New City Jewish Center October 2020

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A Look Inside Life & Legacy ...... 9‐10 NCJC Kadima/USY ...... 17‐23 Religious Services ...... 2 Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah ...... 11 Torah Fund ...... 25 Calendar of Events ...... 3 Sisterhood Virtual Cookbook ...... 12 Men’s Club / Football Pool / Allstars .... 29‐30 Message from Rabbi Graber ...... 4‐5 Black Out Sukkah Fest ...... 13 Sisterhood / Gi Shop / Stars ...... 31‐32 Message from Pres. Mike Backelman ...... 6 J. Harold Nissen Awards Recepon ...... 14 Tributes & Donaons ...... 33‐34 Hebrew School News ...... 7‐8 ECC Events ...... 15


Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservave , The deadline for November Women’s League for Conservave Judaism, Federaon of is October 21, as always Jewish Men’s Clubs and United Synagogue Youth and Kadima. arcles can be early. Office: [email protected] Beatrice L. Snyder Reading Room: [email protected] As always, Hakol welcomes items Senior Rabbi from members of the congregaon I. Berkman ...... [email protected] and synagogue affiliates. All publicity Rabbi must be sent by email to the office Rabbi Daniel Graber ...... [email protected] and the editor. Please do not send Rabbi Emeritus Cantor Emeritus original photographs. This allows for Rabbi Henry A. Sosland (z"l) Cantor Hal Riin higher quality when printed. Execuve Director Jessica Trokel ...... [email protected] Editor: Robbin Sicherman Youth & Adult Educaon Director Email: [email protected] Lynne Diwinsky ...... 845‐638‐9600 ext. 115, [email protected] Please put “Hakol” in subject line of all emails Hebrew School Rabbi Allison Berlinger ... 845‐638‐9600 ext. 110, [email protected] SERVICES Director of Youth and Family Programming Lara Epstein ...... 845‐638‐9600 ext. 116, [email protected] Shabbat Early Childhood Director Jackie Binstock ...... 845‐638‐9600 ext. 117, [email protected] Friday evening 6:00 pm (see President or Friday Email for Zoom Link)

Mike Backelman ...... 845‐639‐6241 Saturday – Havdalah (see Execuve Vice‐President or Friday Email for Zoom Link) Harry Baker ...... 845‐638‐2361 Administrave Vice‐President TBD Daily Prayer Services Financial Vice‐President (see or Friday Ian Boschen ...... 516‐835‐8508 Email for Zoom Link) Membership Vice‐President Jocelyn Feuerstein ...... 914‐450‐4158 Sunday ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 8:30 am ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 7:30 pm Comptroller Monday ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 8:30 am ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 7:30 pm TBD Tuesday ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 8:30 am ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 7:30 pm Recording Secretary Andrew Alper ...... 845‐638‐4634 Wednesday ‐‐‐‐‐‐ 8:30 am ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 7:30 pm Corresponding Secretary Thursday ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 8:30 am ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 7:30 pm Jeffrey Degen ...... 845‐709‐6247 Friday ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 8:30 am ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 6:00 pm Chairperson of the Board of Educaon Janna Goodman ...... 845‐323‐8534 Sisterhood Co‐Presidents Gabrielle Haber ...... 914‐772‐2141 Jenn Litvak ...... 845‐243‐3104 Men’s Club President Eric Litvak ...... 845‐327‐0090 Hazak President Steve Shear ...... 845‐300‐5117 Fundraising Vice‐President Don Arnstein ...... 914‐481‐7154 Synagogue Telephone: 845‐638‐9600 Programming Vice‐President Sheila Offman Gersh...... 914‐772‐0173 Web: hp:// Email: [email protected] 2

LUACH Thursday, October 1, 2020 Sunday, October 11, 2020 Friday, October 23, 2020 Morning Services: 8:30 am Simchat Torah SHAYE HEILBRONN Evening Services: 7:30 pm Shacharit (Hakafot): 10:00 am Morning Services: 8:30 am Mincha/Ma’ariv: 6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:00 pm Friday, October 2, 2020 Holiday Ends: 7:02 pm Candle Lighng: 5:44 pm Erev Sukkot Bat Mitzvah of Shane Heilbronn: 8:00 pm Morning Services: 8:30 am Monday, October 12, 2020 Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:00 pm Morning Services: 8:30 am Saturday, October 24, 2020 Candle Lighng: 6:16 pm Evening Service: 7:30 pm Parashat SEAN HALPERT Saturday, October 3, 2020 Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Morning Services: 10:00 am Sukkot I Morning Services: 8:30 am Mincha/Ma’ariv: 5:16 pm Shacharit: 10:00 am Evening Service: 7:30 pm Mincha/Ma’ariv: 6:30 pm Sunday, October 25, 2020 Candle Lighng aer: 7:14 pm Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Yom HaAliyah Morning Services: 8:30 am Morning Services: 8:30 am Sunday, October 4, 2020 Evening Services: 7:30 pm Evening Services: 7:30 pm Sukkot II Shacharit: 10:00 am Thursday, October 15, 2020 Monday, October 26, 2020 Mincha/Ma’ariv: 6:45 pm Morning Services: 8:30 am Morning Services: 8:30 am End of Yom Tov: 7:13 pm Evening Services: 7:30 pm Evening Services: 7:30 pm

Monday, October 5, 2020 Friday, October 16, 2020 Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Sukkot III (Chol Hamoed Sukkot) Morning Services: 8:30 am Morning Services: 8:30 am Morning Services: 8:30 am Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:00 pm Evening Services: 7:30 pm Evening Services: 7:30 pm Candle Lighng: 5:54 pm Wednesday, October 28, 2020 Tuesday, October 6, 2020 Saturday, October 17, 2020 Morning Services: 8:30 am Sukkot IV (Chol Hamoed Sukkot) Parashat Bereshit Evening Services: 7:30 pm Morning Services: 8:30 am SAMANTHA HELMAN Evening Services: 7:30 pm Morning Services: 10:00 am Thursday, October 29, 2020 Mincha/Ma’ariv: 5:26 pm Morning Services: 8:30 am Wednesday, October 7, 2020 Evening Services: 7:30 pm Sukkot V (Chol Hamoed Sukkot) Sunday, October 18, 2020 Morning Services: 8:30 am Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Friday, October 30, 2020 Evening Services: 7:30 pm Morning Services: 8:30 am Morning Services: 8:30 am Evening Services: 7:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:00 pm Thursday, October 8, 2020 Candle Lighng: 5:35 pm Sukkot VI (Chol Hamoed Sukkot) Monday, October 19, 2020 Morning Services: 8:30 am Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Saturday, October 31, 2020 Evening Services: 7:30 pm Morning Services: 8:30 am Parashat Lech Lecha Evening Services: 7:30 pm Morning Services: 10:00 am Friday, October 9, 2020 Mincha/Ma’ariv: 5:05 pm Hoshanah Rabbahh/Erev Shemini Atzret Tuesday, October 20, 2020 Shacharit: 8:30 am Morning Services: 8:30 am Mincha/Ma’ariv: 6:00 pm Evening Services: 7:30 pm Candle Lighng: 6:06 pm Wednesday, October 21, 2020 Saturday, October 10, 2020 Morning Services: 8:30 am Shemini Atzret/Erev Simchat Torah Evening Services: 7:30 pm Shacharit (Yizkor is said): 10:00 am Mincha/Ma’ariv/Hakafot: 6:45 pm Thursday, October 22, 2020 Candle Lighng aer: 7:03 pm Morning Services: 8:30 am Evening Services: 7:30 pm 3


Shalom my NCJC family,

This October we will celebrate Sukkot, a fesval which is full of joy following the more austere Yom Kippur. I’ve always appreciated the stark juxtaposion of these two holidays, as they take very different approaches to the same concept of the fragility and uncertainty of life.

On Yom Kippur we dwell on the gravity of life’s brief and unknowable nature. We spend the day disconnected from physical needs, like food, and focus on our spirits. By contrast, on Sukkot we build ramshackle huts and dwell outside, acknowledging that everything, even our permanent homes, are temporary. And since everything is temporary, we celebrate what we have with joy and gratude, and sharing what we have by inving guests (in non‐pandemic years). We end the week with Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, tying our mortal existence to the eternal holiness of God and Torah.

Many people who build their own sukkah further connect these holidays by immediately beginning to build their sukkah when Yom Kippur ends. Some people hammer in their first nail. I myself begin this process each year by carrying the poles, which hold up my sukkah, out of my garage and out to my yard.

This pracce stems from the ancient maxim “Mitzvah haba’ah l’yadecha al tachamitzehnah” ‐ “If an opportunity to do a mitzvah presents itself, do not be slow in performing it”. When we have the opportunity for a mitzvah we should take it! Who knows when we will have this opportunity again.

This is the unified message of our Chagim. We have seen in the past year with great clarity and oen sorrow that life is uncertain. We should take every opportunity to grow as individuals, to enjoy the blessings we have, and to be connected to the people we love.

This Sukkot, may we all see the abundance of Hashem’s blessings and be filled with joy.

B’simcha, Rabbi Daniel Graber


All events will be outdoors in the Sukkah. Contact [email protected] for more details



Shortly before I became President, one of our congregants (who happens to be a Past President) asked me what we were going to do about dues and school tuion for the upcoming year. She expressed the concern that many families were struggling financially due to the pandemic, and that what we decide to do may have an effect on whether they would be able to afford to remain members. Her advice to me was very simple – she said “take the high road.”

Financially speaking, this was easy to understand. And something that we have always done here at NCJC. We have had a long‐standing policy of not leng financial issues get in the way of someone being an acve member of our community. This has not changed, and anyone who is faced with financial issues should not hesitate to contact the office. Rest assured that your conversaons will be kept completely confidenal.

But I believe that “taking the high road” means more than helping members out financially. It means showing compassion when dealing with employees who rely on their jobs at NCJC to provide for their families. It means pung yourself in the shoes of parents who want to send their kids to Hebrew school, but don’t think they can subject their kids to addional screen me aer being at “virtual public school” all day long. It means understanding what B’nei Mitzvah families are going through when they try to schedule, and then reschedule, their B’nei Mitzvah dates so they can have their families and friends aend safely, only to be told that there is a limited numbers of guests allowed. In short, it means showing empathy for all the members of our community.

And so, through the hard work of Jessica Trokel, Mike Satran, and Ron Arfin we were able to procure PPP loans (which we expect will be forgiven) in order to help us keep our employees on payroll. Rabbi Berlinger, Janna Goodman and our Board of Ed have been working relessly with Hebrew school families to sasfy the educaonal needs of their children. And thanks to Rabbi Berkman, Rabbi Graber, Lynne Diwinsky and Jessica Trokel for teaching our B’nei Mitzvah students and coordinang so many details to help make their simchas as joyful as possible.

Granted, it is easier to “take the high road” when you have the finances to back it up. And as much as we’d like to, we can’t spend money that we don’t have. But through the generosity of so many congregants stepping up to help out financially, we have “taken the high road,” and through your connued generosity, I expect that we will stay on this road for a long me to come. It’s one of the things that makes me so proud to be a part of the NCJC community.

I wish you and your families all a Chag Sukkot Sameach!




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What does it mean to be a part of a “caring community” and how can we create this type of community within our synagogue? In responding to these quesons, the Gemilut Chesed Commiee is pleased to be launching a new response team called the “Chesed Callers”. Our Chesed Callers are a group of people who make phone calls with compassion and love for those members of our congregaon who could use a lile kindness.

If you, yourself, would benefit from the helping hands of our team, or know someone else who would, please be in touch with us! We thank you, in advance, for the opportunity to do such an important mitzvah!!

You can reach us at NCJC ‐ Chesed Callers ‐ 845‐638‐9600



ECC EVENTS by Jackie Binstock, Director

As school began several weeks ago, one of the teachers was reading a book about starng school to her four‐year‐old class. They were listening aenvely, but one lile girl was frowning. “What’s wrong?”, the teacher asked the child. The child pointed at the picture in the book and said: “The children aren’t wearing masks! Why aren’t they wearing masks?” This is not an apocryphal story – it is absolutely true. And it is heartbreaking. Our children have become so used to the strictures of living in a COVID‐19 world, that “normal” is not normal anymore.

Yet we plow on, acng like everything is ok. And in reality, it is. The children are playing and learning as they always do, doing all those important things that make pre‐school so important – learning to get along with one another, learning to cooperate and compromise, learning to stand up for oneself. They are laughing and running and shoung and imagining and creang as they always do, albeit with masks and temperature taking and being at outside tables instead of inside. They are silly and funny and sincere and loving, because they are kids and kids are amazingly resilient.

We have an incredible responsibility to keep them safe, and yet to create an atmosphere where they can thrive and grow. It means liming exposure to outside people as much as we can and to keep the children in their pods as much as we can. It means figuring out ways to enhance our programs and do what we know is best for them educaonally while sll protecng them physically. It means washing hands oen and disinfecng frequently. And it means doing it without inslling fear or allowing them to see the weight that this burden puts on us. It means laughing and singing and playing with them as we always do, and making this new normal, normal.

I oen worry and wonder about the long‐term effects of this pandemic on the children’s social and emoonal growth. In a year, will they sll be wary of someone with a naked face? Will they hug freely and hold hands without thinking about it? And I am deeply saddened at the cost of being safe and healthy, not only for the children, but for everyone. Will we, as adults, ever be the same? As we begin a New Year, let us hope for health, and for the joy and resiliency of childhood for us all.



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If you don't see this in your in‐box weekly please log on to NCJC's website (, scroll down about half‐way, and on the le side of the page click on "Join our Email List", and complete the required informaon. Ensure you join the “General Interest” email list. Please enot that we are not able to subscribe you; you must do this yourself. There are known issues with addresses. If you have both an aol and another email address we strongly suggest you subscribe with other than an aol address. If you have a problem please call the office at 638‐9600.


Unfortunately, some of our “seudonians” are leaving for warmer southern climates. We need help preparing and shopping. Can you share some of your me and help us out? Please call the office and leave your name and number. IT WOULD BE A MITZVAH!

Thank you ‐ The Seudah Commiee



What is blue and white and NOW, green all over? NCJC is!

Help us recycle by putting your paper and plastic bottles in the proper containers.


The rabbis, the cantor, and your congregaonal family want to know about your simchas, as well as, sad events.

Has someone: had a baby ‐ become engaged or geng married ‐ taken ill ‐ passed away

Please call the synagogue office at 845‐638‐9600 or email at [email protected].


“It is an ancient Jewish custom to purchase a gravesite during one’s lifeme and to own it outright prior to burial. The Bible states explicitly that Abraham brought a grave for Sarah. Likewise, Joseph was buried in the family plot that his father Jacob had acquired in the city of Shechem”. (from the Jewish Way in Death and Mourning by Maurice Lamm)

Have you put off arranging your final resng place because you just don’t want to deal with the details? Allow us to assist you making this an easy process with minimal hassle. New City Jewish Center currently has numerous plots avail‐ able for purchase at Gates of Cemetery located at 670 Saddle River Road in Monsey. Addionally, in comparison to other area cemeteries the cost is more reasonable and the check is made payable to NCJC.

For further details or to make an appointment to schedule a personal tour of available plots please call our cemetery chairperson Jay Shaffer at 845‐634‐5697.



Why was this New Year different than all other New Year's? Well we all know the answer, and while we will miss what used to be and those who are no longer here, we persevere and look for the bright spots. The High Holidays were virtual for most which was a disconnect from our Synagogue friends, and perhaps those we see once a year for their return to NCJC. However, it also provided more me with family, so it was worse in some regards, but beer in others.

As the NBA and MLB begin to wind down their seasons without fans in the stands, the availability of more games to watch allowed people to view teams they may not normally watch. Football has started again with some fans allowed in the stands, but the viewing experience for TV viewers has roughly been the same. Our Pools are back, so good luck to all those who are playing, and enjoy the fun compeon.

Sukkot is upon us and the Sukkah has never been used as much as it has this year with Nursery School Students holding class, Teens having High Holiday Services, and future use. Thank you to those who helped to set the Sukkah up, either the build or decoraon.

So, while this New Year is different, hopefully, we have been able to adjust to this new way of life, and within this New Year, a safe, effecve vaccine will be found, the flu season like in South America will be less impacul, and we will be able to have a semblance of a return to normalcy next year.

L'Shana Tovah!


New City Jewish Center Men’s Club 2020 Football Pool

Prizes Weekly nd rd High $150 2 High $75 3 High $50 Low $25

Donaon $36

You will be registered for all 17 weeks of the season.

Tickets are being emailed directly to you. When you get your cket follow the link, you will be taken to a page where you register and pay by credit card.

If you want addional ckets click on the addional cket buon, indicate how many. The addional ckets will be sent to the email address where you received your cket.

Proceeds from the Football Pool supports our synagogue youth and our congregaon.




Hello, Happy Sukkot and Simchat Torah! We are so excited about some of our upcoming events. Please join us: Friday, October 9th – Shabbat to Go (deadline Wednesday 10/7) Here is the link to order: hp:// Sunday, November 1st – Deadline for Virtual Cookbook Submission Thursday, November 12th – Paid Up Membership Do you have an idea for an event you would like to organize as part of Sisterhood? Email us at [email protected].

Sisterhood Gi Shop Item of the Month:

Blessing for the Home Original price $150... now $75 for this item

Please email [email protected] if you’re interested.



TRIBUTES AND DONATIONS YAHRZEIT AND YIZKOR Bonnie Negrin in memory of Zelda Heller Rochelle Bass in memory of William Morra Cynthia Bessel to wish Greg Gang a Refuah Schleimah Ruth Bla in memory of Abraham Tucker Judie Chessin in memory of Janice Weisman In memory of Frieda Tucker Caryn Ast in memory of Stacey Dentz In memory of Julia Bla Susan & Jake Kohenak in memory of Eliza Kohen RABBI BERKMAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Ken Salomon in memory of Sam Schulman Barbara & Jack Schreiber – Donaon Marsha & Warren Sherman in memory of Susan Fishman Linda & Daniel Lehrfeld in memory of Eric Lehrfeld Susan & Lee Krochmal in memory of Hinda Schaffer In memory of Samuel Lehrfeld Miriam & Mordechai Golan in memory of Rachel Goldenberg In memory of Mona Lehrfeld Rosalie & Alvin Bomzer in memory of Paul Bomzer In memory of Rachel Lehrfeld Marilyn Silberglied in memory of Robert Silberglied In memory of Morris Unger Vivian & Ellis Reemer in memory of Sarah Reemer In memory of Theodora Unger Roberta & Mark Aaronson in memory of Jerry Magdoff Barbara Adelson in memory of Sam Adelson Beth & Gary in memory of Bernard Israel eLois & Ab Sassoon in memory of Sally Sassoon Esther Birnbaum in memory of Seymour Birnbaum In memory of Sophie Plavin In memory of Larry Birnbaum Barbara & Stuart Schrager in memory of Stacey Dentz Adrienne Fletcher in memory of Michael Fletcher Seymour Zucker in memory of Leonard Plotch Sylvia Goldberg in memory of Esther Farber In memory of Joel Samson Susan & Marn Scherr in memory of Esther Harris In memory of Stacey Dentz Susanne Kolodny in memory of Sadie Kolodny In memory of Seymour Zucker Cindy Fleisher in memory of Richard Fleisher In memory of Alice Moskowitz Joyce & Myron Rogow in memory of Sara Black In memory of Yea Zucker Dale & Murray Skala in memory of Willi Skala In memory of Ruth Evans Sheryl & Neal Blackstein in memory of Hyman Friedheim In memory of David Zucker Eleanor & Jeffrey Schwartz in memory of Helen Kemp Marvin Baum in memory of William Deutsch Eileen & Michael Sokoloff in memory of Sam Sokoloff Linda & Steven Shulner in honor of Shira Berkman’s marriage Beverly & Hilton Kaufman in memory of Abraham Kaufman to Elad Sadot Arlene & Harvey Lander in memory of Stacey Dentz Janet & Melvin Borg in honor of Shira Berkman’s marriage to Linda & Robert Feld in memory of Hyman Feld tElad Sado Beverly & Harold Frisch in memory of Gertrude Wolince Audrey & David Worman in honor of Shira Berkman’s Eileen Goldbla in memory of Florence Goldbla marriage to Elad Sadot Sheryl & Lawrence Kamenetsky in memory of Miriam Gold Arlene & Fred Sandner in honor of Shira Berkman’s marriage In memory of Claire Kamenetsky to Elad Sadot Rochelle & William Greenberg in memory of Irving Greenberg Joan & Stuart Kaye in honor of Shira Berkman’s marriage to Robin & Gerald Goldsmith in memory of Sara Morvay Elad Sadot Sharon & Paul Greenblath in memory of Benjamin Greenblath In memory of Stacey Ast Dentz Judy & David Malina in memory of Blanka Ruth Linda Masia to wish Rabbi David & Carol King Berkman Mazel Marsha Stern in memory of Al Binder Tov on Shira & Elad’s wedding Sandra Staub in memory of George Friedman Northeast Orthopedics & Sports Medicine in memory of David In memory of Jerry Staub Londin Ann Letzter in honor of Shira Berkman’s marriage to Elad GENERAL DONATIONS Sadot E. Louise McIver in memory of Stacey Dentz Marla & Steven Halle in honor of Shira Berkman’s marriage to Cathy & Bert Distelburger in memory of Stacey Dentz Elad Sadot Rochelle & Paul Brief in memory of Stacey Dentz Debbie & Jerry Sholtz ‐ New City Jewish Center will always In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Ruby Friedman remain in our hearts and minds Fran Fink in memory of Stacey Dentz Marilyn Silberglied in memory of Stacey Dentz RABBI GRABER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Cheryl d& Alfre Schloss in memory of Stacey Dentz Ronnie Drachman – Donaon Nancy Goodman in memory of Stacey Dentz The Kolodny Family in memory of Stacey Dentz ALIZA CAPLAN PLAYGROUND FUND Roberta & Stanley Ast in memory of Stacey Dentz Caren & Murray Caplan to wish Mazel Tov to Ruby Friedman Shari Berk in memory of Stacey Dentz on her Bat Mitzvah and Yasher Koach on leading the Susan & Arnold Garelick in memory of Stacey Dentz service In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Ruby Friedman 33

TRIBUTES AND DONATIONS FRIEDA & MAX BERKOWITZ MEMORIAL FUND STAY AND PRAY FROM HOME FUND Linda & Ronnie Bing in honor of the marriage of Shira Arnold & Esther Tanowitz in honor of the marriage of Cheryl & Berkman to Elad Sadot Jared Feldesman David & Elaine Kanef – donaon HEBREW SCHOOL Alan Moskin – donaon Arleen & Ken Bernstein in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Ruby Friedman THE TARSON/NADEL FUND

MAZEL TOV FUND TED LEVINE MEMORIAL FUND Beth & Gary Israel in honor of the marriage of Alyce Nora & Norman Levine in honor of our new grandson, & Michael Ki’s son Nate to Christen Jack Jeff Levine Vivian & Ellis Reemer in honor of Shira Berkman’s marriage to In honor of Rabbi Berkman Elad Sadot In honor of Rabbi Graber Amy Schwartz in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Shane Ripps In honor of Shira & Elad’s marriage In memory of Arthur Levine MERLE & BYRON ZABUSKY SELICHOT FUND In memory of Charloe & Ted Levine Gerri & Allen Zabusky in memory of Jack Zabusky In memory of Miriam s& Loui Ekhaus In memory of Harriet Zabusky In memory of Helen Gelb Libby Harwitz in memory of Merle Zabusky Alex & Evan Levine in honor of the birth of our son, In memory of Byron Zabusky Jack Je Levine Libby Harwitz & Burton Blender in memory of Helene & Steve Gold in memory of Arthur Levine Merle & Byron Zabusky Adrienne & Larry Millman in memory of Arthur Levine Barbara & Ron Federman in appreciaon for a Alice & Allan Marks in memory of Arthur Levine beauful Selichot service Cheryl & Michael Turkel, Roz & Mike Zucker in memory of Arthur Levine MINYAN FUND Susan & Douglas Negrin in memory of Zelda Heller TREES FOR ISRAEL In memory of Burton Heller Francine & Michael Satran in honor of Shira Berkman’s In honor of Shira Berkman’s wedding to Elad Sadot wedding to Elad Sadot In honor of Nate Ki’s wedding Judy & Aron Weber & Family in memory of Stacey Dentz OUR CONGREGATION EXTENDS ITS DEEPEST SYMPATHIES Myrna & Allan Hirsch in memory of Stacey Dentz TO: In memory of Neil Luria It is with sadness we announce the passing of: In memory of Joel Samson In memory of Nat Bornstein Arthur Ward Levine, brother of Dr. Norman (Nora) Levine, In memory of Roslyn Ellenbogen uncle of Adam and Evan. In memory of Marcia Waitzman Paul Weiss, father of Elissa (Thomas) Nycz, grandfather of RHODA BLOOM KOSHER FOOD PANTRY Melinda and Abigail. Shlomit & Mike Hirsch in memory of Stacey Dentz Susan & Lee Krochmal in honor of Sheryll Schaffer on her birthday Carol & Steve Schulman in memory of Stacey Dentz In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Ruby Friedman Susan & Lee Krochmal in honor of Shira Berkman’s wedding to Elad Sadot

SEUDAH FUND Audra & Michael Sapherstein in memory of Janice & Ricky Weisman

34 SPONSORS For Ads Call Bon Venture 1-800-364-0684 County Animal Hospital Robert J. Weiner, VMD, ABVP

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125B - New City Jewish Center, New City, NY Pg. 1 SPONSORS For Ads Call Bon Venture 1-800-364-0684

125B - New City Jewish Center, New City, NY Pg. 2 SPONSORS For Ads Call Bon Venture 1-800-364-0684 DeCICCO Marketplace 180 South Main Street New City, NY 10956 (845) 639-6996 New City’s Family-Owned Supermarket

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125B - New City Jewish Center, New City, NY Pg. 3 New City Jewish Center NON-PROFIT ORG. 47 Old School House Road POSTAGE New City, New York 10956 PAID PERMIT #5626 DATED MATERIAL — DO NOT HOLD MONSEY, NY 10952


125B - New City Jewish Center, New City, NY Outside