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I believe the enclosed Draft Environmental Justice (E.J.) Implementation Plan and the transmittal memorandum to Ms. Kathy Aterno, are self-explanatory. I am expecting the draft Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) guidelines on how to integrate E.J. into the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process within the next two weeks. I intend to update the NRC's Draft Implementation Plan when I receive the CEQ guidelines. However, if you would like to provide comments on the enclosed, I would appreciate them by the end of January. The President's Executive Order No 12898 establishes February 11, 1995 as the due date for the final draft of the plans. We plan to solicit comments on the NRC's February 11, 19'35, updated environmental justice implementation plan. 5 Maria ope -Otin Federa liaisan Office of State Programs Enclosure: As stated

Distribution: DIR RF RLBangart PLohaus SDroggitis MLopez-Otin Environmental Justice File DCD (SF01)- PDR (YES)

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- ______- - _ _ 3 #|R REZ g % UNITED STATES < i 0 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ' N WASHINGTON. D.C. 20666 4 001 %o *****/ December 23, 1994



I believe the enclosed Draft Environmental Justice (E.J.) Implementation Plan and the transmittal memorandum to Ms. Kathy Aterno, are self-explanatory. I am expecting the draft Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) guidelines on how to integrate E.J. into the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process within the next two weeks. I intend to update the NRC's Draft Implementation Plan when I receive the CEQ guidelines. However, if you would like to provide comments on the enclosed, I would appreciate them by the end of January.

The President's Executive Order No 12.898 establishes February 11, 1995 as the due date for the final draft of the plans. We plan to solicit comments on the NRC's February 11, 1995, updated environmental justice implementation plan.

}" Maria Lopez-Otin Federal Liaison Office of State Programs Enclosure: As stated - ______- _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ .

.. . * 1 , b* **:% ' ) k [ * j UNITED STATES 5 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g wasumotow, o.c. mesuan %,],, # December 12, 1994

Ms. Kathy Aterno, Chair Environmental Justice Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20451

Dear M r

The enciesed Draft Environmental Justice Implementation Plan is submitted by the Nuclear Regulatory Comission NRC) in compliance with the President's | Executive Order No.12898 " Federal (Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority populations and Low-Income Population." The draft plan inoicates NRC's comitment to implementing the Council on Environmental Quality guidelines on how to take environmental justice into account when prepa(CEQ)ring . documents under the National Environmental Policy Act. l i guidelines are yet to be made available to the NRC, the draft plan endeavorsHowever,I since the CEQ tocommitments. comply with the Executive Order by building upon existing NRC policies and as possible. Thus, we again urge that the CEQ guidelines be finalized as soon

If yott have any questions, I can be reached at (301) 504-2598. Sincerely, % i Maria E. Lopez-Otin NRC Subcommittee Member ' Enclosure: As stated

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* ! The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC) was created by the Energy . Reorganization Act of 1974 as an independent regulatory agency.The mission of the NRC is to assure that civilian uses of nuclear materials in the United . States---in plants, fuel cycle plants, and in medical, industrial and research applications---are carried out with proper regard for nationalthe protection security. of the public health and safety, of the environment and of neither sites, owns The NRC is not a " land management" agency, i.e., it President'sFebruary,notmanagesfacilitiesorgroperties.ll,19g4.Therefore, the Executive Order Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income population" and the accompanying Presidential memorandum have been determined to primarily apply to our efforts to fulfill the requirements of the National Environmental : Policy Act (NEPA) as an integral part of NRC's licensing process. i in this regard, the NRC has committed to following the Council on s ; Environmental Quality (CEQ) guidelines on how to take environmental justice' into account under NEPA. However, pending receipt of these guidelines, the onNRC the has five developed principles discussedits initial environmental below. justice implementation plan based

! Background: '

The President's Executive Order directs all Federal agencies to develop, , according to prescribed timetables, strategies for assuri | environmental 1 justice in their programs, policies, and activities. The sidential ' memorandum to all agencies is a reminder of relevant provisions of existing law, including the requirement to consider, when environmental impact statements and other environmental documents art Federal actions on minority and low-income comme ;U es. spared, the effects of agencies such as the NRC, were only enoues".ed so comply with the ExecutiveAlthough independent ! Order, the Chairman, in his March 31, L994 ' ! etter to the President, indicated that the NRC would endeavor to carry out the measures set forth in the Executive Order, and the accompanying memorandtaa. In addition, the Executive Order directed the Adeinistrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to convene, by May 11,19g4, an interagency working group (IWG) to develop the f,eneral guidance that Federal | agencies are to use in identifying disproportionate effects on ainority and low-income populations. To assure Government-wide consistency, the IWG is to coordinate with, and serve as a clearinghouse, for each Federal agency as it ' The NRC is using the working definition of environmental justice as Office.suggested by the Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Justice Thus, for purposes of this document, environmental justice means the

, ethnicityfair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race, ' culture, income or educational level with respect to the ; anddevelopmen,t, policies. implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations

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develops its particular environmental justice strategy. The NRC has been a ^ participant in the IWG, its Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination and the task forces on " Implementation" and Definitions and Standards" since their l Group.inception, and has identified an internal NRC Environmental Justice Working To date, the NRC has submitted all work products to the EPA on time, : ~ and shared information with alyriad Subcommittee and Task Force members. This - draft Environmental Justice Implementation Plan reflects our participation in these discussions. : Principles of Environmental Justice Implementation: The goal of the NRC's Environmental Justice Implementation Plan is to integrate environmental justice into the conduct of all pertinent activities at the agency. Thus, the first three principles are institutional in nature and serve as the foundation for the last two principles which are operational in nature, i.e., they address specific activities. The principles emulate the " Principles of Good Regulation" severa1 years. which have been part of NRC policy for

Continue senior management involvement

. The NRC Environmental Justice efforts will continue to provide i guidance in this area. An Environmental Justice Coordinator will be appointed to ensure appropriate policy information flow among the different entities within the NRC, as well as with outside interested parties. Openness and Clarity

Nuclear regulation is the public's business, and must be transacted publicly and candidly. Age readilyunderstoodandeasilyapplied.pcypositionsshouldbeThis is of particular import when dealing with environmental justice issues. Public i principle.scoping meetings as part of the NEPA process demonstrates this

Seeking and Welcoming Public Participation

: The NRC maintains regular communication with a broad spectrum of entities, such as the States, Indian Tribes, members of the public and other Federal agencies. Outreach programs such as the Enhanced Participatory Rulemaking, which addresses the use of Site i Specific Advisory Boards for decommissioning are being - implemented. The NRC management is coenitted to improving our outreach efforts with stakeholders, such as minority and low- , income communities, and welcoming their input. t

3 From the agency's " Principles of Good Regulations" issued in January 17, 1991, announcement #6.


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1 Integration of Environmental Justice into IstC's IEPA Activttles i

; NRC is committed to implementing the CEQ guidelines on this j' subject. It is our belief that the key factor for environmental ; justice is assessing to whom the benefits, and the costs, will accrue, .i.e., we be i ieve the most difficulty will occur in ' evaluating the extent to which tne minority or low-income coanunities will receive a share of the economic benefits of a aproject propt, andsed project.the extent to which they are specifically impacted by Continue Review and Monitoring of Title VI Activities The NRC's financial assistance programs under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act Of 1964, are limited to funding training and travel under Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as , amended, in connection with States ass' ming certain regulatory authority over specified nuclear materials, and the award of ' grants for the support of basic and applied scientific research and for the exchange of scientific information. 10 CFR Part 4 calls for nondiscrimination with respect to race, colpr national origin or sex in any program or activity receiving Federal , j thisfinancial activity. assistance from the NRC. NRC is committed to monitoring . ; Current Activities where NRC is implementing environmental justice: i

- The NRC's statutory offices---the Wice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation which ' regulates nuclear power plants; ths Office of Nuclear Naterials safety and Regu Safe $atory Research responsible for rulemakingsory research--- and confirmatuards which regulates materials uses; and the Office of Nuclear e re uested to assess their existing environmental activities and to ! intondeavo these , even activities. without the CEQ guidelines, to integrate environmental justice ! Below is a summary of these efforts. { . i Currently, the staff of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) is reviewing the issue of environmental justice in its supplement to the : Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation (FES-OL) of the : Watts Bar Nuclear (WBN) site. In preparing this supplement to the FES-OL, NRR will solicit input on accrued benefits, as well as, any burden from negative impacts from operation on the W8N site on low-income i with a mean/ minority groups. The WBN site review will provide the NRC 1 s to begin assessing the effectiveness of its NEPA process in addressing environmental justice issues for operating reactors.

! Additionally, the " Environmental Standard Review Plan for the

4 Environmental Review of Construction Permit Applications for Nuclear Power Plants," ESRP evaluation of environ (mental justice.NUREG-0550), will include staff review guidance on , NRR intends to utilize workshops and media announcements to solicit input from affected minority communities. NRR anticipates gaining considerable information in this environmentalproject relative justice to demonstrating issues. the feasibility of addressing


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. NRR conducts an extensive public scoping process (i.e., workshops, local town meetings, etc.) in the preparation of environmental impact statements for major licensing actions in order to solicit input from

' the public on the issues to be reviewed. This scoping process will attempt, to the maximum extent possible, to include specific solicitations from minority and low-income communities on environmental justice issues. Additionally, environmental impact statements are published in draft in order to solicit public comments prior to the proposed actions being taken. Public comment and o hearing are solicited via f.Adital SEL181tr notice. pportunity for . . Louisiana Energy Services (LES a license to build a uranium en)rictment plant in Homerap>11edLouisiana to the NRC in January 1991, for Northern Louisiana is an economically depressed area, a,nd the proposed ! ' site at Homer is populated almost entirely by African Americans. The Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards (IMSS) issued the Draft Environmental Impact Statement in November 1993. Since the Executive Order had not been issued there was no discussion of . ! environmental justice in the Draft EIS. The Final Environmental Impact Statement was issued in August 1994. It contains a discussion of environmental justice, including a description of the surrounding neighborhoods, the site selection process, possible discrimination, and , i possible disproportionate impact. The statement concludes that there is no evidence of discrimination, and that there will be no significant disprcportionate impacts on minorities or economically disadvantaged persons. The issue of environmental justice is one of several to be : litigated in an NRC adjudicatory hearing in early 1995.

' In the future, HMSS believes that a separate section on environmental

. ' justice should be included in each environmental impact statement. However, including environmental justice pending receipt of the CEQ guidance will be based in large part on t licensing hearing. te lessons-learned from the LES , . As appropriate, the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards ! conducts public meetings related to a facility. These meetings are i noticed in local papers and anyone can attend and participate. Written i comment on rulemakings and draft Environmental Impact Statements are { solicited from the general public. These programs could be expanded to ; attempt to identify and notify interested minority groups, and specifically invite them to comment on proposed NRC actions. . The Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) is using an enhanced , participatory process for developing radiological criteria for decommissioning. As part of this process, t3e NRC conducted a series of ; ' seven workshops from January through May 1993. Workshop participants represented a broad spectrum of interests including interests related to environmental justice. | The resulting proposed rule on Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning, published for comment on August 22, 1994 (59 F 43200), ! requires that a Site Specific Advisory Board (SSAB) be convened in cases ; where a licensee proposes to request restricted release of the site. The purpose of the SSAB is to allow affected parties to advise the |


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- licensee regarding the proposed decommissioning. Membership of the SSAB would, to the extent that representatives are willing to participate, i include representatives from citizen, environmental, environmental justice, and other public groups; State and local governments; and i rightsIndian thatNation could or otherbe affected. indigenous people that have treaty or statutory Follow-Up Activities:

' This draft plan is being submitted to the IWG on Decembe.- II,1994 as called for in the President's Executive Order. The NRC is soliciting comments on the : draft plan from the IWG. The IWG is expected to provide its comments before ) the February 11, 1995 date when the pro >osed final plan is dae. The current draft plan will be placed in the NRC's Nblic Document Room, and will be | shared with stakeholders as appropriate. After the comments on the draft plan { are received, analyzed, and appropriate modifications made, we intend to propagate the pro media, workshops,or posed focus final groups. plan toThe affected proposed populations, final plan through will also specialized be published for connents in the Federal Eggigigg, | i





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, , e r $4 qo zb/w C G:\ CITIZEN.GRP &se fe r p/,,g /I

Martin Gilfand $$. H YS7 Safe Energy Communications Council (,[gred 4 g/ gjp fyyff 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Suite LL215 Washington, DC 20036 gy g,,, Q f, Bill Magavern 's Critical ggg Mass Energy Project 2000 A/. /97!Shec/ 215 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20003 $$+Sbf YS #

Arjun Makhihani [r f IN 2220 / Institute on Energy and Environment Research 6935 Laurel Avenue

, Takoma Park, MD 20912 Mary Olsen Radioactive Waste Project Director Nuclear Information and Resource Service 1424 16th Street NW, Suite 601 Washington, DO 20036 Jesse L. Riley National Energy Committee 854 Henley Place Charlotte, NC 28207-1616 Senior Advisor , U.S.A. 735-Euclaire Avenue Bexley, CA 43209 Daniel Balocca, Co-Founder Thorium Action Group 29 W131 Blair West Chicago, IL 60485 Susan L. Hiatt, Director Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy, Inc. 8275 Munson Road Mentor, OH 44060-2406 David A. Kraft, Director Nuclear Energy Information Services P.O. Box 1637 Evanston, IL 60204-1637

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Carolyn Kaffensperger - Illinois Environmental Council 930 Dunlop Forest Park, IL 60130

Mary P. Sinclair, Ph.D. Co-Chair Don't Waste Michigan 5711 Somerset Drive Midland, MI 48640

Chris Trepal Co-Director Earth Day Coalition 3606 Bridge Avenue Cleveland, OH 44113 Erv Ball, Supervisor Environmental Contingency Unit Cuyahoga County Board of Health 1 Playhouse Sq.:are 1375 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115

Robert A. Backus, Attorney Seacoast Anti-Pollution League 116 Lowell Street Box 516 Manchester, NH 03105 Dale MacLeod Citizen's Awareness Network P.O. Box 83 i: 25 Main Street ' Shelburne Falls, MA 01370

- !

James Perkins , Board President i Coalition of Nuclear '

Pollution j Route 1, Box 423 ! Wayne, ME 04284 ; Judy Scotnicki Citizen Research and Environmental Watch i 52 Prairie Street | Concord, MA 01742 {


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. a = , l G:\ CITIZEN.GRP' 3

David Slesinger New England Clamshell Alliance P.O. Box 724 Portsmith, NH 03801 Jane Fleming Duxbury Nuclear Advisory Committee 8 Oceanwood Drive Duxbury, MA _02332

Tom Winters, M.D., Associs* Linical Professor of Medicine University of Boston School or Medicine, Director Medsite , Occupation Health Center 1 Enterprise Drive North Quincy, MA 02171

, Donnell Boardman, M.D.

Center for Atomic Radiation Studies , P.O. Box 2146 Acton, MA 01720

. Dianne Quigley Executive Director Childhood Cancer Research Institute 747 Main Street Concord, MA 01742 Mavis Belisle Peace Fram

HCR 2 Box 25 ; Panhandle, TX 79068

Betty Brink i Citizens for Fair Utility Regulation | 7600 Anglia Drive | Fort Worth, TX 76140 , i George Crawford Board Member Citizens Association for Sound Energy 1426 South Polk Dellas, TX 75225 |

| ! Carrie Dickerson Citizen Action for Safe Energy 3609 East Blue Starr Drive Claremore, OK 74017

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Don Gardner Peace Action Network 13903 Murfin Road., Austin, TX 78734

Janet Gordon Director, Citizens Call Chair, National Committee for Rad'.ation Victims 126 South 1400 West Cedar City, UT 84720

Laraine Hofstetter | Southwest Organizing Project 5018 Third Street, SW Albuquerque, NM 87105

Alva Morrison, Field Organizer The Water Information Network P.O. Box 96 Tres Piedras, NM 87577 1 David Platerio I Consultant | Western Shoshone | 1636 Sagebrush Elko, NV 89801

Lance Hughes, Director Native Americans for a Clean Environment P.O. Box 1671 Tahlequah, OK 74465

1 Casper W. Hiatt, Ph.D., President I Chesapeake Environmental Protection Association 861 Cumberstone Road Harwood, MD 20776

Susan Griffith Don't Waste New York Box 303A South Plymouth, NY 13844

Judith Johnsrud, Ph.D., Director Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power 433 Orlando Avenue State College, FA 16803 __ .. . _ _ _ _ . - . . _ . . = . . _ - - - _. _ _ . . _. __

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' l- G:\ CITIZEN.GRP 5

Hugh. Coombs Rescue RD 1, Box 31A , Hallstead, PA 18822 Samuel E. Pinkard, Chairman Monteclair Radon Task Force P.O. Box 757 i Monteclair, NJ 07042 i Joel Roth, Vice Chair NRC's Advisory Panel on Three Mile

, Island 254 Boas Street | Harrisburg, PA 17102 Ernest Fuller Member, Bedford County Planning Committee Vice Chair, Bedford-Fulton-Huntington Solid Waste Authority i RD1 Box 216 Six Mile Run, PA 16679 Cindee Virostek, Councilwoman

Apollo Borough Council i ' Citizens Advisory Committee : Chairperson 't ! 409 N. 8th Street | Apollo, PA 15613

Glenn Carroll Georgians Against Nuclear Energy I : (GANE) I 139 Kings Highway Decatur, GA 30030 |

| Bricn Costner : Energy Research Foundation ' 537 Harden Street j Columbia, SC 29205 Carl Rupert j Blueridge Environmental Defense League , : 2 Quintin Place ' Durham, NC 27705

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Rod McCoy Greenpeace 1087 McMillan Street Atlanta, GA 30318 . Andy Mcdonald Appalachia - Science in the Public Interest Waste Watch Route 5; Box 423 Livingston, KY 40445 Stephen Smith, DVM Global Sustainability and Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance P.O. Box 1101 1817 White Avenue Knoxville, TN 37901

Kees de Vente Clergy and Laity Concerned 340 Mead Road Decatur, GA 30030

James Adams, Principal Consultant Redwood Alliance P.O. Box 293

. 761 8th Street, Suite 4 ' Arcata, CA 95521 Jacqueline Cabasso Western States Legal Foundation 1440 Broadway, Suite 500 Oakland, CA 94612 Greg DeBruler Columbia River United P.O. Box 667 Bingen, WA 98605 Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CARES 5720 East Avenue Suite #116 Livermore, CA 94550 Paige Knight Northwest Environmental Advocates 133 Southwest Second Avenue Suite 302 !- Portland, OR 97204-3526

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Marion Pack Executive Director Alliance for Survival 200 North Main Street Su'to M-2 F *:a Ana, CA 92701

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i 1 Jim Russell James W. Hanson, M.D. ) Professor of Pediatrics and 1 ; Yckina Indien Nation' P.O. Box * .. Preventive Medicine and | T ppenish, WA _98948 Environmental Health University of Iowa Dwayne Beavers Iowa City, IA 52242 Cherokee Nation OES P.O. Box 948 Merv Tano Tahlequah, OK. 74465 General Counsel Council of Energy Carol S. Marcus, Ph.D, M.D. Resource Tribes | Director 1999 Broadway, Suite 2600 | Nuclear Medicine Outpatient Clinic Denver, CO 80202 | Harbor - UCLA Medical Center - 1 | 1000 W. Carson Street Building N-2 Mildred McClain, Ph.D. I L Terrance, CA 90509 Citizens for Environmental l Justice 'A. Scott Dam, Chairman 720 Maupas Avenue American Nuclear Society Saua, GA 31401 Special Committee on Site Cleanup i and Restoration Standards ENFL Inc. 9302 Lee Highway, Suite 950 Fairfax, VA 22031 Ksith Schlager, President Hsalth Physics Society Rsdiological Health Department 100 OSH University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Charles Barrett 011, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union 255 Union Boulevard P.O. Box 281200 Lakewood, CA 80228-8200

| John B. Moran Laborer's Health and Safety Fund of North America 905 16th Street, NW : Washington, DC 20006

i Marcus Voth, Ph.D. " Director | Radiation Science and Engineering Center P2nnsylvania State University ) Breazeale Reactor Building I University Park, PA 16802



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CITIZEN / ENVIRONMENTALIST .__ Dianne Quigley Childhood Cancer Research Institute 747 Main Street ' Concord, MA 01742 508-287-0023 FAX - 508-287-0025 Debbie Katz Citizens Awareness Network P.O. Box 242 Charlemonte, MA 01339 413-339-8768 FAX -

Mike Veiluva - Western States Legal Foundation 1440 Broadway Suite 500 Oakland, CA 94612 510-839-5877 FAX - 510-839-5397

Glenn Carroll Georgians Against Nuclear Energy 139 Kings Highway Decatur, GA 30030 404-378-9542 ! fax - Lance Hughes Native Americans for a Clean Environment P.O. Box 1671 Tahlequah, OK 74465 918-458-4322 FAX - 918-458-0322


, 1435 U Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 > 202-462-1177 FAX - 202-462-4507

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SSAB Workshop 2 . TRIBAL INTERESTS Robert Cook Yakima Indian Nation P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, MA 98948

1 509-865-5121 RAX -

Katherine Maxwell / Byron Brown, Tribal Council Narragansett Indian Tribe P.O. Box 268 Charlestown, RI 02813 401-364-1117 FAX -

Darlene Roach /Darelynn Lehto, Tribal Council Mdowakanton (Prairie Island) Tribal Council 5750 Sturgeon Lake Road Welch, MN 55089 * 800-554-5473 x4108 FAX -

Robert Holden National Congress of American Indians 900 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20003 202-546-9404 FAX - 202-546-3741 LOCAL GOVERNF"W Phil Niedzielski-Eichner Governmental Dynae.ics Inc P.O. Box 221274 Chantilly, VA 22022 703-818-2434 FAX - 703-818-2434 Cindee Virostek Councilwoman Apollo Borough Council 409 N 8th Street Apollo, PA 15613 412-478-2351 FAX - 412-567-7925

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. SSAB Workshop 3 Kathy Edwards, Mayor village of Newburgh Heights 4000 Washington Park Blvd. t Newburgh Heights,"OH 44105 216-641-4650 FAX -

Seth Kirshenberg International City \ County Management Association 777 N. Capitol Street, NE Suite 500 Washington, DC 20002-4201 202-962-2663 FAX - 1

STATE GOVERh74ENT INTERESTS Bob Kulikowski Organization of Agreement States Bureau of Radiological Health New York City Department of Health New York, NY 11201 718-643-7967 FAX - 718-643-4616

't Bill Dornsife Council of Radiation Control Program Directors Bureau of Radiation Protection Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Sulton Building Third and Locust Streets Box 8469 Harrisburg, PA 17101-8469 717-787-248 | FAX - 717-783-8965 Ron Ross ' Western Governors Association - 600 17th Street Suite 705S Denver, CO 80202 303-623-9378 FAX -

Brian Zwit National Association of Attorney Generals 444 North Capitol Street, NW Suite 339 Washington, DC 20001 202-434-8041 FAX - 202-434-8058 )


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Lynette Hendricks ' Nuclear Energy Institute 1776 Eye Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 202-739-8109 FAX - 202-785-1898 David Nichols ' American College of Nuclear Physicians 1200 19th Street, NW Suite 300 , Washington, DC 20036 i 202-429-5120 FAX - 202-223-4579 Ralph DeSantis GPU Nuclear Corporation TMI Communications Office . P.O. Box 480 Middleton, PA 17057 717-948-8197 { FAX - 717-948-8723 Mark Doruff Medi-Physics, Inc. 2636 South Clearbrook Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4692 708-593-6300 Ext. 309 i ! FAX - 708-437-1699 I Joe Cepicka Babcox and Wilcox Nuclear Environmental Services, Inc. RD #1, Box 355 Vandergrift, PA 15690 412-842-1488

FAX - 412-842-1478 I Federal Express Address: Rt. 66 River Rd. ' Leechburg, PA 15656 Jim Murray Murray Lamont and Associates I 1660 Wynkoop ! Suite 1060 Denver, CO 80202 303-825-2802 FAX -



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ALABAMA Lynn Greer, Division Chief Alabama Department ofEconomic and Community Afairs 401 Adams Avenue

- Montgomery, Alabama 36103-5690 205/242-5100

. ALASKA Mead headwell, Deputy Commissioner Alaska Dept. ofEnvironmental Conservation 410 Willoughby Avenue Juneau, Alaska 99801-1 795 #907/465-5050

ARIZONA Aubrey Godwin, Director

, Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency ' 4814 South 40th Street PhoenLt, Arizona 85040 #602/255-4845

ARKANSAS Greta J. Dicus, Director

, Division ofRadiation Control and Emergency Management Arkansas Department of Health | 4815 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72205-3867 , ' #501/661-2301

! CALIFORNIA Charles R. Imbrecht, Chairman

, California Energy Commission ' 1516 Ninth Street Sacramento, Cahfornia 95814 Attention: Ms. Gwen Quigg - #916/654-5000 :

, COLORADO Robert M. Quillin, Director : Radiation ControlDivision Department of Health 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South

, Denver, Colorado 80222-1530

, #303/692-3030


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c . 4 . CONNECTICUT Kevin McCarthy, Director Bureau of Air Management - Monitoring and Radiation Division

Department of Environmental Protection . ' 79 Elm Street ; Hartford, Connecticut 06106-5127

, #203/424-3029 ,

' . DELAWARE Dr. Harry W. Otto, Manager Environmental Services Section Division of Water Resources Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control P.O. Box 1401, 89 Kings Highway Dover, Delaware 19903 #302/739-4771

FLORIDA Lyle Jerrett, Acting Chief Ofice ofRadiation Control Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1317 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 #904/487-1004

GEORGIA James Setser, Chief Program Coordination Branch Environmental Protection Division Department of Natural Resources 205 Butler Street, Suite 1152 East Tower Atlanta, Georgia 30334

; #404/656-4713

HAWAH Bruce Anderson, Deputy Director for Environmental Health Department of Health, P.O. Box 3378 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 #808/586-4424

IDAHO Steven G. Oberg, Ph.D. Department of Health and Welfare INEL Oversight Program 1410 North Hilto i Boise, Idaho 83706

. #208/334-0436

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. . _ . _ . . .- . _ _ - . .a '. ILLINOIS Dwmas W. Ortciger, Director Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety ' 1035 Outer Park Drive SpringfZeld, Illinois 62704 217/785-9868

INDIANA Howard W. Cundif, P.E., Director Bureau ofLocal Health Services Indiana State Board of Health 1330 W. Michigan Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 #31 7-633-0182

10WA Stephen N. Bronn Utilities Division Iowa Department of Commerce htcas Ofice Building, 5th Floor Des Moines, Iowa 50319 - #515/281-4725

KANSAS Gerald W. Allen, Chief Radioactive Control Program Bureau of Air and Radiation Department of Health and Environment Forbes Field, Building 283 Topeka, Kansas 66620 #913/296-1562

KENTUCKY Tom Bennett, Deputy Secretary Governor's Executive Cabinet Capitol Building 700 Capitol Avenue

Frankfort, KY 40601 ; #502/564-2611 :

LOUISIANA William H. Spell, Administrator Radiation Protection Division 1 Ofice of Air Quality and Radiation Protection Environmental Qually Department P.O. Box 82135 \ Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70884-2135 j #504-765-0128


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.. . v. MAINE W. Clough Toppan, Acting Director Division of Health Engineering ' Department of Human Services State House, Station #10 Augusta, Maine 04333 #207/287-5686

MARYIAND Merrilin Zaw-Mon, Director Air and Radiation Management Administration Maryland Department of the Environment 2500 Broening Highway Baltimore, Maryland 21224 #410/631-3927

MASSACHUSETTS Dale C. Jenkins, Jr., Undersecretary Executive Ofice of Public Safety One Ashburton Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108

#617/727-7775 x502 .

cc: A. David Rodham, Director Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency 400 Worcester Road, Box !496 ; Framingham, Massachusetts 01 701-0314 c' #508/820-2010 | ATTN: Mr. James B. Muckerheide, State Nuclear Engineer | , 1 ' MICHIGAN Flint Watt, Chief Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health | Michigan Department of Public Health | 3423 N. Logan Street, P.O. Box 30195 j Lansing, Michigan 48909 , ' #517/335-9218

MINNESOTA Krista L. Sanda, Commissioner Minnesota Department of Public Service 1217th Place, Suite 200 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2145 ' #612/296-7107



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. ..r. MISSISSIPPI Eddie S. Fuente, Director Division of Radiological Health ' State Department of Health 3150 Ixwson Street P.O. Bar 1700 Jackson, Mississippi 39215-1700 #601/354-6657

MISSOURI Ronald A. Kucera, Director ofIntergovernmental Cooperation Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 176 Jeferson City, Missouri 65102 #314/751-3195

MONTANA Adrian C. Howe, Chief Occupational & Radiologic Health Bureau \ Department of Health & Environmental Sciences | 1400 Broadway, P.O. Box 200901

Helena, Montana 5%20 1 #406/444-3671 | l NEBRASKA Mark B. Horton, M.D., M.S.P.H. Director of Health | 301 Centermlal Mall South P.O. Box 95007 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5007 #402/471-2133

NEVADA Robert R. Loux Nuclear Waste Project Ofice Capital Building, 2nd Floor Carson City, Nevada 89710 #702/687-3744

NEW HAMPSHIRE George L. Iverson, Director Ofice of Emergency Management State Ofice Park South 107 Pleasant Street Concord, New Hampshire 03301 #603/271-2231

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. . . * . NEWJERSEY Robert C. Shinn, Jr., Commissioner Department of Environmental Protection and Energy ' CN-402 henton, New Jersey 08625-0402 #609/292-2885

Deputy SLO: Dr. Jill Lipoti, Assistant Director Department of Environmental Protection and Energy P.O. Box CN-415 henton, New Jersey 08625-0415 #609/987-6389

NEW MEXICO Benito Garcia, Chief Bureau of Hazardous and Radioactive Materials Depanment of Environment 525 Camino de los Marquez Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502

#505/827-4358 :

cc: Dr. Ray Powell Ofce of the Governor State Capitol Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503 #505/827-3000

NEW YORK Eugene J. Gleason, Deputy Commissioner New York State Energy Ofice | hvo Empire State Plaza, STE 1801 ' Albany, New York 12223-1252 #518/473-4377

i NORTH CAROLINA Billy Cameron, Director Division ofEmergency Management , 116 W. Jones Street i Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 #919/733-3867

, NORTH DAKOTA Dana Mount, Director ' Division of Environmental Engineering North Dakota Department of Health Missouri Ofce Building 1200 Missouri Avenue Bismarck, North Dakota 58501 #701/221-5188

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. .* ** s OHIO James R. Williams, Chief of Staf

Ohio Emergency Management Agency , * 2825 West Dublin-Granville Road Worthington, Ohio 43235 #614/889-7150

OKLAHOMA H.A. Caves, Assistant Division Director Hazard Management Waste Service [ Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 53551 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152 #405/271-5221

OREGON David Stewart-Smith, Administrator Division of Nuclear Safety and Energy Facilities Oregon Department of Energy 625 Marion Street, N.E. Salem, Oregon 97310 | #503/378-6469

PENNSYLVANIA William P. Dornsife, Director Bureau ofRadiation Protection Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources P.O. Box 8469 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1 7105-8469 #717/787-2480

PUERTO RICO Hector Russe Martinez, Chairman

|' Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board P.O. Box 11488 San Juan, Pueno Rico 00910 #809/767-8056

RHODE ISLAND Richard A. Bouchard | Radiological Protection Oficer Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency State House, Room 27 Providence, Rhode Island 02903

; #401/421-7333



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- - _ ---_ _ _ _ - ______- ______- ______- ______- . . , . . , SOUTH CAROLINA Heyward G. Shealy, Consultant Bureau of Radiological Health S. C. Department of Health & Environmental Control , 2600 Bull Street ' Columbia, South Carolina 29201 #803/737-7400 |

SOUTH DAKOTA Michael Pochop, Natural Resources Scientist Division of Environmental Regulation Department of Water and Natural Resources Joe Foss ODice Building 523 East Capital Pierre, South Dakota 57501 #605/773-3351

TENNESSEE Michael H. Mobley, Director

Radiological Health | Tennessee Department of Health & Enviro.': ment Bureau of Environment 3rd Floor, L & C Annex, 401 Church Street Nashville, Tennessee 37243-1532 #615/532-0364

TEXAS Susan Rief Director of Environmental Policy Governor's Ofice, P.O. Box 12428 , Austin, Texas 78711 #512/463-2198

UTAH William J. Sinclair, Director Division ofRadiation Control Department of Environmental Quality 168 North 1950 West P. O. Box 144850 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4850 ; #801/536-4250

VERMONT Richard Sedano Constissioner of Public Service 120 State Street Montpelier, Vermont 05620-2601 #802/828-2321

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. . * ' - VIRGINIA Addison E. Slayton, Jr., State Coordinator Department ofEmergency Services * 310 71trner Road Richmond, Virginia 23225 #804/674-2497

cc: George Urquhart, Deputy Director Plans Division Depanment ofEmergency Services 310 71tiner Road Richmond, Virginia 23225 #804/674-2438

WASHINGTON Bob Nichols Executive Policy Assistant Executive Policy Division O.fice of the Governor P.O. Bat 43113 Olympia, Washington 98504-3113 #206/586-0826

WEST VIRGINIA Beattle DeBord, Chief Radiological Health Program 815 Quarrier Street - Suite 418

, Charleston, West Virginia 25301 ' #304/558-2981

WISCONSIN Leroy E. Conner, Jr., Administrator Division ofEmergency Government 2400 Wright Street P.O. Box 7865 Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7865 #608/242-3232

, ' WYOMING Julie Hamilton Policy Analyst Ofice of the State Planning Coordinator Herschler Building, 4th Floor East Wing Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002-0710 #307/777-7574

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