
February 21, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4141 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRffiUTE TO GLORIA GARY THE USPS: AN UNNATURAL star, queen of country comedy and a national LAWLAH MONOPOLY treasure-Mrs. Sarah Cannon, better known as Cousin . HON. PHIUP M. CRANE Cousin Minnie made her first appearance on HON. C. THOMAS McMDliN OF ILLINOIS the in November 1940. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Today, more than 50 years later, she is known OF MARYLAND Thursday, February 21, 1991 and loved throughout the world. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES "Howdeeeee, I'm just so proud to be here!" Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, although the Unit­ Everyone knows that greeting signals the ar­ Thursday, February 21, 1991 ed States was built and continues to thrive on rival of Cousin Minnie Pearl. Mr. MCMILLEN of Maryland. Mr. Speaker, I the shoulders of capitalism, a major service, The Nashville Banner newspaper recently rise today to express my appreciation for the reaching all , is protected by Fed­ did a series of special stories outlining Cousin eral law from the very force that has made this important contributions that African-Americans Minnie's long and illustrious career. The de­ country the envy of world markets-competi­ scriptions of Cousin Minnie shared by her have made to America's political development. tion. In 1980, the Hunt brothers tried to corner The Honorable Hiram Revels of Mississippi friends and colleagues in the newspaper indi­ the silver market and only a few years ago did cate just how special she is: became the first black to serve in Congress Ma Bell dissolve her privilege as the matriarch when he took his seat in the Senate on Fel:r : "I've learned so much from her of long distance. But by far the most dishonor­ down through the years. She just has so much ruary 25, 1870. Joseph Rainey of South Caro­ able monopoly in U.S. history is the one vest­ class." lina became the first black Member of the ed in the hands of our Government under the : "Minnie has always been a House of Representatives when he took the guise of the U.S. Postal Service. Americans powerhouse. She's always been a strong lady. oath of office on December 12, 1870. Today, are forced to accept the USPS's sluggish de­ She's always been there to help. She's a in the 102d Congress, there are 26 African­ livery, constant reduction in services, and woman we're all proud of and we all love her Americans serving. postage rate hikes which have risen 33 per­ very much." When the Maryland General Assembly cent faster than the rate of inflation. Moans : "One of the secrets of her began its 397th session in Annapolis, there are heard again at the USPS's recent pro­ success is her sincerity and her concern. She were seven African-Americans serving in the posal to add four cents more to the cost of always has a kind word for everybody." senate. The seventh member was recently sending a letter to your grandmother, payment , Jr.: "Minnie Pearl put the elected, November 6, 1990, as the first Afri­ to your utility company, or a note to a friend. 'Grand' in Grand Ole Opry, cause she's the can-American woman from Prince Georges The time has come to abolish this monopoly grandest lady of all and I love her sincerely." County to serve in the Maryland Senate. She and to stop cheating American consumers out Hal Durham, (Grand Old Opry general man­ of efficient service and reasonable postal follows an outstanding woman who has made ager): "Her achievement in country comedy is costs. It is for the above reasons that I favor contributions to the State of Maryland, State astonishing. She came to what was essentially privatization of the post office and am reintro­ a country music show and made comedy a big Senator Verda F. Welcome, Legislative District ducing a bill to accomplish this goal by giving 40, who served from 1963 to 1982. Mrs. Glo­ part of the Grand Old Opry. It is a different the employees full ownership of the corpora­ and better show today because of what she ria Lawlah is the second African-American tion. woman elected to the Maryland State Senate contributed." My solution is simple and straightforward. These are but a few of the accolades from in 8 years. Under this legislation, all assets of the post of­ Minnie's peers. They are certainly indicative of Mrs. Lawlah was elected to the Democratic fice would be given to a corporation owned by the influence she has had on generations of Central Committee in 1982 to represent the the employees by establishing an employee performers and others whose lives she has 26th Legislative District. In 1984, Senator stock ownership plan [ESOP] which will trans­ touched. Lawlah, as an elected official, was appointed fer stock to the employees. Regulations will 1 can personally attest to the warmth, as an alternate delegate to the Democratic assure that rural service and general perform­ charm, sincerity, and selflessness of Cousin National Convention in San Francisco. She ance standards exceed current levels. The Minnie Pearl. I first became acquainted with cofounded the Prince Georges County Chap­ new firm will be given a 5-year grace period this dear lady when I was a mere 9 or 10 ter of the National Political Congress of Black during which it will face no competition, giving years old. She and her husband Henry Can­ Women and currently serves on the national it time to get its feet on the ground. There­ non, were friends with my late father, Frank G. board of directors. Lawlah has diligently de­ after, the monopoly will be abolished and free Clement, who was a former Governor of Ten­ voted her time and attention to voter registra­ competition in all classes of mail will be al­ nessee. I often told Minnie that she should be tion and established closer communication be­ lowed. grateful Henry never decided to become a co­ tween local and State government and the 1 urge my colleagues to join me in the task median, because he is even funnier than her. communities they serve. She is active in many of providing more efficient, less expensive On Tuesday, January 22, 1991, the cancer postal services to the American people and to civic, political, and social organizations, having center at Centennial Medical Center was re­ support privatization of the U.S. Postal Serv­ named in honor of Mrs. Sarah Cannon. She contributed as a member of the board of direc­ ice. tors Prince Georges Coalition on Black Affairs, was treated for breast cancer at the center in Prince Georges Political Women's Caucus, 1985. Hillcrest Heights Civic Association, the COUSIN MINNIE CELEBRATES 50TH I ask that each of my colleagues in the U.S. NAACP, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, South­ OPRY ANNIVERSARY House of Representatives join me in paying ern Leadership Conference and, the fourth tribute to one of the dearest people I have Congressional Rainbow Coalition. HON. BOB CLEMENT ever known. She is a woman of whom it has been said, "She epitomizes the joy of life." In honor of Black History Month, I salute OF TENNESSEE She truly does-and she has added great joy Mrs. Gloria Gary Lawlah and the many others IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to the lives of millions of fans for more than for their outstanding leadership and significant Thursday, February 21,1991 half a century. contributions to improving the quality of life in Mr. CLEMENT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to It is my honor to count Cousin Minnie Pearl our communities. pay tribute to an elegant lady, Grand Ole Opry as my friend.

• This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 4142 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 21, 1991 I have included a list of historical milestones 197~Inducted into the Country Music Hall Sammie, happiness and success in their fu­ of Cousin Minnie's career from the Nashville of Fame. ture pursuits. Banner: 1980-Simon and Schuster publishes her autobiography, Minnie Pearl, written with [From the Nashville Banner] Joan Dew. NATIONAL COAL AND EXTRACTIVE PEARL-Y DATES 1984-0pens her own museum on Music Row. ENERGY STRATEGY ACT OF 1991 (By Jay Orr) April and October 198~Undergoes a dou­ Among the many highlights of comedian ble-mastectomy for breast cancer. , HON. NICK JOE RAHAl! H Minnie Pearl's career: January 1986--Rings in Homecoming '86 OF WEST VIRGINIA Oct. 25, 1912--Born Sarah Ophelia Colley in with Gov. Lamar Alexander. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Centerville. March 29, 1986--Appears with fellow musi­ 1932-Graduates from fashionable Ward­ cians, Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg and Thursday, February 21, 1991 Belmont finishing school (now Belmont Col­ Robin Williams in Comic Relief, a comedy Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, the administra­ lege) in Nashville. concert in Los Angeles to benefit National tion's highly touted years in the making na­ 1934-1940-Works for the Sewell Production Health Care for the Homeless. tional energy strategy is turning out to be Company, a dramatic troupe that stages April 8, 1986-The Educational Auditory plays all over the South by training and Research Foundation holds a "Hats Off to nothing but a paper tiger-or actually, an using local talent. Minnie" dinner at the Belle Meade Country Exxon tiger in your tank judging from the reli­ January !~Stays with a rural family in Club to announce the Minnie Pearl E.A.R. ance the alleged strategy places on drilling for northern Alabama. Her host kindles the idea Foundation scholarship for hearing impaired oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to ad­ of Colley's Minnie Pearl and Brother char­ students enrolled in a college program. dress the Nation's pressing energy problems. acter. Apri11987-Receives the Academy of Coun­ In my view, drilling for oil in sensitive areas, October 1940-Representatives of the Na­ try Music's Pioneer Award. promoting nuclear power and cutting corners tional Life and Accident Insurance Company, April 3, 1987-Receives the American Can­ owner of radio station WSM and the Grand cer Society's Courage Award, presented in by fast tracking the Federal permitting process Ole Opry, hear Colley at a convention where President Reagan's Oval Office. for natural gas pipelines and hydroelectric she plays the part of Minnie Pearl. They in­ Nov. 17, 1987-Receives the Country Music powerplant projects alone simply isn't going to vite her to appear as a guest on the Saturday Foundation's Award for commu­ cut it. night radio show. nity service. The fact of the matter is that vast deposits November 1940-Minnie Pearl makes her July 2, 1988-Honored by the American of coal and other forms of energy remain rel­ first appearance on the Grand Ole Opry. Academy of Achievement as a "giant of en­ atively untapped, onshore, in the lower 48 Jan. 1, 1941-Leaves on her first Grand Ole deavor" at the banquet of the Golden Plate States. Opry road trip with Roy Acuff and his band. held in Nashville. Yet, incredible as it may seem, the word August 1941-R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Com­ Jan. 7, !~Receives the Community pany and the Grand Ole Opry organize the Service Award from the Nashville Academy "coal" hardly appears in the legislative Camel Caravan. The traveling unit of 20 coun­ of Medicine for her work in promoting can­ changes the administration supports as part of try entertainers included Minnie Pearl, Pee cer awareness. its national energy strategy. While I find it hard Wee King and his Golden West Cowboys and April 1989--Minnie Pearl Museum moves to to believe that the Bush administration really young . By late 1942, the war­ Opryland from Music Row. believes that the Nation's most abundant en­ time troupe has traveled more than 50,000 March 16, 1990--Receives a pacemaker to ergy resource has no role in our .country's fu­ miles in 19 states and Panama, presenting correct an irregular heartbeat. ture energy security, I can assure my col­ 175 shows in 68 army camps, hospitals, air July 1990--Travels to Houston with other leagues that if we simply rubber stamp its pro­ marine bases. members of the Opry to entertain world lead­ February 1942--Colley becomes a regular ers at the Economic Summit of Industri­ posal we will continue down the same path member of the 30-minute "Prince Albert To­ alized Nations. the Nation has traveled since the dismantle­ bacco" Opry segment, broadcast nationally Nov. 3, 1990--Celebrates her 50th anniver­ ment by the Reagan administration of the over the NBC radio network. Eager to go on sary on the Grand Old Opry. Carter coal-based national energy policy of the during the network segment, she gets hit on late 1970's. the head with a sandbag, a counterweight to In light of the fact that the administration the changing stage scenery. Her popular TRIBUTE TO NOEL PACHTA has failed to include necessary legislative pro­ comedy character incorporates jokes about posals relating to the coal and extractive en­ Brother, her boyfriend Hezzie and Uncle Nabob in the community of Grinder's HON. GEORGE J. HOCHBRUECKNER ergy industries, today I am introducing the Na­ Switch, Tenn. OF NEW YORK tional Coal and Extractive Energy Strategy Act March 1942--Minnie Pearl and the other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of 1991. This measure represents what I be­ members of the Grand Ole Opry Caravan lieve should be an element in any national en­ travel to Panama to entertain American Thursday, February 21,1991 ergy legislation formulated by the Congress. troops. Mr. HOCHBRUECKNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Now is the time to make a bold stroke for 1947-Marries Air Force pilot Henry Can­ today to pay tribute to an outstanding citizen coal. For energy independence. For our na­ non. who has worked in the Federal service for 33 tional security. 1947-Performs with other Opry stars at Carnegie Hall. years. For 4 years Mr. Noel Pachta was a We have vast deposits of coal being ignored November 1949--Goes with Roy Acuff, Red dedicated member of the U.S. Navy Seabees in previously mined areas that can be Foley, Hank Williams, Little Jimmy Dick­ in the 1950's. Over the last 29 years, he has remined. We have an incredible amount of ens and Rod Brasfield to entertain U.S. worked as a superintendent in the National pipeline quality methane trapped in coalbeds troops in Europe. Visits Germany and Aus­ Park Service at Chaco Canyon National in the Appalachian region and elsewhere just tria. Monument, Big Bend National Park, Grand waiting to be extracted. Low-sulfur metallur­ 1952--As Minnie Pearl, ·Cannon performs Canyon National Park, Denali National Park, gical coal resources, also prevalent in the with the Nashville Symphony Orchestra. Mesa Verde National Park, Cape Hatteras Na­ central Appalachian coalfields, while tradition­ 1961-Travels to New York with Opry stars , , , tional Seashore, Gulf Island National Sea­ ally used in steelmaking, can serve to assist and Farqn Young to perform in shore, Virgin Islands National Park, and since the electric utility industry comply with more a Musicians' Aid Society benefit at Carnegie 1987, on Long Island at the Fire Island Na­ stringent clean air requirements. Federally Hall. tional Seashore. owned coal can be more efficiently developed 1967-Cannon's sister Dixie dies from can­ Mr. Pachta leaves a large pair of shoes to the benefit of the Western markets while al­ cer. which his successor must try to fill. His careful lowing Eastern coal to serve its traditional November 1969--Comes to wider national work to resolve conflicts sets a standard for markets. Meanwhile, federally owned oil and attention through appearances on the na­ Federal employees serving the public. His gas resources on public domain lands, can be tionally syndicated show Hee Haw beginning brought to play if we further reduce specula­ in 1969. careful attention to service and detail are March 16, 1974--Cries onstage at the widely respected in the service. While we will tion. Ryman Auditorium during the concluding miss his hard work and dedication to the Park This legislation seeks to balance energy de­ performance of the Opry from that location. Service, we wish both him and his wife, velopment with social considerations. The de- February 21, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4143 mands placed on local communities and the tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Will her soldier so far away adverse impacts on roads and facilities from [NHLBI], in the amount contributed to cardio­ To make a stand in the desert sand energy development cannot be ignored. This vascular research. Come back home with honor from Saudi measure would provide for the more efficient In accomplishing its mission, the AHA works And hold her in his arms again? disbursement of the State's share of Federal closely with related Federal research, edu­ Will her soldier come back home In victory or defeat? mineral leasing receipts, and establish a new cation, and prevention programs. Programs of Will he be sitting in a wheelchair? trust fund to provide for some compensation to the AHA, the NHLBI, and the National Institute Or standin' on his feet? these communities. of Neurological Disorders and Stroke [NINDS], Will her soldier survive the crisis Responsible energy development in an envi­ have had a striking impact. According to the That's breaking America's heart? ronmentally and socially responsible manner is AHA, from 1978 to 1988, the age-adjusted Will America stand up for the soldier possible, and is the premise of this legislative death rate from coronary heart disease fell If he comes home torn apart? initiative. 29.2 percent and that from stroke fell 33.2 per­ He left in such a hurry cent. There was 11 ttle time to talk Despite these advances, cardiovascular dis­ He was sent to defend the world AMERICAN HEART MONTH eases remain the leading cause of death in From a mad man in Iraq the United States and worldwide. The AHA re­ She writes her brave man faithfully HON. GEORGE W. GEKAS ports that annually, nearly 1 million Americans And runs to the mail box each day OF PENNSYLVANIA die from heart and blood vessel diseases Looking for words of love from Saudi· IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which claim a life every 32 seconds in the So she'll know her soldier's okay When the children cry for daddy Thursday, February 21,1991 United States. The President's proclamation noted that women, too, are at risk, heart at­ She hugs the soldier's daughter and son Mr. GEKAS. Mr. Speaker, Monday, Feb­ Telling them oh so gently tack is the No. 1 killer of American women, He'll be home when the job is done ruary 25, is the first in a series of congres­ surpassing even breast cancer and lung can­ sional luncheon briefings, "Biomedical Re­ cer. According to the AHA, heart attack alone Sometimes without a reason search and You," sponsored by the National She just has to stop and cry kills almost three times as many as breast and Each tear asking dear Jesus Institutes of Health in cooperation with Part­ lung cancer combined. ners in Discovery. I encourage my colleagues To bring her soldier home alive Continued progress against cardiovascular Will her soldier so far away to attend this briefing, "Coronary Heart Dis­ diseases is contingent on sufficient Federal re­ ease: What It Means to You," presented by To make a stand in the desert sand sources. I urge my colleagues to join in the Come back home with honor from Saudi the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute battle against cardiovascular disease. And hold her in his arms again? [NHLBI] from 12:15 to 1:45 p.m. in room B- 340, Rayburn House Office Building. The agenda features remarks by two American WILL HER SOLDIER COME BACK INTRODUCTION OF A RESOLUTION Heart Association [AHA] volunteers, . Nanette HOME? Wenger, M.D., professor of medicine--cardi­ TO IMPROVE JAPANESE-AFRICAN ology-at Emory University School of Medi­ HON. DON SUNDQUIST AMERICAN RELATIONS cine in Atlanta and Renee Hartz, M.D., associ­ OF TENNESSEE ate professor, department of surgery at North­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ALAN WHEAT western University School of Medicine in Chi­ Thursday, February 21, 1991 OF MISSOURI cago. Dr. Wenger will focus on diagnosis, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES treatment, and prevention of coronary heart Mr. SUNDQUIST. Mr. Speaker, my district disease. Dr. Hartz will address invasive proce­ in Tennessee is the proud home to the 101st Thursday, February 21, 1991 dures for the treatment of coronary heart dis­ Airborne Division, currently deployed as part Mr. WHEAT. Mr. Speaker, today I am re­ ease. Please RSVP to the division of legisla­ of Operation Desert Storm. introducing a resolution from the 101 st Con­ tive analysis at the National Institutes of On my last visit to Clarksville and Fort gress that expresses the outrage of the Amer­ Health on (301) 496-3471. Campbell, Debbie D. McGaha handed me a ican people about the continuing, reprehensive February, American Heart Month, is an ex­ poem she had written for her sister, Gayla racist remarks directed toward African-Ameri­ cellent opportunity to focus on coronary heart Baty, whose husband, CW3 James L. Baty, pi­ cans and other ethnic minorities by officials of disease-the No. 1 killer in the United States. lots a Blackhawk helicopter in Saudi Arabia. the Japanese Government. Recognizing the need for all Americans to Because there are many wives and hus­ Together with my colleagues in the Con­ take part in the continuing battle against dis­ bands of soldiers in the same circumstance as gressional Black Caucus, I feel it is imperative eases of the heart and blood vessels, by a Gayla Baty, I wanted to share Ms. McGaha's that the Congress speak out against the fail­ joint resolution in December 1963, Congress poem with this House. I ask that it be re­ ure of Japanese leadership to address the requested the President to issue annually a printed in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. pervasive presence of bigotry and racial insen­ proclamation designating February as Amer­ WILL HER SOLDIER COME BACK HOME? 1 sitivity within corporate and governmental cir­ ican Heart Month. On February 7 in an Oval (By Debbie D. McGaha) cles. Office ceremony, President Bush, an active She pins on her red, white and blue ribbon That bigotry and insensitivity has been dem­ fundraising volunteer for the AHA in the She wears to work now everyday onstrated on far too many occasions in recent 1960's signed the 28th annual proclamation. As a mother, she maintains a routine years by caustic remarks that are not only an The President has held a signing ceremony While her soldier's gone away affront to African-Americans, but to all Ameri­ for this event each February since he has held She says a prayer while driving cans. office. As she sees the headlights on Last year in a well-publicized remark, the The AHA, a nonprofit voluntary health orga­ And deep inside she wonders Justice Minister of the Japanese Government, nization funded by private contributions, is Will her soldier come back home? Seiroku Kajiyama, compared the entry of pros­ dedicated to the reduction of disability and Her mind is full of wonder titutes into local communities in Japan to Afri­ death from cardivocascular diseases, including Her heart is full of hope can-Americans who "run white people out of heart attack and stroke. To this end, the AHA But its her undying love for the soldier neighborhoods in America when they move in, invests heavily in research. Research remains That makes her strong enough to cope lowering property values and imperiling safety" the central focus of the AHA. Since 1949, the Sometimes without a reason [summary of quote]. AHA has invested more than $900 million in She just has to stop and cry In 1988 Michio Watanabe, the policy chief Each tear asking Dear Jesus research. In fiscal year 1989-90, the AHA, in­ To bring her soldier home alive for the governing Liberal Democratic Party of cluding its 56 affiliates nationwide, has in­ Japan, stated that American blacks had few vested over $77 million to research. The size qualms about going bankrupt, implying that Af­ 1 Dedicated to author's sister, Gayla Baty, wife of of this financial commitment makes the AHA Blackhawk pUot, CW3 James L. Baty, and all other rican-Americans are financially irresponsible second only to the federally sponsored Na- wives of soldiers serving in Operation Desert Storm. and walk away from debts. 4144 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 21, 1991 In 1986 then-Prime Minister Yasuhiro Finally, the resolution expresses the firm be­ While revenues from the Federal tax on So­ Nakasone suggested that America was intel­ lief of the Congress that the Japanese Gov­ cial Security benefits will be passed along by lectually inferior to Japan "Because of a con­ ernment, as one of the world's leading democ­ the Treasury to the Social Security trust fund, siderable number of blacks, Puerto Ricans, racies, should demand of its officials the high­ the revenues from a State tax on Social Secu­ and Mexicans." est level of respect for the diverse peoples of rity benefits do not go back into the Social Se­ These are just a few examples of the racial the world. curity trust fund. Instead, most State govern­ slurs from the highest levels of the Japanese This CBG-sponsored initiative deserves the ments will use these revenues to trim their Government that have degraded African­ full support of President Bush and his adminis­ State budget deficits and finance future State Americans and other ethnic minorities. The tration. In the wake of Justice Minister programs. The States, in an effort to increase racist impulse of these remarks has also been Kajiyama's offensive remark last year, the their revenues, are at the same time further reflected in the discovery that Japanese de­ CBC was very disappointed in the virtual si­ penalizing those individuals who do save for partment stores and other shops routinely fea­ lence that subsequently enveloped the White their retirement. This double taxation of Social ture racially stereotype mannequins that dis­ House. Security benefits by the Federal Government credit all African-Americans. The CBC feels firmly that President Bush, and the States creates an unjust burden on These practices have been tolerated for too the leader of the free world, cannot selectively these recipients and a large disincentive for long by the Congress, the President, and the challenge racism, bigotry, and anti-Semitism in those who would otherwise want to continue American people; they must come to an end. Eastern Europe and other parts of the world working to supplement their income. Despite the regrettable incidents we have and fail to speak out when American citizens The 1983 Social Security Amendments did witnessed, there exists a foundation of good­ are maligned by Government officials from al­ not intend to allow States to tax Social Secu­ will upon which our two cultures could build a lied nations. We urge the President to lend his rity benefits. The intention was to restore sol­ bridge of respect and understanding. full support to this resolution and make clear vency to the system upon which so many The histories of the Japanese people and his intolerance to racism in any form, any­ Americans depend. The legislation that I intro­ where, anytime. African-Americans have long been intertwined. duced will remedy this unfair burden levied on Racism has pushed Japanese/African-Amer­ Over the past several decades, African-Amer­ our seniors and restore justice to the system. ican relations to the darkness of misunder­ ican soldiers stationed in Japanese cities have standing and resentment. It is time to clasp assisted schools, hospitals, orphanages, and our hands together and walk toward the light A TRIBUTE TO DR. ARIS ALLEN homeless people with the very substance of of day. survival. Even today, African-American soldiers have HON. C. TIIOMAS McMillEN placed their lives on the line to protect Amer­ STATE TAXATION OF SOCIAL OF MARYLAND ican, Japanese, and allied interests in the Mid­ SECURITY BENEFITS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dle East. Thursday, February 21, 1991 Surely this basis of goodwill can be nurtured HON. PHIUP M. CRANE Mr. MCMILLEN of Maryland. Mr. Speaker, it so that a deeper understanding and a height­ OF ILLINOIS is always very difficult to come here and pay ened sense of mutual respect is developed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tribute to a man or woman who has died, and between Japanese Government officials and Thursday, February 21, 1991 it is all the more difficult when that individual their African-American brethren in the United made such an indelible imprint on every life he States. Such is my hope and conviction, and Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, recently I intro­ duced two bills, H.R. 307 and H.R. 312, re­ touched. Dr. Aris Allen of Anne Arundel Coun­ I hope passage of this resolution will start us ty, MD, was such a man-he died on Feb­ down the road to a more fruitful and rewarding garding the taxation of Social Security benefits by State governments. H.R. 307 would require ruary 8, 1991. relationship. Dr. Allen was currently serving in the Mary­ The sense of the Congress resolution that I that any State or local taxes imposed and col­ lected on benefits paid thereunder must be re­ land Legislature, having just been elected to am introducing was first introduced in the wan­ that body to serve his third time at the age of ing days of the 101 st Congress as House turned to the appropriate Social Security trust fund. My second bill, H.R. 312, would prohibit 80. A man of impeccable quality and human Concurrent Resolution 378 and is slightly States and local governments from taxing So­ compassion, Aris Allen embodied the drive, modified from the original version. While the cial Security benefits. determination and success of every black full House of Representatives did not have the Legislation is necessary because the 1983 American. He was a physician, a scholar, a opportunity to vote on House Concurrent Res­ Social Security Amendments significantly re­ devoted public servant, a patron of the arts, a olution 378 before adjournment, the resolution duced Social Security benefits for middle-in­ remarkable individual by any standard of did receive the unanimous approval of the come retirees. Without this bill, many of "these measurement. House Foreign Affairs Committee before the same individuals are also being forced to pay Aris Allen was born in a small Texas town session ended. additional taxes on their Social Security bene­ in the early part of this century, with few bene­ Among House Concurrent Resolution 378's fits, thus reducing their benefits even further. fits or comforts that we take for granted. But provisions was language demanding the res­ Although it is difficult to get exact information the determination of this young man led him to ignation of then-Justice Minister Seiroku from the States, we know that seniors in about strive against the odds, get a diploma, and Kajiyama for his offensive statement men­ 16 States face the possibility of paying State work his way through Howard University and tioned above. Although Japanese Prime Min­ taxes on their benefits. its medical school. The people of Annapolis ister Toshiki Kaifu never explicitly asked Many States have laws that parallel Federal were fortunate that Aris Allen chose our com­ Kajiyama for his resignation, an eventual tax law. Therefore they use the adjusted gross munity to set up a practice, for we benefited reshuffling of the cabinet resulted in Kajiyama income reported on the Federal tax forms as not only from his skill but from his understand­ leaving the post of Justice Minister. Therefore, the basis for an individual's income to com­ ing and leadership. the resolution I am introducing today does not pute State liability. Although some States have His political career was distinguished and call for the resignation of Kajiyama or any taken legislative action to provide a State in­ unique: 6 years on the county board of edu­ other cabinet official. come tax exemption for Social Security bene­ cation, the first black to serve in that position; The resolution does, however, ask the fits included in Federal adjusted gross income, 8 years in the Maryland House of Delegates; President to request an official apology to all many have not. Unless specific legislation to candidate for Lieutenant Governor in 1978; Americans from Prime Minister Kaifu for the contrary is enacted by States adopting Maryland senator; secretary of the Republican Kajiyama's remarks. It also requests that current Federal code provisions, Social Secu­ National Convention in 1980; medical affairs Prime Minister Kaifu's administration take im­ rity benefits will automatically be included in advisor to the Health Care Financing Adminis­ mediate action to combat racist attitudes by those States' income tax bases. Obviously tration; and was reelected to house of dele­ pursuing an aggressive educational initiative to States will not be inclined to change their tax gates just this past November. enhance the Japanese people's understanding laws because of the tens of millions of dollars Mr. Speaker, it is impossible to convey the of the virtues of multiethnic and multiracial so­ in potential revenues for their needy treasur­ loss that my community and my State feels at cieties. ies. the death such a great man. His character February 21, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4145 was legendary-he was quick with a smile ulation. This can be accomplished by allowing Corinne C. Hogan is the deputy clerk/admin­ and a handshake. Aris Allen was a gentleman two meals that meet a combined nutritional istrative secretary for the probate court. She in every sense of the word and no one was quality of two thirds the required dietary allow­ has served in this capacity for 20 years. A immune from his charm or healing powers. In ance. Basically, what would be reimbursed graduate of St. Augustine Academy, Mrs. fact, on one occasion he rushed to the aid of under this bill would be snacks or take-horne Hogan received a B.S. degree in political a senate colleague who collapsed with a heart food packages for weekends and holidays, science from Miami University. She and her attack during a debate. which are presently not covered under the ex­ husband, Bill, are the parents of two children, There are certain individuals who pass isting program. Because of this situation, Molly Megan Hogan and Daniel Patrick Con­ through our lives, touching everyone and ev­ many seniors go without a decent meal for 2 nors. erything they come in contact with a warmth, or 3 days at a time. Mrs. Hogan and her family are active at St. understanding, and kindness. Aris Allen was It is a documented fact that providing ade­ Malachi Church. She also chairs various com­ such a man. I commend to my colleagues a quate nutrition to elderly people can keep mittees at her children's schools. In addition, recent biography of this outstanding public them out of nursing homes. It is our respon­ she is a member of West Side Irish American servant, and ask you to join me in extending sibility to work together to allow our seniors to Club, and past treasurer of the United Ireland our sympathies to his family and friends. remain independent as long as possible. Society. Mrs. Hogan is also an avid traveler. In addition to several visits to Ireland, she has traveled to England, Europe, and Mexico. EXPANDING NURITION PROGRAMS A SALUTE TO THE CUYAHOGA Thomas Yates Morris is the chief investiga­ TO STENGTHEN ELDERLY INDE- COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION AN- tor for the investigation department, domestic PENDENCE NUAL PUBLIC SERVANTS MERIT relations court. He has been employed with AWARD RECIPIENTS the domestic relations court for 26 years. Mr. HON. THO~J.DOWNEY Morris is a graduate of Berea High School and OF NEW YORK HON. LOUIS STOKFS received his bachelor of arts degree from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OHIO Baldwin-Wallace College. He and his wife, Thursday, February 21,1991 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madonna, are the parents of three children; Thomas Y. Morris II; W. Brendan Morris; and Mr. DOWNEY. Mr. Speaker, as the chair­ Thursday, February 21, 1991 Karin Alexandra Morris. man of the House Select Committee on Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, on February 27, Mr. Morris is a member of the American Aging's Subcommittee on Human Services, I 1991, the Cuyahoga County Bar Association Correctional Association; the Ohio Correctional am today introducing a bill which would pro­ will host its Annual Public Servants Merit & Court Services Association; and the United vide first-time Federal reimbursement to senior Awards Luncheon. The event recognizes the Commercial Travelers Association. He is a nutrition providers under the Older Americans exceptional work and contributions of selected member of St. Mark Catholic Church. In his Act who offer two meals a day, each one county court system employees. meeting one third of the minimum dietary al­ I would like to salute the Cuyahoga County leisure time, Mr. Morris enjoys racquetball and lowance required by law. Bar Association and this year's six public serv­ swimming. He also collects newspaper cliJr This bill is very important to thousands of ice award recipients. The honorees are: Olin pings and enjoys sports trivia. seniors who participate in nutrition programs Jules Ford; Minne L. Hall; Corinne C. Hogan; Ella M. Rawls serves as the deputy director across the Nation. Eligibility for USDA com­ Thomas Yates Morris; Ella M. Rawls; and of the central scheduling department. She is modities or cash in lieu of commodities is au­ Mary Loretta Stanton. At this time I am the past supervisor of Ohio Boys' Town from thorized in the Older Americans Act, which is pleased to share the accomplishments of the 1961 to 1964. Mrs. Rawls joined the Cleve­ currently being reviewed for reauthorization honorees with my colleagues. land Municipal Court Probation Department in this year. The Older Americans Act also es­ Mr. Speaker, Olin Jules Ford serves as deJr 1964 and the scheduling department in 1974. tablishes the meals requirements as stated in uty clerk for the call day processing depart­ For the past 7 years, she has held the position title Ill c (1) and (2). ment. He is a graduate of East Technical High of deputy director. Mrs. Rawls was born in Section 331 states: School and received a diploma in structural Cleveland and she is a graduate of John Hay The Commissioner shall carry out a pro­ drafting from the Cleveland Engineering Insti­ High School. She and her husband, Donald V. gram for ·making grants to states under tute. Mr. Ford also served in the U.S. Army Rawls, are the parents of three children: Don­ State plans approved under Section 307 for and received an honorable discharge in 1951. ald Rawls, Jr.; Deon Rawls and Delisa Rawls. the establishment and operation of nutrition He has been employed as a laborer, drafts­ In her spare time, Mrs. Rawls enjoys travel­ projects-(!) which, 5 or more days per week man, and mail carrier. ing, watching old movies, and reading. She is provide at least one hot or other appropriate Mr. Ford is single and the father of Alvis K. also a sports fan and enjoys basketball and meal per day and any additional meals which Ford, a member of the U.S. Coast Guard. He softball. the recipient of a grant or contract under Mary Loretta Stanton serves as jury bailiff this subpart may elect to provide, each of is a member of Planned Parenthood, G-PAC which assures a minimum of one third of the and affiliated with the National Rifle Associa­ for the common pleas court. She began her daily recommended allowances as estab­ tion. In his spare time, he enjoys jazz and employment with the common pleas court in lished by the Food and Nutrition Board of classical music, books on politics and history, 1966, and has helq her current position since the National Academy of Sciences National gardening and walking. 1970. She was previously employed with Fish­ Research Council. For the past 4 years, Minnie L. Hall has er Body; the War Assets Administration; Unfortunately, some nutrition directors are served as assistant office manager for the civil Cleveland Pneumatic; and the Laborers', Ce­ finding it extemely difficult to obtain reimburse­ division. Her career with the clerk of the courts ment Masons & Plasterers' Local Unions. Ms. ment for a second meal despite its obvious spans approximately 29 years. Mrs. Hall pre­ Stanton was born in Cleveland and graduated importance to their clients. The elderly we will viously served as assistant department head from Saint Stephen's High School. help with this bill are among our neediest and for the civil filing department; supervisor of ali­ Ms. Stanton is single and a member of Our most vulnerable citizens. The typical meal mony and child support; oath counterperson Lady of Angels Church. In addition, she is a served at a nutrition site or in a home deliv­ for the motor title division; and deputy clerk for member of the St. Stephen's Alumni and the ered situation, consisting of 3 ounces of meat, the index department. West Side Irish American Club. In her spare · one-half cup vegetable, one half cup fruit or Mrs. Hall is a graduate of John Hay High time, she enjoys horse racing and politics. She juice, a starch, 8 ounces of milk, a serving of School. She and her husband, George, are is the sister of former Congressman James V. butter and one half cup of dessert usually far the parents of two children, James and Gladys Stanton, and was active in his campaigns for exceeds the minimum requirement. Two such V. Hall. They are also the proud grandparents city council and the House of Representatives. meals would be excessive for most older peo­ of two, Melissa and Sophia. In her spare time, Mr. Speaker, it is a special honor for me to ple to eat. Mrs. Hall enjoys participating in activities in­ join in the salute to these exemplary public It is the intention of the Older Americans Act volving young people, including the YWCA servants. Employees such as Mr. Ford, Mrs. nutrition program to provide safe, nutritious and Junior Achievement. She is also an avid Hall, Mrs. Hogan, Mr. Morris, Mrs. Rawls, and and appetizing meals to our needy senior poJr reader and enjoys traveling. Ms. Stanton make the system work for all of 4146 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 21, 1991 the residents of the Cleveland metropolitan around the Grumman facility in my district, CALLING ABORTION FOES' BLUFF area. known as the Calverton Pine Barrens, from It's time to call the bluff of those people I join the Cuyahoga County Bar Association, ever being commercially developed. The bill who have been picketing family planning and the chairperson of the annual awards would result in protecting the underground clinics and fighting to prevent the spread of luncheon, Mercedes Spotts, in paying tribute water supply from pollution. birth control devices and information. They say they want to eliminate abor­ to the 1991 Public Service Award recipients. In recent years the U.S. General Services tions. But their strategy has been to ham­ Administration has proposed selling off por­ string agencies whose principal business is tions of the 3,234 acres of Pine Barrens birth control. The effect has been to keep JUDGE SHELTON PENN owned by the Departemnt of Defense that birth control devices and information out of serve as a buffer area around the Grumman the hands of people who need them. HON. HOWARD WOLPE plant in Calverton. Currently that land is man­ You don't have to be a mental giant to aged by the New York State Department of conclude that if they succeed in this mission, OF MICHIGAN there will be more unwanted pregnancies IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Environmental Conservation as a wildlife pre­ than the 3.4 million now occurring each year, serve and recreation area. Since such land Thursday, February 21,1991 more unwanted and abused children, more could be sold for commercial development teenage mothers dropping out of school and Mr. WOLPE. Mr. Speaker, I want to pay trib- under existing law, I have introduced this bill applying for welfare-and far more women ute to a constituent and very special friend of to mandate preservation of the Calverton Pine clamoring for abortions than the 1.6 million mine, Judge Shelton C. Penn. On January 11, Barrens in its undeveloped state. a year who have them now. 1991 , Judge Penn will be honored by the Cal- The Calverton Pine Barrens Preservation Nobody wants to make abortion a form of houn County Bar Association as he retires Act states that in the event the Navy were family planning. But birth control advances from over 15 years of distinguished public ever to declare any portion of the land to be in the United States lag so far behind warnings and withdrawals of birth control service on the 1Oth district circuit court bench. in excess to its needs, the Secretary of the products-partially because of federal cut­ Judge Penn received his law degree from Navy must designate the buffer areas as a backs in contraceptive and fertility re­ the University of Michigan where he graduated protected tract. Under this designation, the search-that couples have fewer choices in the top 10 percent of his class and was the land could not be disposed of in any way that today than they had 10 years ago. They also first black law student admitted into the law would allow development to take place on it. have fewer choices than in much of the Third . school's Case Club. He came to Battle Creek If some future owner were to attempt to use World. in 1952 after accepting a position to practice the land for development, ownership of the Without access to contraceptives taken off law with James A. Golden. He left private protected tract would automatically revert to the market in response to lawsuits or not yet available in this country because of opposi­ practice in 1957, to work in the prosecutor's the Federal Government. tion from abortion foes, and leery of the pill, office and in 1964 became chief assistant The buffer area is currently open to the pub­ many women are using methods dating from prosecutor. From 1973 until his appointment to lie for hunting, fishing, hiking, canoeing, Cleopatra's day, with predictable results: the bench in 1975, he was a hearing referee birding, photography and other outdoor activi­ more contraceptive failures and pregnancies. for Michigan's Civil Rights Commission. ties. A small portion of it is leased for agricui­ There is only one way to curb abortions, Among his important contributions as a rnem- tural purposes. The area is also used for edu­ and that is to reduce unwanted pregnancies. ber of the legal profession was the establish- cational activities at the elementary and sec­ No serious effort is possible that does not ment in Calhoun County of a defense bar con- ondary school level as well as for undergradu- focus on getting the most effective methods of birth control to people who need them. tract for indigent defendants. ate and graduate studies. Yet abortion foes go on slinging mud at Judge Penn's contributions, however, have Mr. Speaker, 1 urge my congressional col- Planned Parenthood, which provides birth not been limited to the legal profession and to leagues to join with me in supporting the control and other non-abortion services to the 1Oth circuit court. He has also committed Calverton Pine Barrens Preservation Act. 2.3 million patients a year. Only about both time and energy to a vast array of profes- ,- Every step we take to protect our environment 100,000 of the women counseled opt for abor­ sional and community organizations including counts. tion. the Calhoun, Ml and National Bar Associa- If abortion foes want abortion obsolete, tions, the Battle Creek Area Urban League, they should pressure their lawmakers to in­ the NAACP, and the Lions Club. He passion- crease funding for contraceptive research. ately cares about his community and has been CALLING ABORTION FOES' BLUFF They should demand the establishment of sex education and birth control counseling in deeply involved in issues of social concerns. schools. They should understand that chas­ Mr. Speaker, over the years of his judicial HON. Bill RICHARDSON tity is a !audible but futile goal, unless it is service, Judge Penn's integrity, sensitivity, and combined with other approaches when most fairness have earned him the respect and ad­ OF NEW MEXICO teens already are sexually active. miration of all who have been privileged to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Americans won't tolerate foot-dragging in work with him. His presence on the bench will any other health area affecting 52 percent of Thursday, February 21,1991 be sorely missed. We are all in his debt. the population. Why should we with birth control? I have felt honored to have Judge Penn as Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, in this a constituent and I value his and his wife, year of the 20th anniversary of the Roe versus Sadie's friendship. I know my colleagues will Wade decision, we must approach the issue TRIBUTE TO LCPL. ARTHUR want to join with me in extending congratula­ of reproductive freedom more broadly and GARZA tions to Judge Penn upon his retirement, and begin to emphasize the need for more contra­ in wishing him and his family all possible hap­ ceptive research, development, and accessibil­ HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ ity. Family planning is an important theme fre­ piness in the years ahead. OF TEXAS quently raised, and lost, amidst the heightened IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES debate about abortion rights. But, protecting THE CALVERTON PINE BARRENS reproductive freedoms is not solely about ac­ Thursday, February 21, 1991 PRESERVATION ACT cess to abortion: unwanted pregnancies Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise in tribute to should be prevented by increased access to a young man from my community who made HON. GEORGE J. HOCHBRUECKNER family planning services and a variety of birth the ultimate sacrifice for his home and coun­ OF NEW YORK control methods. Adequate family planning try. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES would help obviate the need for abortion in a U.S. Marine LCpl. Arthur Garza of great number of cases. Kingsville, TX, was killed on January 26, 1991, Thursday, February 21, 1991 My constituents are fervent in their rec­ as he and his unit prepared to engage the Mr. HOCHBRUECKNER. Mr. Speaker, ommendation that family planning must be ex­ enemy in battle. Corporal Garza's mother, today I am introducing the Calverton Pine plored more thoroughly. I would like to rec­ Mary Helen Garza, still lives in Kingsville. His Barrens Preservation Act. The legislation ommend the following editorial from the New wife, Jennifer, and his 6-month-old daughter would prevent the federally owned buffer zone Mexican to my colleagues: reside in San Diego, CA, near Camp Pendle- February 21, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4147 ton where Corporal Garza was stationed prior and the general public are unaware of just deterring crime, incapacitating offenders, pro­ to deployment. how common the problem is. According to the viding just punishment, and in this case pro­ Corporal Garza grew up in Kingsville, but Department of Justice's comprehensive study viding an incentive for the child's safe return. finished high school in Jersey City, near Hous­ of the number of children missing in the Unit­ ton, where his father, Oscar Garza, now re­ ed States, as many as 4,600 children were sides. He joined the Marines shortly after his abducted nationwide by nonfamily members in SUPPORT FOR LITHUANIA graduation because his dream was to join the 1988 alone, and more than 114,000 children corps. were the targets of attempted abductions. HON. PHDlP M. CRANE We all love our country, but there are pre­ Many of these abductions ended within hours, OF ILLINOIS cious few who are willing to make the ultimate often after sexual assaults, but for some fami­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sacrifice and die in the defense of our country; lies, the nightmare lasted much longer and Thursday, February 21, 1991 for freedom and independence. The words may live on to this day. "duty, honor and country" were not just empty The National Center for Missing and Ex­ Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, today I would like words for Arthur Garza-he embodied their ploited Children has maintained records for to take this opportunity to reaffirm my strong spirit. the past 6 years and reports that there are at support for Lithuania and its struggle for inde­ Freedom loving people all over the world least 1,096 cases of nonfamily abductions, pendence. have taken on the difficult task of liberating the and of this number, 245 children have been ., Lithuanians can take pride in the fact that tiny country of Kuwait, a relative unknown in located alive and 132 have been found dead. they were the first country under Soviet occu­ the community of nations. Corporal Garza This leaves 719 reported cases of abduction pation to reestablish the independence that joined the thousands of Americans who have where the status of the child, as living or was guaranteed them under the 1920 peace died in the pursuit and protection of freedom dead, is unknown. We just don't know if these treaty with Moscow, yet cruelly taken away 20 for two centuries all over the world. children are alive, but we do know that they years later. With the stroke of a pen, Adolf Hit­ The communities of south Texas have a rich have been taken away-against their will­ ler and Joseph Stalin negotiated a secret pact heritage of patriotism and dedication to prin­ from their families, friends, and schools, and illegally annexing Lithuania, as well as the cipal-and we have lost a magnificent exam­ that they could be victims of sexual abuse, sa­ other two Baltic States, Latvia and Estonia. ple of that in Corporal Garza. distic torture, child pornography, or other For the past 51 years, the United States has My deepest sympathies are with the Garza forms of exploitation. The legacies of the chil­ steadfastly refused to recognize Moscow's rule family and with the community of Kingsville. dren of these unsolved cases and countless over these countries. However, it has only We have lost a superb man and a heroic citi­ other child victims should motivate us to been recently that we have been asked to zen. Semper Fi. change the Federal sentencing guidelines for make difficult choices with respect to our long­ the offense of kidnaping when the child is not standing policy. returned within 30 days. I find it extremely hypocritical of President CHILD ABDUCTORS' MANDATORY Mr. Speaker, currently under the existing Mikhail Gorbachev to so generously offer to LIFE SENTENCING ACT Federal Sentencing Guidelines for kidnaping, negotiate a peace proposal between Iraq and a convicted kidnaper, even when the child has the allied coalition in the Persian Gulf, yet at HON. MARILYN LLOYD not been recovered, faces a minimum sen­ the same time refuse to peacefully address OF TENNESSEE tence of 5 to 6 years of imprisonment. Rec­ the issue of his own country's illegal annex­ ation of the Baltic States. What I find even IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ognizing that children are being victimized in alarming numbers and that we must do more, more troublesome, however, is the heretofore Thursday, February 21, 1991 my bill would amend the sentencing guidelines highly respected Nobel Peace Commission's Mrs. LLOYD. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro­ by stating that if the child victim had not been decision to award Gorbachev the 1990 peace ducing the Child Abductors' Mandatory Life recovered within 30 days after the abduction, price only 6 months after he imposed an eco­ Sentencing Act. This bill addresses the inad­ the minimum sentence would be increased by nomic and cultural blockage of Lithuania. In equate sentencing our justice system uses for 19 levels to life imprisonment. This is the fact, I wish to take this opportunity to applaud convicted kidnapers of children, when the child equivalent to the sentencing imposed for first my colleague from Texas, DICK ARMEY, for has not been recovered. degree murder, which more closely resembles sponsoring a resolution calling upon the Nobel I believe that a criminal convicted of kidnap­ the probable realities of the victim's situation. Committee to withdraw the peace prize and ing a child who has not been recovered must This bill simply amends section 1201 (g)(2) of urge my colleagues to cosponsor the resolu­ be held responsible for the unknown condition title 18 of the United States Code relating to tion. of the child. A kidnaper who has not provided offenses involving children. The recent brutality displayed by the Soviet information leading to the child's recovery We may not be able to convict this person authorities in their effort to suppre~s the grow­ should not be rewarded by our sentencing of murder, sexual exploitation, or torture, but ing independence movement in the Baltic na­ codes. This convicted kidnaper should not be we can certainly punish him more appro­ tions simply cannot be tolerated. On January treated less severely when sentenced be­ priately for abducting a child whose innocent 23, we unanimously passed a resolution con­ cause he has successfully concealed from au­ face we will never see again. We must not be demning the for their brutal vio­ thorities the whereabouts of the victim. fooled into protecting the rights of kidnapers to lence and urged President Gorbachev to im­ In recent years, we have become more and have short prison terms, when they have mediately cease the use of force against the more outraged by the increasing exploitation made a farce of children's rights to live freely. Baltic States. While I supported this resolution, and victimization of American children. Highly This is not justice; it is stupidity and it ignores in my view, the language clearly was not publicized kidnaping cases such as that of the fact that a kidnaper sentenced to 5 to 6 strong enough. There have been a number of Melissa Brannen from Virginia, have, I believe, years in prison may return to society to take worthy bills introduced in this body to require created a ripe environment for Congress to your child or mine. our Government to take swift action against mandate the U.S. Sentencing Commission to It is high time we get tougher with criminals the Soviet Union in response to the crack­ amend its existing guidelines for the offense of who harm and take our children. The price we down. I urge the various committees of juris­ kidnaping a child, when the child is not recov­ pay for short sentences, which do not deter diction over these measures to move forward ered. The sentencing guidelines must take into kidnapers nor motive them to disclose the and allow the Members of the full House the consideration the grim realities that families child's whereabouts, all allow criminals to re­ opportunity to make our voices heard on this face when a child is kidnaped, never recov­ turn to our communities, is simply too high. issue. ered, and yet there is no evidence of murder. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join There is little question that Gorbachev The reality is that the child will probably never me in supporting the Child Abductors' Manda­ planned the crackdown in the Baltic States to be seen alive again. tory Life Sentencing Act. This bill recognizes coincide with the ongoing war effort to liberal­ Mr. Speaker, this legislation is critical. the increased suffering involved in a lengthy ize Kuwait from the grasp of Iraq. However, Across the Nation, children are being sexually kidnaping or one where the child is never re­ we must not fall prey to his scheme by allow­ assaulted, murdered, and forgotten. Unfortu­ covered. It is my hope that it will further sev­ ing ourselves to become preoccupied with the nately, the press, law enforcement, politicians, eral basic purposes of criminal punishment: liberalization of Kuwait. Clearly the struggle for

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. ·~~ .... · February 21, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4179 [In millions) to provide maximum flexibility of assistance Lou has been a longtime friend and adviser type. It is to be made available in urbanized large Small Rural to me, and I am honored to have the oppor­ Fiscal UZA's UZA's areas areas of less than 200,000 population and in tunity to recognize his efforts on behalf of rural areas and the states are required to Mare Island Naval Shipyard and for making 1992 ...... $1,849 $390 $292 place particular emphasis on meeting the 1993 ...... 2,049 438 328 needs of currently unserved areas and areas Vallejo and Solano County a better place to 1994 ················ ················································ 2,247 486 365 that have lost service. work and live. I join my colleagues today in 1995 ·············································· ·················· 2,448 535 401 1996 ...... 2,657 584 438 CONCLUSION wishing Lou and his wife, Betty, a happy and This combination of significant increases fulfilling retirement. PLANNING, RESEARCH AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT in total funding, more appropriate allocation In order to link funding for planning, re­ of that increased funding and establishment search and technical support in a logical of the new Mobility Assistance Program and THE SABBATH OF REMEM­ manner to the over-all levels of Federal in­ the State Initiative Block Grant Program re­ BRANCE-SHABBATZACHOR vestment in transit, the Act provides for an sponds to basic economic and mobility needs ear-mark of 2 percent of the total FPI'A ap­ and will serve to make Federal transit in­ propriations for such programs as Section 8 vestment a more effective component of our HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY planning, Section 4(i) and 6 demonstrations, national transportation policy. OF MASSACHUSETTS and other research and technical assistance IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES activities. It further allocates 10 percent of Thursday, February 21, 1991 this ear-mark for the highly successful Rural IN HONOR OF LOU BURGELIN Transit Assistance Program (RTAP), which Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to would thus be able to expand as assistance to commemorate the anniversary of the deaths of rural areas expands. HON. VIC FAZIO OF CALIFORNIA four young Jewish women from Damascus MOBILITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who were killed trying to escape from Syria on The major program initiative of the Act is February 23, 197 4. On this important anniver­ Thursday, February 21, 1991 the creation of a special Mobility Assistance sary let us not forget that at the present time Program (MAP) designed to help public Mr. FAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 4,000 Jews in Syria are still denied fundamen­ transportation providers respond to the re­ honor Lou Burgelin, who retired last year after tal civil and human rights, including the right of quirements of the Americans with Disabil­ spending 19 years as the executive secretary ities Act of 1990 (ADA) and to secure more ef­ emigration. As Operation Desert Storm brings fective coordination of human service trans­ of the Armed Services Committee for the the United States and Syria into closer contact portation provision with public transpor­ Vallejo Chamber of Commerce. and cooperation, we must not soften our re­ tation. MAP will be allocated 10 percent of As executive secretary, Lou has worked tire­ solve that Syria must rescind its repressive the net funding available from the Mass lessly to represent the needs and concerns of policies. We must continue to speak out Transit Account (after deduction of the the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Vallejo, CA. against the gross violations of human rights amounts distributed by formula under exist­ During my 12 years in Congress, my staff and that continue to be committed by the Syrian ing law to Section 9 and Section 18 recipi­ I have worked extensively with Lou on Mare Government today. ents). Total funding for MAP will begin at Island issues. While he can be credited with $130.75 million in Fiscal 1992 and rise to $198.75 million in Fiscal199E>. many accomplishments during his tenure as Two-thirds of MAP funds will be appor­ executive secretary, Lou's successful resolu­ AMERICAN SAMOA LEGISLATURE tioned to the states and large urbanized tion of a dredging issue, crucial to the ship­ HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLU­ areas on the basis of their relative shares of yard's operations, is one of his most signifi­ TION 22--9 DECLARING AMERICAN the nation's total elderly and disabled popu­ cant achievements. SAMOA'S HEARTFELT SUPPORT lation and the remaining one-third will be Lou's involvement with Mare Island began FOR THE MEN AND WOMEN OF used to continue funding for the Section long before his appointment to the Armed THE U.S. ARMED FORCES AND 16(b)(2) program of assistance to private non­ Services Committee in 1972. After attending THEIR FAMILIES DURING THE profit agencies in meeting the special trans­ portation needs of the elderly and handi­ the University of California, Berkeley, he en­ CONFLICT IN THE PERSIAN GULF capped. The present 16(b)(2) program remains tered the Mare Island Apprentice School in the unchanged except to make it clear that leas­ marine machinist trade. Shortly after World HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMA VAEGA ing is permitted to achieve coordinated War II began, Lou was called to duty at Mare OF AMERICAN SAMOA transportation. Funds from the Section Island. In 1943, he was transferred to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 16(b)(1) program will be used to carry out Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard in San Fran­ three purposes: meeting the costs of fixed cisco. After several promotions, he eventually Thursday, February 21,1991 route vehicle accessibility required by ADA, became the acting industrial relations officer. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I want meeting the costs of establishing or expand­ ing paratransit as required by ADA, and en­ He later returned to Mare Island and contin­ to share with my colleagues the House Con­ couraging and underwriting at the state and ued to be recognized and rewarded for his current Resolution 22-9 passed by the 22d local level a formalized process of establish­ outstanding work. He subsequently became Legislature of American Samoa during its first ing coordinated transportation systems in­ the head of the production facilities and engi­ regular session. This House concurrent resolu­ volving both public transportation providers neering division in the shipyard's production tion declares American Samoa's heartfelt sup­ and human service transportation providers. department. During the 1960's, Lou conducted port for the men and women of the U.S. STATE INITIATIVE BLOCK GRANT a study for the Navy's Office of Special Armed Forces and their families during the Another new program initiative ear-marks Projects to establish a system of cost projec­ conflict in the Persian Gulf. a portion of the increased Federal invest­ tions for new construction, and he also rep­ More than 500 members of the Armed ment in public transportation for a block resented Mare Island in the naval study con­ Forces from American Samoa are presently grant to the states. Despite more than two ducted to develop long-range facilities require­ stationed in Saudi Arabia or on naval ships decades of Federal assistance, the availabil­ ity of transit resources continues to vary ments. assigned to that conflict; and the people of sharply from place to place. Half of the na­ Lou's talents have not been limited to his American Samoa, while showing deep con­ tion's rural residents remain unserved by work with Mare Island. He has given tremen­ cern for their sons and daughters, are also public transportation. The continuing de­ dously of himself to many charitable organiza­ justifiably proud of them and are continually cline in intercity bus service deepens the iso­ tions. He has been very active in the Com­ praying for their safety and well-being. lation of many persons and areas. The State bined Federal Campaign, having served as its The people of American Samoa fully sup­ Initiative Block Grant established by the first general chairman at Mare Island. He was port the determination of President Bush to Act is designed to allow the states to re­ instrumental in forming the Vallejo Naval and prosecute the war to its logical conclusion, of­ spond in a flexible manner to this situation and to other special mobility needs. Historical Museum. The Napa-Solano United fering prayers for divine guidance upon the Beginning at a S40 million level in Fiscal Way, the Vallejo Senior Citizens Council, the President at these trying moments. 1993, the Block Grant rises to $160 million in Salvation Army, and several other organiza­ Mr. Speaker, the legislature on its behalf Fiscal 1996. Funding is drawn equally from tions have all benefited from his volunteer ef­ and on behalf of the people of the territory of general funds and the Mass Transit Account forts. American Samoa declare its dedication to the

49-059 0-95 Vol. 137