-'DEFENSE ATOMIC SUPPORT AGENCY Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico ,L/PE - 175 Hi%&UhIiT~ SAIdDIA BASE ALBu2umxJE, la$ mXIc0 7 October 1960 This is to cert!e tlmt during the TDY period at this station, Govement Guarters were available and Goverrrment Fessing facilities were not availzble for the following mmoers of I%Ki: Colonel &w, Og~arHe USA Pi3 jor Andm~n,Qaude T. USAF Lt. Colonel fsderacn, George R. USAF Doctor lrndMvrsj could Re Doctor Acdrem, Howard L. USPIG Colonel ksMlla stephen G. USA Colonel Ayars, Laurence S. USAF Lt. Colonel Bec~ew~ki,Zbignie~ J. USAF Lt. Colonel BaMinp, George S., Jr. USAF bjor Barlow, Lundie I:., Jr. UMG Ckmzzder m, h3.llian E. USPHS Ujor Gentley, Jack C. UskF Colonel Sess, Ceroge C. , WAF Docto2 Eethard, 2. F. Lt. c=Jlonel Eayer, David H., USfiF hejor Bittick, Paul, Jr. USAF COlOIle3. Forah, hUlhm N. USAF &;tail? Boulerman, :!alter I!. USAF Comander hwers, Jesse L. USN Cz?trin Brovm, Benjamin H, USAF Ca?tain Bunstock, lrKulam H. USAF Colonel Campbell, lkul A. USAF Colonel Caples, Joseph T. USA Colonel. Collins, CleM J. USA rmctor Collins, Vincent P. X. Colonel c0nner#, Joseph A. USAF Cx:kain ktis, Sidney H. USAF Lt. Colonel Dauer, hxmll USA Colonel kvis, Paul w, USAF Captsir: Deranian, Paul UShT Loctcir Dllle, J. Robert Captain Duffher, Gerald J. USN hctor Duguidp Xobert H. kptain arly, klarren L. use Ca?,kin Endera, Iamnce J. USAF Colonel hspey, James G., Jr. USAF’ & . Farber, Sheldon USNR Caifain Farmer, C. D. USAF Ivajor Fltzpatrick, Jack C. USA Colonel FYxdtt, Nchard s.
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