ED 129 002 EC 091 208

TITLE Child . A Selective Bibliography. Exceptional Child Bibliography Series No. 601. INSTITUTION Council for Exceptional Children, Reston, Va. Information Services and Publications. SPORE AGENCY National Inst. of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 76 NOTE 24p.; For related document, see ED 102 805 AVAILABLE FROM CEC Information Services and Publications, The Council for Exceptional Children, 1920 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091 ($4.00)

EDES PRICE MF-$0.83 RC-$1.67 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Abstracts; *Annotated Bibliographies; *; Elementary secondary Education; Exceptional Child Education; Exceptional Child Research IDENTIFIERS *Neglected,Children

ABSTRACT The annotated bibliography on Child Abuse contains approximately EIO abstracts and associated indexing information for documents or journal articles published from 1968 to 1975 and selected from the computer files of the Council for Exceptional Children's Information Services and the Education Resources Information center (ERIC). It is explained that.titles were chosen in response to user requests and analysis of current trends in the field. Abstracts include bibliographic data (identification or order number, publication date, author, title, source or publisher, and availability); descriptors indicating the subject matter covered; and a summary of the document's contents. Also provided are instructions for using the bibliography, a list of journals from which articles were abstracted, and an order form for ordering microfiche or paper copies of the documents through the ERIC_Document Reproduction Service. (PM)

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A Selective Bibliography

CEC Information Services and Publications An ERIC Clearinghouse The Council for Exceptional Children 1920 Association Drive Reston, Virginia 22091

Exceptional Child Bibliography Series No. 601

The materiel in this publication was prepared pursuant to a contract with the Naticoal institute of Education. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under government sponsorship ars ancobraged to express freely their judgment In profeardonal and technical matters. Prior to pubication. Ihe manuscript was submitted to The COunell for Exceptionel.Chadren tor critical review and determination ol proles- sional competence. This publication hen met such standards. Points of vlevi or opinions, however, do not necessarily represers the official view or opinions of either The Council for Exceptional Children or Me National institute _of Education.

2 Yew


Each abstract contains three sections; bibliographic data, descriptors, and a summary of the document.

1. The bibliographic section provides:

a, document identification number (EC) b, document order number if available (ED) Documents with a six digit number after the designation ED are ERIC documents. These documents may be purchased from EDRS (see last page of bibliography for order form) if the EDRS availability listing (EDRS mf and/or hc) appears in the bibliographic section. Documents with N.A. after the designation ED are journal articles or documents from commercial publishers. They must be obtained directly from the jodinal editor, commerical publisher or source. c, title d, .author e. publication date f. source or publisher g. EDRS availability

2. Descriptors indicate the subject matter of the document.

3. The summary provides a comprehensive overview of document contents and, in ' some cases, availability is announced here.

No ERIC accession number Clearinghouse accession available; i.e., document is nu mber not available through ERIC 08 refers to volume; Portion of accession number 0056 refers to used to reference abstract in individual absuact. ABSTRACT Si indexes EC 080056 Publication date ---n.pubi, Date pet 75 ERIC acceuion number Lucille C. Use when ordering fsom Author(s)------1:-Whitehead,--Wolf, Paul C. EDRS.* The Decision to inditudonatizeRe- Tstle tarded Chiidren, Comparison of.Ina. vidually Matched Groups. ABSTRACT 34 Number of pages Mental Retardation; V13 NS P3-7 Oct EC 080034 ED 112 610 --Use when computing cost of Bibliographk Publ. Dam 73 flPIEDRS hardcopy order. (journal. publisher. mentallyHandicapped*. Brown, Jerome D.. Ed. Jscr,torv Handbook kw Hearing Canstreadan Wtitute.em) Placemene; Exceptional services and Institution(s) and/or sponsodd Child Research: Family Deci- ndng Ise, Hooting implored of activity desaibed sion Making; Name and address here Iowa Stew ;Devi. ct -Publia:.bascucion. indicate availability of the A group of 24 inditutiormlized retarded Des Wigs. . ERIC Document Reproduction_ document from this source children was individually matched on the EDRS laf*" . Service availability listing* bath of sex, socio economic statue. 10 Desciiatoiss' and American Association on Mental Guidelines*: Deficiency diagnostic category, with a pomp of 24 retarded children *Ito to. Rae .Prograliss::. mained at bome. !Lemke indicated dut Exceptiorial CItild. Descriptors and Identifier tySmondary*Ednedisin; Abstract the sex of the child and the amount of Subject terms whkh dor- disruption perceived by the family as state Departmeats of sciatic content caused by the child. are significant fo4. Terms marked * are majot tenni and appear as tors in determining the course of institu- Presented by the- tionalization. (Author) headings In the subject Public- Instructioti:eisCoaisiesidations index. for comptehensivebaring ionseivation servicesand educational' programing for hearing impaired (113)mils. Part I cons- istsof lavesRules eiSpecid Education which are arranged under -10 "(Wows: authoritY; ;COM Sawa'111614116:8 and (abstract material deleted . reps-ding audionaldc symbols, iden- here for sample) . . . tificationaudiometry,andaudiology programs in educationd settings for RI childien. (Ls) Abstractor's initials 3 CEC Information Center Journal Collection

The CEC Information Center regularly receives more than 200 journals-which ire examined for material concerning exceptional children. Articles judged to meet extahlished Criteria are abstracted, indexed and published in Exceprional Child &Manion ,4 kiwis (ECE.01), Some of these articles are indexed and submitted also for announcement in currestr Index to Journals in Education /CUE), an Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) publication, The following list {current May 1976) is represenrabie of journals currently received.

*Academic Therapy. 1539 Founh Street, San British Journal of Physical Education, Ling *Education of the Visually Handicapped, 919 Rafael, California 94901 House, 10 Nottingham Place, London W1M WalnutSt.FourthFloor,Philadelphia, ACI'A Symbolica,Universityof Akron, 4 AX, England Pennsylvania 19107 Akron, Ohio 44304 Bulletin of the Orton Society, 8415 Bel- Educational & Psychological Measurement, Adolescence, PO Box, 165,391 Willer% lona Lane. Suite 204, Towson, Maryland Box 6907, College Station, Durham, North Road, Roslyn Heights. New York 11577 20402 , Carolina 277 08 Americak Annals of the Deaf, 5034 Wiscon-. Bulletin of Prosthetics Research, US Gov- Educational Forum, 34 3 Armory Building, "sin Avenue NW, Washington DC 20016 ernment Printing Office, Washington DC University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois 20402 618 20 American Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington DC 20202 *Bureau Memorandum, 1 26 Langdon Street, Educational Horizons, 2000 East 8th Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53702 Bloomington, Indiana 47401 American EducationalResearch Journal, 11 26I 6thStreet NW, Washington DC Educational Leadership, 1201 16th Street CSMR Bulletin. 345 Campus Towers, Ed- NW, Washington DC 20036 200 36 monton, Alberta, Canada Educational Researcher, 1126 16th Street American Journal of Art Therapy. 6010 Canada's Mental Health, Information Can- Broad Branch Road, Washington DC 20015 NW, Washington DC 20036 ada, Ottawa K I A 0S9, Canada . American Foundation forthe Blind Re- Educational Technology, 140 Sylvan Ave- CEDR Quarterly, Phi Delta Kappa, PO Box nue; Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 search Bulletin, 15 West 16th Street, New 789, Bloomington, Indiana 47401 York, New York 10011 Elementary School Journal, 5801 Ellis Ave- "American Journal of Diseases of Children, ChildCareQuarterly,2852Broadway, nue. Chicago, Illinois 60637 Morningside Heights, New York 10025 535 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois English Journal, 1111 Kenyon Road, Ur- 60610 Child Development, 5750EllisAvenue, bana, Illinois 61801 Chicago, Illinois 60637 *American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 49 *ExceptionalChildren,1920Association "Sheridan Avenue, Albany. New WO 12210 "Child Psychiatry & Human Development, "Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091 American Journal of Nursing, 10 Columbus 2852 Broadway, Morningside Heights, New York I 0025 *Exceptional Parent, 264 Beacon Street, Bos- Circle, New York, New York 10019 ton, Massachusetts 02116 "American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Child Welfare, 67 Irving Place, New York, 6000 Executive BOulevard, Suite 200, Rock- New York 10003 Family Involvement. Cansdian Education ville, Maryland 20852 ChildhoodEducation, 361 5 Wisconsin Programs, 41- -Madison Avenue, Toronto, *American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 1790 Avenue NW, Washington DC 2001 6 Ontario M5R 2S2, Canada "Broadway, New York, New York 10019 Children Today, US Government Printing Focus on Exceptional Children, 6635 East Archives of Otolaryngology, 535 North Office, Washington DC 20402 Vinanova Place, Denver, Colorado 80222 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610. Children's House, Box I l 1, Caldwell, New *Gifted Child .Quarterly, 80 80 Springvalley Arithmetic Teacher, 1 201 16th Street NW, Jersey 07006 Drive, Gncinnati, Ohio 45236 Washington DC 20036 Colorado Journal of Educational Research, ASHA, 9030 Old Georgetown Road, Wash- University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Harvard Educational Review. 23 South Main ington DC 20014 Colorado 80631 Street, Uxbridge, Maisachnietts 02138 Audecibel,24261 GrandRiver Avenue, CommunicationEd ucation(formerly Hearing, 105 Gower Street. London WC1E Detroit, Michigan 48219 Speech Teacher) Speech Communication 6AH, England StotlerHiltonHotel, New Auditory & Hearing Education, 15300 Ven- Association, *Hearing & Speech Action, 814 Thayer Ave- York, New York 10001 tura Boulevard, Suite 301, Sherman Oaks, nue, Sliver Spring, Maryland 20910 California 91403 Compact, 300 Lincoln Tower, 1860 Lincoln Hearing Rehabilitation Quarterly, New York Audiovisual Instruction, 1201 16th Street Street, Denver, Colorado 80 203 League for the Hard of Hearing, 71 W. 23rd NW, Washington, DC 20036 Day Care & Early Education, 2852 Broad- Street, New York, New York 10010 AustralianChildrenLimited,Box91, way, New York, New York 100 25 Human Behavior, PO Box 2810, Boulder, Brighton 5048, South Australia Deaf American, 5125 Radnor Road, Indian- Colorado 8030 2 *Australian Journal of Mental Retardation, apolis, Indiana 46226 Humanist. 923 Kensington Ave., .Buffalo, "P,O. Box 255. Carlton, South Victoria De f icience Mentale/MentalRetardation, New York 14215 3053, Australia York University, 4700 Keele Street, Downs- Illinois Schools Journal. 6800 South Stew- AVISO, Newark State College, Union, New view, Ontario M3I 1P3, Canada art Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60621 lersey 07083 Developmental Medicine and Chlid Neurol- ogy. Spastic International Medical Publics- Indiana Speech & Hearing Journil, Ball "Behavior Therapy. 1 1 I Fifth Avenue, New lions, 20-22 Mortimer Street, London WIN Stite University. Muncie, Indiana 47306 York, New York 10003 7RD, England Instructor, PO Box 6099, Duluth, Minne- Behavior Today, Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., Devereux Forum, 19 South Waterloo Road, sota 55806 115615thStreet NW, Washington DC Devon, Pennsylvania 19333 Inter-Clinic Information Bulletin. 317 East 20036 DSH 'Abstracts, Gallaudet College, Washing- 34th Street, New York, New York 10016 ton, DC 20001 International Child Welfare Review, I Rue Behavioral Disorders, Council for Children De Varembe, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland xith Behavior Disorders, Indiana University, Dyslexia Review, The Dyslexia Institute, Bloomington, Indiana 47 401 133 Gresham Road, Staines, TW18 International Journal of Child Psychiatry, England Verlag 10, Basel 1 3, Switzerland British Journal of Disorders of Communica- tion, 4 345 Annandale Street, Edinburgh Education and Training of the Mentally InternationalRehabilitation Review, 219 ER7 4 AT, Scotland "Retarded, 1920 Association Drive, Reston, East 44th Street, New. York, New York British Journal of Mental Subnormalily, Virginia 22091 10017 Monyhull Hospital, Birmingham 1330 3QB, Education Digest, PO 13ox 623i 416 Long- bwolvement, PO Box 460, Oak Ridges, England shore Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107 Ontario, Canada *denotes journals monitored for CIJE. "denotes copyrighted journals for which ECEA has been granted permission to use author abstracts. 4 Journal for Special Educators of the Men- Journal of Rehabilitation of the Deaf, 814 Psychology Today, POIlu!ç 2990. Boulder, tally Retarded, 171, Center Conway, New 12r9oylerAvenue. Silver Spring, Maryland Colorado 803(12 Hampshire 0381 3 *Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Journal of School Health, American School Quarterly Journal of Speech, Speedi Com- "Plenum Publishing Corp., 227 W. 17th Walt h Association, Kent, Ohio 44 240 munication Assoviatiom Stades Hilton lintel, New York...New York 10001 Street, New York. New York 10011 "Journal of School Psychology, 51 Riverside **Journal of Abnormal Psychology.1200 Avenue. West port. Conned/cal 068130 Reading Research Quarterly, 6 1) iv Ave- 17th Street NW. Washington DC 20036 *Journal of Special Education, Game and nue, Newark, Delaware 19711

'Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Unl- "Stratton, 11 1 1-ifthAvenue, New Ylla, Reading Teacher, ti Tyre Asenue, Newaik. **vcrsity of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas 66044 New York 10003 1)elaware 19711 Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counsel- 'Journal of Speech &Hearing Disorders, RehabilitationDigest, One Yougc Street, log, 1522 K Street NW, Wathington DC 9030 Old GeorgetownRoad, Washington, Suite 2110, Toronto Ontario M5FI ER, 20005 DC 20014 Canada Journal of Association for Study of Percep- 'Journal of Speech &Hearing Research, Rehabilitation Gazette, 450 2 Maryland Ave- tion, PO Box 744, De Kalb. Illinois 60115 "9030 Old Georgeto am Road, Washingtoo nue, St, Louis, Missond 63108 `Journal of Autism & Childhood Schirophre- DC 20014 'Rehabilitation Literature, 2023 West Ogden *nia, Plenum Publishing Corp., 227 W. 17th Journal of Teacher Education, One Dupont "Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60612 Street, New York, New York 10011 Circle, Washington DC 20036 RehabilitationTeacher,88St.Stephen Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Perpmon Press. Elmelord, New York 10523 *Language Speech & Hearing Servicesin Schools, 9030 Old Georgetown Road, Wash- Remedial Education, 5 Netherlee Street, Journal of flinical Child Psychology, Ill ington DC 29014 Glen Iris, Victoria 3146, Australia South *routes: Avenue, No, 208, St. Louis, PerkinsSchool forthcBlind. Review of Educational Research, 1126 16th Missouri 63105 Lantern, Watertown, Massachuset ts 02172 Street NW, Washington, DC 20036 Journal of Communication Disorders, Amer- Learning, 530 University Avenue, Palo Alto. ican Elsevier Publishing Co., 52 Vanderbilt "Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Med- California 94301 Avenue, New York, New York 10014 icine, Gamla Brogatan 26, Box 62, S-101 20 Journal of Community Health, Human Sci- MathematicsTeacher,1906Association Stockholm 1, Sweden ences -Press, 72 Fifth Avenue. New York, Drive, Reston. Virginia 22091 Schizophrenia Bulletin, 5600 Fishers Lane. Nese York 1 0014 Rockville, Iftryland 20852 Mental Retardation, 5201 Connecticut A 1/t: .- "Journal of Consithing & Clinical Psychol- " nee NW, Washington DC 20015 School Media Quarterly, 1201-1205 Bluff ogy. 1200 17111 Street NW, Washington DC Merrill Palmer Quarterly. 71East Ferry Street, Fulton, Missouri 65251 2oO36 Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48202 'Sight Saving Review, 79 Madison Avenue, Journal of Creative RehaViOr, 1.300 Elm- Momentum, 350, One Dupont Circle, Waji- New York, New York 10016 wood A senoe, floffaio, New York 142 22 intnon DC 20036 Sign Language Studies. Linstoek Press, 9306 JournalorDevelopmental Disabilities, PO MintwoodSt..Silver:-.pring,Maryland do% 8410, Gentilly Station, New Orleans, Music Educators Journal, 1902 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091 20901 Louisiana 70182 'Slow Learning Child, St,Lucia, Brisbane Journal of Education, Department of Edu- NASSP Bulletin, 1904 Assocbttion Drive, 4067, Australia cation, Halifax, Nova Scotia Reston,-Virginia 22091 "Social Work, 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany. "Journal of Educational Psychology, 1200 National Elementary Principal, 1801 North New York 12210 17th Slicer NW, Washington DC 20036 Moore Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209 Southern Journal of Educational Research, "Journal of Educational Research, Box 1605, The New Beaoon,224 GreatPortland Box 107, Southern Station, Hattiesburg. Madison. Wisconsin 53701 Street, London WIN/AA, England Mississippi 39401 Journal of General Education, 215 Wagner *New Outlook for the Blind, 15 West 16th Special Children, American Association of Building,University Park.Pennsylvania Street, New York, New York 10011 . Special ..Educators,._107,20 __I 25th Street, 16802 Notre Dame Journal of Elucation, PO Box New York, New York 11419* 'Journal of Learning Disabitities, 5 North 686, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 *Special Education: Forward Trends, Na- **Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60602 Nursing Outlook, 10 Columbus Circle, New tional Council for Special Education, 12 Journal of Marriage & the Family. 1219 York, New York 10019 Hollycroft Avenue, London NW3 7QL, Eng- University Avenue SE, Minneapolis, Minne- land sota 55414 Optometric Weekly, 5 North Wabash Ave- Special Education in Canada, Parkway V S, *Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, 86 nue, Chicago, Illinois 60602 IDanforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Newman. Street, London WIP 4 AR, Eng- Parents Voice, Journal of the National Canada land Society of Mentally Handicapped Children, Speech Monographs. Speech Communica- Journal of Music Therapy, Box 610, Law- Pembridge Square, London W2 4EP, Eng- tion Association, Stetter Hilton Hotel, New rence, Karina 66044 land York, New York 10001 Journal of Nigro Education, Howard Uni.. Peabody Journal of Education, George Pea- versity, Washington DC 20001 body College for Teachers, Nashville, Ten- Teacher, 22 West Putnam Avenue, Green. nessee 37203 **Journal of Neraaus & Mental Disease, 428 wich, Connecticut 06830 East Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 'Peditttrics, PO Box 1034 Evanston, Illinois Teacher of the Blind, Royal School for the 21201 "60204 Mind, Church Road North, %vertigo. Liv- "Pommel & Guidance Journal, 1607 New erpool 1.156TQ, England 'Journal of Pediatrics, 11830 Westline Indus- Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington DC- Teacher of the 'Deaf, 50 Topsham Road trial Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63141 20009 Exeter EX2 4NF, England "'Journal of Personality Assessment. 1070 Phi Delta Kappan, 8th & Union Streete; Teachers Colle