Soaring Club in Middletown, NY
contests. He flies at both Wurtsboro Airport and with Va lley Soaring Club in Middletown, NY. Ward received instruction fr om several instructors at Va lley Soaring and fr om Warren Cramer at Wu rtsboro Airport, and took his check-ride with examiner Wa lly Moran. Pictured are Wa rd (left), Wa rren research on soaring weather, and has (center), and Wally (right). been the weatherman fo r several gliding -Warren Cramer Kennedy (right). He successfully soloed his Grob- 103 on May 28, 2010, earning his SSA A badge. Rich quickly Ridge Soaring Gliderport earned hisSS A B badge only a fe w days later. Rich, shown here, soaking wet ---- Julian, Pennsylvania fr om the traditional, "wetting down" is congratu lated by his instrucrorJoel FOR SALE Te refenko. Rich is on track ro finishup his Private Pilot Certificate very soon as • Commercially licensed, world fa mous Gliderport near Penn State University. well as earninghis C and Bronze badges. (90 acres with state-stocked trout stream). -Phil Jones • 3600 ft grass runway 1500 ft paved portion. • Threehangars, office building,bunkhouse, workshop. Two tow planes. three ANEW CFI-G two-place gliders, one single-place glider, mowers, tractors and equipment. Ward Hindman passed his check-ride • Catalog business included. Tu rnkey, profitable business since 1975. on June 2, 201 0, at Wu rtsboro Airport, and is now a certi ficated glider flight instructor. Ward has been an active CALL 814-355-2483 glider pilot fo r many years, completed See web site fo r photos: The gliding maga· zlne with the worl d· wide circulation that brings soaring news from 32 gliding na· tions .
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