Executing Across House Keeping

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© 2020 American Dental Association, All Rights Reserved 2 Today’s Presenters

Dr. Steve Shepard, MBA, PhD Founder, Shepard Communications Group

April Kates-Ellison, MS, CAE Stephanie Moritz ADA Vice President, Member & Client ADA Chief Marketing & Communications Services Officer © 2020 American Dental Association, All Rights Reserved 3 Generational Shift in Membership: 2016-2020

Unknown age Newer 12% increase generations 16% in 20% 23% are more diverse and 26% 28% 23% increase in women are entering the 20% increase in diversity dentist workforce with different mindsets 32% around practice X 32% 32% choices. No change 32% 32%

Traditional 8% decrease 41% ADA members 39% in 37% are retiring and 34% 33% exiting, a trend that COVID-19 appears 3% decrease in to be accelerating. 6% 5% 4% 3% 3% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

© 2021 American Dental Association, All Rights Reserved 4 ADA Members and Leaders by Generation

Silent Generation Baby Boomers Gen X Millennial Gen Z (Age 75-89) (Age 55-74) (Age 40-54) (age 25-39) (up to 24)

ADA Members ADA Members ADA Members Student Members 3% ADA Members 33% 32% 28% 93% 3,449 members 45,485 members 38,349 members 36,731 members 21,946 members 78% market share 63% market share 61% market share 68% market share 85% market share

BOT Members 4% BOT Members 83% BOT Members 13% 0% BOT Members 0% BOT Members 1 member 20 members 3 members 0 members 0 members

2020 HOD+Alt. 2020 HOD+Alt. 2020 HOD+Alt. 2020 HOD+Alt. 1% 2020 HOD+Alt. 61% 28% 10% 0% 11 members 492 members 230 members 77 members 0 members

© 2021 American Dental Association, All Rights Reserved 5 Executing Across the Generations

• Align Education Across Key Stakeholders • Board, CM, NDC, PEs, Staff, Executives

• Share Research Across Key Stakeholders • Board, CM, NDC, PEs, Staff, Executives

• Launch Tripartite Execution Team (s) • Power of Three New Generation Hackathon – From Awareness to Reward • Other

• Action Against the Shift • Value, ValueS, Culture • Operational & Strategic Lens Stephanie Moritz Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, ADA Generational Marketing

No one size fits all. Today’s marketing and communications is all about personal customization and putting the customer at the center of all you do. ADA’s Women in Dentistry Value Proposition

Joining the ADA is an investment in yourself and your future so you can accelerate success and personal fulfillment, on your terms. “We heard you. Our research shows that you want to accelerate your . success on your terms. You want to be your own agent of change. Announcing the ADA Accelerator Series - member-driven, on-demand access to financial, leadership and work/life tools - to fast forward your life, your way.” Generational Content

• Drive engagement and conversions with content that fits different customers needs across all we do: • Membership Marketing & Recruitment • ADA Accelerator • Dental Benefits Hub • Emails & Letters

• Engage authentic experts within and external to the ADA to offer original, exclusive content.

• Leverage monthly channels for engagement including web, webinars, dedicated email, state and local communications, social and member value proof point in digital ads and mailers. Leading Across the Generations

A Presentation for the ADA State and Local Staff 14 July 2021

Dr. Steven Shepard [email protected] +1-802-238-1007

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 12 What I Want to Accomplish Today

• Familiarize you with the inner workings of generational theory - What it is, why it matters, how we use it - Law of Large Numbers; Cohort Theory • Provide an overview of current generations, and how they differ • Provide insights about how to manage, attract, motivate, inspire, lead, and influence all—with a focus on the Millennials and Plurals • Help YOU make the ADA more relevant and attractive to new practitioners

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 13 A Matter of Perspective

Dentist’s View of Patients YOUR View of Patients

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 14 A Moment of Brutal Honesty How many of you were born:

1. 1925 – 1945 Silent 2. 1946 – 1964 Baby Boomer 3. 1965 – 1981 Gen-X 4. 1982 – 2004 Millennial 5. 2005 - 2020 Plural

1925 1945 1946 1964 1965 1981 1982 2004 2005 2020

1942 1948 1962 1967 1979 1983 2002 2007

’ 15 SilentPlurals (Adaptive) (Adaptive)

MillennialsGreatest (InstitutionGeneration- (Institutionbuilders) - Baby builders) Boomer (Idealist)

Gen-X (Nomadic)

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 16 Baby Boomers

• 1946—1964 • Most important generation EVER (Just ask them) • Indulged (not coddled) as children • ~7-1/2 hours/day with authority figure • Driven by deeply-held values as - I hope you learned something from this… • Relatively few kids • Work defines who you are, not what you do • The “Lone Ranger” generation

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 17 Boomer TV Heroes

What do you see?

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 18 And if you don’t think Boomers had a problem with kids…

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 19 • 1964 Children of the Damned • 1978 Halloween

• 1967 Rosemary’s Baby • 1979 The Brood There’s only one • 1973 The Exorcist thing wrong • 1981 The Final Conflict with the Davis baby • 1974 It’s Alive! • 1981 Halloween II . . . • 1976 The Omen • 1984 Firestarter

• 1976 Carrie • 1984 Children of the Corn

• 1977 Exorcist II

• 1978 Omen II Boomer Technologies

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 21

• 1965—1981 • Their other name – and why • Unprotected, criticized children • Minimal time spent with adult authority • Independent, self-reliant, entrepreneurial, pragmatic adults— Think Silicon Valley • The “Jerry Maguire” generation

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 22 Generation X

• 1965—1981 • Their other name – and why • Unprotected, criticized children • Minimal time spent with adult authority • Independent, self-reliant, entrepreneurial, pragmatic adults— Think Silicon Valley • The “Jerry Maguire” generation

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 23 Gen-X TV Heroes

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 24 Gen-X Technologies

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 25 Millennials: Rocking the World

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 26 Millennials

• Largest generation in human history • Group-oriented, problem solvers, ‘institution’ builders • Optimistic, long-term planners, high achievers • An extraordinarily social, group-oriented generation - Above all else, make a difference • SIGNIFICANT risk-takers

• Protected and revered trophy children • Believe they have the potential to be great - and probably do • “A generation of litigators” • The “Three Musketeers” generation

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 27 Millennial Childhood TV Heroes

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 28 Millennial Adult TV Heroes

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 29 Millennial Childhood in Movies

1982 E.T The Extra-Terrestrial 1994 The Lion King

1987 Three Men and a Baby 1994 Angels in the Outfield

1987 Raising Arizona 1997 Liar Liar

1987 1998 Rugrats: The Movie

1989 The Little Mermaid 1999 Big Daddy

1989 Look Who’s Talking 1999 The Iron Giant

1989 Parenthood 2000 My Dog Skip

1990 Look Who’s Talking Too 2001 The Princess Diaries

1990 Home Alone 2002 Spy Kids

1991 Little Man Tate 2001 Monsters, Inc. They changed her 1993 Three Men and a Little Lady 2001 Harry Potter diapers. She changed their lives . . . 2002 Big Fat Liar 2002 About a Boy

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 30 Millennials: Most Gender-Neutral Attitudes in History

Pew research: women earned • 64% of associate’s degrees • 60% of bachelor’s degrees • 63% of master’s degrees • 56% of doctorates

• More than 50% of college-educated workforce The Millennial Work/Lifestyle

• Technology is a lifestyle—not an option; ubiquity is key • Collaboration, group decision-making very important • Want to make a difference; job should have purpose and meaning beyond money • Want to change the world

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 32 Millennial Technologies

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 33 Generations, Side-by-Side

Boomer Gen-X Millennial

Wants to Win Wants to Succeed Wants Team to Win

I work and live to serve family, I live to work I work to live company, and community

Ultimate Authority, control Leave me alone PLEASE DON’T leave me alone

Want immortality Want to earn a living Want to make a difference

I can save you I’ll call when I need you I need you ALWAYS

I was experienced when you Please share your experiences I don’t give a crap were born with me

Superman Generation Jerry Maguire Generation Three Musketeers Generation

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 34 Here Come the Plurals (2005—2025)

• ‘Gen-Z’ (Nope) • ‘Native speakers’ of the digital world—’Digital Natives’ - Best educated, most connected, most technologically most sophisticated generation ever • Most ethnically diverse generation ever - 55% white, compared to 72% of Baby Boomers - Reflects trend toward pluralistic society: no single dominant ethnicity or race - EOY 2019: US babies less than 50% white • Race, ethnicity, gender as important as eye color

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 35 Why Do We Care?

They’re your new members—and future leaders.

They’re your new patients.

They’re your new competitors.

…And there are a heck of a lot of ‘em.

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 36 How do I Attract and Retain Members?

• First things first: Generational myths and legends - Boomers: Self-important, know-it-all, wannabe superheroes who can’t help but get in everybody’s face - Xers: Nihilistic, withdrawn, don’t-give-a-s**t attitude problems who refuse to work long hours and refuse to take one for the team - Millennials: Entitled snowflakes who don’t care about money, structure, loyalty, rules, or anything else that REALLY matters - Plurals: I have no idea who they are, but I already don’t like them


Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 37 The Reality—Not All That Different! • ALL generations - Want more money - Want to be recognized - Want to see meaningful growth in their jobs - Want to have more time with their families/personal life - Are looking to make a difference • How to attract and retain members? Go back to the adverbs!

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 38 Q&A and Discussion

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 39 Next Webinar… Session #2 in the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Series

Diversity Drives Success Research indicates that diversity is a key driver of innovation and fosters market growth. In this session you'll learn: • How to navigate the challenges and opportunities of leading a diverse team • The importance of diverse perspectives to the organization’s success • How diverse perspectives enriches decision making • How to understand and manage implicit biases

Thursday, July 22, 1–2 p.m. Central Register: www.ada.org/conferenceweek

© 2020 American Dental Association, All Rights Reserved 40 Questions? Thank you!

Steven Shepard +1-802-238-1007 [email protected]

Copyright 2021 Shepard Communications Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 41