BBC Learning English – Ask About Britain 英国问答

About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process, changes may have been made which may not be reflected here.

关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做 出的改变。

Chinese Film Stars 英国人眼中的中国影星

Wang Fei: 大家好,欢迎收听本周的《英国问答》节目。我是王飞。

Rob: And I'm Rob. Now hold on a minute… (Rob making kung fu noises)

Wang Fei: Rob what are you doing?!

Rob: I'm practising some kung fu moves I saw on TV last night.

Wang Fei: Really! Was it a good film?

Rob: Yes it was. It was Enter The Dragon starring Bruce Lee.

Wang Fei: Bruce Lee! 李小龙,太棒了! You are the ideal person to answer today's question from Liang Limin.

INSERT Who is the most famous Chinese film star in the UK? , Bruce Lee, Ziyi or ? From Liang Limin

Wang Fei: 我们的听友 Liang Limin 问在英国最著名的中国影星是谁? So we are talking about the famous 著名的 or best known in the UK.

Rob: Well, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li are all famous film stars but there are many more.

Wang Fei: Yes and many of them are famous for their martial arts films, 也就是功夫 片、武打片。

Rob: Well, we've been asking people in London about the Chinese film stars they know and like.

INSERT Well, I have an interest in martial arts, so the first Chinese film star that comes to mind is Bruce Lee. I think he affected the world in many ways. He brought martial arts to the West, and he was an inspiration for a lot of us. Other than that, probably Jackie Chan, because he combined the martial arts with comedy as well…., also Chow Yun-Fat.


Wang Fei: 看来这位被采访者对 martial arts 也就是武术、功夫,非常感兴趣。 一谈起中国影 片, Bruce Lee comes to mind 李小龙立刻就浮现在脑海里了。

Rob: That man thinks he was responsible for bringing martial arts to the West. He was an inspiration.

Wang Fei: An inspiration, 一个启发灵感的人或者事。 He has influenced many people. Another name we heard was Jackie Chan 成龙。

Rob: Yes, Jackie Chan. He is a good comic and is good at kung fu too!

Wang Fei: That's true. 成龙的电影中不仅有中国功夫,而且也非常搞笑、很幽默,所以英国人 很喜欢成龙。

Rob: That man also mentioned another actor, Jet Li.

Wang Fei: Jet Li 就是中国大名鼎鼎的李连杰。 他的影片 The Forbidden Kingdom 也就是 《功夫之王》在英国还是很有名气的。

Rob: Well this man is also a fan of Jet Li. Let's find out why.

INSERT Jet Li’s awesome!...What springs to mind is The One. When you watch him in that movie, it’s not necessarily the fact that he’s just fighting, but his actual acting skill is amazing. You can see (what) the expression on his face. When he’s throwing a punch you can see there’s an expression that goes with the punch, or if he’s doing a kick you can see the expression that goes with it. He’s awesome, especially in ‘The One’.

Wang Fei: 这位被采访者说他喜欢 Jet Li 李连杰,特别是他的电影 The One 《救世主》。

Rob: He said Jet Li is awesome!

Wang Fei: Awesome 棒极了!酷极了!

Rob: He likes the expression on his face when he's fighting.

Wang Fei: His expression on his face 他脸上的表情,他出拳或者踢腿的时候表情非常酷,这 说明他有非常好的表演技巧,amazing acting skills.

Rob: Yes, good acting makes the fighting look believable.

Wang Fei: Rob, we've talked about the male actors. What about the famous female actors?

Rob: Well, let's see if this man talks about them.

INSERT Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Lucy Liu, Chow Yun-Fat. I think I know … well, I guess the first three I mentioned are martial arts. You know, Chow Yun-Fat’s also does martial arts. Lucy Liu’s just a famous Western actress as well as being Chinese.


Wang Fei: So he mentioned the actors Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li and Chow Yun Fat. But what about the actresses 女演员呢?

Rob: He said Maggie Cheung and Lucy Liu. I remember her in the Charlie's Angels films.

Wang Fei: Yes, she was very good and beautiful too! But Rob, it seems we can't name just one person as the most popular Chinese film star in the UK.

Rob: No, that's right. It's a very subjective thing. It's depends on your taste in acting and your taste in films.

Wang Fei: 对,这确实是很主观的。It's very subjective. OK Rob, it's time to go now so just like at the end of a film, could you roll the credits please? 我们赶紧报演 职员表吧!

Rob: OK here goes…

MUSIC …the Chinese film stars we heard about today were… Bruce Lee 李小龙 Jackie Chan 成龙 Chow Yun Fat 周润发 Zhang Ziyi 章子怡 Gong Li 巩俐 Michelle Yeoh 杨紫琼 Jet Li 李连杰 Maggie Cheung 张曼玉 Lucy Liu 刘玉玲

Today's produced and presented by Rob Carter and Wang Fei.

Wang Fei: The end 剧终! Hopefully we have answered Liang Limin's question.

Rob: If you have any questions about life in the UK, please email us at [email protected].

Wang Fei: We look forward to hearing from you. Bye-bye.

Rob: Bye.


fantastic 极好的 martial arts 功夫、武术 comes to mind 跃入脑海 at the same time 同时 throwing a punch 出拳 actress 女演员 subjective 主观的 to roll the credits 上滚演职员表字幕