Concept/Topic: Week 3 Essential How is teamwork an important part of team building and maneuvering a canoe? Question: 2

Guiding Why is teamwork essential to maneuvering a canoe? Questions: D, E How is canoe teamwork similar to other teamwork?

Social Studies Students will associate other teamwork experiences to help them understand canoe Learning teamwork. Outcomes:

Literacy Students will: Reading Skills: Development • build vocabulary guided reading Learning • write a poem research Outcomes: • develop an effective interview generate questions based on reading

EALR(s): Reading: 1.1, 1.5, 2.2, 3.2, 3.4 Writing: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3

Communication: Social Studies: Other: 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Vocabulary/ bail, between, chanting, cooperation, dip, goals, groups, lift, paddle, patience, portage, Language pull, ready, regalia, rhythm, souls, teamwork, time. Development (words, phrases): Resources: • Various teamwork pictures. • Shovel-nose canoe as described in by Zalmai Zahir • Video: Hank Gobin Interview –Tulalip Tribes. • Video: Paddle to Seattle. • Tulalip Tribes: From Our Ancestors –Hank Gobin (see C3.6). Suggested • Canoes –Zalmai Zahir. Books: • Coast Salish Canoes and Canoes and Paddles –Leslie Lincoln. • Traditions and Change and the NW Coast –Ruth Kirk. • Canoe, Canoe! What Can You Do? –Jerome Jainga. • In Our Canoe –Jerome Jainga. • Look What I Found –Jerome Jainga. • Shovel-nose Canoe –Maria Parker Pascua. Culminating (or Extension Activity): Have students act as team members to “put in “ the paper cut-out Activity: canoe they made last week. Display the canoes in room or hallway.

C3.1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Morning Circle • Post the Word of • Ask, “What does it • Do “Ready/Lift” • Do “Ready/Go” • Invite in a canoe the week, take to be a good activity (see C3.4). activity (see C3.4). team or member, “Teamwork” team member?” • Invite a local coach • Discuss the verbs or view Hank • Revisit last week’s • List qualities as a guest. Direct learned this week: Gobin Interview. chart and activities. discussed on their talk by dip, pull, paddle, • Have students • Discuss teamwork Language showing the Venn bail, etc. prepare and ask experience in Experience Chart. diagram, “How is a • Ask, “Why is questions for school, sports, canoe team like a teamwork guests. home, etc. sports team? (see important in these • Have guests • Web the word. C3.5). activities?” Refer discuss your (See C3.3.) back to Tuesday’s vocabulary words. Language • Have students Experience Chart. write a class canoe song. Shared Reading • Go over all • Read Shovel-nose • Read Tulalip • View the video • Write an acrostic vocabulary, noting Canoe and have Tribes: From Our Paddle to Seattle.. poem using the all “p” words: students listen for Ancestors. • Ask, “Did you see word “teamwork,” patience, pull, etc. places where you • Have students get examples of T-trusting • Read In Our must work as a own tribe’s code of teamwork? Was E-energized Canoe. team. conduct, if anyone A- • Ask students to • Pair teams for the possible, and read. pulling?…showing M- (use define the words following group • Watch sections on respect?” W- student O- team canoe work activity. teamwork in the language R- & ideas) members must Hank Gobin K- know. Interview. Individual, Paired, or Small Group Work • Have students act • Do buddy reading • As a whole group, • Read Canoe, • Send a copy of out action In Our Canoe; prepare a Venn Canoe! What Can acrostic poem vocabulary words. individual, paired, diagram to You Do? home with • Put words in etc. compare a school • Using vocabulary students and as a alphabetical order. • With their partners, team to a canoe words, expand on gift to canoe team • Use Look What I have students team; tell what is story; e.g.: “We guests. Fo