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BY DIANNE STALUNGS involving visitation to his chil­ ical reasons. parents In years for escape and would ..1 just got word yesterday RUIDOSO Nf:WS HAH WIUTI'.R dren. He was sentenced to 16 His hearing Boyd Bartlett attacked his Artesia. have to apply for parole from and that's highly unusual," years in prison on two charges is set for estranged wife and injured But while that too," the spokesman said. Maddox said. "They usually do A man who attacked two of attempted murder. Monday doctors who Michael Thms, spokesman pre-parole reports, but I didn't But all Terry McDaniels (Jan. 12) m one of her friends with an examined him for the Department of know anything about it. But women with at;bax in Ruidoso 4, seven years ago is asking the remembers is being hit in the Santa Fe. ax in Ruidoso on Oct. acknowledge Corrections, said his office can­ we're on top of it now. I talked head, arm and body with the ax A state parole board to release 1990 he suffers not release any details on to the cabinet (corrections) sec­ as she was trying to protect spokesman Bartlett's behavior while in retary yesterday. We're trying him from prison because of a From Ruidusu Nerl'sfiles f r o m herself from an enraged for the State Hepatitis C, prison. Bartlett did not respond to get all our ammunition medical condition. Bartlett. Parole Board they don't to attempts by the newspaper together so we can keep him On Oct. 4, 1990, Boyd She remembers fearing for said Bartlett indicate the to contact him. from getting paroled." Bartlett attacked his estrang­ her life and having that fear contends he has a chronic liver condition is terminal, the Ruidoso Police Chief Lanny "I've had more phone calls ed wife and injured one of her renewed two years later when disease and that the condition spokesman said. Maddox, who was the investi­ from big-wigs in probation and friends with an ax. Bartlett escaped from the state is terminal. He wants out of "Even if the parole would gating detective on Bartlett's parole since I talked to Reportedly, he was under penitentiary for a few weeks. prison to participate in an be granted on the two attempt­ case in 1990, said he's the influence of drugs and was Now Bartlett, 34, is seeking experimental medical treat­ ed murder charges, he has a adamantly opposed to an early reacting to a domestic situation a parole from prison for med- ment. He would live with his consecutive sentence of five release for Bartlett. See CONVICT, page 2A LCMC's first baby of 1998 Ruidoso water bonds on ballot Council points to failing infrastructure, need for Eagle Creek rights purchase

• Ruidoso councilors Wednesday asked defeated, the tax will remain until voters to approve some $4.6 million in 2003," Village Manager Gary Jackson bonds on March 3. told the council. "The second thing is that water BY ToNI K. LA.XSON improvements are needed now, they RI'/IJ0.\0 NfW.\ .HAff WRIH.R will be needed next year and the year after that." Ruidoso's water system is in need The village must use the 1-cent of long-delayed improvements, gross receipts tax to retire bonds from Ruidoso councilors said Wednesday the early 1980s and in 1995, when before adding a bond proposal to the voters put $2 million towards water March 3 municipal election ballot. system improvements. Both issues "You never know when there will will be paid off by the -year 2003, be another drought, and you can't Jackson said. plan too much for these things," For the new issue to pass, voters Mayor Jerry Shaw said before the would have to approve both questions vote. on the ballot, Jackson said. The vil­ To approve the bonded debt, vot­ lage's tax would not increase, but would continue in the year 2003 Juloe Baxter/Rwdoso News ers would have to answer "yes" to two instead of dropping by l cent. questions ~ first, a continuation of a Peter Loda and Rheagan Davis are the proud new parents of Addison Loda. Addison was the first baby born in 1998 at Uncoln County current 1-cent gross receipts tax; and Though the council had asked Medical Center. Although his Jan. 5 binh had him arrive too late to watch the ball drop, he sull beat the clock when it came to the number one second, a bond issue of up to that the two questions be merged into baby of the year. See the srory on page SA $4,625,000. one to avoid confusion, bond attorneys "First of all, it needs to be under­

---- . ----~ -----~-----~~~------~~-- stood that even if both questions are See BONDS, page 3A Village trustees all are preparing wish lists f< >r the '98-99 budget Basketball madness Ruidoso Downs cashing in on Wal-Mart move " in lincoln County Late results of two prep bas­ . - ~------~~~----, --- --...,.------~ ·------• 7/Jough Wal-Murl m budget," she added. ··' rmpad rs JUSt nmc [;cmg left. the Smokey Bear Invitational in are this high already The village's current budget is Capitan: $189.989 ~ $200,000 ~ and I about $1.3 million after deducting a $1 BY Tm"1 K. LAxsoN ~- we've got six more High Country Shootout Rl"l[)( 1~0 .VFU'\ IT·U I u·Rn I.R million federal grant. Even without months left lin the fis- \Val-Mart money, the village this year Ruidoso 76, Mescalero 17 (see story $124.023 cal vear)," Weihbrecht gave all employees 20 percent raises, page 28) A year ago, Ruidoso Downs 1 said. received $25,000 in gros.•s receipt.."i tax created three new pol"itions and dou­ Santa Teresa 64, Desert Christian 56 Based on Ruidoso's Socorro 91, Chihuahua 47 revenues for the month of October. $62.408 blro village trustee compensation. $56.803 projected losses of Portales . Hondo Valley (late) This year, the amount was $900,000 a year Weihbn--cht said a new flePt of vehi­ cles f( r the police dqmrtment will be $124,000. ' $46.478- ~..,.... because of Wal-Mart'5 Smokey Bear lnvitationaJ Three words: \Val-Mart SupPr $5·.0.... 435 $5-.... ~ --·7. 3___ .. _~ request£-d. "And I know we have streets _....',· D ~3 $25.139 move, the Downs Boys: Center. ·i [] rc would conversely that need to be don£•, and we need to When the discount chain moVf>d its EJ D rece1ve $900,000, finish our fAll AmPricanl park," she Tatum86. Mountainair 44 store from Ruidoso into Ruidoso Downs LAII<.. I L S1 Pl ..J l On.J WPihbrecht said. said. Eunice 73. Magdelena 67 on Oct. 15, it virtually opened the llowever, "until Downs Mayor .Joe Hayhurst would Capitan. Carrizozo (late) money vault forth(' ;-,mall••r VIllage. nt>xt 111onth's (check) like to put a gymnasium in at All Hatch. Alamo Sophs (late) Ruidoso Downs' yearly income, not comes in, it's hard to American Park, which can he used by Next round gross receipts taxes hPfnre sending • capitan plays at 7:30 p.m. today including froeral grants, is expecU.>d to municipalities their share, has so far say," she said. "BPCause next month's the village as wPII as othf'r organiza­ about double from the bounty resulting dPiivPred two hefty checks to Ruidoso will he for a w!1olP month of Wal-Mart tions, h<' Raid. Girls from Wal-Mart's sales. Downs, according to Downs Villag<• - pn•-Christn il.."> Wal-Mart . .J bet we "I definit<>ly want to try to gpt that Eunice 83, Mountainair 25 Ruidoso, on thP other hand, is pro­ Clerk I.A·ann Weihbrecht. pull in anothPr $!j00,000 for the year. in thP budgt't for nPxt year," llayhurst Hatch 59, Dexter 56 jecting a loss of 14 p4C'rCPnt of gTOSS That could b( wrong, but that's a said. "But what the rest ofthPm have in Cap1tan 91, Carrizozo 24 receipt..<> revenueK And despitR a boom­ The $124,000 check, n·flecting guesstimate." mind, I don't have any idea." Tatum 55, Ruidoso 38 October gross receipt."i, camP at the end So far, D1,wns trustees haven't ing winter economy, Ruidoso prohahly Weihbrt.><:ht said Downs trustees Next round of December. Earlier, the Downs spent any of \Val-Mart proceeds nor won't. be looRening its tightened budget are guing to turn in "wish list.."" of pro- • Capitan plays Eunice at 6 p.m. today belt anytime soon, said Village received a check of $189,989.02 for have they stau'{l any intention of doing • Ruidoso plays Dexter at 2 p.m. today Manager Gary .Jack...<;On. September, when Wal-Mart's construc­ so in this fiscal year, which ends June The state, which takes its cut of tion costs were taxro. Comparatively, :lO, WPihbrt'Cht ~aid. See DOWNS, page 2A Also see Sports, Page I B

... WtE.ATH!EIR She's forging her Partly Ruidoso hunter cloudy to Arts ...... 4C: M1 >vie-s ...... 9(: Scott Annala bags art in the flame weekend; Business ...... hA Opmjon ...... 4A Classificds ...... JB Old West _ ...... 10<: one big ram for of ambition snow Crossword ...... 2B Sport~ ...... 1 B Monday Deaths ...... JA Real estate ...... JB the record book PAGE 4C Going om ...... RC: Weather ...... 2A l.encrs ...... 4A PAGEIB PAGE 2A

-----..... ------~------_____ ---.-, ...... _ ___ ...... ------t - - ~ - -- ~------___....,.,....··- - -- - I ------I


CONVICT: One escape adds to sentence F'RIDAY lligh ... 48 County jail evaluation begins Low .... 19 . •' RUIDOSO'S Continued from page lA " ... this is a guy we want BY DIANNE STAU.INGS past year, lost its administrator . . back in society?" II:UIDOSO N£WS STM'f' WIUT£R to a stroke in October and two:··': THREE-DAY (Corrections Secretary Rob 1 guards were put on leave in ·· '· ~.,-: iN- Partly Clouqy Perry)," Maddox said. "I told l.oaayMaddml, November because of accusa~ I For the next two months, WEATHER them don't know what they're Ruidoso Pv/lce Chief tions of misconduct. Plans to · ·t. ·'·. .,.,_~ planning, but I'm upset on the Mike Bcnaego will head the Lincoln County Detention build a new jail were put on .... r·. protocol. Even with mediocre hold last summer. · •I, OunooK offenders, they have given me Center in Carrizozo under a said he the right in the past to voice my was under restraining orders · $17,500 county oontract with Borrego doesn't see"·~~· back in 1990 (from battery Corrections Systems Inc. major flaws in the operation o(·':"' SATIJRDAY ~ ...47 SUNDAY High ... 43 opinion." the county jail. ··. 1 Low ... 19 Low ....21 When Bartlett escaped in against biB wife on Sept. 9 of Monday was his day r..,.t "From what I've seen, )"' N June of 1992, corrections offi­ that year). He was supposed to on the job imd was spent most­ don't see a lot that's so bad . cials found a letter in his jail be in Artesia while he was here ly listening, said County there's no solution to he J cell that promised revenge on i~" ~ committing crimes, so I know Manager Frank Potter. said Tuesday. ' N Partly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy his wife, according to news that doesn't work. ''We had a great meeting "A few tlaings heve been· " accounts at the time. ''I've had nightmares where yesterday and everyone was neglected a while, but not eeri- :··r "111 be coming back to tie I'm running around in fear and real excited,~' he said 'IUesday, ously - mostly stall' training .ij you to the rack, listen to you including representatives from scream, burn you with my no one remembers the attack. I and making ...... tbet every- : hate, till death do us part," think it's important the whole fmance and the sheriff's Oftice. boPltr1a;>' of the legal aid program, he may tions in the March 3 election. is due to a one-eighth cent -; fij-~--_...... , be eligible for "good time." of 12 to 15 times. He struck biB gross receipts tax assessed ini- · ' Com M~ In Ruidoso, Jackson cau­ \I + ,l Eligibility requires participa­ wife six to eight times. After tially in the spring of 1997, ·:·· [JJ; KBIM·TV ·'· • • c> tioned thet too much opecula­ D~DD tion in school classes, counsel­ the attack, Bartlett collapsed Jackson added. ! Jao.20 Jao.28 jao.S Jan. 12 tion should not be based on the ing or some other specified in the front yard either from a initial numbers. ''We were up until October, ·. .-: activity. That means for every dnig overdose or interaction of ''I went into Wai-Mart in· which was down 13 percent,"' · On the 9lh,lbc Moon squeaks a fnu:tion of a degt'ft north of day served, he would accumu­ drugs. 1 STARI>ATE Aldebanln. the bright red star tbat marks the -eye- of Tllun&. that lira week of October and be said. . lhc bull. lbey appear fairly high in the !>OUiheasl at sun:set, and late a day off his sentence. .-·1 "When he hit me in the the inventory was extremely Even so, because the viJ.... the full M(J()n or January. But he would not be eligi­ head three times, he broke called the Old Moon or Moon After Yule. ble for parole on his good time diminished," Jackson said. "'lb !age is having a very good sea-.; through the skull plates," say that it was at its normal son, he expects some favorable until March 2000. And he McDaniel said. c•One iinpact • would still have to serve a min­ operating inventoay thet first numbers. _.; was so great when he hit the two weeks wouldn't be acru· 'This is one of tbe best win-·.·. imum of 2 1/2 years of his five­ top of my head, split my it rate. So, to assume that you tera we have had in Jli:Ohably a ·•. year escape sentence. palate and loosened my teeth. I 1 "AB far as I'm concerned, double those numbers or add cJecade,." he said. "Tm not saying_.~ this guy gets 16 years and five had massive blows to the left numbers to extrapolate from that it would make 'Up fur Wal· ; - consecutive years for escape, so side of my body and a rom­ there - there may be some Mart's loss, but it would be a we shouldn't be worried about pound fracture on my left arm questionable logic in doing bull'er to Wai·Mart's loss .. ; him getting out for 20 years," where the bone was sticking that." because, bu.% the _,}a were .. , Maddox said. through the skin. My shoulder The difference between here. '!bey may have not have ... 'When Boyd escaped from and elbow were dislocated and Ruidoso's gross receipts rev­ been in every store spending •- prison, Lanny hid me for two I had deep and very severe enue from October, 1997, and their money but tbey certainly .. weeks," McDaniels said. ..He bruising." the past average for the month werehere." ·

MAKE YOUR NEW Yt;AR'S RE~OUillON TO • An IRA.:.Still One Of The ~TTACK THE RAC LINCOLN COUN1Y'S ONLY TOTAL FITNESS CENTER Best Ways To Save For A Concord stage once uansported people and mail from White"""""" Oaks ... to -San Antonio on the Rio Grande, 35 iDustrar:ed in oil by Dorothy Leslie of Carrizozo. WE INVITE YOU TO COME AND VISIT OUR Your Retirement. 1118 SCilAJ>IJ()()K ··-·· ...... FACILITY AND JOIN OUR MEMBERS WHO Millions of working Americans are still eligible to deduct all ARE MAKING A SERIOUS COMMITMENT or a part of their IRA oontnbutions each year. And a fixed A glimpse into Lincoln has a force of men at work on interest acrount annuity IRA from MetLife provides you with County's past, compiled from the new depot at Carrizozo. TO THERE HEALTH AND WELL BEING. the comfort of knowing your money is with a Company with local newspapers by Polly E. Probate · Judge W. F. Chavez. Bllanchard was in the city a long standing reputation for financial strength. We have" a Whrte Oaks Eagle Sunday and left for Lincoln ASK ABOUT OUR variety of products, and you can choose the one that best fits Monday, where he holds the your needs. And you can always count on the per.;onalized Jan. II. 1900 regular term of court this service of our trained representatives. Thesday's mail arrived yes- week. JANUARY terday morning, just 24 hours " Special meeting at the To find out mo:re~, ~co~n;:lact=::;:;·-:,---:--=-----:­ late. Tremendous snow storm Congregational Church every BRIAN MIRAU, Account Representative was the delay. night this week, except SPECIALS 1221 Mechem, Ste. 1 , Ruidoso, NM 88345 Another protracted meet- Sunday. ~ 505-258-1273 ing is on at the Methodist It begins to look like the PERSONAL TRAINING NOW AVAILABLE church; the presiding elder is telephone lines will be built. conducting it. Ed Thompkins is the gf'n- 415 WINGFIELD STREET Contractor Mann Sater- eral all-around boy for Ziegler white was in the city Monday Bros. He went to work on the RUIDOSO, NM 88345 GET MET. IT PA'VS.® and Thesday. Mr. Saterwhite first. OMetLW

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Tamara Montes Keith Green CLEARANCE EJ<-r E><1 ~ Spc>rul~'""""' fdrf.D• At:w> Du...:Mo. f>« 16 SaJn Accounf brc. .All l!;en't> Gr~ E>ft Ill Edrronol AdwR• Jom Thompson. Eon 7 SaJn Accouflf UK Tono l.3l<=n E "Oft 1} Cor,. ,....-~, R<-po.-n-• Hl'l<>n Tl>ompwn. E>« 8 (lrn11fi<'IIn P;oy« 20 Off~<:., Monoar• Jana McW•I.,.ms, Eon I) .Mao/mom Sup<'~¥"'"' % lilts Tracy.~t>l'pam C"nimat.or; SWph.. n CRJ"dw.,ll, Graphic- Artu.t, EvPlyn llaz.. l, Cl.. rical A-•..wnt .• Jnck~t• Bryant, lm... rt...-r; Margan-! c;aJJ.,W"'. Jnf\M"U>r; ,JOflh C:raham. Rtout.f' £lnV<"r; \\·umw-lom.,.,ln-rt.o>r; M1c-lu>y Sanc-ht'Z.In-.-tPr. Ranut.P DrivPr. Velvet Leggings .Jim RtKikf'y. Hnut.o> Dnv.. r. Pat C:onnl'll. IT11Wr1.Pr. RMty .Jmwl'. lm•ert.t'r ALL ~~~i.Qg SuhR<"npt1R m advane?- Singh• oopy. 50!1. Mail dl-livwy: .Ung.le <"Opy, $2.50; lilts In J.nx·uln nrnl ( hrr•> ("0\lnb,.,. on.- ~nr. $.14. "il'l month... $20; thrN" month,;, $14 Out Velour Paints of I.Jn('t>ln nne! ( h••m oountu... - onl> }'€'aT. $.'1fl. RU< month.. , $22, thn>{> month!<, $16 lloml' 20% df>livPI')" thn... mnnthl'. $20. !!IX monthR. $.1ii; on(> yM~;r. $6R Calll.''io05J 207-4001 for hom.. rll>hv•·rv OFF 20°/o "Illf' R1mh-• ;v.. ,.._, •I '!'il-:'; 472-fiOOI u; puhi1Rhf'd ..-ac-h Wf'dnf'Sflay anrl Fnrln:y nt 104 Velvet Pants PllTk Av..-nuP. Huu-J,-.. ~M f\f\..145 St-<"onrl d.._..,. pc~ pa1rl at th<• Pn~nrl arlrlrPI.'i ·n,.. Ruub-· ,.-.,·,.,. .,. """"""'"" th•• nght to ~j...-t a~IO~ anrl Prl1t ropy that it <:'<"m­ Dresses- ,.,n...,... nbJIPct.innahlf' Lu•h•hty for any P actual .<~patv in wh1ch thf' f'Tn>r tK"'<"'lU'" nnd o;tJall hP ~rn-M um m thP nf'Xt OFF 1,...,,,. No portion nf lh..- RuulnN• f\i('U"l< may hP \L...... J m any manr...r Wllhnut tll..­ Select Group 2 0 % PXp,..,._.j. writWn fTln-ot of thP puhhRhPr ThP Rmdotuo NP,.·.~ L'< puhlu;hed hy \-\'nrlrlWt'!d [,mh•ht:v ( :Ompnn.v

Metnber of thc- N..-w M>l"Xi("O ~ ARMxiation Open Sunday 12·4 Menllx-r of Inland P.-- ~al.ion, NNA Copyright 1997 819 New York Ave. • Alamogordo, NM ---- ·------·-.....- ...... __ •. I. .. = =-==--- nnnnn·nnsmn--e- . l .. a r· ·z EEEE'SC en r-rrrrtrr =·=·--·- = ------·-----~-~------.. ------·-;·--·-~-~-~-~-~·-··~-~-~-~(,...-~-~-~----· ------~------~~----~-~~-,~------·---~-~--(··~-~~---·~~----~-

LOCAL NE!s-. . FRIDAY~}AN. 9, 1998 5A :' BONDS: 1-cent gross receipts tax would continue for infrastructure Continued from page lA five-year capitsl improvement tinued to be an expense lbr Rui- used lbr the water system and tem priorities listed in the eapi­ plan. - The village is a psrt of the the village can only bond out a tel improvement plan a:re based JohnW.JamesJr. told Jackson state law requires Historical1lr, water has been arid southWI!Bt, where water llo a tots! of $9 million at a time, vil- on an eValuation of the village's John W. James Jr., former.. both questions. a priority issue for Ruidoso, concern lbr aD c:itiss; Ruidoso ·lap oftidals eaid. Because the water system completed 12 to 15 J.y of Ruidoso, died in Rio Ran­ The bond proceeds would Jackson eaid. "And it will contin­ has the additiooal burden of a village already has $4.4 million years ago. The village council cho on F'rida3', Jan. 2. pa.y lbr the acquisition of water ue to he our top priority," he told water system that has been in bonds, the most that oould be intends to have consultants Memorial services will he rights from Eagle Creek, the council befure the vote. allowed to deteriorate by past bonded would be $4.6 million, update that evaluation soon. It Saturday, Jan. 10, at 11 a.m. described by Jackson as an inl<>­ Despite the 1995 bonds, village teaders; and Ruidoso's Jackson said. is expected to cost the village. at the Church of Josue Christ gral portion of the village's water spent on increasing capacity at mmmtainous teQ-ain requires a Tbe 1-cent tax was first was $00,000 to $60,000 and will of Latter Day Saints in Los system. and the scheduled water treatment plants and more eJQII!nsive water system added in 1982. Wtth it, Ruidoso's include. "modeling," in whlch Lunas, with Bishop Seaman replacement of deterioratillg replacing 4 miles of old water· than Would he needed on kMII tots! gross rec:ejpts tax is 6.9375 innovative solutions may he officia~ing. Cremation water lines. lines, Ruidoso has roughly 80 terrain. -Ia, the maximum rate allow- tested, Jackson said. - arrangements wers mads by No amount has been estab­ . more miles of deteriorating Jarkson -described the Rui- · able by the state. Last spring, the villsge's Sunrise Society of New Maxi• lished for the cost of Eagle Creek lines, Jackson eaid. doso system as one of the most Jackson said the bond, if gross ...... ,;pte tax increaaed by a co. water; the assets are being Councilor Bob Sten:hi said it oomplli:ated in the slate, adding approved, WC!UJd be kept to one-eig!:jth of a cent, in a ,.,... Born Feb. 11, 1934, in appraised. The appraiaa1 is a was incwnbeot on the council to that it had 36 pn!BBIIre ZOIII!S. terms such as obtained lbr the sure tliat the Legislature allows AJ~qu~e, ~- _James is BUI'VlVed . by his wife Helen; requirement of the legal - present the bond issue to voters, "Until a couple ofyears ago, 1995 bonds, whlch have an municipal governments to ment reached this fall between and oompsred the bonds to the there was not a lot of emphasis eight-year~ date. . implement without voter children Richard W. James, Ruidooo and Capitan regarding opportunity village 1esders had pUt on the infrastrUc:tun>• he "It's :vm.:y critic:al thet the approval,. Jackson said. That VICtoria L. Hall, furmerJ.y of Eagle Creek water rights. . 40 years ago to purehaae Bonita added • terms of tlie bonds a:re kept ~cent tax, by state law, Ruidoso, Lorene J. Gochenour The remainder of the bond Lake. Ruidoso passed on the The village last year Jllllned slwrt, such as five to eight must he used to improve DlUJiic.; of Ruidoso, Debbie Gaul, Vtek.­ money, if apprmoed, would belbr chance and Alamogordo bought; legislative approval to seek con- years,• Jackson said. "If you ipal infioaotruc:tur. Last year, it ie Lynch, Rita Phagan, $3.4 million worth of work on the lake. tinuation of the supplsments11- lleep it short term, you can sta;v was used on the water system. Dolores Lovato, Robert the village's water system. The Jackson has listed three rea­ pernaot gross receipts tax. ·By nn top of long term needs." This year, it will be designated Keeney, Richard Kee • Lisa prqjects me listed in Ruidoso's sons why water issues bas con- Dowell, Catby Beck :::r Jerry state law, the tax could only be ,_...:J~a~ckooD~~-~sa~i~dc_!the~~wa~ter!!!:~'IY~... ~_!for~streets,~~~J~a~ck~sm~l~asJ~·~d:_. -~ Fekete; 18 grandchildren and . . one great--grandchild. COUNCIL Also surviving are a broth· Second accident at Airport er, Zachary, and a sister, village staff has said ordinance and sent to the Joanne Bellow. Hillside protection The su~ recom~ "counciL Ruidoso councilors on mended the fallowing ch­ These _ohanges hava been A chartered plane's land­ Airport employees coinci­ 'fueeday will once again review to the alnendment approVed mads to the ordinance: ing gear collapsed ""-"­ dentally were training on a Uceose hearing set village rules governing con­ earlier by the Planning and • Deduce the liumber or parkiDg during take oft" at tb""i.hJ. · new 6re truck at the time of State ofliciala will consider struction on hillsides. Zoning Commission: doso airport, an ollicial eaid. the accident, taking away a local real estate ~ a apace per employee was None of the three people Last June, the council The sub-committee greatly --needed besicle& one.... space---Is. per :room and "So-guys were on the agent's '1ic:ense pending a pU\Jlic in the plane Were • .ured in spot~ ,~ 80 ~· n:Uected an amendment to the reduesd the pernantage of a lot another for every 10 rooma. The ...... in disciplinary hearing 10:30 a.m. parldng..,...... wd be elim- hillside protection ordinance, that must remain in its natur~ ::!:r"' the accident, w~ hap­ Monf,;~ Feb. 6 at the Ruidoso Conven­ peiled at about 3:30 p.m., · It took airport crews saying it was too restrictive for al state from the ordinanCe • ParkiDg at elderly houSing facil~ . tion Canter people trying to build homes on approved by the Planning and itiea would be reduced &om one apaee said 'Ibn Morris, manager at about two hours to clear the 4'\nto~ · R. _Lewin, chief smaller lots. Zoning Commission. pet unit to ball a space per uniL the Sjerra Blanca Regional plane from the runW1131 he investigator fur the New Mexi-· • Betail and B8I'Yice establi&h­ •'I A suboonunittee of Robert However, the sub-commit.. Airport.. eaid. co Real Estate Commission, ment& are now reQUired to provide one ''The aireraft was depart­ Tbough no planes had to Donaldson, Bob Sterchi and tee also rec:ommended the joint parking lot ..... lbr.....,. 160 ...... said his off'u:e initiated an feet Door area. As amended, 'the ing and had a malfunlion of he diverted during that time, Bill Chance studied how to passage of a new ordinance to or the landing gear. The land­ a departing aireraft and a investigation of Bill Rickard make the ordinance less regulate the amount of dirt ra~ becomes one sp8ee lbr after one of Rickard's clients every 260 Square Ceet aDd one apace fOr . just kind of fulded landing aireraft were dela;yed restrictive, but effective. work dons on sloped lots. each_...... _ 500 square Ceet of storage or pro­ 10 15 minutes. filed a with the state agency in ::-~said. li>r abont to August. . "··· The ordinance, created in The excavation and grad­ 'lbe six-seat, twin-engine Moniseaid. 1988, is designed ·to preserve ing ordinance will also be con­ • Fundture and carpet atoree, a Beechcraft Baron is owned -The .accident is the sec­ Rickard, owner of 'fup Ruidoso's hillside features and sidered 'fueeday by the oouncil. new category, would aeed one parkiDg Brilas Realty, also faces crimi­ • ...... fur 600 ...... r.etoffloor ..... by Cutter Aviation and was ond at the aiqJort within a prevent builders from cutting • Parki.ug Iota at oflicas baa been on its way to Albuquerque, two-weekl*iod. On Dec. 71, nal charges thet he kept almost out the sides of mountains and Business parkillg slmpllftecl apd raduced toone apaee for he eaid. a plane with two men from $600 paid to him for back taxes . hills for construction. every 350 square feet of Door area. with When the plane's land" Austin, '1\!xas, slid off of the on condominiums· in Ruidoso. Less restrictive parking · a mlnlmnm of fbur parking spaeea. Lewin Btlid his agency's The ordinance also controls • For driw-duowlh or walk-up. ing gear folded up, it slid to a runway while landing. Nei­ the percentage of hillside lots requirements for businesses restaurants, the rernmmendation ia to stop on. the runwar with ther of the men were illjured investigation of Rickard is sep­ that may he developed and village-wide will he considered require one apace tbr each three seats, spsrko and dust flying but in the accident, but the plane arate from the criminal inveati- that must be left in a natural 'fuesday night by oouncil. plus one per employee. However, if an without catching on fire, was totaled. gation. . establlahment is a walk-up cmly with MQITis eaid. . Rickard's first appeararn;e state. The purpose is to pre­ In November, the~ no drive-through, then the reoommen­ vent erosion and the potential and Zoning · Commission datlon is a minimum of five. parking on criminal embezzlement ,flooding of lots below each site, approved a relaxed parking lot spaces-for CUBtomer&. charges is scheduled Jan. 30.

.'".. . ~ ...... ~, ~ ... " _, .. '· .-.; ... o;; •.'...N""


Hospice ~u-tfd' j{.,f.,_ .to- .t...fa-n-£ e-~e-~>y-o-n-e- /o-~> BRUNELL·s. INC. oluncoLn counH .t...fe.? 1> do-n-a-.!.?o-nJ- a-nd .1-u-ftfto-i>C /o-~> .t...fe ~:; ·~ ..?;,.,. o-/y~ /

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Vllage of Ruidoso Employees: Rodney Griego. Cindy Vanderhyden. Ray SancheZ. DaVe Tetreault & Mike Schlntgen Texas New Mexico Power • Walb1ne HUghes SPONSORS: Ruidoso News • Jane Heac:l• RUidOsO state 8..-.1< 1st Federal SavingS Bank • Ruidoso Valey Noon Lions O.lb John & Lou Fnger • Betty Bennett • .1Jdy Broussard • Ted & Doris Roth Yn- ~---.?"'? 1s-nu:;.~>y- ...... Fran'IS JaramiG PeriPtliiiPll ...... _ llo9'1"'HNCI Mary Dickson _ BerniCe K•pon Mal')' 0. Winkler ...... 1k>t> Prol'ltt t'lez Md:ranay . --MlkitPierU! Bn 1-t;.tdglns Barbara FinCh """-·J.C:.~S DotPwnel -~ Mattioli Hunt Carolyn..... Leasure M-c.on< Paul LaWSon Joe&owln A.E.H.nt George Callns .__. ProHtlni!IO BradY Sl.lsle ht'gl!l"on Kenneth Oltilr -­.... NorriS S<:t>warz John Jack • ,Rebeccil FUSdore ChadWICk Cli!IO}Iton a-rt CrldEmmart Lelanti~Cl 8orllkl S«>tt ...... ChilrtUT.OI)'Iol' MaureProntt~­ Pi1PP11 (O(Ir'S ...... ,.,,_-~ .....,_....., ..­ Arcoenla~-~ C.tlo GIGnClaiRilutler 8ilrbara DUff .1m Sro-..ssard Estt\tlr Plno ""''·- ""''"" Eva S..--np$011 TomRadh P;drle SilrKhi!Z cr.rest•- Steve Palnb!l 2316 Sudderth Drive Heler'l ChaveZ -'"'·..k.ICly RhOdeS .._ ..... Robert McGarvay ...... -GomK --HDonKnox GerJ londerson Ct,UIS Phllps L_,a 8udens Cfuo!k Harton • ·• f • • ------~------~-----'------~- • .. ,.. ' I RUIDOSO NEWS /

CALLUS Phone, 505-257-4001 4A fRIDAY, JAN. 9, 1998 PINION News Hotline, 505·257·1122

RUIDOSO NEWS Speaking up

1\JBUSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND fRIDAY for kidneys AT 104 PARK AVENUE., RuiDOSO, NEW MEXICO Taking note or a CDmpr&' hensive report on breast can­ Tamara Montes, Publisher Keith Green, Interim Edi[Or . cer in Lincoln County, and Copyrighl 1997 efforts to provide a support group, Ralph Romero o( Rui­ doso would . like to see OUR OPINION something M0'"",.,.4 .., similar done unuun by ·and for ASIDES those who have kidney Prehistoric development problems - R a 1 ph P e~haps citing ..;,me recently discovered prehistoric lost a kidney animal bones as an economic stepping-stone for Nogal to surgery last summer does seem to be exaggerating a bit. ·aild since After all. Nogal in the fall hosted some reasonably tban has famous movie stars for weeks on end, and the century-<>ld beee making general store-cum-post office reopened as a store after a frequent trips BY IrmH.GRI!I!N . new pre-fab post office was erected across the street. to Albu- RrHoosoNBws That's probably the most concentrated activity in querque for continued Nogal since gold mining stopped in the district. treatment. Nevertheless; discovery last year of what appears to be TilE Sll..VER LINING He's aleo learned that lots a substantial prehistoric animal killing field around Nogal or other people in tba county already has attracted wide interest from archaeologists, have a variety or problems help from C & L. Lumber and others, plus a Hubbard witb ·their kidneys. Some have Foundation grant for ·education and a site on the World A Twelfth Night birthday had transplants; otbers actual· WideWeb. . ly were born witb one kidney, · AU for some old bones stuck in the mud? This is being sent to you We have tbe oldest capital ness to God. etrectively leaving tbem witb "'--- f th histori' 1 h · ) tusk just before noon on Jan. 6, tbe city or all tba stetes, Sante Fe. Leks Frazier's -.y would DO backup. 8mne, Hke Ilalph, u"""'very o a mammo (a pre c e ep ant first day of Epiphany, dlso . And we led tbe world in to · remind you or Dick Whitting- are relying on one kidney. in a washed out embankment last 8UJ1:1mer, it appears, called 'l\Yelftb . tba Atomic Age. ton, who was about to cross tba He eaye he'd Hke to talk · has sinee ballooned into what is considered a ~A;or find of Night, since. it Londo B 'dge ~'- ---' witb. wzyone in tba oounty who Pleistocene mammals in the area. -~ . marks the Land or·"'---...,.....,..... Ufe and crestfallen,n .. when, ~cour..,.~ tba beDs would be interested in setting up a kidney support group o1' An archaeologist with the private Center for lndige- twelfth day In ber great book, "Death in tbe 'lbwer or London chimed · some-sort. His telephone num­ nous Research in El Paso named Jeflrey Leach notes that ~ • Christ· ·Comes for tba Archbishop," him a-· ~ ·ber is 378-4278. He seid before unearthed skeletons so far have been identified as two This is tba writer Willa Catber said tbat ~~tti:'~n,' ~"f::d leaving for anotber treatment mammoths, two prehistori!!. horses and a bison. Leach da th Th some oountries or stet.eslook to M~ or London..- 1 • in Albuquerque on Monday calls them Pleistocene fauna, or animals such as thoee ~ e M':: tbe future, while otbers ·look ~-- that he Should be back to take that were disappearing at about the time man was gain- · L--=-'-'---1 began their back at tba past. New~ The Catlin just In case calls on FridfiY, ''if they let me ing ascendancy - some 15,000 years ago, in the first journey back to she wrote, speaks to us an cmneback."' BY DAN - their • home . says "today, today!" MallY or tba prominent cit- epoch of the Quartenary Period in the Cenozoic eoun.u.sr countries to There was a time not long izensorRoswellcamewestsuf- Old·tlmers already have Era. started drawing com})4Uisons (That, according to Webster's New World Dictionary, bring tbe news ago when. tba only_ cure for ' Cering from tobercolosis. or tba Christmas snow or 1997 was a time "characterized by the spreading and receesion of tbe· birth of Christ, the·· tubercoloslS was climate. In . One borrowed,$200 ~a in Lincoln County witb all of continental ice Sheets and by the appearance of modem Infant Saviour tbe late 1800. and early 1900s, liiend. before setting out m a tbose other memorable weatb· humans.") This a1eo U:. tba 86tb birtb· people suffering from tobercu- covered wilgon from Alabama. er events or tbe centory. He says the valleys around Nogal had been filling up day or New Mexico and or ex· losis, som~ of tbem.practically He recovered and became~- The problem, of course, is with sediment for upwarda of20,000 years. But now, with President Ronald Reagan. .at tba pomt or death, baaded to-do,and~~,at,-Qhrist- that weather records art Our 47tb stete New Mexi· for New Mexico. mas ~ b&Ck a h~ dol- development, water is being diverted and... exposing ·'co was admitted k, pnion am thinking now Lake lara to his Alabama friend. the 1 or sketclJytimes are and flexible. """""""' """"" remains where they never had been seen before. It's like- · ,{ Jan. . It came very J. Frazier, who had journeyed Another fellow started 0 6 1912 ou~ We do !mow tbat there was ly, he says, that animals once roaming the Tularosa Basin close to ~ named Lincoln, form Vll'ginia, and was teksn in a wagon, bringing along his one big blizzard tbat hit at came looking for water from springs in the area. after Abrsbam. off tbe trein ·on a stretc:ber in home-made coffin, ~ust in least part ortba county in Jan­ P~ple who watch Geographic Explorer on television In New Mexico, Native tbe last stages or tubercolosis, case." uary· or 1900, and ple or tba 86th hirtbday or tbe -te, case or frost-bite. '!'he mail aleo Ongoing excavations, of course, represent the educa- and centers of scientifi~ Roswell, which alopg with the with .its legacy of healthful eli­ ran 24 hours late, acoording to tiona! opportunity seen by the Hubbard Foundation, and resesrcb... such as White Sands hesltbfol climate, ihspired and mete and friendly people - a report in the Jan. 11, 1900, that's why a $10,000 grant will help establish observation Missile Range and Los Alamos encouraged him and awak- New Mexico, "tbe land or _. edition of the White Oaks platforms and other amenities, starting in April, for school National Laboratories. ened in him a new thankful- ond life." Eagle. children and others to watch the proceedings. Dan Storm remembet'B a So how much of an economic impact for Nogal? Look · YOUR OPINION fuuro.fuoter in tba ruo Ruidoso what happened to southern California after they .discov­ Valley once, 'way back when... but it didn't stay around ered the artifact-rich La Brea Tar Pite- Los Angeles! get to El Paso to catcb a plane, Annual Christmas Concert held like tba one on Christmas Day. Beyoii.d belief and Mr. Hernandez got the at tbe scbool gym on Dec. 21. We'd very mucb like to beer . Th the editor: roads in Sierra VJ.Sta Estates ...especially tbose who about otber big snows, psrticu­ As I sit here pondering the cleared promptly so that we attended tba concert during larly tbose prior to World War FOR REFERENCE recent tax increase on my Rui­ could get tbere. highly inclement westber condi­ n, and especia1J,y if somelltte Rowe enabling us to buy more books Ruidoso 88866, and we'll help 328 Hart Senate Bldg. State Capitol Santa Fe, N.M. 87503 each time I travel up that par· Alto and better serve our community. ~ catcb up on weatbsr Washington, DC 20510-3101 ticular road me. Pearl L. Tippin (202) 224-6621 800-432-4406 it unnerves history. Certainly tbe hand or God Coordinaror, Capitan · U. S. SENATOR STATE SENATOR Demos celebrate, too A Httle eeeteric informa. JEFF BINGAMAN (D) PETE CAMPOS !D), DIST. 8 was with this very fortunate tion or no psrtico1ar importance 703 Hart Senate Bldg. 901 Douglas couple during tbis harrowing 'Ib the editor: to old-tbners but or considerable Washington, DC 20610-3102 Las Vegas, NM 87701 experience. But then, after a Roeslie Dunlap's list or significance to young men (202) 224-5521 trip to medical facilities, the Christmas parties O~incoln between tba ages or 18 and·25: 425-0508 driver was · issued a Trails, Dec. 31) included tbe U. 8.' REPRESENTATIVE STATE REPRESENTATIVE POUCY If you haven't registered witb JOE SKEEN (R), DIBT. 2 DUB WILIJ:AMs (R), DIST. 66 citation... for "failUre to control Republicsn Christmas party at I.EITF.RS Selective Service (most people 2302 Reyburn House Bldg.. HC66 -Box 10 his Vehicle." I must admit I Alto Country Club, no doubt a still think or it as "tbe draft") Washington, DC 20515 Glencoe, NM 88324 was in disbelliif. Surely tba city pleasant dining experience. 'lbe Ruidoso News encour­ aed are approaching 26th (202) 225-2365 378-4181 fathers are not this desperate However, she ooerlnoked tba ages letters to the editor, espe­ birthday, pay ~atten· for -revenue after losing Wal­ Lincoln County' IJemocrate' OOV· efully about local topics and Elected officials welcome questions and comments. Issues. tioo: Mart to tba Downs! ered-dish Christmas party host­ State Selective Service ... I can only suggest to tbe ed by Charlie and Cece Griffin. Eaob letter mUst be signed and include the writer's Director Mucio Yslas Jr. cau· unfortunate (or fortunate) dri· Democrats were entertained m- tiona tbat, witb few eJroePiions, daytbne telephone number and VILlAGE OF RUIDOSO ver, please take your case to with Christmas csro1s by guber­ address. The phone number a man who fails to register oourt. I seriously doubt that 12 natorial candidate JUdge Ben­ and· street or mailing address -.,turning 26 can be in real MAYOR JERRY SHAW men a "guilty" ver· Chavez his could find jamin and guiter, will not be . ted; -· hot water - 6ke a fine or up to 1230 Mechem, No. 15 diet. After all, God put or while collecting approximstely the author's ~ will be $250,000, prison time or up to 5 Ruidoso, NM 88355 caused the ice tO be on the 100 pouods or non-perishable included. The telephone num­ years, or both. 258-5737 road, and being only mortal lbod items for tba Lincoln Coun­ ber will be used to verifY authorship. No letter will be We have to conclude tbat COUNCILOR CoUNCILOR man, 'who can control a car (or ty Food Baok. printed without the writer's ....., years or leniency by Selec­ FRANK CUMMINS LEON EOGLES'I'ON aoything else) on ice? Shame, The officers of the I.incobt name. . tive Service bas to do witb a Box892 Box 2500 shame, shame on you, Mr. ·County Democram: Party would Letters shOuld be 500 words considerable lack or tensi

. ' . ' . f . ... == m =-=• a -on nOs 0 SOPPS. 9 59 9 ODSCl?F SF FEE eo· zoe ERZESZ$SDCODORRZO E men bans ·= = m., =a= ft ------·------~-- r> 5 • r • r -- ..... - ...... r • r ...... s= r • r • • • • • • • .. -= • • • • • • = • • ... • • • • .. • • 5 • • ; s u u • s • s a • s > s • • a a • a • p > > p a e P • a a a P p »> p a a a p p p s a a a a a a a ; z • , • lltlloo!lo N..,. LOCAL NEWS FRIDAY, jAN. 9, 1998 SA

Property tax.cap backing asked Ruidoso's first-born in 1998 inous backing from the oounty lliall)' pl'Oped over tax rolls at full market value home improvements and new three at once. The change hi plans number one baby of 1998, it: the past nine months While and then assessed at one-tbhd additions, he said Aod as for the future doesn't bother them, though. all doesn't seem ·so bad. Howell conaulted with govern­ of tbat value. Currently, all "We can Wlitch our property young Addison ·is already In their opinion its a ·small ment officials, tax advisers and property is reappraiaed every values grow without being pun­ shaping, it starts with' Rhea­ price to pay for such a besu­ "It was so worth it," home owners herd bit l;ly last two yesrs and taxed at ooe-thlrd ished," Howell said. "It's not the gan and Peter's education. tiful baby. • Rheagan said. yesr's property rea~ of that assessed value. existing ptoper:~ or ilnprov&­ The Iiane&. have alreedy put Even the scary hours "The Caesarean was not would allow people to improve ment to properties that strain off plans to go to college, and leading up to Addison's fun and it still hurts a lot, their property and ensure long . "The tax cap will eliminate services. Nor does the value or a when they de go beck to l>irth, and the painful inci· but it was so worth it. I'd do time lionie oWners aren't forceCI the undue burden imposed each house strain municipal services. school, they'll be thinking sion left; to beal, don't seem it again 100 times just to out or their houses l;ly rising year on thousands or New 1\IJexi.· It's the new. homes, new subdivi­ more like parents than all that annoying to Rhea· have him here." · property values, he said. co property owners," Howell sions and new people who strain The plan received unani· said. "In Linooln Councy- alone, services." WIN $$$ WIN $$$ WIN $$$ WIN $$$ WIN $$$ WIN $$$ WIN$$$ J RUIDOSO DOWNS RACING THOROUGHBRED presents , • , I i I MD~ ! at ~ • Simulcast Racing from all major race tracks across the USA P.O. BOX 887 • RUIDOSO ))OWNS, NM 88346 ~ • Located just East of the Race Track on Hwy 70 505-37S8064 • FAX 505-378-5234 • 888-847-8070 •· ._,. .,.~.u""~'•. n •. , "io!BBY-&Fot:!id. BelV:iceu• -: .. ·~: .. ~;t .t. ,·, ...... •: )~_. "l.. lo; ..0&~-·· ·-····· ... ,,.,, ..... ,~ ..· • '· -·· · .-.• ·• rfJiv. "HL • ·r ·' '· _._. z • Free Seating Z · We are so pleased with the response· we are getting i. For more lltfDrmatlon cal/378-4431-Progmms & forms a""ilable at Vi/lag< Cafr and w;,. Place & Show ~ from our full page insert ad. Most of the customers $$$ NIM $$$ NIM $$$ NIM $$$ NIM $$$ NIM $$$ NIM $$$ NIM . who walk in our door have seen the ad. Some even bring it in with them. This response is far beyond what we expected. It has increased our name recognition in the community, which is so important for a new busi­ Hosanna's ness such as ours. FLORAL }EWELY BOXES AND We want to thank you and the advertising staff at AsSORTED GIFT BASKETS the Ruidoso News for your suggestions and assistance in putting together such an effective ad. With Bath or Gormet Coffees, Fine China, and English China. Sincerely, 20%off· Dominic Mosca 2306 Sudderth #2 • 257-11122 Manager

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CALL US. Business writer Julie Baxter 6A fmDAY, jAN. 9, 1998 us Phone' 505-257-4001 1997 real estate Total sales volume for real estate in millions: 'It was -a good year' 87.4 BY jULIE BAXTER retireeS," said Marcia Guynes, who the seller is. .RUIDOSO NEWS BIISINI!SS Wkfnll of Tall Pines Realty and presi-. "People from all over the _dent of the Board of Realtors. world can 8earcb by price, Real estate ea1es in Rui­ "But Wfire also getting middle- number of bedrooms, location. doso and Lincoln County age families here that want a They're able to identi(y proper­ slipped a notch from 1996 to better wa,y to live. Theae young ties they may be interested in 1997, but not enough to cast a execq.tives are coming up here without ever Mmng an agent," shadow on What eom.e agents and they can wwk a~ )>moe, 'lb Eldredge said. · call a bright market. me it's quality of living (that P- said old-fashioned In 1996, total sales volume attracts residents)." word-ol'-mouth is still a key to a for Ruidoso real estate totaled Computers and the Inter- good real estate market.· · $87.3 million, according to Jan net are making living in Rui- "Somebod,y dces retire bare Eldredge, exacutive olflcer for doso an option for people who ...Hi calls beck (home) and.f!81Y the Ruidoso Board of Realtors. work at eompaniee and corpo- 'we really do like it,' That bas By comparison, the most rations baesd in other cities, more impact than· any pi'omo- date f'JgUreS for 1997 t!\U!d. Eldredge said. tion or advertising," he said. $85.6 million - a $1.7 million "With computers you can The total ea1es wlume for decrease. The 1997 flgures do yOur business and live in a the year shouldn't be taken don't include sales from beautiful location," abe said. totally at face value, though. December, though, which could "You don't need to live near a Paxton warned that out-of­ bump the ~'d:; The final metroplex." area ea1es that local agents totale will be ted today. James ~. of Century pla.yed a pert in can skew num- Loc~J-1 real estate agents 2l/Aspen Real Estate,_ said be's . hers. And Eldredge said the summed Up the year in -one seen a lot of buyers who are average selling prire for single­ 1992 93 94 95 96 97 ~-"good." uaing the purchase as a "step- femily residential properties •we're really in a good llllll"­ ping etone" to retiremeJJt, . bas lilcreased. •I'IKJVlDF.D BY RVIDOSO Bo.uw OF R£Al.TORS. ket," said Realtor Betty "We're seeing more and Guynes estimated' that Beachum. 'We've been m- a more people, that in their deci- price increase bas added up to good market going on about sion to buy, are not saying 'I'm about 10 percent ilcrosa the five ·years. Since 1994 we've moving bare the day we close board. really bad mucb better lhan on the houae/ but moving here But all in all, the year just average years and we're still on in a couple ot years," be said. pest bas them looking aheed to the upswing."" The wa,y people are finding 1998 with optimism. Cindy l,yncb, of Gary the homes they buy is chang, "I think the market for the J.uncb Reelcy, agreed that the ing, too - once again due to nut few years will be in the year as a whole was good, but teclmology. . same, even a better growth things got off to an· unusual . Eldredge said lnzyers from period," Beachum said. "Not start. across the ccu:ntzy can get a only more second-homo> lnzyers ''It was a weird year," she complete listing of what's for and permanent residents; I said. "(It started) slow, but we sale in Ruidoso by hitting a few think we'll see more develop­ picked it all up in the last three keys. Buyers can access auy ment.'~ or four months. As a ~ Realtor's listing by visiting the 4>ncb said; "Mortgage con­ everything was really very National Association of Real- ditione couldn't be more con­ . good." tors web site on the Internet, ducive. I hope they will pusb The value of sales held fair­ clicking . on "f'md a .home,• people over .the brink to con­ ly steady, but many realtors which then shows a map of the vert from renters to owners., said they're seeing changes in United Sta-. Next lnzyers can Guynes summed it up with tbe ...... !A, o~Jl!lking the pur­ click on New Mexieo, then ~· "it was a good year and we're Ckli'~,?";:, . . doso, and then see what prop- going to have a better year (in "We're getting a lot more erties are. for sale, no matter 1998)."

..-- f

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T~is Spot Could Be Yours! DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR Put your advertising & ACCESSORIES dollars to work... Call "KEEPING YOUR _FEET AT Christine or Jim BODY TEMPERATURE. AHH... " to place 'your ad today! Ruidoso News FINE MERINO SHEEPSKIN 104 Park Ave. • Ruidoso, NM 721 MECHEM DR. • 257-5924 (505) 257-4001 Mon.-Sat. 9:30am to s,30pm • Sun. 12 - 4pm

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. '' Former teacher. puts -'<------~-·-=- to tax and roofers, Signs by Smith •-' AARP p1'CWide aid owner Don Smith l!llkl in a knowledge to work . to county residents presa release. - The American Aasociation "Signs by Smith is one of ·i of Retired Persons Tax-Aide New Mexioo's best equipped, er that makes that software f\ill-service sign companies. work. volunteers will provide tax fOrm preparetion and counsel­ Our service reJI8"'I li-om hen­ "What you really want is nero to -te-of-the-art elee­ Wh<>ther you're computer­ the software that will be the ing· fur low incoma and older taxpeyers li-om Jan. 29 tronics," he said in the release. shy or lli\mputer-savvy, buying beet," he said. "That's how you "After 37 yeare in the iJJduomy, the right. technology for your set what you need without get­ through April 10. The tree tax help will be available li-om 2 to we have a larse client list oov­ needs is a priority. , ting a lot more than you nesd." t!l'ing all of Southern New Mex­ But matcbi>lgyour comput­ Of course .U . the extra 4 p.m., ~ at the Rui­ doso Downs Senior Citizens ico and a large portion of Weat .: er to what you want it to do "hells and whistles" aren't had, 'Thxas." :: isn't as easy as knowing what Dickinson said, because people Center, ~d from 2 to 4 p.m., can learn to use them. Frideys at the Ruidoso Senior For more infOrmation on _;: you Want. Enter the ~ the new crane or· any other ser- ;: of Jim Dickinson. Dickinson himself is an Citiseas Center. Help will also example of that. As a teacher be available at senior citizens vices, call Signs by Smith at : DickinsOn. --the founder, ·257-7874 or 376-8434' .. owner and sole employee of at Ruidoso High School, where centers iD CBl'rizozo, Capitan .. Ruidoso Computer Consul­ he taught math and computers and San Patricio on dates to he .·. tants, has built ·his bueinees fur· 22 yeara, Dickinson said announced. Building inspector . :: around helping people build a one day a box was delivered to For lnore infOrmation, call lo"o-,., Dole Miller, local coordinator passes ICBO exam : laetiug relationship with their his clasaroom. In that box was Jim DlcWnsonisthe d-boblnd RuldcooCcm- Conouhants. .. computers. a computer - a computer he fur the AARP Tax-Aide pro­ Fred c. Knapp, of Ruidoso, :: - "I ""lp people jl"t started, knew nothing about. Undaunt- • his full-tima position as headed lbr Houston, 'Thxas this gram at 257-7681, or e-mail recently completed .a thorough :: give them instruction on soft­ ed, he t.augbt himself to use it, ~tion curator at the Muse­ him at daleshar@looking- examinat;ion with the Interua- ;; month' 'to take a class in a new glesa.net. · were, get their software set up, so in turn he could teach atu- um of the Horee. software laogqage. .. tiona1 Conference of Bnilcting design web - do custom dente to do the same. "I decided it was time fur a But Dickinson said he Ofticials UCBOl, achieving cer- :: 'programing and consultation His expertise soon spread change," he said ti6cation as a building ~ : knoWs his knowledge doeen't 100-fuot crane service tor. . . On purchases," he said. to the community at large, That change brought him help when he's not there. 'lb now. available in Rnidoso Knowing what functions "People needed someone to back to eomputers. And it also help computer users, he said The voluntary certlfieation .· ' you want a computer· to per­ a8k (fur computer advice, tips has ite advan~ - being his he always tries to teach them Signs by -Smith in Ruidoso program of ICBO provides pro- ;; ',, fOrm or help with is the first and the lilarious conatruetion : ond. Instead, Dickinson said, software," he said. . by the hour, with the

. I •• ----~-~----~------I ,~-·····---·-·· .. ( • • • '--~- • RumosoN..,. 8A FRIDAY, )AN. 9, 1998 ' LOCAL NEWS

BLM's regional land management plan M1011 BRIEFS 'includes disposal of 47,482 acres in ·LC Last inauguration for Chino? When long-time Mes. a.m. iri the gymnasium • The federal agency also has lots tion includes 6,316 Private and calera A_pache President behind the tn'bal admini&­ 3,458 state acres in the area of Wendell Chino steps to the in '!f p~ans for enhancing recreation tration oftlces Mescalero. m Lrncoln _County. . the Carrizozo Lava Flow and podium today to ,take the Little Black Peak, and 337 pri• osth of oftiee, it may signal Alao taking their osths vately owned .acres at the Val­ the final two years of more of oftiee will be new tribal BY DIANNE STALLINGS vice president Paul Ortega, RUIDOSO NEWS STAFF WRITER ley of Fires Recreation Area, than four decades of his five miles west of Carrizozo. 'administration of the Tribe. and council members Oliver Enjady, Larry Pebeasby, 'Th f'md out what plana the • A total of 47,482.25 acres Chino, 72, has said he of BLM land in County Frederick Chino Sr. and Bureau of Land Management l..incoln Will not run again for the Christie La Paz. (BLM) has in mind for its fed· has been identified for dispos­ presidency. • eral tracts in Lincoln County, al. In an interview after his thumb through the approved • Valley of Fires would COD· He has s8id that before. re-election in November, tinue to be managed for inten­ Roswell Resource Management But this time, even old Chino said he .....,ts to use Plan at the local library. sive use with emphasis on his retnaining. years doing maintaining and upgrading friends and adverSaries· The infonnation includes a think be may mean. it. some of the things be has list of parcels proposed for existing facilities. Development postponed. sueb as traveJ­ acquisition, pl.aDs for expan­ planned includes a visitor cen­ The swearing-in cere­ mg l'or pleasure instead of sion of recreational opportuni­ ter, shower facilities. as well as IDQIJY will begin at 10:30 work. ties and a discussion of future trail and campground expan­ livestock grazing on B):.M land. sion. The work may include The plan will guide BLM four miles of additional hiking management activities on trails to provide ...... from ~ory writers to speak in 'Zozo 1,490,000 acres of public lands tbe campground through the in the district for the next 10 to lava flow to Coopt!~" Cabin. CARRIZOZO -The Car- aon are involved in writing a 20 years and was approved • The agency . also will, ri~ozo Historical Society on comprehensive history of Oct. 10. The agency bas spent develop interpretative recre­ Saturday will present a the Anebo-Jack's Peak area the last few montba preparing ation opportunities with • New Year's treat for the and its families. the plan for publication and empbliais on the Fort Stanton community with a boOk- · distribution. Cave area and Valley of Fires. .. ai~ina and round-table dis- Brimberry, a deseendant If the prospect of weeding • Landa along the Rio ;;;r• featuring local ·peo- of the Aguayo family of Lin­ through a 300-pege document Bonito near Lincoln would be pie who write about local coin Count;y, is warking on is a bit daunting,· a few high­ managed for low intensity GENERAL I::..0ciA"T'I<>N IVIA.P history. her family's history. lights are: recreational use. Details to be • Roswell llesolll"(!lil Arom The program will begin Stearp.s has written • About 3,000 acres of pri­ considered during development at 2 P-~· at the Carrizozo "Carrizozo Story," which vate or state lands in the vicin­ of a site-specific management Landa Management Highway. pal School Library and the Recreation Center. tl old t of 'ts ity of Fort Stanton would be plan may include small day­ Copies of· the document Corona Sebool Library. Participants will include receu Y s ou • sec- considered for acquisition to use areas. Individual may request Barbara Jeanne Branum . ond editiOn, and "Small • An 86 mile ·route alohg that bas taken several years to enhance management in that put together have been plaeed copiea from the Roswell BLM and Roberta Haldane, Jan- Town Magic," also about area, and includes the Rio State Highway 246 from ice Gnatkowski and Sarah Canizozo. Bonito Waterfall. Roswell to Capitan wotild be at the Ruidoso Public Library, office, 2909 W 2nd St., Roswell, NM 88201 or by calling (505) Jackson, Lorraine Brim.ber-- Runnels has written • Other land considered developed and designated a the Capitan Public School ry, Johnson · Stearns and several books of local bisto­ suitable •for potential acquisi- Back Country Byway an.d a Library, the Carrizozo Munici- 627-0272. Louise Coa Runnals. ry, some ·co-authored with Branum and Haldane recently published their the late Herb Tr&,ylor, and a Forest Service wants ro buy some homesteads, mining patents book, "Corralled in Old Lin· . recent autobiography. coin County, New Mexico." A number of the authors BY DIANNE STALLINGS ebase or exebange, those pri- six parcels and is now waiting Capitan Wilderness is tagged The book, · about the will have their books avail- RUIDOSO N£VYS STAEF WRll"Eil vate land in-holdings, tcY"bene- for money to complete the for apPraisal and negotiation Branum family of Coyote able for sale at the event. lit the government and the daals. They ate: in 1998, as wen as two others Canyon and the I Bar X, Refreshments will be .land owners," W:alson said. "It's • A 160 acre tract in the near Cloudcroft, Wdson ssid. won r.... t place in the 1996 ---~ . " Six land acquisitions total­ -~- $.1>·· ing more than 200 acres within all strictly voluntary. It makes Capitan Wilderness Area Three land exchanges, one in Heritage Awards ·competi­ it easier on the forest service, owned by RA. Canning, for tion of the Historical Genter The program is ere.; and the Lincoln National Forest ~ Ruidoso area and two in open to the public, according around Ruidoso, are among because if a small parcel of pri- $144,000. Cloudcroft, are sebeduled for for Southeast NeW Mexico vate land is developed within • Five parcels totaling to Ann Buffington of the prqjects being puabed £or fund­ negotiations this year, he said. in Roswell. the fureat, the owner-will need 44.05 acrea owned by the Par· "We're also nearing the· Gnatkowski and Jack- Historieal Society. ing by U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici permit and 'B&e , '""" (R.NM). a road a 'pltwer sons Mining Company near decision time for a request and things that don' really fit Bonito Lake on the outside .from Cloudcroft to acquire 215 I The parcels are isolated in with wilderness characteris- . edg8 of White MOuntain privately held pockets within tics. They're eXpensive for land Wilderness Area, for $128,000. acres of national forest land wilderness areas of the nation­ holder too. "We Diade offers to two under the National Thwnship r al forest, said Johnny Wilson, "We try to make man{'ge- other people near the parsons Act," Wdson ssid. The village who handles land purebasea ment easier for both. They may mining area, but they were not wants to expand its bound­ and exChanges in the forest at gri through a land exebange willing to aell," Wilson said. "In aries. the Forest Service's adminis­ and get a piece right. on the ·September, we purchased two Pockets of private land OTERO COUNTY ELECTRIC trative offices in Alamogordo. edge of the forest, which is eas- other tracts near Bonito Lake within the Lincoln National "Generally, the philosophy ier to access." inside the wilderness area, Forest occurred through early CO-OPERATIVE INC: in the forest's land manage­ The service has reached each about 20 acres." homesteading activities and Office Serving Alto • Capitan - Mescalero mining patents, Wilson said. ment plan is to acquire, by pur- agreement on the purchase of One more parcel in the 8:00A.M. "til 5:00 P.M. 336-4550 HOMEOPATHY .r= 'Zne 9'.unilg of ~ ' If !Darfene .!D. Sancfiez. Moore q~ For Power Outage Call Toll Free AT THE CENTRE FOR THE the Ruidoso News presents... wour.£ C~ fo fMnQoU for 1-800-548-4660 HEALING ARTS allyour prayers, support anti PATRICIA MARnNI liefp you gave. 'Darfe.ne anti CALL FOR APPOINTMENT ~. 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ANNOUNCING! • Call Christine or Jim CHURCH MEETING today for more information! Speaker: Sam Soleyn "Th~ Traditions of Man That Have Ruidoso News Made The Word of GOD Noneffective" 104 Park Ave. • Ruidoso, NM Location: (505) 257-4001 TRINITY MOUNTAIN FELLOWSHIP 1-800-857-0955 1108 Ga.vlin Canyon Rd., Ruidoso, Nl\1' Time & Date; 7;00 p.m., Wed., Jan. 14, 1998 For information call Pastor Bill Yates 378-8391 or Mack Hunter 336-4557

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CCIII _,-phaeo · Ruidosoan Scott Annala nailed the hunting jackpot, beating out nearly 1,000 others for the chance to The Gla WddemeSIIIIs dangerously bealaiful and home to the Rocky Mounraln b;ghon1 sheep, who can INe among the sheer rock dilrS of the Son FranciscD and hunt a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. And, he didn't miss when his target came into focus. MonsoJion mOldains. ·

· BY LAURA CLYMER San Franciooo River cuts its IIVIDOSO NEWS SPORTS EDITOR way through the granite and sheer rock cliffs of the San ·scott Annala hit the Francisco and Mogollon moun­ hunter's lottery last Jurie tains. when he was awarded the "It's God-awful country. It's only permit for bighorn sheep steep, rocky. You have to niche in the Gila Wilderness. out toeholds to walk alt.er you He never expected to get get off your·horse," Anna1a the permit, b:ut then. he never said. "'It was )ike ·a miniature guessed that on the first day of Grand Canyon. The call it the hie hunt he'd take down cue of "Box" because from the river it the biggest rams for the state goes strsigbt up about 500 record books. · feet." · "It's one of those permits These slcyscrapers of rock that you apply fur, hut never cliffs make the perfect home really expect to get," said for the Rocky Mountain Annala, a week ·after his Dec. bighorn sheep. 27 bagging the 220-pound "on "I had scouted it out previ­ the hoof'' ram. "When my con· ously, and saW sheep every firmation slip came in, well time we went over it," said that was like winning the lot-: Annala of the two times he tery." checked out the territory. It's a lottery Annala has What makes bighorn played for almost 15 years; his sheep hunting a challenge is brother, Eric, has tried for 20 not neceeearily outsmarting years to win the permit. the ram - sheep are pretcy What were Scott's odds on docile, Annala noted - rather, winning the permit for Rocky it's getting close enough that's Mountain bighorn sheep in the challenge. unit 23 of the Gila Wllderness "It's the inaccessibility of located in western New Mexico the terrain that makes it so just south of Reserve? In 1996, different," he said. two licenses Were awarded out Anna1a hired a guiding of 336 applications. That num­ outfitter named Terrell Shel­ ber soared to 923 in 1997, said ley. Shelley, who !'P.!'rates hie Armette Rodriquez of the business out of Cliff, is an old. Department of Gdme and friend of Ruidosoan Gerry Fish. Keeton, who recommended .,.__ The spike in applications Shelley to Annala. "I come to f"md·out that Annala and his ha.dlng guide tracked the bighorn sheep across this terrain to the rocky blurt's loc;ded In the shadows. There, after several hours, the pair found can be attritubuted to new the ram hiding out on a ledge directly below about 30 yards. game and fish application 'Thrre1J is amazing. He's guided rules that allow hunters to 13 successful hunts (for apply for hunts without frrst bighorn sheep)," Annala said. "'1\nell was tying up the spotted the ram again, he was For the rec:onl when he grilled some staaks paying the licensing fee. In the After surveying the ter­ horses and I was already look­ about 200 or more yards away. fur everyone. "It's very rich, past, hunters had to submit rain, Annala made hie final ing," Annala recalled. As he Anna1a squeezed off his first When a game I!Dd 6sh offi­ very dense. Densar than elk the fee along with their appli· preparations. He reserved a looked, Annala came eye-to­ shot and then a eecond, scat­ cial measured the ram's rack, (meat)," Annala said of the cation. That served to limit cabin in Glenwood for 10 deye, eye with a ram abOut 300 tering the other sheep which its gfi,en score totaled 182 taste, noting it was difFerent out.of-state hunter applica­ packed enough fuod fur the yards away. headed up the face of the 4/Sths on the Boone and from domeslic or barhary tions because the non-resident nine days of the hunt, and Annals quickly pointed out mountain. The ram, however, Crockett scoring system. The sheep. fee for bighorn sheep is $3,000, loaded up hie .270 caliber rille the ram to Shelley, whose started walking away and Boone and Crockett system as opposed to the resident's fee and 130-grain bullets. expression when he saw the down across the face. measures length of horns, cir­ -erthoughts cumference at base and cir­ of $90, which was what Scott First: day ends as final day ram told Annala all he needed At the time, Shelly didn't In retrospect, it seems fate paid. to know. They had found cue think the ram was hit. As it cumferences of each quarter of was with Annala. It cost Annala more to pre­ The first of the nine-day to hunt, just four hours into turned out, Annala's first shot the horns. The measurements A month earlier, game and pare for the once-in-a-lifetime hunt was Saturday, Dec. 27. their day. &truck the ram, but the second are added together and differ­ fiSh officials were in that same oppcrtunicy. Annala can't · AnnalaandShelley~~ "'b look at hie eyes when I one missed. ences between the two horns Gila Wlldarness fur a demo­ apply for the unit 23 bighorn ouf. on horseback at 6 a.m. pointed out that sheep ... " . Shelly retrieved the horses are subtracted to produce a graphic study of the Rocky sheep hunt ever again. The 35· Working their way across the Annala said. while Annala watched the ram total score. Mountain bighorn sheep. year-old lifelong resident of top of Sundial Mountain, Shelly told Annala, "I dcn't traverse the slope with ease. The horns on Annala's ram Game wardens captured 18 Ruidoso made the most of it. named as such because it think you're gcing to find any­ ·What took the bighorn 10 min­ weigh about 40 pounds, with sheep, attached radio collars like thing bigger.'' in the left horn measuring 41 Scouting the territory indeed looks a huge sundi­ utes to cover, resulted an and ear tags to all and al, the pair reached a ridge So, the two eased down the hour trek for Annala and inches in length and nearly 15 released them into the wilder­ Unit 23 of the Gila Wilder­ well suited for scouting for ridge to wsition Annala for an Shelly. inches in circumferene at the ness. Dwindling numbers of ness is no picnic ground. The shesp. open shot. By the time they "We side-billed this face base. The tip-to-tip spread was biahorn sheep in the Gila and tracked him in l-inch­ just over 21 inches. Wilderness prompted wildlife deep snow," Annala said. The official score of the officials to spend $185,000 for There was no blood trail horns will be tallied 60 days the etudy. It also prompted one and the going was slick. after the take, giving the game warden to call Annals a The two watched the ram horns time to shrink during month before his hunt and ask · disappear into a crevice. It the drying out process. If the the RuidoSo hunter not to never came back up. So, Shelll( measurements stay about 180, shoot a collared ram if he and Annala check the nearby then Annala will have one for came across one. small canyons to no avail. the Boone and Crockett trophy Annala doesn't have a After a 45-minute wait, Shelly book. problem with game and fish suggested Annala peer over a "'lb put a ram in there, studies, juat don't initiate it a nearby outcropping. He did so especially one from New Mexico month before the biggest hunt and spotted the ram nestled ... it really doesn't happen,'' of a hunter's life and "then below them about 30 yards Anna1a said. don~ collar the biggest one away. "I was shooting ahnost Annala's ram will probshly (ram) on the mount~" he straight down on him,'' he finish in tl)e top 10 for the etste, said. said. and cculd make the top five if it ''I totslly disagreed with Annala third shot was true doesn't shrink too much. The them doing that." and felled the ram. But to etste record for Rocky Mountain Anna1a listened to the Annala's horror, the bighorn bighorn sheep is 192 6/8, held game warden~ request, and sheep tumbled off the ledge by Roswell's Donald Wenner. said he would try to not aim at where he was hiding, 50-feet A record would be nice, but a collared ram. down the cliff, landing in a to Annala. the meat is almost Well, it didn't work out ravine. more important than the horns, that WI\Y. Annala's ram was was •"I envisioned broken a topic which seems to generate ear tag Y-41. He shot it 10 miles bones.'' Annala said, debate among the Annala men. from where game and fish had. FortunateJ,y, the ram was ''I've taken a couple of captured it a month earlier. intact when ·the hunting pair decent elk and '"'me good deer, "'t was juat meant to be, I reached him an hour later. but as my dad says, 'You can't guess," Anna1a aaid. ''It just Anna1a stayed with the ram eat horns.' But as my brother · fell into place." am! field dreeaed itc They left says, 'Horns last a lifetime,"' Annala next target is the everything in the field. Almala said. desert bighorn sheep hunt in The next day, Shelly hiked "I'm not a trophy hunter unit 27 of the Peloncillo Moun­ with the horses down to the hunter by any means. Whatev­ tains in the far soUthwestern river valley while Anna1a er is legal, I'm after the meat," corner o£ the state, near Ani· hiked in from above. Annala added Ann ala, who processes mas. lowered the 190-pound, fJeld­ all his own game. "And, if I get that permit, I dressed ram off a 60-f- cliff Annala's family tasted think my brother Will shoot Annala's nun weighed 220 pounds on the hoof. His lmpressfve horns caukl put AnnaJa In the state ~ books.Ccu-­ to Shelly below•. ~ighorn sheep New Year's Eve me," he aaid with a smirk.

~------~----c-.----_....--·------·------~-~------· ...... ·------...... -.~~-~ ~- ~------~ ------....~ -.... ------~ ------...... ~------..... ------..... -- -- ... -~---~~ • • • / 2B l'BmAY,jAN. 9, 1998 - SPORTS Warriors coast in tourney opener CROSSWORD- Edited by Will Shortz No. 0917 • Despite the loss of yet another point·gumd, RuidosO cruises in ...... ot'l Sobrlquat: u Popular food the first-round of the Higb 1 Rect Ink amount :1111 Hollywood's ohaln, Flynn Informally Country Shootout. eGiveasan UJuot example 311 Parade feature 114 Ue.WI quality e Make aahpmad 37Trendy BY LAuR.\ CLYMER comment •Choice ala U Glib JUJJDOSO N£WS SPORTS EDITOR 141nt!iH'- A Abscond 18 Alack's partner ...... IJ'rlmpuden\ 42 Churd'l denom. Mescalero was no match 1a Jouster's UWordwlth weapon a Kind of bag pigeon Or open · fur Ruidoso 'Ibursda,y at the M "-Ia !ASia!" 17 F\'atemlty leiter u Salinger hr+-t--1-t-- Warrion' High Country 1a Ught, happy · o "The Uon.King" de~icatee Shootout.. tune lion Gary Grahn's; team 18FIOwary 47"Thrae­ improvid to 7-3 overall with a perfume ' Match'" DOWN 76-17 "spanking of the young HOhoiceata .. " ... and Soft th~ t Having no Bing~ bar -blOws"; get-up-and-go Chiefs. a Bloodshot Thomas Gray a Stick In the Now the Warriors face Dis­ MActress 48 K-0 connector fridge trict 3AAA ille Santa 'Thresa in Thurman. e1 Sarelylh Oln-(as a 5:80 p.Jil. semlftna1 game · H Lost vitality ea Choice a1 a originally t.ocilU' with hopes of the reach­ H With 12-Down, faculty positioned) ahospllal department 4 Coal-rich area ing the tourney's title game - procedure et Deuac's foilower ., lnEurope som<>t~Ung they weren't able to • Telephoned accomplish last year. eTroJanWareplo In the second game of tlie --R TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ., Fine-grained afternQon, Santa 'leresa mineral · advanced to the semifinals a First Family of rrr Thin porridge 4li Axis foes u Sword part Ferrara a Tar 411 Moved speedily • Olenn's stata with a 64-56 victory over ,-...,. · 110 Having light fog 117 Tborny flower son Desert Christian. The eMOdamcar 88Magna- ...... :ao Shakespeare's. e1 Remota- a Prepares the Desert Warriors built a double­ to Robln'Et mentor Hathaway controlted plane printing press · digit halftime lead !lnd then tt One opposed usoma . u Span. coins n Svelte thwarted the Arizona team's tit See 29-Across PannsytvaniB u Heavenly bear eo Publ~ relaHons oomeback attempt. ta Roll can worcf Dutch M Office chief "overkHI ..-Python The Desert Warriors will . l..allra Clymer/AIIdoso News at Competitor of Fteslonan M;chael Rqjers has H1eriled the point guard ""f'f'1S1bllltles for RHS. Pert :M Mystery writer's bring an experienced team awetd Answers to any three clues In this puzzle blessed speed a Surpass In_ are available by touch-tone phone: that's with up performance MBiae9lng and down the lineup. It wasn't all bad news fur made it 44-8 by halftime. 1-800-420-5656 (75ct: per minLIIe). uFour-door, 38.Some jackets Anooal sUbscriptlons are available for lha Ruidolso ooach Grahn has Ruidoso in the nrldweek. Good 'They 108t a couple of kids, maybe 40 Unifying Idea b• of SUnday crosswords from the last to figure out how to neutralize news came in the fonn of and that really hurt them," a Fragrance 4t Start for hazard 50 years: 1-88EH-ACROSS. that speed with his clepleted ,oenior Scott Sebastian Th..,..... Grahn said. "You could tell guard corps. day. Sebastian, an~ knee their youth had a han! time The Warriors lost yet illjury casualty, returned and handling the defense." another point guard 'fuesdey saw his first minutes of the Four Warriors reached when senior Andy Schrader season in the Mescalero game. double figures. Aaron Gillespie sprained his knee in the War- Sebastian played 14 minutes and 'l)rler Cluff each had 13 Have riors' 75-43 thrashing ·of Capi- and scored four points...... ;~.., with Matt BIBnk -~~•~~ ' tan. Schrader, who had just The Desert Warriors will ~"d;;en ,...d juniqr ~ stepped in for suspended Corey try to spread the court with a Grant scoring 11. Saenz, landed awkwanl)y on 1-4 set against a rnan-to-man ,Mescalero was led by his knee. The same knee that defense. Kenan ZuaZua's nine points: You Heard? was surgically reoaired last ''They back pick Yc>u to the Chiefs take on Desert year, sidelining the Warrior. death, and that's the toughest Christian at 3:30 p.m. t.ocilU' in Coach Grahn said Schrader screen to defend," Grahn said. the semifinals of the 1o • will be out of acUon for seven to "We've got to really help." b -~~ . ser s 10 days wit~> the sprain. Offensively, Grahn expects r~•· Filling the hightops of Santa 'Thresa to push the ball wi.,!'!r~';;~~ Classifieds Work! Schrader is freshman Michael up the tloor. The Desert War- meets th . f p Rogers. · riors aren~ afraid to fire up the e ~er o or- ''l'm not worried about three-pointer, either. · tales/Hondo at 7.30 p.m. The MichaeL rm not worried about 76 M,._,.'"' '17· . losers of those games play at Ruidoso News. our starting' lineup as"'~~ Ruido$Q •·. r,--ro. • .. l:S()g..m· ...... • 'th. " our depth at pomt,. ,;" . -~-.•..... ~.... ,...... ,_ "'-'o=iiwiiiill~· . ~,~-·. ·. .,,~-~ _,.., · ,.-,·m"ionshij!'~ o" ... :.. =,,.. ·Io4 Park Ave: l •5'0'Y'·"~'51 _,. ::.ii~O=l· said. of 23-6 after one , Bnd game IS sua 1or · p.m. ~------~

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This Spot Could Be Yours! Put your advertising dollars to zvork ...... Call Christine or Jim to place your ad today! Ruidoso News . 104 Park Ave. • Ruidoso, NM • (505) 257-4001

'. J, ' . -· ,...--- ·' ~' RUIDOSO NEWS

• l'llmAY,jANuARY 9,1998 38

10 ACRES NEAR AIRPORT 11187 18X80 3 BDRU. 2 AESULTe ARE IN eiGHT WHETHER OR NOT YOU 1Real..- ond new ...... ,..,ng Ma BATH on 5.77 acres In when yo_u usa ~a dasaHIBd are pi&Ming to build this lot Center. E1actrla anct Tele­ MEED A LOT FOR Y()UR phone avalllbla, baauUful & Counlry Club sbclal bulking slta, n1ae home In c~-==·$77::.00:0::35:4:41:1:1:0=i·~-~~n~. -~~--~1~.~~~ Isprlvllaaaa. your keY'lo AlloJust Lllke8 $7,800 Golf MOBILE? W8 have three araa.. §!!,ODD BLL PIPPIN nice 1018 In Ruidoso Downs, REAL etiiATE 257-4228 REJMAXofRuldasa . :.So~~~7~ WARREN dose to new wat-Mart, M~ 1 sawn of the HoTSB, Ruidoso r ~~class'' 21 Aspen Rool ALTO FUU. GOLF MEM­ 1009 Mechem, Ruidoso, .~:"I'V Downs Race Tnu::k. :rhla Is a BERSHIP lot. Sierra Blanca ... end cam1ng ..... BILL view. Must oool S20.ooo New Maodco 81131115 PIPPtN REAL ESTATE 0771189 CALL CAARl.ES Olllce:...... ,. 25IHSII33 . HOME ON 257-4228 tMKE 336-4248 CENT\JRY ,_, WOODED LOT 21 Aspen Raal Ealate LOOKING FOJI 81J0.857-8510 3BDRM/2BA ft""'- AFFORDABLE ACREAGE? l!aah Ollla.lndependenUv Soulhweat ootora.lllra-n naw, CABIN wmt A VIEW FfK8i': upper value. Ontv $32.0(!01 owa• and Dpltl'llbtd deck. Lot runs ..-eat 10 elntet Facts ·Unrestricted 56 k"rea ln 1 TWo bedrooms, 1 bath. ALTO BW AMBIANCE. Adobe atj1e Alto C88a nitstled In the Hondo Valley. AdJoining Flreplaoe. Two decks ~'ri:'a~ thousands of acres -iof Na­ PlnB&. Prloed Wlder na1cet. Lots of IUIBhlne & space. Golr ~ CokiWall Banker, •' #9771819 CALL LOANOA benlhlp._OWner Is licensed N.M.A.E.A. Ellie 388-1028 or 430-6042 SOC Reallora tion•! ~orast. Good· wall, LOCKRIDBE 257-8057 Cen­ (505) 257-4001 oJdar mobDe. tury 21 Aepan Real Eetate LOVELY 3 8DR, 2.5 ba knmhouse. Nice decks overlooking 115 267-5111 Bti,.L PIPP~~ ESTATE green. FP, wet bar with ralrlgarator, 2-car garage. Moatly ~ YOU BUILD. YOli ·SA'VE BEAUTIFUL 32 ACRE niBh8d. New roar, verticals, windows. $129,500. Call W&v~and. 97- S999 Down gets ~ 1n1o a TRACT genie siOPBS with 7.1&27 · LandYest hOme. Material,:, SWEET, 3 BEDROOM 2 I~ pine. Com­ UltiDUE IIT.IICJIIE. 1300+/- sq. It, comer lot, 1 112 car garage financing, support and mora. ' With nice· & and some 1-800-.857-0955 BATtt vlawe plal&ly fenced wl1fl wall and W/8toregelwork8hop.large deck, 2 or 3 bdr, 21Mng araas, 2 FP's. Call toll free 1-888- decks. Uke new condlUOn septic. Adjolnfng. 87 acre AII wlfluldoao flavor! $84.500. Call MB.ODVI&r-70635 HOME-006 ext 069 lOr more $101,400 .f9771478 CAU traCt also avalhibl'a. · Would DOUG SIDDENS 338-4248 ACCESSIBLE. AFFORDABLE. comfortable, and ttie best of all lnfannetlon. FAX (505) 257-7053 rnar.& a nice package. · flnanclbiel White MI. Estatea Condo, $69,600.· Call Marge. , GET-A-WAY CONDO CENTURY 21 Asp.,. Real BILL PIPPIN REAL owrw e.,_ IJ7~7t401 carrtzo Lodge, 1 Bedroom 1 -ESI"ATE 2§7-4228 Bath RreplaCe, Remodeled - Hom• & Completely lumlahad. $39,800.00 830-997-1177 Monday - Friday 118M-om ~tor/Owner GfiRYLYHCH Ruldoao,NM- 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. [email protected] $$$$$$$$$$$$$ RIEfiLTY $ CONTRACTOR $ Three bed­ $ NEEDS $18,000 $ area, pantJy LOAN and more. located In easy access area, $ 10 be seemed wl1h $ can be moVed If purchaser wants. This mobile $ FUst Mortgage. $ 24 mo. @ 12% onl<:r- $ has loll(l of potenUall Mobile onl~. no land. Only $ ~~ . est. New home located $ on river. No banb $ 37¢ per word 14 word minimum .COMMERCIAL PAQPERTJ. MANY USES; In a please. Good credi1 & good Located In the growing Ruidoso $ $ Pre-paid discounts available location~ refereocos available. $ Downs, adjoins race track and has many polenlial 336-!lllfi uses. Includes living quarters, corrals, several $ Clauitied display: $6.63 an inch · rooms and so much morel Paved road, easy $$$$$$$$$$$$$ ~- Over 3,000 square feet1 Consecutive run discounts available BEAUTIFUL SIERRA BLANCA VIEWI You'll CUSTOM HOME enjoy the waterfall In the front yard of this 2 bed­ DESia-15 Business and Service Directory room, 2 bath. Study could be 3rd bedrooml Oversized garage, family room/den, fireplace. $35 per week Business card size workshop, and more. Located on a comer lot. $179,500. 8 week coliimitment No copy change. "Making "New Friends While the Old"" Design vour own hOme. ID nl your lo!Div'• need& a budget. lake adllontoge of your lot'& u.-que vieWs. S&e vour hDmB tn 3D. tleiOJe DEADLINES you bullcl ood mate changes uniU ll's perfect. Complete d&llgn lllf· vice. VieW yclll' homo deSign In Classifieds prognas at our otfk::e. on 'fOUT lOb sHe. on the lntemel or Vic~ fmc. . 5:00 p.m. Monday for Wednesday Complete Blue Plillt Services. • j (606) 434-6876 • 5:8& p.m. WednesdaY! for Fri~yr ' ,..:; ' 'Ijjj DimJayAds. ,< N~on Monday for Wednesday • ' . ' Noon Wednesday for Friday !' ' Lepls offering affordable Radiant i 1:00 p.m. Monday for Wednesday Floor Heat ·~,, for your new homel 1:00 p.m. Wednesday for Friday SAVE$$$ ~-:," One available for sale now! BUILT FOR ENTERTAINING ON THI! RIVI!RI COZV COTTAGE -~ Rambling, one-level with private guest suite, big covered pOrch, Well built 1 bedroom, 1 bath on 2 Iota with comer location. Fully gamerUom w/fuD size shuffleoard and bar. ()ffloe, workshop, so fumlshed. Great trees! Bamlgarage too. Jusl $42,000. ~ CLASSIFICATIONS much moral Must seal $399,900.1#97-71710 1197-71883 • •""',. CALl. DOUG SIDDENS 81336-4248 CALL SCOTT MIUER at 267-9057 • ~~ 1. Real Estate 26. Farm Equipment NEWLY REMODELED HOME Advertise "YJ 2. Real Estate Trades 27. Feed & Grains 818 CARRIZO CANYON ROAD ~ Three bedroom, ;2 bath home with 2 fireplacea, good &tor , One-level, 3 bedroom, 2 bath h._ delightful Ruidoso flavor from 'i<> 3. Land for Sale 28. Produce & Plants ...' covered porch and carport. You can fix It up to be juSt right r Its knotty pJne IMng and dining rooms to Its bJg rcick llreplaoe. in ':;' Attached double garage, level entry. $125,000. 1197-70824 :.; 4. Houses for Sale 29. PelS & Supplies you I Just $67,500. 1197• 70185 CALL KATHY CRAIG at 257-9057 ,,_ S. Cabins for Sale 30. Yard Sales CAll. JOAISE HENRY at 267-9057 the 6. Mobile Homes for Sale 31. Household Goods ALTO HOME ON 1.16ACRES HOME SWEET HOME 7. Houses for Rent 32. Musical Instruments Three bedroom, 2 balh wtlh spacious. wide open noor plan, -~ l.acated In Alto, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home has 3-car garage, appealing stone fireplace and delightful views of Sierra Blanca classifieds. ''" 8. Apartments for Rent 33. Antiques nice dekcs, fireplace, light & bright split-bedroom noor plan, full and valley. Double carport. $164,5b0. 1#97·71810 •-· 9. Mobiles for Rent 34. Arts golf membalshlp, and so mi.JCh more. $199\995.1197-71141 CALl. COL:LEEN WILSON OR SUSAN F'. MILLER at 336-4248 CALl. HELEN ALLARD at 2!57·9057 Call 10. Condos for Rent 35. Sporting Goods ALTO ALPS CONDO -.r 11. Cabins for Rent 36. Miscellaneous VOUFI PERFECT MOUNTAIN GETAWAY Ught & open with lots of windows and great deck for your out­ Helen 12. Mobile Spaces for Rent 37. Wanted to Buy Complete with hot tub on the deck. Three bedroom, 2 bath cabin door enjoyment. Three bedroom, 3 balh. fireplace, sunken hot . 13. Room for Rent 38. Help Wanted In the ~I pines. Fully furnished and ready for you. Seasonal tub. Quiet secluded location. Your Ideal mountain getaway! 39. Work Wanted creek in front. Easy access. $79,500. 1198-80002 $117,500. 1#98-80005 at •'· 14. Want to Rent CALL HARVEY M. FOSTER at 257-9057 CALL MARY PARSONS &1257-9057 ·:"'' 15. Storage Space for Rent 40. Services :-, 16. Pasture for Rent 41. House Sitting 257-4001 ''1 17. Business Rentals 42. Child Care CENTURY 21 Aspen Real Estate 18. Business Opportunities 43. Child Care Wanted 727 :Mechem Drive • Ruidoso • 257-9057 • 1-800-8158--2773 101 High Meaa Drive- Alto • 336-4248 • 1-800-687-6802 Ruidoso . ~· 19. Autos for Sale · 44. Firewood for Sale Vlsh us an-line at http://rUidOSO.net/C21/• E-mail us at: [email protected] • -!' 20.·Trucks &.4x4s for Sale 45. Auctions 1994.01996 Century 21 Aeal E­ News • 21. Vons for Sale 46. Lost & Found .ANOOPEAATEO. 22. Motorcycles for Sale 47. Thank You 23. Auto Parts 48. Announcements 1-800-489-92119 t> 24. R.V.s & Travel Trailers 49. Personals ·-: 25. Livestock & Horses B«! ~~In ·-• ·. CORRECTION POLICY REAL ESTATE ..• • As always ... Piease check your advertisement for errors. Claims • ·for errors must be received by The Ruidoso News with 24 hours • .J! of the first publication date. -:,~ t.;- Prepaid ads will be cancelled upon request, but without refunds, ~ ~ ' ~u:i:::e::~:::: t:: ;.::::.r=~~nsibility for typographical § ,; errors in advertisements except to publish a COJ;"rection in the next Bill Pippin, Broker ~... '': issue. 336-4866 ~: ·! PUBLISHER'S NOTICE - All real estate advertising in this \1i newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 ~! which inakes it illegal to advertise ••any preference. limitattor- or :t discrimination· based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famil­ ' ial status, or national origin, or an intention to make may suCh preference, limitation of discrimination." This newspaper will not ~ -i knowingly accept any advertising for real estate whiCh is in vio- : ~ lalion of the law. ·Our readers are herebY informed that all ~ . ~_: dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal : t;i opportunity basis. 1b complain of discrimination, Call HUD toll­ •' ~ free at 1-800-424-8590. For the Washington, DC area please call ~ HUD at 426-3500. The toll-free telephone number is 1-800-543- .' , 8294. . • ~-: ,, '' '' t . 4' . 1, I . -~ ' ·------~--- ...... __. .... __...---- .--- - .... ~------~ - - - 4B PlmlAY,jA>llARY 9, 1998 CLASSIFIEDS. RumosoN"""

ALTO LOT SB AND 1.2 ACRES IN CAPITAN r='li-ftn. CAPITAN VIEWS Great DON'T WORRY... LIMITED TIME SPECIAL BUY! SUBDIVISION With Sierra 1 p.m. Monday for 366 OrlvB • Ruftl(lso, NM 88345 neighborhood. $18,000.00 VIew. ~ acoass and city Suckil!flh Huge 6 bedroom, 3 bath Palm Harbor for Possible owner nnance utllltle'e available Wedneeday"e Paper OFFICE (60S) 257-4700 •li4X 257-2060 Bahappyll 336-7734 only $379 per month. 10% APR, 360 ••• ~(1'!5-3544962 and 1 p.m. Wedrutadlw OUT OF TOWN 800 257.()811 Many nne homes BY OWNER: 6+ ACRES at months - 10% down. for Friday"s Paper FOR JIEtfT Ranches of Santana with 2 112 ACRe FLAT LAND CALL NOW Sierra VIew. On Cul'de'sac. wHh river trontqge. Lots of Tract 409. $47,500 READ THE CLASSiFIED& Nightly, Weekly 1-720-1004 (888)983·5562 or trees. Close ln. r:::=c------~-----,LOV~~s 505-378-4157 OWner/Agent You may find whaf you need RliNI One OW!•Iooki.s die tnad!. 3 W­ • Monthly. AMEmCA'S CHOIC~ (505)268-4609 1114 or want, "Auid9!0 N!ju!. lllOIIIi. 3 112 blllhs, dl:lll&hlfllll)' rumisbcd. open ganp, IICIOQ ... at~ the 10028 Central Ave., S.E. r.um. Call Cindy at pool, deQnlleiJ otll' le IHI Askins ' Albuquerque, New Mexico $99.500. t.(l.S M9?-71394. AliO Z bed· GillY Lynch Realfy.• .257-401t room, 2 bMh, nar swlmmlns pool, ...r..r­ Albuque.-que phone (505) 291-1616 Homes For Sale by nl&hllll Alking $&9,500. MI.S IHifi;.80DJ!5 Uc027352S DON· RUSSELL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4 tlouse~for Sale .JIANK' ·:.:.11::7~11:.'1 . NM GB.·98 111029672 ~~ AFFORDABLE ~~ ••Building fine homes and a reputation since 1976•• HOU.'l'P~~~ENT Large Selection of Singlewides & 212 Mnlahed. Fireplace. now ' Doublewldes.. ············································~··········· on natural $48,500. 125 Leon Farrar: New sln&fe 5tofy, l bdrm, gas. A+Raally Services. 258-4574 For more information 2 bath, 1513 s.f. home located In adeiJ&htftfll)< CLASSIC RUIDOSO LOG CABIN IN SUPER CONDmON quiet neighbOrhood wUh a very kMd access. THIS HOME HAS 3BRI2B~ ~-U T-..1--1 t-80().~AJOA~ on nice lot with valley view. Three double g...aga (att...,ad .._.. Wooded backyard. Gutter aJI aTOUnd, Berber bHroom, 2 bath, circular drive, -r• ,,_. ,... caPpet, finished pn,ge, fireplace with ps. d/w beautiful tall pines. Oreal fulltlme or 2500 sq.ft. mora or lass. ALBUQUERQUE Z91-15:15 vaanion home. By appointment acrea with river frontage. Flat lOO'"" ~~-~• and ra111e with vent hood, customized Interi­ only. Callllqst or Kathy. ~E land, fruit trees. stJade trees, ._ ~ .A've. SE or trim and paint, p!us much more. O:tttage large bam wllh pipe corrals D' ~oe style, really cow. Ready to moVe Into. rac:etrack. can bB shown 1/Jl $139,500. ·ana staRs. 1 mllas from :~::;~:~;~:~;:::~;:::~:::50:: oe~~------c-' P8·4157 Owner/A{iant ' llJO Mel;hem Dr.: This 3 year old 2-stoty Palm Harbor Factory Direct. 141-B PARADISE CANYON 2236 s.f. home has a flmhed and heated 2-car Untumlahed 2Bdrm/1 Ba. Free color brochUres. gange. l bdnn with a nudy, 2.5 baths. A dbl $300. + utiDIIas. •As Is" On 2 8 4 & bed CAlL REN'fAI3! market. month 1o month. Call , , · 5 rooms. sided ps llreplace and vaulted ceilif131 catch the US FOR NIGHTLY OR MONTHLY clndv. """' Lynch RaaRy. Call for free construction· literature eye as you emer this home. Large master suite ~011.~J~ . . with jacuzzi tub and walk-in closet. There Is a and floor plans. l

I 02 Meadows Dr.; Under r:onstruttioA In Alto FIRST TIME HOME with a permanent 'llew of Sierra Blanca. This NEW YEAR SALE BUYERS NO CREDIT home Is scheduled for" mmpledan aroUnd Apr11 GORGEOUS 199'7 NEEDED QUALIFY OVER of 1998. Stiaalo exb!l1or with lots of reliefs, 3900 READY TO MOVe INI Well maintained 2 bedroom, 1 PALM HARBOR HUGE THE PHONE.. CALL . DL695 luxurious s.f. with a l-ear 4 bdrm p!us bath mobile wHh add;.on living room. Fully furnished, city 3 BDRM, 2 BA, GREAT 1·800-648-5976 saraaa. •Free ·~ der\fstudy. 3.5 baths. lWo gas fireplar;es. I 0' ceiJ­ ulllltles. nice covered deCk to just kick back and enjoy Pre-Qualification ROOM, FULLY LOADED Inp, walk-tn dosets,. hand-carved oak from door the pines. Owner wiD finance, affordable get-a-way Qt Country KJtehl!a w/lhklinnn FREE FREE FREE •All Credil Ril•ks Large ~Pier Salle w/Piusb Mbath with transom & sldellght5. Marvin windows, $35,000. 257-4228. 1-BOG-489-9289 •.. DdlvCJY, Set & Evap. Cooler LET YOUR TAXES WORK searlt)' S)IStem and i.lll membelsllip. There Is •Refinance Existing laduded FOR YOU IDWARD THE 1608 Sudderth Drive • "ONLY 995.00 Thlal Dow. P.-ymeat • PURCHASE OF A ANEW stiD lime 10 1\nher cust10m1Ze this beautlfu1 horne 10 )'OlW own llldng. • HOME CALL TODAY BUI Pippin, Broker • 336-4855 • "ONLY ~,.01 Mo. hym111al For more lnfannatlon or an appointment to tour any of these sites NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS! T/30 1-80[).848-5976 DL695 please call 25JJ..4408 or ll6-4175 or contact your local real ..­ •OAC 9.2S Fixed APR - 360 Mos. CALLNOWII - NO CASH NEEDED"'"' agent. E-mail Inquiries to [email protected] CALL 257-4001 to ftnd out l..S00...31+636e or 505-299-d3150 about placing a-clas91fled ad. 2 Real Estate Trades Alexander3 Mortgage 258-1158 PRICED TO SELL OR HUGE SALE TRADE Home In Alamogordo "Real Loans for Real People" or Tularosa for home In UNBELIEVABLE!!! KIMBLE KEARNS' Ruidoso. 257·4551 or 1997 4 BDJtM. 2BA.­ • FIRSTTIME 585-8541. PALM HARBOR HOME BUYERS INVESTMENT INSIGHTS 2 HOUSES IN · NW WB­ 6 Mobiles for Sale Spacious Uvlasmom, Country BOCK. 312. GARAGE, NICE K,ltcban wjBar, Lob of Storqc No Credit Needed Cellular 420·1197 YARD, CENTRAL AIR a FULLY LOADED Quallly Over The Phone HEAT. 734-6531 DON"T MISS THIS UM­ DI!Jivl!ry. SeJ1 A Ev8p. Coal• Included 9JII1-B00-391-3679 DL895 Office 257·9057 ~y ~.00 Total Dowa 1037.MECHEM • . • ITED OFFER!J! PaymoM HAVE YOU 1/4 acre' commercial lot. 5 BQRM• 3 BA PALM ~oNLY 299.19 Mo. l'llylbl!nt BEEN DENIED CREDir Trade fOr rural acreage, I? ~ - . "OAC 10.25 Fixed APR • 360 THERE IS QUAUTY DOIISlnld.io:m down on Ruidoso home, or HARBOR MASTERPIECE M ... Call about our Arst nme· •<-'• rhrollf!\huul thili 2 bcdruom, 2 blltb HOME SHOW AIRS LOCALLY: l'YJ!I saU. (602) 846·5102 •ONLY 379.00 A MONTH - home. V.ulted cclliap and Jots a( CALLNOWI1 Home Buyars Program. . Flllly UPsr•ded, HUGE wladow• ~le aa opea rre1. Huge l-80(J.374-ti:J60 or -..zt!J.63150 No credit. No Problem 7PM THURSDAY Greinroom, Fucm•l Dining. eiOSO!I•- lined wlcb cedar. An c:n.,.... 1-SOD-391-3834 DL695 ,· ~· 3 Land for Sale c::iarp:oU$ Kitd>c:n w/Mo111ing JnD~G. covered deck wltb eomrortabh• 7PMFRIDAY ·~ Room. Urrge W.lk·la Ulllily .. extra, offer5 a great piiK:c: 1u enjoy • MOBILES FOR SALE 3 RENT TO OWN rbe mouallalns.. $1U,OOO. lOAM SATURDAY 5 MOBILE LOTS RooaJ. Spacious MaSic:r Suite, Bedroom, 2 bath, add-on, Aaproxlmately 1f2 acra and Glamour B ..h & MUCH MORE! 1 OX&S MOBILE off Carrizo lOAM SUNDAY Canyon Rd. down, apace 56, Cherokee Park. 314 acre, closa In, easy OJr.. rend~bn.IUh $400 $15,000. ·16x70 1991 $150.00 monthly - 4 years access. City water and •OAC DP 360 Fixed 7.2:1 APR Redman Space 183, Circle B electric. TV, phone, natural ~0-5768. 354-3197 CAU.NOW!f """"'!!round. Must seal -nilS IS A flSHERMAN"S gas. Call Randall 258-9t66 J-lfiO..J,74-6360 or SOS·DSI-OQ» HOLll AY HOMES, 1301 dream; wilhin If few hundred feel MEaiEM. 258-3330 of BoniTo River. and 11. few minutes drive: To !be lake. Fteihly remCJd.. eled throughoul. it h"" :'1 l•rgc bed­ BEST QUALITY. BEST VALUE! Beat Selection room~ and 2 balhs. Enjoy the SEE .RUIDOSO HOMII;S FEATURED!! Bonito Canyon from 2 :ocreencd Guaranlaedl No Buill Plus 60 Year wa~ 95% ·cradlt decks. $19,000. Ruidoso Properties. Inc. Betlcr Hornet und Gardens Aoproval Ral&l New 1BX60 $~2,9900 undar $185 Call K1mbl~ to seiiJ'our proper1y Century 21 Aspen Real Estnte (505)257-4075 (800) 687-2596 monthly, .new 16X80 420·1197 257·9057 $25,9900 under $208 monthly, new 32X44 $33,990.00 under $246 monthly. Plus much more. Native Americans pay no taxes. call ·now for details 1-800-257-8884 Quality Let's Co For ADrive! ... And Let Me Show You Homes 105 Juan Tabo NE,· ~uqueique, NM These Homes For The Holidays. FREE FREE FREE FREE Let your tax refund put you · Supe1·ior Sites Fo1· Yotu New Honle In a new home today. Low payments, lots of EXTRAS 103 Metz.- 69 Acre just off Mechem Sierra Blanca View- SValue Rangej.• CALL 1-800·391-3679 DL695 208 Stable Road, Alto • Deer Park Woods, full membership, 6.24 acres w/Spring. Come discoueri./fe hesl hepl secret in the cSouthwes/ . .. SALLY BURKSTALLER ·= . Hurryl- only $64.000. 3 BDRM, 2 BA MOBILE on PO Bo> 28ol • 42"5 r.l~~hem O!"M- • RuidO><>. NM 38345 7/ie ??anc.hes ofcSonterra 3.12AC in Capitan. 505-257·7313 • 800·530-4597 119 Quail Run Ct.- Comer lot, social membership• .62 Aae- $48,250. $45,500.00 REC $5,000.00 Onc:e yau uisil 7he 7?anc.hes ofOon!erra, you 'IIayree if's one ofthe mos/ Down 3!54-3014 Ranches ofSontem-Trart 121in Unit I. A great buy with lovely views, 7.392 Acres- --.. ·~B 6eauti{ulplaces on ear/6 / 7af/ coolpines hiss dup blue shies and the sur· ·~ .rounrfinylJafley.s andmoun/a~i1S are as naturala.s they were 100year.s ayo- 7 Houses for Rent HOUSES FOR RENT CALL 257-4687 . "" 5 to 25 Acre HOUSE FOR LEASE 3 years old, 1800 SF with nice Homesites and vJaw. 3BRf2BA In ------, ua Fria $800/MO Starting At 0 Deposit 378-4084 Hidden away in the woods ... secluded living areas, 3 6repla.ces, 4 bedrooms, Only $24,900! 3t2 UNFURNISHED HOUS£ only 5 minutes from rown. 2 huge bv river In Mid-Town. $850/ . 1500 sq It of decks, gas BBQ. One or Tucked into a pretty lot. 3 BIG bedrooms, floto, $326 dSpMH. 267-2212 2...-:ar garage, great decking! S 139,500 places sepamre master suite, 3 car ao;r.;~ I ~8-4033 ~~:';!:;";~· Very Best!!! Value Range 19.* enonnous with sierra Blanca view. call me 257·H13 Caff::k/oy./ I CALL SAllY B. 257-7313 mature trees. Value Range 15.* 821 CARRIZO CANYON Un­ BY lt.PPOINTMENT 1-BDO-RUIDOSO furnished 2BDR 1 3/4 BATH. PHONE ME TODAY! Reduced to $500+ulllltles. (1-800·784·3676) or 505·336·4547 On market, month to month. IN TOWN RETREAT HORSEMAN·s 509 GRINDSTONE Call Cindy, Glary Lynch I>H•,Ifacre in walking distance of town• •7 acres, stalls, barns. roping . •Affordable & Clean• Realty, 267-4011. - Uc.#27352S FOR RENT COLDWELL BANKER, SDC REALTORS .;;, bluegreen CALL DONNA 336-8489 _...... ,...... ,....,, ...... 211 ·cabin ...... $550. +uti A I:H(I house with four bedrooms. sleeps Near the baseofl.oma Grande. Big 6 bed­ 1983 Mobile, newly redecorated, 3 bed­ 312 house unfum.$860. + utll Properties ll[ lcasr 12, sunny glllSSed-in port h. cozy rooms main house, darling 2·bedroom his­ room, appliances. A BARGAIN at Developed & msrlrBted by of lhe Soulhrrest 311 house unfum $500. + utll 211 fum condo.•. $650. + ut11 • k1tthcn, 2 6replaces. Secluded feeling but toric guesthouse. huge bam· and lotS $43,900. Possible Owner Financing. Our Information Center Is conveniently located a miles East on Alrpott Road. easy atcess From Mechem. $120,000. ot:her trees, cottonwoods aspen. SIERRA DRIVE, MM/11 PLEASE LET SAllY B. SHOW YOU Partially fumlshed 3BDR/ LET SAllY B. SHOW YOU THIS Value Range 22."' Appointment need~ TI·:IIS! 257-7313 2BATH. 1-car ·garage . .. CAll. SALLY B. 257-7313 $695+utllltlas. Call Cindy, CHARMER!! 257-7313 Gary Lunch Realty, 267-41 00 ..LICII27352S. V"\l\1: l\;m:.;~.:s Live in a River House Plus Income!! 1 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR Till' owm•c ol ·,,, l!i<>pl"rll ·,,rllr<"'l'· 'iVIl<' •rile•; l:·c'\WL'c'll' 618 Sudderth rent $295JMO. Several 2 to 3 Four income producing apartments and a 2 bedroom. 2 bath house Classifieds Work! bedroom mobile homes r<)()f: IlK :l- erings, counten:op$, appliances, fixtures. Commercial zoning. Llrs or Call Helen to place your ad today pets. Only $295 to $3951MO. ' ' Call for more details. 1-i.

7 el!..: n ' a ann . -.:z,; .;.: ; S.; i; $Eta bz' .i i p zi S 2 a,; ci6z. 51 S 7 2 E 7 ri mz 7 a rintr riehs i ·· rl ri ri .& ++±a' a ri & + d - ,. A7 ·= ··n£a«·stnc oe ..- •=-= em...,,;,...... _. .... -.~?,. ,. ... =.~.---.-~ __ CLASSIFIEDS }ANUARY 9, 1998 58

CENTRAL RUIDD80 SHOPPING DISTRICT PIJOFESSIONAL SALESPEOPL"£ WANTED ~. exoellant wallmg . · ~~,~ b'afflD. $600/MO. Blllli P.d.d. LAND SALES Sudderth Display window Lasl year our lOp salesperson made over $100k. II you ReotaiHoUine SP--2276 . have or can oblaln a New Mexico Real Eslale Ucense CaD 24 hours a day for a list of bur current 18 Bus. Opp. and have proven direct sales success; we would like 10 long-term renlals available. Jalk 10 you lrnmodlllllllyl We are a nallonwlde laadar In Leave a message for ~dditioilal information. WANT A VIDEO moRE or .land d!!V81opmanl and markallng, We offer a compre· zs:7 ...9AJ. d8Dal'lmenl In your town? I hanslve lralnlng program wllh excellenl commission arid =====:::====:;--:;;;;;,;;=;;;,;;;.~· tureswiD Supply on an vkleoeIncome ia ltUngftx· ~ FURNISHED EFFICIENCl' basis. Deposit $1,0 per bonus SlrUcture. Come join a leader In land davalop­ HOMES• FOR RENT: con:AGE $275 piUs electJ1c lap&Ea~l Mr. • Burt. 1~0D-38- ment and rn1111P eoun.e. 9 for Creditor calla. CUt Interest. 30 Yard Sales Call Lamie Phillips. at 5CJ51338.4547 far lnlerVIIM. fm'nishal- only bring tooth- No Credit Check. One low bmsbl $795/ino + udUlles. 1 BEDROOM, FWIHIBHED P-.yment (800) 270-9894. END ROU.SU END ROLLBII Mobile horne. Water paki. FOR SALE NOW AT LAuNDRY tELP NEED­ Credit c:beck requited Call $325JMO, $100 dapoalt. FOR SALE: CHRISTIAN -THE RUDOBO NEWS" SERVERS& APPLY ~B~CK.e:R•S I. Rob BaldiDCU or ChN" ~~7-4856 ~==-='f=-~ LAUNDRY" 721 taCHEM ' Groat For Paclmg, Art Pro­ M:arJadk at '157-7786. 'D!dJ CAPITAN LARGE 2 STE.HorC&II2$7·1486 I&CIS. $1.00 per fnOh. From FOR SALE: COOKS NEEDED WANTED: DRIVERS Apply PiBes Realty. BEDROOM 1 baU"I, washer, tne . the oom ol,d;. Call llret tor In person at Pizza Hut on ...... _.. bedroom, 2 bath dryer, courtyard, storage FOR RENT: ·GARAGE avalablllf. 257-4001 Furniture, desks, oh&lre, . Apply II p81'81111 . Sudderth at 1 :30PM ·.aop_. sh8d. 122 E. Second St. STALl. with 11ft. 1,000 SF. credenza, lila cabinet, fax machine,. HP prlntar. call - Fri. tiiO pm-5 ,.. MICHIALENA"S ~--~•- (12x60) -·· fur- 257e~• ·-• · Available· now: Goad locaUon HIRING 31 Household ~7-0169 NOW aisbcd. $400hno + utilities. ~7--4887 CompetitiVe wagu witiJ Una Cooks,. -P~ Peraon, ~ ...... __.. •• =--..... Call ROCKY an. MOBILE tiQI,Wi: · Dlshwaaher ...... - ....,..,_, .rcq...... PARK Mobile hOmes for'rerll MOTEL/RV RENTAL· HOTPOINT ELECTRIC ARC . WELDER WITH ..llllfi ... Experienced need only apply bedroom. (&) bedroom PROPERTY GPod cash law RANGE Excellent condition LI!ADS Works Greall Top Dollar Pay · M8lcia Ouyaes at 757-7186. (1) 3 2 Nat $1-2KimDnth. Perfect Almond· color · $60.00 'IWl Pines Really. available Seol&mbar 1st. foi p.oo OBO 378-1047 Aool•lnpe>8m> · 378-8068. 2103 Sudderth Clean, affordable. OwoeriManagar. $.150K e"Jbree bedroom, 1 balll 257-3563 ~2~,~~&<1735iii~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HYDRAIA.IC CHAIN SAW No Phone CIIIIS Please SOUTH ROAD- wllh 60ft ~ praasure hose. mobile, caipolt. deck. on 2 UNFURNISHED 2BDRI Never used. $950. 336-1127 HOUSI!KEBPINQ: I HAVE A 112 lot&. Bmders National 2BATH. Fenced. yard. Well , 1 POS1TION OPEN ON OUR ~,ocru-... · Natural Gas. $475+ulllllea. WR SALE OR LEASE: GOT A CAMPGROUND PERSON NEEDED HOUSEKEEPING STAFF. Forest. --,·-· plus utili- Qall Clnd., Oar•• Lynch •Exceptioaal riverfront property for sale, lease or MEMBE.RSHIP or PLEASE APPLY IN • Credit c:beck required. R a 8Ith 2 5 7 ~ 4 0 1 1 _ Tlmeahare? We'H take ll 101" driving & janiiD•Ial PERSON... REFERENCES CaD Dick Weber at 257- Uc##~ · lease/purchase. One block from downtown walkPtg Americli.'a most suocessful duty, 6 day a week job. .REQUESTE-D. .Super 6. -deL Approx. 3,300 sq. fl,buUdlng, ideal !'or resort dearing house. Best Contact Ron at Ruidoso Molol. "l7fJ6. 1ldl Pims ....,,.. 10 Condos for Rent PriCes on Travel Agency restilirants,aicro-brewery, art gallezy, etc. $369,00b. Ford-Unc;oln-Mercury BUSY DAY SPA looldrMI tor Needs-orulses, tllghtS, re- ...... p ...... "" ..... _ Call Mark Mobley al 257-7786, Thll Pines Really. 80118, ato: Reaort Sides lnter­ 378-4400 .2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH natlon81, Toii-Fre~ll Rpc&piiOniBI -· SOme CONDO" E1¥JY BDC8B8, fur­ •LaiJ!O 4,400+ sq. fl. building on Mechem. Hl&b vi&i­ 1-800-423-6987. Ill-In days ~ulred. PI=· COMFORTABLE 28, nlshedJ.._..; new carpal and bflity. Great location for meetillg facilities, warehouse appllcation MOndayolchOno Laundry, dlnl~l'h. large paint. ~OIMO plus billa ·and STEEL BUILDINGS SALE: """"" ,..aglc To ' B llvlngroom, natural gas, depOSit. 258-6959. 257-4899 (retail or wholeaale), retail ~ resaturant,. etc. 30X40x1 0, $1,579; 40X60X14 RN's, CNA's, Smkferth (a6ove J. Robarts) P811o8. carport. easy access. evenings. Aak for Chris. 2Dnes C-2. $31~000. Call Mark Mobley at 257- $8,D27; 50x75x14, $10 875; '"' S&&Oimo 378-4169 •M 5Dx1 OOx16, $.14,628; BOx1 QOx.. Housekeepers and NOWHIUNG 77!16. Thll Pines Really. 16, $18,966. Nlnl storage Servem at Pizza Hut on UKE NEW 2BR HOUSE In 2 BEDROOM. 2 BATH, large COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE: buildings. 30x160, 32 unlta, Prep Cook needed Sudderlh. Must be 21 years · convenient location. Modem townhouse - Ruldodo $860, •Lots of great possibilities and great location for this $13,944. Fraa brochures. oJd. Apply In parson. lcllchan ancl bath. Natural gas · p_mos lease. (506) 6~ Sentinel Bulld"lnga, at Ruidoso Care . heal plus woodalove. 4Uga commercial property!! Seven cabins,. seven RV . BOD-327.0790, Extenllol:' 79 OWNER OPERATOR SEEK­ deck with great view. Center. ING SINGLE, FEMALE spaces, approx. 22,000 sq. ft. I)VailabJe~ Office, living PARKING LOT PAINT ·~oo +oas and eleotric:. PREFERED to .trU1 on job 2 BEDROOM, quatte'" & rental unit on .96 acre lot. $393,500. CaB STRIPPING MACHINE Please contacl with same lo· drive 16 (Owner ~ water1 Lease $1300.00 New $650.00 Now. and deposit. Call (605) 2 1/2 bath, fully fur­ wheeler coas1 to coast. Pay 521-4057 =====::!I· O.B.O. 378-t047 Leave Human ResourCes bills, all ~anses fOr daht nished. Nightly. weekly, parson. Call {505) 443-9538" •• IIISC. HOUSEHOLD me-a• at 257-9071 LOG STYLE NEW HOllE monthly rentals. No pets. PURNRURE Bed, dras9Br, $$CASHSS IMMEDIATE SS DRIVERS••• FAEE DRIVER 805 Flume Canyon, ·uppar 258-41!17 ...... Sp.m. futon, tabla/chairs, recliner for. structured seUiements TRAINING Wllh Fraa Houa­ Canyon~.. $1200. Owner/ 1979 UNCOLN . TOWNCAR 257·7172 and deferred Insurance lns_ln Col..- Soringo. Eam Agent 25'-2576 AIIIIIIITANTII & $30K+1st yaarl Call stevens all leather. Interior, excellent MOVING BALE · Claims. .I.G. Wentworth. NtlllliiNG Transport In 3 1-888-231-6375. Cl!iRTIPIED NVIISINO o\SSISTAN'l'S to enroll ttda CLEAN TWO- BEDROOM, CONDO FOR RENT c:cndltion,. new Ures 378-5416 weak cou·rae now ONE BATH Unfumlshed 1 Mabtmb ...... J&o~ ror aloDJ­ 197& FORD GRANADA Low 1-868-286-11817 . ~~ s::'oo:'oo~S:r':n"X END ROLLSII END ROLLSII . ra.:m.;, w.. wll paJI 111111 ..... )'DIIIIalrl. $450IMO .... Furnished~. -·· 2BDRM/1.5BA. Month!. mileage, original Interior, Call 2&8-4Et49 Wood burning fireplace. hutch Hunter Grasp Unht= FOR SALE NOW AT BI:Miila awlllble aWl pay le III:B of DESK CLERK ··-1. $2,000 or basi offer. wood$100.00. Honda abo HTHE RUIDOSO NEWS- t.a.fha. Fer a....;,.. IDD.,:, come to 354-2964 after 6 p.m. 1BR, tBA $50DIMO IBR, fft:ll50~1~ 4X4 Aac., Hunt rack, fool­ Bald-CUICadlr·Cirilll,_c-nu-. LOOKING FOR A ENGUSHI 2BA $625/MO. Kitchen, Ooalild. ...._ ar Unila .t2Sf.III7L 1980 SUBARU LEGACY boards, Stick Stepper SPANISH speaking person dining, llvlngroom, re­ CHOICE LOCAnON • Two has some cof1"1JJUJ8r bedroom partially fumlshad. Waaon LB. Loaded, Pearl $200.00. Southwesl end who ax­ frigerator, stove, gas heat White, auto trans. All power. tables wlglass tops Set of 3 • . parlance. This individual AVsllabla Dec Blh. 257-9873 Three badroom compla~ shOUld have good people w• fumlehad. CBII for ClataiiS Must seell $3,995.00. Roc::IW $t25.00. Unlden C.B. Radio RNa&LPNs Mtn. Motors, 2804 Suddarlli, $15.00, Southwest Rug - Sklls . EspeciallY In the areas HOUSE FOR.U!ASE: ~B-5825 257-7773.. 420-D443.. Ask lor Hunter Green wired decor needed at of daaBng with cuatomBI"CI Furnished three bedroom, 2 Bx12 $50.00. ATV loading Ruidoso Care Center. and co-wodtere. Othar· ollice bath $BOOIMO plus utiBUas. i1l'"- rack aluminum $50.00 skills would Include tele:­ Convenlant location . ~2 Mobile,. SfllleeBIRt . 100 Rowan Dr. #A3 Ruidoso phone, ten kay, Fax, and . ~7-&738 , oto Trucksi4X4's Hum~rcesat"; • money handling. Flelerances CAPITAN IN TOWN Small, ~7-466S are a must APply- In f;lerson new,· modem court, fenced. 257-9071 Super 8 Motel. No appnca­ CHARMING 2 BEDROOM 114 E. Se"corll St 257-5381 •wHITE a BEECH• 2 WOLFF TANNING BEDS llons on Ole. Coaaga. New paint, carpet, ~ . 1994 BRONCO, DRAWER lateiBI file plus Tan at home. Buy 01ract and stove and rafrlgerator. GOod full size, 4X4, matchl~g _bookcase. Naw & Savel Commercial/Home ENCIIAJIITMENT INN lor one or two people. $395 solid. $500 tor both. Unda units from $199.00. Low needs part-time belp in MAIN- fumlshad or unfumlshad plus 13 Room for Rent extra. nice. 257-5900 NIGHT AUDITOR utllftlas. Convanlantly located Monlhl=aymants. Free TENANCB, RESTAURANT, Reduced to $14,800. Color . CaD Today KITCHEN, FRONT DESK; THE· SUPER 8 MOTEL Ia at 323 Carter"s Lane. caa ATTRACTIVE BEDROOM/ ULTRA PWSH KING SIZE 1-800-842-13 . (505) 521-4057 A/C & cassette. - WUNGE· ami QOUSEK.EEP- now looking · for a fuU Uma SITTING ROOM; Private Mattress sat with frame. Night AudRor. APollcaidons Call 378-11084 lNG. Apply in person UPSCALE PRIVATE bath, separate entranc:e, tel­ Very cleen, good condnlon shOuld be san-starters and 2BORM, 2BA wllh vlewa. ephOne, sateiiiB T.V•• Room !fl20"0.00 354-4253 NORDIC TRACK at front desk. 307 Hwy 70. dependable. No applications and board $960.00 or Room Tn• on Ole. Phone numbers are a Vaulted ceiDngs, decks, all 1982 SUBARU LOYALLE . $275 '-PPIIances, fumlshed. Oft only. Call 354-2658. ROLL TOP DI!SK a CHAIR, must References required. 1llt . WAGON Red 4X4. 6 Spaed, with videos Hours are· 11 pm - 7 am. Mechem, In town. Prefer 67K miles.. AJC Ust $7,300, Antique rooking chair, bar MAINTENANCE Adults, no pets. Reduced to ROOMMATE: Privata room, stools, eotlea labia, waSher & & instructions. $700 newt 32-40 hours per waak. $650 505·233-4339 bath, TV, cable, telephone, f1·250 OBO 1-800-584-3628 dryer, alass top clnlng table, Call 257-7395, SUPERVISOR needCd 39 Work Wanted WID, kitchen privileges. acouidfc guitars· (one left at Ruidoso Care Center. Please pick up an application 2 BEDROOM · FURNISHED sauna, hot tub. Prater out­ 1985 DODGIE 1 TON 4 wheel handed), file cabinet CBII ask for Billie or Usa. at the Super 8 Motel's Front YOUR IRONING DONE IN or LmfumisHed. $425/MO door type mala. Relable, re­ drive, dually Laramie SLT, 257-31851eave message. Refrigerant usage Desk. MY HOME Pick-up & delivery Wate!.&..!!_eotric paid. sponsible, non smoker, Towing package, V1 0 certification needed. •• twice a week. Charge bv the 378-4;:~Vti -straight. Raferancaa re­ engine, auto. Excellent Ctui.D'S CAR SEAT $30 hour. Call Sheree 354-4311. col'ldlllon. Only 32.000 miles. Child car booster" seat $20, UGHT UP YOUR UFE: Experience needed in LOOKING FOR MATURE '"' qulrad. $350.00 month. Will PERSON with management ~ave massage. consider outside chores $22,500 378-43-11. 1o-5paad Men's bike $26, Super a Motel is heating & air condilion- 8 Apts. for Rent toward rani. Respond to CC­ Child's Big Wheal $10, p~lonllal. Appl• anvtlme 1991 JEEP CHEROKEE Assorted boys: clothaa stzes ing and water systems. ~· Burger 1203 M"echam ARE YOU PRESSED FOR NR PO BOX 128, RUIDOSO, remodeling. TIME? · Let me do your press­ NEW MEXICO 88355 LAREDO Loaded, axceDenl 4-6. lnexpenslvo 24K Gold­ condition. ·378-4698 PIIllad jewelry. 4.5 Inch tele­ We are selling Ginger Contact Human ROUTE DRIVER NEEDED Ing. I do lrontng In my home scope $195. cau after 5. Lamps for $7.00 each. Resources for more at reasonable prices. '"' 378-8491 15 Storage for Rent 1990 CHEVY 4X4 258-4720 The money will be informalion at 257-9071 Part-Time. Night Shift, 314Ton Silverado, camper must have valid New UPPER CANYON HUGE STORAGE UNITS AT sheU. Loaded. Call 258-4823 donated to Christ Mexico's driver's license. CONSTRUCTION ROCK BO"n'OM PRICES. Mansjkld Fumiture Church In the Downs. Must be reliable, detail NM Lklense 169597 Easy winter access at thB 4x41988 BLAZER S10 XEROX AGENT oriented. Vehicle provided. Commercial & ResldenUal ALTO Store. 257-1353 & spaad. Good condition "Buy, Sell or Trade" Will train. Please plck up Deck construction and. $3500.00 505-439-5428. application at The Ruidoso maintenance, pressure w SALES REP: News, 104 Park Avenue L & D SELF STORAGE New & Used FurnHure A LITTLE T.LC. Crafter's washing, tllework,. roofs. Hwy. 48 Space available. (behind ShowUme Video on 199& JEEP ORAND MaDi 2810 Sudderth (next to Established terrilories doors, oarports, lenoea, • 258-4599 or 257-9463. CHEROKEE LAREDO V8, & Mattresses Sch otsky's Deli) 3d local ~ddsrth) lnlerlor & exterior painting : 257-3109 • 1000 Sudderth Dr. craft-arflsts · available. Setl the Best - and remodel. • :W.so~ d':1r 5flf:~~2 products and services EXPERIENCED FREE ESnMATES ; 17 ·auslness Rentals (AIIo) STEEL BUILDINGS - new, WAITSTAFF. DISHWASHER 257-3008 ext. 120 engineered 40x60x12 was from Xerox. Salary, t993 JEEP GRAND" .Jo,pee'!J Alndtluw FOR RENT $15,500 now $9,390. Commissions. Bonuses, Apply at "Anna Michele's" IN CAPITAN, LARGE QUALITY OFFICE CHEROKEE LARADO VB, New & Used Furniture 6Dx100x16 was $28.200 now Restaurant, located at Best CLEAN 2 bedroom apart­ Spaoe- Prime Location. loaded very nice. $18,990. BOx200x16 was Benefits, and Training. Wastem Swiss Chalet. $13,500.0 OBO Rocky Mtn. New &. Used Mattresses ment $350. water, sewer, 2600 sq. ft. 6 $62 500 now $39,972. 258,~ i!-rbaga paid. 354-2006 Betty Beachum, Realtor Motors, 2804 Suddarth Used Appliances 1-800 -408-5126 Eam $25,000++-t:. iW.4-3176 2511-5441 257-7773., 4200443, ask for We Buy. Sell & Tmde Experienced reps are Ron SUPER NINTENDO wllh 2- WANTED: COOKS ADOiy in 650 Sudderth • 257-7575 controllers, mouse and 6 currently earning parson at Pizza HUt on CIMMARON CONDOS effi­ 650 SF COMMERCIAL •• games. $150 OBO 439-8499 Mechem at 1 :3DPM ciency apts. available. $300f RETAIL LOCAnON 1993 OMC SIERRA or437-9495 $40,000+. Requirements: Mo. CBII after 2P. 378-4375. Inquire at High Country Extended Cab.- 4X4 Z71 Succ;:essful sales experl- CAnLE BARON Restaurant Lodge. Bring your ldeasl Package. Loaded with PRIVATE 2 NEW 245175 R-18 TIRE Is now accepting applications extras. $15,700. Call for experienced foOd servers. ~B-4321 CHAINS, mounted on good ence, computer literacy. ONE BEDROOM- 1·800-357-9271 Urea (used) and rims $11'0. hostesses, cooks. Ap~lv In ART LESSONS Contact United Business parson between 2-4, "fuss­ . FURNISHED APARTMENT OFFICE SUITE for leasa 2 '"' 630-Bil24 Utilldes paid. Covered TOYOTA EXT. CAB 1994. Ages 10-12 Systems: 800-848-5158 days and Thuraday8 only. rooms, foyer, storage area SALE - 20% OFF Health benefits available and · parking, single . parson or and bath, approx. BOD SF:" Best 4W..Drive. 30,000 miles. ·. couple. No pets. $375/MO. Make Offer378"-8128 bast corf1]ensation In lha good exposure, access & Call 258-5807 Deco~atdwlth one of a kind 378-1038 ~ parking. f216 Mecham, Echo ...... 1987 QUAD RACER Collectibles, AntiQues. LOG CABIN RESTAURANT Plaza 258-3934 . 2 Cvcle. Runs Graatl Furniture, ArtWork, Jewelry. AVON-No Door ·to Odor RIVERFRONT: Necll88ary. Eam to 50%. NEED TENANT TO SHARE $14135. Days: 378-5313 GIBBSWare, Dishes, Etc. Part-Time waitress needed. UNFURNISHED 2Bi'1.SB after BPM 336•8635 34 Arta Treasures • Old and New Have fun and make money Fireplace, tile, new STORE FRONT approxl· Aaplv ln. po""'n too. MLM avallabte. Great David Frye• tnataly' 650 SF av&llable. f07'"4 Mecham carpet and paint. Qarbaga, RECOLLECTIONS moneymaking opportunity. Generul Contructor sawar, water paid. $525/MO. OUlar Side rented to ceramics ·-1990 DODGE, 314 TON, CLASSES IN COMPUTER FT/PT. Independent Ra­ store. One mle east Museum 4WD, 380 angina. 4-Speed RNEARTS ~THE GREAT WALL OF No pets. 6 months lease. Highway 70 At the •y- pr~tsentatlve. 257-2410 ~7-4764. Of Horse. $325/Mo plus transmission. Towing Air Brush Painting CHINA Has oP@nlngs for 1-800-627-2886 electric. 378·4881 Package. 73,000 miles. Taughl·bvG. Trent MFA 505-378-6182 all ~ltions. Full and Part­ Building - Roofing 111B . 257-5891 time. Apply- In person: TELEPHONE REPAIR THAI­ !r_.soo. 338-4524 1114 Lie. c"/55166 NICE FURNISHED 1 1118 2913 Sudderth . NESS NEEDED No experi­ BEDROOM apartment. Bills ence necessary,. Aaes 17 to paid lor one patson. No pets. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 1976 GMC .JIMMY 4JC4 THE QUI DING LIGHT HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Runs $2,500.00 CHRtsnAN VIDEO, BOOK 27 wHh hlah sChoof diploma: S400 month. 258-6751 2 SUites could be made Into aood. AND MUSIC RENTAL. 1-2days/wk, 5·10 hrsfwk We pay nitocalion expenses. one. Good • location • Call 653-4!182 36 Sporting Goods CAPITAN-APARTMENTS Le,.e 881-- 1600 'Sud ~ale ranees needed and 1-BDD-354--9627 , 40 Services 258-5959. Ask for CHRIS or ~· rlh 257 7609.....,on, • checked. Start $5.501hr. AND KITCHENETTES ~~7-4699 evenings. EXERCISE EQUIPMENT ~~ - Sitzmark Chalat Motel NEEDED DISPENSING OP­ For rant by the week 24 RVrrravel PLUS VIDEOS: AembiC PAINTING-HOME REPAIRS: or month. Fraa utllties GOVERNMENT JOBS. Now 267-4140 nCIAN. Full ltma, training OFFICE WAREHOUSE FOR Alder $100.00, Jane Fonda's available. Call 437-6838 Slg~ Ana Arts by the hour.: and maid saMce. ·Step Aerobic and Sanches hiring . In your area. DRIVERS·F.LATBED 48 354-9146, references, 15 · SMOKEY BEAR MOTEL .. RENT Large fenced yan:l on 1984 25FT- TERRY TRAVI!L Mechem. 2400 SF $1550 TRAILER Self contained. $65.00, Abdominal $16,000-$68,000. Call STATE OTR. Assigned New years In area ; ...... month 528-8116 Good condition $4300.00 ~rclser $50.00 268-4468 1-80"0-883·0819 ext. J-400 convenUonals, competitive PART·TIIIIE 11... :1! 257-2250 (8:30~3:00) or for CUrrent Federal, County. . Pay, Benefits $1,000. Sign HOUSEKEEPER T.N.T MAINTENANCE INSPIRATION HEIGHTS RUIDOSO OFFICE 378-4751. l.ailvo a message. Cftv":lr.:&~-==:"=•~1s~.----- on Bonus Rider program, APARTMENTS - Flexible Time Off. -call Apply at CROWN POINT C&rpat, uphOlstery, floors TASTEFUL"LY furnished. RN SPACES FOR RENT oft 38 Help Wanted Roadrunner Trucking and window claitning. featuring 1 ,2 & 3 bedrOom . AvaHabla for sublease. ldeat M-TH, 8·4. Apolv In parson apdrtrnenls, ranging from Carrizo Canyon Ad. $125 36 Mlecallaneous ·1-800-876-7784. . 220 C.bl'lva. Ask about special. $277-$409. We are an equal lor Psvchotheraplst. manltlly. Capitan: 2 miles 258-4865 Linda "257-5900. Wast $125 monthly 354-3187 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS· $$$500 SIGN ON housing oppo,.,nitv CHAUFFEURS NEEDED: Comp!ex Wllh a beautiful '"' ••• $$BAD CREDIT? Get bans TANT computer literate, BONUS!$$$ OTR Drivers. ~ & M REPAIR :~ FOR LEASE: 850 SQ. ft. up to $5,0001 Debt conSOIIda­ bookkeeping knowledge, You need a CDL·A and 8 AddiUons, Decks, view. Come see us at 11 o communlcatron skills. 25 Hourty wage ptus tips. Clean Sierra Lane, Ruidoso Downs office space, .lira Plaza, 27 Feed & Grain Uons up to $200,0001 months aX"pariance. Driving· All Types Roofs, • & available 4/1197. Brokers Mortgages and reflnanclngl hours per weak. Sand school graduates welcome. driving ...cc.il - ...... No Job Too Small :· pick up your resume with rafarancas to C0ntlnanta1 ExP.ress. 48 application Olf call carmen at welcome. Owen Russell, caJI lha National Craclt Ser­ a mu~ll ~BfCotnlmant. cau 258-3703 Anytime ·• HAY FOR SALE: AlfaHa and vice Association. PO Box 1864, RUidOSO, NM states and Regional Leave messw II necasslt.ry: 376-4238 for more Real Estate Broker. oat. Three Rivers Ranch 119 Information 5051257-6341. 1-800-267-585.4 Ext 22...... BOD-695-4473 EOE 848-2448 I .L . ------~----·------·---·- -··- -·-·---... -- .. -· -~-

6B jANuARY 9, 1998

$TALL PINES REALTY$ 2704 Su"clderth • 257-7786 • 800-257-7786 JohanJ Mob1eJ Marcia GU)'DN M•rlr. MUley DkkWeber Z57..... -7 257..JIJO 3315-mJ Mtmi-MIItlon Dullllrl"rolhh«r MOI/li-MlllltHI Dilllt..-l"nNN!.,... U..~DI>IIM,.,.,.,_ ---Dr1llw"""""' Nan9WD~ O.•rkae M•riBdk ..... _ RobiWdiD. 116-4107 Z57-3620 257·741, 2!8-&... Mllliflno..IIM,_,_ 1411HtMD«/ffr,.,.,._ the Week Store COUNTRY HOME SE'ITINGII Thri!e bedroom, 2 bath hmne with ~ on 2 lots!. Three decks, Workshop, water well and horses aJlovlred Priaid tx> sell $79,900. UTIU: CABIN IN 11fll WOODS! 'IW!> bedroom, I 1/2-wilb beautiful - fin:plalie! FJ1sy yeaHOOnd""""" Dao~ -this buy .. $89,500! . HOME WITH BEAtmFVL VAinlY VIEWs! Three bedroom, 2 bath wilb 2 1aJge decks. New roofwitbin last year. Workshop aod storage area. $128,000. OVER 3301 SQ. FT.!! Very well built hoiDC' iD nice neighborhood. 4 bedrOOm, J}tath. 2-tar garage, 2 fireplaces. game room, wet bar, large open living room, gourmel kitchen. This home­ is an incredible value a1 $56/sq. ft. Or $185.000. THE ULTIMATE nXER·VPPER! Three bedroom, 2 balh, 2 Cueplaces. Approx. JSOO sq. ft. Call for details. $29,900. Se Habla &paiiol

YOUNAMErr 44 Firewood for Sale WE DOlT LEGAL ND'nCI! Prompt ProfusBional SEASONED. SPUT Estimates RESOLUCIDN NUlL IIIHtt · HomeR~rs DI!LN=::~N, AR ~e&k Chimney Cleaning PI{ICE QLALITY Fli\;AI\CING \V-\IW.\,"\T\ $12D~cord. ••• Tree Removal, Yard Work $130 ked. PUelll.O DE RUIDOSO Trash Hauling 257-7.921 420-5374 SEA RESUEt.TO pllr 1111 cuarpo gaber­ AU Ponl~ u,.J Gutters, Etc. nllnl& dol Pueblo do Ruldlaso qua: tf/Rt.,_. 378·1047 '"' c.n• nve~~r ...""'*' FIREWOOD FOR SALE call bdowNA.DA..~s-k 354-2541...... APPLE FIREWOOD $160 par cant $0 DOWN! PICK YOUR CAR! PICK YOUR PAYMENT! $0 DOWN! Delivered and stac:ked 505-653-4502 ' B. En Ia alacciDn m ...lclpel especial, •• laa 81gulanlea prCIOuntal saran 1ome- . tkllla a loa IIOtllntea: 1895Ponllac 1-Fonl~ 1897c-- 1llllltN... 1814Fan1Yan Found 46 Lost a 1. Debera llllt&n~llblo •. GrandAm AliWhaaiD- 4-door, auto,IIII- A/C Ruidoso, NUBIIO Ia knpo!ll- cion de un eobm al Olin· awno lm=el pr lllgiD LOST: •CALLIE• pano do :ro-- CATAHOULA LEOPARD mutu,.. en ':aclo en el P • el Oeown$199 Oeown'289 o-•1&9 OlloWn$187 ODown$269- Full grown, wiBtack CWI CleDe"=c como ·- White CONTRACTOR "lm~'=! Buplemllfltllrkl NEEDS WORK spots. Red collar wllags. • cia 1 BI\IIIW' y el CtJal Sonlto LakB area. REWARD dllbDJ'II aeraabrlldo a un Pildllo de un 1995 Buick Regal 1994Niaan 1-Font 1'-1110 . 1-Fold Ranger 1897-F-1110 25YEARS+ porclento (t%} de Ill$ ~ brutm In Ruidoso 336-1083 or 336--1184 de Ill INifBIII'Ia que &118 COIIQ)fOrlle- VB·Auto VB,4d,Aulo VB, Auto FtaiNida lldll. nagoclll. Ia ~ llllllill .,_.. Excellent References. LOST: CAR KEYS On gold tlda en al pll.go ~BCionBI , Ple6aeoall bracelet at Jlra Plaza :='Ill~ arlaede We have Children to feed December 22nd. Call o-'219 o-'269 o-'329 Ooovm'179 0Dowa!'239 "'PLEASE• 354-4253 -""·- 336-9116 ~-- Conlrii_ FOUND: BACK SUPPORT ... 1895.1- 1993FordR- r1-..0...IIixp1- 1993-...... - .1897-car ~· BRACE wllh kav chain at­ 41C4IIport c~~ooea · HOME tached, on ~ 7b East, mite Ch-· ..._.- a n. Fi\11111 CLEANING SERVICE marker 210. can to ldantlfy. 653--4898 336-7893. - 0 .!)OWn '352 0DDWn'223. o-•444 LOST: AT WINDY POINT on 0-'269 o-'227 S1d Run Rd., a. MamoreK - Coaobuatkm Video camsra. Please call ...... SWPii:ltl" Thomas Brlllante 257--5064 _ C. U. praci"llos 8.8 y 10 aDn consoli­ RIIDMXlD Dials • RP«

2SBSJ88 END ROLLSII END ROLLS!! 1.o. prec~r>~oa 7 y s son coniOiodfl· 107 Hwy. 70 • on boi'der of.Ruldosb and Ruidoso. Downs · Lie. RGI 056319-QB 98 dos para Ia eiHCIOn mun~l ...... _._,...,.._.fiDin, ...... D,&ftA.P.R...cltura41•M_..IIal ...... ""'"-"p!t...J...... MJO&IOtt'..,._..,T.T.LAI~-- ...... ·- FOR SALE NOW AT •!IPiidal. . .,.TifE RUIDOSO NEWS- D. Lq Glgulenllil$ loo;alldadu sgn METAL ROOFS ~~como ~Jespam Great For Packing, Art Pro­ velar para llawlr a cabllla elac­ REMODELS • ADDITIONS jacts. S1 .00 per . Inch. From l:kln munclpal fiPliCial: lhe coni aut. Csll first foT Balco Builders avallabllty. 257-4001 1. Lea -.. an loll prec1r1toa DBCD. NIJII7lNO • .RBPA.mB :n.=.::~=:ncla Ruldaso. 1 U Slana Bfaf"ICB. WAIL PAPilBING 49 P.ersonals RuidOSO. Nu- Maxlca. 267-6367 Lk.IO&UIID 2. Los VII1Bnlea en loll prectntoa consoldadu 7 y Iii vocaran en e1 Canlro cia Conwncionea c1a Ruidoso, 1 1 1 Sll11ra Blanca, GENERAL Ruldaso, Nuew Matdco. CARPENTRY E. VOI&ni8B en el P'«lnlll de Wien­ All Home Repairs Ies ilb8enllBtEI5 wrtaran en Ia atlclna da Ia ....,rlneba munlolpal, Sheet Rock & ·Painting ubJpadll en e1 Cl&mlna Cree MaMIIIWII Home 258-5951 numara...... 313en Ruiclo::oo, Nuevo Mobile 420·6784 F. l..as PB""'""' que dasellll regis­ Ira""' J>II'B volar en Ia Glocclon munleipal especla_!.tien¥ que Legal Notice regiBlllfBtl can Ia t:SCnDana del HOUSECLEANING, WIN· Cor!IIBOO da Lineoln nO mB15Ianle que el mBI"IDs. 3 da Ebmro1 de 1998 DOWS, VERY THOROUGH. a las 5:00 p.m.. Ia lecha ., qua Ia Y8ld cleBn--up, General main­ Escnbana del Condaclo caJr•llla tenance, Interior Painting. libroa de rugl51ro. FINANCIAL INC LEGAL NOTICE CowNIAL SERVICES, Experienced. Have Recorder G Se hetu un record de loll voloa do 257·5173 los a!acloru munlclpalaa caiiDca- ,.. PUB .JC NOTICE dos en maquinas pare VOlar. We PurChase: For AgBIIlOL.__ 1st and 2nd Rea1 Estate Lien Notes YARD MAINTENANCE ACIOpUIIdll ' III)JObadll ·- ... ., da PRUNING, HAUUNG anwo da 1 HI. c. PraclnCia &. B. arid to a,. con­ Commercial Real Estate Notes SNOW PLOWING =:::' lor the _..rel municipal Reasonable Ratee ALCALDE Ill Jerry G. Shew. Mayar Settlement Annuities Free Estimates PrGCinm 7 lind B am ~;DniiOidaiBCI Dale: lor !he BPBCial municipal e1BC110n- Business Notes 257-3007 ..&NDA lsi Tammie J. Maddox. Eaerlbana Mu~al D. n. tollowlni looallon Is deslgna­ I CAll TO ORDEFI ltld as lha po lng place lot the conduct ollhe special muniCipal 42 Child Cara II ROll CALUINTROOUCTIONS 13714T (1)11,16,zs,:JD election: Ill APPROVAL OF MIN liTES. 1. VOl""' In con.allclaled PracinC!C B. CHILD CARE July 17, 1997 6. .,.d 10 shah ¥018 a1 tha Ruldoao OFFERED IN MY HOME Qc:wtiBr I B. 1 997 Convention c...rtur. 111 Sierra LEGAL ND11CE Blllnca Orlva, Ruii:IOIIO. N8W Me>doo. Meals and snacks provided. IV NEW BUSJNESS Far ... erdrl ...... Itt .... M-F Hourty Rates Also 2. Voters In eDn!IIOiklaiBCI P,_,lncla 7 Available 257-4008 A Eled<>n ol Ofllcars VLLAOE RUIDOSO and 9 ehaiiiiO!e at.,a Ruldoao Chao"""" Oonven!lon Center, n 1 Sierra '"' voce-Chairmen SPECIAL ELECTION RESOl.U"nDN Blanca Drive, Ruldoao, Naw Mhieo. Hanch Servlcet, Inc. ADVERnBE RE&OLU110N S&-01 B Sat Maatrng Datea IU'Id Tlma• E. Votara In lha abaint vatar prac~ the classlfiads Wll ,_ atlhe offlce ol lha VIIQge 505-257-2425 Ruidoso News C R,que&llor Replat ol Alto Ba II ,....,lvad by tha Govamlng Body Clerk. a1aeme Maadowa onwe, 257-4001 Con "fomtnluma olllle Vftlage at Auldoso Ilia!: RIIIIIOSO, New l\lleldco, P.O. Box 1581 • IMiost. NM 883SS Mr J1mes Wimbarl!o A. A ~ muniCipal eiiiCIIon snau Do you need ERRANDS done'l V ADJOURN tie held on Me.n::tl 3, 19811 atlha •• same tma llllllhllrlular munlctlal ..... Pick-up and deliver items..... Shovel soow..... Gel grocedes alactlon ol munlcl ofllcora. 45 Auctions Poha will open al :00 a.m. and uu ·'"" need HELP'l o::lase at 7:00p.m. ••••• 'J'emporary Help..... Clerical..... Bookkeeping..... Casbier .. "111e Plalhllfl• anom., ill Mdlaal s. ••••• Administrative Assistanl a..na, P. 0. Box 1119. Ruldoeo. New G. 111e call'llng at wola& by quallfhnl MaxiDCJ 68345. municipal eleaore llhalfDa recorded on Vllllng mactllnea. • Vou and eaon If yuu ara hanby notlllad thai unl11_11 you enter yaur ap­ ADOPTED AND APPROVED thla 7U1 peara,_ In this cauae on or btJIM& ltle FEED LOT AUCTION clay ril.lanUMy, 18liii- )ud(P'Isnt 18111 daJI II Febru...,, 1988, will be randared aDalrrat you In lhl8 YOU CAN CHEW? APPROVEO:/al Jany G. Shaw. Mayor - tr,dalaull. Don't dcl;cy- call today! Don't Miss It!! Atle":ls/Tammla J. Maddox, Cferll wrTNE98 m11 hand and thD 110111 or Ill,_,..,. CDUft lhla 121h da\1' ol Deemlber, SECURITY FINANCE 13TI4T{t)ll,16.23,acl Loans Goldfield Gun Safe • Roll Top Desk IBI~ACA BAXTER Your Friend When You Need$$$ l.EOAL NO"nCii 0 COUfiTCLERK Furniture • Electric Range • Jack Hammers @)' 181 EIIZilbelh Lueru '100-$500 1400 Sudderlh • Suite A UNCOI.N HISTORIC We specialize in credit RUidoso, NM 88346 New .Lawn Mower • Portable Water Pump PRESERVATION IKlAAO 1aii8 41' Ct2J111.H.C1)2,11 REGULAR ~TING starters! Phone 257-4000 ....,uery 20, 111118-7:00 P.M. "- Tools • 30" Chain Saws • Paintings • Lamps welcome. NOnCE OF MEEIINGI Washer • Dryer • Refrigerator NOT1CE I• he~ liJI""'n U.l lhe ~ oaln Hlllorlcl Pre-tlon Board wiR \>!>• ':/'HIIBU)!_~rty llllhadulllld m1J1811ng on '"" ...... J.IBfY 20, 1998, at 7:00" Shovels • Axes • Hammers • Washtubs p.m., a lha URDCih Yolullhlttr Fl,. Do­ PArlriiBRI BullcllrJO. Un!!Oh, N- Mexl­ Big Storage Cabinets ~. Lots of treasures . . . too much to list! AG ....DA SAT., JANUARY 17, 1998 1. call to Order • II. ApprcMU ol Mlnutea • 12 NOON· Ill. Land Use Pllln Revllllona NEXT TO PAPPY'S • 378-4891 IV. ADJOURN taf71T(111

1 ------··------~------·-~--~---·-~--.--- ...... 1'--·- --·-··--..,... -.. ,...... ~·------·------·------··------...... ·.- .....-...... ·...... -.. ------..--.. -=-···~--- ....-.. -.... '...... *"._ ...... _._._ ------~--~~~-"' 00 "'00 F 00 00 P 00 00 00 F ¥' ...... ¥' U W F P F P 4 p p F * PU U W F 00 P P P F 00 P •. r P" 00 "".- 00 W *" • ,,.. U .. P P. F P * W F F F--.-.. P pUP U W WO Up W pz P P P F F'P -,• P = P F F 24j • ' /. ...; .J'~ .

goes without saying that this • planned couulity lias sensible develop­ " :~.. ment guidelines, paved roads, electricity, a ' private river park, limited rights to divide, and attractive seller financing. Just call -.I our Visitors Center at 1-800-RUIDOSO . <784-3676> foryour lifestyle brochure and . . • ~ ~ I more information. No matter what you're .- \ ' . . . looking for, once you visit The Ranches of . Sonterra, you'll agree it's one of the most . . beautiful places on earth .


.·.;t • -- ·. --- ·------~ - ..__ .. \

onreRRa .. . . .

Obtain the property report required by Federal law. and read It befOre slg~~lflal\9 ' .. -·

---·-- ---~-__.~~~~-_ .... ______------______...______• . - - • - • ------.--~---~------______.,.. --- .. - -~------~ -- - -~- ,. -- W I 4


~~­ "Encourage your children to read a newspaper every day. It will make them stars in the most important ·game of all- . . . . t~ game of life.'~ . . , Every day of the year since I was a child, I've read everything I could for news, information arid entertainment. So, if you want to give your children a great start, read to them from the time they're toddlers. That's what my parents did for me·. . . When your children get older; encourage them to read books, magazines, and certainly a newspaper each and every day. Tell . ' them John Elway says it will make them stars in the most important game of all-the game of life. -John Elway. Quarterback RUIDOSO NEWS 104 PARK AVENUE • 2S7-4001 It all. starts with newspapers.


7 . - - = rr aaenennnnnrinnn777?7\n 7777 are as sse tr,ria =• ======• -=·=------· -

~; Incredible Selection!

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Full & Queen Sleeper Sofas wi.ltltJ;A'-~~ thick innerspring mattress are · pri~oed Reclining Sofas start at o!'ly Shop for your comfort haven froiD Sun City and get the quality and comfort of a La-Z-Boy reclining sofa today!


SUN CITY FURNITURE, INC. Monday through Saturday 9-6, Sunday 1-4 1/2 Mile past Walmart on the El Paso Highway in Alamogordo ALAMOGOitUO Family owned and operated since 1976 •Specili.l f"mancing offers available on approved credit through local finance companies. . . . . ' 505-437-5379 • 1-800-441-0299 FREE DELIVERY

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A T>il'ilitm ofCAPII.lier Manufocturing,-lnc. VILLA 32' WIDES MODEL DG48F LUXURY SAn-t OP"TlCN

J I, : j • 3-BEDROOM I 2-BATH LI"VING ROO'.I EiEDR00~-2 :; ! -: ~.! -~- AT $36,800 - APPROX. 1364 SQ. FT. Delivered and set up with· stucco exterior.

! -- E)t---1 I 'r ...... i J _ _..; ,...._,.., i ;~ l <""~ll~ll

Bringing You Home. f f

21 REASONS WHY YOU IL=-:1 01'1. Hl."'lCH ...... OF.". II J·~~ C:•B SHOULD HAVE THIS I HOME!!! 1. China sinks in bathrooms 8. Dormer roof 15. Water heater blanket & switch "\ I 2. Unen cabinets & drawer banks in both baths 9. Upgraded carpet 16. 18 cu. ft. refrigeratbr I 3. Elongated toilets 10. High-density urethane foam carpet pad 17. Pot & pan drawers in kitchen 4. Huge master close 11 . 150 lb. mortise hinges 18. Lazy-Sus~n in top kitchen cabinet 5. Metal mini-.blinds throughout 12. 12" eaves . ,19. Cabinets lined throughout 6. 38x80" steel front door 13. 60" tub in main bath 20. Garden tub in master bath 7 _ Lever interior door handles 14. Large utility room 21. Furnace cabinet with door

OFFICE: (505) 378-8064 • FAX: (505) 378-5234 Toll Free: 1-888-847-8070 655 Hwy 70 West, East of Museum of the Horse, Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346

-- ·- ·- -·--·-·-·--~.:...... --~--!. ____ ...... ___------.-..._·------...~ - ~-- ~------

' ' '

The Mini Page and family literacy go hand in hand. The Mini Page helps families read, write, discuss and learn together. That's what family literacy is all about. Reading The Depan on Oaober 9, 1998 Mini Page together is a Includes p:JCking at Cruise Vacations, tr.msponation to Albuquerque, overnight chance for both parents hmel Albuquerque, air HI SanJuan, private taxi transfers to hmel and pier, three and children to learn • night beachfront deluxe hotel, twelve night Sun Princess Cruise 10 St. Thomas, something new..:;... ---.. Martinique, Grenada, Cararas, Canal and Acapulco. Air from Acapulco to . Albuquerque, transponation b:Jfk to Ruidoso. . READ ·~· . ABOUT IT L ( 1 ~ CRUISE VACATIONS & TRAVEL . 714 Mechem Dr. {I ~, ( Ruidoso, NM 88345 r 257-4991 or 800-215-4991 r ~ r PruNcEss CRUISFS" Irs morr Jhan d mmr, its lht Lot:t 8cW 'r r '"" l'f'I'D' ,...... ,,.,"F"" illn"""~ booni<0111110:i>

Mor.dith Keeton, Stephen Cardwell, 1710 SUDDERTH, RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO MEMBER t:-. teen writer graphic designer F{}IC ~~~ RUIDOSO STATE BANK 88345/ 505 25 7-4043

1( • lillll /oso ,\i('(I'S • ./U/11/flf!l ~I. W'IH -:------~~---~ - - ~

J ...... BELLAS ARTES ,. ' \ Ben.c;on Fine Arr pass wl1k:h can be puldlased at lhe \·Vhite Oaks Pottery Studio To have your studio listed in • Court House or lhe Uncbln Counly Advertise ...... •.•.~ ...... •.• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "Beeles Altes" submit the Studio Herilage Trust at ellhar end of town. Jlra Plaza, 700 Mechem Drive, 3 112 miles NE or White Oaks, name. address, phone number in the classifteds. Ruidoso, 251-21113. (50S) 6411-2985. and artist infonnation to: MI. Legend ..c; Gallery From her ilancJ.bulh adobe studio, pot· Vamonos Erhnographlc 8rt, historical Prints and ter Ivy Heyman lhrows mostly funo. . Call Helen at ' . & Fnundrv• The Ruidoso News maps are also available. Gallery ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tiona! pieces In lhe shadow of Palos hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday 610 E. Hwy. 70, Ruidoso Downl, Mountain. The studio Is open 10 P.O.Box128 257-4001 through Saturday or by appoinlment. 37&8040. a.m.-5 p.m. Friday through Sunday. Ruidoso, NM 88355 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. pub­ caJI first to confirm. or FAX to: 505-257-7053 Ruidoso News · DllllGln Stuclio Gallery lic bronze pourings and foundry tour. ······~······························ Downtown White 08118, (505) 6118- Museum of the Horse 2253. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hwy. 70, Ruidoso Downl, 37&4142. The studio of post-Impressionist repre, Sixth annual Fall American Art Show senlational artist John Duncan lhe and and Sale, and Peter Hurd's Wartime T a tors. at Impressionist works of his wile (who Skeldlas. Opened Nov. 22. .The Fall paints under lhe name Palla) is lhe American Art Show l'ealums 90 New historic Taylor Home (1887) In lhls Jlv. nne's Market Place artists lng ·ghost town end budding artist Meldto on display and for sale. The Hurd sflell:hes from World War II colony. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. saturday are also for sale. M1JS1!U111 hours 10 and Sunday, as well as most woek a.m. to 5 p.m. dally days. can ahead to be sure. HAVE YOU FOUND US YET? Eagle Hanch Arl Gallerv Mc-Gary Sludios & E.xprcs· Sandwiches • Baked Potato Creations • Soup.s • Desserts • Juice Bar • Smoothies ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• sions in Bronze Gallery 7288 Hwy. 54(10, Alamogonlo, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CHINA MIST TEA· by the glass, packet or box 1-80CJ.432.Q999. 20112 Sudderlh, Ruidoso, 257-3790. 1-81»4l87-3424. The Alamogordo Senior School Lunch Box Specials High Dave McGary's oomblned ladlily faa­ art show Its WOik for Skiers! Pick up from advanood class will lureS a finishing studio and a gallery through Janllaly. The students have YAIICh showcases a IWIKiecade re1JO­ 7a.m. to 12 Noon used a wide range of mediums for lhe specllve ool/eclion of his "mages in ~WIIUTE M1N. OR. QhoW, which Is a kaleidescope of tal­ Bronza." Gallery hours am 10 a.m.-5 ent. Gallery hours: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. dally. p.m. Monday tluol!gh saturday, closed Health Foods • Angels • Jewelry • "Solid Gold" Pet Products Distributor Gilil's Frumt• of Mind Sunday. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Quemalla Studio & Gallery 1104 Mechem Dr. 258·4311 Orders To Go/Delivery 1204 Mechem, White Mounlllln Plaza, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ruidoso 258-9071. . 2415 Sudderlh Dr., 13, Ruidoso, The gallery features original art .by 251-6743. Gaylon Gillem. Patti Mayes, Barbara Diehl Westbrook, Bernice landrum, Located at LeClaire's Mountain Village, Colorful palnlings of people Bilf~e Long. Bruce Chapman. Teresa Hughes, Red Mooie, Marcia Bizeau, end plaoes. Studio hours am 11 am.- Monty end Barbara Jones, Oenise 3 p.m. Monday lhmugll Saturday end Oom end Virgil Stephens. AlsO shoW­ bl' appoinlment. Ing antiques froo1 various vendors. Open Tuesday through saturday. 10 l.iricoln lleritagc Tnt'il a.m. to 4:30 p.m...... ••...•..•.•••.•..•.•.•....•..•• ~ Unc:oln Helilllge Trust, Uncoln llurtl-1 .a Hinconatla Gallery (505) 653-4025.. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · Carrizozo artist Polly Chavez's 011 Hwy. 70 In San Patricio, Spanish Colonial New Me!dcan (50S) 653-433t. · Retablos oontinues AdmiSsion lee The gallery exhibit lncludas works by Included in lhe $5 daily pass 1\!lleh Peter Hurd, Henrle1te Wyeth Hurd, can be purchased at lhe Court House Andrew Wyeth, Michael Hurd. Jamie or lhe Uncoln County Heritage Trust at SPECIALIZING IN & SHORT-TERM BOARDING Wyeth. Carol Hurd Rogers end Peter eilher end of town. Hours: 8:30 am.-5 de Ia Fuente. Works can be viewod p.m. every day. Holiday Menu: Tuna Cocktail • Home Cooked Chicken Livers Monday lhrough saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and by appointment on Sunday. Tile Tree·s I louse Catnip Herb Dessert • Un Platillo con Leche ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TONI MIELE, P.O. BOX 254, AlTO, NM 88312 • (505) 336-8391 The r.;erwon Thomas Galll'ry Nogal Canyon Road off Hwy. :f1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• between mile nwkera 9/10, Nogal, Call or write for a FREE Brochure. 546 Sudderth, Ruidoso by 1he IJ8fflc (505) 354-4206. MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY RESERVATIONS SOON! llghla at Paradise Canyon, 251·1056. Pottery and pastels by Kenyon The Laggs are woodworkers who Thomes. fine weavlngs by Marcia design end create a variety of lunc­ Thomas. Call for gallery hours. Uonal artworks. including doors, ~ screens and lamps. Located in Nogal - I..C. :\ll'rc:

Ruidoso.News • .lanunry 9. 1998 • K

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I I r I r I I ·I I r


Patricia Cordero Strout fires up a primitive forge, feeds the flames. oxy-. gen and prepares to shape iron bars to her will.

Her work at her studio on Begonia Road ranges from practical to fan-

ciful, from heavy iron fire place screens and gates to delicate jewelry.

She blends different metals, accents her jewelry with precious or semi-

·precious stones and turns out pendants, necklaces, earrings and rings

reflecting her distinct style. Much of Strout's inspiration for her jewelry

and sculpture comes from period paintings she studied in school.

"When I first started making jewelry, I thought to myself 'What do I

make?' And then I thought, 'What would people in the paintings wear."'

The resulting. designs reflect that each piece is an original, much as their creator is an orig- inal, a down-to-earth artist who believes there's little room for the old romantic notions sur­ rounding art. • It's a job and it demands discipline, follow through, marketing and all of the other actions connected with selling a product.

4C • Huidoso News • .IW!tulf!l 9. 19!JH ------~- ~~ -- ---~------~-- --.

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...... THE ARTS

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It's also the only type of life she eould "When someone comes in and says they want three envision for herself, a self-described hearts on a gate or fire screen, I'm not stuck with what's in "weirdo" always a bit out of step during her a catalog," she said. "l can do a sketch of something just for school years and someone looking for her them and I can match the prices in a catalog." own pace in life. It's a career where a person Strout's linle touches include door handles designed can meet many other interesting people and "hands" and unique candelabras and chandeliers, but she be invited into some spectacular homes to also can copy discontinued designs for homeowners who use her talents. don't want to change, such as some towel holders she doing O.riginally from El Paso, Strout received right now. a bachelor's degree in fine arts in Lubbock, While in Santa Fe, she worked closely with many con­ Texas, and did advance degree work at tractors, whose customers wanted special touches for their East Texas University, where she took homes ·or to recreate or modify_ iron pieces. ' ' black&mithing for sculpture and became ~I did a lot of snake designs in Santa Fe and one women entranced with the medium and its possi­ had me do a rose on her fireplace," Strout said. "I'd like to bilities. tie in with some of the builders here too." ' . Her first artistic interest was in paint- Her "staples" also give Strout the chance to go wild with ing as early as the second or third grade. her sculptures, the most recent, a trio of"spears" in fun-lov­ But she visualized her career more as art ing and imaginative medieval designs, reflective of the education until she was in college and Nco-Humorist movement. ' realized that not all artists were dead (a Being able to pound a glowingly hot piece of common misconception in traditional ·art appreciation person and keep it that metal also is a great way to work out her classes) and that creating art was a way of life still open to way, yet you have to find a aggressions, Strout said. Some of the those willing· to take the chance. way to keep your art fresh." other ways include biking and spending Her family, a diverse mixture of Russian and Hispanic In that rarefied art atmos­ time with Dusty, her one-eyed cattle dog. on her father's side, and straight American Kansas on her phere, Strout established herself Among artists who influenced her, moiher 's, was supportive when she decided to change "from as a painter, sculptor, jewelry maker and blacksmith. She Strout lists Roger Zelazny, Hugh Gibbons, art teacher to artist was co-founder of the annual Shrine Show and of the pseu- Frank Turley, Norah Pierson and Bob Haozous. "Everyone has a weird one in the family and that's my ' do-annual Nco-Humorist Show, a reflectiqn of the skewed Locally, Strout's jewelry can be seen at Hosanna's in job," Strout said. "But my mother gave me luggage for my and special view of the world by Strout and others in the Village Plaza and her ironwork at Capitan Gallery of graduation gift, which I took as a subtle way of saying it movement. Cowboy Furnishings in Capitan. She designed new tables time for me to figure out how to make a living as an artist." After a few year's retreat to the shadow of Gl

Ruido._c;o News • .January 9, 1998 • SC .,. ------,------~-~ -- ~

Apache Tee Cafe - . Looking for a meal with some atmos· Price Range: $$ phere, take the short drive to Apa~e Phone: 257-5141 tee. Serving up steaks, seafood and Address: at t~e Inn of the Mountain daily specials created by chef Brendo11 ~ods, Carrizo Canyon Road, Gochenhour and drinks from the full-ser­ Mescalero vice bar, the Apache Tee has the best Houn: 7 _a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun.:Thurs.; view and the friendliest staff around. 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fri. and Sat.

Bentleyts Brew Pub &. Paw - "' -If you're pining for a pint of Old English Price Range: $$ - Ale look no further than Ben dey's. The Phone: 258-4232 Ruidoso brew pub serves up European Address: 113 3 Mechem Dr., Ruidoso and domestic micro brews and line Houn: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sun.-Thurs,; wines, along, with some fabulous food. 11a.m. to 10 p.m. Fri. and Sat. House specialities include fish and chips and steaks hand cut on the premises. • I I ~ I , K Bob's Steak· House I Steaks, seafood, prime rib and the best Price Range: $-$$ I r ~lad bar in town await diners at K Bob's. Phone: 378-4747 Open since 1979, the steak house serves AdcLess: West Highway 70, up some hearty country breakfasts and Ruidoso Downs daily lunch and dinner specials, as well as Hours: Open seven days a week at 6 a.m. catering for ~II occasions. Y'all come in.

I I I Cafe Mescalero Fine dining in a casual atmosphere is Price R10ge: $$ _ r what you'Q find at Cafe Mescalero. Phone: 25 7-6693 f Serving traditional Mexican food with a Address: one mile south of the Inn of r Southwestern Rare, the Cafe has •edible ihe Mountain Gods, Carrizo I I art" by chef Anthony Carpenter lor Canvon Road, Mescalero ,f breakfast, lunch and dinner and fajita Houn: Lunch 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily.; , specials all weekend. Dinner 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mon.-fri., 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sat. & Sun.

Che Bella Take a tasteful trip to Northern Italy at Price Range: $ $ Che Bella .with its seleciion ol pastas, Phone: 257-7540 gourmet pizza, veal, poultry, steaks and Address: 2823 Sudderth Dr., Ruidoso lish. And once you've finished your Hours: Fri., Sat. & Sun. meal, stay a while in the cigar and martini Lunch 11:30 a.m. - 2p.m.; bar for a cosmopolitan way to cap off Dinner Wed.-N\on. 5 p.m.- 10 p.m.; your evening_ Bella Bar 4:30p.m. -Midnight. Closed Tues. ··-

Dan .Li Ka Dining Room Elegant dining with fantastic views of Lake Price Range: $$-$$$ Mescalero provides the atmosphere at Phone: 257-5141 Dan Li Ka. The dining room also offers a Address: Inn of ihe Mountain Gods, Sunday brunch buffet and always has line Carrizo Canyon Road, cuisine choices for lunch and dinner. And Mescalero while at Dan Li Ka don't miss the deca­ Houn: open daily, call for information dent dessert and pastry menu. and/or reservations.

Price range key: entrees priced $7 and under $;entrees $7 to $15 $$; entrees $1 5 and over = $$$ The lnnCredible For 30 years, The lnnCredible has been Price RIIRg~ $$-$$$ treating diners to specials li~e Crabby Phone: 336-4312 Monday and Wednesday lobster, not to Address: Highway 48 North mention fresh ~sh, steaks, chicken, pasta, at Alto Village. ' barbecue and more. In this business Hou11: the bar opms daily a~ 3 :30 you're either great or you'rt history - p.m with ~ne dining starting lnnCrv.dible is both. at 5:30p.m. '··

Caffle Baron · S~nsational steaks, seafood and a 46- Price Range: $$-$$$ item salad bar are featured on Cattle Phone: 257-9355 Baron's me11u. Fresh trout, cat~sh, Pacihc Address: 657 Sudderth Dr., Ruidoso snapper and King. salmon and speciality Houn: 11 a.m. to 9:30p.m. Sun.- dishes lilce ~let mignon with green dlili Thurs.; 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. bearnaise sauce are also patron pleasers. lli. and Sat.

. ' Farley's Food Fun & Pub Good food, food fun and good prices is Price Range: $-$$ what Farley's is all about. The atmos­ Phone: 258-5676 phere is light and fun and there are 16 Address: 1200 Mechem Dr., Ruidoso domestic beers on tap. Cooks Pedro. Hou11: The restaurant opens at Bonilla and Ni~ lawrence grill one of 11 :30 a.m. seven days the best burgers around and you. won't a week. want to miss the wood-~red pizza.

Texas Club (;rill & Bar Enjoy great charbroiled steah and Price RIIRge: $-$$ seafood, Texas-style chicken fried steak Pholle: 258-3325 and fresh pasta in a casual Western atmos­ Address: 212 Metz Dr., in lnnsbrook phere. The menu also features terrific Village, Ruidoso coconut shrimp and fried catfish. Live Hou11: lunch 11 :30 a.m to 5 p.m; music on weekends and ~ils are the Dinner 5 to 10 p.m.; j,erfect complement to a Texas Club meal. Closed Tuesdays .

.' Top of the Inn Deli & Pizza Parlor Fresh baked pizzas, large deli sandwiches, Price Ranse: $-$$ soups, ice cream and bakery goods seven Phone: 257-5141 days a week. Gourmet coaees and cap­ Address: the Inn of the Mountain pucinos are also available to satisfy your Gods, Carrizo Canyon Road, caffeine craving. Enjoy good food with a Mescalero great view. . Hours: 11 a.m to 10 p.m. Sun-Thurs; 10 a.m to 12 a.m. Fri .. and Sat.

Michelena's Italian Restaurant Family style dinins at one of Ruidoso's Price Range: $-$$ favorite restaurants. A variety·-cif Italian Phone: 257-5753 dishes such as ravioli, lasagna, manicotti Address: 2703 Sudderth Dr. ·Midtown and, of course, pizza. All ti(Cilllent selec- Hours: Open 11 :00 a.m. tion of line wines and imported beers.

Price range key: entrees priced $7 and under = $; entrees $7 to $15 == $ $; entrees $1 5 and over = $$$ - '

VAMONOS • flO ues

' It's Blues and Barbecue· time nation of original songs, solid was introduced to a vast collec~on of again. rhythm, sweet guitar tones and anen­ blues and R&B. Some of Arlene's The Texas House Cafe and the tion-grabbing vocals and keyboards. arrangements have made their way RuidosO Valley Chamber of Ruidoso Convention Center into the B~d News B~es sound, Commerce have teamed up to bring doors will open for the Blues and inspiring '1\.vinkle" on the band's one of the premier blues bands of the Barbecue jam at 6 p.m., Saturday. 1995 debut "Cruisin' for a Southwest to Ruidoso for a jam ses­ The evening will start with a barbe· Bluesin." His present-day instroment sion Saturday. The Bad News Blues cue dinner of brisket, chicken, potato of choice is a '62 reissue Fender Ba~d will rock into town with its salad, beans and bread for $6.50 a Stratocaster. sw;nging, soulful sax and trompe! to plate for adults and $5 a plate for Alex "The Rev" took inspiration add some bra.-;s to the local blues children. A cash bar will also be from the great bebop Tenor saxo­ scene. open. phone players like Dexter Gordon

I • The Tucson, Ariz. band was the Tickets for the show are $5 in and John Coltrane, and studied with winner of the 1997 Arizona Blues advance and $6 at the door for adults, tenor player Mike Kuhn. "The Rev" Showdown and is on its way to a and $2.50 for children 12 and under. hooked up with "Johnny Guitar" in national competition. "Johnny The show will start with the KGB 1993 and helped form the Bad News Guitar" Blommer, Alex "The Rev" Blues Band at 7 p.m., followed by Blues Band Together, they have Vegas, Mike Blommer Sr., Jeff The Bad News Blues Band at 9 p.m. recorded two original compact discs, Masterson and Glen Velardi are Proceeds from the event will benefit which have received national mdio known for their showmanship, as the Chamber's Two Rivers Project. airplay. well as their accomplished songwrit­ Velardi hails from New York ing and great sound. Mus•cal roots City, where he played the club scene Sharing the stage with Bad News Prodigy son of "Bad Dad," with some of New York's hottest will be Southern New Mexico's own "Johnny Guitar" started his musical bands from 1973 to 1985. Blommer KGB Blues Band. Billed as "a band career listening to Dad's old 45s. His Sr. is a mechanical engineer by day on a mission" the KGB has been grandmother, Arlene Blommer, was a and a sinister, screaming trumpet working hard to bring the blues to piano player born in Poplar Blulf, player by night. Masterson cut his . Ruidoso and the surrounding com­ Mo., who had a taste for and teeth on blues from the British The Bad News Blue.s Band from Tucson, Arizona, will be performing munities. KGB brandishes a combi· blues- that's where "Johnny Guitar" Invasion and American rock 'n' roll. live Saturday at the Convention Center.

Robert Johnson's impact • Legendary Bluesman's career short but sweet

Robert Johnson. Bluesman. lived in Robinsonville, Charlie Patton, · tions about him. Robert himself added Bluesmith. Blues legend. Although he who played there often, and Son to this "legend" with his songs, lived only 27 years, his impact on House, who moved to Robinsonville "Crossroad Blues" and "Me and the blues music and blues musicians is to work with Willie Brown. They all Devil Blues." thought by many to be unparalleled in helped Robert but looked at him as a Robert Johnson's only recordings this century. young, inexperienced kid. were made in November 1936 and Robert Johnson was born May 8, Robert headed to Hazlehurst, June 1937 for the \bcalian Label. 1911 in Miss. to find his real father. It was in Although he recorded only 29 songs, (PG-13) Hazlehurst, , Hazlehurst that Robert really put his they all have become classics. Songs TITANTIC' SINGING Miss. to Julia musical career in gear. He hooked up such as "I'm a Steady Rollin' Man," 2:30 6:30 THE BLUES Dodds and with bluesman Ike Zinnerrnan, and "Love in Vain," "I Believe ·I'D Dust Noah Johnson. spend almost all of his free time learn- My Broom," "Sweet Home Chicago," In his early ing his craft. "Ramblin On My Mind," and JACKIE BROWN (R) . teens Robert While in Hazlehurst, Robert met a "Crossroads Blues." The list of artists ONE WEEK ONLY! became inter­ woman who was 10 years older than who have covered his songs reads like ested in music. he named Callie Craft. They were a who's who of blues musicians He first learned married in 1931. With Callie to take - from Muddy Waters to Buddy Guy, * l 2: l 5 3: l 5 6: l 5 *9: 15 to play the care of him and Ike Zinnerman teach- from Eric Oapton to z.z. Top. Jew's harp and ing him, Robert oow had everything Robert Johnson even helped spark TOMORROW NEVER DIES foster family, Robert decided to move feeling his music. On weekends he a half million. MOUSE HUNT to Ronbinsonville, where his mother would play anywhere he could. Johnson's career was cut short, tived. During the 30s, Robert traveled however. He died in August 1938, poi­ 2:45 4:45 Robert had been playing a lot up to extensively, playing and singing. His soned by the jealous husband of a this time, but after seveml events he musical abilities were such that many woman he had taken tip with. Johnson SHOWING 1/9 THRU 1/15 decided that if he was going to lie any· people claimed his talent wasn't "nat- died three days later, apparently of thing but a sharecropper, he had to get ural." Thus, the legend of him signing pneumonia. Although only 27 years *friday & Saturday Only serious about his music. Robert was a pad with the devil ~I the "cross· old at his death, he left a blues legacy influenced by Willie Brown, who roads" began to surface in conversa- perhaps unmatched by anyone.

BC • Ruidoso News • January 9. 1998

-----·------...... GOING OUT


· THERE'S GOT TO BE A After making a pre-emptive BE'ITERWAY So after taking the second dia­ Easl dealer. two spade overcall, South wound mond, East cashed · another dia­ Neither side vulnerable. up in five spades doubled and was mond to set the contract one trick. NORnl delighted by what he found in South should have recognized t K 7 a dummy. Certain he was about to at the outset the danger posed by a • 9 2 make his contract with an over- 4-0 spade division - certainly a o:!~J 108 trick, he put up the ace of dia- strong possibility on the bil!ding - WEST · EAST. moods and led a spade to the ace. and stopped to oonsider what be • J 10 42 t - When East showed out on the could do to counter that threat. Had • KJ854 • AQI0783 first spade, declarer suddenly real· he done so, be might have found • J 3 • K Q9 8 2 ized he was in deep trouble. He did +96 +74 the solution. the best be could by playing the K- sotmr The winning play is simple'; but • AQ9866 Q of spades and conceding a trick : 7 to the jack in hopes the defenders not obvious. All South bas to do is • 8 4 to refuse to take the first diamond +J&a2 would try to cash a heart before trick! If West started with a dou· The bi~ taking !Wo diamonds. In that case, But lloulb West North he could ruff the heart and dispose bleton diamond- a virtual certain­ 5tI • 2t.,_ na• ••&t · of his third diamond on dummy's ty given the bidding ani! opening Pua .,_ llble fifth club. lead - the contract is assured. Openinr leld-jod

• Ruidoso News • January 9. 1998 • fC •

THE OLD WEST ! . . . - . -.... ' ...... -...... -...... " ..... ''" ...... , " ...... ' , ' ' I ., . Oscar's 'Wilde' I

wild west What mi!Jht be constdarad This is the second of two parts about the Irishman he had previously sought to ers began to notice that while unmeretrl­ Oscar Wildes adventures in the West. defend. Lomery felt that Wilde was accus­ they were all becoming rapid­ ciousgarb When Oscar Wilde arrived in the Wild ing him of ignorance. Lomery not only . ly petrified from ingesting during West, people went, well, wild. It seemed felt insulted, he felt betrayed by his fellow vast amounts of tonsil" Oscar as though everyone had an opinion. There Irishman. Lomery swore to all who would paint, Oscar seemed to Wilde's visit. was no middle ground. Westerners seemed listen that he did indeed know what be merely refreshed. ( ....) ...... to either like Oscar or hate him. None of "meretricious" meant. After watching ' them knew him. Wilde gamble, Dirt lily co~ict After an over-zealous Denver police­ "There is on~ thing in this world that is with dance hall t~at liii\1 man named O'Connor arrested two ladies worse than being talked about, and that girls, and con­ b~,en r,ing of the -evening for "meretricious display," is not being talked about. " sume more pnor to and after the judge looked the word up (it -Oscar Wilde rolgl!t w)liskey than Oscar's means "a gaudy dis­ any of them ever play") and threw it out The city of Denver was yearning to be dreamed of doing, the min­ .,.y.. r·· f -:...... o::::s'~!~ed ers began to re-think their f f the wrong train. When PAST of court, Denver's considered civilized, which is why they 1 approach. At this point, · ! the ~ne that Oscar was actually on TENSE chief of police decided invited Wilde to come and speak in the to ·get involved. first place. But it seemed as though noth- they were beginning to · · arrived, no one was there to meet Like-O'Connor, . ing was going right. wonder if Oscar was him. Chief Jim Lomery was Buffalo Bill Cody was in town at the from another planet, Suffering from a hangover of also an Irishman. And time of all this commotion. Cody, already instead of just another monumental proportions, Wilde got also like officer a famous frontiersman and showman, was country. off the train, found his way to a O'Connor, Jim felt that there to find investors for his Wild West Finally, they sug­ hotel and delivered the promised lec- the two hookers, by Show. gested to Oscar that they ture at the Opera House that evening. By objecting to the pres­ While making the rounds <1f the have dinner - at the bottom of 10:30 he was,pn ano'\l.er train speeding ence of Oscar Wilde, · saloons, Cody had been flashing a large Mine Shaft No. 3. Wilde thought it was a away from Denver. Drew Gomber had somehow been wad of bills, not to mention the jewelry great idea, and in no time, he and his hosts Many found his performance in Ltncoln slurring the Irish. He with which he was habitually festooned. were descending into the darkness in ele­ Denver that night something of a let­ Hc·rittJge Tru.~l down. Aside from being bung over, Wilde Hl.~f

IOC • Ruidoso News • January 9. 1998 •

' I PARTING SHOT • I ......

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For those pllilng for warmer winter weather, Photographic Society of Uncoln County member Bill Riggles offers this early mol'fling ocean view at Key Largo, Fla. Rlggles captured the scenic before the December winds picked up, disturbing the water. · •

•, -,'

•J ' • • : { : ·'·· II . ,.-, OSAME • ; c • ". c ·11·-:,·.·.. t .· . DAY etul:te ..···· Hlft tJtB I •; 11-' • " ' • Call DELIVERY! CoLONIAL FiNANOAL SERVIas, INc • Compassionate 2 Subscription rate in Lincoln We Purchase: Care for Pets I st and 2nd R\'=al Estate lien Notes 5 and Otero Counties "---. Pet Sitting & Related Services. Commercial Real Estate Notes 7 - Day Care • Live In Home Delivery: . Settlement Annuities Business Notes • Veterinarian Owned & Operated 3 months$20.00 Heidi Craig, DVM Doug Ham 4 6 months$38.00 (505) 354-3369 • (505) 420-6723 TOLL FREE 800-283·2025 • FAX 91~367-0027 0 1 year $68.00 0 Mail: BITE OFF MORE THAN 1 3 months$14.00 YOU CAN CHEW? 6 months$20.00 Don't delay· call today! to 1 year $34.00 Loans SECURITY FINANCE place $lOO-$SOO Your Friend When You Need$$$ " vour P.O. BOIC 1581• Ruidoso• NM 88355 Call Gina at . 1400 Sudderth • Suite A Do you need ERRANDS done? Ruidoso, NM 88345 ad 111 ..... Pick-up and deliver items ..... Shovel snow ..... Get groceries 257-4001 We specialize in credit Do you need HELP? starters! Phone 257-4000 · our ..... Temporary Help ..... Cierical.. ... Boo~keeping ..... Cashier or mail your check to Phone applications welcome. Hours: M-F 9 am - 5 pm ...... Administrative Assistant P.O. Box 128, dlrectorv! . ' Ruidoso, NM 88355

Ruidoso News • :IOntlanJ 9. 1998 • UC ... .._..-~--..""!'.------...... --....----~----·-~··-. -



~ of dining experiences ~ what awai~ you at the Inn. If you're in the the mood for a relaxing romantic meal,

take the short drive to Apache Tee were you'U find steaks,

I seafood and daily specials created by chef Brendon I' I Gochenhour and drinks from the full-service bar. The Apache I I I Tee boast the best view and the friendliest staff around. I /. I I ~ it's fine dining in a casual atmosphere yo~'re I I I looking for. At the Cafe Mescalero you'll .find us serving I I traditional Mexican food with a Southwestern flare. The Cafe

features "edible art" by chef Anthony Carpenter for

, breakfast, lunch and dinner with fajita specials all weekend.

Cffj~ dining with fantastic views of Lake Mescalero

provides the atmosphere at Dan Li Ka. The dining room

also offers a Sunday brunch buffet and always has fine cuisine

choices for lunch and dinner. And while at Dan Li Ka don't

miss the detadent dessert and pastry menu.

9Eorof the Inn Deli & Pizza Parlor is known for it's fun

atmosphere served up with a great view. Fresh baked pizza,

large deli sandwiches, soups, ice cream and bakery goods

seven days a week Gourmet coffees and cappucinos are also

available to satisfY your caffeine craving.

CW~kn-you're looking for an excellent dining experience, the only choice is the Inn of the Mountain Gods!

~ INN OF THE MOUNTAIN GODS f~ A MESCALERO APACHE ENT£RPRISE Apache Tee Cafe- 505-257-5141 • Cafe Mescalero- 505-257-6693 • Dan Li Ka- 505-257-5141 . • Top of th Inn Deli & Pizza Parlor- 505-257-5141 ·~·---·-~------

. '

Brought to you by Doug. Siddens & Susan Miller of Century 21 Aspen R~l Estate.Ruidoso, New Mexico 88355

Inquiries Dial ' (505) 336-4248 or 1-800-687-6602

_____ ,,._ ..... --- ...... ·-·· .. '

Alto Alto Bleakney.. • $139,500 • 629 Midiron Drive ADen • 2 Lots For $32,500 Neesen • $49,500 • 1139 Deer Park Dr. Rae • $125,000 • 234 Mira Monte 3 bedioom , 2 baths, full membership. Social Membersltip. 1.02 acres buildable lot One is full golf, the other is social. All 3/2, full golf membership.. Unfurnished. Cute A-frame cabin! for one Buildable. with house plans!

I I I I r I

~ ',!,_;.. - ---"'il#-~ .. ··-' .. Alto Alto Alto Alto' Bates • $154,500 • 211 Brentwood Stevens • Sunrise Seidel• $149,000 • 254 Sierra Blanea Dr. 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. Garage, large $1SS,OOO • 423 Williams • $164,500 • 106 Mira Monte 3/3, furnished, full membership. 3/2 log home. Full golf membership. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Appliances deck, Sierra Blanca view, full golf, easy Owner wants offer! access. only. Sierra Blanca View! CALL DOUG'S CELL PHONE• ANYTIME! f I r Alto Alto Alto , Twyford • Capilan Court ' $175,000 •105 Kennedy • $210,000 • 101 Midiroo Dr. Gilstrap • $237,500 • 316 El Camino Dr. I 3 bedroom, 2 bath, full golf member- 430-8413 4 bdnn,3.5 bath, fully furnished, full 4 bedrooms, 4 baths with full golf mem- I ship. golf, Sierra Blanca view. bership. Chalet style fully furnished. I I NOW $350,000- FULLY FURNISHED I ..


r I I r Alto r Monroe • $275,000 • 103 Juniper Court Powers • $319,500 •106 Tanglewood Alto Alto I 3 bedroom, 3 bath. Social member­ r ust off of Deer Park Drive. 4 bed­ Lemaster • $382,500 • 728 Deer Park Dr. Crawford • $479,000 • 113 Racoon Court lroo.m 2.5 baths, fully furnished - ship. New construction. 4/3.5, full golf membership. I 3/3, full golf membership! Classy! II membership. Unfurnished. f I Mote • $875,000 • 739 Deer Park Dr. 7 bedrooms and 6 1/2 baths plus an additional! l/2 bath. This very presti­ gious home is located in the heart of Deer Parks Woods with a full golf ' membership. This home is for the discriminating buyer looking for an exceptional home with a well appointed floor plan. Downstairs this home has a complete guest apartment Showing are by appointment only. Please call, we would like the opportunity to show you what great taste and qual- ity have to offer! · • Ask for Doug or Susan 336-4248

j ....,.------·-·----

Las Lomas Pine Top Hills Village Homes at Chase Forest White Mtn. Meadows . . Partee Townhomes • $811,9011• lOS Keyes Dr. 577- 583 White Mtn. Meadows Dr. McGarvey • $67,500 • 604 Colomdo St. '11mmenmin • $118,300-•128 Old Uncoln 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Doll house, cute! Units 46C and 46E. 2bdr, 2 bath units. 4 nice patio homes $96,500 each. 2 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Nice fenced yard. New! Great downtown location! bdrm, 2 bath, 1 level, I car garage!

• REDUCED $104,000

Alpine Village Pinecliff .... 117 Iron Mountain Rd. • $99,500 Town & Country North Western Hills 2/2 nice home on 2 Jots with small Proctor • $99,500 • 104 Cardinal Dr. Barbee • $101,400 • 301 Otero Dr. Adams • $109,900 • llZ Bridle Dr. bam, 2 horses allowed. Appliances 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Workshop and large 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Appliances only + new 2/1.5, 2-car garage. New with owner lonllv. NOW VACANT. RV carport. Beautiful yards! washer & dryer. A must see! financing. Secluded. REDUCED TO $119,500


Golf Course Estates Upper Canyon Area Green Meadows J Christian • $119,950 • 404 Barcus Rd. Benn~tt • $149,000 • 215 Maple Dr. Vestal• $113,900 •112 Clover Dr. Valliant • $125,000 • 142 Meander Dr. 3/2, I level w/carport, nicely fur­ 3/2, l-ear garage + large workshop. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2-car garage. All · 3 bdrm., 1.5 baths. Cute older cabin on nished, sunny lot, golf membership. Master shower. Wow! one level. Nice fenced yard. 1/2 acre river lot. Awesome yard!

- Middle Cedar Lake View Estates 137 00 120 'Vigil• $ ,5 • MusketbaU Gladstein • $139,000 • 406 Excab'bur #14 j 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Chalet with CanJOrt.l 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fully furnished. j - Very nice with Mountain flavor! Breathtaking views! I .. ..,..,...,. I I t

The Country Club Tract

270 Country Club Dr. Lake View Estates , I As the photo to the right reflects, this is an exceptiona114 acre tract that is POD­ Skyland Addition Landsheft • $169,500 zoned. Planned unit development. Multi use potential! Seller financi~! Utilities Proctor • $149,900 • 4-Plex #19 Excalibur Road {Ire nearly finish_ed. A complete package available. Asking $950,000. New carpet and paint. All rented I hrlrrnl Outstanding Townhome with enor- 1bath units. Just across from mous views! 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Women's Club. • REDUCED TO $249,900

CedarCreek Cree Meadows Cree Meadows Duran • $179,900 • N. Cedar Creek Rd. White Mt. Meadows Daulton • $259,900 •J06A Country Club Dr. Harris • $169,500 • 135 Rowan Bedrooms 3, baths 2 1/2, jacuzzi tub, Perkins • $199,500 • 104 EE Miller Court 3 bdrms., 3 1/2 baths. The interior is Bdrms 3, baths 2, fairway home. deck, on 1 acre. 2 car garage. Like Bedrooms 3, baths 3. Trade styled like a log cabin home with Fenced yardt well maintained. new condition-motivated seller! considered. hardwood floors! Creek fron .


Highwood Addition $325,000 • 108 Lupine Loop 3 bdrm, gameroom, workshop. Must River seer Jacuzzi tub, cherry wood cabinets, Upper Canyon River Home hard wood floors, operable remote sky White Mtn. Estates Watt • $269,000 • 110 Bear Creek Trail lights, 2 car garage. Want to impress Siddens • $329,000 •lOS Don Snyder Dr. Robbins • $399,900 • 619 Main 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Upper Canyon yourself ... check it out! INFO ON 4/4.5 plus guest house. 3 car garage. 3 bdrms, 3 full baths. Plus guest apt. on river. 1\vo fireplaces. with private entry . SIGN~ Owner/ . OWNER FINANCING!!! THEAITIC COMPLEX

Business Only! Commercial Commercial Commercial Jack's T.V. & Appliance McMahon • $62,500 ea. •1121 Mechem Dr. Now available in three separate parcels. Call Doug for current price McMahon • $178,000 • Jira Plaza #1-$125,000 #2-$239,000 #3-$299,000 3 street-to-street commercial lots! Last unit for sale • new -finished[ Name. inventory, and equipment. Very buildable. Possible owner financing!

LOT 1• .,

·J ', .. . 0. I. :~ .. ,

. . . lj• • • + ~ .· 1 I • . ' . .;· :.. Lor· a . '.. . 1 • ~ • I I • ' ... '

I .. . .

I .: Lot 338 1 .. 3.083 Acres . I I I • : I I r;

I . • ~ . . ~~ Chase Street Acreage! • $169,500 Zoned C-2 this great commercial property is located just across from where the new proposed Motel 6 is going to be built. This 1.308 acres has easy access, all city utilities and high visibility! Call Doug for details! Sudderth Drive ,·

·J: .' ~~j';A .;-. . ot: ...:.:o

., . -·~ 1 . ··~? .,:.- ,·.'' ,

.. ~------~~-~----~------~- --~

ATI'ENDANCE WAITING LIST Auendanc:e is required at an sessions for each During registration, the Center Office main­ course for which the student is enmlled. When tains a waiting list for classes which have c:in:umstanc:es make attendance impossible, ll)ready filled. Ifa course is c:losed by the time suc:habsencesshouldbereportedto~instiUe­ you register, please put your name on the tor. Possibilities for mateup work should be Waiting List at the oflic:e. Be sure to list a Award winning disc:ussed with the instmctof on an individual · phonenumberwbereyoucanbeeasily~ Undergraduate Education! ·basis. No elteDSions of vac:ation periods are Every effort will be made try to get you into a given to a student. Nonattendance of classes W diC®TifiiJI to Eastern New Mexico class or .classes. due to late registration is considered the same as University's Ruidoso lnsbuction Center! As absences inaUrecl after registmtion. your loc:al University Off-~pus Center, we .l serve more than 800 c:redit and non-c:redit • • ENROLLMENT IN MATH or ENGLISH FINAL EXAMJti,\. TJO~ students through a wide variety of academic: Degree seekjng students pJann;ng to enroll in Dates for final examinations for the Spring programs. Our instructors and slliff are tal­ any classes for the first time, padiculady the session are listed in the calendar on the back ented, experienCed professionals in their re­ abovesubjects,arerequiredtolakctbecollege's page. No final eltlllllinalions will be given spec:ti ve academic fields, friendly and ready to COMPASS computer.based plac:emeot test early; therefore, pleasemalkyourcalendarnow help you. Thal's. why we have designed this prior to registration to avoid registering for the and plan to be present during F'mals Week. schedule to make enrolling and registering at wrong class. The COMPASS is gi'\'en free ENMU-Ruidoso as convenient as possible. each week during office hours in the Ruidoso EDUCATIONAL PROMISSORY LOANS Inside, you will find a list of afternoon and CenterOffice, 7® Mec:hemDrive. Please.call Educational Promissory Loan contracts are evening classes scheduled for the Spring Ses­ the Student Affairs OfficeatZS7-Zl3S to {llake sion. You will also find information on how to available to students who are taking a minimum testing ammgements. of six (6) credit hours. A $10.00 contract fee enroll and how to register for class, and what • ' student services are available. But, if you still plus 30% of the total amount of tuition and S11JDENT SERVICES AND COUNSEL- have questions, c:all us at ZS7-ZUO or books is due at the time of registration. Stu­ ING ' 1-800-934-3668. Or visit our offices at 7® dents who have a balance due on a Educa­ The Student Affairs Staff at the Ruidoso Cen­ tional Pnmissory Loan Contract from pre­ Mechem. ter provides academic: advising, career c:oun­ • vious semesters wiD be required to make selillg,JlPArefenalanddegreeplanning. For !BIENVENIDOS! financial arrangements with the Offtce Co­ more information, stop by and see the friendly Bienvenidosala UniversidaddelEstedeNuevo ordinator prior to registering.· ·FaDure to staffattheStudentAffairsOffice, 709Mechem Mexico en Ruidoso, como Universidad loc:al, makethesearrangementsmayresultinvoid­ Drive in Ruidoso. servimos a mas de 800estudiantes ac:reditados ing rA your registration. y no ac:reditados con una elllensa valiedad de I FINANCIAL AID/SCHOLARSHIP CONSFJEROS r programas ac:ademicos. Nuestros maestros y personal administrativo son amistosos y estan ASSISTANCE La Ofic:ina de ENMU-Ruidoso provee de listos para ayudarle. Por eso es que hemos The Ruidoso Center bas financial aid counsel­ asesoramientos ac:ademicos, te guia en las disenado este programa, para hacer el ingreso ing available on an appointment or walk-in profesiones a seguir, existen consejersos para en ENMU-Ruidoso tan conveniente como sea basis to assist you·m making the correct finan­ ensenanza de trabajos como J1PA Tambien, posible. Encontraran unalistade clases porlas cial deciSions to support the ac:complishment of te ayuda en Ia planeacion para graduacion y tardes o en Ia noche. Tambien encontmran youreducationalandcareergoals. Many gllUlls, mejorlllaneradeobteneryestableceruntmbajo. informacion en como ingresar y que servicios loans and scholarships are available through the Para mas infonnacion, pasa a platicar con Ia r Affairs r estan disponibles para los estudiantes. Si tiene assistance of our Student Office. Make gente amistosa della ofic:ina 0 nama por favor r alguna duda o pregunta, puede llamar al your appointment as soon as possible with al telefono ZS7-ZUO o 1-800-934-3668. r telefono ZS7-ZUO o 1-800-934-3668. · either Cheri LaCounte or Susan Travis; c:all ZS7-ZUO or 1-800-934-3668. ADMISSIONS mGR SCHOOL STUDENT The Ruidoso Center has an "open" admissions ENROLLMENT policy which means anyone with a high school UNIVERSITY TITLE IX State statutes now allow universities and high diploma or GED Certificate may attend. First, STATEMENT schools to operate a dual enrollment program, you have to fill out an Admissions application. Eastern New Mexico University is an enabling students who.need to earn additional Applications are available at the Ruidoso affirmative action and equal opportu­ credits to attend college whil~ also in high Center office, 700 Mechem Drive, Ruidoso. nity employer. ENMU does not dis­ school. The following bighschools presently participate in the dual or "concurrent" enroll­ CANCELLED-LIMITED SIZE CLASSES criminate on the basis of race, color, ment program: Ruidoso, Hondo, Capitan, The Ruidoso Center reserves the right to can­ national origin, sex or handicap in its Mescalero, Tularosa, Carrizozo, Corona; cel any classes which do not attain the mini- programs, activities, or employment. and Home School. For more information on . mum enrollment requirement. The Center Persons seeking additional inforina­ this opportunity, please contact your highschool reserves the right to close enrollment in those tion about the University's nondis­ counselor or principal, or call ZS7-21ZO or toll classes where the maximumcapacityisreac:hed. crimination policy should contact the free 1-800-934-3668. COURSE REPEATING Student Affairs Coordinator, Ruidoso If you are repeating a course, be sure to fill out Center of ENMU, Ruidoso, NM repeat forms at the time of registration. 88345. 2 ~------.~

WI1'HDRAWALS ·r------.------., TUTORS . If you are unable ~o attend a class or classes for 1 TUmON . 1 ·At the Ru,idoso ·Center, we WilDt students to which you have registered, you must OFFI- lln-Distrid (Ruidosu/Ruidoso DoWDll) I succeed. That's why we have FREE tutoring CW.LY withdraw from your class or classes. 1 $23 per credil hour: $276 maximum I services available. At the Student Affairs of- WithdtawalfonnsarelocatedattheCenter Of- 1 tuitionpersemester(12-18creditliours) 1 fice, you Will be lllatched with a tutor well­ fice only. lnfOJ!!UD& )'QUI' instruetor or with- 1Out-of-Distriet (Qther New Mexieo resi- I versed in your subject For infonna~ion, call drppl:i by telgbone wjU not eOJgtihde U 1dents) $26 per credit hour: $312 maximum· 1 2.57-2.120 or 1-•-934 • 3fi68 for informa- olljdal wUhdrawul, (See Spring ealendar on 1 tuition per semester (12-18 credit hours) 1 lion. baek page) 1Texas Residents: I 1 $26 per credit hour: $312.maximum 1 . ' DROP/ADD 1 tuition per semester (12-18 credit hours) I BOOKSTORE AND TEXTBOOKS If you are unable to attend the elass or elasses 1Senior Citizens: $5 per credit hour on a space 1 Located at the College Office, 709 Mechem forwhiebyoubaveregistered,but would like I available basis. This rate is applied to New 1 Drive,theRuidosoCenterBookstoresellsnew ~ resebedule into another dass at anothc;r 1Mexico residents age 65 or a~ve who are 1 and used textbooks, and some class supplies, time, please make arrangements at the Rm· I enrolled for six (6) or fewer credit hours. 1 including a variety of apparel. The Bookstore. doso Center Offiee, 709 Meehem Drive. In- I FEES 1 Manageris Sandy Stambaugh, and the hours of formingyourinstruetorontbenigbtordayof IAdmissionFee(oiletimeonly) $ 5 1 operation~Mon~yt~ughFriday,8a.m.to eiBss does not eolislitute a elass drop or add. I Late Re.tration Fee $10 1 5 p.m. dunng regu;tration. Used book buy- Students are~ a $3.00 fee eae~ lime a I Computer Lab Fee · $ 5 I. baek for Spring Session 1998 will take plaee dropladdformueompleted.f.SeeSpnng ~- I Course Add/Drop Fee $ 3 I May 18 • 2.9. · endar on baek page) I ()Uhonored Cheek Fee $15 1 I Matriculation Fee $10 I RE-ENTRY PROGRAM (SINGLE I (charged when transcript evaluation is completed) I CHILDCARE FOR THE CWLDREN OF PARENTS AND/OR DISPLACED . I Promissory Loan Contraet Fee $10 I COLLEGE STUDENTS H«;)MEMAKER) , I Special Lab Fees: I Students requiring childcare in order to attend ·The Re-entry Program provides academic coun- I 1. ACCf 209 $ 8 I classes are encouraged to contact the Student' seling, support, special payment plans, housing 2. ART 231 $ SO Affairs office for infonnation reganling local referral service, childcare referml services, and I 3. All Sciences $ 8 1 Childcare providers. However, the Ruidoso financial aid planning for students who are re- I 4. CISI'or BEAS $ 5 1 Center in no way warrants the acceptability of turning to school, tbanging tamers, seeking to I S. Bowling $25 I childcare and pJ:Qvides this sea:vice strictly as move up or who are dissatisfied with theirtur- I 6. WELD 210 $25 I info~ation. Students are encouraged tore- rent situation. For more infonnation, call Gheri I Ifyou have any questions about yourresidenc:y 1 searCh their options and contact childcare pro- LaCounteorSusanTravisat2.S7-2.120or1-800- I status for tuition purposes, call the Ruidoso 1 viders directly.

934-36fi8. ' I~.; Center0fficeat2.S7-2.12.0or ____ ,.. ______1-800-934-3668. .. ! ' ' . ' EQUAL OPPORTI.INITY STATEMENT' PAYMENT POUCY HOUSING ltEFEIUlAL SERVICE Eastern New Mexico University, including the . Tujtioo and fees are IUIJ8ble at the time of The Ruidoso Center is pleased to offer housing Ruidoso lnstnJc:tion Center, is an equal opportu­ R&istration unless other Bmingements are referral to students from local area property nity/affirmative action employer and fully sub­ made~ the Ruidoso Center Office. If you do managers and realtors who have indicated an sCribes to all state and federal regulations relat­ not make immediate pay~J~ent or paYJDent ar­ interest in housing University students. Stu­ ing to nondiscri.min'ation based upon sex, race, rangements, your place ill class will be can­ dents coming from outside the Ruidoso/Lin­ religion or disability. In situations where stu­ celed and offered to another student. Thition coln County area may work directly with area dents detenniile that a scheduled class, activity and fees are subject to change without notice by renters, property managers and realtol'l! in or-· or facility is not accessible to them because of a the Board of Regents, Eastern New Mexico der to pursue a college education while enjoy­ disability, they should immediately contact the University. ing the quality of life which Rui4oso offers. Center Director and report the situation or condi­ REFUNDS The Ruidoso Center in no way warrants the tion. Problems relating to impaired sight, hear­ The institution IDBY retai• a S% adminis­ acceptability of housing, and provides this ser­ ing or other disabling conditions in classes trative fee from·tuition ebarges. vice strictly as infonnation. Students are en­ should also be referred to the Center Director. Refunds of tuitior:., f~s and book payments couraged to research their options and contact will be made after the close oflate registration. housing providers directly. La Universidad del Este de Nuevo Mexico en Fullrefundsoftuitionand fees will be issued on Ruidoso es un empleador de oportunidad iguall cancelled classes. Refunds are determined by AUDITS (NON-CREDIT) Empleador de . Accion Afirmativa y when the status change occurs according to the · Astudent may choose to audit ortakeaclass for completamente se suscribe a todas las schedule below. Tuition and fee charges for no credit. If yqu are auditing a class (enrolling regulationes federates relacionadas a la ovedoads (19+ credit hours) will not be re­ forNOCREDI1),bemtotelltheofficestaff antidiscriminacion basada en sexo, mza, religion funded. PI~ be aware thai any change in and write NC in the "Credit Hour" column on o disabilidad. En situaciones donde estudiantes enrollment status may result in a decrease or your registration form. determinan que una attividad de Ia clase loss of financial aid eligibility. Please contact progmmadao facilidad noes aceesible para ellos the Student Affairs Office with questions. The por taUsa de una disabilidad, ellos deben hacer refund schedule is: Call257-2120 OR · contacto con laRepresentante de Ia Universidad 100% Through January 2.3 1 1998 1-800-934-3668 immediatemente y reportar Ia situacion. 25% Through Febnaary Z, 1998 For More Information, Problemas relacionadas con las vista, sentido del • SO% 'Oarough February 13, 1998 www.enmu.edu/Ruidoso oido, y otros proble.mas desabilitantes en clases visit 25% Through March 13 1 1998 debende serreferidosaldecanode laUniversidad. 3 ~~------~------~------

AllT(AilT) AllT 231- Beginniug Cel'lllllics · . AllT 102- Regiaoing Drawing D Three credit hours. Introduction to basic clay Three credit hours. An extension of the stu­ Conning techniques including Jlinch. coil, slab, dents'dmwingabilitybevondART101. Gui_ded wheel, throwing, and glaze application. May work from life, imagination and abswcu.on, be repeated for credit _ _ using a variety of media methods and tech­ Instructor: Staff Lab Fee: $50.00 niques. Problems of dmwingin pencil, pen and Mondays - S:OO- 7:30 PM RHS Fine Arts ink, wash, pastel, and. water color. Includes - New advanced perspective and composition. Pre­ BANKING (BNK) requisite: ART 101 BNK 101 - Principles of Banking Instructor: K. Reeder Three credit hours. A comprehensive intro­ Mqndays - 6:30 - 9:00PM RHS Fine Arts ACADEMIC STUDIES (ACS) duction to bank functions and to the diversified services offered by the banking industry today. ACS 101- College Success ART 107 - Desiga D Two credit hours. Enhances student's success Instructor: T. ·Anderson Three credit hours. Further sbldy of an explo­ Thursdays - 6:00 - 8:30PM College Office . In college by assisting them in obtaining those ration of visual elements, principles of design skillsnecessarytoattaintheireducationalgoals. and color with an emphasis on three - dimen­ BNK 203- Consmner Lending Course topics include assuming responsi~ili­ sional applications. lncludedis an introduction ties, making decisions, time phtnmng, Three credit hours. Designed to provide an to the arts. (Open to noil-art majors.) credit test-taking, communication skills, study tech- overview of the consumer operation ex­ Prerequisite: Art 106 . Diques, question-asking skills, library use, amining the role of COn!ftllller credit in OVemll Instructor: K. Reeder _ personal issues that many college students banking operatioas. Covers the loan from Wednesdays- 6:30-9:00PMRHSFineArts face. Required for all entering students who application through d~entalion and ~os­ have not completed nine (9) hours. iag, servicing, and coUecdng loans, and ART 131 - Art Appreciation compliance. Instructor: D. Hamilton Three credit hours. Designed to develop an Mondays 5:00 - 7:00 PM OR Instructor: T. Anderson awareness and a deeper sense of the abstmct Wednesdays 5:00- 7:00PM RHSCZIO Wednesdays - 6:00- 8:30PM RHS S203 · . and spiriblal significant& of the arts of human­ ity. ACCOUNTING (ACCf) BIOLOGY (BIOL) Instructor: S. Weir - Anclrer ACCf 202-IDtrodudory Accounting II BIOL 2121212L- RDDIBn Physiology Wednesdays- 10:00 AM -12:30 PM Four credit hours. Partnerships, corporations,. Four credit hours. Physiology of the human CoUege Offi~;e financing of business entities, cost and budget body. Corequisitei BIOL 212L. analysis. Three hours lecture and two hours Instructor: · G. Langley Lab Fee: $8 laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: ACCf 201. Thursdays - 5:30- 9:45PM RHS 8203 Instructor: N. Ludwick • Tuesdays- 6:00- 9:30PM RHS CliO BUSINESS EDUCATION/ ADMINISTRATION (BEAS) ACCf 209- Microcomputer Accounting BEAS 101- introduction to Keyboarding Three credit hours. Elementary accounting Three credit hours. Developmeat of the funda­ principles for business concerns with transac­ mentals of touch keyboarding and introduction tions _recorded and processed using a to computeriZed document formatting. In­ microcomputer. An integrated accounting soft­ tended for students who have no prior ware program, Quick Books PRO, will be used experience in typewriting or who have no/ for numerous illustrative short problems. Em­ minimal knowledge of keyboarding. AllT 204 - '11ae HUDian Figure II phasis will be on accounting areas which lend Instructor: T. Anderson Three credit hours. A creative approach to the themselves to computerization. Prerequisite: Tuesdays - 6:00 - 8:30 PM College Lab use of figure in a concepblal and design con­ ACCf 200 OR 201. text. Use of a variety of color media, including Instructor: N. Ludwick BUS 201 -Business C«mmunication colored pencils, watercolors, and pastels is Mondays- 7:00. 9:30PM CoBege Lab Three credit hours. The vital role ·of effective encouraged. A continuation of ART 203. Fur­ communication in business and development ther study of the human form and how it relates of skill in business writing with emphasis on to its environment and the picblre plane. May preparation of letters and reports; presenting berepeatedforcredit. Prerequisite: ART203 information in a logically organized and ac­ or consent f6 ~nstmdor. ceptable form. Examines theory of Instructor: K. Reeder communication, principles, and techniques of Tuesdays - 6:30 - 9:00 PM RHS Fine Arts effective business writing,. verbal and non­ verbal cominunicationandorganizalional skills, and an in-depth participatory look at the iDler­ Uowto-'R~: viewing process. Prerequisite: BEAS Uti (or In-Person: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall consent f6 instmdor) and ENG 102. · Phone: 2S7-2120 OR 1-100-934-3668 Instructor: M. Line Mail: 709 Mechem, • Wednesdays - 7:00 • 9:30 PM RIIS C208 Ruidoso, NM 88345 Fa:x: 257-9409 By Internet: www.enmu.edu/Ruidoso 4 - . - . .. . ' ------~ -----

BUS23t·BuliB•LaW'- CIS Z!D• Topia:-a.sielntaaet Skills. 'l'bJce credit hOIIIB. Designed to give studeots CRIMINAL .JUS11CE (CJ) Twocn:dit houn. Thisc:ourse C:overs the basic· an introduclion and structure of the American CJ lOl •Criminal Investigations concepts ofthelnternetandhowtoexplore and Jegal system as applied to business. Includes Three hours. A comprehensive analysis of the utili;re various Internet resource and tools. Stu­ Criminal Law, Tort Law, Priilciples of Con­ science ofcriminal investigation. All aspects of dents will gain first-hand experien~ in using tract Law, Principles of Agency and the investigative process are surveyed from the web browsers, e-mail,listservs, telnet and other Employment Law. preliminary investigatio~ at the crime scene Internet related software. Instructor: M. Line through prosecution and trial. Instructor: M. Weaver Mondays • 7:00- 9:30PM RBS CliO Instructor: D. Bryant Tuesdays- 3:45 - 5:45 PM ·College Lab Thursdays - 7:00- 9:30PM RBS VlOl ClllLD DEVELOPMENT (CD) ECONOMICS (ECON) m 101-lntro to Childeare . COMMUNICATIONS (COMM) ECON 112 ·Principles of Microeconomics One credit hour .. Explores careers children COMM 101-IDterpersonal Three credit hours. Economics of resource and their families and helps select a career · Cemmunieations allocation with applications to the current eco­ pattern thal meets their individual inteJeBts. Three ~redit hours. Development of-communi­ nomic problems of poverty, agriculture, mo­ Develops self-undst~g. a key element in cation skills necessary for effective intcmction nop!lly ,labor unions and market structure. working with children amJ theirfamilie&. Stu­ with· persons on an interpersonal level and in (A prerequisiteformostupperdivisioncourses dents will be guided in job procurement proce­ small groups; theoretical ctimensions of inter­ in the freshman or sophomore year). duresandprofessionalidentification. The Code personal communication; opportunities forpmc-· Prerequisite: MATH 107 of Ethical Conwct of the National Associa­ tical application. Instructor: D. Whitaker tion of Youllg Children (NAEYC) will be Instructor: F. Knight Thursdays - 7:00 - 9:30PM College Office examined,. and students will develop. their own Tuesdays - 8:30- 11 :00 AM CoUege Office code of ethics for working with yoimg chil- OR EDUCATION FOUNDATIONS (EDF) dren. Febmary 7 to February l8 Thursdays- 7:00- 9:30PM RHS Cl08 EDF Z68 - Workshop: K-11 Currieuliun Instructor: C. Overdorf AHgnmenL One credit hour. A group process Saturdays- 8:00AM-Noon NobBillSchool CX>MMl~l-PubUeSpaddng utilizing approved modular format resulting in Three Credit Hours. Training in the composi­ alightment oflocal curricula (K-12) in science, m 108- Children, Family and Society tion of infoimative and persuasive discourse social studies, mathmetics, and language arts Three credit hours. Focuses on the impact of with emphasis on the use of evidence, reason-· with State Content Standards and Benchmarks . social factors on the young child in child care ing, delivery skills and au~nce analysis. in compliance with the State Department of and education settings. Course content 'will Instructor: H. Tackett Edu~tion mandate. cover socio-cultural inftuences on the young Mondays -7:00-9:30 PM RBS Clll Instructor: D. Willard child, children and fanlilies in change, and the . Saturdays - TBA RHS 'Cl03 impact of child care, school peers, the mass COMPUTERLINFO~MATION media, and the community on the process of SYSTEMS (CIS) ' EMERGENCY MEDICAL· SERVICES _socialization CIS lSI - Basic Computer Skills (EMS) Instructor: C. Overdorf Three. credit hours. Micr~Jcomputer operations; EMS 12VlliL- EMT- Basic Refresher Mondays- 5:00- 7:30PM Nob Bill School terminology, concepts and applications to in­ One credit hour. Reviews and updates the clude. spreadsheets, database and word process- knowledge base and skills of the currently m 109- Child Devdopment Practicum mg. certified EMT-Basic. Prerequisite: current Three credit hours. Designed to give students Instructor: M. Weaver EMT-B license and current CPR card. and initial hands-on experience with young .Mondays- 6:00- 8:30PM at Capitan Fire Station #l children in a laboratory setting. Students will Wednesdays -10:00 AM -12:30 PM at College Instructor: B. Power _carry out observation assignments as well as Wednesdays- 6:00- 8:30PM at College· Friday- Sunday: January 23, 24, 25 OR assist a lead teacher in conducting learning Thursdays- 3:15 -5:45PM at College April3, 4, 5 activities with infants, toddlers, or preschool Thursdays - 5:00 - 8:00PM at Carrizozo age children. Prerequisites: m 104 and ENGLISH (ENG) 106. ENG 100 - Basic English Skills Instructor: C. Overdorf Three credit hours. Developmental course Thursdays - 6:00 - 8:30PM Nob Hill School designed to improve writing skills by focusing on the fundamentals of sentence structure, cor­ CHEMISTRY (CHEM) - recr usage, grammar, punctuation, and para-. CIIEM UVlllL- Survey of General grsph cqnstruction. This course does not

ENG 101· Developmental Writiug OPE 220. First Aid Three credit hours. A tnmsitiolllll course be­ Two credit hours. A thorough overview of BUMANITIES (JlUM) N~ t tween ENG 100 and ENG 102. Examines the first aid skills and knowledge. Required for ·HUM 173 • Th~ NativeAmeriean in Ameri­ ' writing process from simple paragraphs to the RED CROSS CERTIFICATION. Uses ean Humanities ,~ essay by exploring topics, creating topic sen­ National Safety Council approved cunic:u­ Three credit hours. The role of the Native I tences, organizing details and revising. Stu­ lum. American in Art, Literature, Music, Architec­ dents will incorporate reading skills into the Instructor: C. LaCounte . ture and Philosophy. ' • ' writing process and will summarize, critique Fridays ·· 5:00 - 9:00PM: Satunlays 9:00 Instructor: Staff ' andevaluateessaysasameans for revising their AM • 4:00PM; Sundays 9:00AM -4:00PM Mondays- 7:00- 9:30PM RBS C206 r own work. This course does not counl "'­ Feb. 6,7,8 & March 6,7,8 wards AA degree requirtments. Prerequi­ N~ HUM m ·Introduction to Modem World site: English portion of the University Skills OPE 293 - Topies: Intermediate Bowllbg Hnmaoities Placement Test.• One credit hour. An activity class designed to Three c:redit hours. Modem world c:ultures of Instructor: J. Wellman teach the beginner the basic: fundamentals of Africa, Asia, Eluope, and North and· South Mondays - 7:00- 9:30 PM RBS CZOl the game of bowling. The students will also America; their philosophies, arts,litellllUreand learn how to score and various bow~ tec:h­ history in selected representative wow. f ENG 102- EngUsb ComP.Ofttion niques. Students must provide own shoes. Instructor, c. Hubbanl I Three credit hours. Grammar relative to the Class will meet from Saturday, January 24, Wedaesdays - 7:00- 9:30PM RHS CZ06 I I sentence and paragraph; literary models and through April25. I writing narrative, persuasive, and expository Instructor: J. Kannady Lllb Fee: $15.00 MATHEMATICS (MATH) I papers. Prerequisite: English portion of the MATH 100 • Basie Matbanaties Skills ~ Saturdays - 11 :00- 2:30PM University Skills Placement Test. Ruidoso Bowling Center Four c:redit hours. Developmental course de­ Instructor: M. Powell signed for students who need a comprehensive f Mondays - 6:30 - 9:00 PM RBS Cl08 review of arithmetic, including the study of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio and . . ENG 104 - Composition and Research proportions,basic percent, basic measurement, Three credit hours. A continuation ofENG 102 powers, signed numbers, and simple equa­ with emphasis on the research paper. tions. Prerequisite: Math portion of the Prerequisite: ENG 102 University Skills Placement Test. Course Instructor: M. Powell msTORY (IIIST) does not count towards A.A. degree require­ Tuesdays - 6:30 - 9:00 PM RBS Cl08 msT 102 - Survey of American History ments. Includes lab. Since 1877 Instructor: B. Hemphill ENG 211 - Introduction to Literature Three credit hours. Changes which brought Mondays - 6:00- 9:45 PM RHS C203 Three Credit Hours. Elements of the short the urban/industrial society of today into be­ story, the novel, poetry and drama; mythology, ing; World Wars I and Band after period MATH 101- Developmental Algebra literary terms, basic techniques of each literary Instructor: · C. Hubbanl Four credit hours. Basic algebra and the form; practice in writing about litemture. Mondays -1:00- 3:30'PM College Office following topics: integers, substitute variables, Instructor: M. Powell algebraic symbols, exponents, polynomials in Wednesdays- 6:30- 9:00PM RIIS CZOl HIST 122- Survey of Western Civilizlltion solving linear equations, and simple linear in­ Three credit hours. The Protestant reformation equalities. Prerequisite: Math portion of the GJIDWGY (GEOL) and the birth of the modem world; rise of University Skills Placement Test. Course GEOL lSl/lSlL-Physical Geology and Lab Absolutism, reactions to that rise to war and does not count toward A.A. degree require­ Four credit hours. Changes in forms and pro­ revolution; western technology, social and in­ ments. cesses of the earth's surface and interior in tellectual history; and political trends to the Instructor: B. Hemphill response to various types of energy flow. In­ present. Thesdays - 6:00- 9:4 5 PM RBS Cl03 cludes a survey of rocks and minemls, struc­ Instructor: C. Hubbanl tural geoology, topographic and geologic map Thursdays- 7:00-9:30 PM RBS ClOt MATH 107 • lnlermediate Algebra interpretation, structural features ofthe surface. 'lbree credit hours. Linear equations, inequali­ Three hours lecture and one hour laboratory lUST 203- New Mexico ties, systems of equations, polynomials and each class session. Two weekend field trips Three credit hours. New Mexico's Indian, factoring, quadratic equations, rational expres­ will also be required for the course. Spanish, Mexican and American epochs; in­ sions, graphing exponential and logarithmic Instructor: J. Hughes Lab Fee: $8 ternal developments and problems ofthe state; functions, sequences and series. Prerequisite: Thursdays - i 2:30 - 4:45 PM College Office New Mexico's place in the United States. One yearolmghSehooiAigebraor MATH Instructor: B. Thorp 101 or suceessful completion of the Univer­ HEALm AND PHYSICAL Tuesdays - 3:00- 5:30PM sity Placement Test. IIDUCA TION (OPE) , CoUegeOBice Instructor: R. Fleischmann liPE 130- Soeial Dance Thi:sdays - 7:00- 9:30PM RBS CZOl One credit hour. An activity class involving How to-'R.~: OR the latest country-western dance steps! For In-Person: 709 Mecbem, Sierra Mall Instructor: B. Hemphill singles or couples. Phone: 257-lllOOR 1-800-934-3668 Wednesdays - 6:00- 8:30PM Capitan 8S Instructor: C. Macintosh Mail: 709 Mecbem, Mondays- 7:00- 9:00 Ruidoso, NM 88345 Location to be Announced Fax: 257-9409 By Internet: www .enmu.edu/Ruidoso

• I I 6 ~ • •• : . : .: a a :a:az 0 SSUJ!Ml UJZSS$®& a uaasc.u.ssc&;:s:.zzu_ zz;y_.uuuxc , . ·-·~

' .... ~~ MATB 110 • Cellege Algebra MUS'l93 • Topiea: Caaallafty ChOir · SOCIOLOGY (SOC) 'lbree credit ltoun. . Equations and inequali­ One credit hour. Pcd'onnance clalls with' em- soc 101- htroduetory Sociology ties, functions, and their gmphs; exponential phasis on music notation, breathing, liad three/ Three credit hours. General overview of the and logarithmic functions; complex numbers; four pa1t singing. The class will also inClude . field, including basic concepts, pempectives, • roots of polynomials; mabic:es and cletenni, large group and seclional singing. (May be and approaches. Basic concepts of society as a nants; mathematical induction; and the bino­ repeated for credit). whole; the individual. as a member of social mial theorem. Pren:quisite: Math Ut7 or two Instructor: D. Flores groupings.. yean fllligb School algebi'IL · Mondays- 7:1S- 8:45PM RBS Fine Arts Instructor: M. Gudgel Instructor: R. FleiscbmiUlll Tuesdays - 6:00..8:30 PM Capitan BS Thursdays • 7:00- 9:30PM RBS C202 POLITICAL SCIENcE (PSCI) PSCI 101· Introcluetion to Pwtical. Science SQC ZIZ • Coatemporary Sodallssues MATH ZCII- Mathematical Concepts I Three credit bOUlll. A comparative intm~c>­ 'lbree credit hours. Assessment of current so­ ''Jbree credit hOlliS. The fundamental opera­ tion to the fundamental concepts of political cial problems in the USA. tions and an intuitive development of whole science including; ideologies, political culture, Instructor: M. Gudgel - numbem, integem and rational numbers; el­ panies, institUtions, and case studies of various Thursdays- 7:00 -9:00PM RBS CliO ementarynumbertheoryandanintmduclion to political systems in regions of the world. problem solving strategies. Prerequisite: Instructor: · D. Bryant SPANISH (SPAN) MATH 107 or equiment, and 111tisfactory Tuesdays - 7:00 -9:~0 PM RBS SZOI SPAN 101 ·Beginning Spanish as a score on University placement test. • Second Language. Instructor: R. Fleischmann PSYCHOLOGY (PSY) Four credit hours. Development of speaking, •I Wednesdays- 7:00- 9:30PM RBS C202 PsY 101 • Introductory Psychology reading, and writing skills, and intmduclion to I I 'lbree credit hours. Psychology as the science linguislic structures in a cultural context Four I MUSIC (MUS) of behavior. Physiological bases of behavior, boom reqtation weekly. MUS 113 ·Music Appreciation sensation, pen:eption, learning, emotion, and Instructor: R. Rico- Fernandez Three credit hours. For non-music majors. At­ motivation. Mondays - 6:00- 9:30PM RBS C.ZO.Z , ' tempts tp answer the question: "What is Mu­ Instructor: · M. Gudgel sic?" by acquainting students with knowledge Wednesdays : 7:00- 9:30 PM RBS CZ03 SPAN IO.Z ·Beginning Spanish as a · and appreciation of music from several cul­ Second Language. tures and times. Includes contact with music PSY 200 • Human GrowtbiDevelopment Four credit hours. A continuation of SPAN through discussion, guest arlists and recorded Three credit hours. A life span view of the 101. Prerquisite: SPAN 101 music. No previous music training is required. !evelopmentoftheindividual from conception Instructor: R. Rico - Fernandez Instructor: D. 'Flores 10 death. Prerequisite: PSY 101 Wednesdays - 6:00- 9:30 PM RBS C.ZOI Tuesdays - 6:30- 9:00PM RHS C.ZU • Instructor: G. Lan81ey · Tuesdays - 7:00- 9:30PM RBS SZ03 THEATRE (TH'l'R) TBTR Ill· Beginning Acting READING (RED) Three credit hours. techniques, principles of RED 100/100L ·Basic Reading SkiDs • stagemovements,and basic problems common Four credit hours. Developmental course de- . to all actors. · signed to improve reading skills by emphasiz­ Instructor: P. Adamian ing word attack, comprehension, vocabulary, Thursdays - 7:00 - 9:30PM RBS Fine Arts reading rate, referenee skills, following direc­ tions. and listening skills. Prerequisite: Read­ WELDING (WELD) MUS l68 ·Workshop: ing portion of the University SkiDs Place­ WELD 104 -Welding Communication Community Orchestra ment Test. Course does not count toward Two credit hours. Designed to help stud,ents One credit hour. Performance class with em­ A.A. degree requirements.' commtmicate in the work place. lnclues phasis on music reading, mytbms and musical . Instructor: C. Paxton reading and writing proficiency for wodc expression through the use of a stringed, wood­ · Thursdays - 6:00 - 9:45 PM orders, etc. grammar, problem solving wind, brass or percussion instrument. The class White Mountain School strategies, interpersonal conflicts, verbal and will include large group and sectional perfor­ ·written communications specific to the mance. Students must provide own instru­ industry. ment. Will also explore musical and artist · Instructor: M. Gaines , expression. May be repeated for credit. Final Mondays- 6:00- 8:00PM RHS Vocational concert performance in April. Instructor: Staff WELD ZIO • Intermediate Ard Cutting Thursdllys - 7:00- 9:00PM RBS Fine Arts Six credit houm. A continuation ofWEW 130 With a strong emphasis on weld testing, testing MUS Z68 ·Workshop: Music Review procedures •. andcode welding. Certification in One credit hour. Small group performance 1low tO-'R.~: . the vertical and overhead posilion is· expected. class with emphasis on knowledge and practi­ In-Person: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall Arc procedures such as SMAW, air carbon arc cal experience in vocal production. Funda­ Phone: 257-2120 OR 1-800-934-3668 cutting, and plasma an: cutting will also be mentals of sound and expressive singing will Mall: 709 Mechem, eovered.Along with practice exercises ' stu­ be studied. May be repeated for ~t. Class Ruidoso, NM 88345 dents will be expected to participate in shop size limited to 14. Audition required. · Fax: 257-9409 projects. Instructor: D. Flores By Internet: www.enmu.edu/Ruidoso Instructor: M. Gaines Lab Fee: $15 Mondays - 6:00- 7:10 PM RBS Fine Arts Tuesdays - 6:00- 10:00 PM and SatiHdays 7 .. ------~------~----:-:~'7"":":::-:-:::-:--:-:-:-~~~-...,.-~-:-:-----. -· .... -...... - .. '. -· - '••' ... ' ------·------

The Bankin& Certification • Classe§ ' DNK203(3) DNK101(3) eo-~ Principlca or Bankina W 6:00- 8:30PM Th 6:00 • 8:30PM T.Andcnon 501C T. Andc:non 501C . eonese SUOOC88 M S:OO - 7:00PM Clg~Cs at Carrizozo HS D. HUnilton SOIC .,.,..,....---1--r 'll!pMya asiSI (3) Miaa:omputcr AClCOUIIL Intro. Acc:olmlilla D Duic CoJJtlllla' Skills M 7:00 - 9:30 PM T 6:00 • !1:30 PM Th 5:00 • 8 :00 PM N. Ludwick ~SO;:.:l.:;..C-+N. Ludwick S~Ol~C~--1-!~::;: ;:.:;.:;..__-Hw B.llqJhill. SOSC

Beam DrawiDB n KcJboardillg DaipD Criminallnvcetiption M 6:30 - 9:00 PM T 6:00 - 8:30 PM W 6:30 -9:00PM . 1b 7:00 - !1:30 PM Cluses at Capitan HS S01C ' K. Reeder S01C MOJUJm . I BUS230 (3) as lSI (3) at (Apitan I Business Law Basic Collfllla' Skills i I M 7:00 -9:30PM 6:91' • 8:30 PM I M. M. WeaM SOlC • ~ TuwcJAya Oiildren, Family, Society lntaprrsonal Comm. soc 101 (3) M 5:00 • 7:30PM 1b 7:00 -!1:30 PM IDtro to Sociology r C. Overdorf SOlC ~~~-+-P. 6:00 - 8:30 PM I' COM BNG 100• (3) M. Gudsel SOIC WedpescJan Public Speaking Buic: English Skills Survey of Gea. Caem. Miaoeconomics MATH107(3) M 7:00 - 9:30 PM T 7:00 - 9:30 PM W 5:30- !1:45 PM 1b 7:00- !1:30 PM lntermcd. Algebra H. Tackett SOlC J. Wellman SOIC C. Burns SOlC D.Wbillka' SOlC 6:00 • 8:30PM B. Heqlhill502C • DcvelopJDelltal Writing ColqiO&ition & Resem:h Basic Colqlllla' Skills ''"""' of West. Civil. D M 7:00· - 9:30PM T 6:30 - !1:00 PM W 6:00 - 8:30 PM - !1:30 PM 1. Wellman SOlC M. Powell SOlC M. WcaMS03~C:.__-H~m~S~O~lC:__ 102(3)• Pmh111111 CoJJtiOiition M 6:30 -9:00PM M. Powell SO JC 173 (3) FAX (SQS) l5'7·9409 The NIL AmeriC&D in Hunt M 7:00 - 9:30 PM

Buic Math Skills lntamediate Algebra Medical Certification M 6:00 • 9:45 PM T 7:00 • 9:30 PM B. Cla§ses wru&:;(t:I-I'MUS m (3) PIIYS 14l/141L (4) BMS 121 (1)* MTR.102·(3) WKSHP: Music Review Music Appra:iation IDtro Modcro World HWlmJI (\llroaomy BMI' -D Refresher Medical Trrminology M 6:00 • 7:1S PM T 6:30- !1:00PM W 7:00 - !1:30 PM 1b 5:30 - !1:45 PM Pri • Svll. J 1D 23, 24, 27 Th 7:00 - !1:30 PM D. Floral SOIC D. Flores SOIC C. HubbardSOIC J. S01C or April 3, S. 6 Staff SOlC B. Powll' SOIC (1) 101 MATH 261* (3} RBAD 100/lOOL* (4} Topics: Cmmmuity Oioir Intro to Political Science Math Concepts I Buic ReadiDg Skins M 7:15 -8:45PM T 7:00 - 9:30 PM W 7:00- !1:30 PM 1b 6:00 -9:30PM D. Flores SOIC D. Bryant SOlC R. Fleisclmmm SOl C C. Paxton SOlC Ruidoso School Staff SPAN 101 (4) PSY 200* (3) Classes Beam. Spauish I Human GroWib/Develop .. IDtro to Psycllology Collleiql. Social lsBUeS M 6:00 - 9:30 PM T 7:00 - 9:30 PM W 7:00- !1:30PM 1b 7:00 - 9:30 PM Check at your school office for infor­ R. Rico-Femandez SOl C G. Langley SOl C M. Gudgel SOlC M. Gudgel SOlC mation on technology and cUJriculum alignment class opportunities. Weld ConDDUDicaticons Intermediate Aro'Cutting Beam. Spauish D BeginuiDB Acting • M 6:00 • 8:00 PM T6:00-10:00PM &Sa. W 6:00- 9:30PM Th 7:00 • !1:30PM M. Gaines SOIC R.Rico- Weekend Classes CD 101 (I) To Register, call Express IDtro to OiildCare Peb. 7 • Peb. 28 257-2120 Classes Rel,istration Sat 8:00AM • Noon HPB 293 (1) N£W or Begin Phone * FAX • Mail C. Overdorf SOIC Topics:.lntmned. Bowling • Sat. 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM toll free, Ja~uary20! *In-Person *Purchase January 24 - April 2S 1-800-934-3668 Order J. KaDDady SOl C at Ruido.so Bowling • Via the Internet Center 8 -·------·---- -~-~------· -- ---~-. ..,-·-- ...... ' ,.,.,f . ..• , ___ ,,. -· -~-· ...... ,.. •. J~...,_ .... _,,,,._._.. _.

• 1

Spring 1998 Eastern New Mexieo University Counes . 'f CoUege of the Air • On Site C.,.Ut Courses • Internet Courses · Eastem New Mexico u6ersily continues ID expand the 8JIICUit of upper dlvl1lon Md gradute programmif11 available in R&idoso and Uni:oln ·County, from visiting fjcdly ID instruction delivered l'rl .rrv (instructional television) and the Internet. Continuous l8gistration for .rrv classes at the Ruidoso Center is avai~a~J!e,_for the Sprirv session. The .rrv facililators and the Ruidoso CeniBr counselors can assist you with regislration. If you nlld to dluu11 fln~ncllfald to ••l•t you In attending cl11111, clll1· 800-&37· LEAN and your call will be trlnlflitred to the approprlat. office. You may also l8gistar the first~ of class but we suggast pnngislration ID insure your spot in class. Tuition and~ nust be paid by ,., the start of the semester or arrangernaniS for payment must be made with the Accounts Receivable office, also available by caRing 1-800-537-LERN. You may make your payment at the RttidDso ~ .rrv office in the Siena Mall. · Caines are stmject b change without notice. Books may be pii'Chased via the lntamet tflroiVI the Ruidoso office. c.ll ("5) 267· 2120 or toll free1-811N344111 for ••Information. Col1.efJ&of't'h&Air Cqwa fa CO!Hit nu. lrlltnlctor Accr 300 lOU -MWF Ilml8:00-8:50 am 3 Ial'mmati;JiiJat- Glandon · Accr 301 lOU MW 7:00-B:lSpm 3 , IDtamllllilllo Accolmlillg I Billiot Accr302 lOU T'Da 12:30 -1:45pm 3 IDtamllllilllo Accoualiaa D· Glandon . Accr:m lOU ' MW 2:00-3:1Spm" 3 Coil Acccmntina Billiot ACCf475 lOU T'Da 4;00-S:lSpm 3 lli&:omc Tu. Acc:Ollllting: Putmnhip ManiB BUS316 1021 ( )MW 4100-S:ISpm 3 Blllinea Law D Wdhelm BUS407 , lOll • MWF ·u:00-1J:50am 3 Advuced B111ineu CoJDDmication Maelcod BUS453 lOll ' 3 BuliDCU SlrltesY IIIICI Policy Wright _, T'TWFlb 2:00-3:15pm I BUSSS3 1011 1h 8:30- !1:45 pm ' 3 Stntegy Management Hu,.,Mgts CDIS2Sl . lOll 1 5:30 - 6:45 pm · . 3 JlboJidiCI Rimae 1011 WP 4;00 -S:,.S pm • 3 Oral Motor Disosdcn •• Smith CDIS321 : .. CDISS29 lOll MF 4:00-S:15pm 3 Neuroaenic Lauguage Disorders Weems CDIS 531 '1011 MP . 5:30-6:45 pm 3 Advanced Audiology Million . CJ340 lOll MWF 1:00 -1:50pm 3 Juvenile Delinqw::acy \ Mohammad BCON3ll lOU MWF 12:00 -12:50 pm 3 IDtamllllilllo Mic:roeconomic Theory McFerrin BDADS60 lOll Sa 8:30am-4:30pm 3 POUcy~yma Alberton BDF301 lOll m !1:30-10:45 lilt 3 Poundatio01 of Sc:booling hbam BNG381 lOU MWF 12:Q0-12:SOpm 3 Clusi.cal Back&Jound of 1.iterabue Mut BNG441 lOll MWF 3:00~3:50pm 3 Sbablpeare: TrasedieiiHUtories Swan ' BNGSOO lOll w 7:00 -9:30pm 3 Litauy lleaeudl Mcbaffy BNG541 lOll MWF · 3:00 - 3: SU pm 3 Sbablpeare: TrasediesiHiatoriea Swan PIN311 lOll MW 5:30- 645 pm 3 Corporation Pilllnce AdiJDI • HIST3ll lOll MWF 10:110 -10:50 am 3 'l'beMiddlcAp 300 -1300 Pilch HIST405 lOll MWF 12:00 -12:50 pin 3 'l'be Middle But Giea HIST4® lOll M 7:00 -9:30pm 3 Tcachina Socill Studiea Eldc:rm HIST44!1 lOll MWF 11:00 ~~m-11:50 am 3 'l'be United States: 1!145 to Present m~~ctm MGT313 lOll T'Da 11:00 am-12:15 pm 3 Co!!lcqlomy Ozsaniptjollll Bebavior Sanchez MGT41S 1011 T'Da 4:00 ·5: IS pm 3 CoiJfCnlltionMauacmcnl Sanchez MGT435 lOll T '111 !1:30- I0:4S am 3 M-aina the Divcnc Warllfon:e Sanrhcz MGT436 1011 T'Da 8:00 -!l:lS un 3 Labar Management RelatioDB duybMgla MGTS13 1011 T'Da 5:30 -6:45pm 3 OsganiulioPI Bebavior Wright MGTS36 1011 T'Da 7:00 -8:15pm . 3 Labar Maugement Relations HuybJegts MJcr301 lOll . MWF 1:00 -1:50pm 3 Principlea of Muketing Web« MK1'41!1 lOll MWF !1:00 -!1:50 am 3 Co11811111tl Behavior Web« MK1'42S 1011 MWP 10:00 -10:50 am 3 M~rblina Management Davia NURS310 lOll 1b 4:00 -7:45pm 3 Health Auesament Brabbill NURS3SO 1011 Sa- Su !1:00 un - 5:00 pm 3 er- Cultural Nuning Bra! (Jan31, Feb 1,28, Much I, 21,22) NURS400 1011 T 7:00 • !1:4S pm 3 NUlling Research Guido NURS42S lOll T 4;00 • 6:45 pm 6 Lcadcnbip ill Nunillg Bill NURS430 1011 Sa - Su !1:00 un - S:OO pm 3 Health PoUcy Guido (Jan 24,25, Feb ll,ll, Much 14,15) PS0306 1011 T'lb 12:30 -1:4S pm 3 ConteqKJrary Politicalldeo1oaies Acheson Brown PSY 40!1 1011 . M 7:00 - !1:3P pm 3 Teaching Sccial Studies m~~ctm RBDS87 1011 1b 4:00 ·6:30pm 3 Clusroolil Techniques in Blcm Reading Stanley SOC30S lOll TTh !1:30-10:45 un 3 Sex Roles ill Society Babr SOC31S 1011 MWF 11:00 -li:SO un 3 Scciallnequality Babr SOC340 lOll MWF , 1:00-1:SOpm 3 Juvenile Delinquency MobiDDIIId SPAN301 1011 TTh 11:00-12:15 pm 3 TIBIIBiation Ayala SPBD300 lOll T'Da 11:00 am-12:15 pm . 3 lnboduction to Special BdUCIIion Seevers SPIID300 lOll T . 4:00 - 6:30 pm 3 Introdudion to Special Education Bettenbeusen SPBD300 1031 M 7:00 ~ !1:30 pm 3 lnboduction to Special Education Bettenbeusen SPBDSOl 1011 M · 4:00 - 6:30pm 3 Bxccptional Student/Regular Clwroom Bettcnbausen SPBDS05 lOll W 4:00 - 6:30pm 3 Sevm/Profound Disabl: Thry -PBctic:c Sbaugbncssy

PSY 101 13WA TBA WEB 3 lnboduction to Psychology 1.. Moore RBL103 14WA TBA WEB 3 NewTestalllCIIt Survey G. Martinez

Inslnletlon Begins January 20, 1998 and ends May 16, 1998. SOME CLASSES MEET SEVERAL SATURDAYS AT PORTALES CAMPUS IN LIEU OF REGULAR CLASS SESSIONS. TUn'ION: $105.00 Undergraduate (per c:redit hour) * $113.00 Graduate (per credit hour) *Rates are subject to change without notice. Spedal RepstratloJI for lTV Classes: Thursday, January IS, 8 AM • S PM and Friday, January 16, 8 AM • S PM 9 .. ~------~------~~----~.~.~. ----~-· --

COMMUNITY FIVE EASY WAYS TO EN­ HOW TO FIND YOUR CLASS ROLL FOR YOUR COURSE! If your claSs location is not designated in this EDUCATION sc:hedule, please call the Ruidoso Center office · on or before the day class is scheduled to obtain We offer continuous registration up to the start­ PROGRAM the class location. The Community ~on ing dale of each class but emphasize the impor­ program holds classes in a variety of Ruidoso tance of eady registration. If you wait until the locations. The course inshuctor.will meet you The Ruidoso Center Community Education Pro­ last minute, you risk the possibility that a par­ . . at the class location and $igns. will be posted gram is designed for people who are not inter­ ticular class is full or has been canceUed. Gen­ ~you to your class. ested in formal credit programs of study. The emlly, we do NOT take on-site registration at program strives to fulfill that part of Ruidoso cl•ssandinstruetorseaanotaeeept your pay­ REFUND POUCY FOR COMM1JNITY Center's mission which is "to make inexpensive, ment inelus. We cannot pennit anyone who is EDUCATION COURSES AND high quality educational services available al not registered to attend C:laas. WORKSHOPS convenienttimesfortheresidentsoftheRuidoso No aekaowleclgment will be sent to you! You We want you to be 100 percent satisfied with ' School District and the surrounding area ofUn­ are automatieally earoled as soon as we re­ your Community Education class. If for any coln and northern Otero Counties. "Programs are istratki•nform and payment. reason your class isn't exactly what you wanted, also designed to be of interest to visitors to the simply come by the office, and we will be happy I Ruidoso area. The program is oriented toward to assist you. If you prefer, we will refund your r lifelong learning and the fulfillment of the indi­ BY PHONE (the easiest way) money under the following conditions: vidual. You can enroll overthe phone. Call the Ruidoso 1. Registration fees are refunded in full only l Center office at (50S) ZS7-Zil0. If you live when: DON'T KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. outside of the Ruidoso area, call l-Bfll-934- ~ --the class or workshop forwhichanenroHment 'r SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE!! 3668. Please have your course name and Credit was submitted is already full; Oil ·- Our instructors are a diverse and talented group Card number ready when you call. When regis­ -the activity is cancelled; OR of people, each with something very special to tering by phone, you may use a Discover, --the Ruidoso Center rejects the enrollment share. If you would like to propose a class, MasterCanlor VISA Card. Sav1ctim~eandtrave application. r workshop, trip or tour for aNMU consideration, 2. If after the first ciass meeting, you find the r just give us a call. Whether you would like to REGISTER BY MAIL class isn't exactly what you wanted, 50% pfthe I teach in our program or just recommend an (the pmta1 way) I activity, we'd love to hear from you! Complete a non-credit registration fee will be· refunded. It is your I responslbiUty to notify the Center Office r mail it with a check or money order to: ENMU­ I COURSE FEES Ruidoso,ATTN: Community Education, 709 prior to the second dassofyour Intention The Ruidoso Center Community Education pro­ MechemDrive, Ruidoso, NewMexieo88345. to withdraw If you want a refund. gram is a self-sustaining program with course Our mail is delivered in the ~y afternoon. We 3. There will be no refund forwithdmwals after fees coveting all progmm-relatedexpenses. Fees will process your registration by 5 p.in. A the seeond class meeting. If you haven't with­ ·are based on an estimated minimum number of receipt is available at our office to confinn your dmwn even though you .are not attending class, students.. Unlike credit programs of study at place in class and you will need to show this you still have a financial obligation to complete ENMU-Ruidoso, the Community Services Pro­ receipt to the instructor at the first class meeting. payment for that class. gram does not depend on state and local taxes for support. Honored Americans (ages 6Z+) will REGISTRATION IN PERSON (the most REQUESTS FOR REFUNDS pay half fees unless otherwise specified. personal way) Requests for refunds must be received by the Come by our office and get to know us! The Ruidoso Center office during weekday office CLASS CHANGES AND Ruidoso Center Office is now located al 709 hours before the deadlines stated above. Re­ CANCELLATIONS Mechem Drive, Ruidoso, New Mexico. You quests may be presented inperson at the Busi­ • The Ruidoso Center reserves the right to cancel may register in person as follows: ness Office or may be mailed to 709 Mechem any course with insufficient enrollment. Loca­ 1. Regular office hours: 8 a.m. to Drive, Ruidoso New Mexico 88345. Please tions, dates and times of classes and instructors 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. allow 15 days for processing any refund. are also subject to change. A class will be closed 2. Special Registration: when it reaches maximum enrollment, so you are Saturday, January 17, WE'RE HERE TO ANSWER YOUR encouraged to register early. Classes with insuf­ QUESTIONS 8:30 AM - Noon. • ficient enrollment will be cancelled, and you will If you have a question about a class for which be notified by phone. To make contacting you REGISTERBYFAX you've registered or need additional informa­ easier, please g~ve day and evening phone num­ (the high tech way) tion, call us at Z57-Zil0 or 1-800-934-3668, bers with your registration. Refunds will be You may register by FAX 24 hours a day, 7 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or automatically processed on courses which the days a week! Fill out a Registration form and leave amessag~ on our answering machine after Ruidoso Center cancels. fax it day or night to (SOS) 157-9409. When hours. All of our staff are train~ to serve you, FAXing your registration, you may chose to use our customers. REGISTER EARLY· MOST CLASSES a Discover Card, MasterCard or BEGIN AFfER February 1!!! . WE HOPE YOU'VE ENJOYED TWS Register as soon as possible to assure a spaee INSERT. in the class or classes you want. Registration REGISTER BY Do you want toreceivefutureissues by mail? If • begins November 17. MaH-in, walk-in or PURCHASE ORDER so, if you change your address, please call our FAXED registrations will also be accepted (the business-like way) toll-free number or our local phone number to until the start of class. Rgistration is also now ·Organizations enrolling staff for training pur­ give us your cultent address so that we can keep available via the lntenet · by visiting poses will be invoiced if a purchase order num­ up with you. www.enmu.edu/Ruidoso ber is quoted. 10

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· Playwriting Workshop The Waltz A workshop for the aspiring playwright This 200 y~ old dance is here to stay and who wishes to explore her/his own remains a favorite at social gathclings, dubs, Glue Gun! playscript for the theater and to share and public dances. This eight week course will prepare youtoenjoythis beautiful dapceforthe, Meet some of the fastest guns in the' West! with other playwrights their work and Create a beautiful and colorful wall fan. Know ideas. The workshop will explore sttQc­ rest of your life with ten diff~t step patterns, the two basic colors in your decor scheme and ture, characterization,~ovement, space a wide variety of music, and ample practice. Class open to cOIJples and singles of all ages. , you can create a custom design and decomtecl and lighting. Instructor Paul.Mtunian is Instructor: Carol Ann Clade fan for your home or gift giving. Leam tech­ a local playWright and theater director. . . Fee: $85 niques of creating beautifuny wmpped and Instructor: Paul Adamian Time/Dates: Mondays and Wednesdays , decomtecl packages for any occasion. Supply Fee: $40 6:00- 7:00PM list available at office. Instructor Carol Martin Tune/Dates: Wednesdays, is winning artist for organiZIIIions and Stole February 2 to April I 7:00-9:00 PM, · Locatio~; RBS aTIS and crqfrs sfwwings. February 4 to March 25 lnstrw:tiH: Cl!rol Martin Fee: $20 Location: RHS Fine Arts Thne/Date: Saturday, 10 AM to 12 Noon Februlll)' 14 OR Satwday, April11 The Darkroom ·the Other Half of Location: TBA Photography An eight week course covering black and Beginning Cake Decorating ... Introduction to Latin Dances white films, negative processing and cus­ This hands-on class will teach the decorating • Salsa is a valuable and significant part of our tom printing. The fmer techniques ofbum­ basics of flower. design, borders and figure Southwest heritage whether we are refening to ing and dodging will be emphasized. Basic piping. Icing a flat cake will be demonstrated. food, music or dance! These dances are fun, knowledge-of photography required. In~ Specialty figures for upcoming holidays will exciling,easyandamazinglyuseful! Thiscourse structor John Soden has worked in the fteld also be taughl Students Will purchase a basic will get your started on anew adventure in social of photography for over 25 years and is decorating kit to be used in this and more dance .... Class open to r..ouples and singles of . currently free lancing for several area advanced courses available through the in­ all ages. · .structor. Minimum enrollment of 5 students. magazines while working on a photo docu­ Instructor: Carol Ann Clark Instructor Rita Gomez has decorated cakes Fee: $85 mentary for the Mescalero Apache. professionally for the past ten years, using the Time/Dates: Mondays and Wednesdays , Instructor: John Soden Wilton method and McNamara figure piping .. 8:00- 9:00PM Fee: $105 plus materials Instructor: Rita Gomez February 2 to April I T~e/Date: Mondays, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Fee: $30 plus $10 toolkit Location: RHS March 9 to April 27 Times/Dates: Thesdays, 6:30- 8:00pm Location: RHS February 17 to March 24 Photography • Beyond the Location: Capitan High School "Snapshot" The Foxtrot Certified Transfer Station This course will cover the different types 'or Of all social dances, Foxtrot is the moat versa- adjuslablecamerasandthewidevarietyoffilms tile. This course includes 12 step patterns with Operator available. Proper exposure for indoor and out- emphasis on partnering, and flooreraft skills This three day course is the official course for door and flash photos and subject composition neededtoglideeffortlesslyandelegantlyaround certifying transfer station opemtors in the State will be discussed. Critiques of assignments by the floor! Class open to couples and singles of of New Me~co. Preregistration necessary classandinstructorinanencoumgingenviron- all_ages. Instructor Carol Clark has taught prior to Mareh 15. ment to bring out the best in the emerging . social and competiti11e dance at Shundo Studio Instructor: Charles Ferguson, NMEID photo!JiliPher! Instructor JohnSodenharworked in El Paso from 1991 to 1993. Fee: $90 inthefieldofphotographyforoller25yearsand Instructor: Carol Ann Cllllk Time/Dates: March 31, Aprill, April2 . iscurientlyfreelancingforseveralarea maga- Fee: $85 8:00am to 5:00pm zineswhileworkingonaphotodocumentaryfor Ttme/Dates: Mondays and Wednesdays, Location: CoUege Offices the Mescalero Apache. 7:00- 8:00PM Instructor: John Soden February 2 to Aprill Fee: $75 plus film & processing Location: RIIS TuneJDate: Mondays, 7:_00- 8:30PM February 2 to Mftn:h 2 \. Location: Colege Offices tlow to-'R.~: ~I In-Person: 709 Mechem, Sien-a Mall Phone: 257-2120 OR 1-800-934-3668 MaD: 709 Mechem, ! Ruidoso, NM 88345 I• Fax: 257-9409 ' ~ Internet: www .enmu.edu/Ruidoso tS v,.. ~ '"~""'""""'"-'"'""'""'"'"'"'"'"""'""'"'""''"'"'"'""'"'""'""u'" ..'""''"'"'""a.••••••••••••••••••d 11 - ~------~---:---.-:-:------,, . - ... --- ·-----,-:-:-:-~~·';"':,.'""'7""... -~ .... ~ ...... --:····-·~:·-·- -... ~:...~ i l . . I I I I' "Red Wrigglers:" Recycling Resume Writing and Household Garbage with Worms How to Get a Job 'Ibis course will give information on the pro­ Your resume is the single most important cess ofcompostingwithwonns(venniculture). Beginning ~abinet Making··· Learn how to recycle certain kinds of house­ document that you will ever prepare! In Froio the. Basics . . and this short course, you will learn bow to hold giiJ'bage, newspaper, other materials . The safe use of power tools to developing first .. Wonns can be purchased from the instructor. prepare an effective resume and review skills toward building fine furniture. Leam Minimum of 5 students. Instructor Rod Mays important job search skills. This course is within the workshop of eabinet maker Wayne has in has a BS Biology and been involved in Bradiey whose work lives~ public buildings not only for entry level individuals but also venniculture for the past 20 years. for those experienced in the job market. and witbin the homes of hundreds of your Instructor: Rod Mays neighbors. Maximum Rstudents and students You will learn how to prepare a resume nn Fee: $35 must sign release. the computer as well as receive hanl t.vpy Timc/1 );lies: Mondays, 6:30- 7:30PM Instructor: · Wayne Bnulley information to take to that prospective job · March 24 to May 4 Fee: $75 interview! Location: RHS lime/Dates: Tuesdays, 6:15-8:15 PM Instructor: Jim Miller FeblUIIIY 3 to March 10 Fee: . $5 Location: Ruidoso DoWDS Til\le/Dates: By Appointment (shop bebind Dale's Furniture) Location: CoUege omces Act on the ACT Test Beginning Genealogy---Uncover­ ' - If you are Junior or Senior in High School ing Clues to Family Roots ·­ I Just for Fun!~= and plan to attend a four year university Who Ami? requiring the ACI' entrance test, the "A.ct What complex set of genetic and environ­ Bird Watching in Lincoln County on the ACT Test" is the course that will This class will identify some of the most mental factors have I received from family increase your test scores and college interesting birds in the Ruidoso/Lincoln members who came before me? Geneal­ choices. The major Spring ACT testing ogy has been termed a cross. between a County area. Class will include a half-day date is April 4. Instructor Carla Burns good detective novel and a jigsaw puzzle. Saturday field trip. Students should bring was the 1996 New Mexico MESA Pro­ their own pair of binoculars and will need to Participants wi.ll' explore the fascinating gram Advisor of the Year. provide own field trip transportation. Class world of their own family histories and Instructor: Carla Burns meeting is at the College Office. Instruc­ contemporary research methodologies for Fee: $25 plus $15 preparation book tor Anita Powell is the founder of the Lin­ uncovering valuable clues to their past. Time/Dates: Mondays, 6:00-7:30 PM, coln County Bird Club. Internet research, library and archival ex­ February 16, March 2, 9,23,30 Instructor: Anita Powell ploration and computer organization of per­ Location: RBS C205 Fee: $5 sonal histories will be included. Instruc­ tors David Travis and Majel Powell are Time/Dates: Tuesday and Thursday ' 6:00- 9:00PM April28, 30 experienced genealogists. plus one Saturday Instructors: David Travis and Location: CoUege omce MajelPowell Fee: $45 plus $5 lab fee Dejunking Your Life Time/Dates: Thursdays, 6:30-9:30 PM February 5 to March 12 How much of that holiday stuff that's piled Location: CoUege Omces on top of your countertops or is crammed into drawrrs is really all that important? Probably very little of it-but you can't Beginning Spinning bear to part with it. Come learn where the An introduction to the spinning of wool, clutter comes from---and how to get rid of including wool preparation and grades. it! We'llhelpyou figure out what you don't Practice spinning on several styles of spin­ really need... brio& a piece of junk the ningwheels. Class is limited to 10 students. fi[St ni&ht of class! Course Fee includes a Bring a sack lunch and drinks will be pro­ DeJunking textbook. Delunking is a popu­ vided! Instructor Ralph Dunlap has been lar Community Education cours(! across spinning since 1972 and is a Lincoln County the country. How to-'R.~: institllfiCJn! I . Instructor: Jim Miller In-Person: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall Instructor: Ralph Dunlap Fee: $15 Pbone: 257-2120 OR 1-800-934-3668 Fee: $20 plus $17 book · TIIDe/Date: Tuesday/Wednesday MaD: 709 Mechem, Time/Dates: Saturdays, 9:00 AM - 6:00-8:30 PM, March 10,11 Ruidoso, NM 88345 12Noon, Location: CoUege omces Fax: 257-9409 March 7, 14, 21, 28 Internet: www.enmu.edu/Ruidoso Location: Dunlap home In Lincoln 12 CPR Training The Mescalero ApaChe: History The People's·Law Sdlool This coursewillmeetcertificationrequire­ and Heritage The fourth annual Peoples' Law School, meots for the American Heart Association Learn about the fa~ciDating history of sponsored by ENMU and the Lincoln Heart Saver CPR certification and BLS Apache people in New Mexico's County Bar Association will be held Thurs­ days this Spring from January 22 to March recerlifieation. Students Wilileam the ba­ . southcentral mountain region. The • sics of one persC)n CPR. This class would Mescalero, Chiricahua, Lipan and Warm 12. New topics have been added this year be beneficial for beginners or for those Springs Apache now reside in the vast high including Criminal and DWI Law, Consti­ needing to recertifY. Course topics will mountain area west of Ruidoso. Included tutio~al Law and Limited Liability Corpo­ cover heart saver, infant CPR and Foreign . in this two session informal class are dis­ rations. Meet many of Lincoln County's ' Body Airway Obstruction (Choking). In- cussions of ~tribe's historical relation­ interesting judges and attorneys in class, structor Chris LaCounte is a certified ship with the U.S. Government, Tribal cus­ and gain an overview of current topics and ' . instructor with the American Heart Asso- · cases. Earn a "law schoql diploma" from • toms and future issues. Instructor John ciation, and a licensed EMT-1. Shendo is Lipan ApQChe/Jemez. and is the the People's Law- School! Instructor: Chris LaCounte Tribal Education Director. Instructors: Lincoln County Bar Fee: _$5 Instructor: John Sheodo Association Time/Date: Mondayj 5:00-9:00 PM. Fee: $5 Fee: $20 March9 · Time/Date: Wednesdays,6:30-8:30PM TIDle!Dates: Thursdays, 7:00- 9:00PM Location: CoUege Omce February 11,18 January 22 to March 12 Location: CoUege omce Location: RHS Cl03 Bow Legal Matters Affect Your Life Especially for Seniors* ,. Panicipants will be introduced to basic con­ ~ cepts of law that can materiaJly alter their • Senior Discount Not Avallable on lives. Leam the importance of tort law or civil These Courses wrongs, wills, Dumble Powers of Attorney, • and Right to Die, plus laws applicable to do­ ComputingForSenior Americans• mestic relations. All materials presented in Retirement is tlie jumping off point for a whole "laypersons" language. Instructor Bill Heck is new world of knowledge and challenge! Why a Columbia University graduatewho hosprae­ not find out about computers? Learn in an ticed law in New York and New Mexico. Min. understanding and relaxed enviJOnment. This 10 student minimum. course will get you started with the basics with Instructor : Bill Heck an introduction to Windows 95 and accessories. Fee: $20 Instructor Joel Carothers has worked in the Time/Dates: Saturdays, 10:30 AM- computer industry for over 15 years 12 Noon, February 14,21, 28 Instructor: Joel Carothers Fee: $25 March 7,14, 21,28. Apri118, 25. Tune/Dates: Fridays, 9:00AM - 12Noon Location: TBA February 6 and 13 OR. . Man:h 6 and 13 OR Make the Memories Last ••• Apri13 and 10 Would you like to preserve and creatively Putting Your Heart on Paper Location: College Computer Lab display your family history? Would you like Do you sit, pen in band, waiting for inspiration to get your family photos out of the shoeboxes as the white space stare out at you? Learn to Internet for Senior Americans• and drawers? This class is for you! Step-by­ journal from the heart. Tips on how to write Have you ever wondered what the Internet step, you will learn how to tum your boxes of expressively. How to find your own style. really is'1 Do the stnmge codes that television photos and other memorilbilia into a keep­ Memory joggers. Carol Wilson has been a programs sometimes give out for access to their sake, photo-safe album. With personal help, family photo-historian for the past twenty site on the Internet ever make you curious using archival quality materials, you willlCam years. about "what's there?" As our society moves techniques for cropping, layout, mounting, Instructor: Carol W'l1son toward full utilization. of the Internet, know)- journaling and much more. You will need to Fee: $15 edge of this wonderful tool will be ofintetest to bring 8-1 ()pictures, preferably centered around Time/Dates: Thursday, 6:00-8:00 PM, Senior American too .. This class gives you an one; theme, plus a pair of scissors. Archival February 19 introductory look at use of the Internet to com­ and materials will be available for Location: CoUegeOffiee municate with others and to locate information purchase at time of class. Learn skills which for a variety of uses. To enroll for this course, will last for generations and have a great time students must be familiar with a Windows en­ doing it! Carol Wilsonhasbeenafamilyplwto­ Uowto-'R~: vironment. Instructor Ray Vowel is a retired historian for the past twenty years. In-Person: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall engineer and experienced Internet user. Instructor : Carol Wilson Phone: 257-ZUO OR 1-800-934-3668 Instructor: Ray Vowel Fee: $15 Mail: 709 Mechem, Fee: $25 · Tune/Dates: Saturday, 10 AM to 12 Noon Ruidoso, NM 88345 TimeiDates: Fridays, 9:00- 12 Noon February 7 OR Thursday, April2, April24 and May 1 6:00- 8:00PM Fax: 257-9409 Internet: www .enmu.edu/Ruidoso . Location: CoUege Coaaputer Lab j Location: Fort Looe Tree, Capibm - 13. I ~ l ,_ •. \ I ~~--~------'--''~ World. of Technology Computer Basics FRUSTRATED FROM COMPUTER R.l.lTFRACY? You can learn to compute! Learn .simple computer basics wilhease as you are guided, step-by-step, doing open "handS-on" learning, using a computer. Do It Now • Do It For Youl lnslrUctor Carol Martin has over 10 years computer experience and ia a favored "computer tutor" in the Ruidoso area. Instructor: Carol Martin Fee: .$25 Location: College Computer Lab Time/Dates: Fridays, 2:00- 5:00PM, and Saturday, 9:00AM to 12 Noon February 6 and 7 OR Much 6 and 7 April 3 and 4. Internet For Beginners As our society moves toward Ml utilization of the Internet and lbe World Wide Web, knowledge of this ":onderful tool will be essential. This class gives you an introductory look at use of the lntemet beginning with explanations and definitions needed to understand'"the net." A very basic knowledge of computers is I . required. Jmtructor Joel Carothers is an experienced computer user with 15 years of experience. • Instructor: Joel Carothers Fee: $30 Location: College Computer Lab Time/Dates: Saturdays, 9:00AM- 12 Noon, February 14 and 21 OR March 14 and 21 OR Apri125 and May 2

Microsoft Publisher Basics DESIGN LIKE A DESIGNER! With fun and silqlle, step-by-step instruclion, learn to design and create business or fun and easy pubHcalions in fuH-c:olor with pictUres. Design and create business cards, flyers, newletters, posters, greeting cards, personalized letterhead, and IIIICb more. (WARNING! This class cortld bring out "childlike" enthusiasm, creativity, and ftm that you haven't experienced for quilt aome time). lmtructor Carol Martin has over 10 year1 computer experience and is a favored "computer tutor" in the Ruidoso area. Instructor: Carol Manin Fee: $30 Location: College Computer Lab Tune/Dates: Fridays, 2:00PM - 5:00PM; Satuldays, 9:00AM - 12 Noon, Februmy 27 and 28, OR March 27 and 28 OR April17 and 18 .

The Small Business Training Center "Dazzle "Your Customers Certificate Program Create a positive telephone image to your customers I Learn to become more "c:ustomer friendly" over the telephone and at lhe li'ont de4k: to manage that diftiCill~ customer and to become the "Front Door" of your organization or bosinessl Handouts and live demonstratipns will be provided. lllltructor Judi Morris has been an experienced phone receptionill for the past 16 yeart in the public and private sector. Instructor: Judi Morris • Fee: $35 • Tune/Dates: 9:00AM-1:00PM Saturday, February 21 or March 28 • Location: CollegeOffiee

Bow to Calculate and Report NM Gross Receipts Taxes for SmaD Business Owners This class will cover the basics of calculating and reporting New Mexico Gross Receipts taxes for smaiJ business owners in Lincoln County. lmtructor Amy Joy is an auditor with the Roswell DiJtrict office of the New Mexico TIIXIllion and Revenue Department. Instructor: Amy Joy * Fee: $5 • Tune/Dates: Tuesday , April9, 6:30 • 8:30PM • Location: College om.ees

Marketing Your Product or Services in RuidosoJLincoln County .. Consistently growing sales of. goods and services is more than just luck! This bow-to class covers topics such as developing a comnmnity profile, target customer identification, merchandising, cultivating and keeping local business c:ustomers, advertising, "electronic" marketing, awareness and other ideas. This workshop will be hands-on and designed specifically for the cbaDenges faced by the smaiJ business owner in the Ruidoso//Lincoln County area or anywhere! hqlrove your sales by registering for this exciting course! Instructor Gene Si1111110113 iJ the 1997 Small Busine31 Development Center Director of the Year for New Mexico. Instructor: Gene Simmons, SBDC Director • Fee: $10 • Tune/Date: 6:30- 8:30PM Wednesday, March 11 *Location: College om.ees

Notary Pub6c Training Did you know that notary publics in New Mexico bave to purchase and be covered by an insurance bond? Many notaries or people interested in becoming a Notary are unaware of the regulations covering this little known service. This course will cover the purpose of a Notary Public, obtaining a bond, type of documents, range of services, and keeping a Notary log. Instructor Karen Pilgreen has been a Notary Public 1ince 1975. Instructor: Karen Pilgreen * Fee: $30 * Time/Dates: Tuesday, 6:()().8:00 PM February 17 OR March 30 • Location: College Offiees

Planning ~e Future ofYour Business Learn how to wri1e a business plan and make five year projections for your smaiJ business or home-based business. This course will also teach bow to read balance sheets and income statements. You will also learn how to identify il!'d ~ather business and fmancial resources and madcet your business ... lnrtructor aene Simmom is the 1997 Small Business Development Cen,ter Director of the Year for New Mexico. Instructor: Gene Simmons, SBDC Director • Fee: $10 * Time/Dates: 6:30-8:30 PM, Wednesday, March4 *Location: Collegeom.ees

• 14 • . 'lb Register, contaet Our Friendly Stllr At: (505) l57·l120 .m: 1-B00-934-3668 .m: http://www.eomu.edu/Ruidoso

' ...'

• • . . '

UNIVERSITY INFORMATION PARKING AND SECURITY ESCORT SERVICES ' · The Ruido~ Center provides seanity escort services at Ruidoso High School for evening students. Students are encouraged to palk on the side and behind Ruidoso High School for their classes. The fire laDe adjacent to the ~e Arts building is not for parking and should be left open for police and lire vehicles. Security escort services are available from the BNMli'CustodiaoiSecurity escort each evening from the c:eotral pOint at the cafeteria for students wishing to be auompanied to tbeir car.

DOES YOUR SMAU.. BUSINESS NEED ASSISTANCE? The New Mexico Small Business Development Centers are committed to meeting the educational and business development needs of New Mexic:8ns and are available in Lincoln County to entreprenems and would-be entrepreneurs at no cbalge. Professional consultants are available in Ruidoso at the north branch of Ruidoso State Bank or through the Ruidoso Center to sluue numerous resources available to belp tbe prospec- 1 • . • ti.ve or cutrent business owner succeed. Services available include: One -on-one business counseling *Business Plan Development *Access to nationwide data bases *How to become a government supplier *Malketi.ng assistance II! Business classes. CaD 257-2120 in Ruidoso, toll free 1-800.934-3668, or Q4.7000 for assistance. The ENMU-R SBDC is a leading member of the New Mexico SBDC network.

. RUIDOSO SCHOOlS TOBACCO USE POLICY It is tbe policy of tbe Ruidoso Boatd of Education that there is to be no tobaCco in any form used on school property, including both buildings .. and grounds. This policy includes college students in evening and weekend classes. Please respect this policy by not using tobacco products inside fucilities or on school grounds

GED TESTING AND ADULT LITERACY SERVICES AVAILABLE IN LINCOLN COUNTY!!!! PRE- OED services including are available for residents of .the Ruidoso, Carrizozo, Capitan, Mescalero and Hondo areas. OED and English as a Second Language (BSL) classes are also available through NMSU-Alamogordo. Classes are held on Tuesdays, and Thursdays from S:OO- 8:00 PM at Ruidoso High School. Daytime classes are also available on Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30- 11:15 am at Nob Hill Scb9ol. The official OED test is given once per month at the University Center office, 709 Mechem. Testing is uslllllly given on the second Friday of eacb month. You must now take tbe OED pretest before you can complete the official OED test. Oass dates and times are subject to change. Please contact the Center office for more information including eilact ~ and dales.

LIBRARY/MEDIA SERVICES . . The Ruidoso ~enter Library, located at 709 Mechem Drive, is open during the regular semester; please check for posted hours. The Library is staffed by a professional librarian •. Jim Pawlak: and library assistant, I

' 15 •

' .·······~·~~- -·------~------~ ' . r------~-1 I I r 1998 Spring Semester Calendar I I Spring Registration Begins -Novenlber 17 I ·~ • University Offices closed Wmter Holiday December 24 -January 2 I I Martin Luther King Day (no classes, University Offices Closed) January 19 I

Instruction Begins January 20 · , I I

<; I Late Registration Begins January 20 ... ~ Last Day for Dmp/Add or Late Registration January 27 ·5:00pm Last Day to apply for Spring Graduation and Commencement February 6

Midterm Exam Week · · March 9 • 13 . . Spring Break March 16 • 21 .. Instruction Resumes March 23 , Last Day to Withdraw from a class or the University March 27 Summer Session Registration Begins ·April6 Final Exam Week May 8 -14 . · Last day of the Semester May 15 Spring Commencement (in Portales) May 16 ., Book Buyback (Bam - l2 Noon; 1 -5 pm) May 18 - 29 . \

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• What's New at ENMU???

• 1. Classes on the Internet from ENMU! PSY101 and REL 103 2. Even More lTV Classes (54 in all!), offering Baccalaureate and Master's programs 3. Lottery Scholarships and Federal Financial Aid is available for funding your education 4. the GED test is · the 2nd Friday of each month at 709 Mechem Drive

The ENMU • University Center 709 Mechem Drive ·Sierra MaD Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345

'Jrlln® lFR Thursdays, January 22 to March 12, 7:00-9:00 PM New Topics include Recent court decisions and case law on Mediation, Land­ lord Tenant Relations, Domestic Relations, Business Partnerships and Incorporation, Wills and Estate Planning, Criminal and DWI Law. Cost: ·$20 Sponsors: the Uncoln County Bar Association and ENMU § n.~IID 10 IPJ 1r

The Ruidoso Instruction Center of ENMU · Community Education Registration (505) 257-2120 *709 Mechem Drive Ruidoso, NM 88345 *FAX(505) 257-9409 visit our Community Ed class schedule at httpl/www. enmu.edu/Ruidoso \ ..

i Phone_....· ~...... _- , tt Mailing

Please check if you are applying

I for ' aSenior discount. · Class Name-----.~-----...... __...... Datesffime ~~-----...... Fees Due: ~·...._.__._ Class Name Datesffime Fees Due: ______

I Payment Method: Cash Check# P. 0.# Credil Card# -..-.._,_..-----...... ~ Discover VISA Master Card· ~xp. Da~e------Ihereby acknowledge my financial responsibility for this registration: · For Office Use Only Signature: Date: · Thank you! ~ I Amount Paid -..

I I ' I Date Paid Ruido,M Communi~' Education ... uJing your I rr T Reed. By ____ ideas for fim, new skills and new friends! Data Input --...... ·
