lagodekhi, in the received a unique, vigorous blues voice. Warm open air of “BLUESVILLAGE” space, her incom- melodies, performed with a British accent, natu- parable voice will sound for the fi rst time for the rally create a dancing mood. The public at Georgian audience. “BLUESVILLAGE” on July 29, will have a chance Joining her will be the following: to enjoy his talent. GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 CULTURE 17 25th Anniversary of Bulgarian- Georgian Ensembles to Perform at Georgia-China Anniversary Georgian Diplomatic Relations Marked Event in Beijing Giorgi Mikadze, who wrote a composi- BY THEA MORRISON by Exhibition & Screening tion especially for Basiani and his band – ‘Voisa’ – to showcase Georgian culture in the world art space. BY MAKA LOMADZE n June 14 and 15, a cultural The delegation of the Ministry of Foreign event will be held in Bei- Affairs of Georgia, led by Davit Jalaghania, jing in connection with are to visit Beijing to attend the festivities. n June 5, on the occasion the 25th anniversary of the The occasion will also bring together of the establishment of the establishment of the dip- members of the Georgian Diaspora, rep- anniversary of diplomatic lomaticO ties between Georgia and the resentatives of the cultural industry, relations with Georgia, the People’s Republic of China. Georgian Ambassador to China, Davit Bulgarian Embassy hosted The festivities will include a Georgian Aptsiauri, and representatives of the theO exhibition of two Bulgarian painters wine tasting and a photo exhibition of Chinese government, diplomatic corps with Georgian roots or connections, and Georgian traditional dress at the Beijing and private sector. one Georgian artist, on the premises of Concert Hall at 19:00. After an offi cial The project was organized by the Min- the Georgian National Museum. reception at 19:30, a grand concert will istry of Culture of the People's Republic Dessislava Ivanova, Ambassador of be held where ‘Voisa’ will be performed of China, the Association of Friendship Bulgaria to Georgia, opened the celebra- by composer Giorgi Mikadze and the with the Foreign Countries of China, and tion: “Our diplomatic relations began on Basiani ensemble. The Georgian State the Embassy of Georgia to China. June 5, 1992, shortly after Georgia regained Academic Ensemble, Rustavi, dancers The sponsors of the project are "China its independence. Our countries enjoy Photo by the Georgian National Museum will also take part in the concert. CEFC Energy Company Limited", "China- excellent bilateral relations and pursue ‘Voisa’ is the joint musical project of Georgia Friendship Association" and an intensive dialogue, marked by friend- symbolically, we met at the museum and a NATO Contact Point Embassy in Geor- Giorgi Mikadze and Basiani which was Charity Fund "Georgian Chunt.” ship, trust and shared values and inter- we met to present modern art. Art meets gia for the second time. In 2018, Bulgaria recently performed in a prestigious New The project is supported by the Min- ests.” She mentioned that both countries science and that makes culture”. will hold the rotating presidency of the York concert hall. The music director of istry of Culture and Monument Protec- are proud of a rich and ancient history, The paintings of Marina Mavrova, a EU. The Embassy of Bulgaria believes the project is the pianist and composer tion of Georgia. focusing on the fact that “we have never Bulgarian artist living in Georgia, Pavla that these are additional and important fought against each other, but quite the Platonova, the youngest participant and opportunities to enhance bilateral rela- contrary: our peoples have mutually partly of Georgian origin, and Vera tions and evidence of Bulgaria’s fi rm contributed to each other’s cultural and Kikodze, Georgian painter – a trio of support of Georgia’s European and Euro- economic prosperity”. In the ancient three women- were exhibited. Platonova Atlantic perspective. Hope was expressed bilateral relations, the Petritsoni (Bachk- has Georgian citizenship and was born that visa liberalization will boost exchange ovo) Monastery and San Stefano Treaty in Minsk, but studied illustration in Bul- in all fi elds of cooperation, including merited a special mention. garia. She has traveled a lot, and this rich tourism. “We are pleased and honored to host box of impressions is refl ected on her It was also mentioned that Bulgaria is this important event,” said Davit Lort- works. Spectators had a chance to see among the top ten trade partners of kipanidze, Director General of Georgian her paintings of Georgia. “I am a quarter Georgia. National Museum. “25 years of our con- Georgian. The Bulgarian Embassy in The occasion was capped with the nection is offi cial but our contact goes Georgia was searching for Bulgarian screening of Bulgarian contemporary back to the Middle Ages. In our archae- painters with Georgian roots, and I found fi lm “Judgment”, which has received ological exhibition, we have an exhibit out about it. In some ways, Georgia and many international and national prizes, on the legendary Kolkhis and I believe Bulgaria are similar and in some ways, having been screened in Athens, Paris, Kolkhis and Trakia were interconnected different. These points are interesting USA, Tallinn, Haifa, Bulgaria and more. many years ago. So, I think we should for my work,” the young painter said. celebrate not 25 years, but 2,500 years On January 1, the Embassy of the Repub- WHERE: The Georgian National Museum, of relations. I am really pleased that, lic of Bulgaria assumed the functions of Rustaveli Street 3 GEORGIA TODAY 18 CULTURE JUNE 9 - 12, 2017

WHAT’S ON IN TBILISI THEATER MOVEMENT THEATER CINEMA Every Wednesday ticket: 5 GEL THE 850TH ANNIVERSARY OF Address: 182, Aghmashenebeli Ave., June 9-15 SHOTA RUSTAVELI Mushthaid park TBILISI ZAKARIA AMIRANI CINEMA Telephone: 599 555 260 THE MUMMY MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS PALIASHVILI OPERA AND Address: 36 Kostava Str. (Info Above) Address: 1 Gudiashvili Str. BALLET THEATER Telephone: 2 99 99 55 June 9, 11 Language: Russian Address: 25 Rustaveli Ave. www.kinoafi DON JUAN Start time: 12:05, 14:10, 17:30, 20:00, 22:35 March 6 – August 30 Telephone: 2 99 04 56 Directed by Kakha Bakuradze Every Wednesday ticket price: 5 Lari Ticket: 9-14 GEL EXHIBITION MASTERPIECES FROM THE June 10, 14 Composer: Sandro Nikolava June 9-15 MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS L'ELISIR D'AMORE Start time: 20:00 WONDER WOMAN COLLECTION Starring: Giorgi Davitadze Ticket: 15 GEL THE MUMMY (Info Above) Start time: 12:00, 16:05, 19:10 (Nemorino), Mariana Beridze Directed by Alex Kurtzman GALLERY (Adina), Lasha Sesitashvili (Belcore), June 9 Cast: Tom Cruise, Sofi a Boutella, Ticket: 13-14 GEL Zaal Khelaia (Dulcamara), Tinatin RECITATIVE IN THE CITY Annabelle Wallis THE NATIONAL GALLERY Mamulashvili (Giannetta) Kakha Bakuradze, Sandro Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy BAYWATCH Address: 11 Rustaveli Ave. Tbilisi State Opera and Ballet Nikoladze, Irakli Menagarishvili Language: English (Info Above) Theater Choir, Orchestra. Special guest- Giorgi Shalutashvili Start time: 19:45 Start time: 22:00 Conductor- Zaza Azmaiparashvili Start time: 21:00 Language: Russian Ticket: 13-14 GEL June 8 – September 11 Director, Set and Costume Ticket: 10 GEL Start time: 16:16, 19:30, 22:15 EXHIBITION CONSTELLATION Designer- Fernando Botero Ticket: 9-14 GEL PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: June 10 DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES Artworks by Chinese contemporary Assistant Director- Victor Garcia artists- Ai Weiwei, Hu Xiaoyuan, Sierra SILENCE REHERSAL! MANIFESTO (Info Above) Kakha Bakuradze, Sandro Directed by Julian Rosefeldt Start time: 16:40, 22:30 Li Shurui, Liu Wei, Lu Pingyuan, Start time: 19:00 Lu Shanchuan, Ma Qiusha, Wang Ticket: 10-50 GEL Nikoladze, Irakli Menagarishvili Cast: Cate Blanchett, Erika Bauer, Ticket: 9-14 GEL Start time: 20:00 Ruby Bustamante Guangle, Wang Sishun, Wang MUSEUM Yuyang, Xie Molin, Xu Qu, Xu June 15 Ticket: 15 GEL Genre: Drama Language: English Zhen, Yan Xing, Zhang Ding, Zhang L'ELISIR D'AMORE Zhenyu, Zhao Yao and Zhao Zhao. Starring: Irakli Murjikneli GEORGIAN STATE Start time: 17:20, 22:15 GEORGIAN NATIONAL Russian Subtitles (Nemorino), PANTOMIME THEATER MUSEUM SIMON JANASHIA MUSIC Start time: 22:15 Mariana Beridze (Adina), Otar Address: 37 Rustaveli Ave. MUSEUM Telephone: 2 99 63 14 Ticket: 11-14 GEL Address: 4 Rustaveli Ave. Nakashidze (Belcore), MTATSMINDA PARK George Chelidze (Dulcamara), Telephone: 2 99 80 22, 2 93 48 21 WONDER WOMAN Tinatin Mamulashvili (Giannetta) June 9, 10 Directed by Patty Jenkins June 10 Tbilisi State Opera and Ballet STOP AIDS Directed by David Shalikashvili Cast: Gal Gadot, David Thewlis, PERMANENT EXHIBITION: EZO FESTIVAL Theater Choir, Orchestra A music and arts festival organized Start time: 20:00 Robin Wright GEORGIAN ARCHAEOLOGY Conductor- Fabrizio Cassi by the MZESUMZIRA Ticket: 9 GEL Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy FROM 8TH MILLENNIUM B.C. Director, Set and Costume Community. Language: Russian TO THE 4TH CENTURY A.D Designer- Fernando Botero Lineup: BEARFOX GABRIADZE THEATER Start time: 14:20, 16:30, 22:05 Assistant Director- Victor Garcia Ticket: 9-14 GEL NIIK MGVIMELI AND CUDI TESLI Sierra Address: 13 Shavtelis St. EXHIBITION OF GEORGIAN Start time: 18:00 Telephone: 2 98 65 93 WEAPONRY Start time: 19:00 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: Ticket: 10-15 GEL Ticket: 10-60 GEL DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES June 10 NUMISMATIC TREASURY Directed by Joachim Rønning, GEM FEST 2017 TBILISI NODAR DUMBADZE DIAMOND OF MARSHAL DE FANT’E Espen Sandberg STATE CENTRAL CHILDREN'S Rezo Gabriadze Cast: Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, THE TESTAMENT OF DAVID July 14 – August 14 THEATER Directed by Rezo Gabriadze Javier Bardem THE BUILDER AND NEW Address: 99/1 Agmashenebeli Ave. English Subtitles Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy EXHIBITS OF THE MEDIEVAL Start time: 9:00 – 12:00 Telephone: 2 95 39 27 Start time: 20:00 Language: Russian TREASURY Tickets: Opening Pass: 60 GEL, 3 Ticket: 10, 15, 20 GEL Start time: 13:30, 19:15 Days Pass: 120 GEL, Week Multi June 9 Ticket: 9-14 GEL September 27 (2016) – Pass: 170 GEL, Multi Pass: 500 GEL, EVANGELION June 11 September 22 (2017) VIP Pass 2000 GEL. Choregraphical drama based on the STALINGRAD BAYWATCH EXHIBITION STONE AGE GEORGIA Bible Rezo Gabriadze Directed by Seth Gordon Choregraphy- Gia Margania Directed by Rezo Gabriadze Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron, May 18- November 18 TBILISI CONCERT HALL Language: Georgian English Subtitles Alexandra Daddario, EXHIBITION Address: 1 Melikishvili St. English subtitles Start time: 20:00 Kelly Rohrbach, Priyanka Chopra GEORGIAN COSTUME AND Telephone: 2 99 00 99 Start time: 19:00 Ticket: 10, 15, 20 GEL Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama WEAPONRY OF 18TH-20TH Ticket: 8-14 GEL Language: Russian CENTURIES June 10 June 15 Start time: 22:05 NODIKO TATISHVILI June 11 AUTUMN OF MY SPRING Ticket: 13-14 GEL May 17-June 15 The project KOLOBOK Rezo Gabriadze EXHIBITION ALEXANDRE BASIALAIA– Directed by Anatoli Lobov Directed by Rezo Gabriadze RUSTAVELI CINEMA SPACE OF DIFFUSION THE FAIRY TALE OF LOVE Language: Russian English Subtitles Address: 5 Rustaveli Ave. The songs of Alexandre Basilaia Start time: 12:00 Start time: 20:00 Telephone: 2 55 50 00 May 26 – June 12 will be performed by Mariam Ticket: 6-12 GEL Ticket: 10, 15, 20 GEL www.kinoafi EXHIBITION DEDICATED TO Roinishvili, Maka Zambakhidze, Neka Sebiskveradze, Sofo Khalvashi, Salome Bakuradze, Sofo Gelovani and Tika Maxaldiani. Start time: 20:00 Ticket: 20-50 GEL

TBILISI STATE CONSERVATOIRE Address: 8 Griboedov St. Telephone: 2 93 46 24

June 10 TENGIZ AMIREJIBI V INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL Participants: Teimuraz Gugushvili, Marika Machitidze, Mikheil Kiria, Mariam Gulordava, Natalia Kutateladze, Viktoria Chaplinskaia In program: Puccini, Rossini, Verdi, Mascagni, Gounod, Tchaikovsky, Flotow, Rimsky-Korsakov, Taktakishvili Start time: 19:00 Ticket: 5-15 GEL

June 13 DAWN OF MIDI SOU 2017 - Another Sea A chamber Jazz Trio from Brooklyn celebrates acoustic music in compositional forms of contemporary electronic music. Start time: 22:00 Ticket: 10-50 GEL

June 14 GEORGIAN TRADITIONAL MUSIC CONCERT Solo concert of Folk Ensemble ERTHOBA Start time: 18:30 Ticket: 6-15 GEL GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 9 - 12, 2017 CULTURE 19 Tbilisi to Host Exhibition of Chinese SPORTS Contemporary Conceptual Artists Net Results: Etseri, Svaneti The exhibition is happening for the fi rst time in the Caucasus, an excellent opportunity to experi- ence the best of Chinese contemporary art without leaving Georgia. “If they want to see good art, they have to come and see the exhibition. Some of these artists will be exhibited at the Guggenheim in six months- we brought really great artists to Georgia,” Dodelande says. “They talk about the century, they talk about energy, they talk about today, they talk about the switch of power between the West and the East,” he adds, highlighting the messages that the artists bring up in their works. “They have interesting things to say, I think they say more about nowadays, about your generation and their generation, dealing with isssues of eve- ryday life, the dynamic of an everyday life in a specifi c context. For example, the paintings of Zhao, Zhao, are abstract, telling a personal history, switched and converted into an art object. All these things deal with a perfect intelligence, and this is what interested me,” says Ami Barak, curator, acclaimed the two millennia-old warrior reputation of Svan BY TONY HANMER art critic and curator from France, former director men, fi rst noted by Strabo to their glory, continues of the Frac (regional collection of contemporary alive and well nowadays. They couldn’t resist slam- art) Languedoc-Roussillon, General Associated ming the ball right at the net, but there were several Curator of “Public Treasuries, 20 Years of Creation walked away thinking we’d won it all, and levels to this mode of play. Blockers were always in the Fracs” and former President of the Interna- no one told me otherwise. ready, usually in pairs, jumping simultaneously. tional Association of Contemporary Art Curators, Every now and then there’s a sports day Their block might in turn bounce off your still BY NINO GUGUNISHVILI former Head of the Visual Art Department at the held in our part of Svaneti, in which several upraised fi st; back to them! Or if your slam got City Council of Paris Artistic Director and Coor- villages come together and compete in var- through, it might be travelling fast enough to end dinator of ‘Nuit Blanche’ (“Sleepless Night” Con- Iious activities, mostly boys and men. Such a day up out of bounds: point to them! hirty-fi ve works of eighteen world- temporay Art Festival). came recently to Etseri, hosting Pari, Nak’ra and The speed of the ball varied from moment to renowned contemporary Chinese “When you prepare an exhibition you are dealing Chuberi, as well as participating itself. moment, between slams and gentler volleys, and artists: Ai Weiwei, Chen Wei, Hu with images. These are very good works, very First there was a horse race, which we won soundly, it could gain a point at any speed, too, although Xiadyuan, Li Shurui, Liu Wei, Lu interesting artists from China, and I think it will in the person of a jockey-size high school graduate obviously the faster moves are harder to react to. Pingyuan, Lu Shangchuan, Ma Qiusha, be a fantastic exhibition,” Barak told us. “To make who also trains in Judo. This old Japanese sport Power was not always key, as hitting walls or ceil- TWang Guangle, Wang Yuyang, Xie Molin, Xu Qu, an outstanding exhibition, you have to choose a was next, with several levels, all Etseri boys as far ing would cost you the point. Xu Zhen, Yan Xing, Zhang Ding, Zhang Zhenyu, good artist and put up a display which has a certain as I could tell. We pulled out mats onto the gym- (An organized dog fi ght interrupted proceedings Zhao Yao, and Zhao, Zhao are to be showcased at coherence, which means making a type of display nasium fl oor and they went at it in pairs, following between village sets, but this was over before we an exhibition entitled ‘Constellation,’ at the Dimi- that allows the visitors to walk into the exhibition the proper rituals of bowing and handshaking into even got to the arena; just as well, too, as it’s ille- tri Shevardnadze National Gallery in Tbilisi from through the works and have a feeling that they get the bargain, dressed correctly, too. It looks quite gal!) June 8 to September 11, 2017. the message” challenging in any weight class; combinations of Each village’s games against another were best John Dodelande, is the organizer of and inspira- We asked him why Chinese art is so popular today. grabs, throws and pinning moves to out-maneuver of three, and it was here that I misunderstood the tion behind the exhibition, who also happens to “It’s not just the art, China is a world manufacturer- your opponent and win points until a victory can fl ow. Didn’t they tell me that Chuberi was out, Pari have Georgian citizenship. John says he contacted it’s a very powerful economy, and they have a very be declared. and Nak’ra would vie for the semi-fi nal, and we the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection long tradition of a great art, a very rich one and in While the Judo was happening, across the vol- would play the victor for the fi nal? So, when we of Georgia with the idea of bringing contemporary the last twenty-fi ve years it developed in an amaz- leyball net a punishing circle ball game began. If beat Pari in our third game after losing the fi rst one Chinese art to Tbilisi. “It was a good idea to start ing way,” he says. “Today, I would say the vocabu- you got “out,” you had to crouch “in” the circle and to them, I thought it was all over, congratulated the an exhibition here in Georgia, in Tbilisi, before it lary is global; you deal with abstraction, with real- be bombarded by its members via volleyball, as winners, and went home, by which time it was travels further in Caucasus to Azerbaijan and then ism, the painting, the sculpture, the installations, hard as they liked; but if you caught the ball, then necessary to attend to the evening barn chores Iran,” John told GEORGIA TODAY. John is an avid they use the same tools. The difference is in the you and all your fellow “inmates” were freed to anyway. Only to hear the next morning that Chu- art collector, who is most passionate about Chinese cultural background of the artists, different politi- join the circle, attacking the unfortunate one whose beri had beaten us for the overall win! art in particular, which gave him the impulse to cal story and history, the power of the tradition, ball you caught. Girls and boys alike played this, Ah well, sometimes my Georgian fails me, per- share his admiration and passion with other art social gaps, the idea of being a part of the moment, with no holds barred, including some of my group haps more often than I care to admit. But it had lovers. and wherever they live, in any of the big cities in of ten guests, who learned to “give as good as they been a thrilling day, and a welcome break in our “John Dodelande’s collection is truly unique, both China, these artists have a very rich cultural tradi- got”. late spring routines, which we all enjoyed, fi nal win in terms of art and in political meaning,” says Olga tion. This generation of artists is much more con- Eventually, it was time for what seemed to be the or no. Babluani, founder of BiO International, a media temporary,” Barak said, adding that he found Geor- main event, men’s volleyball, involving all four vil- partner of the exhibition and John’s friend. “For gia a fantastic country and wishes to come back to lages. I stayed almost until the end, enjoying the Tony Hanmer has lived in Georgia since 1999, in Svaneti any individual, seeing this exhibition would be like explore it more. spectacle, varying my photographs between slower since 2007, and been a weekly writer for GT since early a breath of oxygen. Economic ties between China shutter speeds to blur the furious action and faster 2011. He runs the “Svaneti Renaissance” Facebook and Georgia, particularly in terms of the strength- ones to freeze it. group, now with nearly 1500 members, at www.face- ening of Silk Road economic relations, brought to Noting the seriousness with which this set of the political agenda by the Chinese government games was played, the arguments between team He and his wife also run their own guest house in Etseri: this year, is very interesting for our future. Being members and with the referees, I could see that actively involved in different spheres, and in this particular case through the sphere of art, is a part of this dynamic. Artists express themselves differ- ently, their communication language is vast; they can reach millions. China is the strongest force in the world today. These artists introduce modern reality, political, social, economic… We hear it, we see it, we wake up and feel it in a noisy time machine”. She goes on to point out that not everyone is capable of feeling art; “We’re constantly improving our taste as we live. We need to learn how to under- stand it and learning it needs time. It’s hard to awaken great feelings in individuals crushed in everyday struggles even with art, our own feelings covered in concrete, that defer us from machines, like laughing, sleeping, pain, regret, thinking, trans- formation and growth, all of it is needed to be able to feel and understand the beauty, in other words, we need art for our souls, to build an anti-dictator- ship,” Babluani says, explaining why, in her opinion, this exhibition is important.

PUBLISHER & GM Journalists: Website Manager: ADDRESS Reproducing material, photos George Sharashidze Tony Hanmer, Zaza Jgarkava, Tamzin Whitewood 1 Melikishvili Str. and advertisements without Maka Bibilashvili, Website Copy-Editor: Tbilisi, 0179, Georgia prior editorial permission is COMMERCIAL Dimitri Dolaberidze, Gabrielle Guerrier strictly forbidden. DEPARTMENT Maka Lomadze, Tel.: +995 32 229 59 19 The author is responsible for Layout: Commercial Director: Tim Ogden, Joseph Larsen, E: [email protected] all material. Rights of authors Misha Mchedlishvili Iva Merabishvili Vazha Tavberidze, F: GeorgiaToday are preserved. The newspaper Marketing Manager: Nugzar B. Ruhadze, Webmaster: is registered in Mtatsminda Mariam Giorgadze Nino Gugunishvili, Sergey Gevenov ADVERTISING & district court. Thea Morrison SUBSCRIPTION EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT: Circulation Managers: +995 579 25 22 25 GEORGIA TODAY Editor-In-Chief: Photographer: David Kerdikashvili, E-mail: marketing@ Reg. # 06/4-309 Katie Ruth Davies Irakli Dolidze David Djandjgava