- - --- -- ----- ..... ....- - --- - - ....----- .....---------- -- -- ---------------- ... - ....--- .. -- -- ...... ,.....--- .....-- ...- -- -- ....------ ..... ------- ..-- .,...--- ---------------..,..-.......-..,.......---......--Jill""""" ...... ....---.......---------......----.........-.......-...---111'"""'""-....----- ... - ........ .......-....... ............ --........----...... I J OUR 51ST YEAR oso 50 CENTS R lJ I l) () S () , N L \X/ ;\!lFXIC() • FRIDAY, JAN~ 9 1998 ISSUE NO. 67 • 26 PAGES ' Ax-wielding convict seeks medical release from prison BY DIANNE STALUNGS involving visitation to his chil­ ical reasons. parents In years for escape and would ..1 just got word yesterday RUIDOSO Nf:WS HAH WIUTI'.R dren. He was sentenced to 16 His hearing Boyd Bartlett attacked his Artesia. have to apply for parole from and that's highly unusual," years in prison on two charges is set for estranged wife and injured But while that too," the spokesman said. Maddox said. "They usually do A man who attacked two of attempted murder. Monday doctors who Michael Thms, spokesman pre-parole reports, but I didn't But all Terry McDaniels (Jan. 12) m one of her friends with an examined him for the Department of know anything about it. But women with at;bax in Ruidoso 4, seven years ago is asking the remembers is being hit in the Santa Fe. ax in Ruidoso on Oct. acknowledge Corrections, said his office can­ we're on top of it now. I talked head, arm and body with the ax A state parole board to release 1990 he suffers not release any details on to the cabinet (corrections) sec­ as she was trying to protect spokesman Bartlett's behavior while in retary yesterday. We're trying him from prison because of a From Ruidusu Nerl'sfiles f r o m herself from an enraged for the State Hepatitis C, prison. Bartlett did not respond to get all our ammunition medical condition. Bartlett. Parole Board they don't to attempts by the newspaper together so we can keep him On Oct. 4, 1990, Boyd She remembers fearing for said Bartlett indicate the to contact him. from getting paroled." Bartlett attacked his estrang­ her life and having that fear contends he has a chronic liver condition is terminal, the Ruidoso Police Chief Lanny "I've had more phone calls ed wife and injured one of her renewed two years later when disease and that the condition spokesman said. Maddox, who was the investi­ from big-wigs in probation and friends with an ax. Bartlett escaped from the state is terminal. He wants out of "Even if the parole would gating detective on Bartlett's parole since I talked to Reportedly, he was under penitentiary for a few weeks. prison to participate in an be granted on the two attempt­ case in 1990, said he's the influence of drugs and was Now Bartlett, 34, is seeking experimental medical treat­ ed murder charges, he has a adamantly opposed to an early reacting to a domestic situation a parole from prison for med- ment. He would live with his consecutive sentence of five release for Bartlett. See CONVICT, page 2A LCMC's first baby of 1998 Ruidoso water bonds on ballot Council points to failing infrastructure, need for Eagle Creek rights purchase • Ruidoso councilors Wednesday asked defeated, the tax will remain until voters to approve some $4.6 million in 2003," Village Manager Gary Jackson bonds on March 3. told the council. "The second thing is that water BY ToNI K. LA.XSON improvements are needed now, they RI'/IJ0.\0 NfW.\ .HAff WRIH.R will be needed next year and the year after that." Ruidoso's water system is in need The village must use the 1-cent of long-delayed improvements, gross receipts tax to retire bonds from Ruidoso councilors said Wednesday the early 1980s and in 1995, when before adding a bond proposal to the voters put $2 million towards water March 3 municipal election ballot. system improvements. Both issues "You never know when there will will be paid off by the -year 2003, be another drought, and you can't Jackson said. plan too much for these things," For the new issue to pass, voters Mayor Jerry Shaw said before the would have to approve both questions vote. on the ballot, Jackson said. The vil­ To approve the bonded debt, vot­ lage's tax would not increase, but would continue in the year 2003 Juloe Baxter/Rwdoso News ers would have to answer "yes" to two instead of dropping by l cent. questions ~ first, a continuation of a Peter Loda and Rheagan Davis are the proud new parents of Addison Loda. Addison was the first baby born in 1998 at Uncoln County current 1-cent gross receipts tax; and Though the council had asked Medical Center. Although his Jan. 5 binh had him arrive too late to watch the ball drop, he sull beat the clock when it came to the number one second, a bond issue of up to that the two questions be merged into baby of the year. See the srory on page SA $4,625,000. one to avoid confusion, bond attorneys "First of all, it needs to be under­ ---- . ----~ -----~-----~~~---- --~~-- stood that even if both questions are See BONDS, page 3A Village trustees all are preparing wish lists f< >r the '98-99 budget Basketball madness Ruidoso Downs cashing in on Wal-Mart move " in lincoln County Late results of two prep bas­ . - ~-------~~~----, --- --...,.------------~ ·--------- • 7/Jough Wal-Murl m<wcd fmm Rurdoso revenue in September 'They will probably hang on to the ketball tournaments, the High all it. to Rwdoso Dozens rn ( ktoher, the /mun­ 1996 was $51,700. majority of it, or of until we do the Country Shootout in Ruidoso and ~ Village's gr·oss t'C'ccipts "So, you figure we ( 1998-99> budget," she added. ··' rmpad rs JUSt nmc [;cmg left. the Smokey Bear Invitational in are this high already The village's current budget is Capitan: $189.989 ~ $200,000 ~ and I about $1.3 million after deducting a $1 BY Tm"1 K. LAxsoN ~- we've got six more High Country Shootout Rl"l[)( 1~0 .VFU'\ IT·U I u·Rn I.R million federal grant. Even without months left lin the fis- \Val-Mart money, the village this year Ruidoso 76, Mescalero 17 (see story $124.023 cal vear)," Weihbrecht gave all employees 20 percent raises, page 28) A year ago, Ruidoso Downs 1 said. received $25,000 in gros.•s receipt.."i tax created three new pol"itions and dou­ Santa Teresa 64, Desert Christian 56 Based on Ruidoso's Socorro 91, Chihuahua 47 revenues for the month of October. $62.408 blro village trustee compensation. $56.803 projected losses of Portales . Hondo Valley (late) This year, the amount was $900,000 a year Weihbn--cht said a new flePt of vehi­ cles f( r the police dqmrtment will be $124,000. ' $46.478- ~..,.... because of Wal-Mart'5 Smokey Bear lnvitationaJ Three words: \Val-Mart SupPr $5·.0.... 435 $5-.... ~ --·7. 3___ .. _~ request£-d. "And I know we have streets _....',· D ~3 $25.139 move, the Downs Boys: Center. ·i [] rc would conversely that need to be don£•, and we need to When the discount chain moVf>d its EJ D rece1ve $900,000, finish our fAll AmPricanl park," she Tatum86. Mountainair 44 store from Ruidoso into Ruidoso Downs LAII<.. I L S1 Pl ..J l On.J WPihbrecht said. said. Eunice 73. Magdelena 67 on Oct. 15, it virtually opened the llowever, "until Downs Mayor .Joe Hayhurst would Capitan. Carrizozo (late) money vault forth(' ;-,mall••r VIllage. nt>xt 111onth's (check) like to put a gymnasium in at All Hatch. Alamo Sophs (late) Ruidoso Downs' yearly income, not comes in, it's hard to American Park, which can he used by Next round gross receipts taxes hPfnre sending • capitan plays at 7:30 p.m. today including froeral grants, is expecU.>d to municipalities their share, has so far say," she said. "BPCause next month's the village as wPII as othf'r organiza­ about double from the bounty resulting dPiivPred two hefty checks to Ruidoso will he for a w!1olP month of Wal-Mart tions, h<' Raid. Girls from Wal-Mart's sales. Downs, according to Downs Villag<• - pn•-Christn il.."> Wal-Mart . .J bet we "I definit<>ly want to try to gpt that Eunice 83, Mountainair 25 Ruidoso, on thP other hand, is pro­ Clerk I.A·ann Weihbrecht. pull in anothPr $!j00,000 for the year. in thP budgt't for nPxt year," llayhurst Hatch 59, Dexter 56 jecting a loss of 14 p4C'rCPnt of gTOSS That could b( wrong, but that's a said. "But what the rest ofthPm have in Cap1tan 91, Carrizozo 24 receipt..<> revenueK And despitR a boom­ The $124,000 check, n·flecting guesstimate." mind, I don't have any idea." Tatum 55, Ruidoso 38 October gross receipt."i, camP at the end So far, D1,wns trustees haven't ing winter economy, Ruidoso prohahly Weihbrt.><:ht said Downs trustees Next round of December. Earlier, the Downs spent any of \Val-Mart proceeds nor won't. be looRening its tightened budget are guing to turn in "wish list.."" of pro- • Capitan plays Eunice at 6 p.m. today belt anytime soon, said Village received a check of $189,989.02 for have they stau'{l any intention of doing • Ruidoso plays Dexter at 2 p.m. today Manager Gary .Jack...<;On. September, when Wal-Mart's construc­ so in this fiscal year, which ends June The state, which takes its cut of tion costs were taxro. Comparatively, :lO, WPihbrt'Cht ~aid. See DOWNS, page 2A Also see Sports, Page I B ... WtE.ATH!EIR She's forging her Partly Ruidoso hunter cloudy to Arts ............4C: M1 >vie-s ..........9(: Scott Annala bags art in the flame weekend; Business .......
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