iSchool Engineering- Bridges of NYC Documentary Name:______

1. Verrazano-Narrows Bridge : built in______

a. Before the Verrazano opened what was the only mode of transportation between and

Manhattan and ?______

b. ______, Chairman of Triborough Bridges and Tunnel Authority pushed for the

construction of the Verrazano Bridge but did want mass transit on the on the bridge?

c. Arthmar Aman was the ______of the Verrazano bridge.

d. The towers are built ______to the earth, not parallel to each other and are ______inches

further apart at the top of the towers which are ______feet tall.

2. : built in______

a. ______made improvements in wire technology which made the Brooklyn bridge

possible and was the man behind the bridge.

b. Many workers became sick from changing air pressure which is now known as the ______


c. Workers hit bed rock on the Brooklyn side at 44 ft but scientists thought that bed rock would be

approximately ______feet down on the side.

d. The ______that make the are made up of a few thousand strands that

are bound together to make a wire and 12 wires are together to make a cable which is encased.

3. : built in______

a. The second bridge connected Manhattan to Williamsburg which was a


b. The Williamsburg Bridge was constructed in ______years, less than ½ the time that it took for

the Brooklyn Bridge to be built. c. The 4 cables are ______inches in diameter and made up of 7,696 pencil thin wires that are each made

up of 37 strands.

4. : built in______

a. A third suspension bridge connecting ______street to ______avenue.

b. Approximately ______people cross the bridge per day.

c. ______hang from the main cables to hold up the roadway.

5. Queensborough Bridge: built in______

a. The Queensborough Bridge is a ______bridge that connects Manhattan and Queens

and crosses over ______island.

b. 235 people applied to ______but none were approved.

c. City was ______before the bridge was built.

6. George : built in______

a. Connects upper Manhattan and ______.

b. Almost ______million cars cross the GW each year.

c. The GW uses the ______Theory, which says that the bridge ______


d. The GW is ______feet long between towers.

e. The Bridge was originally going to encased in ______and have a

______on top of the towers before it was decided to leave the steel frame exposed.

7. / RFK : built in______

a. Connects ______, ______and ______.

b. Built to increase access to ______where Moses had added parks and beaches.

c. Also designed by ______who worked on the Verrazano and the GW.

d. Sent______men back to work in concrete and steel factories.