View Article Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issue I204 MACKENZIE: THE ACTlON OF SODIUM MEETHOXIDE ON Published on 01 January 1901. Downloaded by University of Connecticut 18/01/2018 18:50:42. CXXVIIL-The Action of Sodium Nethoxide and its Homologues on Benxophenone Chlo&le and Bmxal Chloride. By JOHNEDWIN MACKENZIE, D.Sc., PI1.D. INa previous communication to the Society (Trans., 1896, 69, 985), a description was givsn of the preparation of dimebhoxydi phenylmethane by the action of sodium methoxide on benzophenone chloride according to the equation (C,H,),CCI, + 2CH,*ONa= (C,H,),C(O*CH,), + 2NaC1, and of di-ethoxy- and dibeazoxy-diphenylmethane,using sodium ethoxide View Article Online BENZOPHENONE CHLORIDE AND BENZAL CHLORIDE. 1205 and benzoxide respectively instead of methoxide. In continuing this investigation, dipropyloxy-, diisobutyloxy-, and dihydroxy-tetraphenyl- methane have been prepared, and for the sake of comparison a number of experiments with benzal chloride have been carried out. The action of sodium methoxide and its homologues on benzal chloride was first investigated by Wicke (Anncden, 1857, 102, 356), who prepared dimethoxy-, diethoxy-, and diamyloxy-benzylidenes, the reaction pro- ceeding thus : C,H,*CHCI, + 2CH,*ONa = C,H,-CH(O*CH,), + 2NaCI. Some years later, Limpricht, in a research on the chlorine substitution products of toluene (Anncderh, 1886, 139, 319), repeated Wicke's work, but was unable to obtain products free from chlorine. This being so, and no record of the yield of the products obtained by Wicke being given, it was thought advisable to try these experiments agzin under various conditions.
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