DhInInj_ Ciadgil Libnry IPmlomllDlDDlllm1 GIPE-PtnN~208S NARRATIVE AND CRITICAL


2.0~5 1Cbt mntttb. ~tat£.u








'k (the Scott . Fac-simile CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIOl\



THE REVOLUTION IMPENDING, Mellen Ckamotrlai... II:LUSTRATIONS: George III., 20; Lord North. with Autograph, 21; Rocking- ham, 31; Fac-simile of Gloriou.r Nnu" May 16, 1766, 33; , 36; \5 Fac-simile of ~dams's Writing, 31 i , with Autograph, 40; Samuel Adams, 41; Revere's Plan of State Street at the time of the Bos- ton Massacre. 48; Autognpbs of the Court for the Trial foUowiQg the Massacre,-Benjamin Lynde, John Cushing, Peter Oliver, , Jonathan Sewall, Samuel Winthrop, So; of the Counsel,- , Samuel Quincy, John Adams, Josiah Quincy, :Jr., and Sampson S. Blowers, SI; Joseph Warren, 54; Fac-simile of Broadside• . June 32. [773. 5S; A Contemporary Print, 59; Broadside, June .7, 17704. 61.


EDITORIAL NOTES 68 ILLUSTR.ATIONS: Statue of James Otis. 69i Jonathan Mayhew, 71; Autograph of Charles Chauncey, 71; George Ill., 76; Fac-simile of Handbill, Faneuil Hall Meeting, Oct. 28. 1767. 77 i of Broadside. TAe Trw SOIU 0/ liINrty, 78; List of Merchants importing OODtrary to agreement, 79; Broadside pro­ saibing William Jackson. 80; Revere's Cut of the Landing of Troops in Boston. 1768. 81; John Dickinson, with Autograph, 82 j Autograph of James Bowdoin, 83; William Livingston. 84 i I!..iberty Song, 86; Massachusetts Liberty Song~ 87; Fac-simile of Instructions to Representatives, signed by Richard Dana and William Cooper, 87; Handbill on the Anniversary of the , 89; Handbill of Warning. Dee. " 1773, 9"; Philadel· phia Ppster about the Tea-Sbips. 93; Josiah Quincy's Manuscript Dedica­ tion of bis Port-Bill Tract. 94 i Quincy Mansion. ¢; Handbill announcing the Port Bill and Regulating Bill. en; Handbill of General Bntde's Letter, 1774. C)S j Autograph of Thomas Cushing, 99; Signen of the Congress of 1774. II»; Satirical Print. y;,.1u4/ Rq;ru~. 103 i Josiah Quincy's Diary, lOS; L<>rd North. 107; Chatham, 109; Richard Price, Portl1li. and Autograph,lllj Autograph of Lord. Dutmoutb,II •. :ONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS.


• (ECIPITATED. Tlte Ed;"'r. • • ...... 113 t~TIONS: Autograph of Admiral Graves, lt4; Notice of Committee of I~pondence. signed by William Cooper, I I S j Autograph of ]edediah ~ble, 116; of Joseph Hawley, 118; Roads of Roxbury and beyond, 120; .)ads between Boston and Marlborough, 121 j Heath's Account of the 'ight at MeRotomy. u6; General Heath, with Autograph, 127; Autograph ,f Ethan Allen, 128; Ruins of Ticonderoga, 129; Pen~and·lnk Sketch of the Roxbury Lines, 130; Warren's Last Note, 132; Notice to the Militia, '33; Order of the Committee of Safety, (lSi Autograph of Colonel William Prescott, 135 j of John Brooks. 136; of John Stark, 137; of Richard Pigot, 137; of Governor Tryon. with seal, 140; of Joseph Reed, 141 j Washing­ ton's Heads of Letter, July 10. 177St 141 j Letter of John Hancock, June 22, 1775, 143; Autograph of General Gage. 145; Handbill thrown within the British Lines, 147; Views of Country around Boston from Beacon Hill, 148, 149, 150, 151; A Vaudevil on Tlte B(1I1()11 BI«kade, 154; Playbill of Zara, 155; Autograph of General Knox. 1,S6; Views of Boston and of the Cast~ 157; Proclamation of Washington, 159; Guy Carleton, with Autograph, 1641 Seal of Lord Dunmore, 167; Plan of Attack on Fort Moultrie, 169; PJan of Attack on Charlestown, S. C., 170; WilHam Moultrie, 171. LTICAL ESSAY , OTES • '. 174 ILLUSTRATIONS: Colonel Parker's Lexington Deposition, 176; Colonel Barren's Concord Deposition, 177; Plan of Lexington, 179; of Concord, 180; Emer~ soo's, Diary, 181; Earl Percy, 182, 183; Lexington Green. 185 j Richard Frothingham, 186; Ezra Stiles, with Autograph. 188 i Autograph of Samuel Swett, 191; General Putnam, with Autograph, 19%; Autograph of General Ward, 192; Joseph Warren, 193; Handbill (Tory Account) of the Battle of Bunker Hill, rgG; View of the Battle of Bunker Hill, 197; Plans of Char1e5. town Peninsula and the Battle, 198. 199; Plan of the Battle, %01; Autograph of General Heath, 203; PIan of the Siege of Boston, zo6; Boston and Vicin­ ity. June, 1775, 208; Boston and Charlestown, 177S. %10; British Lines on Boston Neck, 211; Map of the St. Lawrence and Sorel Rivers, %IS; Gen­ eral Montgomery on the Capitulation of S1. John, %17; Attestation of Mont­ gomery's Will, %18; Richard Montgomery, %20,. %%1; Benedict Arnold, with Autograph, %:23; Montresor's Map of the Kennebec Region, 2%.4; David Wooster. with Autograph. 22'S; Plan of Siege of Quebec, %:26; Autograph of Charles CarToll of Carrollton, 22'J; View of Sallivan'. Island, 228 j View of Charles"""" S. C. and the British Fleet (In6), Z29-



CRITICAL EsSAY • 252 EoITOIlIAL NOTES 255 lUUSTJlAT.o"., Autographs of the Mecklenburg Committee. 's6; Thoma Jel­ fenon, 291; State Ho..... Pbiladelpbia, 259; 0riginaJ Draft of the ~ tioD of Independence, .60; AutogT2pb of Thoma Jeft"""",- %6.; Porttait and Autograph of Roger Sherman, z6z; Autc>gr.lpbs of the SigneD of the Declaration of IndepeI1deoc:e, z6J-z66; Fa<>simiJe of a eontempon>y Broad- CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. v

side of the Declaration, 267; John Dickinson, 268; John Hancock (the Scott picture), 270; (a German picture), 271 ; Charles .Thomson, 272; Fac-simile of a Page of Christopher Marshall's Diary. 273.


THE STRUGGLE FOR THE HUDSON. George W. Cullu", • • • • . • • • • 275 ILLUSTRATIONS: Mortier House, on. Richmond Hill, Washington's Headquarten:, 276; Lord Howe, 277 j General Sir William Howe, 278 ; Lord Stirling, 280 j Roger Morris House, Washington's Harlem Headquarters, 284 j Autograph ·of Knyphausen, 289; Portrait and A utograph of Burgoyne, 292; another Por­ trait. 293; Lord George Germain, 295; General Arthur St. Clair, 297; Auto­ graph of Generd Schuyler, 297; General John Stark, 301.; General Horatio Gates, 302; General Horatio Gates, with Autograph, 303 j Sir Henry Clin­ ton. Portraits and Autograph, 306. 307; General George Clinton,· Jo8; Fac­ simile of Burgoyne's Letter to Gates, 310; Rude contemporary Cuts of Washington and Gates, 311.

CRlTICAL ESSAY. . . . . ~. . . •


EDITORIAL NOTES 323 ILLUSTRATIONS: Plan of Fort Montgomery, 324; Chain at Fort Montgomery, 324; Plan of Constitution Island, 325; Plans of the Battle of Long Island, 327, 338; Rauer's smaller Map of New York City, 332; johnston's Map of New York Island (1776), 335; the Sauthier-Faden Plan of Campaign round New York (1776), 3,36; }4~ort Washington and Dependencies, 339; ,the Sauthier-TryDn Map of New York Province (1774), 340; the Present Seat of War, from Low's A./malUlC, 343; New York and Vicinity, from the Political MagoBine, 34t1; Campaign of 1776, from Hall's History, 344; Hes­ sian Map of the Campaign 'above New York (1776), 345; Map of Arnold's Fight near Valcour Island, 347; Trumbull's Plan of Ticonderoga and its Dependencies (1776), 352; Map of Ticonderoga (I777) used at St. Clair's Trial. 353; Fleury's Map of Fort Stanwiz, 355; Plan of the Conflict at Sara­ toga, 363; Attack on Forts Clinton and Montgomery as mapped by John Hills, 363; another Plan, from Leake's Lift of La",,,, .]65.

CHAPTER V. • THB STRUGGLE FOR THE DELAWARE• ....!...PHILADELPHIA UNDER HOWE AND UNDER ARNOLD. F,.derick D •. StOM. . • • • • • • • • • • . • . • . • 367 ILLUSTRATIONS: Charles Lee, 369; his A"Utograph, 370; Fac..simile of an Appeal of the Council of Safety, Dec. 8, 1776. 371 i Broadside of the Council of Safety, 37:; Lord Howe, J80; General Grey. 383 i General Sir William Howe, 383; Alexander Hamilton, J84; Anthony Wayne, J85; the Destruc­ tion of the U Augusta." J88 ; Fac·simile of Proclamation of Washington. Dec. 20t 1777, J90; Playbill of Theatre in Southwark. February, 1778, ]94-

EDITORIAL NOTES 403 IUUSTllATIONS: Autograph of General RichanJ Prescott, 403 i Map, from the CnrllntfcJ,,'s MIIgtJsilfl, of the Neighborhood of New York. 404; Joseph Reed, 405; Charles Lee. 406; Marshall's Map of Trenton, Princeton, and Monmouth. 4oS; Hessian Map of Trenton and Princeton, 409; Faden's Map of Trenton and Princeton, 410; Wiederhold's Map of Trenton. 411; Wilkinson's Map of Trenton. 41:; of Princeton. 413; Hall's Map of the vi CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

Campaign of 1777.414; Galloway's Map, 41S; General Sir WUllam Howe, 417,418; Washington's Map of Brandywine, 420; Hetlsian Map of Brandy. wine,422; Hessian Map of Paoli, 423; Faden's Map of Trudruffrin. or Paoli, 424; Approaches to Gennantown. 425; Montresor's Map of Gennantown Battle,426,427; Hessian Map of Gennantown,428; View of Stenton, Logan" House, 429; Faden's Map of Operations on the Delaware, 429; Lafayette's Map of the Attack at Gloucester, N. J., 430; Map of Fort Mifflin on Mud Island, 431; f1eury's Plan of Fort Mifflin, 432, 433; Attack on Fort Mif· flin. 434. 435; Plan of Mud Island Fort, 437; Attack 00 Mud Island, 4,38; Map of Valley Forge Encampment, 439; Defences of Philadelphia, 440, 441 ; Vicinity of Philadelphia, 442; Barren Hill, 443 j PJan of the Battle of Mon· mouth, 444; Monmouth and Vicinity, 445-

THE TREASON OF ARNOLD. TI,e Editor . • . • . • • . • 447 ILLUSTRATIONS: Portraits of Benedict Arnold, 447, 448, 449; Arnold'. Com­ mission as Major-General, signed by John Hancock. 4SO; Plans of Welt Point, 451, 459. 462;: Portraits of Major John Andre., 452, 453t 454 ; Auto­ graphs of Andre. 452, 453; Plans of the Hudson River, 455. 456, 465; Por­ mit and Autograph of Benjamin Tallmadge, 457.


THE WAR IN THE SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT. Edward Channing. ILLUSTRATIONS: View of Charlestown, S. C.,471 ; Fac--simile of General Moultrie', Order, 471 ; Fac-simile of Commodore Whipple's Letter, 472; General Ben­ jamin Lincoln, Portrait and Autograph. 473;: Portraits' of CornwalJiA, 47'" 475; Portrait of General Gates, 476; Lord Rawdon, 489; Kosciusko, 492 ;: Steuben, 4tJ1; Portrait and Autograph of Rochambeau, 498; Autographs of French Officers. sao; Portraits of Comte de Grasse, 502, S03; hil Auto­ graph. 502; Fac-simile of Articles of Capitulation at Yorktown, S05; Nelson House, so6- CRITICAL EsSAY. • . ILLUSTRATIONS: Portraits of General Nathanael Greene, soB, S09t 5u, 513; hial Autograph, 51 ....

NOTJ!S • . • ...... • . . . . . • . . 519 ILLUS'l"KATIONS: Map of Siege of Savannah (1779), 91;: Plan of Charleston (1780), 526; Siege of Charleston. sz8;: Battle of Camden, 531; Gatea'. Defeat, 533; Battle of Guildford, 54"; Map of Cape Fear River, 542; Action at Hobkirk's HiD, 543;: Diagram of the Naval Action of.De Grane. WI; Plans of the Yorktown Campaign, Sse. 551, SSZ·

EDITORIAL NOTJ!S ON EVENTS IN THE NORTH , • • • . • • • • • • • 555 ILLUSl1I.ATloJ<': Hessian Map cl the Hudson Highiands, ss6; Stoney Point, 557; VerplaDck" Point, 557; Faden'. Plan of Stony Point, 591; Paul .. Hook-Ssg.


THE NAVAL HISTORY OF THE AMERICA./< REvOLUTION. Ed1lla,,{ E. Hale • • 56:3 Iu.tJSTR.ATJOJlS: Fac-simi1e oi Commodore T~. OrdeB to command the • Boston," sf"'; Esek Hopkins, s69; AuJograpb of Joebua Barney, 575; of Captain John 112ny, 911; Fac..mrile cl Captain Tucker'. Parole at Charfe&. ton, sSJ. CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATION:;. vii



ILLUSTRATIONS: Paul Jones, 592 j Richard Pearson, 593 j' Count D'Estaing, 594, 595 j his Autograph, 595 j Plan of the Siege of Newport, 596; Blaskowitz's Plan of Newport, 597 j Sullivan's Campaign Map, 598 j View of the Fight on Rhode Island, S99 j Lafayette's Map of Narragansett Bay, (Kx); his Plan of the Campaign on Rhode Island, 603; Autograph of General Solomon Loven. 603 j Map of the Attack on Penobscot (Castine), 604-


THE INDIANS AND THE BORDER WARFARE OF THE REVOLUTION. A"dre'1lJ McFarland Davrs-': . . . . • ...... • . . . 605 ILLUSTRATIONS: Guy Johnson's Map of the Country of the Six Nations. 609; Joseph Thayendaneken (Brant), 623 j Brant, by Romney, 625; his Autograph, 625; St. Leger's Order of March, 628; Peter Gansevoort, 629; the Butler badge, 631; General Sullivan, 637. CRITICAL ESSAY 647 NOTES

ILLUSTRATION: Map of Colonel Williamson's Ma.rchesJ 6750


THB WEST, FROM THE TREATY OF PEACE WITH FRANCE, 1763, TO THE TREATY OF PEACE WITH ENGLAND, 1783., William Frederick Poole. . . . • . . 685 ILLUSTRATIONS: Henry Bouquet, 692 i Plan of Bushy Run Battle, 693; Bou· quet's Council with the Indians, 6c)s; Bouquet's Campaign Map, 6g6; Map of the Illinois Country, 700; Ruins of Magazine at Fort Chartres, 703 i • ~, : Daniel Boone, 707" Plan of Kaskaskia, 717; Lieutenant Ross's Map of the Mississippi, 721; FaCosimile of Colonel Clark's Summons to Governor Ham- ilton,727·

THE CLOSING SCENES OF THE WAR 744 ILLUSTRATIONS: Captain Asgill, 745 i Fraunce's Tavern in New York, 747.

INDEX ...' ...... 749 .INDEX. 750 INDEX.

Anburey, Tbomas., r,.iJW/6.360. journal. 218; his leuel'll, z.8, 219, BASSON Gl(JJl&IIUr' sM· Andenon, Col. RobL, 6n. Z20; intercepted, 22'; portrait'.Z~3; Bacon, i.;oDard W., aD the invaaioD Andenon. W.J., ;n6. autog., ZZJ; lettll'll during the re- of Conn., 557; .ddreu on GroWD Andre, Maj. Jobn, at Boston, 2D4; in treat. 226; in command on Lake Heights., 56~. PlUladelplll.il;, 395; in the Mischianu, Champlain, 29~, }46; al Valcour's Badeaux, J. B" /"'lJtUW,, 11M Ci11U1if4. 436; his letten 10 Mrs. Arnold, 449; Island, 39:1; escapel, ~Q3 ; joins :ilZ3- as .. John ADdenon," 449; profile Schuyler"q8 i advances toward fiorl Bailey, j. T., S1'(1ok/ylt, 3~9· likeness, 45%; autographs, 45%, .. s~. SlaDwL.JOO. 350, 61:1; under Gates, lJaker, W. S., A ",,,ienH £111(1'''''"'' othH pr>l11"3.ita, 45J. 454; one ]04; at l'reeman's Fann, ~05: quar· 81, 185; William SIM'J, 4<)", Reynolda, 4~; sketch by hinue • rei with Gales, ]06; in light 01 Uct. BaJcarms, Earl, ~ i with DU'lO)'ne, 454. 461; Adj.-General, 453; his in­ ~ .777, ]oS; was he at }o"reeman's Z().4.· . structions from Clinton, 4S4; em the l'"arm ~ 3'5, 357; wounded (Oct. 7. Balch, Tho,lIa!, .01; Mfl.rylfl.u Lilli, .. Vulture." 45.4; lands at the Clove, 1777), 351; at Trenton, 379; mar· 202; edits Blanchard's Joumal, 554 i 454; meets Arnold, 45-1; goes to nes, 4DZ ; did he I\uggest the attack on Lu/r"II((l."'" AIIIh-;tfM, 560. Smith's house, 455; ~IVe5 papers Trealon? -40'7; his t~nr 441; par. BaldWin. C. C., aD ViiO and G. R. &om Arnold, 455; disguises himself. traits, +41, 4,..s. 449. Ihe beginning Oark.1z5· 456: goes by land towards New of his t~nable cOrrellpondence. Baldwin, Loammi, I~. York. 4st.>: captured, .. 57: papeR +41, 448; ru. birthplace .....8; his Baldwin, Samuel. Din1'7, S25- found on him, 457; their history. 457: bouse, «8. his marriage, 449. as Balfour, Capt., u8. carried to Jameson, "58; writes a "Gustavus," .... 9. gives Clinton in· Balfour. Col., commands in Charlet- letter co Washington, 458; at West formation, +49. 1I0t lrusled by ClIn· ton, 517, 5]8, 54" Point, .¢o; confined al Tappan, ¢o; gress, 450; at Danbury, "So. made Ball~ton, N. Y., destroyed, 645· belOTe a military board, 41)0; coo­ major'general, 4SO: fac~imile of his Baltnoore, Lord, 673· demned. 460; procec:dingll 01 the commission, 4SO; his wife at Robin- Bancroft, Col. E., 18'}. board printed, 460; various editions, son hoU&e, 458; in command in Bancroft, Geo., on the navigalion ac;t.II, 460; subject of lragedy,.¢o. 464; Philad., 367, 400. -402, 4so. 45'; 64: on the siege of Boston, 173: hil Clinton endeavors to save bim. 4(JI ; charges against him by the Council I account of the Long Island battle requesl$ to be shot,,.61 ; his conduct, of Penna .• 450: court.martial, 40~. criticised. 330; on Arnold's treasoD. 461. his ",kelches., 461; hanged, 461. <4SO, 4~1 ; ~b accounts of the <.:anada 464; on Ori1lk.aoy, 665; on Wyo- his remains Laken to En~land, 461 ; expedition qU"'tioned, 4SO: repri~. ming, 665- his statement. 461; hill monumml, manded by Wuhin!;ton, 403, 431; I Bangt., Lieut"J"'. • 63; his mother penaioned, 46]; Lif~ at the Robin!Ksft house, 4SZ; hi~ ! Danker, Gerar .409. by W. &rgent, 464; PaJ-1 on, ed. treasonable leiter. ptetlerved. 49:; Banks, James, Hitt. AdJrlllt 676. by DalllllOn, 46.. ; captured. at St. darts to meet Annre, 453; his Barber, Col. Franci" 668 i order· john,.".; a ptUOner, 464; served passes, 453; his price, 454. 46] ; book, b;o. with ? Barr.ia, autng_, son; succeeds Terna" z26; exvr~ from Quebec:. ZZ2. attempt to aeUe him, .. 68, in VIry;Inla. 499- Anthony. H. D., on "rernay's tomb, 4'il5, 5-+6, 733; di5lrullted by Clinton, Barre, Isaac, acc.ountA of, 72; hit 499; address on G~, 5'0. 546. invades Coanecticnt, s6:a • had speeches on Ihe SLamo Act, 29t 7z; Antbony's Nose (Hodaoa RsYer), l2+ IDdians with him 0'11 the Kennebec: originatea the phrue "Som of Lib- AppletO'll, W. s., no. exped., 614; his treason and the nty," 7a; his portJ?lit ordered by App\etown. N. Y., 66q.. northern invuiona, 67~; bU capture ~, 74; predicts lou of ~ Appoquiniminlr. Creek, 4~1. atklDpted.lp· lUes, 8§. A",harpe. c-..Wr-.uitnu _ U. ~_ Arnold, S. G., in tbe Rhode Island BafTen Am, Lafayetk at, )¢, +42. tlat:t. etc..,1O; Rnoinll,1O' Arbuthnot, Admiral Mari.04 attacks ~.t~SQ~:. on Benedict Amuld I B='~t, 12.... Charlestown, S. C .• 472. 5---.6. 5%1; at Freeman's Farm, ]57; .. AI"lK:Ild Barntte, Lieut .• S45. bIodadet. Newport. ¢o; COOtTo­ u the court of George III," ¢); I Barrett., Samuel. IOC}. ~ .nth OiDlODo 517; AICCI!Itdcd. Li~ tif /haedic/ .A~d• .¢4; hla B..,..,ow. Sir Jobn. L_tI HMtII, 594- c...... ,.,. family, 464; controverted by J. A. Barry, Henry, SI,iehwu E.x.",_tl. Armand, Col., 5]]; with Gates, m· Stevens. 464; bis death, .,... .06. Annstrong, Gen., on Bl1I"IOfDe'Scam­ Asgill. Up!.. OJas., cue oi, 744 i por·IBany, Com. Johtl, hie autDl·. sBl; paign, ]5~; on Genoauwwn,

Beacb. W. W., 1 __ M~. Biddle, CapL Nicholas, in the .. An­ ditionsofleaviDg, laS; couatryToriea . 657. drea Doria." 570; porttalt, 5'TP; in enter Boston, 128; army besieging, Beamau on Ticonderoga, 214. the "Randolph," 571; engages the 1]4; Brilish in, 134; refufort:emeucs Bean, T. W.o IVlU4:R.ctmc til YIIiIq u Yarmoutb,' ,71. under Burgoyne. Clinton, and Howe,. '"P, 416, 439- BigeJow, Col. Tunotby, orderly-books 134; Gates advises agmnst an as.­ .BeardS1ey, Lifo 6/ W. s. 7~. 85. (177910 1780), ]SI}. sault, 142; want of provisions dur­ Bears, Isaac. 178. Bit:-Knives (Kelltuckians), 722. iog the siege, 144; conwopomry Beatson, Robert. NarJ4l1U1d Ard. M.. Bilbao, prizes takell to, SoJ'Z. viewl from Beacon Hill, 14lS-_l51; Itf#in. 518, 5&]' Billingsport, N. J.,]86, 42Si attacked, British encaJnpments on the COm­ Beatty, Erkun~ 66,; hi. jouroai,67I. . ]~7· mon, J 49 ; Howe advised by the Beau~. <..:apt. William, 418. BilIon, ,A"nab oj'St. LIJIIU, 737. ministry to abandon the town, 152j Beauheu, Georgia, 470. Bishop, HUt. A"",. AfmuIfaelltrl', the siege pressed, 15:1; to be de- Beaurain, Carle tie fa. Guern, 416 ; ,oS. 8troy~ if necessary. IS!; plays map of Boston and harbor, all. Bisho~, thdr introduction opposed in acted, 15]; BtRw. Bi«huiI, IS]; Becket, publishes AIdkJUie P4;n-S N. E., 243- songs from, '54; T~aptl7 tV Ztwa ./rDfIII A_ic., (00. Bisset, o,-K' JJJ, 1113. . '55; vitew of (1776), 157; view ;;I Beckford, Alderman, 8:J. Bixby, Samuel, 203. the Castle. '!i.1; the town evacuated, Beckwith, H. W., HilltlrieNtlUs, 718; Blackbird, Pa., 421. 158; populatIOn, IsS; authorilicaon on Vig~.,~, Blackstock&, affair at, 480. 536- the ~tege, 17:1; Washingtoo proposed Bedell, Col. Timothy, 316 i at che Ce- Blanchard, Claude, :/Mn'IIal, 554- boat attack. '72; ,AHi;qJII vintIs, dars,616. Blanchard, Col.; Mtll oj' N. HtlMI- 185; plan by Normao, 201 i siege Bedford, Col. Gunning, 331. S/Url, 217. of, 202; account of tbe American Bedford, Duke of. 21- Bland, Col. Thoodori£l commanda camps, 202; diaries. zoa; letters, Bedford (Loog Island). 328. Convention troops in Virginia, 321; 203 ; orderly·books, 204. the British Bedford (Mass.) men at Lexington, his papms, 321; BIaHfi Pa}w4, 321. camp, Z04; Nnuktkr ",,;.uti, 304; 114 i their 8ag Is... Bland, Richard, E"'f'Iiry, 85. Liberty-tree cut down. 204; houses Bedford. Pa., ~D. 61)1. Blaskowitz. Charles, plan of Frog's occu.}l,ed by British Reuerall, 204. Beers, Malhan, 464- Neck, ]37 j chart of Narragansett Brit15h works, 204; selectmen COl'­ Belisle, lruk~, HtU/. 259_ Bay, 59], 60,; map of Newport, respond with Gen. Thomas, 204; Bcl~napi Dr. J~remy. note-books, 189; diarit:ll, letters, etc., dunnlt the siege, diary, 202; 1ife. 202. Bleecker,'97· Capt. Leonard, order-book, act i American prisoners in the town. Belknap. Jeremy, uncle of historian. .., .. :104; evacuated, 205. 568; E~ . Bliss. E. F'I 736. tUI1' Me-W, 205; propterly de­ Belk'nap," Jo&, 8S. Blood, Tbaddteua, 178. stroyed, :Wi; Wardlteft In command, Bell, Andrew, +45' Bloodgood, SIXtlK8MM'Y, 3s& 205; the Quakers of Philadelphia Bell, ChMIel! H., on the privateer Blowers. Sampson S., autng., 51- help the poor. 205: fcar. of an at­ "Gen. Sullivant 591. Blute Licks, battle at, 130- tAck. 105; medal given to Washing_ Bell, Robt., publUhes Paine', C"".. Board of War. ]Q2, 431. too to commemorate the siege, 206, __ St:rI# 26g. Boardman, S. W •• Pr,''fNII4_ Crll_ :101; maps of the siege, 207 i from Bc!llefeuiUe. Mr., 729. _11.592. Marshall's Wt'Ulli.r16", 206; maps Bellomon!t Lord. 564. Boardman, Timothy. L",~, $91. of the town of Ihe Rev. period• .,." Bellows, l,;ol., 350. . Bollan, Willam. Cf1k,"14 Aqlk... :109; landmarks of the siege, :107; Bemi. Heightl, Gates occupies, lot i ilhutrl6J6, 70. tr.uwnits Gage'.let­ English plans, 207; that in AI."N'¥ battle, 356. S" Saratoga. ter. to Boston, 83. R,.",t:.lwa.c_, zo8; one iu the Benedict, E. C., BaitU IIf H",/"", Bolton, Dr. Thofnaa, no. library of Congrus, 209" :110 j Pel­ Bond, Col., :1:17. ham'. map, 201); Rawdon map, 209; Bennett," .. C. P., 545. BORlIer, map of Boston, 207. aurvcya of Wm. Page, 210; mapof Bennington, Vt.• authoritiea on tho Bonneville, rictute of D'Eataing, S940 lines on tbe Neck. 211: Brown's batdeJ.354; louat,l54; Indian,at, Boone, Daniel, PI'!~it, lOTi bIB ad- house, 211; Trumbull's plan of the 6J7; ught at, JOG; map. of tho fight, ventures, 708; bis biographers, 708; Neck lines, III i plan indorsed ~ 356. • iD Kentucky,1lo, 7'5; defends his Mifllin, 212; other plan., ::U:l i Bril­ Benson. Egbert, VUulklll;"" ttl'IIM fort (1778),1'16- ish piau of American lines. 212; plan • Calltwlll/ AUrl, 466. Boonesborougb, Ky., 7'5. of Boston and vicinity, :lJ:r i French Benlalou, Paul, p,,/as/t,. V;~ Bordenton, 408, 4,0. maps of tbe siege. 212: Latin map. 522, 524: R~JlJ' 16 7~ 5:1:1· Border life, literature of, 248. II]; German maps, 2,1); fteared Beoton. N. 5., Hw/t;wwr C-.J)I, Border warfare. 60S; hterature of, Howe in 1717WU comingtherr:,4.6; ]51,657· 24fl: in the South, IICIlnt material for co~ at, in 1780, s60; Pr«Utiilfp Be~n Point 34]. i04!' . account. of, 678. .... by F. B. Hough. ¢o; h" prin­ Berkeley. ni~op. htl boWIe in Rhode Boston inflamed by lhte Grenville Act, teters, 587; tkets of lio~ and By_ raland, 6oa. 21; anival of troop' (1766). ]8; ron oft thte harbor (In8),603: D'E&­ Bernard, Edward. view of Bunker threats 10 take her patriots to Eog­ tai!1f in, 603 ; riot lb, 603; fear of Hill, 1C)8; Hisl. II; E~tUI, 273. land fot trial, 46; IfOOpa scnt to British advanciog from Rhode I. &mard.. Francis. Gov. cit, Maa., II, Ct768l. ~U, 45; (.;069), ~7i Bra~n land, 6ctl; siege of, IndiaM em. as i hiS letten sent buck to Boston, kead, SIgD. of, 47; DOn-ImportatIon ployed, 6,.1 •. killing of scntries, 651. 8~ ; C,,_. tI/ IIu 1""'; tIi.J~ agftementS,411. 18; Col. Dalrymple Ct BOIIOO, n frigate, given to Captaia I,."." 106; S,I«IIIII_I, 106; bis re­ gets key of the Caatle, 5]; tea-uu~ Tucker, s66 i lost at CharIeistoa. bun. of tbe l~alure. la4 ; on the at, 57, 91; Port Act meeting.6o; af­ 58]. aeilure of the 'Liberty, 4]; and fected by navigation laws. 64; 06- BtId_ GutdU. 1100 the Staml;) Act, 73; replies to him ...-tWa -.; IIu ~Nuth III­ BoatOD harbor, fora,. m (1775), 1)1; by the legullature, 73; leaw. M ...... ~ Ael$l#J/ P-'id"",u, 64, 8]; plans of, 202,207, lID90 :rII, 21]. 47, 14; made baronet. 4Q; hi. LIt.. R«-a.., 67: (1768) Revere's picture, BOston massacre, ~ 8:;; plan of the Un, 61; LdUrI U Hill""'~,.,p, 8.; couvention to consider the c0rD­ gTOUIld "7t., 48; ))lCIure of, "7; elc.,84; LAttlrl til • MillizIr')'. ing of troopa. 81; agiu.tion over the DeWI olt in .t,;ogland, S2; call1llCS, 85; 84; i,nsln1cted t6 enforce the naviga­ quartering of tTGops in Boston, ~; authoriutea, 85 i S,,-, N~, tion laws,)2; TAird l.nr-nl,Ut7 AJ¥-It. IN _~/J,84; petition to 85; seat t? Enldand,85' AtltliJ;.../ BfIIipt qf ,;Ulln, 84; C",;..~ut.. theking('772).B9\' rlw A-u­ ~_.Is; Ldln- til C. L ... '-s, s.; enforc;es laws of trade, B4; AI_.. 90; tho ' Mohawks" and 1M", 85: other aa:ounlS, 85 i Kid.. hi. chuatter, B4- the tea-p:arty, 91; "'-tIIu .J P __ der'. B .... ~. 86 i Pft:.. Bernard, John, R~/iMu d ~ rnpecdn~ the tea - ship&, ton.'. trial, 86; trial of Inldien., .w. A-w,4D7, 91; warning broadlIIide, q2; accouots 86; printed Rq,wt, 86. Fair A~ Bemiere. S,.,. Bemike. reach LondCln, 9:1; condition during ~, 86; did the soIdtera fire be­ BUD­ the Pan Bill, 95; title of Port Bill ~on: _a1ted~8S; itlll.ef&u BemiUet Htenryde. Ib; plaD al beinc ker Hill battle, 199t aoa i criticised. Act. 95; nteW'S arriYCSo 117; bread­ ~ pmdua~ the Rev., S8; ~ aD­ moo side. 97; ~ of thiS time ill nl1PCl"S:r.ry obsened, 88; «mI~ Berthelot. Amahle! 1116- BosIOD City Hath 95; gilts to. 9S; 88; commemoraled. (Ins). 119. bar­ Besom, C.pL Phihp. oarn.tift, 591- ethct oJ. Port Bill. rr:ferenc:es. fIJ; Iflqued. 120. ~lhltehem\ PL. M(Io1'a,-ian Sillen, p.t. Dewspaperl of Ins, 110. blockade Boslon Neck (R. I.), 600- Bickerstaff, 0.."". AI"...,., 86- of, II]; G~ shut up in, 114; foni· IJ.st_ NftWlt:~, 110" me. Bicklwn. C'oeofJZe. 172. 6es the Neck, 115; C.a,e'a fOl'l.'e: Bostolll Pon Bill, sa. s. Bc.taB. B~t;knen. ll«7rityl_, R. I., 2nJ•• Uan., l77!"lt uS; meKings at the Botetourt, GoY., 46- Biddle, L'bu. J .• ckfeDdatbeesocuboD Cl'ftn Drqoa. no: mapa al ft'QdI. 800cber, Joaa., v..... IfF 1M A' __• R __ .~ ot Andrl!, 46$. about. 1:10, II.; after Lexi~o.. , Biddle, Jama. 74- famiJicl; !snag the towa. 1:15 i COD- 7S 2 INDEX.

Boudinot. Elia, Sl4r ;. 1M WIll, Brehm, Capt., 7J8. Ballard, E. F., addreu,366. 690 Brent. Ardw"Iu11 CarnII, 229- Bullock, A1eJl. H., on the ConsUtutioa Bound Brook, 408.409- Urevourl. J. C. bas some of Paul of MalIS., 214, Bouutie. offered to Indians, 67.; for JUDU'. papen, SCJO. Bull'. I'-crry, aff.ir ai, 560· acaIps,68I. Breyman, l:ol., at Bennington. JODo Hunker Hill. occupied, J]S; order for Bouquet, l:oL Henry, his portnil, 354. it, 13S; baltle of. 1]6; {orca en­ 6cp; his character, 6cp; account of. Briar Creek, S2O- gaged, ' .. 0; Howe ttllit;l&ed, 140; 692. fl93; Hid. A,,:. 11/ EXj¥dilio", Bridgdens, of lSoston, 47. 10SlIeII, 140; new. of il apread, 140; 651. 699; marches to reheve I'ort Hridgeto"'o, Pa., 431. authoriliea, ,8,.; earlieal II.CCnunt •• Pitt, 6litution, spirit of, S. 1<)0 ; officen en~aJCed, 19'; monUo tune of hi. Counol with tbe J.ndi- British regimenta, hiatorical recorda of, ment. 191; anniversary dillCOunw::a. a~ ~+; Paper.,.. 6qo, 6; ponrair. character, 2<"J"; orden from Germ.ain. ton, roT 202; on BunkeT Hil plan., 202- 2IJ5; at 51. J nhD', 295; hi., bomba'l1ic Bracken"dge, H. H., drama 0'11 Bnn. BrOC'>iu., N. C., 011 the Bwgoync CUD­ proclamation, :295; .at CrOWD Poinlr kef Hill, .~; D~llt" 4 MtnJlr""'· II paii(JI,!,. 2ifo. at licondcroga., %99; rcfu~d ,.."., 216; OIl the Monmouth 6ekl, ,Bn"Om, " lIUnoeyor, .pl. troops by Culeton. lC)?; .at F art f:.d· 4¢>. I RJ()therhe-ad, Sip"" 259- 'llt'ard, 2q. I Jac.."imile of leller to (;ate' aLc-,ut lhe B~fonl Club, 21g.. Brown, H. K., IItaUIe of Gen. Greme. Briti~h wounded, 310; at GateA'. 8ndford', C,,~, 73. I 510• headquarter.. 3.0; hi. Ioudt in the BI'ild."lreet, Col.. goes up Ihe bUs I Brown. Col. John, and TK:Onder~, campaign. 31 r; hi., army marched to (J76.t).¥ialDetn:it,¥; orderly. 2'3; killed at Stone Anbia.b.... ; an Bo5tOfl,], .,],8; the plan of hi-aca,.".. book, "". I Canada, Ibl. 6,]. 61 5. 674; billet· paign crilicifled, 31:1:; hi. difficulties of Rlpply, ~I~; hu. "OW movemen .... B~nd·k.:;! W. !.:!,,,,,~. 0/ I len frnm Canada, 2'S- B... LOA< Ie e'" --.-__ Bro..,. Mn. J. 8., Skwin '-' W~ 3'3. aUlhon.;n on his campaign, bait • 414; .lew 0 t 6eId, .'Q; "n., 1<)4,. ]IS; charg:e. ~iDlt Henk-y'J,8; Gal1~~·spbDof ••• S :5OUI'CC$, CIS; Brt'N'Dt J. M., S~w.riI C~.660. examin<;tion of the oLservana: the Wuhington's map 01. the am~ . Rmwn. ltder. 187. cooyent;on. ~IIJ; brw. lbe prOTi ... .w. .p I; HeuiaD map. 4Z3; other ' Browu, Dr SamoeJ, po. ion. of the conventIOn. ]I!I; neither plans, 42:' 421- i Brown, Thomas., 203- side ICI'Upulou., ] "I; flaK'" (.(IIlCC::.J.led, Brant, Jmeph,;11 Montn:a.l, 614; made I Bnmswick (N. C.), S+1 3'9; plan for Ihe ampaip of 1717. Guy J..,hhlOll's aecretary. b:rl; por- : Brush, Creaa, 2OS- )48; pr"'plntioTtJl, J.t8 ; ;....a • tr:iil.ltl, 6~). bz:;; au~pb, ~s ;. ;Il I Bryall. Alcundc:r. Gata'.1ICOId (1777), proclamatIOn, l4'); I'I:f1'Int_, 34?; the Cedan, bl5, 626; his early life. 3§8. borJeaqued. 349 ; maps of the elJllre 6:rs; iDvadc:$ (1777t. New York,6zF>; Bryan, Cea.. 40'. c:ampalgO, WI; capure. Titoode.o a siege cd Fan Stzuwiz. :lO')Co,6%!J., Bryd., Col., no. 711. n'K3, 14".1. Hubbardton,]so; prOCo 66.; toopente in New York{I':'''~I, Brymner', Doodas. bon: edits HaJdj.. lamat.ion,3SO; (.i1",/'G;P 4. by W. 6]3. bi~ 1'2...a,;es.. 6]:3; ~ AndT_ ma:nd. calen; atQCb Gernua F au., nao:lWJ A.chivell, 73)· toll. 1S4. 1m.lructlO')n. k> Saum, 3S4; ¥; at Cherrt.yane" by.. 66S; de- BuchaoaD, jamn..I'0". .A~ I .. his report 10 (~in, 354; ddC(oOr­ JUo.od raponsibility for rnasaacn: at d~. 6~1 ; ChI J'e:IIlIOInaC Aodd'. re- aged., 156; ~·"cr:man'. "ann. 3~; Cherty Valley. 6;8; accouD1.l of. malD&, 46 •• baule ~ Oct. 1. lS7; ~nckn, 657; ~6s1;~. 657_ BPCk,W. J •• W __rt-_ tMN#­ lsS; '91e'W of fiel.d~ 3S~; YlCW of D>eetS Herkimer. 247; auac:.k.. the da_i.y. ,.,8. amp, 3s8; hi. k-:ter \0 Gnmaio, Minisink RtlIemenu. 6}9; his re- 8udr.: I~nd., 661. 3;'1: Itrcngtb of hi" army, 3S~; ao­ pan. 6;2:. ~ 6+4; DOt II B~ham. J. T .. SJt«'-u '-' ihorities on thecampa~ in ~ at Wyoming. 66]. 'llr.ZJ7/d1-1it-. 110. }~ 360. ]hI; orderly P boob ;;J ~. Lieut.., ~ Ikrfbio. N_ Y .• bs.oU«y of~6,.&. I )OIII"II:IIk, 15"). lfo; hi.1o ~ _den. ~. Wm..,~ ~ Cam- t Ba:fieoton'~ F«d... ,8. 351); life 'by De FOllhlaaqae, lb.: pblo, lc7· Bafoni, CoL, ddc:ased at WuIratn. Jft3'P' of the Jinal b.aaks, ]/~I; bc;.. I .If Bratlle. Gen.. hiI Iener to G2ce in 470:. S17· simile of map iQ NIItctu Mdr., fac-rimik. q8.. IkI2:bee, J. IL. c:.-w-ild 11/ BtnJtw ~. 'riew '" the kid of 1UI're'ndcT. !bur0ll. Caner. life, 265; ~.*:; H~ IJ'%' 'P'. signalllrC'» of tho!:: u:mvenUOD. Adbrul,,/Mc..-.ti-,n2. I Bon.CoI..679- -t>-I; Gates'. beadouarten. 7"; Bt: J! d=n DIed as Baaad)aiae, Boil, Gen., SI9- Emdzml1'b of Ibf! Q~1 7>' ; .pC). BaD, IUJ"YC'P of GeorPa. 5J&. df.cca CJi the lDITeDdtt in' Earope, INDEX.

]6.f; ..u. for Engtand, 36<1.; in Par. ' Cahokia. 130; 'Indian council at, '1S9;; CantTie~I's-Bridge, ;PI~ , Iiaincnl, ]6.4.; his binb,.3b.4i satira 8U.ITenciera, 722j raid u~n, 7rJ;:',.~ i Cape .fear,River, 485 i map, 542· upon, 36.4; his defences in Parlia­ Caldwell, Charles,Li/. ofGm. " 'C.'\wnal,Nic., 726. . ment, 36S; SJl/JdtJ'lfee tV S~S, 510. ' Carlelon, General Guy, refUIlt!S .troOps ]65; Jobn Wilkes' comments, 365; Caldwell, Davi~J hi. tife, 514.' to Bu~oyne, 299. opposes the u¥ resigns hia c:ommissioD~ 36S; Let­ Caldwell, Col. Henry, 222. of Indianl, 613.'618, 655; thol!gHE tn' III AU CDlUliiunIIs, 365 i Re?/y, Caldwell on Ticonderoga, 214. to be intending an invasion, 61~; ]65; Lffttw III B",iJt')'II4, }66; A Calef, John), S.iep tV P~IC()/, 6o.f. charged with coercjng -the Indians wil/ u_inatilnl 366; ntpIWy Callendar, UCOl'ge,"209- to taTtc aide., 615; tlIes'tbmt for de- iJdlJ tM conduct ;j BIWKt1)fIIe, 366 i CaJ~, 139. fence, 6.8, 631; IDStmeted by Gq- SuH4mnd 18/M StaU,!/IME.qe.. Calvert\ Geo. H., play on An~, ¢4.. main (1777l,' 348; disapJ?Ointed In dit,u-. ]66; attacked in Rellfm'lu, Cambel , Darid,S35. i not conducting the campaign (1771)~ 366; Later /.tJ LinII.-Gnt. B __ Cambridge (Mass.) fortified (1715), I 348; his c:ommiaaions, 65:11 654, 1I1J'1U, ]66; reply by Rev. Sam. Pe­ 1]0; Bolmes }{Otlle, 135; Tory I 673; bis orders ('176-J177), 359.; tera, ]66; EUIIY tIN ~ mar­ Row, 142; Vassall orCnigie House\ I correspondence from_ Quebec:, 2:12; tyn. 366; his SlaU 6f IN E.q,di.. ..2: Braule Ho~ 1-42; Riwse at Crown Point, 293 1: ~eaches QIUi- t;-' ,66; his documents laid before House, 1.f2; Oliver Hou!~ 142 ; bec(J776), 164; portr.uI,I6.t •. autog., Parliament, 366; documents in the Bishop'a Palacell42; Cbrist:\,.;burcb, I 16:1,' arnves in N. Y. (1782). ,145' \ War 0fIice. ]66;, his speech to the 142; Cndnutial MntWrw, t42; I Carlis c. Pa".! taken, 6c)r. ' . Indiana, 366; his letter from AI. Washington Elm, 142; counc:i1s of I' Cannichael-:;myth, Sir Jamea,_ F"hi. bany, ]66; council. 01 war, ]66; ex­ war in, t42; accounts of the camp, ttlliu WtW;" Ctm4Ja, 22]. changed, 366; news of bi. surrender 202,20]; Jeltel"ll from the camp, 203 j Catolinu, map ofl by Henry Monson, Bent to Europe by Massachusetts orderly.books, 204; works at, 206;. . 675. . . 71, S86; biB opinIon of the use ol legislature at (I761}), 47; men at i Carpenter, J. C.• a27. 1odians16u,62, i cha!fied wilh bur LexingtOn, 18.t. roads ncar, 121, Carr, Dabney, 56. jng acalps. 683; Washington Villtl 122 Carr, Lucien, on woinen~s rights the scene of hi. campaign, 746. Camden, Lord, on the Decl, of Jndep.,· among the Indianl,601. . Burk,'john, VWg'in;tJ,SI5. 269; apeechel, 112,529.. Carrington, Gen. H, B. t Bos/IM anti Burke, Ardanul, Addnu,91. Camden (Carolina), campaign of, Sf4; NI!W Y_k, 113. plan of Bunker Burke, Edmund, 31 ; rna first speech, battle of (Gates), 411, 478, 529; and Hill, J8q, 202; Strategk rlflali4tv 32; in Parliament (1770), 52;' Ellr'tI­ lhemilitia, 478; number of forces, tJ/ /'{ftI!'i"#JI, 4I3i on Lafayette JIII!m S,ltulllnlh, 6.t; on the debatea 5::19; 10lllleS0 530; Faden'. plan, 531 : In VUglma, 547. of 1765172; O~Unuon Tickle'. otber planl, 531 i Senff'. plan, 533. CaITOII, Cha&.., autog., 2271 2~5'; let­ tract, 1S5; T~"1s t1II tile CaII#S For the aecond Dattle at, $U Hob- . ten from Canada, 229; In canada, ""1M "',ulll Dur:owInIb,lS8; on tbe kirk's Hill. 166, 2.17; last survivor 01 the sign_ Quebec Bill, 102: on American tax­ Campbell, Archibald, map of Georgia, en of the Decl. of Indep., 264; his ation, H2; hi. WIWis, 112; speeches 675; at Savannab, 469· . 7--", 221; references, 227; his on conciliation, 112; converu.t1on CampbeU,Brigadier,at Pensaco1a, 739. weaJth,2:a7; his house,227; medal, ..ith North, 112; his character, 112; 740. 227; portrait, 22'; life, 266. live. of, 112; b a speaker. 112; on campbelll Col. Arthur, of VIrginia, Carroll, John, ID Canada,.66. 227. Bunker Hill 195; ridicules BIlJ'o 671; nud on the Indianst 680. ,Cartert William, o-.u- Dd4il, 195" goyne's proclamations, 29$; in the. Campbell, C., edits LeWIS's Orlln-- Carter's Valley, 678. . "~R'rid_, 687. bj, 168; edit. BiNUl PaJWII ]31. Cartwright, John, 2440 I Burke. J. W., ::Is8. Campbell, C. A'I on the Robinson Carnlhers. £. W., 11llw1~ Rft/. BUIT. Aaron, on the Kennebec exped., House, 452; on the OdeD House, /"ddlf"llll, 514, 539 i Lift 0/ DtWitl 162; as a soldier, 16~; in the all8ault 561. CtUduwU, 81, 514. on Quebec.. 165; hIS houae in N. campbell, Donald,aueceedstothemm- Carver, Jonathan, map of orovince of. York, 2~. . mand before Quebec, 165; despatch Quebec!., ... Bunon, Jonathan, 202, 227; hie diary, about Ihe siege of Quebec, 221. Cary. Arc ibald, :lsq. \ ,... Campbell, DO\lglall, on Cherry Vall~, Cn# U Gr«Jt Britain mul Amwka. Bury, VilltOunl, EzDdrl.s of 1M W.d­ 666j on the Iroquois and N. y .•. 85. "" NlIIilllU, 2J2i. IndUlin policy, 681. . Ca.ti~lione. V'Ut.g~, 529- BUAhnell, C. I.t C,.".. fW ,1"11,,,,. Campbell, J. W., B;or•. SMklus, :119. Ca&tinel_~~; Bntish at ('779)' 603. rituu ::10::1, 219- Campbell, Robert, on King's Mouo- Callie wIlliam (B08Ion), View, 151; BUlhneh, Dayid, inventJ; tbe "Amt!flo wn,515' blown up, ISH. iean Turtle," 567. Campbcl • Thomu, hilletter to Brant, Castleton, Vt..:rrn; Burgoyne'. orders Bushy Ruo, battle.of, 694; JOI8eI,66I); 66]; ~ ~f Wrtmri~, 66.5' to people af, ]5..9.: plan.lI9:a; dt'lCrtbed by Burke, 6t:n; Camphe1I, Col. VIm., 478. on King'. Caswell and the .North Carolina mili# by Wm. Smith. 697. MountainJ 535. tia,.-,6- Bute, Karl Qf, 21; his ministry, 23. Campbell, W. W., on Gen. James Catawba Indians,6u; in the war, S:ZSo Butler, James D., on BenD1npOD, Chnton. 6590 670 i Try_ C--'Yor 677; friendly to the Americans, 620. ,,6. Bqn/,w War/arY, 35.,6$9; BIW"n- Catawba River, 47s~ town, Bullerl Col. John, at Niagara (Sept., W_/tJrY, 655; on Indians in tho Catharine'. N. Y.,669. 17'161, 626; to Invade the Susque­ Rev. War, 655. on Cherty Valley, Caughnllwagaa. 61], 655; at Montnal, hanna countJy (1778), 633; at Wy­ 666. 62. i offer aid. 67.1. oming, 634. 636, 66:s; bis report, Campbetl, Lift of L""~, 1121. Caulkins, F. M., NrQI L~ 59" .... Campfield, 'Jabez, diary,668. Caftndish, Lady Georgiaoll, Ad"';" 8utler. Mllnn, 7'8. Canada, campaign in (1775:""1176).162; roJ ea",6i1r, 230t ]:a6, 436:. I Butler, Col. Richard, at Monmuuth, authorities, .74, 215; Scbuyler in C___ irA IhiJaU. 102; 446; Dr"trry 11/ y_Atorvll, SS.f.. command. :II~; addrelll)f COngress Caverley, A. M., Piluf_t4 Yt., 355. Butler, Walter N., at Cherry- Valley, to the inbR.bltanta, 215: maps of CaYllgaB,lheircountry.609- 6)6, 665; on tbe Mohawk (1781), the campaign, 215; mapsof che re:-- Caliare, Lieut., Ilia snneys. of Ymk- .... , IUllod ..... gion, 116; Arnold'. share in ic (..... tOWll, 553._ Butler, Col. Wm .• 346; bumsOquap, Kennebec eXPedition, Quebec); Fe- Cedam, affair at, 166, 225, 616 i A., 6S6. route of, in 1178,68,. treat from C"annda., 236; local ~ IlInUie Nltr'J'"tUi~. us- But1er, Zebulon, report on Wyoming. peets. U7 i c:ommissionen of Con_ Ceracc:hh bust of Hamilton, ]8.4.. 634, 66,f; ace:. of, 66.4; and tile T~ psi in. 227;. t~eir instructions, Chad'. it"om. lBl, 421. Clroral 6'9; escapes, 6].5. 127; new c:omlDDlSlOoer& lleot, 22t, Chadwick. J. W., 311. Butler'. ~B, 661; thm badge, their lette... 127. 22Q; D'Estaing'"1 Cbllmen, Geo.. Ptdil. A-a, 64; . -()]I, ~roclamation to tbe lnhabitants, 601. R~ -f tM C"'-iu. 64. 132, 255; Butterfield, C. w., edits Leith'. N .... Franklin's advocacy of itl retentiOli O~ tif E..u.-t~, 255; nfliw,M2; WtuAiqt__ Crrmiftwd by England htft3),6S6; lodians of, Pt.i. T~4, 270; on the srowth of NIUn, 714; EX'""t/: ~ S_ Vllited by Maj. Brown, 61~; .,ught Amer. independence, 232. . tbuky, 737; W4lAirfrt- -1-­ by Ethan Allen, 614; invasion &om. Chamberlain, Mellen, .. The RnoIa:. Cttrrttl., 737. threatened. 615: messe~ lent to, lion impending, n I; editS Dear- Butl'. Hill (R. I.). 6ar:z. by Adami and Warren, 11\)0 born'. joomaJ, :t.;::':, his J .. lIynlj Cap1., 1391 74" Canadea.. N. Y .• 66q.. Ati.uu, .16.; .If . '--fIlii Bynm, Admlr:ll~ on lhe AmericaD Canajoharie Cbtlet 608; destroyed, »«1. _/ ''-''. 26q. . . cout,,$So; off Boston harbor, 6olo ~...... _>_., • . Chambers. Col., C'--Iw~, 327. \A udlP 669 Chamber&, Jolin, 21.,. ~ CAnwAunK., CoL LAMURT, ass. Caner. Henry, Ctllllllill E~-' Chamblik on tbe p~ 215; 'SnDma )41; at Fort W'lbingtOn, !S8i and 11" at, I~ ; fort ca 1_; ilB colors Gen, Pn.coU,4Ol. • canot, P," SJI. iD PbiIacL, 16z. 754 INDEX.

Champe. Sergeant. and Amold, 468; -(;bester (Pa.), 429; Washingtoa at, Clinton, De Wtlt. life of Philip Liv­ CluJ",,,'. Ad""".,.., 468. 382,415, ing.ton. 26S. Champlain, Lake, anned vesaeb. on Cht:fltnut HiIJ (Pa.),. 425, .pS; .kir. Clinton. GC(lrge, house in N. V" 276; {117b), 3¢; Arnold OD, 3460; aur­ ml~h at, 3~ portrailll. I: A ~al, 109 L. C. Draper. ,.8; hi. journal at Cobleskill, Brallt aI, 6]3; C01IfUNd (.,. Pitt); common popular portrait, Vincennes, 118; hi. deaoatchet cap­ account" of. 633: destroyed, 660_ '09; portl3it for R. H. Lee, 110: tured,1.8; captures KaJka&kia",C): Coburn, F. W .• &_i"rt_, 356. Hoa~'s ~ of. 110; bust by captUftS ViPce'nnes, 1181 722; hi. Cockinp, Ceo.• 'IN A_ie_ WIW, Wilton, 110; .tame at Charleston. youth, 723; hokk counol with the '97.-' 110; medals, It0i Ii'l'el of, 112; his Indians, 724; man::hes torer..ke Vin· Coffin). Chu., a""Mr HiD, Ilk}; Me_. ..-hes. 112; his speec:bes again. em,,", 725; tranucr.ioM writb Vigo, tif "'". T"-uu, 167· uSing Inruanll, 6'1, 631. 125; summnns Hamilton. 1261, 171; COffin. c. C •• B~,355; OD Butt- Chattertoa'. Hil1, 286.­ on HamihOD, 68:r; fac...Wniw, of ker Hill, 190. OIaudim Rift!". 2Z+ alJtq{•• 7%1; captures atorea, 728; Coffin, Shubael, IS. Otauncey, Chaa., his auta,:.. 11 ; COft­ plans of capturing Detroit, pSi Coo-. """- troftnJ' with 0a:aDcUer. 71: D;... builds Fort Jeffenon, 730 , inter· Colden. lieut.--!Zow. of New Von, )D. ~ _ M4J1Iww. l' ; .ermoa. the ttpted lettera, 1]0. 711 ; ewmate of Colemall, C. W., on GTttne. 5"7' Stamp Ad rqJeal, 14; ". lhe Pe­ bim by Washington. 7]'; fighb Ar. CoIemaa, E.. C, on Simon ~, nobK:r:It expoec4 60]; .wu- ", • ooki in V;a.. 732; III:2debri~..general, ,.,.. 1]2; UTged to capture B. ArJ)o)ld in COIenin. Lord, ,517 ("'4' Hanser. Ceo.). ~9S-report OD the Indians, Va., 132; diuppeara from Wescem Li/4' 11/ HmtC"'. ,517...... history. 133: OD lhe Miami, 133; Coletl. E.d .....d. 258 . a-..r. Dmd• ..,_ discha~ n]; ..:iaJ habits, 1)]; Coli••• 0_ W .• ".. ,... . Chemung, 669; an,) .. 681; in Freoc:h JUYK:e (1793), 733; m.er· Collet. SUrY_cys of No. Carolina, ,5,18. eac:a, 734 i death. 714; px1nit. CoUrollt"-, Vic.omte de, UI ".UI;" Cheney. J...... V... ,.. 7].4; at SL LOuis, 731, 11P. I«'d".t. Ba,_ tie K a/6, a.f.4. ~- camp at, 4B]. C1ai1i;, Hnny, OD Hubbardtoa, ~. Collier, s;,. Ceo_, ]36; in N_ Y. har· 0aer0Itees. 6.1; ill the war, 930 675; Cark. Jobn, lJ4ItU/-c41 17147__ , bor, no; relin-es PenobKoc. s&a; then- taTitary. 610 i ready to tight. .... in the .. Linbo., .. ,.,.. 6Jo; map 0( campaip ~imt, fT?~; Cbrl<, 'ob ...... ,...... Colman, R. F., 1J4. mantry inYaded. ¥; treaties witb, <"1arlc, kn-. Jon¥, 122, db. Cokn.~ Endiah, their i~ "". .,., ..... Cbrl<.Jooeph ..... rJf Engbnd~ 2J2' their - 10 Cherry VaDcy, 6cJq; aa:oanD ~ nras..­ Clark. Ceo. J. 5., map of the New. dw aown, ), S- ~ .... ;....a.d,~.,.;_- ...... Ioorn b.ntIe, 681; 011 the SuIlmm Colonization, I:::.ndilh idea 01. 687. 6ed (.nS). 6J6. campailtO (1179), 6,1- CohIcci, Gigseppe. 0--" "" I'J~ Cbeapooke Ba,...... of. ... ; Clark, Major, ~ of Wulringroa, 4» "'~~. sz]· Frax:b map" 551; aup al eutJ2Dc:e. CIaJk, Peter, OD Beuoin,;tnn, ]~. C'tNlllIIiri". M"rlUbll, !JO. Clark, Tboatat., N.",u Hist. 'f U. S_, Combahee Ferry. !01- ~, Ak. ac%. cI. war ia So. c-miltees 01 Clf(TetJl c, ......

ct.e.ney,CoI.,E~ CoL Dauiel. 247, ].51, 66r; has OAlhJ ___--,- _~.~ ct:, of., 19; of dtDCe,.iaspec­ .... "...... s...... , ...... 6%3, lion, and afety. 'P­ 14ry~."" lhahi&CIipt:mecdOtes of 8raat, f":I6). ~""""_01.""_ o-...JoIm,..,. a...Iaad. Col., .... N .... 0a0Ii0i­ .... 0-...1·1.. .. -· ...... --. 47&. Coaawd (M-.l. ~ at, 1%4" nail - Ciad> V"". 0,6. ~ ".;' _ted bJ BrowD aad . INDEX. 75"5

Bemim, U9; a.utborities on the kin, 591; prize daims, 591. and Cooper, J. F". LiIMIl L~ 18,. ¥t, 17.5; depositiOn-. 175; fac...6im.. the use of Indians, 61St 616.6z2,6J:a, 200; -rrmMlJmrBadultw, ¢(t;N... De Of Col James Barrett's, 111 i 654; creates Indian departments, "tNd Hid. U. S., 589; editions., 589; plaD of. Itso: centennial celebr.uion. 616; addresses the Six Nationsl~16; L_~DidmpisMd N--.JOjj£­ '84; histories, 184,' view of, 18S plan of confederation, 616; addreSS ",So ; PiJ«, 590- (... WiOglOD); lUi ituy stores ac, to Ireland, 611. Cooper, r. Myles, P,inull¥ A. 1113; Prov. Congress at, no. Connecticut dai.ms the credh or ca~ , tln-u, ,06 i drew out other tracts, Cone, Mary, 729; R"!fos PIIt-. turing Ticonderoga (I11S>' 160, 213; 106; A_ic_ ~ul, 106; Wltal '58. dalm to land in PennsylVania, 60s, lAid p tV CtIIIpUS 1IOft1' 101. Conestogoes, massacred by Paxton 665, 680; createa a navy, s65; equips Cooper. Dr. Samuel, clefends D'Es.­ Boys, 606, 68:1; their landa, 606. ~oopsh77!», 122; her seamen. !iIh; tamg, 580! 6(11 ; corresponding with .. COnfederaq·... captured, :;84. InVaded by'"tryon, /57; men alau-n­ Wm. LiVingston, 83i on Preston'. Coafederalion of lhe Umted SlaW Jeer Hill, 18c}.i nava 01Jicers. §68; or­ trial, 86; letters. 203. (1716), 240, 274; article., '14; de­ ganizes a militia, u6; issues paper (:ooper, Samuel (Penna.). 4]6. bates DO, :1114; Franklio's proposed. money, 116; privateers, $91 ; whale­ CooPer, Wm., 8.t; town clerk qf Ba.­ plan, 654. boat warfare. 59(; Qwrils awd ton. autog.• 81, us. Congaree River, 475. A 7UW/I1'S as to her commerce, 64; Copley, 1. S., paints Hancnck, :&70. Congress of .1S4. 6). 65; 'VIUious retains her original charter, 214; John Adams, 36; Sam. Adam., 40. plana at, 66; Rhode Island and, 66, sends a message to Gage (1175), 1.28; Chief JWltice Oliver, 95. 67· M ..... delegates in. 118; Stamp Act Copp, J. J., 56z. Congreu of 1771' proposed, 59, 60; in, 13; troops in Long Island hat­ Complanter, chief of the Senecas, 644. who ori~naled. 98: semons,99ile­ tle, ]:'9; trouble with the Mohawks. Cornstalk, at battle of Point Pleasant. pi aspects of,W; the delegates, how 1'4; accounts of, 1'4- Chosen 99; feellngsinN. Y.towarc!s, Coonecticul"S· Valley invaded (.780), COrnwallis, Lord, attacks Fort Wah­ 99: Delaware members, 9Qi V.r­ 645· ington, 289; croa.ses the Hudson ~nia mc:mbers, Q9; tracts about, 99; Conner. Timothy, journal, 515. (1776), and oc:c:upies Fort Lee, »8. New England in. 99; Sunday ses­ Connolly. Dr. Joho, 709- 361; In New Jency, :l76; at Brandy_ siona opposed,9Q; Middle 8Utea in, Connolly's arrestL 653· wine., 38', 4a2; in Philadelphia. 384; 99; Virginia in.99: Carolina iO,99; Conover. Geo. :;., edits joumaJa Gf at Gennilntown. 4.21; at Gloucester, Ita 7i1--.t, 100; its device, tOO; Sullivan expedition, 68.; S.~ 4)0; headquarters in &.vannah, 41'; copy owned by Thomas Cubing, perqld..663· at Charlestown, S. C. (1780), 473; 100; Thl aIIwIe ",«utliIlP, 100; Conrad, R. T., edited Sanderson's ponraits, 414, 475; concemp. ac:c:. of, E.rh'tKts /rtI", its 7-111J1. 100; S,~,:a6b. 474 i in command io the South, 475; dCM;:wuents in Force. 100; Botell of Constitution Island in the Hudson, attacks Galea at Camden, 471; weak­ tbe debaTe&, 10:); Ded"7'aI;,,, tif ,.,...... " plan..... ~ ened by the lou a! Kin~'s Mouotain, Rir/th, U)O; J;di{itwI ~tI 141 KiMr, ConSCiLUtional Society 10 Lond~J 175- ,.so; destroy. b .. tram, 48]; pur­ 100; MS. cop1CS In existence, 100i ConstitutiODll oJ the several united sues Gn!eoe. ..s.; at H i1isborougb, printed copies. 100; Atidnu U 1M Statu, 268, 272· 484: at ~illord, 485 i punueci. 481; ~!ko/Gn4l8~.100; aLd­ Continental army reorganized, 431; at ~i1'!11!'gton, ~. C., 494: MOYeS In"mre&ponR,IOOj MIHIlWialltJlM distre!lllell of, s60; number of men to Vlrgtma, 495; m command,.f96 i CtJlimiu, 100; Srlffolk R~stNvu, read, i~! year by year, J8B; incll;lding mi­ triea to intercept Lafayette. 497; at 100; the approval of them drove out htla, S88 i not paid, 145; disbanded. Portsmouth. Va., 498. ordered to the loyalists, 101; eJlea in England, ,... fortify a post,.f98i seizes Yorktowa, 101; Galloway's plan of acijWllmeot. COntinental Congress. S. Con- 4'J8; auneodera, so. i autog., 50S; 101; rela.tions of loyalists, 101; A r- hl8 headquartel'll in Yorktown, so6; 1m3 D/ AUtlCNditJ., 10( j fa~im­ ~ntal ~vy, general accounts of. his cave,. so6; his headquartel'll at lIes of signaturet-, 102; addresa to 58q: fomriog of, 567; naval c0m­ Williamsburg, sot.; CIITn~, inhabitants of Quebec, 104; everY mittee, 567 ; Damcs of tint. built 516; controversy with CJinton, 516; step known in London, 104; i1:l ship!!. 567; officen commieaioned in RtI#JlI4 CIUdM, 516; A_ III views challenged in New York, 1040; Enrope, 513; its captures. 576. sS9' CI,,,.. '. NdJl'tl'tlliw, 516; and Ar_ the Seabury-Wilkins h"actI on, 104, losses, 576; force io 1180, sSl; toUJ buthnot. $11; on Tarleton, SI'8; at letter to the king, lI31, dcclarahoD, . number engaged in service, s84. sS7; siege of t."bariealUD (1780), 526; at 231· ' compared witla land forces, sSS; ve&­ Camden, 5lI9; b_ proclamation. 5]2; Angn:sa of 1175, 101; .,,,,,,.,,.,r, 10'[ i llel. aunlt in the Delaware. .p8; bis opinion of rebel" 5]4; affected different elis., 107; debates. 101; Its raised,445. Su Navy. by Ferguson'. defeat, 536; maps of Dlc!ar«J;-. 103 i AtidnssltJtM u.­ ConwntioD troops (B~s armr', his Southern cam~ign .. -']7. 538 i Iulhu-u D/ GrlaJ Dr;l4;", 108. 311; at Rutland, 3SI; m Vugima, map of his campaign with Lafayet~ Atldrvu Itl 1,.,I4NI, 108. Addnu ,. .. S38' ...... ~I·,8'h;.o ...... ttl Nnv Eqlalfll, 108; P,,,;/;,. III COnway Cabal, :wz; who IIIwed in itl hook, 5l'H pursuit 0 GTeeDe to the 1M KiIlK• •08, lISS 1 chooses Wash­ ... , ,./...... ,.., .... 44'. DlIn, 5J9; at Guilford, ~~!!, ~I; b.ia ington commandel"ln-chief, 108; ;u. ConwaYI GeD. H. S., 31, 2]11; his order-1XIOk. 541; ar ~dlDlngtOQ. tidcs of confederation, 108; ap­ portr'alt ordered by Boston, 14; like­ N, c., 547; disagrees With CliDIoIl proves the form of government adopt­ ...... ,.. about moving into Vi'litiD~ 54J; ed in Mass.. 103; articles for the Con.tAy, Gel\. Tbomu, at Brandy­ Gennain apProYed, S48; fortifieII goyennoent of the tI"oop., 108 ; plan wme, Jb; and the Conway Cabal, YorktOWD,5049- for organizing militia, loS; prroceed­ Coneapondence, committees of. Stt __ iop, secret, .08 ; com. oJ RCreI COl'­ cr:- gfwn, GuRnu. commands the $" Committees. respondeoee. 108 : ,eoen.l references. .. ru~.u 573; cakes ~ into Cortlelyou House, P9- . loS: lives of members., 108; effect Dunkirk, 573; unprisoned m FnDce. Cortland Manor. i\f in En\l:land. 109; Dr. Samuel JobD­ 57" .....nd ... of ...... ,. 'IT E ..... Cortlandt, Co!. Phi ·Pt aut L' ,aph,. aon" T.x4I_ ,.. Tpra~, 109; land, 574; in the .. Rneaae. 514- p;~'.68I. teodu of Cauda, 160 i partIeS Ua, Cook, Frederic:k. 681. (:Or,eU. Feny, ]69- Cook, James. map of So. Carolina, CoUrts of vioe-admiraJty, 11. ~~~ Continental,lendsllcoman. _m· Coventry Forge, 41S. lion 10 Canada, 166; DeclaratiDD of (;oak, Col. Jobn, 1568. Cowan'. Ford, SJ9. IWpe'!ldence, :nS(.- Declaration); Cook. Lemuel, 746. Cowboys, 456- and In~ndeoce, lIJI: its cbarac> Coo,. Col. "I1wIdeas, ...... ,.. book Cow .... R., H_ " ter, 233; New Ham~re in, lI)4: (·m). ,,". C_ Mauachusetts in, 2t4 i Coanecncut Cooke. CeO. W •• Hid. -fp~. 112- ~ battle 01, ,fl•• 412, 5311; ill iu. :a54; Pennilylvanla In, 234\ ~ Cooke, J. K,OD Cbu. Lee, Gates, etc., importanCe, .fib; foras at. $39. Dal., :15:1, ~I. ;168; leaves Phtl8del· It':; on JeHencm. lI59; on the Vi.... Ious, S39; pIaa of fight, 539; med­ phia (1;76), 373. )53; ibl leslening Klnia Declaration of In&~deoce.. als ,pven. 539- Cbanacter, ]91; distrust of Wuhiog­ aS9; 00 the Vi~Constitution, Coz. Danid, 372- totl in, .}QI; inefficiency of, ss6. 7.... ; 272; II Historic in the She­ Co:r:, S. S .• ]66. cre.ates IDspector-genei"al, 556; seeD lYlKloU,U i01; on the BribM in Craft, Rev, ba..... GIl SaUiwa's CIIIr V· .. 5046- to rqulate ~ 556: naval ~ ~gn, 670, 681. miuce, $;67 i appomts Hopkin. ~ o.:::~Ud. ~ y--~ Crafts, Wm., 2]0. DtlndeMn-chief of navy. s68 ...... Craigie. ADdrew, l.p. nnca. the rank of captaina, 570; Cooke. W. D., R_. HUt..t!I' ''''. c...... CrarnaM "d, in Quebec. I6s- aivescommiuionenin Europe power u....a".., Cnn...... N_I ...... ~ to commission. naval officerc, 513: CoohdKe, G. A.,~","""" Crawfonf. Col Win•• killed, .,. authori_ privateeR, 591 ; E~ Hill~ 1;P. Crawfurd, James, 6S+ .frr-I7__ b _,...,. ...,..,... Con6dce. T. 1_.... 0-" ~ lJaIda. 357, 756 INDEX.

'Creek Indianl, 611, 6n D.>!!, W. W. H .• 7"" L""". ... ' i broadside editions, 268; contempb. Cuap, <.:apL Michael, advisesag;UMt "wa.lIhingwn on the Welt bank 01 rary reprints, 0168; earli"t author· a war with the Indians 110; ace. of, the Delaware." 401. ized edilion, 268; when siRlled. by lo; unju!ltlf. charg;i .nth killing Dawes, Thomas, till. the members, 268; the aulhentlca­ I.ogan's family. ,II, ,12; accounts Dawes, Wm'jjscnt to Concord, 123 . tion, 26q; effect of, 26c); comments nf, 112; diel, 113; grave.,1]. DaWlKln. H. ., II St11U t1/ Li!Mrly ill on, at the lime, a~"9; an A IU'UIW, Crnap, Col. Thomas, ,lOt 712i treaty N, Y., 72; on Golden Hill, 172; 2401..269; read in Philadelphia. 17H with the Indians. 607. BN#h, Hill, 185, ,Sq; controversy in .New York, 213; in BOlIloo,173; ue.ap'. Wa'i 707. with. II S~lah," 19'; Gu;uu·"rl, 19.1 ; the day to be commemonued, 27.; Criminals enllated by the British, 112, Map". - (ftll. PJl/__ , 191 ; edita SITie/flTII 00, 240; relations 10 reo­ 70'· How'a journal, 2OJ:' on Ticonde­ ligioUl HCta. 241; separated the pa. Croghanl Geo., on the Indian lands, roga (1715), 21.4; DId. t1/ /",ul· II)' Inot!! and the loyal,2.1, S"lnde­ 6.50; hl5 estimate of Indian popula­ MlV•. , 257; '''nlclusln'Ct1N1d~,325; pendence. tion, 650; Rnt among the Western edila N. Y. CiJ~ d_iq IIr, Rro., Declaratory Act, 32; ('766), 7•• Indians ('J6s). 7OJ; at Vincennes, ].t6; edits TTia/IJ/7. H. S",illl, 463; Dejean, 7,K, 729- 703: meete Ponttac:, ;'04; journals 01 edils YIJnhT. Gaflllll, 0464; Gaulle Delaplaine's /(~lilIJ'~, 40. hi_ Western journey, 104' Swil., 46.; Pain" C,n,u""11""r Delawarlt, Siame Act m, 71; .effeci of Croghan. Major WiUliIm, journal at M4jtw 7"1,,, AII4'Ti,464; edit!! C"n­ BOlton Port l\ill in, ~; non·lmporta. Charleston, 525. tf~1 t'./ wnw" 549; A.IaNit fill tion, 79; northern bounds,.pl; mw.. Cromot-Dubou% 7~. 553. 554- Slo,,~ Po;n', 5S8; on Jones'a fight tia, 380; troops, 545. Crooked Billet (Pa.). +42. in the .. Bon Homme Richard," Delaware Bav/ map, 4.17. CroM, Ralph, ;oumal, ]60. .,.. .. Delaware ,,- rigale laken, 38 •• Croucup, B. S., H,." 0/ 1M AIJI. DawllOO, S. E., 225. Delaware Indians. 610, ",., 109; make rlur,,;u, 5]6. Dayton, Col., at Fon StanwiJE,626. treaty, 701: neulraJ, 13 .... CroMwicks, 408. 4'0. Dayton, SUllo/ YtwA-ttltwr, SH. Delaware River, the atrulil."ltle for, 361. <.:rown'a right to unoccupied Ianda. 2, De Berdt, Denni., agent of Maa, ita defences, .]86; operation. OD 6, I ~ ; can administer justice, 4. .5: dies, 53; portrait, 88. (1777), .29; map by '''aden, 429; Croftll, Ben;., .88. De Brahm, 7--' t1/ SUE' -f ",,'ps, .31; obstructed (1777), 431; Cruger, J. H. t SU. C/laTlut_, SZ5. finn Daval contlict on, 565. Cruger, Lew. 14- De C05ta. B. F., on Ethan Allen.2'.; Deminl{. H. C, 19'. Cruvat, Don ."rancisco. ,43. Ftwl G'twr', 214; 00 DJamoDd Is­ Demont. Wm.• hla treachery at Fort Cullum, General G. W.z...on Richard land, 357; Lalu G,l1"'re, 129. Wuhington, 287, 341. Montgomery. 216; .. The Struggle D'ElItaing. Sle E,taillg. DenilOn. J .J. 602. for the Hudson," 275: Difeme.-f De Kalb, Baron, in America <1768), Deni.tQI!! L"ClI •• SUl'n'nders 10 Major Nar'r'tJrlUlUti Bay, 54J. 2+4: joina the army, 380; 1ft the John Hutler, 6~S; hi. report, 63S­ Currietown. N. V., deKtroyed. 6.'5. South, 475; commands regulan., Dennie, Ptwlj"IIittl, 232. Curry, J. L. M.,addreuon Yorktown, 476; killed, 477; lives, 510; monu· Dennison. t:ol., 6l>+ 555· • ment, 530. Denny, Major Ebenezer. DiA,.,. 546, CUrtll'. G. W .• CtlllCtwa OrrUUm. Is..; De Lancey, E. F., on Bennington, 55~ on Burgoyn_e'llsurrender, 36,. 354; on Demont'. treason, 38?, )41. Dc:pe .... Chauncey M., nn Andr~'. ap- Cus~ing. Caleb. on Brant at Wyo­ De la Touche, 500. 101""l,4b6. mlng.663· De Leyba, 730. Derby, "E. H., 190; fila out privalecn, Cushing, rohn. autog.• !o. De Peyster, <..:01. A. 5., MUCllI_ie., Cushing..... 'bomas. in Congn:ss (17~4). 133· Derby,"". CapL John carrie. newa of S90 93; autog., Q9; report on bUIld­ De Peywter, Gen. J. Wau.. on Bur. Lexington to Ent:: land. 175. mg of armed ships, ']'. goyne·. campaign. 113. 315; on Dell Barrel, S;,g'tI/CIra,ltslnl,~; Caaus, G. W. P., on oho Laurena, Monmoulh, 446: on Wayne. 38S. chart. of Roaton harbor, 2-09: At­ De Peyster, Major, po. latdkN,;/UII'.212, liS; CI1a#SnM Culier,... MaDaue". diary in R. I. N. £IIgI4"-11, 212; De-ane, l."arlea. on huito,..,. of skive /Ia,."",. ¢ map (InS).6clI, trade in Mus.• 9 ; on John Ruasell ul lIle campaign around New York, Banlett, 90; on R. frothingham, 342; P_t R'7ai", S_tls Ciwtlli-. D'ABBADIE.!II:OV. at N. Orleans, 701. 186; owns a MS. map of the ~e 519; MaJ oj &tllUU 11/ C,,"gl4, su. Daggett. John. Jr., 85. of 8&.Iton, %09; on tbe a,JpTI '" II -J tif NII1'TllralU,tt BaJl, 60,. Dale, Richard, on the "Bon Homme CtwUtittdu", (Ma!M.). 274; on the I>euuuure. W. G •• 527; on General Richard." .wo; reviaed the ace. m convention of HUlll:oyne and Gatea, Moultrie. 172. Cooper'. loinJaJ Hid., 590. 3U); OWDI Vaughan's jowoaJ,!/d1. l)e,.hler, <..:. D .• , ...... Dallas, A. ].1. L-t 11/ P~ .• 649- Deane, James, ace. of,67.... Dnhon. John, autog., JI'l6. Dalrymple, :sir John, R~y 18 B __ Deane. Silaa, lctten, 9'), .08; his in­ Destouehe'. fleet be. ~, 36S; RirlUs of lin," BTUtJ;" StructiOD!I.r 256; fitll out the •• Sur. Detroit, CO:-lPcil at (1764). 6<,8; its forts. tr~rlnl. 109.26<); Atl4reu. 109- prille," 513; and privateeR, SCpo 6<,0: belileJCed,6rp: headquarten 01 Dalton. CapL. 652. Dearborn, Cco. Henry, em plans of the Brili,... northwestern government. DaheU. CapL. at Detroit, 6fn. JciDed, Bunker Hill, 202; hla :MS. journal. 690; Indians near, 6'0; reinf..,ced. 6aJull. J. Y.,{., •. VC"AY, '9Di jouhPIlof Quebec eJEpe­ rderence., 701 : G. R. (.1arlr.'s IKheme Darner, G., his etten, S49- dilion (171.5-'7~), 2'9; journal of forClpturing, 7,300 73'; papen about, Dana, Fra.nc:ia, 437; on iodependenc:e. Sara~ eampalSCO. 360; his journal. 733;/lan of lhe river. 733- '56· edited by CtwDberiain, ]60: diary DndK - A IIIIn'W.iKM. Mssr'u" Dana, RicJd.nl. am:~., !IJ. at Valley Forge. 436: at Monmouth. ,,,,, Dana, R. H .• Jr., edits diary of a Brit­ 404ft; diary OIl Yorktmrn, 55-4; jour­ Detu: - Pont.. Coanl, SOt; hia C.... ish officer in Bostoa. 204; addraa at nal of Sullivan campaign ('779),671. /dirlJ,5..... Lni~nn. 114- Dearborn. H . .\ .• ~17. Devent, Chat., B.1l4w HiO 0,,";"". Danbury (Conn.),:MO, )48. Dearborn. Nath.• O"d_ N«w...,.." ''"I',I<;t.f. Danvers (Mas&.) mea at LezingtoD, Dd,,·t1t". DI6aus, S16. Devet-s. Riehvd. 1]6. kuen, 20). _ .... Debt of GraI Britain. ,6. LniD!ii:1on; '14- Darke,Gen•• t ..... Declaralion of Amer. Jndepende-oce. n-iu. Simon. 7..... Dartmouth, Earl of. autO!'. , i.1 ; orden. who dnftt:d it. 239 (lee Congreas of Dewitt'. Comer, treat, at, 679- lheemploymeo.toi Indian.,fno; OQ 1 n6): its character. a"]9; lac.simile Dn:I..eT, Dr. A .• 202. the murisuy. 5]; D-t..-P. P.,. of oripnal dnft. 36o; debates 00. Dnter. ~e, t:r.J. ;rn,I06. 261: pang:raphs omitted from the Dnter. Henry 13,a.t-8; 1.#1, Rle:- Thtvis, A. McF ... edits McK.eDd,..,. .. c:haracte-r. 261; the original un, 141""" T~."dll'~ B".it. CtII_,.,•• joumal. EM: •• TIle II'Jdiau aDd the ::161; Trumbull'. pKmre, 2f)1; med­ ~ 15; his Spud. ('1'>4), 68; R,,ty BonIer WarfaR," 60S- all, 26.: autographs of "~en, 26)­ t4I G"o-y. 68; n,,,*llei4J""'- p/ Daris, Capt... oi Adoo, ,s.... %M; letS of the alrtop1lpha. <16.; 1M S14"" Ad. 75; ponraU9 .; Daris, Capt. J-- (pemza.)" ~ birthplao:s ci the Atnen,:z6.t; their rude ponrail and lut"l.• Ib: Peak'. 546. SS4- ocarpatioaa.., 264. cOI.l~ ~ ponnil,!2; hia chancter, 8:J. rd"t:r­ In.vis. S ;atban. 66&. 3164; their a,:es at dealh., 264: IlYC$o ~ JI,. F_-..,' I#t"'s. JIio "r. Da-ris, n-nas W., 2D2. age age at 1Ii~ z64; their lj... es, S]; bibl~ of, 81; P"'iI. _II;.,P. DniI, Wm.• 4l1J. 36s; fac..similes d, "Z66; fa.c..4imi1e of Al ; mntra.en.ed in the (.tm.J"._,..~ Dari5, W. J., 219, 7.7· _ an,. bIoadaide cditioD,"Z67; oc.ber .,.,. {;reM 8TtMU. -*' .,. c.. INDEX.· 7St,·

","",83; OD the Boston maasaere, DUII~rk, American c:ruiH:ra at, ·573; England, its coDBtitution effected by;. 81; Li6erlJ'S",,&,. 86; wroteperition pnvateera at, 592. the Amer. Revolution. I. ril;hts of o Congress of 1774t'O the kiul1:. 100; Dunlap, John, printer, 372. the crown to lands, 2; parties in, Ella,? on tII8 C't/1I4IUulilllfal ~aJn", Dunlap, Wm., T,.ag,,,? o.f AtuIrl, on the American question, U2; ber 106; on Lexington, 118; ana inde­ ..¢to,560. naval losses, 58c}: Rejl. f,._ C"",.· pendence, 249, 257; Galloway 'On, Dunmore, Lord, 238; ne~tiates a tin tlu dislu,.6ane'8 U. Mtu•. , f¥1 ; her 255; speech against the Declar. of peace, 611; inCites the Indians, 618 ; trade with the colonies, 64: proceed.. Independence, 261 i plan of confed­ leads exped. againlt Indians, '13; inp in Parliament (1174), 106;'. eration, 274 i and the Penna. militia, . makes trealy with Ohio Indlanl, Hutchinson's diary, 106; war with ,911• 114; his seal) 161 ; in Virgioia (1716), Spain, 1.9. . DlckiollOD.lJohn D., 464. 122, 16,; hi. proclamation, 168; English, 1.'. D •• a]O i on Oriskany, Dickson uL, 739. organizes an Indian regiment, 168. 35 1 • . Digby, Lieut., 360. Dunmore War, 708 i causes oi, 709; Englishtown, N. J.• 445. .. Dillon, lrulimut, 129. references, 714. En~vingl earliest, by a native artist DjmaD, Prot, on Prescott'. capture, DupuYt EI/Ian A!k,., 2Iof. in Britisn America, 1I}8, 199. 40+ Durand, A. B., "1. Enlistments, long, 333. Dobbs FelTY, 336, 331. Durnford, Lieut., 356. EnOl, Col. Roger, desert. Arnold, 163, Dodd. Robt., pictureo! the fight of the Durrett, R. T., 7Ju. FiJlI1II, 708. 217; court martiaJ, 217. " HOD Homme Richard," 590. Dwight, Theodore, C_"ectiad, 66J. EpiI!C9pacy for America urged on the Dodd. Stephen, RnHJlutwNW;Y M"".. Dwight, T. F" 00 Washington's jour. mlDlltry, 19, 38. rialt, 62 ,_ nal. SS3, Episcopalians and the Declar. or In· Doddrida:c, JOI•• aD Creaap, 7U1 ; L0- Dwight, Timothy, 189; on 6ghta near de~ndence, 241. . gan, CAlif tif th Cnyugn NtJtlO1l, Fort Stanwix, 351. Erskine, Robert, map of N. Y. harbor, 7n; Now, _ Settll",eml, etc., 248. Dyer, Eliphalel, 215' 326; map of tbe Hudson, 459; topo­ Dodge'iohn. captured, 683. graphical engineer of the Amer. Dohla, . K::1 360. EAGER, SAMUBL W" Orllllg'l CtI1I#IJ', army, 459; map of Newport, 560; Donkin. Milittrry ColkdiMu, ,83. 66., map of counlly round N. Y., 56,; Donop, Count,

Farmar, Major, at Mobile. 70+ Fort Arnold (West Poinl)' ¢2. 46). ...56.465; plan of attack, Jf!5; cap- Farmar, Robert, 105. Fort Bedford, ()q4. lured by Gen. H. <':linll)n,;yJIJ. Sir Fanner, Silas, IklrtliJ, i'll. .'OTt Box (Brooklyu), 339. .'ort. Jo'VlIham.r. Ralph, '91. Fort Brewerton, 009- Fonan, pn.oh al. S1~· Farrier. \.ieO. H., CntI. PI#IIlw6 HIIM. Fort Chartres, map of its vicinity.]OO; Foster, W. E., Skj4nt H"1ki#u, 10. 559. ruina of mag;uioe. 7OJ.. 5" Char· 567· FarweD. Josiah, 681. Ires. FOUl;hu, Anloine, SU" th Fwt SI. FaMOUS, Dr. P., 533. Fort Clark. 7". 7'_.323' Featherstonbaugb. G. W.o 104; Fon (:linlon, ]24;" attached plan,]63. Fox, C. J., on the baule of Guil.f~rd. MtnUAl7 A __. 7-. tif ldsUJo. S" .'0"5. .. 87; on the Iide of tbe oppot!>lIIon, Fort eJiulon (Wesl Point), 4bS- In; livel of, J 12. Fe~er. Col. Christian. S47; ace. 01. .'ort UOlililutilm I Hudson River), FOll, Ebent:J.er, RNlDluJ~'7 AtiwIJ. 2.20; at Stony Poinl, 5sS. 455. INn'. S~2. Fellows, John. V,il R""owtl, 191. Fort Comwallj~ (Augt1!

Feltman. Lieut. Wm' l 7--m,5S4' Fort Dayton (German 1'latl),6Jo. 686; her No. Ame-rican po1o~r.fIjon. Fe~, Henry, U"iI,tI SIDU" 665. Fnrt Defiance (Long bland), ]23. bt'fore 1761 flMe: her Uealy tJblip. FeI'JtUSIIOn. Adam, ~w tif Pllh'iei Fort Edward, 6oq; Burgoyne at, 249; tionl with England, 272. Frrpt.lS6Jl., 535. Schu\'ler at, 297, 298- Fnr.ncill, J. W' I Did Nnv r.,.., ihq . •'ergussoo\ Col. Patrick., 4n; defeated Fort ~ne. 60<). f'rankland, Lady, 12~. at King So Mountain, 478; killed, Fort Frederick, Conveotion troopll at, Frankl;,nd. Sir Herlry, 12. 479,535; his headquarteR at King'", 321. Franklin, B.... RuieA 'or reducing. Mountain, 535; sketch 01, 535. Fort G3fi1:e. 711)0 Great 1i:mpirr," I j ; t"QIminalion all "ennoi... Gen. de, ~, 326. Fort Galphin, 544. to Ihe Siamp ACI, 32. 14; ajol"enlof Fenen, Count. letteR. 554; at Ne.· Fort ~ (N. Y.), 3J30 fIo9. MaaJIachulII:'tlll, 51, 8Q; aK('nt of port, 560. .'ort Grarlby, 4CIOt 5..... Penna., 74: on the SlampAct, 14 ;tor". Few, James. 81. Fort Grie~n. 4')0. U11hu then WorT.. 95; A,,,a!.• oq; FiM, Nichoras, 3J3. ]46. Fort JohnlltYn, 6oQ. in Canada, ,M. 227; on c"m. If' dnlt Fishdam Ford, 5111., 532. 5]6. Fort JOhMOn (james Island), 5:z8. Dl'i:la. of. Indr-p., 2]',; and the Rno-- Fisher. George H., on Bouquet, 6tt)o Fort JohmlOn (N. C.). Sofa. lutwn, 25%; vlnn 01 indc-ptndence, Ftsher.J. 8..85' Fort Knyplr.r~ formerly Fon 2:;5; autOjol" •• z#>4; Ihe ..,lde~t IlJstner Fisher, JONnaa, 4J7. WuhiD1tton.]JIl of the DttI. of Indepmde-nu, 2"4; Fisberin, as a school. lor lhe na"" Fort Le ~uf, '.>QI. pl"OP'O'CS a confeckT;J;lion, 274.654; s68. 587; nJue to Massac:bu.etta, Fort Lee, ~ 1J9; I!'VKUated. J18, / ..·._Idiw 4 Maune" ", LallC~' .25 341, 1"7· In' C_lJJy, f~;: pr~~ a" al!jan(lC" Fishkin. :MOo- Fort Lir;;:-onier, '>Q4. wilh the Si. N .. tlon" 6",; hi· inleT· rISke, John. on the political come. Fort ~n .. ttacked. (17i1). 716. est in We-krn ).. ndll, to ....}; PtJ/iliml queoc:rs 01 York~. S49- Fort Ma5AC,1IM. I P;'~'" e1C .. "53; and the Vandalia F'ttch, Au, lo), M7. Fon Mercer, +l'l; (Red Bank), 386: Company, 1'C1II; Jl:on to Europe with Fitch, goy. of Conn., 13- aUacked, 3~· I Lambert Wick", 51'; n:plie, 10 Fitz-pratrick. Gen., OIl Brand,....rne, Fort M!c~j)hrnackinac, 69-. Hillllboroajth's reptJr1. M8; and the 411)0 Fort M.!lllin, JSb, 42'9; attacked, J8B; Wilkes lurmoil., ~: J"I!'TI1(.ved all- I'lat::. tbe fcder.aJ tIa!t (1176), 153; plan~._-+3I, 4P. 4J5.. p*m.lIllter of the colQOin, st,; on W1thLibenyTree,57o;with~t, I Fort MiUer.l'Q8. the union of the ""onin, 6S; hi.~ .. Dou't Tread on Me," 570; lhat Fort Montll:omery. lZl; attacked. ]63; plan of union hn4" 6.5; PrtK'''/· displayed by Paul Jones., 571; by plan.}%4; chain, JZ4' S" .'orb.. "'K' m It-(a.I.-! "Z; ,1,,,,,, "uiAl Johnston. 575; pi~, alJ; oItbe Fort. Motl(', ~ S4-4: captured,4IP- 7,a"IiUIt_I", -*".. loR: letteR United States, lint fought UDder d Fort Moultrie Mlrn-ndc:nd (1780), sA on Ihe lcelio,- in }.ngland during Fort Stanwi.. )QO- Fort Niap~ 6oq. the Sump.An limn, 75 ; hi. arln'.. FIanden, Lif'4 Klllktlp.1J. Fort Ontario,6oo). tat.iotuI on parnphlets (1760',). '11; in Fblbush.p8.. Fort Ouatanontaken.6Q,. I..o¥on Cr7f)l",), "'5; conell~ Fla.the, TIleodor. Gn£4ielJk tkr _ Fon PiU,f.,o.1D; attacked, ~I ; Boa- with Wrn. ~Ir:ahan, 85: wrlles pref. nu. Z,iI. 492. F~p:!:!::7'r, ..._L_ .... ace 10 Sam. Adam.', K.t"" ~/ IN Flatland,3:Z&' ...... _ .....L... C"'-w., cpo ()(.IrJesporMbwllh (;Pb· Fluman, his statue 01 Lord Howe, Fort PulrYID (Wc:a PaiDt),.fb2, f6s. ing about a COIlp'~ (t77lJ. 99: in }So. Fort Rutledf:e. 67,. 6-;6. UJDdtm watched bv (JuUKy. '05: Fluf'. E-"'r PtIId. irQ, Fort Sandu... ky lakeD. &J.. A trw SI4I~ ,/ I)" P,N"tli.p. Fletcher, Ebenezer, N~aJtw. 350- Fort Schl~ 6t:xJ. .06; hi.. c.onf~ wi,h <.:halham, FIeu:ry. Ma)Of" Louis, at Genuan1<..", Fort St. J;;;ph taUnt f,q.. 112; wilh the H..,..~. 112; w.ilin, ~5; hIS diary. 4)1; hIS p1aft of Fort Fon Stan";z t SchuylerJ built, :zqr,;.,...; in lhe PJ,iK Ath,.. li ... , t1 ....;"dnnJ. MifBin, 4J]. his pb.D of the at· deT GaJUoC"YOOI"I, ~623: attacked I 112, manu ('7151 from i.n,-land, tack., 435. wom.Icd. aJ. Fort MiftIia.. by SL ~. 2q9, 623: .ie,:e raid,. In; III Carnbrid11!: ('77~J. I..,..; Ur&:- ~ 6p; oonfeft"D(:e at, for er.t.abli~n,r; inc a retIOf1 to l:M:nn. and an'.... Flint. Wal. M".Rnlino. 91. r bounds., ~ f>lo; Inaf» 01 bounds., I 156: and Paul Jo:mn,,.,,: and pri- Florida., acquired by Gn:ar. Britain 608., boQ; abaDdoDed., 645; map by I .:Item, S'P ; hif. SNH'~"'''''' " 1111 11763).686; boaDds of (1;63). 6&? Fleury, 3"!,)S4t 35S;otber tua,.., I s-"" Jtuk",~ £",_ifl, /I. FJord. Aapsuza, 1ik of Wm.. FkJrd, 351; occupied ('7751, 6z.t: its SlLe. f hoax, ~ ,~; iU!v~ the ftteD-- z6s. 626: called F on !)chnTk-r. 6260. . tiorl of Canada ('761). IN,. "F1oJd, Wrn.• autot-.~. life, 36s- ,Fon Stirlilllt (I..ong: Iv..nd), )2.lJ. 33s.. ,Frankhn. Ga.. w .. M:i:zed., )25: otI Flucker, -n-a.,;9. , "Fort SaJIn-arl rrt0!t2 itin:r). ~.. Ga.l)r..-a.Y .. plan, WI. FlyiDc Camp in New Jf!JWT. pit. 4D).. ! Fon Trumbull (Coaa.). §ifra. Franklin, Wm., kueI-, 1)0 FOC!I:. Jenmiah.... ! Fort T...,. .... 2~. a Franklin Club, 219- FoIsaD. Gfta. Jot .. 187. . Fon V en2~. 6q.. Fr:anu, M.aj. D. S .• aide to AtDo&d. FCJBbiaDqae. E.. B. de.~. 2040 I Fort Wa.Mr~ :IlUd:aI., 2P.7; ~ 460. ~.. I maoded by M2IPW. 387: pIa.ns 01 it ! Fra..... ('"..ea •• with BnTJ:''''''', 211M; Fonderof in Aaleric:a.2.M- CiI1Tied II) P~.1i&7; its ~ ..~.:JD8: a1 HubbaJdlron. 3¥>; Fooce. W. 8.,7'....· 71!'J; r1s ~ ::8?: di~h"o- death . .1570 rannv;a.I of '~,)~7' Forbes. Major ('717),. #J6.. asy oron. 10 Greene,:M; ~ fD.IeT, Lt. Andt'e.-. :;o:z; at f(lft Ftwt:e. CoL Peter, A_. Arr1Ji:..n. dered,:z8q:..a1.~tA~:l101.3.J8; Chal'tTes,702; __2p"',"'. 6;;3; their bad iDdae.., rft;. 0(:1 thl: u:a-:ct Fon. • 1~; pr- J'nur. Cape.? at f-on (..bart:rea,-,oI». ~of the Ded...ollndep..afI9... n.o.cd, :zIS; tn:adInyoi ~ I fra:zer, PenikT. PS; 0(:1 "(ID--m. Fonl,Pau!L,H~.04r I 34" • , .wf,; bpapen.j46.4I i. Fnrmm and the Perm&. mi1iI:Ia., ~ fon Wabau, S44- Fndrric, B., (IIi lhe Mohawl ValkJ. FUITeSl. UpL. ~.J15. I F art. .~ IQIDO ellertll. . i&72-- Fan AmIe bmued.~. FCWbi au.u...... " 455; I J'n:e tnide. 6. INDEX. 759

Freehold; N. J 'f 400. ,.08. ' captures British pOBl1l on the MiMi.. 329.' RIfjI& iii B"'~, J6s; Cw­ Freeland s Fort. 639- sippi, 139; take. Mobile, 139. re$JtnulatfU awr ClildOll, etc., $16; Freeman'. Faml, battle, 305. U6. Gambier, Admiral. 436; life by CaVC!D~ his inStTuchow. to reduce SOQth Ca~ Fremont, J. c., M._ir,sJ .zs!. dish,32 6. roliDil, S26, S2l ; fami~ papers., 719 i French. their U'eatment OJ: the Indiau, Gambrall. C.breA. lift ill CDIMisl .M4- to Chnton on Amol and Andre~ 688; their army moves from Va., .,.14NI. , •. 467; T4e RigldufGrItd lJril4Ut. 145; near King's Ferry, 145i march Gammell. Wm., OD John Russell ~ :r6Q;.scbeme.to conquer the West., to Boston, 145. Jett,9O; Sa_' W_d, 565. 142 • Friedenshutten, 134- GanIeVOO1't. Col., holds Fort Stanwix. Gerinan Flats, 350. F.rubie and Ruggles, PuultnqJ YI., 291), 628 i portrait, 6291.68. ; muses Germantown, battle of, 1OUn:e5, ]85t ",. 10 surrender, 6)2; in :;:,ullivau'8 ex­ 421;' map of approaches. 424 i Mon· Frog'8 Neck (N. Y.), 337; English pe4itiOD, 641 i papers, 350. 670. tresor's map. 426, 427; other maps. works at, Sfu. Gardiner. Asa Bird, 156.1.44. 41", 426, 428; Chew House • .p6. Frontiers, 248; literature of• .z,fB; law~ Gardiner, D., engraving of Cornwallis, Bntish camp at, 442. lesanea on the, 608, 6, I ; banda of Gerry, Elbridge, 238; on WashingtOD ~ 608. Sa ~er,lile and ~'ner and MullinF. E1fI'. Hisi. as commander-in-chief. 131; book /tw Smtlnds. 75. of contracts. 20]1' autog•• 263; life. "~JOIIt, John, Pid.-ItItM tt/tIM CtIM,.,. eanh 00 the Stamp Act debates, 74. 366; draws, Jawor admitaJty cues ~.;92. .1 Gaspee If burned, 4b. 53. 90; refer,. in Mass., 59'. Frot.:ungllam, R.t Risuf"" R~jlN/Jlk ences.l}O. . Getty, Gen. G., W., his plan of YorJc.. 3.252; .. Sam. Adams' Regiments," Gates. Gen. Huralio, advises again" town,553· " 18; Alarm o. 1M "i'rld t!/A#. rat an assault on BOIotoo, 142; paper OD, Gibaull, a priest 723. ' '14; SilptifBt1nmt.18.. ;J~ by J. E. Cooke, '44; letters from Gibbes, w. R.,Doc. H,.. t.A ..... R",.• ,. lYtz7nll, 184, 194; BnJlk}'ieItJ Cambridge, 303; hi. ch.aracter, 2091; ,... . ~ B-.IMr Hill, 184; TIw c~ at Ticouderoga, 291; portraits, :J)2, Gibbs, Major, diary, 601 • ...~ 184; portrait. 186; norices of. 3Pl. 3!O} 476; aulog.} 303; !uper_ Gibson, Gen. John, 711, 71:1. ,86; on Bunker Hill, ISq; em ,he aedes 5chuy1er. 303 i hiS estate ID the Gibson, Thoma., 421. command at Dunker Hill. 191. Shenandoah Valley, 303. in N. Y., Gillett, E. H., 71. FJY and Jefferson, map of Virginia, ]03 i headquarlers at Saratop, 303. Gilman, Arthur. Cdltf!widg, #f mbA 356, 361;' on the surrender of Bpt. 1,2. Fuller,".. O. P., w~ R.I., go. goyne, 3sS: medal givelitohim.Js8j Gilnlan, Caroline, edit. ·Willtw. Fuouala, use of gloves, 77. strength of his anny, 358; joins Wash­ LOin-I, 510. FUMrade dWurbcd by colonizat.ion, insto" in the jene)... 378.; refURIII to Gilmor Papers, 71. 687. . relnforceWa.. l1in~on(1771).+471Rnt Gilmore. jas. R., 00 the Cherokee Futh~. J:. S., on Brandywine. +19; Soutb.4]6; decelvN astothe RJeof wars, 679 i R_ Gward fI tIv R .... on Paoli, 419. hi. anny, 476; defeated at Camden. #lfdi8ll, sJ6. Futhey and COpe, ClJed". CUNnJ¥.lSS. 477.529i at Chl\rlotte.477i at Hill&­ Gilpin, H. D.t.]ife of Jefferson ~5 i borou~h'471.; IUpersed~ by Greene. of Thomas .weJ60n, 2M; 0j El­ 480; nevertned.480: hlSpapel'll.5J2; bridge Gerr!, 366 j of ~r RocJ.. GADSDIDI. CHRISTOPHER. 19. 338) 269'; Jettei'll alter Camden, 532; defendeci. ney.!. :z66; Of Ben). Hamson, 266 i in the Congreas of 1774.99: lavol"l bv Greene and alhen!, 532; map of of ueo. ROS!l.~6!' j life of Ceo. Ta~ the Article& of Auociation, 10'. ' hisSoUlherncampaign, 5". declmes lor. 266 i of Wilham Ellery. :r66; Of Gage. Gen. Thomas, hi, letten lent tommand of exped. agamst the In- Sam. A~~l a66. back to Bos!on. 83; L~Uen 10 t4I dian .. 6]8; commands in Canada Gilpin. Rev. wm., Mlttwirl #f '7NiIY ",,;,i#ry, 8.t; in Haston, 95. 113 i (1776), 346; difl'erencet with Schut R"K~" removes from Danvers, 114; hia ler, 346; remonstrates at Schuyler. Giradin,L."7. H., Yirgillia,JIS' wife, 1113; hi. report of Lexington, being confimled, 349: superaedes Gilt, Col. Nalh., and IndIan recruits, etc., 178; instructions to Brown and Schuyler, 356; ndl.-general at c',m- 633, 677 i in the Soulh 477 i at Bemi~re, ,83; on Bunker HiII,195; bridge, 655; and the Board of War. • Cam.den. S~3: orderly-book. ~S4. hill papers stolen, 204; his letters, 392; quarrels with Arnold, 306,31S; GladwlD.o Maj. Henry, at Detroit. 6Qo i :104 i ICDds tfOOpil to Philad. to not on the field in the battles about ace. 01, 6Qo. protect Indians, 606 i proclamation Saratoga, 309; agreH to Burgoyne's Gleig. G. R .• lJruidJ C_M "n, againlt lDtnllions on the Indian tenns,]olH a.p~restolUpplantWasb. $16; on BUiloyne'ssurrendu• .JSI. lands. 611; complaimof the Indians inaton, ]12 i hi5 military character, Ghck. on Benolngton, 354- in thuebelanny,6~; succeed5Am- 314. Gloucester, N. J'/a425; British at. hent in command In America, 702; Gates, Capt. Wm., orderly-book (1m), 442 j map of La yette's yietory ai, commande in N. Y.~ 30; 5UCCft'd1l 359. 430. Hutchinson, 57; canCllture oI, 59 i Gay, S. H., on Cornwallis in Virxinia, Glover, C'l Allud. '09- .. portrait, 114; hi. spies m~e plana 549. Glover, JOh,!! orderly-books, 204. 601 i of the road& around Boston, no; au~ Gee, Joshua, 6]. conducts «..:onvenl10D troops to Do.. tog., 14S; obstructed by Com. of Gee. 'thomas, order-book, 6?00 too, ]17; lire. by Upham. 325 j his Connpondenoe 115; awake to the Genna] officera, first of the war, 14]. letteR. etc., on the Saratosa CUD­ IDafPlitude of the revolt, u6; his c--.J ViIw D/ t_ A_. ~, "';gn, , ... military reputation ruined at Bnnker 589. Gnadenhutten, 606, 7304t!]6. HilJ 1]6; Goes 10 England, 146; Gener.ll warrants, II. Goddard, D. A., on JIIlaa. IDCD io loya ji!!la address him. 146; dinati.. Genet and the Westem exped., 133. Bennin~on fiJl:hl, 3~. lied with Boston .. a military poll. George II. died, u. Goddard. May Kathanne. :168. 1,52. George Ill., portrait, 20. 76; by Wal~ Godefroy, Fr., R#t'WiJ, 185. " Galne, N. Y. P«ki A/~, 331. poJe. 7:'; supported by his people, Golden Hill, N. Y. city, '73. Gale, George. U,,,.,. Aliniu,,..!;. 648. III; his determination to crush the Goldsborough, Chu. W., U.S.NMMI Gallntin, Alben, S?_;." tV JIIditut revolt, III; his orodamatioo, III i C~/~.58Q. otrihts, 65" his responsibili~ lor the Amer. ReY", Gooch, John, on Harlem, ~ Galloway, JOL. 68; hi. plan of adjust. 20Ht 2'~; j11llificatioD by Mahon. G«J L"~. 218. melli, 101; C_iliJ EXtUlliNdI,6M. 2i4; hlS hatred of Ctuuham. 246; Goodell. A. C., Jr., 96t.l08. de,. 101; a reply in an Atidrus. bl" statue in N. V., ):IS; his prod... Goodhue, SA:owr~. VI .. 214- 10~; aud in resp'onlle, A R.qly, 101; malion of ,763, 687· Goodrich,Chu. A., Liw. fl. SW- Hisi. iUld P6Iil. R~jt«1_, 101; George, Capt. Robert, 729- "'6,266. EZIUII,6aa/i-. "'f- I~ H_ .,f, Geotge. Fort (N. Y.), :l7S. S. Fort. Goodrich, Chauncy. 557. C__ tlfQ, }Ol; J..ecky'. opinioll of George, Lakc-. surveys of, 348- Goodrich, Capt. Wm.,613' him. lOt ~ hi, chanacter, ::3S; in l~~lS t...... witJp AI_IWU'. '78. Goodwin, Dl!lnM:i. 'r:., on Dearbom, Cont. Coogrea. :rn. and the patriot GeoI'J{i:L. addn:ss to Ihe king (1769). 190; p".""iari./ J>,dItPn. 73. leaders. :t.407; His!, aM Pttl". R,.. 83; 001 reprcaented in tbe CoogrQa GoOdwin. H. C., C-u.-I c...t? J&rl--.2S1; jouuthe Rntis,!.3~; ~ In'!t.99; "!ove-ments(I77S!, 131'; lSI,666. made aupenntc-ndelll of poIKe lR ,n the COlli. CongTdl'. 2~S; l,;onat.. Gookin, DaDiel. 668. oa:up'ied Philad., 395; on Indian land't 6~; tutiOll of, 214; by the Brit_ Goold. Wm., Pwt""" .. ./ItUf, his SIIffA ,. dIJ.ITOI?'" hi DkJri,""". lab (1779), 4,0: war In. 513 ;. map of ...... 68;. conW!~ illfonnlltion to Dart- northern irontie-fat ~19; IM:P of A. Gordoo. Col. ec.oo. his calU1 JIIIIIIiaI. mouth tbrough W. Franklin, f01'1 CamP,belI.1?7S: In~anwarln.~ 104 III;' .II~,,'s _ /»14 min. ~rard 1ft Phlladclplua, 101. Gordon. Capt. Hany. 7OIJ. 101';, hi.& mlllp nf the 1m campail[D, Ge-rlach. P •• 350- Gordon. Wm., Afr. tll/14I C....,..... 415; LdIft;s 1_ • N ___• 415~ Gt:nnaia, Lewd ("..eo.,. hiI~ 10 BI!"" ~ t!f H.:iliI-. .,8; A_. 2q§; fails to •• -Rno., 518; map of -.e of BaRoa. and tbe c::ampaip of '117. 4'6. I Joyne. :lQ5: palmllt. ~, Go,. .• at New Orleaoa, 719.' .. nact Howe,:t95; IUld Ceo. Howrt'. ZO'1.2'~ i 011 batte of ea.deD. $Pi INDEX.

hie map' of the: Southel'll campaign&, 510, S~I; his statue. 510; m~I, HlINlntl71n,.,.p, 17J; on Bunk,er 537; on Sullivan's~. 66b. 510; h ... monument, 510, 511; dues, Hill, 189; J-(uf,,, """, :no; edits ~en. Pa., .kirmish, 4'6. 510; Iiyes of, by Geu. W. Greene. Nnw', Ontl.. ", Book, "'5; on Cosa, E. H.,OD Kevere, 47, 175- 511; eulogy by I-lamilton, 511 i litTant Cornwalli., ,.6; on Yorktown, ,55; Gould, E. T., '15, for hi. Rrv.cea, 511; burial-place, If Naval H.atory of the Amencan Gould, Jay, n,1mtJmy CtIII"q, 6Jo. 51(; aulOfC., 5'.; 00 Gales's defeat Revolution." 563; on Paul Jonu, Gouacncourt, Cbev. de. ,502. at C75- Greene,'''''6". )os., 17S. H~i, Capt. J. A., $82; in the "T~. Grant, Gen .. '5].421; in command in Greenleaf, B., 1$6. rannicide," S8~; hll~ 101, 582'. New Jeney (1776), 374; at Barno Greenleaf, MaseK, MSS., 431; in the Hallowell, Rl)bt.,!o, Hil1,44]. Northern campaign (1716). 346; Halley, E. D., M_"i6 C",,,,fy, 401. Grant, George, 668; his joumaJ.lYJ', orderly.book, 5$" Hamillon, Alell., hi. aplJeilJ (1714). Grant, Thomas, his journal, fTl •• Greg, Percy, U"ikd SltUtI. ,,56- . t)8; A /NU ",indica/illll, 10.: Till Grant. Pi&INrYMlW Caft4ti.l, 216. G~. Aleunder, Old CIwr#ZWI,676. Far."" "ifultd, 104; at Lhatter­ Gnnttlam. Lord, SIP- Greive, George, 560. ton Hill, a8t~; his hou5l!', 331, J8.; Grape Island, 131. Grencadier Guards at Cowan'. Ford, ponr.ails of, Y!4; bust of, 3x4; aid Ctasse. Comtc: de, sails for America. 53" to Wa5hing1(Jo, 41f.; at Monmuutht 49Q; on the Chesapeake, SOl; eD­ Grenen. John, 12J. 445; his lelten aboul Arnold and Pp Gr.I~ SOl; plan5 of fight. Grenville. George, in power.:III, 23, Andri, 4£6; remves the news of 541S; portr.uts, SO%" SOl; autog., 4Q; and Ihe HUlchinaon Iette .... 56; Arnold's l,ea5OlJ, 45<); at Yorktown, soz; accounLl tof, 502. R,gwlaJUnu lakIy 1tUUU. '5; C_ S04, 55"1; Eulllry _ G,,,. (;"u*" Grasshopper-. 80 callerl, 4h. t"t1W7'6J' ~II (;,.IQ/ Britai" IIIIIi 5H; hili plan 01 oper.ltions with Graves, Adm. Samuel, relined by Iwr CtJttmil" !!;I; speech on the TI!'a­ Kochambeau, 5(," Shuldham. 1140 152; engages De ahip's commotions, 9Z ; Stamp Act, Hamilton, E., n,y",,/dI, 517. GfUR near the Ches.peake, SOl, ... Hamiltoo, F. W.,G,.,flddIn'G.,,,th. s-t8 j IMICa':eIls Arbuthnot, 517; au-­ GrenviUe Act (176.). 7/ 27,61; char­ 518. log., II ... acte'rU:ed by BaDcro r.. 27; in .s.:. Hamilton, Gov .• hiscue,t'Sl; cba:rged Graves., *m., T_ldUn. S49- ..... ". wilh paying for tcalp.. &!~, ,:6; his GRVesend, 3z6, 3~. Grey, Gen., 426, 427; at Fairbaynt, report on the c::apture of Vinccnn~ Gray, HORee. on the writs 01 usist- 60_~; ; in of the 1iI~ 0( SaV; hill 'RiaiDi Hook,5S'). Grosvenor, L., 19" Liberty," &; h.s lelkT'l, 101; pre­ Green Mounuin Boys., 161. Groton., Cona., attadt.ed (1781). ¢OZ. aidea ~ Provincial ~, 116; Greene. CoIooeI Cbri5aophu. dekads Grcou.t, Lieut. Dand. wdcrty - book at Lexington (In5), 12a, '19; n· Fort Merttr. 3S,. (I77Q).359- tt"Pted from pard.... n~ '12; letter to ...... G;udi~.~ Groveland., J;, 511: 8t.r. Di«_. 511; G~ G~loupe, bt!6. "SO; life by Jobn Adams. 26S; pur. E'-'-t, 5)0; aa banle at L-.: Goem.ey, A. H., Ms. traits, .10, a" ; hi. charac1er, 1"7. Island. 3)D. Guesa. Col. Nath., &n. a11 ;nti~lC' of him by Joba Adams, Greene. Gen.. Natba:nosel, OIl RodXD'T, Guild, R. A_. CIu;ltti. SIIIiIII -" 271; ~tch by C. P. Adam.. a7" 134; (III RunkeTHill, IS,iin ~ IN 8411i1u. 354, 351. by G. Mountlc.n, 271; odlC:J ac­ Iyn. :175; too iJl 10 commaDd. a,8; Guilford, baule of, ...a5. Sf'!; Jo.es, COUIlU, :171: Il

'quarters. :r84 i figbt at, aSS; evacu- 1 HellwaJd, Von, A~, 139- Hodge, Wm.. ST.1t 51+0 515- ated. aSS; lines at. 334. 339; Wash- j Helm, Capt.. at Vincennes. 723, ~, Hodgkin, CoL J~b, 325- inJ;lon at, 33.,; maps of, 334; refer- I' 7 ... • Hodg!cin&on, Samuel,.222, :lS5. aces, 334; view 3J4. Hempstead. Stephen, sM. Hod...w;on, John, 86. Ha~fieldJ N. Y.. 64]- " Hendricks,'Capl. Wm., 219. Hotfman, P. S., 451. HilIT'iman, Walter, 129. I Henley, Capt. David, l~B. Holden. ~J 214- . Harrington, Daniel, 179- I Hennequin, BWZ'TGp,ie Mariti_, Holland., k. G.," flighland Treuon,· Harrington, Jona.. 179. 18S· I' 59" .... Harris, Capt. (Lord). 18]; wounded. Henry, Ca~ John, sao. su. HoUand, Sam" chart of Bostou bar. .at Bunker Hill, 195. . Henry, J. J'I C_Jair'ft q.a1Ul C!-­ bor,Xt9; his man of N. Y'! l;l1; Harris, MOIC!S, the spy 0( Schuyler, I fMe.219- hq maps of me English co ODIf:.. 356• Henry, Moses, 11 .... 341; surveys of Fort Clinton, etc., HarriA, Sam~el, Jr•• jollJ'llal of sara_, Henry, Patrick, 2]8; questions .he Co,{a campaign, ]60• prerogabve.Z4; and the Stamp Act, H~1So Thomas, 68; prinla TM T~ . Harris, w. W.O GrDl_ HrirlUs, s6:t. 29t 7l; supports com. of .corresp., SuaiMl1d6(1/ A1'Ieriea., 83. Harris and Allyn, Gr--. H'irltls, s6; chnra.cter, 107; memoir by W. Hollister, H .• Lae...... YIIIIq, .... . W. Henry, 107 i by M. C. 'tyler, .. ,. Harrison. BCIl;,., 259; hi. house, 259; I 107. 72A;; portnullll, 101, 259; pre­ Holmes, O. W., GrtmilmtJiIIw'.SIIf':I, antog., 266; Ide, 266. pared II 74} to fight, 117; .. We Harrison, R. H .• aide to Washington, I must ~~t,tl I2l i commal'lds Vir­ Holmes, MiuUllU. 136. ginia militia, 16,; on independence, - 321. 390• •pS. Holyoke, Dr.• 187. Harrod. James. in Kentucky, 715. 257; hq hol1Se, 259; and Western I Home, John, z6I). Harrodsburg, Ky., 115. I8rida, 649; goy. of Va., 116; cor-I Hood, Admiral, 83 i LdiW'S, 1Lt; 01'1 Hart, John, autog., 264- respon.ds with Spanim govetnur of the American coast. SOl. Hart. "thomas. 570. New Orleans, 13B; his Jetter on Hoeper, An:hibald M., aec:. of Robert Hartford, convention at (1180), sfio; Clark'. conquesta. 1210 1 Howe, ~J9. Washington meets Roc:hambeau at, Henry, W. W., memoir on Patrick Roopel, J. C.,life of Wm. Hooper, 561, Henry, 101; on G. R. Clarlc"1l4- 265. Hanley, Cecil B., Hn-tIIs .1UI Jtz- Henshaw, Joshua, 73. Hooper, .. King," II.... triDtJ, 680. Henshaw, Col. Wm., 204- Hooper, Wm., life, 265; lI.utog., 266: Hart1ey, Col., attacks Tioga, 6]6. Herbert, Cbas., Rlliel tif A -r. Pr;'" Hopkins, Esek. made chief naval offi. Hartley, Thomas, 346- ","I, 575; TM P'U(l1Un tif 1776, eer, s6II; portraits, s69; attacks New Hartley, Hnws t!/ IIt.e Stmllt, SOS. 515· Providence, 570; attacks the "Glas­ Haske!~. Caleb. 203; diary, :n90 Henng, J. H., l4B. gow," 570; court~martial. 570 i ac- Hau, wells dc, "uiiatt WtU'I, 649- Herkimer, Gen. Nicholas. at 0ris­ counts of, 570; retiJes, $.70- . Haslings. Marquis of, '97. kany, 291h 630; goes to Unadilla, Hopkins. John B., capt. m the Davy, H~II. Anthony, MeM(I;"llIIfli Atl. 6:16: conference with Brant, 627; '7'" rMIIhn'II, 100. his fnn:e, 630; wounded. 631; dies, Hopkins, Stephen, 53; answered in II. Haeneld, Hid. (If Elh:a&tlJ. 407, 560. lao, 61z; suspicioUil portrait, 351; Lltin" fr- ill r_th".., .t HiIIl­ Hathorn, Col., defeated by DraDI, 639' view 0 house, 351 ; hiS namd: iii. i/az, 70; and in Ih/I1f&. o/ill LAtlW, HattoD,' Lieut •• !i34, ~+ . He~ck, H. W., on Stark an ell- 10; and B,;e/ RlMIWkI, 70; RigltU HawthOt"De, Nath., h ... 01 Old Manw" mngton,35+­ tif tIu C«-iR, 10; Gri~1I1t fI/' house, ISo/;' SqJimilu Flli(lll, ISS-. H","ia~ TIM,11o. tM A_"-~., 10; autog., Haven. C. ., Wtukil¥t_ u. N. Hesse, Mr., 138. 263; life, ~5 i and the Congress of. 7"'~, 401; TAiTt? rIa)'1 u. N. Hesse-Cassel, Prince of, his letter to 1154. 66. 71YUl'. 407; AIIWI (1/ r,..,.1I1I, Haron Hohendotf a forgery, "If. Hopkin.,n, FnlIlCi!II, aulog., z64; life, 401; Hid. MiJ""/, 407. HeMiana in the Long bland batde, by R. P. Smith,26s; letter to Ducbe, Haw River, 'IS,. 329; their maps 321, 3450 409; at 438 j BtUtk ~f tJu KIP, f42. Hawkins Ben)., 651. Oriskany, lSI; their jealousy of the Hopprn, J. M., 439; edits H. A. Hawlu, F. L., on the RegulatDr'lt 81. English, 354; taken at Trenton, Brown', O'ali~, oM6- Hawley, James. .p. marched through Philadelphia, 376. Hoppin, Nicholas" I.p. Hawley, Gen. Jos., on Stony Point, at Brandywine, 419; in the South, HOIl}', P., Lift tif. M_itM, S12. S!i8. 4&: at Savannah (171'1). 52.4; at HOIl}'. ~1. wtth Mabem. 54,S. HawIey Joseph, 31; urges fighting, Guilford, 541 i in the k. I. campaign Hosack, David, !l61, 701· Howe, Henry, Hisl. CMl N. Y •• 686. ",d.,"",. HiD. ueo. C, A,.",uJ, ,tin; n-#I Howe, John, 7 ___• 119- Hazard, S:am~I, Pr__ • RIII.7#1r,6so­ 8.-.708- Howe, Richard, Admiral Lorcl. ]80; Hazlewood, Lorn. John, .FlO; OIl the Hill. J. 8., OU/ ~. 18q. ~r.ai!l~' 380; confronts P'u Dela_an.43o, 4ll. Hill, John. his pJao oi N. York,D_; 1llIng ott Newport, 594; c.-/id tUrd Head of Elk, l79- map of Philad., 44=. blljarl* N&n"1IIiw. 51H. uriwes Headley. J. T.,OD Bur,:::oyne'. cam­ Hill. N. N'1..Jr., 7]6. I at New York, 3:16; stalUe, 380; at­ paign, 1$9; on. the ca~p at New­ Hillanl, E. IS., LIISJ JtI/I,. #flAw Rw., I tempts to fon:e the Delaware de­ burgh, 74": M~III, .5"P; on fences, 187; cruised off Boston til) Bouquet, 693- H,Ill" ~ Joh..... ; Mal" S"",",,"'.'''. I lure out l>'~ing, 6oJ. Heath, Gen., ac:count of. the 6ght at N. J .. s60' map o( StOny"'"JJoint, . Ho-. Geo. Robt.. on defeaces of Menotom1. 126; portnllt4, r~. u8; !isS; plan of attack oa FOltS CliDlOIII i CharlesI:on.230' alWest Point.,,5'6; autng.• 127; hi" servioe. I:lS: his pa­ and M

",."lItWNs, 415; Lettwsft.-", Arri­ Husband, Herman, 81; A fiil" /tW In~non. E., Ilfe of 1... MorriA, 261,; ctlias, 'PSi generallycnuosed.4IS. fiamJiHI, Ih. Imja,tial R,WiIN, of Thomlll Stone, 266; of Samuel cQnnection ..... ith Mr&. Loring. 415; ... t:haae, .1'66; of Jame. Smith, l'66; leaves Philadelphia. 3~; Misch;­ Huk.el p","," StlJ/., etc.• 6~0. of JOlI. Hewes, 266; o( Wm. Paca, anu., ~96; attacks Lafayette at Har­ Husled. N. c..:," C".,,,.uu S~i," :a66j of John Adam. ~. ftD Hill, 3¢; hie. reputation ruined .... IDltenIfJlI, Jared. to t,; .tamp dis­ by the campaign of '117. 414; tract. Huu:hesoD. Ma~ Fr.lIId.a. his diary, tributor, 73; his L.II'",]3' OD bis irn:ompeteDCY, 414; his N4r­ 205 ,1~. lolt!is\<.:has., Pia;" TndII, a70; on fl'tdiw, 329. 414; hi, Qrdn-/7-1HHk, HutchlllS, Thumaa, 693, tJw; L_u;. me roqUOII, 608. m~l'n6. 19-4. 415; hi, H. Q. at 1JN4. 651; hi. mans of Buuquet'. Inman, Geurjte. on Princeton, 41:1. Brandywine, 41S; uils from N. V., exp..-d.,6qc); m~p of Illinois cuuntry, Inne., Col. Jns., 1.3. "'7; at Head of Elk, .+18; his cha~­ 700i Llluuiawa 1Jn4 Wilt FltWiU, Inwrance, marllime, rates of, during acteJ'~ 418; enters Philad., 419; Ins 700; Virginia. ~c.. 700. the Rev. War, 56], $73. proclamations, 419; his ace. of Ger­ Hutchinson. <':01. hrael, 20+ Ipswich dreadl • raid from HOlton mantown, 426; tries to lure W uh­ Hutchinson, Gov. Thoma,. B9; on B0.­ (."'). " .. ington to battle, .31i!:; H. Q. at Sten­ lOn Mauacre. 85; his SI,.idrwu"" Iredell. Jame., 5]~. COD, ~9; orden tn Philadelphia I," D.e/a,dlI__ tif CO.p'UI. 240; Ireland, addreu of Congreu to, 617. 4)6. H. Q. in Philad., 436; relieved chief justice uf M;u,a.. IZ; his huuse lrenzu.. Father, 710. by Clinton, 44~; hopes to use the sacked, 19, )0, 7:a; lient.:gov. of Iroquois, histories of, 2 ..7; Inglis' me· Indians.62t; cnticised fOT hi. attack Mass., 22' on feelinji!"s in En.K-" morial about, 608. at BllDkcr Hill, 140; hi, fleet, 158; land. II.; ~i. couch used by Wash­ Irvioe. Col., attack at Three Rive,., evacuate. 80&10D, 158, 20.$. hi, con· ingloo, 146; his character, 26; us· ~ duct of.Jhe siege critictsed in A draWl up petition to the Common., Irvine, Gen •• diary, 2n. VW" 'M Evuu,"" etc., 205; 28; succeeda Bernard (17691. 4'); IrvineliGen. James., wounded at Cheat­ knighted,aSI; occupiesN. Y.,a8]; made gav. of Mass. (1771), 53; his nut 111,38<). dallies at MI'15. MlUTaY'a. 284; at­ lenen returned to Boston by "·rank· Irvine, William. at Monmouth, 446; tacks to outflank Washington b~ _way lin, 56. 93; ail. for England, 57; at Fort pin, na; letters and pape,.. of Throg's Neck, 285; at While death, 58; rlan of union in 1754, 66; 731· Plains, aH6. al Dobba's Ferry, 287; disapprova of the Stamp Act, 12; attacks Fort Wallhington. 287\ 288; his speech aher the mob. 13; his JACK, MAJOR, in Georgia, 676. 678, crosses into Jeney, 290; bis e::en controverty with his A5ICmbly, 88; 679· during the Long hland campaign. threatened.88; Cu;;,'o/ letl."" etc.. JackflOD, Helen Hunt, Cnt"", t1/ pq; criticised i?y Mauduit, 329, 331; 93 i uUn-, 11/ Gn. HlilelIIIU_, Di,"__ . 61h. his quarten in N. Y. 33'; hismove. e:c., 93; TN R,peunWw". IIf Jackson, Wm., ~. 268. menls above New York \1776)} 331; en. Huk"i"._. 93; R. C. Win­ Jackson ••urvey of Lake George, 348. goin~ to Philadelphia, de eatec1 Ger­ throp'. views of the return of hi. let­ aCOb, John J., LV' "f Cn.al, 712. main s piau, J4B; sends expedition ters, 9.:l; George Bancroft'., 93; aooM, F",ncil, "'9. 10 Danbury, 348; takC1l Philadelphia, GnlIvJlle's connection, 94; inter. !amaia Bay, 3:17. 367; invades the Jeneya, 368; evac­ view with the king (1711), 91; 0p­ ames, luhn, LV' 11/ Marum, !IlL uates New jeney, 319; sail. MHllh. poses the Boston Port Bill, 91; ad­ ames, 'i"hom2l1, 1'1°, 22~. and lands at Head of Elk, 319; at dressed on leaving BOIIton. 1'3. !ame., Wm. D., if"'-' Mar'-""l !ill'. Braodywme, 381; crilici.ed. (1176). Hyrne, W. A., 16Q. James hland (near (;harieslon, S. C. J. Hyslop, Robt., baa Paul Jemu'l pa­ ".. Howells." .. W. D., TIv•• Vil/qI•• t84; pen, .... Jameson, Col., receives Andd, 4SS. on GnadenhUtten. 7J6. jameson. CtHUtituli4_' CtmWnJi4nu, Howland, John, of Rhode Island, 405. ILuNOI8, county of Va.. 129- :172. Hoyt,. A. ll., 95- Illinois country, 1011; map of, by Jarvi •• J. W., 134. Hoy!, "pop...... 6". Hutchins.,7CO; Clark'. campaign in. Ja&~r, Se~eanl William. '1.1'. 2)0; Hoyt, Geo., on tbe Saratoga battle. 18; to be invaded by the British IUlled,S2", field, ",. 11180)L"1; attacked, 139, 7,,1. Jay, J<>hn, addre. to the people at Hubbard, Fraoc:es M., W.,. Ri&. I1Jman,Jllomaa, IQ.4. Great Brilain, 100; an EpillCov.. lian, lI'dstm Dllvu. 537. lmJay, Gilbert" Wutnw Tn-ri14r7. :14': on Harle-m 6ght. 3H; on dw Hubbard, John. M4j. Mllu. Y_ 65:1,1Q8. desire for inde-peMcnce, l'SS. CtunJ-.. 669- Import.en in BolIIr"JQ proscribed. 19, Jeffenon, Thomas, S~m_'7 Yilul. Hubbard, J. N.,s~.--'-Aa.62S. 80; lilt of them,1Q. Q8. 9'); the lJed. of Inrlep.• 2]?; 662; R.d 1iKMt. 351, 6.1'5; LV' 0/ IndebeTK (N. Y. chl'.)' 28... StUart's profile- Iikenesaof, :aSK j pol' Van Cam~". 665- Independmce, of t e United States, fraiaof.:I~; hi. hoUle', MOllllcello, Hubbanhon. aHair at, »97. 350; map, growth of the aenliment. :lJ.1 :1§6. 259; fac-6lD1i1e of hi, Qng. draft of Induns, laken prisonen ami made the Dec!. of Independence, :Iho: H~on. Su Hubbudton. slaves., 676; threaten the Southern why at the head of the com. for Hubley, Col. Adam, 668; A,,",*_ coIonie5 (.763), 17; 11UIU». 1",~. dr.ahiOC the Decl. of Indep., :rIi. ; Rr.>tHIdm".6;o. Ii", etc., 247; their part in the hisaulac-. :261, 2116: the hO'l1AC when Huddy. upt. jO!\hua., ca~ of, 1 .... Re-r. WaI'.605: tbeirgJ2.D1S of land.. be .rote the DecL of 1ndt:l!..J. 261; Hudson. Chu., 184; uzi"rt_, 180; 6o'f; rights of Iheir women, 6tTJ; the desk,:J6.; life of Geori;e wythe. on Pitcairn, 'lI); n-"t. UIIIU,.,.. pnvate penons forbKlden 10 buy ~; life by Gilpin. :l6~; eM:apes ~ B-kn- H i/l, 18c,. their Ianda, 608; apu:e woman'. frOm T.lIr:leton. 49'J; dunnK the in- Hudson, C .• and Porter. E. E., C~ chastity, ~.. o, 652; their numbe.... YalMm of Va., 5150 547; controYer.y u-ia/ "' Lu·i"plI". 114- 610,611,650; proportion of warrlon. with H. Lee., 515; Nilu, ",. Vir- Hudson. 9 .• A~.1--'i"", 110; 611 ; names of tribes. 6qq: enlisted ri"i4, 6SO. 11', 7 u; on Craap, 1.10 OD Les:i~on. 184- as mmute-men at C2mbridae'e, 6u; Jefferys, c,,,- TpJUr. q Nil. A_., Hucbon River the campaigns aboat, of more use to the British. 612; 696: pbn of Boaton,2OI); Pr_ilfU 27". maps;;': PJ, J40r,~, .. 55. 4y,. counter-dlOYements to entpo,- them, "f Q~e, 215; chans at the SL 1; eommiaioned by Con!rrCHo672; JC1Ul)'5o Rkbard.7" goruery,l'I6. el'llPkmnent of, in war, opinions as I jenrn-. Soame, m. 06j«l;"a u T.I~ HODler, C. L., WuIn-JI N,. c-~ ~rtf., 671: coanle'roflUtcments of, tdUnl,75- 1;-' 256. sJ6. 6,L F.ndiM< and French. 6AA:... 6l!q; boIan- ' t~. MR., 2~. Hunringtoo, Jcd.,1ettero dnri~ siete tit:s offered to ~e In lhe war, E:Me. Eu..iallS, SI'''' . of Bosto.,.,~: on VaJlcy Forge., ..,6. ~.: all_cd. hr1; join the Amu_ esuits in K.v.1r..uIcQ. 1", 7%0. BIJIdiDgtoD, Samael, 38UIg... 26] ; life, 1ClII~ in &he South, 6:79. L-. "... ohDIOD., Criatioeld. £,.;, C_",.,. 610· ,... Im"'r I. ItulUuu,6ci2; ciriliud by oha.m, CoL Gay. 142; ~ Str Hud., JaIrD, 211. &he Morari:an-, TJA,.. w .. jolmtlon. 6u; hYOn .-e '" • INDEX.

Indiau, 613 i. theobjec:tof suspicion, 579. in ~ Ie Alliance," 583' • life ltirkJand, Samuel, 612, 6Sc.I! j ac::c. of, 618 i fortitieca his house, 6l9; coo­ by J. If. c..:ooper, S89; other lives, 674 j lifo by S. K.. LOthrop, .J74, fen with the Indiana at Fort Stan­ slk); his papers, \~~;'90; life pur­ 659; h" account of &iq;e of liart will: and Oswego, 619; at Ontariu, poniog to be by If, issued in Stanwix. 351. 619; at Montreal, 619. 614; instruct­ French, 590; figureR in c..:uoper'. Pi­ Iqrk.w~, Capt., bis journal, 545. ed t~ have the ,Indians prepared for Wtand Dumas' Cq~ PmJ, S90' Kltanmng, ~. Iel'Vlce, 6:.0; his war.belt, 6%4; SOCII i~ the .. Ranger," S!)O; her log, 5~; Kitchin,'l'hlHlllU, map of N. Y., ]JJ. to Cc;nnecticut. 605; his map of the hllietters, S9O; chums on the U. S., 349; map of PhiJad., 442. country of the Six Nations (17]XJ. 591; causes diplomatic embarrass- Klos-ter-Zcven, convention of, 322. 609; correspondence with Haldl' • DleotsJ_S91 ; ~rtraits, 592 ; medall, Knight, Dr. (with Slover), Narmliw, mand. 654;_ persuading Indiana tu 592; .t::loudon. hUlt, 592. ,;6. join tbe HriLish. 655. onea, Lieut., 627. Krugh1, Lieut. John, 364. Johnson, Jeremiah, 329. ones, M. M., on Cornstalk, 714. Knower, Daniel,,f66. Johnson, Sir john, uqzing tbe Indians ODes., Pearson, 146. Knowlton, Col., 1)5, 191; attacks at 10 take sides, 615,; hia position, 624; ones, Pomroy, O-uJa C.-J)I, 351. Harlem, 285 j bis sc:outs in Charles­ arrested, 625; flies to Canada, 625, jones, Skelton, Virp;a, SIS. town, MasL (1776), '53. Lifttif, 62$; OrMrly-/Jotlle.35I,tnS. ones, Thomas, the loyaliat. hi, cyn­ Knox, Gen. Henry, hi. ao:::. of Brandy~ 660 1 at Onskany, 630; raid. in the ical character, 467. '!inc. 119; hi. report OJ} the ~0l1- Mohawk Yaney, 6340 6.u; in the 0rdan. S., 2Z7. . bnenta army, 588; mlliconceived Schoharie Valley, 6«; aped. into oy, Arad, of Ovid N. Y., 467. later, sS8; bnnga cannon from Ti· N. Y.,~; inSt.!..e£er'scampaign. iudges ~d by the kiltg, 54; tenure of conderoga, 156; his letters, 1,56; 299; Dfe of, by J. W. de Peyster, office 10 El!8land, 4; lD Amenca, 40 autOJ., Islo; on GermzntowD, 42'; Judson. L. C., on th~ ligDen of the headquarters in N. Y.t 276; last Jobnson," .. Jo&, TrNIIJiMu "./ ,d",.,.. Decl. of Inck!p., :166. generat officer of the army. 746 i R",., 514. ]umel, Madam, 2s..., suggests the <":incinnati Soc...l746. Jobnaon, R. M., 701- Knox. Wm.. Claim 0/ tM L'o/mIil6, JOhOIOR. Dr. Samuel, his appearance, K .... La. Se. De Kalb. 75; CMIh"PW,.s.Y «11m", Gr,,, B,.i­ lC19; Taxa/ill" 1111 TJI"'dN#J'. 109 i Kalm predicts the Amer. revolt, 686. lai,. mul Mr' (''f1lonu,. 83; Tlu i'"­ HyjtN:7'iJ:y ,","""IMtI, 102. Kanadalauga, 661). ' lic~ MId joIiljl of u" latl tid, 104- OhnSOD, Stephen, 201. . Kapp, Frederick, Dil Dnd$C1thJ jill KnyphauscD, Gen., at Fort Waahlng­ obnsoo, Wesley, 66,.. Staat. Nn» Ytw.t,35'; Lifotif,.",,­ ton, z89. 3]8, 345; autog., :III<}; at johnson. Sir Wm., hfe by Stone, 241; KaiIJ,C:30; L,6mtks~".,.akKaIII, Brandywine, ]81' in command in hiB tact. 605; labora to pn!:vent out­ 530; Lift 0/ SInI&", 51'. N. Y., 5.59. al Gennantown, .185, ~ 607, 608; diet, 6'2; ace. of, KukaUia, 730, 738; Jeswts at, 720; 4281 on tbe Delaware 4]0; at Jiad­ 6.f8; hiS estimate of Indian warriors, <3ptw-ed, 720; I1!fenmces, 722; maps, den6eld, M2 ; at New Rochelle, 651; maw a treaty (1764) at Niag_ 2M; U Kmg'. Bridge, 286; hi., ara, 6Q8; letters to LOrds Of Trade. ~: b.W~7ilrtl,a" O~" 16- quarters in N: Y., 331; at Trenton, 704; the Western Indians, 7f:!6,J01. Kearney, MaL surveys Of Yorktown, 411. Johnson, Wm., Skltcll6$ V.I{Jt 0/ 553· KOiclusko, Thaddeus, fortifies Bemis GeM. Gnnu, 510, 511; revIew. 01. Kemble, Peter. 12.3. Heights, 304 i at Ninet)'-aix. 491; ,n. . Kennebec expedil10D (Ins)} led by Ar­ portrait.. 492; memoir by Evana, JohnsoD, W. S., and the Wilkel tul'­ nold, 217; used surveys by Montre- 49:1 ; his c1aun •• 492. moil., :18; in the Congress of 1]65, 101',217; Jndian'/'nin, 655; maps of Kr'urd/ualw;" A_-...l4 •. 74; on feelings in England durin~ .be route, 217; re erences, a17; let­ Kulp. Gen. B., FaMiliu tJf tJu Wp­ the Stamp Act times, 75; describes ten, 218; Arnold'. joumal, ar8. ..,.,., ValUy,664' ck!bates in Parliament, 8,5 i predicte; other 1,ournal .. 2J9; orderly·.boob, independence, 85; a patnot, 24" a:ao ; list of officera, 220 i lists; oJ L'AiIORIlAUX, ]. 5., address, 366, Johnaton, Alexander. R,pe__ aliw men and of the loues, :laO. S .. La c..:hemai., edita Blanchard's jour- .A 1ItW. Oratimu, 107; OD. the Cin­ Quebl!c. siege o( (1755) . nal. 55... • cinnati, 746. Kennedy, Patrick,.I"II1'1Ja!, 701. La <":oruc, St. Luc, with Burgoyne, Johnst0'!.o ~pt., in the DaVY. 575; in Kennedy, Samuel, lUJ"F!on. 325,359- the" J..eXington," 575; aunenck!n Kennett &,iuare, Fa., 381, 415. La''!.to.h •. Cap'.' ''9.. to the .. Alert" 575- Kent, Ben) .• 41. La Tour, Bnonck!, T.tIiUr. tk II. Johnston, Hen'ry P., U Yale in the Kenton, Stmon, ;008. ~,416. ' RevoluLion,lI 189; on R. J. Mei~, Kentucky, explored, 710, 7'5; lint I~ Lacy, Gen. John, 393; Papers, 2161 at :119; his map of Long Island, 3:18; cabin, 715; made a fi:OUnty of Vir­ Y"aJley Forge, 4;J6. CtllnJa/p iV 1'176. .)31 i plan of ginia, 716; forti in. 739. Lafayette, h15 view of the English New York lillana; 331, 335;. on Na­ Ketchum. Silas,. edit. Mrs. Walker'. obServance of the Saratoga conven­ than Halcl 314 i on Col. Varick, 460; Ewnt, in. Ca.II4UIa, 222. tion, 321; joins the arm)" ;)80; on De KaJb, 530 i hi, p!an of battle Ketchum, Wm., Buffai4. 6d. wounded at Brandywine, ]8z, 418; of Camden~S31; on Dc Kalb. Gates., Kettell, John, at Bunker Hill. _. headq~nen, j19; his attack at and the Camden c:am~'"U, 5J2; Kettle Creek. sao. Gloucester, N. ersey.t 389, 430; pr0- y.,.Atda:wCam...,p.55S; on5toay Kickapoos, 7Dl. posed for command 01 an expedition Point, 558, , Kidder, Frederick. Mi/itary~iMu to Canada, 392. 447; at Barren Hill. Johuton, Bridfll_tI BNIImI, 567. ill EaItwrt Man... 564, 657; ace. of 396. w; tint sits at council of war, Johmtown, Gen. Schuyler at. 614 i him, 657. 417; at Monmouth, 444, 445la«ount fight 3.t, 646. Kimball, James, orderly-book (17.,.,.. of Arnold a.nd Andre, 466; marches Jones, Rrig.-Gen., 194- 1778) 360- aouth, §96; in Richmond. 496; map }ooet C. C.,GH1'rHto679; LtutD_jI$ King, (':, on Monmouth, 446- of his bght with Cornwallis, s38; in tt/ L;;, S09J SIO; S"I(. W-.J­ King, David, 219- Virginia, 547; his MIwutin'1 S47i. at /W, 230. 524; SqwJllUY 11" Gn_ King, D. P., 18.t- Yorktown, S5Si flans an mVllII!0n. ..s Prd&ski, 510. 524; S.p tV S.. King. Gen. Jo.hua, on Andrea ~ of England, 577; In R. I. c:amp;ugn --.-.l ,iI mq, su. (1778), SQ,], 601; hi. letten. SQJ; Jones, Ch. H •• CtI_/d;",/_tM c.... K.i~ ~ridp, ]36.. 337; aft"air at vWts'SOston, 595; his plan of NlU'oo f/Wd"rCd~ 1740 (1781).5(11. ragansect Bay. 6ao; h.. p1ao of onC!a, Or., of Boston, 47· Ki~s .,~ (Hudson River). 456- Rhode Island. 60s. onela, Gabriel, 716. King'a Mountain! baule. 479, 535,5361 Lake Pontchann.in, map. 702. fones,J. S.,fJ¢","f/N",C~ 677; forccsandloues, $351 nogooa Lake.. S" names of lakes. 2 57. plan, 5)6; view, :;36; diagrams, s~ Lally, Thc.na.l. U7. Jone., John Pau), made lieutenant Ki..,Jey. J. 1... Hut. _. 93;" J..n,b. Col. John, 670: at West Point, $68; cruising in the .. ProYidcDCe,'l Ezra Stiles. 187. ¢o; his artillery (lOIIlpm:r at Que­ '00; made captain, S70t 571 i in tbe Kingston, Dudteu of, 112.­ bec, ::uo. n' Alfred," Stl; captures the "Mel­ Kingston, Fort., 66+ Lamb, Roger, 7-tJ.fOc~. lish," $1'; 1n the U Ranger," 571, Kingston, Lt. Col. (1m), ]66. .... ,.60. S· .. ". ; Ak_JIx>. st6; displays the nationaI6ag.511' Kinpton, N. Y •• senate boue, 214; Lambdin. A. C:, 4~. ace. of him, s7f»; takeathe uDrake," burned (.717). 36f. Lamoth, Capt.. 728. S .. La Moebe. 577 i descent on the Scotch coast, Jt!n~..t.. N~ J., 4OI..f.IG. Lancaster, Pa•• Ccml[ft:a. at, 38). ~,,; his Ie-ltc.r-boob, 51: 7; in the Kunuson, vaYid. 91. Lanc:utcl' C~lIltY, Pa.. IDUIIIiICI1! in. • Bon Homme Richard, ' 577. $90; Kip'. BAy. :aS3, lll, 335- her log-book.!, ~; her flag, 5QO; e~ Ki..... Edmu...... /or J. R. GiJ. Land. companies.. 6t~ 6sa. Land- ItJ2nlS. fraodo.lently obtained pges tbe .. :serapis,n s7S. 590; ,toeS ..... Into the Tenl"s7B; eR"ett in Eq­ Kirkland" J. T., 6p; Iketdt. 01 GeL from the Indians. 607.6coIl. land., S90; aaeka the Freocb ~ LiDcalD. 51).- Laadaff, Biahop. his RI'IDml (1767>' INDEX.

76; answered by Livingston, :r6; a 1~ff'1n"". SIS: on the capture of Lindsay, W., IIIrNUUnI tif CaJfIUiIJ. y illldiuUilnl, 76. Andre, 466; atlaCb Paulus Hook, U). Landais, Cal?t., in the .. Alliance," S59- Linn, Bllff'_ ViIIlq,446· 571. 578; m~e. 579; his Il-UMtI­ 'Lee, R. H., 236. 259; and the Stamp Linquet, ]66. rial, 590; C44r~,s,uad Pr~/s. 19- ; Act, 29; lupports com. of COrTe- Lippincott, Capt. Richard,74'" ace. by E. E. Halc, 591; hi& claima, spondence,,56; address to people of Litch6eld, Paul, 20). 591• Great Brit3JD, 100; drafts addresa of Little, Moan, ]16. Lane, Capt. John, 614- Congress of 1775, 108 i movo for Livennore, Daniel, 668. Lane, S. E., 1'4- independence, 2)lSj not on the com- Livermore, Geo., lIi.l. Rlua,r:"-, "5· Langdon, John, in Canada, 221. miuee 10 draft the DICCI~r. oj Inde- Liverpoor, Enjl:., 56). Langdon, 'key, John, eermoo on Lex- pendence, 2]9 i hie resolutions of Livesey, R., 515. ington, 180. June 7th preserved, 26. ; referencea, Livingston, Col., at Freeman'. Farm, Langdon, Samuel, election termon, 261; autog., 265 i life, 266; on Tren- )16. 131; Mal "f N. HaM,sA;", 211. ton, 1,0"1. LlvingAton, Henr)" B., "59; orderly- Langworthy, '1:dward. e",", LA" 407. Lee. M~jor Wm., 204; LlgaJ upu-, book (1777), 359- Lanman, jamcA, 41.> .. , 591. 729. Livingslon, <':01. James, before Que- Loneau, Lilt. C_tU/i,,,.,,,, 216. Leiste, C,on the British colonies. 341. bee, .65. Lamed, Miss, WilUlho.m C_IfIY.193- Leitch, CoL Thomas, 171, :aSs. Livingltoo, Philip, 'flu otillr ,Uk tif Lathrop, John.IleTmon on Boston M .... Leith, John. Na_tJli"~, 682. 1M ~II;"'. 106, loS; autOl., af'4; Iacfe,88. Le Marchant, WaJltIII'6 Gu1"r.III., life of, ~5. Latrobe, H. B., life 01 Chat. Carroll, 75- Livin~ton, R. R., intercedes for .... Lemoine" MtlJU kaw" 1123; Pirlrw· Arnold, 4~; in Gmada, 2r,; on Laurens'Jobn, Lt._Col., at German­ ~S,_ O",..wC', 22]0 com. to draft Dedar. of Indep., 3]9; t';'wo, 5; on the Delaware. 431; Leney, \II. S., 107. on Stamp Act, 7]' killed, 507. 545; al M01lmo!-ltht 446; Leonard. Daniel, Tile ;,,,,,1 ~/iJieili Livingston, Gov. Wm., hie papen, challenges Lee, +t6; at Chaf1e&ton dtltl, etc., liO; Th Orir'" "f 1111 ]S9; ColI,cl;_,,/ ,"aell, 8]; corre- ('7"". ",. AnIn'. C-ud, 110; MtUMU/JlUII-1 Bpondingwjlh Sam Cooper, 8] ; LeI- Lauzun, Duc de, Mb"(lby,. SOo. u'""' IW • ..,.;" fI I#lk.,.., 110; In- 1_ BUM; tV L.IUIoff', 76; hia Lawrence, Eugene, SS9. rdere:nces, 112. silhouette,8.4-. Leach, lohn, ~ Leslie, Col, at Salem, 119, 172. Lloyd, Charlel. <4IJ : sec- to GunYille, Learned. Gen., at Berni. Heights, Le!lie, Gen.! ~ttacks C!'.at~enun HiD, 75; ClINIhul "/ lit, ltUI"",iIlUt". J04; at FreemaD'. i'arm, )16. 286; at CbaTiaton, S. C, SO?'; pro- litHI ,xtlMi';'tI. ']6. Leboucber, L4 ~ III rJ", poses a truce, sou j marcho to the Locke, <':0)., 475· ~~, 560. Carolina5, sJ6; at Prinoctoa, ]78; Lock..-ood, D ...MI. 472· Leeky, on BunktT Hill, 198; on siege in Vlrgin~"9s. 546. Lockwood. James, 17B. of UostOD, 173; Et#rl4tUJ, m .• 68. Lesper.toce, J., BtIIl__ U, D). Lodge, Lieut. Ben;'. map of Su1Iiftn·. Ltdy~rd. Col, hi. career, eu:... 562. Levasseur.A.,LtI/tl7'I/#".A..n-.... route 11779), 68,. killed. 561. 194- Lodge, John. 212. Lee, Andrew, diary. 417. Levin(!:e, R. G. A., ~;"I Loftus. M2j. Arthur, on the Miui. Lee, Arthur. A TrwI Siak sf 1M Ll~"-II,,/_try. 1C}8. sippi. 701. P.,.lH:I,dillp, 106; A. AJ'IUl tg LeWlt.. GeD. Andrew, leads exped. I..oJi.a.O. Col., at Blue Licb. 7}o. tAl P'''JU ~, GJ-,td B.,.ita,,., 106. agalDSt IDdians. 71]; at POint PJe:aa... Logan, James. hi .. hauk". ,,29. 101) i on the neW1l of l..cxingtOJl, anl,713; in Vugmia, 168; hD (),... ~n. J. H. t VJ~"t_lft,y -.IS,. 175; helps in .'~riting the ?ibrrly C.,./,_. ,,6. S""r, 86; PtllilKal Drlld_, 8.!1; Lewis.""...... tAL. .... of Virginia, 679- I ~n HiaIorica1 Soc., 71); A ,"""all trying to eecure powder for Vir~ Lewi$, Francis., ~utog.. 264; life. 26~ Pi-.cI7'. 71]. ginia .68. Lewi&, Morgan, life Of Francia Lewil. Logan (Indian). hi.llpetCb, 7.1. 712. Lee. C~, Strid~1 _ ,. PrinulJy "'} jlAgtawn, N. C., S4]. A tidTep, 106; ~t Cambridge, • ..,.; Lewis, S. ]]8. L~ Gtlutlt, S16. corJ"e!lpondence with Burgoyne..... ; ~. i~n- C,., "'9.. Long, )'.J huiuu, inln"pdn-,6f9. his beadquartenl in Medford, .... :. Lexington. Ky.! 706; named ID com- , Long. Y/17aKI', 741. sent to New Vork h7l6), I¢; goes m~moration at the fighl in 1775, .'18. I Lonjl: bland, battle of, 326; ~ south, 156\ 1M: his etleJ'5 at this Lcungton, Mass.., march to, 12]; I )28, J2A",. moTements of. 129; Bnulrb time. 156: In Virginia, 168; in South Percy's reinforceme.nltl, 1:1]; dIect atrengtll at, );10; bibtiognphy of.., Carolina. 168; Jenen during siege of the news in Engbnd.. 125 j.au-- J2tJ; the Brilbh Iznd on, ]26; He.- 01 _ .... ""; ..".... on dd=; 011 i'IdD:aDl. Lee., F. D., Hill. R«. •/ S---..., 52:1, 554; at Sannoah, ..;ro, 5'910 1'13; 011 the knoluaionvyna..,.. 589; S· .. SZ2. SZ3; wrthlin-, 4T1; aUlOo T_ Sfo" "'~.: on AIT.oid'. trea-- Lee., Fr2IICia UghtfOClt. ~ 366; EJ2I)b. 473; pon:rair, 47]: li.-e..SI]; kin, -t64, V"i114 SI4III. 6s9; S,,-- tile. ""'- tas·p;ipen. 3;90 ;1): bn. lenen, 51); lu.. It.tuI.,.u/ #U&II ---,,..ax. bs9; Lee, C2pL Joba. S9%- coOperaIa .... nb D'~dil]; IUI'- on Quebec:. Z2J. Lee•. CaL Heory, 2u., 909; ;mil IDa ft"bden CharlesIoa, "74, 51]; de- Lothrop, hue.• 8;0. ~. 4&.; ~ .~'s conmm. leach his condort. ~: dr~ off the Lothrop, S. ~, S ....l K irM.tuJ. mcaboaa. .s,.: JIIIDI M.arioo. 4S7 ; at bsa ship froaa IJ.o.toa, 16Q;; ill Bur- ~ 67 ... AU(USIa. 4QO; at; Niaety-S~ ,"I ; gorne's ~ ~, J~; acbJIK ~n~, ceded (']61) 10. Spain. 686; at the Eut.a..... S4S; Rti~ ~5: 011 ~ lic:cwmnunJC2bobl,.:J04: UUoa III, 717 ; a rqNbiK: tried. 7J7; IV_;' J}" S~ IkJ4 509; OIl NeW \:'ork J~ h7&I}.,w.,;'" french ft.orU ia, 61» edited by H. Lee, !jIlIQ; by ll. E. COUDt of 8eDoingloll.lS4' a:ttack OD I.Dwdl~J""-,81; 'duapl""'·_"" .".; Lee. ; caDed ul.qjaa Hany," .StoGo,~:;.r.tb Gaka(I777")07'. CIa .. adYance., ue; dlC: and U~"cae H..;.ny,"".,; par­ ~ W ...... cd.. 1--" -.I M... ~. I, JIP; 011 H~. tniIs, soq: srwaeOlJ Jeff-. 515: P~. C--r.• rfk).. ---... .. 116. _ W~. _ .... u".~.,; .. V...... ~ Lind. Jobo.. A ...... " tAr D«l. 11/ 421. (_ .... a..eP- Harry ''1- /.Jq .• 269. Lo.dJ. ("-. sm-, ia p~ ~l!f .,aI, 51'; OJ.,-".t... _ t..iDds;ry, Lc.d, - Gena:m&own. 42J.. npedirM- sb; a.&os-, 6!r:J ..... INDEX.

rets with Sa)tonstalll!'ol i hi. 7""'-1 Ma!lufac,urea 'prohibited in the col~ 7-..k 0/ lM PnDillei4l CMf­ ua{. 603 i bfe by ..l'fas~, 6oJ; ae.. DICS,6.. encouraged, 71. 18. I"S', 106; articles of war, 108; form qWtledl: court Of mqwT)",6o.t- Manwanng, Edw., Hb. ofbergovemment(I175) approyedby LoVewell, obu,68I.. Marblehead (Mass.), Glover's regi- Con~ loIS i a!UeS to be eanea Low, Na ., Au,tm. Duuy. 178; meD~ 31~ 565- proYlnce, 108; provincial COD~ map from, a-P. Marbois, LtnnjbJt d'ArMItJ d CIUt-. chooses general office", u6, 24]; Lowell, E. J.t 411 i introduction to lim, 463i translated. in AIHWiea" militia, 116; lecond provincia! con­ Pausch'. journal, 360. R,gullr 463. gress. u8; em~e,.Com. of Safety LowdJ, Jae. Ruuell, CtlllClWli Otll. MarburyJ.Col. Leonard,676. to gather the ririlitia, 119: provincial "'\" hiS house, us. Marcus Hook 4I5! congreu, 120; meets (May, 1115), Lowel ,John, on the Bunker HiD COI)o. .. Margaretta/' affair 0(, 564. 131; warna (june 11, 111.5) the mi­ troverstz 191. Marion, Francis, SU; livest SIB; por- litia, 133 i the doinga of the provin­ Lowell, Kobert, .. Burgoyne'. Jut trailS, 512; his relations WIth Greene, cial conp-eu, approved by the Conti_ march," 357. 4'}0; at Fort Walson.~j di5cour- nental CongnM. 134; Com. of Safety Lowoes. C., :107- aged, S~; pursued by Tarleton, 480. &end ate. of Bunker HiD to Eng­ Loyalists io Boston, organized into ,. Manon" men," 490. land and elsewhere, 181 i in the Cont. battaIiuns, 153; leave Boston with Marsh. Luther R •• Gen. WIHldAtdl. Congress. 234; sets up itsautQDomYJ Howe, 158: leave Charleston and 330. 231, 251; C""~naUU 0/ IIw C-n".. Savannah, 546; discouraged by Tren_ Marshall, Christopher, diary••• 213, hll;"" 214; frames a constitution, tODl 401; military orgauiwlonl in 404, '06, ~1; his ace:. of the read- 214; R'JiwI (Ja '" CtllUlituti_, 214 i Philad., 395. S" Toriea. ing of the Decl. of Indr.p. in Philad., other publications, 214; sends mast Lunt! Paul, 203· 213. . timber to Charles II, s64; ahips Lusltington, S. R.. L_d HtWri.r, t83. Marshall. Col., of Boston. 41. owned in, s64; commissiou a naval Lynch, Thomas, 264 i liIe.265 i autog., Marrohall, John, at Brandywine, 418; force (117§l, 565; their captures. 266. at GennantoWD, 422, his accouut of S68, 582; ner force in 1179. 519) Lynch's Creek. 476. Wyoming, ~3' sends expedition against PenobiCOt, Lynde. Judge Benj., portrait, 86; Marshall, O. H., NiarM'4 p,.lIIIIiIr. sB:a; privateen of.!. 585, s87, S91i Diary, 86; autog., 50' 658. commlssioned in nance. 587 i her LyOD~ L., Mil. 7tntriftzh, 118. . Manhfield, Mus., garrisoned, 118. navy, sSSL586; her Josses at Pe­ Lyttelton, Lend, A lnu,.l. C.wa.a.... Marti_, D., engraved the earliest nobscot, 5156; her number of men at 10+ American plan of Bunker Hill. 200. sea, sB1; her legislation about pri­ Martin, ]ov. of No. Carolina, 168. vateent 591; their captures. 59!; }{lGAURAJI, MAJOR EDwARD,360. Martin, oseph.611' ~ In R. I. (1118), 601; issues Macaulay, Catharine, OIlIn"fNflWIU, Martin, . S., RftJObdifmm? S#IJiw. bills to defray coat of :Penobscot ex­ 88 i on Chatham, 685. 329' pedition, 603; military rolla of the MaCClonald Flora,,_J~. Martin, Luther, 112. exoecL, 603; Stockbridge Indian. Machias, Me., affair of the .. Mar- Martin, Gautt",I1/' V ... 554. enlisted by, 612; their plea of justIfi­ gan:tta," 564- Martin, No. c.:rwJ'iNa, 67S. cation, 6121 61:H seek to enlist the Ma.cbtgwaWlSh, 738. Manler's Rock, 323. Nova Scoha lndians, 614; treaty Machin, Thomas. map of the Hudaon Maryland, in the Continental Cou- with them, 614; 7"."..".u of its pr0- River, 455- greas, 234 i effect of Boston Pon vincial congresaes, 656. Mackay, capt. Samuel, N.,.,.IfIi'W. Bill in, 1)6; militia in (1114), 111; MtlSSlUluudu GllMIt" 110. ]60. movement. (1114), '}S; Stamp Act MtIS.acllJlSdt. Sb, 110, 122. MackenDe, Alez. S., Lift D.! Ptal t'!t 13; troops• ..as; at Hobkirk's Massey, E"rkilld, 112. 7111UI. 590. tuO, 4B8 i at Camden, 53]; at Masts, timber for, 56 ... Mackenzie, John, 19' Guildfotd, $41. Mathew, Ceo. t 560. Mackenzie, Roderick, Strichlnl _ Mascoutina, 10~. 741. MatlOn's FOrd 425. Ttwl.tttnl, 517; answered, ,511; on MasAres. FranClll. E.64YI, go; AccOJDd Matthewman, Luke, 581. Cowpens, 538; wounded at Cow- tifllujr«"tlinr', JO'1i! AddiJitmal Matthew., David, ,326. pens,541. }>OIWI. lo.t. i ClUIIIIlisa p,y,MltIw, Matthews, Gen., IDvades New Jeney, Macpheraon, James, RitA" qf GnaJ 104· S59; in Virginia, .546. B,.i/ai8 Asurlld, 109, 269,. Mason, Col. David, HI). Matthis, Samuel, HohkwP. HiD, 543. Madisonl...Jamea,259' . Muon, Edw. G., TllflJ's R,~ DIId, Mattoon, Gen. Ebenezer, on Bur- M"PWI.KObert, on Fort Waahington, 730; Spaniards in Illinois, 743 ; K_ goyne'. sUJ'1'euder, 358. . 341; etter b<;!.,.ridgel, 20]., .ta.r..... 123; on Fort Chartres, 706· Mauduit, hrael, 8.1: SIwrl Viftlt. etc., HarlUli4, a 'a periodical, 519- Muon, Geo.~ 259, 116; his bouse, 8S; edila the Hutc:binllOD lettens, Manem, Marion's ieutenant, 545. :aS9; Virgima Decl. of Right&,:l72; 93; on Bunker Hill, 195; on Gen. Mahem towen.12l. references 212 Howe. 32Q; H_ til WIUU PI";Ja, Mahon, Lord (Eart Stanhope), on Mason, G. C, o~ the English fleet in 331 i TIuw LnIW, I" HOfDI, 195. Bunker Hill, 1q8; condemu AndnS'. Newport, 593; on war ..eaels in 331, 344; on the Miscbiaou, 436; execution, .¢1i OD the Ded. of In- Na~nsen Bay. go. agent of MUL. 28. dep .. :z69. Mason. onathan,88. . Maverick Peter. 266. Mahoning, 6.t.l. Muon. haddeua, .87. M2wh;;;{, Col., ]78. Maidenbead..l. N. J., 409. 410.. Mauachu&etts, circular letter (1768); 2, Maxwell l Gen., 380; at MorriSiOWD, Maine, H. ~., B""IP¥*'I C~ .fa. '19; causu of the Revolution in. 313 i hIS briltBde. 670- .166. 18; character of her governors, 22; Maxwell. MajOr Thompson, 19o. Maine created as the province Of New its fisheries.. liS i trade with the West M\lXWCII, Thomas, M.J. Ireland,604. Indiu. 26; the Stamp Act, 29; re- MUWt!1I on Arnold'. ~ht on Lab M ail50nville Franci.. 129- fusea to rescind the c:ircolarJ,etter. 44 ; Cha!'.'lplaiu., )46. ,. Maitland, Coi.. at Savaamah, 4700 5:10; calls _ convention (1768), 45; pro- May, Thomas E., C...t. HUt. E .... dies. 524' tats against tbe lDJutary ~{1Qtion /awl. ". Majabi",1IdUCle,6o&. of Bostoo. (1769), 47; legislature Mayer, Brantll, edila Carroll'. journal, Malcolm, Daniel, hit hl)ldII assailed. moved to Cambridge, 41; adopts 221; Lopa 4I'lI Cnllt¥. 11S'; T ..... 68. , iuter-colonial com. of correspond- GaA-7.u, 712. Malmedy, autag., !DO. fortifies Nar- ence, 56; bill [or ftKDlating the gOY- Ma~hew, Jonathan, ru. (:OfttnJYenIJ' raganaett Bay, 5~. emment, .sS; legislature at Salem, wuh ApthorpeJ 10; his UraliMit,d Mamaroneck,3J7' 58; .A.~ #/ 1M ;-t DInIIUsUnt III'''' Aip... jtmtrr•• 70; lfanch.J.c, 139._ IMA C--nJ, 61; SJwdws'--i- of tZ O/J#rTxII;o.s, in regz, :t"Plhorpe, Mancbester, N. H., 190- ~, r,65-I11.5. tMUl 1M ..... 70; Ik/".u tg' a ;."s, '/0; Manly, Capt. Jobn, c:aptUI"flI Crean nwn ttf 1111 HfItI# #/ R,;.. 6?; R.-rir, '/0; htl porttaiIs. 71: m­ ICI'eIlces on his career.1r; ~ . Brush, 20S; taketl prius1 ,65; the 7--" 11/ 1M H __, 67; Stni. first to .bow. Continental Hag. 565; -p~, 67, 13 ; her letter to Rock- union of colonies, 8q; view of his driven into Plymouth, ,56,; ~nd ingham, 83; S-r V LiIwtJ'. 86. meetiDg-houae. 151, 197; cmdroftr.Jy ca~taln in tank, 570; captures the 87; R.!JI¥ to HtdclWutM (ln3), 90 I· with Secker, 243 i -.mon on thO II Fox n $19' loses the .. Ha~" ~tition to the king for the remova Stamp Act, 11. f,n; ~' in the W ... Indies III Of Hutchinson, 95; Americana ill Mavnard. N~m, 189- • De Hague II ~ London op~ the Regulating ACI. McAlpine. A£_ivs, ]60. Man~ Hennar:, }l',--" R ..... or 9j; debare in Parliamfonl, 91; BiJJ McBary, Col. Leoaardl 676..".,.. Lip tV IhIItwd S~..,... 191. .ftW'- i_,.".,.naJ ~ tg' McCall. Hugh. Jives 01: Lpnaa. HaD. MauOlSIIl N. Y •• 340. jrt:diN, 97i S-t_ .~ -" Button Gwinnett, :tf.S; GeorJ;e Wal­ Manafield,hia ~n,.n;·Pt-./ C---'. 97, CJ8; acnon takea for ton. 265._ HUJI.II/o-r;.. 51 ],579- III. ClliMVI _ .~fI ~ a Congress (In;4) •.99; her assembly NoCall, eo..... J ...... ,.. .J"UI'" MA-s, 112. bec::omesaprcmocial COCJCI'CS5t 116; MeClean, capt.. 4430 INDEX.·

McCldJaD. Capt. J--, journal, 561. Mills, SWisliuo/ SII. C~, Pl. Moot1!J T. W., aj~e 10 ~5U- McClune., diary, 180.. MiUtowu, Pa., ]81. Moore s Cfftk Bridge, acbuD at, 168; McConkey, MB., H~ -f CIll1Jnu. Miner, Charle$o W7t1~, 66t- references. 168- 5". Mingo Bottom, 136. Moorsom, Fi/tr-ctINI R,¥., IqS. McCoy, John F .• publiilhes ed. of pro. Minge? Ind~ntI, 610, frrl. Moravian Indian., 601>: $rnt 10 N@w ceedinG-' of the Andd c:xam.inabon. Mimsinlr. 1JIaI8aCI'e, 639. 65],662; 1--. YOTk, &0,; protmed by Gen. Galtel ,,6,. 66z. fIo]; miMiont among, 114; attacked Mc;Coy, Se~t. 219. Minomines, 138. by British, 114; t'e.moved to Sa!" Minot Geo.. R., 88. dll~ky. 135 i aI Detroit, 1]<; lanM In McCrea, MISS Jane. murder of. fla7; l her LI/" 621. Mischlar.u., 196, 436. Michigan, 7]C; general relercDc:el. McCuriio, David. Z01. Mi~re (Ste. Genevieve), 138. 7]6. Su Indians. McDonaJd, Capt. Angus. gon, agaioat Mi!!6issipfj' River as western boundary Morgan, r;~D. Daniel, on the Kenne- the Indians, 11]. of the . 5., 1~; plan by Pittman, bee expect, 162; captured at Que. McDOUga1~~~ at ClliI.Uerton Hill, 102. bee, IbS; his account of the attack, ~: at town. 385; al West Mobile. Pitlman', pbo,7OJ; captured, 222; 01.1 Freeman's Farm, )Os; head-- Point. 551. 119. quart~ ... at Saral~ 35M, 360; McDo_n, Col. Chas., 478. Moffat, of R. L, 011; Stamp Act • thteat~ns Cornwallis' Bank in uro- McDowell. }os., portrait, 535- baJ:es, 14. hna,..s, ; pur.ued by Tvlelon, ;4~1 ; McGill, Maj., on Dmden, 530. Mohawk River,609; mapof theDri~h- .1 C~ns 481, 538: hI.' differ. McGoWllll'. Pass (N. Y.). 3.}8, 3190 I borhood, ]51; valley, 610; IDdian ences Wlth Sumter, 531; bls I:<,rre- McHenry, Tames, 446. inCURwn, 672; warfare in, 657. 'pondence,5]8. TN H,rl1 0/ C".,.,. McKean, 'thomas., on the CongreM of Mohawks in Carutda, 656; initaled by /JeJU. ]60; medal, 5]9; in New J er· 1;6/'74; life,26s; sigDcd the Dccl. the Coon. Co., ~; their lands east aey, ]98; h~!I liTes, 511: bis gra~, of odep-•• 68; autog., z6S' of the boundary Ime. 610; 1I01icited, 511; portran., Sir i statue, 511; hIS McKendry, Wm .• 7_""'.666. 1%0; would proted Guy JOhDSOD, hou.e, 5 It. McKenney and HiU, /IIdiaa TriIJu, 6:.t- Morgan, Col. ('..eorp, 704- .,~ Mohegau,622. MO'l"iln, Dr. John, 1O]. M(Kenne. AIeL, on Cambridge, 1"2; Molasses Act, 25, 26, 72. Morgan, L. fl., uqw o/IM /,.. on LainRlOn, 184- Moocktoo. Lt.-Col., at MODJDOUth, lfWDis, 659. Mclane, Capt. ADeo, 385. 393. )98. 400- M~nn. Lif, 0/ Priu, 110. McSid. Capt., in the Dary. 570. Moncrid, Col., 521; at Sa'9'llDDllb Morley,Henry.ediuB-.ukc'sS,kIt".iu, McNeill, CeD., commands at PeDOb- (117'1;1),524- .12; EtlMu"d B_k. 769· scol,6oJ. Monette, VaIIq './ 1M JJliuiuiHi, Morris, Goun'mellr, 06serPtdi#lu_ McRae, Sherwin. S~5. 686. 1M A __. RnI., 556. McRae. Lifo fI/ 7.tuIW Irwieli. 532, Monk's Comer, 413. MCII'Ti8, Jacob, 169· 531· Monmouth, battle. 199; plans of, 408, Morris, Lewis, letters from Czmbridp, McReath. Dr., 729- ...... 445; aa:ouoUI Of, .... 5. +¢. 1O]; aulae., ... i life, 266; 00 McVeagh. WiJYDe. on Paoliz1'" M __~ roads about. 1:11. C..reene, 531. J4ecklenhUTg Declantion 01 ndepeu- Monroe, ames, at Trenton, 3;76· Morn.. Margaret, diary, -436. denee, 2Sb; UltngnphS of the c0m­ MonAOD, enry, map of Carolina, 67s- Mmri~l Robert, ~~, 264; life, a6S i mIttee. 25">; disputed questiona. 2'#J. MontagUe, Admiral, 90. on me c:ampugn Of 1176J ~; (in M~dcalfe. map of Burgoyne'a cam­ Mon~, Lord, letter to Moultrie, 1716), 376 j 01"1 Charles Le~ a cap- paign. 14Q. SJ4. ture, 40]; Leue:n. 404; hP prin· M~in. Return Ex~tli';- qairut J .. Montgar (ArmstTOngl. 1-46- M~ 5';?r: D_, L~ L._ •• , ._ (!wh«. 2H'J : accoullU of. 2'9; ez.. Montgomery, Col Johp, atIadted by- _"-' (;01. --&"'. .... _ _ peditic:m to &g Harbx-, 59'; IUs the CberokccII (1760), bJS: ZI. K.as- 339- character, 591. kaskiz, 140. Mom., Capt. Thomat, aent to Pon- Melft, John, Boston. 83 : ~bed, Montgomery, Gen. Richard,urgesad- tiae,6q3; hiJ. Muullmw6,¥; In. 18: $14U 0/IN i"'l-fDJ-. el.C.,18. vance into Canada., 161; made bri- journal, 6c)tS. Mellim and Tanner. S,aJ tV W_. pdier, 161j advances on St. Johns, MOI"'riunia. 1 .... : EngJiab warb aa. .... 16.; before SL Jobn.. 162; captures 561 . Melville, Herman. In-_I Psn-, S9I1 Fortl.namblie,lfG. t.akc$St. Johns., MorriAtown, orderly. boob, 559; Melvin. J'J.Exjetlil,___ ,. Qw"'"':U~ lin; ha. Indizns, 656; takes Moo- WUbiogton at. 411. Mendon I !M.a55.). raoIYe5 of iodepen. treaI, 16]: at POlit-am::-Trembles, Monman. OIiyer, B.oJrer Hill. ts.,. dena:,251' 164; :atUdts Quebec, .6,; in the Mortier Hou. in N. Y., a;l6,l]5- Menorm.lle, M. de. joamaJ at York- Canada campatgD, authoritiea. :u6. Monon, John, autot:.,:I6+; hfe, a6s-­ toW1l.5.54- de5patcbell, aa6; liftS., a.6 i hit Morton, l'eTeZ, on Gen. W.arren, 194- Men:anule sy!

Mun, Thomas, 63. New Ireland (Mainel, 604- Henry Clinton (1776). 593; eeamea. Munroe, Nathan, 179- New Jersey, Stamp Act in, 73; address in the Revolutionary Davy. sgl. Mun&ee towns, 606. to m.Dg(I'76Q), 83; her constitution, Newport, !'a.,42I. . Muruell, Hczckiah, ]29. :l7lI; inftcl.ed. (JaD., 1776), )a3; !ur­ Newspapers in the Revoluticm.. no.· Munsel lndiaos, 671. veys by Sauthier and Rat%elj. 341; Newton, PtutluiniJU!,/I6. Mute, CapL Wm., at Yorktown, 555. invaded and ev.lCDaleci by .t1owe, Newtown (Elmira. N. Y." battle at. Murray, jamCII, rllljtvluu Histn-y II 368, 479; campaign in (l716), au­ 6400 668, 610; accounts, ,653; But· tNt ",""t war, much the same, ill thorltiea. 4OS; maps of, 409; revolt ler'. report, 67.1; map of hattIe-- parts as TM Imjlarlial HUt4ry q of her soldiers, 561; troops in Sui­ 6e1~ 6+zL,. 671, 681 .• Ik War ill AIIIIric4, 663. livan'. cam~. 67"" Newtown, .t'a., ".to. Murray, Lindley a8.t. New London, COnn., attacked by Ar­ Neyon, M., in Illinois, 700- Murray House (N. Y.), 3]5. nold 162; privatcen in, 585. Niagara. not to be attacked b~SUlli. Musgrave, Col.. at Germantown, 385. New Or eansl Pittman's plan, 702; to van.669· Indianllat (1779""80 ,643- Mus~ow Mills., 4751 529. be captured, 737; letters from, 738. Nicholas, P.H., RtJ7id MlITi_ (We,., Muskingum, forks 0 • 699. New Providence attacked, 510- Mutiny Act, 20, ]8; practically aD­ New Rachell!z the British at, ~ Nichols.' ... Isaac, 304. nulled in Maa, ... New Salem,.N. Y':.4s8. Nicholson, James, C3,p.t. in navy, 510. Muney,A. B .• Le.zi~ I&tiR",... New Windsor, N. Y., s56; caDI,P, 744- in the "Trumbull,' 583; surrendCl1l, ;.ucItN&", 173- New York eily~ Stamp Act In, _73. :;84· My~~. Col. '1', B., 264. 538; OD the coffee-houses In. 73; Bum'. Coffee­ Nlchobon, Samuel, in the "Deane," 'lones, 351. House. 73; If Sonl of Liberty" in, 73; old City Hall. 14 i com. or cor~ NICOla,,'t· Col. Lewis, 440; ilia Jetter to NAAMAN'S CRJUne, Pa. t 421. ~ndence, 90 i effect of Boston WaahiogtoD. 745- Napier, Geo.,SQO. Port Bill in, 96; apathy in (.714), Nicoll, Isaac, 3::13. Narragansett Bay, fortified, 593. sCJ6; 9'\; British navy at (1176), SS3; Lee Nicolle!:,]. N.,toS.. . chart by BJaskowitz,593; Lafayette's aent to possess the town, ,156; artil· Ninety--silt ...78; besieged, 491, 5.... ; plan, 600; En.glish maps, 601. lery company fonned, I S6; news of planl of, 54$. Nasb, Gen., of N. c., killed, 386. Lezington ~, 118; .Lee jn (1115), Nmham, Capt. Daniel,6'3- Nuh, Gilbert, Lift IIf Cdn. LIIWIJ, ~Si Waahingtonamves. 215; Put.­ Noailles, autog., 500. 60,. nam in command. 275; defcncea of Noddlc'slsland,206, 210; fight, Ill. Nash, Gov., on Camden, 53:1. ~J776), 2:7S; army in, 275; Wash. Noo.importauon agreements. 2], 29, Nash, Samuel, diary of, W. mgton'. headquarterst ::I76·j spared 31, 47, 49. SO. 51, 16, 77. 78, 79, 99. Nash. Solomon, 202. by Howe, 283 j Americans eave it, ,06. Natchez, captured, V8/.74O' aS3; Howe occup~ it, ::183 i partly Nook'. Hill (near Boston), .sa. NttJUJltai Ptwlrtzil ~I SIO. burned, 28$; c:ampaIgll round N. Y. Norfolk, Va., destroyed, 168- Navat HiaL of the.Amcricatl Revolu- (1776). crittcism on~ 290/· campaign Norman, J .• engraver. 40, 41 ; engrav~ tion, 563. Su Navy. about, 323; condition 0 the town inc of Montgomery, ::121; engraving Navigation laWllt~, 4, ~ 63 i aimed at (1715), 323; plans in the Revolu· 01 GatC!l, 302 i engraving of burnioC the Dutch, 6; history of, 7; aulhor~ tion, JlEi appearance of the town, of Falmouth. 146 i enpaves Gen. ities. 64; and writsof a.istance '9; .3]I_i JohD.lton'. ~ap, 331, 33$; Ran· Greene, ~; Gen. LincolD, 413; enfOJ'Ol!d I?Y the Bute ministry;:l3 i dalI.,,33!; descriptions Of the toWD, D,m" tif MInIIK'fJ1III'7. 217; DmtIJ infiuebCe in producing the Revolu.. 331; VIew.. 311; localiticsl331; Beek­ of Wtu"rnI, 1()8; plan of Bunker tio~t 6.4 j and tho Revolution of 1689 man Houae, 33'; RUlgers maDsion, BiD. 201, 202; plan of Boston, :IOL In 1'<. f;'J .,. 331; Ratzer's smaller map, l32; eftGo Nonb, Lord, premier).:I'; portrait, 21, Navy of united States. c:ommissioned uted by Washington, 133 i oocupied '07; autog., :II; \,;hanceUor of the by Wuhior;lonL. !5:11; veuela ~ by Howe. 3331 ...rio~ ...... 33~; Exchequer, 46 j conversations witb Itroyed in the .ueIaware,]S9. S. extent of the armid about l(776), Burke, 112. NavaJ..· . 333; fire in 334; .Johnlton'. map, North, S. W. D., .. Story of a Mouu· Navy of Eo(land, meD engaged in 33S, 338; Mortier flouse. 33$; map DlCnt," 3S'; on Oriskany, lSL 1776. S8B; In '777, SS.5i In 1779, of city and bay, 343; mapa of tbe North, Wm., ace. or Steuben, SIS­ ,..,. campaign nearf(716).3~tW.34~; North, AllpSla, MI., 217. Nano. John, 47. accountll of, 341-346; N. Y. cay Nerl"A __ic_ PiJ«. 212- NIt/wUJ.uc1ll Mnnwitu, 570- dlWu.ctIwA'Hn'.Rn.,]46; mapOf North CarolinaJ in the CooL Con­ Neilroo, Charles, BIITP!YIU'. C.... campaip about,~; KnyphaUICD iD ...... '35; d ....d"" byb"".U.,,1' J

Ohio country, effect of the Quebec: Bill, btd, 72; Di4JlJ~ fuillr Mtnllr''''· Peanon, SelulUettUly PiUltU, 608. 715. s,. Northwest Territory. ",.,217; CiI","'_ SilltU, 21" 261}; Peck, Geo., WytllH'-"g, 664. Ohio Indian •• 6.0; their town .. 699- A",erlCa. C .. au,7+4; Harow OD, Peck, J. M., t4q; iJtUfUI BIHHU, 708. Ohio River, early aettlen 00, 706; piau 2S3; portnit, 269; bibliog. of, 261}; Peck,t.. W., t>b5. of rapids, '701. references on him, 2fMJ; U··"ili"p, Peekskill, 455, +b5· Oliver, Andrew, deposition on Boston 261}; Jo'rench ed-, ~; ., The times Peet, S. D., on Ihe DelawareA, 708. MaMacre, 88; his leuefll, 56; hanged that try men's 1OU18,. 36:7. Peirce,' John, 219- iD effigy. 30, 72; ltamp di!ltributor, Palfrey, J, G., on the navigation acts, Pelham, Hell,]' map nf BOlton, 109· 72; rcslgns; 13. liS; make. oath, 6j' Pell~ Jo.huo:, r., 2l1, lSO. 13; portrait, 73· Pal rey, Wm., 85. Pell , Point, 28s, 331' Oliver, Peter, autog., SO. leiter from .. Pallas U takes the .. Countess of Pellew, Vil!Count Exmouth, 3!8. S" 8ost0'.l' XlS; impeachment, 5119$i Scarborough," 578. Ellmoulh, portralt, 9S i account of, 9S; dary, Palmer, Wm. P., C4h1lilar 0/ Va. Pencour (SI. Louis), 731, 138. 20S· StsU Paln'J. 5'5. Pendleton, Edmund, l59; wrilel relO' Ollier, Edmund, Ctusdf$ U.itetl Palmer, Lah CM".IIai", 214, I'" lution. of Va., 261. SttJUs, (165- Pamphlet literature of the Revo ution, Peno, John, life, 21'5; autog., 266. Olney, Stephen, 404. 110. Peon, kicha~} :rJ7' Onderdonk., Henry. Jr., on tbe battle Paoli, filtbt at, 383; sources. 419; Penmngton, fill. J., 4.0. of Long hland, 330; WtHNiJu,ICs Hessian map of Rttaclr., 423; Faden's Pennsylvania, controveny over h. caJhn'l,33O· map, 424; other mapa, 425; monu­ form of government, &I; StampAcl One1das, their country, ~; their ment, 425. in, 73; Muhlenberg's ioumal"..71; Iilnds, 610; at White Plams, 613; Paper money, tint, of the war, ,,6. com. of COfTCap., 90; effect of B~ most1y took the American aide, 623. Paris, treaty of (1763), 14,685; printed, ton Port Bill in, rI>; feeling in 1774. 6:l4. 659; offer to become scouts, 68,. ,s j Thomas Mifflin advocating Don_ 6:16; conw:ywamingof St. ~'I Parker, Capt. Hyde, hia report on IDtereoune, 117; ita sbare in the cominJ; 628; join Herkimer, 6)0; Savannah, S'Q; penrait, 51Q. Canada campaiJtR(I71b), '74; inthe their vlliage bumt, 632. 6,sSj ~at-­ Parker, CapL J oho, at Lexington. 176. Continen~1 Congrc... 234, 235 ; her cned by Haldimand,639; at :;cnenec­ Parker. Com. }'. H., s640 Assembly ('176) still loyal, 245; ree­ tady, 6,43; failed to belp Sullivan Parker, Francis J., Cili. W",. P",.. orda of, 247; timidity 10, relipecting (1779), 66]; removed from their eoll, 191. iodependcnoe, :r51; constitutional castles b72; orotJOSed attack on. Parker, J. M., R«/r,dIr, N. }'., 670. agitation, 212; coo~entlon of '7t6, by Sir John JohnsOn, 672. S" Five Parker, Sir Peter, 279; on the coast 27l; anarchical state of,in 171~. 313; Nations, Six Nations, lr~uoia. with a Beet ••68; attackll I-on MoW. navy 01, JH6, S6S; bew con.tllutlOD Onondagas, destruction of their...a. trie, 170,229; in Narragansdt Bar, 0(,401, 1°5; COuncil of Safety, 0405; lages, 63Q, 6~3; tbeir country, 609- HUt. iJf Fi,.11 T"iHJ! lJ/ CmllI'?, Ontario identiJied witb O.wego. 611h Parker,59'· Theodore, 185. ,*",,; revolt of her troopt, 561; forta 658. Parkman, Fr.llnci., CMqiraq 11/ In, 643; prohibits ~ltlement.l on Oquaga burned. 6]6. P_IUu, 6qoi his MS. collt"CI.ions, land nat bough' of Indiara, 649; OrangetoWn,404- 6<)0; pt"daces Smitb'. Acc. 11/ B". LiZOd (1191), 649; R'rin,,., 6.50: Orcutt, coli. of newspaper scnaPS,5U. per, ,.rjeti.. 6<)0). Connecticut aettlen in, (,lIo.i. conlro­ O~u,•• a Geoma periodical, 519- Parliamt"nt, invade. the royal ~ .enin, 680-; embatTaU lSouquet, Oriskany, batlle of, 63'; autborities. live, 15; colonial ~rese:ata'ioo 10, 6q8: conlTonny witb Va. ewer Ohio 351; the fine accounlS, 660; view of ~: of 1766. 32, land" 709- fidd, 3S4; Indtan losa at, 66:&. P_liaMilllI417 R1IrUUr, '" n,lJaJu, P''''1$7lf1t1"u, E-mr PtuI, 4J6. Osborn, Sir Danven, 673- 516,65l- Pennyto ..... 312. (hborne, J. H., 437. Panonll, Gen. S. H., on the capture Penob&col, expedition apirat (.719), Oscood. sam'llel, 191 j address at Fair- of Fon Clinton, etc., 31"4; a spy los­ 5~:r, 603, 604; the trOOpt retreat 6dd, m. the Hritish, 41'10 i on the boaTd ex­ through the wood" 604 j map!! oj, Osler, Lifl tif EZMIIIIIA, S47' amining Andr~J 460 ; his letten, 557; 60.4; court of inquiry, .004; Eben Ouabaw Sound. 470- in Long bland battle, :r190 ]28. Hazard qunlions Ita deci,ion, 6o.t. OsweR:o, attempted snrprise by CoL Parsons, Theophilua, life of, by T. Penobtcot Indians, 6'7. 656; eolist· W illetl, 6¢; knowu IIOIDelime. u PanonS,214- ment of, 614. Ootlrio, 6s&- Panoos Case, in Virginia, 24. Penaacola captured. 739- Otis. JaDleIo, &ti IX!. writs of UIrist· Panoo. James.1'JI'""', 5'.s­ Pensioner, lui, of the Rn'., 71,6- ance, 9t 13,68; John Adams 00, Partridge, Oli"er, 3D. Pequaht Indians, 6 ••, 655- 68; made member of the General Patenon, Col. John, 613- Percy, Earl, marches out of BOIIlOO, Coon, '3; a51umed the right to i. Patison. T. H .....I06. 121 i to Ln:ingtOD, ta3; joinli Smith, dc:pendence, :l4; in S~ Act eo... Pattenon, D. W., 66S­ ':14; hi. tmn captured. J24; hi~ re­ greM, 30; in the I ture, .p; Patter'llOIl, W. A., 36-t. port OIl i..a;ingtlln, '13 ~ reported praises Oli.er Cromwe ,44; VPu/i. Pattison, Gen., OD N. Y., S57; on killed, .ts; ponraib, II», IK:J ; hi. CaliM ,/ tIw Briti,), ClJ/(min, 'JO; Paulus Hook, S59- family. 182; papen, ,IS}; at Hrook­ C~tUimu _ kluU/ 11/ 1111 Patton. J. H., y(}J"~. SSS­ Iyn, 'Z19, 330; auacks the Harkm EII~. C"'-us, 15; speaking in the Patty, Sir Wm., 6J. hIl", :r85. :rISr,: at N. Y., 337, n8. lecislature (17&11, 83; at Bunker Paulding, Jobn, isla; petitions for in­ at "'on Was.lI~. 345- Hill, 137; Rirllb lJ/ t~ B"ilUA crease of peuuon. --t66. hia lOll de­ Pn-kinli, J;u. Handaayd. 651.: ~ CM-iI., ~,68: his passionate a~ fends him, .¢6; his portTait • .¢6. 11"6 1I',.itmr&, 6+iSi .. Pu.oetft of peals., 35; probabJ,. dr.llws add_ Paul.u Hook, p6, 335. 343. 403 ; plans, Kentucky," 7otS, to Bernard. 4'\; presides at meeung 5sq; anackedoJ59; medal, SS9- Pn-ky. &t1/_d, Mau., lit­ (1768), 45; VUJdiaUi-.l/dw c,,,· PUsch, Capt., 1---', :J6o; at Val- PcJTauh, Abbe, :r16. tJ.d 11/ W HlJ. tif R~/., (,II: Cn.-. cour Island, J,46. Perrin du Lac, riJ7ar', 69. ford's statue. 6q; Iibnea ~ Black. Pawling, Col., 66,-, Perry, W. S., Anan-. £Iue. Cbr-c4, ~uru, 70; his hou!le, 10; klned b)' Putou, Charles. '0, 12. 24:r. hgbtnlDJi!. 10; Tudor'. Lif~ fI/ Ota, Paxton, Pa.. 606; ita .. Boys," 606. P",' Amboy, ... 70; Bo.-en's Lift, 10. hi. char· N.",.tdirM iI/ Ik z.u /tfa;uQe'" Peter&, Richard, on Steuben, SI5 ; on acter.JO; assaruted. "fO. 606; threaleD the MoraNn Indians, the mauacrt: of <::.one.tofCoeI5o 6t:h. Otsego Lake. Clintoo at, 639- 6a;. Peters., keTo Sa:mud, rcply to Bur· Ona.-a e:onfederacy. 610- PilysnD. Philip. 18Q. OwIbache. Su Wabaab. Peabody,S~,,~ p:;:::.r.;.attsde.on Scr John Jobo-­ o..t.ooa.,... Peabody, S. H .• A.".-. PMriIItu., ktn, 351,660; on Oriakany, U';' 011 ,.. Schur,kr'. campaign ('777)., 3sh. 011 PM:... W If.• autog., 26s; fife, 266•. Peabody M_ of An:bzolot:y. 607. the ~ campaJgn. ¥>" OD ~.G.T .• 2l8. Peale, C. W., ponnjt 01. Dickiuon, BnndyWlbC, .'9; oa PUIli, 419. p~.~, jom-nal. 557. Sa; of T.boInH Paine, 269; of SL on the Reze of SannDah, 9) ; 00 p",., ...... _ m Rhode ' ...... Cliiir, ~; of Gen. Greene, 510; of ~'. MountaiD • .,slb; oa Etlta.-, 601. . M~. 511; of Sumter. Sp; of S45. on Slony POint, s58; CIG the Pap:e. Wm., SU1"t'e"J'!I of lkIIIou, 210., Pa.alJonn, 592"; of CbiubDn, Ito; Penohaoot npnt., 6o:l; Sir 1'• 2 tI; p1aDs of Banker Hill, :zoo. .. J..... :.-::~ 1~, 62S; edits 7MlfUtil 0... Pait:e. Ca...Jw-ril~. '1]. Peale. R..' portr.Ut of GcD. ","/~ 660; OD Sullivan'. cam-­ PaiGe, RobE. T~ aDtoJ·, 5', ~; Gn:cne.. S'Q, paip,67Q. ill ~ (1774). sq; in Canada. PI!2!"Ce. Stuart. L __ C--". ~ PeytoD. J. L, A~. #f ,., U7; life by AldetI Br.Idiord., 265. P~. Capt. Richard. Ilia aa:. of the er-t1/~, 714. hoe, Sum.d., 1157, X>S- ~ of the .. SenpiI.... 571, 590; t-'- Phdip; DY. hili ~p. 4.6. Paiae, n.-..+l9tL~ T'Ir &J. 1r.IIt, S9). Pbelp., Maniac., ;c-.aI, 709- INDEX.

PhelP*t R;pru t1/ till C«-UI. 85_ messengers to New Orleans, 701 ; Prince, E&eki.d, 41~ , Philadelphia, non-imponation io, 79; meets Croghanl 704 i !l8!eea to a Princeton, attacked, 377; map& of the corresp. of merchants (769), 8J; peace. 704 j lua SUbIlWlSlOD. 705 i atmclr., 4OA. 409, 410, 41]. feeling in, during the Congre.. ·of mUl'Cien!d, 705. Pringle, Capt., 292; on the fight at 177§. 99; Carpenters' Hall, 99; newt! Pontiac War\i688; Teferen~ 7Of. Valconr Island. 3~. of Lexin~n in, 178; life in, during Poole, Wm. ., "The West,' 685. Prisoners of war, the first taken, l:I3; the American Rev., 259; Old State Poor, Geo. Enoch, 357' beadquarten treatment of, 1451 disputes over House, view of/ 259; Independence at Saratoga. 358; WIth Gates (1777>. those taken at the \,;edars, 225; cap". Hall 259; treplClanon in. 37D. ]80; 308; at Newtown. 640. tured at sea., ,S68 i naval, in England, W abington'. army marche& Ihroui;h, Pordler, address. 230. $15; exchanged, 575. 380; guns of Brandywine heard lD, Port Royal, S. C., map, 519. . Pnvateers, before the Revolution. 19; 38]; occupied by Cornwallis and Porter. ~. G:I 183; F_ LWmJllIIP. commissioned, 561, 519; the service Howe, 384; fortified by the British, 185; R.tnblIs in Old BosIDM, 115. preferred by _aeamen, 568; under the 384; the British Seet reaches the Porter, L. H., (hdlmu CfHUt. Hin. Treaty of Utrecht, 512; their cap­ town, 38c)). the winter of 1117(8, U. S., 108, 274· tures, 58t. SS4; history Of, 583, 584 ; 393; the ~uakers, 393; theatre 1O, Portraits of Revolutionary characters enrich New England, 584; of .salem. during BritISb occupancy, 31M, 395 i engraved in England and Gennany, 585; in New London, 585; commis­ Clinton arrives, 396; j< Mischianza,= ,,.,. sioned in Maaacllusetl8, 585, sM, . ]96. 136; evacuated, 397. 44'; ~ Portamontb. N. H •• FIJI't William and 591 i total number in all the States oold In command.l 400; condition of Mary takeD, 117. 585; of Salem, ,586, 5B7.. 591; 01 dlll town, 401 i l.:ongre.sa reassem­ Portsmouth, Va., maps. 553. BOston. 581 ; commissaoned in bled. 401 i Tories executed, ~l; Post, C .. F., 736. France, 587; their~. crews, 581. Quaker element, 405; map of the Post, L. M., Ruo/. t1/ .... M'. RftI., 418. bibliography, 591 ; 1egisIation on, 10 campaign of 1711. 4It,.p6~ &eaward Post, Vincent, 70~. MaA., 591 i captures by t~ose of defences,423; mapo vu:imtY(ll11), PotagTOve, Washington at, 419. Mass., 591j' of NewHampshUe, $91; .... Cambridge, 134; liJeeqas by Trum_ Pirtl~, Henryr OD G. R. ~Iark., 118. Prescott, Gen. Richard, captnred, 40l ; buD. 197. Pitcairn, Maj., at ~, 123; .u...... ,. Putnam, Co1. Rufus, builds Fort killed at Bunker Hill, 139 i his re­ PrescoU. Col. Wm .. commands the de­ Washlngton. 287; in campaign of main .. 1]9; 00 the firiag at Le:ring­ tachment ICDt to Bunker HiU. ';\5; 17,6, 346; ~ at the Saratoga ton,18,!· paperon,183; Uken.-by autag., IJ5; leller on Bunker Hill, battles, 36, i diarJ _ the Missis- Trumbu I. '97, 186; at Bunker Hill, 190; hismoD­ sippi,709- Pitcher Moll, at Monmouth) 446. ument and lItlltue, 1,1, 194. Putnam. Lt• .cat" 61:11. Pit'.t, William, his influence ID English PreKott. Judge, '-9" attai"" 18, 19 i woulcl oICi&e Spanish Prw.,u Stah,,/ L~ 85. (lu.... en HILL{R. I.), ,596, 603; view bullion amp', 19; in miniah'YJ..20t PreMon, Capt., trial of.-4Q, 86; auto­ of the fight. 600. bis speeches,:p; IDIlIk! Earl of l.:nat­ graphs of court and couDRI. SOt 51. Quaken. anninJ in Pba.delphia, 1'.; ham, 35; in power, 35 i Id, charac­ PlUton. H. W:t.~' etc., 26S. in Philadelplna du~.tbe RcvoJg.. ter, 1.5; thanked by Maa. for tile Presion, Jobn \,;., .... tIdn... K;"r6 tion;uy War, 393; implicated in ~ repeal of the Stamp Act, 74- M_",. tile ftIOYeIDeD\ao fJ7- Pittman, Capt. Philip, l!'2' E~ u PresIon," ship at Boston, 205- S,"""",,", 7U j ~ S.u, P","". Gen. Auguotino. "'» ...: Qu~~:;77d.~:h': on the siege of Savannah (l779h $«. ~\ 22:1; ~ 0( Pl:l;. T ...... 270- 469. 5:t:2; &dacb Cbarte:atoa, 5-. (1775-1776), allthonties, »0; daries. Plessia, Maud.uitdu, bit bluusy at MOIl- .. .., ,... etc., 2 •• ; Americ:aD contemporary Price,. Eaekiel, 188,203; diary. 318. accounts, zn; ~ accounta, au; mouth/...... aa:onnta __ rec::eiftd ill Cambridge Plum . 8.,66 . ' Price, Dr. Richard" Lntw ,.. 109. Point~ eas:lnt, ~a.liaffair at, 61f,114- ~, ..... 110; portrait aDd aDd N. Y., at:; British official ao­ Pollock, Oliver, at ew 0rIeaD.. 7]8. count-, a:a.; jouruala, etc., a22; Pomeroy, &th, made IInend, ..6 i at Pri:~~ ed.of Bmma's map of WOOltel' ill mmmaDd Wore the Bunker Hill, '17...... "'7. town. :t:22' local ....o..tions, 22,.; Pontiac. his abitity,68t,I; beIiegea ne­ Prime. Temple, r,,,,1/1 F-i1:? u. French acmuan, Hl; C?, a:i:. troit, 690; atill &l 1up, JOO i sea. Primm, WiIaoD, Hid. .A~I 731. 41 I'A.-JJ III ~, us. Ar- INDEX.

nold'. map of the siege, :116. en­ Read. Ceo.• 8uto; .• ::165: life of, ::165. Roberta, Algernon. ]::16, 403· graved maps of the towo, u6; Read, That., USlgned to the .. Bour· Robem, Dr., 01 Boaton.. 47. vie.. of, aa6 i plaiDS of Abraham, bon" 8 Roberta, Ellia H., o,.u"'''7, 351. 236. Read,'YJ :f., 416. Robe",. (;eO'll" , ... uebec, /mmu.u, rnape of (1776), 226. Read, Dr. Wm•• Rem,."i~~ell&el, 5)7' Robertson, Col. Charlel!:. 677. uebec Bill, 58, 101, 7111115; debatea Reading, Pa., ]83. Robertson, Gen., 46' i in N. y,. 28 .... 8in Parliament, loa; virtual repre­ Red Bank, )86, 425, 435.4]7. Robin. Abbt!, Trawu. 560. sentation," 10]; Doekw MtZ_iR, Red Clay Creek, Pa., ,18',4::11. RobiotlOn, Beverly, hi, IUPPOaed. rei· 10.1; HJ'1«ru, UnMiUlwtl, lin; Red Jacket. 66::1. ter to Arnold, 45::1; hia bouse. 451, Leiter IiJ LtwtJ Cuu._. 102i other Red Lion, Pa., 4::11. 458,46::1,465 i endeaVOR to save An· '...... Redman, Rebecca, 45::1. dre, 461. 0'. Ran~n, 395. 518. Reed, Esther. life of, 436. RobinllOn,r. DeLancey, 535. uibbletowu, 379- Reed, Col. James. at Bunker Hill. 190. RobinAtln, M. M., 1')8. uiney, Dorothy, I:I.J. Reed, John, Cil;! .1Id Lih,/iel 0/ Rochambeau. Le Comte de, his ma~, uiney, EIIla Susan, 06. P/ri/ad., 442. 345; MJ11f4irll, 516, 560; in Sou~'. uiney, EdmUlld. on the evacuation of Reed. Joseph, writes to Dartmouth T,.(JtI/HI~, \16; portrait., 4'}8; aUlog., Roston] ~5. during the C(lngrell4 01 '7740 !}O, 41)8; sail. rom Brest. 4')8 i at New. uine" osiah (u"Ur, 1715),152. 104. lettel'1l to JO$iah Quinc),. 106; port, .f99; meets Wuhmgtun al Suinty, losiah U_irw), bis report autOK., 141; letter (In the Ile~e of Weathersfield, 499, 560; lcavell New. nf Otis. argument, I]. defends Bost(ln, 173; OD Washingt(ln a in­ J:ort,491H reaches the Hudson, 500. Capt. Preston, 49; dis, 125 i poI'- dewion, 40]; purtrait, 405; on the ¢I i map of route, 561; marches to t17l1t, 96. 126; aut08., 51; speech on campaign of In6 in Jeney, 405. Virginia, $GO; hia maps 01 York­ the tea ships, 57, 91; R~;-u '-' Reed, W. B .• on Thomas Paine, 269; lown, 553; march of his army 10 C_., 68; drafts IDstructions (1770), on the retreat from Lonp; bland, Yorklown, 551; alleged joumal.,s,4: Ii7 i 0611rWt.11iq,u _ tJ" Bosl_ )]0; oralion on reinterment of Mer_ correap. "'llh the R. I. authonttes, PtwI Bill, 67. 9.f; fac-simile of hi. cer, 41::1 ; on Brandywine, 4.8: EI. ~; arrives in America, 560; his dedication, 94; autag., 94 j fac-simile ,Ir_ R"tI, 4Y;. tDltruelions, 560; letlen, 560; block· of diary in London, 105; interview Reed-Cadwalader controversy, 407. aded in Newport. 560' maps of hi. with LOrd North, IDS; goes to Eu­ RelfUlaton, war oj, 80. Sa North camps, elc., about N. Y. (.781), $61 i rope. IDS; his report. lot,- i his DOtes Carolin•. at Odell House in Westche!ller, ¢I ; of debaiu in Parliament, 112- Renault, J. Y., map of YorlLlown, 55). meets W;u.hinKion at New Windsor, Quincy. Josiah (PusiMIII). LV' tif Renwick, Smj. TIu_p_, 546. ¢I; at Williamsbu.... 1.40'" sails 101' 7(JSUM Q,,;nq, 7r., CJ4. Revenue to be obtained from the col· trance. 145. . uillC1, Samuel, autog., 51. onies, 15,24; c:&ae6 tried, ::I); seiz­ Rocheblave, GoY., at VlDcennn, 71q; 8uincy, Samuel M., edits RejDrll V urea, 28. sent to Williamsbul'l, 123; account Ca#I.1:1 7tniaA 8-ill&)I, 7,.., 68. Revere, Paul, engraves likeneu of of him, 7::13. uincymansion at Ulncy, Mau.,96. Sam. Adama, 40i makce plan of Rochefoucault-Lian<:ourt,1'rll.fllll, 6SS. uinton'a Bridge. 442. Slate Street, 47; enltfaves view of Rock River, 741. 8 1JIaNacre. 47; Ids views of Boston, Rockingham, minislry, ::II, )1. 74; al­ RAHl., CoL, at Trenton, ~74; killed, 8.; as an enp~. 81iat P~ tacked. 76; portrait, )1. 375 i atcac:b Fort Washlngtou, a89, mouth, 117; his IJgnal, 1::1); hIS Rock'IVel~ . .Eo F.,.98. 678. . 3,8. ride. 123. 173, 174; where were his Rocky HIU. N. J., ~; Wu}uogloa Rauler, G. S., 3]0. lanlerlul shown? '74; paper by E. H. ., ,,,,. If hleigh," CnntiDeDtal YeaR!. S76- Gou,47, 17J; portraits, ~75; c:om. Rocky :Mount, 475. Rail. See Rahl manw. artJl1eTy iD Ihe Penobllcoc Rodney, Admiral Sir George, relaliona Ramapo,371J. expedition, 60]; re-engraves Weet .... ith Sir Henry Clin&oD, Jal; at RaQisay, Allen, Hut. Ewz, .,. 1M picture of Bouquet's Indian coun· N. Y., 454. 4SS. E"r/isII C-nihd;"",89; T"-rlds ciI ...,. Rodney,Czeart 405; autog., 261: life. .,. ,Iw Orip tif a-r.MI1fI. 8s. Reynold&, Gov•• Jdy M0I Tillfll, 731 • 3t:.6; on Ihe batlle of l..ong .1::Ind, Ramaay, David, a prisoDer, 5)]; map Reynolds, Griadall. Is.. 327; commands Delaware militia, of Soulhern campaigna, 531; Rn­ Reynold&. John, 729co 7)4; IUi_il,70S. .... «MI;'" ill SDWA C_Dli_, S01; hia Reynolda, Sir Joshua, paints Jiu'~ Rodney, Capt. Thomas..f01. career. soB; A_. R __111_.67; g~ ::19). paints Corinnllia, 474. Rogel'll. Col. David, 738. biB ace. of Wyoming,66]. his e"p-.wltl W_lu, 414; ponrait R~en, Gen. H0T2.tio, edits Htu/M,.'~ Ramsey. J. G. M., .A1IIIfoIfh ", T,.. ofTarletoa,SI7i C~byHam­ 7_NtJI. ]SI). -1.n'1.:J6. 618, ]08. iltoD,5'7' R~, LieuL John, 725- Rarnaour a Mill, fight at, 4751 510, Rhode Island, illicit trade in, 26; Rogers, J~ 4k",tli,.l, 5::17. c:om.. of COtTeSpOndence, 90; can­ Ror;en, J. E. T., edilll Pr(l/ld~ tI/ ,Iu ~ntu. O. £O, C"."jUIJ, N, H., non c:onc:eaJed (1174), 117 ; equir.. £-41,74: Franklin'a ooteson. 74. troops (1775), 1::1::1; renounces al e­ 1loR:e:ra, MaJ. Robe:rtr on I~ PontlBC ~~Iph, Edmund 359- giance to I!ngland, 2S7; retained War, 6qo'1.01; hIS MS. dlary. 701. Randolph,CoI. T. 1., 3sS. bel" origjnal charter. ::174; ereates a Rogers. 1'. ., O,/d,.,.tf Hn-NI, sofJ •. .. Randolph,- blown up, 511. 118.,. (I77S), s65, s67; Esck Hop. Rolfe. J.. .sf14l Bi#r., ~ R ...... J .....9t- kins. s68; Ow...... sS7; pri­ Romaaa., Bnn2rd, at t cirt George •• Raoger.- S. Jones, Paol. ftteen., 591; the .. Gen.. W ..tnng­ (Lake Georxe), 131); ace. of, I~: ~~ DO lhe fTontien, 608. eoa," ,!i9t; English fleet in ('771». plan of siege of Boston, 'lID7; .u,· Kankia, E. E., addn:a at Fair6dd., . 59:,; fire--shipa propoRd. 593. cam. ftJ'I of Carolina, 538; IiDes 011 B0s­ 551· . palgD (17781, p; mapaot. 596, 5IA ton Neck 21a. Raatool, Robt., Jr.• aratioa at CoD­ Rome, N. Y.• 351. Rt::' ~iah, 608. Romilly, Sir Samuel. juatiBed lbe ne-­ briton"'"" ....Bay. ]21. Rich, T..-tl, 568. cution of ADdn!', t68- Rathbouroe. 1.. in the .. QaeeD of Rkbanla, Thomaa, JJI; account 01. .u,. Itompey, G., palnta Braut, 6lIS; France." sl3. w:Ir. 011 Fort Clinton. etc.. ]64- Thomu Paine, 2fJI9. Rathbun. JOIaatbm, N ___irM, 9n. Rtchanhon. Ebeaez.n.abot Snider. 89- II Romney," .rnaJI..of.war. 4J Raber. Beruard,.his different ma.- of RkhmaD, Alllhe~.15 . Roodthaler, H«krDekkr, 7]6. N. y~ p8, ):p., 3)3; ..~ of Richmcmd, 04d . Tanrn, 259- Ro.er~. J. G."oa the Cermaa New eney',.fD9; his aaneya, .J4I.. Rider, S. 5.., 011 the I. campa;p of soldicn m N'"~ 601. ham, ~,

Ctm~ o! 176,!30,,4; organized Sawyer, Capt. Samuel, diary, ~ Senecas, inc:uraiona of,605;' their D~ an 85IIOClation of oyaliatt. 911 u8. Scalps, Americana ~ With .~y_ hers., 610 i their great. ustleJ 6 • Ships must be Enltlish built, 8. sac:hURttensia, lIO. Scudder, H. E .• •• Life in Boston dul" Shirley. Gov. William, hi. house, 1$6; Snrgent, Winthropl. 106; L;F, tIIfI!l ing the Siege:' :104; M", au Ma..­ character. 22; his stamp act (17S51, Carwr ~M(Jj. :i""".AJrl, 464; wrs. 204; on liege of Boston, 173 , u; Writs of AssisfIInc:e, 1:1. . on the CinC:lnnati Society, 7,.6; on Bunker Hill. I~. ShON manufactured in Lynu. » St~ mul (}tUff, :1173- Scull, G. D., C~. Ew/pl.. 183, 205; Short. W. T. P.,22:h Sartigan,65s. Ew/.y1u ill .AI~. 18], 36t i edill Shreve. joh!lt4~90. Saunderson, H. H., C"-II$ltIIIIIIi N. Montresor'. joumaJ, 4!9- .. Shuldbam, AdDIiraJ, urivesat Bo.roa, R.,3S5. Scull and Heap~ map of Philad., 44:1. "~ Saunderson, Lieut., march to York­ Scull, Mal tU p~, 416. • Sillimaa. Gea.t 011. Harlem, ]M; on town. s~. Seabury. Samuel, arrested, g8; ru. the Sarat~ DatUefi.eld, 357. Sauthier, C. j., map or Hudsoa Rift!' tracta. 104- S~ CoL J. G .• raidingoeu Phila­ and the ea:Dada route 349; of ~ S...... I ...... , oS. • delphia, ..... :11; offered to try to re:ecue ada.349i map of New York ~nc:e Seaft!', las. It.• Mm7 y.,_. 66:1. .A.ndJi, +fr1; :~" !!:raia, s0t6; hil ('774), 34Dt 341; map of N. Y. cam­ Seaver, Mot." YnII"-, 68]. rna.,.. 547 i Y. , 5_8; o.... s paign <-776), 3s6, lSi. plan at Fort Se¢ker, Archbp., :1143- R ••"".., 39S~ ~18 i purwtles S"teuben Wnahingtoo,338- Sedgwida:. Tbeo.. Jr.• 359- in Va. ... 497 i IIgbt at Spenc:er'a Ordi­ Savage, S. P., 91. Seeley, j. R.,E.JfI'tIIU_ ~ Eflll-dt nary,491· Sannnah. auac:ked (rnS)' .fIi9o 51'9; Simms, Jephtha R .• S~C... q. ... ",. or Tlw F~ tV N. Y.,65'90 ~r, Count, ~.J, ~ D'Eataiog at (11M" 470, assault, Sima.. W. G., V..,'- R___ • 471. 5~JO nacuatM (782). 5D7o Sf6; Serman. Capt .• s6~ map.. P If caccounta, 52a. SeDcca Lake, Sulbvaa 00, • 4b4; Llft • a-. (dww, 510 i INDEX.

arouses indignation, II); pe.ti~i~t1' agalnal. in Parliament, 32; I'e,otaDK in London, 3]; ri0t8 and compcDAaoo tion fOT them, 14; origin of, 7'; de-­ bales OD it languid. 'l:J i Congreu dclennined on, 72; title of acl, 12 ; the slampe. 72; repea!,ro, J2, 7•• debates 00 lbe repeaJ. 7.; the l(lro. protest, 74. 85; WOgleN to CO!''1idfl' lhe act. 290 ]0, Hi AJd}wt/,(' ACa &--'.1.; 7~lI7.; rderences. 74; Tory sUl?port 0 act. 15; ArneI" ICan and British allthorill", 00 thl! turmoil, 75; Sparks intended a b .. to'Y. ,5- Stanhope, Earl (UI' Mahon), Mig,.,. !allil., 46.t. Stanley,.... Dean, "'"#lI",i-,,,. A~ • Sun..u, Fort. 21.; rnoYemeolJ; Dear (In7),lSO; authorities-lSI; ~Dd. oj treaty at, 650. 706, 707 j descnbed, fJ6o; rumon of ita capture, 672. Su Fort. Staples, W.~ .• DtK. lIisl. tif 1M Jh.. ,tNc/;'1I "/ I," (i1U/'I', 9D; A""m" ".I p,IIt",J"1K.r. st·,· SloI.rIr.. C&lc:b,. M""';,. #)' G_. SI4r4. Stark."' .. Cen. John. on Bunkei' Hill., 137. 187. 190; at ~c of Boston, 1]4; aulng., 137; notICes, 10)0: let· lI:n (Wlnt" Hill)., JO); at IknDinK~ ton, 300; .ilhoueUe. 30.: hia JJKJnoo ument. 301 ; homntead, ~I; por~ troUts. 301 ; memoir, ~Ol; Ide of, by Caleb Stark, 354; hIS )eUen aboac BeDDi~on 3.S4; hi. pa~tI. 354- SWen )ala;;;/. 340, 404; Britiah on, 2150]26; map. 121; Sullioran·. raid on, "1; npedilion Ioh,80). 56-· Steams', ,,"Prlll A Mn'. A"~JNIC •• .,1. Stedman, Chi.,les, 1'1 __• W_, .51a. "59; undtor Cornwallis, .5'7. bis H. II? ooticcd by Oinlon• .5'1. S ...... }~ ...... Stentoa, aatuation of, 42.5. 429- Skpbeo, Cen. Adam...... 4;11. :II BRDdytrine, JII •. Steubeo, Baron. at Valley FOIp'. m; ~.,.."Senenl. 393. 137' ~ Dius the army. s60; m Virgjma, 4~. liS. Sfb. 1P', pcarsu.cd ~ su. cue, ¥1'1; portran.. +97; In'S 01, ,.~ SleYeDS, 8. Y.• ~. "9; H"..·. ihiMTIy-B_. 415- S,"- H""y•• ,.. S~. J, A., on Sump Act timel iu New Y'ork. 1]; on New York in the l:ontinental t:ongr-. 99 i "Birth of the Empire Sl4lle,'! 27:i; GO HMo­ Icm fighL 33-4; on Iknt:dict ~. 357; OQ BurgOJne', cam~.~: on Wubinpon', heamluanen at TapJaD, ofIloi em Arnold', A,..MJ• .fb.t; on the Frmcb in Vi~nia. 516. _ their dq!rarture.14S; on~, 5JD; on Gate. at t:~, .5P; OIl L.b.ydIe', Cltpc:dition apiDII Ar­ DOId, 5047 j GO Jtochambcau, ..arda to v~ and mum, 55'; edits Fenea .letten., 5~ ; CD YorI:toWn. 555; OIlS the combined IDOft'D'IIe'atli Deal' N. Y., rpl; OIlS the GIIDpIip ia it. I. (1778), 60 •...... HizUry ofc...r". 5>2- SleWani, Rn-. Juna. and TftIIIlbaII's I*"'- W~ 6s •. Stick.,..... <'lIas. L. ~~ R,p-' Stilet.. Eaa,ca BuJiker Hill, 1S6; pnr­ tn:ir: ADd hW«-. 131; m. ~ of Laac lUand bud.e. ~ SIilet. H. 11." /InW;/~ 1JO; Fwi C~.~ SriIlma., \\'DL ]., PI1di& z...m.. tV" C~"-42. StiO..-ak:r..... bmk.. ]S6; ~ _ • ~,r.-. LonI.c:aprared:at ~ iyn. 2'19. 2.Ao., n-"; • M~ • ...... ; ponniI. 380. ill Ii. Y. iNDEX. '173

(.716), 325; hill house, 3:}1 j at Prince­ Sullivan, James, OIl. the Penobscot ex. Bunker HW~ 191 i Lifo "./ Pili";", ton, 368; at Brandywme, 381; at ...... 60'. '91. Germantown, 385; on Trenton, 407. Stillivan, Gen. John, portrait, 68; sent Tardieu, P. F., C-u MI Elab U..u, Stirling, Capt. Thomas. 70S. 706. to Portsmouth (I77S). 146; sent to 675·' , Stockbridge Indiana, 655; cnlisted, Canada, 1661 took command, 167; Tarleton. Col., at the siege of Charlea-o UO, 6n, 674; visit the Six Nations, retreata to (.;:rown Point, 167; at tow.n, S. C., U3; defeats Buford, 613; addicted to liquort!!q; at siege Winter Hill (1776), an]; ill. com­ 475; at Black-Stocks. 536; at the . of 801tOO, 613', 651; at white Plains. Dland on Long !aland, "78; his Cowpe~s. ~'!._538; at Poundridge, . 613; at King-a Bridge, 613 i in In~ character, 278; wished the command 557; r.ud m Va., 497, SIS i Ca"". diana (1819), 6'3. at Ticoncferoga (1777), 34B; jows Jaip of 1'/80 and 1781, 517; bis Stockton, H,. life of R. Stocktoo, :165. Washington (776), 37~; at Trenton, 10s&u, 5'1 j his career, 517 i por­ StocktoD, Richard, 108; autog., 26.t. j 375,407, at lbandywme, 381. 418, trait, 511; Mackenzie's Strkhlrel, life by H. Stockton, 265. at Germantown, 385; biB raid on 517 i at Camden, 530 i attack. Sum· Stoddaid, LDfdsbuta, 737' Staten bland, 417; at Chestnut Hill, ter, 418 j pursues Marionl ..so; pur_ Stoddard, Frances Mary, 305. 419; on the Conway Cabal, 446; ill. flUeS Morgan, 481 i at Guilford • ..u i Stoddard.!. R. H., '93- the Rhode Island campaign, 593; at the Waxhawa, .5:117; at Fiahdam, Stokes, ~hief JUBilee Anthony, 522; advancee, 595 i assail. O'Estaing in Ford. 53:11. VierD tif tIw Br;lisll ClllUtihdiml. an order. 595; retires, 595; Iighti!lK Tarrytown, N. Y., monument at, 466. 523. lak, place. ~5; his report on tbe Tate, W., 32]. • . Stone,. EnOl, account of Hubbardton R. . camp;ngn, $95; aoue. to Taxation of the colonies, minu.terial fight. 350. main.land, ~; hi. conduct criti.­ view, 11; colonial view, 17; right Stone, E. M .• 1Ju. HoaNaJ, 9OJ.4CS; cised, 598; ile£ended by T. C. Am­ of, 61; denied, 24'; internal and ez.. 'nfltUu"u/Canam.,'249; on York· ory, 59!S; his orders, 598: letters, tema , 50; first movement against, town, 5SS; F,.,ncA A.lliel, S60; on 5gB; effect on the country, 6en; his 68; RlasOIfS wAy tIu Brilisli col~ the R. I. campaign (I77S), 6cu. proclamation, 653; journals of his . nUl llunJJ uIII 1M dJtlrpti witA in. Slone, F. D., .. Philadelphia Society!" Indian exped., 61" 681; li.t. of u-aI tax", 70; the government 260; "The Struggle for the De ~ them, 681 ; all pub ished by the State view in the Protest of the Lorda ware," 36,. of New York, 681; the army:. route, a\tllinst re~1 of Stamp Act, 14i Stone, l'hOl., autOfC., 265; life, a66. tlSl;' Josaes in his campaign (1779), HiJtoryof A""". Ta.znlu"" 170~ Stone. W. L. (S",.-), Sir- W",. 70_ 6~, mapa of his marches, 642; por­ I77S, 7.5 i pro and con arguments In 1M, 647; Bram, a47. 351, 657; Red trait, 6;37; autog., 637; hi. house, Read 8 GeIWl" Rlad. 75 i Soame 'M,"I, ~41; BIWUr Warl tif Uv 637; hIS family, 637; cummands ex· Jen~ns" 06j.elu.s, 75 i Jamea RftI., 241,6S7; WY'1I1iNr, 347; U,.. ped. against tbe Indianll, 6]8 ; expect. Otis s ClHJIitUralMIU, 75; Rrpia. ",mulMia,~,247; account ap.inst the In~iana, 666; ace. by tioIU lau!y nuuk, 75; tracts OD, of, aoJ7; on New York and the Dec. Gordon, 666; hfe, by Am~, 666; 7?; L.lllrltl II MnnHr, 75; Ollj.e->. of Indep•• 363 i memoir of George by Peabody, 667. 670; his force t,,,1U1# IMlaxalt(m, etc., 75; GIJIJtI Cliotoo. ,lOS. (1779). M.,; not iutending to attack H"",_,., 85 i IIIiJIIWy intD 1M -.. Stone, W. L. (tM ),lIII"P"), edits l(iagara, 66g; brigade boOk. siege of I_, "./ 1M Ir.,nd tliI;III,s, 85; Pauach, 341 i 00 MO&eII Ham., 3'56 i Boston, 204; captured at Brooklyn, '1'_, constituliDH4/ _,. of Jut/~ end. CII. tV B-rt1YM'• $",.,..",. 279, 280; in command in Canada, a"".JlotMdU;..uI,85i Johnson. .... 357 i on Major Acland, 358 i ::126; letters, :u6; the battle of Long Ta.zaI;tI1I HQ lyr'a1I1f)', 109; DVm« W,tI",i"K, 665 i Ordlrly-BOfJIr "./ hland,327' IJE ,,,, A ",,,.k.N CtlHgnss. 1091 S,r 10/"1 101msrm, ]51 j Camja;p Sullivan'alsland(1776),I6g, 110; view I.elln" ftl Dr. Prin, log. _/ BurpytU, ASI i Sa,.afop aNd of fort, 228; attack, ::1:119: autborities, Taylor, Eldad, 205. lIaI/sftIH,36o, 'Burgoyne in a New "a9; the news in Philadelphia. ::1:119; Taylor. Geo., autOft., ::165; life, a66. Light," J60.i notes to PaullCh'.Jour. contemp. accounts, :1129; plan of the Taylor. fanene, 5~ nal, 360 i c.;a",paip "./ B_roy"', attack, 2:119; general American ac­ Taylor, ohn, life of Jobn PenD, 165. 361 j CnU. Cd. ,f B-rt'J''"'. S_ counts. :II~; Britiah accounts, ::t2g, Taylor, ohn. I".,uWy, etC'., 37a. JYNJw, #II i translates the Ricci­ 230 • Taylor, . W., O"m, 708. cael memoirs, 361 i landmarks of Bur· Suite, B., CtIIt4d,ilU FrnH;a.U, 164· Taylor, ., on Geo. MalOn, 272. goyne's campai~, 361. Sumner, Geo., OraIiIm (1859), $92, Tea. destroyed, 46, 91 i duty on, 46; Stone Arabia (N. y,), 609. 64+ 738. importation of' it arouses Philadel_ Stone, Bnn-/q, Mau., 350. Sumner, Wm. H., 1:11]; on Gen. War· pbla 57; and the.otber coloniel, 51; Stonington, COnn., attacked! 145. ren, 194: OD Hancoc:k, ~11. 10 il oston, 91; ID N. H., 93; In Stono River, 526; attacked by Lin. Sumter. Gen•• 475_: in the South. 477; Conneet.ieut, 9~; in New York, 93; coin, 520. ; attacked by Tarleton, 478, 480; in Pe'!-osylvanljl. 9J; fac-s!mile of Stony Point, 455, 456, 465. 556; plana threatens to resign, 490: harasses broawnde. 93; tn N. Carolina, 9Ji of, SS7, 558; attacked, 558; medu, Greene. 49:11; at Fishdam Ford, 512; tax on, to remain, 51. 559· portraiUl. 51~; on Weemys's attack, Teller RitipfoUl, CON". 148. Stonnont, J..ord, his correspondence; 5]6. his dlHerenc:es with Morgan, Temple, John, duel with- Whateley, 59" 53', 93· Storn.. Experience, ::103. Sunbury, Georgia, 519. Tenneuee, 7OB; Haywood's his!. of, Storrs, Lt .•Col., I~. Susquehanna Company of Connecti- 678. Stow, Edw.• ::104. •• cut,680. . Ternanl. Gen .• 513. Strahan, Wm.,cotTesp. with Franklin. Sntberiand, Capt. of the "Vulture," Ternay, Chev: Cle. 499;.al Newport, 85; on tbe repeal of the 5tamp Act, .... «99 • .soo. dll~a, 499; hl8 tomb, 499, ,•. Sutton. Sir Richard, 2)::1. autog., SOD, StralLl, Origbt tV RIjU. FWM qf Sutton (Mass.) men at Lexinrton.L,I82.' Tetard Hill (N. Y.), :1187, 338, 339- Swain. D. L., on invasion of~. ~ Thacher, B. B.,cJI. G""'·,7 I • Street, A.. 8., on Burgoyne'. cam-. lina, 168; buliaN w", DE rn61i678. Thacher. Dr. James, 46-4; Mi/i1ar7 paign, 357. 011 Saratoga. ]61. Sweat, Samuel. letters pRinter ill), 7_-.1, IRQ, 20::1,660- Strobel, P. A .• Sahbrw.Ivn, 53]. ..,. 1lI.acher, Oxcnbridge, I]; Sndi"""ts Strong, PlalhuA, 330- Swedes' Ford, 425. of. B,.ili,},.A merle_, 70; dies, 7fJ. Stryker, W. S., M...nMlr. lwiraM Swe!~J Col. Samuel, papers on Bunker Ttiacher. Peter,orationon BMton Maa- i" Srdlirlall'. E.q,tI., 670; 8t«1t Hiu, 1Sq. 191; plan of Bunker Hill, 11801!, 88; biaaccount of BUDker Hill, H-. tal T",,'. Riwr. 744; Nn» _; ace. of, 191; lIIuto,; .• 191. .... 7-"" liM U. 1'4..555; on Prine.­ Sylvester, R. B., S-.ztt1C4, etc., )66. Thaxter, Jos., 178. ton,41:11· Sylvester, Richard, 83. Thayendanegea. $" Braot,I01lePb. Stuan. Gilben. paints John Brook_. Thnver, Capt. Simeon. ~ 219; 202, Gatea, 30]; Gantevoort,~, TALBOT, MAlO., wouoded at FOit at·Fort MifBin.]88. John AdalIlt, 36. Mifflin, 18Q. • Thomas, .E. s., R""~. 1114, StlLlrt, l. W., 7f1111J. 1'rtnItIItJ1. 674; Talbot, SilaS, in Rhode bland, 6o:a; 412. N..tJuutHak,33+ lives or, 60]. Thomas, Cea. John, 108; IIeC'ODd in Stuart, Cape. John, 714. /lui.,. W-., Tallmad~,_ B. 464. his letten, ~tc:., eommand under Ward, 1,34; al Roa:. 7104; supt. of Southern Indiana" 615, on Andrl\.¢t.; bit; estimate of the I bury, 134i at Dorchester Heights, 620. instructed 'by Gage to Sllr up captors DC Anlld. ~; portraiUl I l56i his headquarters in Roxbury. the Indianl, 620. andautog., 451; »".", 4$7; and ls6j at Quebec. :125; I~ :125; 51110111rt. Lieut.~Col •• at Euta.... SO. Aneln!:, .58• .¢o. made ~ncraI. 1190 165. In command SII1Iolk, Earl of, justifies WIll of Jodi- Tappaa, N. Y., Andft at, 460; De at Rosbury, 1]0. ordered to Canada, an., 631. Wint House, 460; Seventy· Sm 165; retreats from Quebec, 166; Suffolk Re:aol-.es,IOO, *]6. Stone House,,.too. dies. I~; pmnit. t67; M"";'. Tarbox. Incn:ase N., IUs vie... on 167. affionted u Coacre-,I67. Sugar Act (1733). 63, ra; modi6ed. .5· , Sugar blaDdl, 7. 686. the question of the commaDd at Thomaa, laaiab ID i H.-.t_ ", 774 INDEX.

uz;,,~ etc., '15; .Htsu. K.Ja,. Townshend acts, 20, 38; resisted • .p; MiW"I"'U c,..Jy, 4D1; Rn. F_/.. t14~. 41' m"uDdentood. by Bancroft, 6.f; at- l/wrl, 401; W""lr.i"rt_ i" MII"'u Thomas., LieaL Joim. OD LouiIiaDa, tempt to repeal. s.; repealed (ea.- C~)', 401; w tuhmrltllf til M_ 731. c:ept 00 tea), 5'" ,itU?rv", 411; Ob the camp at Mor­ ThOm:lll, W. H. B.. 214- Tnde mooopoli&ed by English mer- ristown, 559· Tbomp5Ol1, BeD).. Count Rumford, chan.. , So Twightwees, blo. 507 i i~ Boston, 128; iD S. Carolina, TransylVilOia (KeDtucky). 716. TWD-peony Act, "". S4S; bve 01, S46. Treaty of hria (17ISj). 741. Su PaN. Tyler, Albert, B~",.;"rt-, Jen, 356· Tbom~. Eben, MnJ.;', by Mary Trecolhic, alderman, 51. Tyler. John, ArId,~" til 1dmld__ , P. 'lhompson, "7, TTeJnain, Grenville, #. 10 1. Thompson, Gen., OQ Canada aped., Trenton, N. l. surprise .011,374; aD- Tyler, Mosel Coit, on Pamck Henry. 225; ace. ?.fJ 22S- tborities., 401; m.;aps. 408-412; court- 101: his Pan-iell HI"",. 723- Thompson, Wm., 203- manial of the Hessian officetl, 411; Tyn!l:, D. A., 11,6. Thomson, CbaB., letter on tasation, picture by Trumbull, 412; current .. Tyranoicick, , her log, $82; takes 75; letter to Wm. Dn:yton, q6; 00 ycrses. 412; flaK captured. "Ia. the .. Revenge," sU. Bunker Hill, .Sq; portnUt, 272 i his T~'?::~J CoL Robert, OD the Conway house, 27'; alllOg., 450- .4-41· UHLHOR!!l j. Y., 7"" Thornton, J. W" PIII~iI ~ 1M RftI., Trout, Rev. Jacob, 418. Ulloa OIl Netlf Orlean. (1766), 737. 244; his sale, 467. Trowbridge, Edmund, autQR., SO. Unadilla destroyed, 6)6,65). Thornton. Malthctlf, aUIOI" 263; life, Trudruffrin.. S" Paoli, 42J. UniOll. growth of, in the colouiel, 79. 265. aigocd the Ded. of Indcp., T~bull, Hen'l' 1JUi!a,. H.'/VI, bib- lrfMool of disjointed snake, 190 268. Iiog. of, b~; Jt~ V:lnOUS titles, 651 ; Vnned States, indcpendcnce of, Three County troop in Musacbuseus, reprintcd Pritts., 6$" growth of the RotUnent, ::2JI; Pd>­ .... ITrumbull. Co . joho,punled Moultrie, I" L-d Ltmn, 241. S" (;o[lgresa. ThrceRi..-en(I77S),216;attack(In6), '12. hU picture of Bunker Hill. Indepeoden~, etc. 167.225.271. lqo, 197. plan of the !liege of IJoe.. U"iwr_1 A67!.II", 201. Throckmorton" B. W., OD Benedict ton, 207; bis painting of LhtUJ,_/ U,,"-Ia! Maga.I1I~, .¢J. Arnold, )51. MDrdr~. no; paiDts john Upham. W. P., 205; Li/, til fA,.. Thro,:'s Neck, ~5· ~,)6; autobiog.•• 8q; portrait GIMTn', ~5. Thwaites, R. G .• on L. C. Draper, ~fPutnam,unjPlanof~Ncck U rqubart. James. 209- 121. line., 211; pamts St. Clair. 297: Tickle, Robl., Frr.-J .uJI 0/ Ilw Schuyler, 2q8; map 01 T"tcOOdcrop, V.u-con lsLAMD, figbt at, 292, ]46; Nati#ra. 85; CtnaU/lr4liMu In re- 350; p;r;inu, Col. Tallmadge, 451; map of, }otl. _ply,85- I ane: orden a ma.p of f'ano, J16; 00 the Saratoga cam- TJddemao. Mark. map of N. Y. bar- I N. V. province made, 3041; repon p2Jgn,l5f>i aide 10 AmoId, -tOO; hi. ", ¢. I on the prOYince, 3-11; hi. addrCS!! to pape'TI,.f60. Ttbny,Osmood,Lif, -fO.H. WJ-\thCJleOPIe of Oron., 557. AIiJ,.,u VMnum, Gen., al:.andonl Fort Mer- 114_., 5)7. _ 4U l4t,. ,.rj>etiil_, 557; iIIndcs ttr. Jo'!I9. Ti~hman, j;upe., 1Q9. Connectic:ut, 557. Vaughan, Benj., bis ed. of '·ranklio'. Tilghman.,. Cot. T~ 334; ~ I Tryna CouDtJ' ~. Y .. 645> b.5Q. P;'uI,6.51- 407; DI6? '-' t_~. SS4- Tacker, Dr. OIIl2h. Dean of GJouas. Vau~han, Ihvld. 341. T~ jama.. 337· I ler, 75; .and Franlr.lm, 14; on the V.;lughan, Samuel. hiS jouruaI. S<06- 1imCDln blanc:l. ~ 431· Amer_ Rc..... l's..; lraas., 75; Ldkr Vermont. CODstilut;ol-.a1 ~b in, T'JOga (T"Iao,;a), fIQ9; auadr.ed. ¥j fr_a_.Jr_t.7S; S_iutif_ Z7'04; DIJOI7IIl'MI, ",/aI"'rl#lM"'" p/aD of•. MI. I'IIJInT, 75. H"""DI, Add,.a., 7So .istalU~ t4J B-r"7'U, lS4; procla- T"1O£2 Valley. 64.. Tacker, Sam .• of New Jeney. joiDl tnallons iMuW. by IiUTJ.:oync ilnd TITen:oo, R. I.. floG. the eoemY,l~. Schuyier,lSO: Ugu. of defection ill, TobKco trade TeSlI'icud. 8, 9- Tocker, Com. Samuel, at.iege of 6.¢. Todd, C. B .• RuJ.:b.r, C-.}48; 011 Charlestml. SZ4: orden tocomma:Dd ",.~O-t JJ/rlr.• 35f>- CoL l..edpni. ~2; 7-' a-~ tbe"Boaon"infac-~imile,¢h:bD Vernon,\fm.,:lWtIV.. ph,s66- h· . careeT, ¢7; take. john Adams to Verplanck Howe,7¥>' Todd, O;i- John, 7l'1; OlD KasbsICa., FnlM:e, frio b;" iog-book, sbJ; h. Verptan.c;k', PlIint, 455. -t6S; pta, ~~~ R~ard ~ 7JCl.( papen. rfrJ. Im:s of, ¢7; In tbe 557.Ss8- • TUIPoUWW& Wipe; ~ "Jios;aoa." 533; bD parole iD fac.. V("I'Tcao, IIrl/IIIU;-a C...J4., 2,6. rip.Ui). 611. simile. S81- Vi2':o. W. F., 7"+ Tom's Rivu'.1...... Toc:ker, St_ Georlee. on CuiJdford, 54', Villdraac.be. m. mapI 01 the HadMm, Toaiocas Iodiam. JCIL Tuc.kenno:In. H. l'~ A~ 4JUI "- 4¢o, 4CIz. TOI)'nl,Go..-.• s::z:. C_~, ¢o; .\·iun T4IJJ,gt, ViDCennes (Indiana), 704; captured, T~, jolm, 211). 60} : Ofl Danicl Ik.one. ~ 111S, ,I,; ion at, 71?; ~Iec by Tones, iICC- aC. t". T. B. "yen, lSI:; Todor, W~, Inlen to, 1. q" ., I~' (be Bntith, 12%; taken by Har:aa. at Wyomi1ag, 6JS. Su ~ hd Dtu. 70; m. ~ ontioo. lOn'12'l' authoritiea. 729- Totowa, ~ ¢ Vln:oo. . ~ 191.. Towle. N. c.. c...s' -f tltI U. T~ Ri~, 6?6- Va.-n" S040 74~ S .. 740:'74- Tupper. Beuj .. 3l'j- Virginia. aaioa for 2 ~ (11704). TCNIl, hhid, p~ s-.it:a, Tm-keyHiU/R..I.l, •. ~.f..02. 9Q;add,CM to tbe kIng/'''''''',I.!}' )41. ~ ~ Tamer, H_ E.., ennwl -f H'a~. At/tin" III ~ C~.l_ zp; T_"'C~l&r_,2OIJo 5U). Bri~ 111 ('17'9'""80,. S¥,; C.u-a- Towumeod. Chas... ::21, 2). 3~; died., , TUT'DCf', 0., PNI", tUM a-u.- P__ If}' Sfn4 p"jIr"" 5IS.b",;: a-mrrc:e 19; in the Sump ACldeboues. 72- ' cu.,.,67a. of ('fnlt, 64. (1170. eu..~~; a-. T~C H..,/_-;·C_.. Tonk Ray,S. Yo). )Jl.335- 01 UAies~ I e. qo. c.mart.nn. ~S1. .:T~ Col. B.1tlcr amortc tbe, of, wrineft by Georse Masma aad T~.los..OIII8t:mdy·we.41Q., 6.t); Ibrir b:nds.. 610' mo.uJ cook Thntwa. Jdfenoa.. all.; adc.p&Ia T~ 111_ L • .:I BmpJDe''',1 theA~"ode."";' con"'~ 212,. Dec:titraI ...... expcd... JI:A , Tatd£. J- ¥., H--.a F~. 108; lLpa:a" 2'/2; .. tbe Coat. CoopeII. INDEX. 775

234; Dunmore in (1715), 122; dis­ Ware, Joaeph, 7tntrnal, U9' 'I at GermantoWD, 385 j at" White­ putes of bound. wnh Penna.• 248; Warner, COl Seth, at Cmwn Point. marsh, ]89; at Valley Forge. :S~i over Ohio lands, 709; io8uence in 1Z9 i ace. of, IZ9; at. Bennington, prorlamation about grain 390 j dis­ the Ohio country, n5; early naval ]01; letters, 350; notIces by G. F. trusted in Con&ress'(1117~' 391; the movements, SbS; effect of Boston Houghto~,.356; b)' Highland HaU. (;onwat Cabal. 392 j watches Clin­ Port BiU. q6; establisbet intercolo­ 356 j by ChIpman. 356. ton's Wlth~wal from Philad.,397i nial com. of com:ap., 541 56; IiR;bt at Warren, Beoiamin, at Cbeny Valley, pUBUes Chnton, 398 i at Monmouth, the Great Bridge, 168; Norfolk de­ 666; diilly,]60. 399 j aUlhorilies 00 these campaigns, IItrayed, 168; maps of, 518. militia, WaITed, Edw:t .7. Warrnt, 194.

Walworth. MB. Ellen H.t B~ New York, 215, ~s; hiI army. 21Si by Indians at 'Cambridge, 6:12; his tuId 141 N~ C."'Jair-,3IS; headquarters on Richmond HlIl, :t76i interest in Western lands, 649; se.­ on Bu~e'a5Urnnder,]Sa. hiI other headquarten in N. Y •• lects land for iiOldien of the French Wangenheim, map of mORIDC.nts ill 276; retreats from Brooklyn to N. war, 6.oJ9; on the Sullivan exped. Jers.ey, 409; aurvcyaof FOI'bClinton, "i., 281 ; condition of his anny, 281; (1779), MYt. 669; on Brodhead's etc., 364. urges enlistments for the war, 282 i expect, 6t I; lCod& Arnold up the Ward, A.ndrew H., WD'tI/,.",;q., 19:1; calls for better officers. 282 i pro­ KenDebec, 6n; Rnck lener to the: S~,19:I. poRS to bum New York. 38]. lJol; Eastern Indians. 674; his ;ounw Ward. Artemas., made general, 116. 001 wishing inoependeDce (lnsl, ia the Ohio~oD.1Q9; bis opinion commander-in-dUd, 131, IS4; made :II,»; headquarters. at Harlem, ~8.4; of Clark'. proJect for auackina: De­ ICCOnd to Washington, 142; com­ hiS anny a101lg the Bronx, 285; at troit. 731; moves his anny (0 the missionl Mugford. 56,; on the Pc­ White PlaiD$, 286: at New CUtJe, Hwhson (1781). 144; at Newburgh, nobHcot opcci •• 603. 6ot.; !doggish, 286 i rude cut of, 311 ; on the battle 144; Nicola's tetter, 145 ; Newburgh 133; left in Boston, 15/h "5; hi. of llrooklyn. :p6 i plot to a:s:traUi­ add~ 146; authorizes C«IAti_ papers. '$9; n!lSigncd. 1.59; portnit. nate, in N. Yod. )~; reh'eiillo from ~ p~ 7~6.; ~tion of bo6bl­ 159» 192; su~ to be older tlwI Long hland, 3JO: the- question ,. a rries, 746. fan:well addrcsa, 746; lui the at he was. 189; notices. ~I: autoK·, fog, no: evacuates Ne", York. H3 ; circular to States, 746; IQ2; letters from Camb . 20,. at Harlem .. 334; lDOftmetlts aboft Rocky HiU.1,.6; olen New YOI"t. Wani. Geo. A... 6Dcb Paul 0IlC5'" N. Y. (11;06" 331j orden the el"llCUa­ at the ~ of the war. 146i parts lion 01 Fon Lee, Yrl; retreaD with .his ~ ,.7 i goes ~ ~n­ w':3.' c:t JOfS •• 1)8. 201: bis crrclcr throu:gh the Jerseys. ]68; given papomr.. 141 ; raIgD8 his COdUJUS5lOD. on the 6dclat Bunker Hdl, lJ8. cik-talorial ~ :tilt ]76; ~ 741;" Mount VICI'DOIl, 747 i mes­ Ward. R. D •• Ltif-~'. pUit,. V.... T'rcntoD. ]74; at Priooetau, 318 i his ...... Geaeo-,-,,," letters OIl the campai~ oJ. I n6. near Wasbin~oQ. Col WLlIiam. 481. S37; ",. .~ at Trentoa. 376; c:bup-. III Ward. Ccw. Slmual,22O, ZD, s65; DIll N. Y~, l44; in winter-.quartt!11I at eo... iou ...l ..... MOI'IlStown. l~'at M~dlebrook...... ;ioi

nold'. 6gbt OD Lake Champlain, I Weymouth, Earl 0(, 1; life, 265; tory, &76. 491,541; in the Yorktown campai~, I 00 Burgoyne's Bunende" 358. on William8Otl, Col. David,115, 1~6; mur· SOl; in Georgia, S01: attackA Stony _ privateering, 591. del'fl, IndianA, 1]6. Point, 558; at Bull's Ferry. 560; White, Joseph, /JaJlk D/ r,mt-, WilliamllOn. Hugh, on the t~hip hero 01 the C,. CluKe, 560; at Mar· 4(16. commotion .. 911 on North Carolina ri,town, 561. White, Philip, 14-4. Revolutionary hiStory, S'4. Weare, Mechech, hi, p2pe~ 598. Whitechurch, Robt., 510. Willing, Anne, ll9.J. Weathenfield, Conn., Wubington and White (;Jay Creek, Pa'L42'. Willing. Thos., ]8}. Rochambeau ai, 561; Webb House Whitemarsh,416, w; Washingtoo at, Wilmington, Del., 421. in. sf,.. J8q... Wilmington, N. C., occupied by tho Webb. S. B .• 187, :to]. White PlaIRII, 340; Washington al. British -+H7; map. 54:;1. Webber. C. W., Hisi. 4NI Rn. It«i- :;181".: hne- of comstalb, :;186; ~ : Wilaon,l."hu., 8-ZtIpU'l C.",jai,H, i111Ib,1Q'8. ualed.zS6; Howc'sblundenat,29'; I ",., Webster. Daniel, his conect estimate American position at. 336, 137, rd· Wilson, D .• 7aIU MeC"a, 627. of the causes of the Revoilition, 6]; erenen. 331: <':01. Hadett s letter, Wilson, Jamn. C(Jn~;dn-aJ;IJIU, lie., Add,.,.. u N. Y. HUt. Sue., 99. on 337. I 106; autO!l:., #JS' hfe, :If'5- the Bunker HiD controveny, 190; Whitne;y.JamesL .• LiJ·tifNilUleenl" I WillOn.L.• ..,~I. orations at Bunker Hill, 194- A;ril. 18s· Wil!Wm, R.. 5"5. Wedderbunt, his attack on Franklin, Whitney, Jm.i.ah, 011 Putnam'. dnlh, WillIOn, ThOllo., 8mt'. D/llu P,.,."ei1tJ/ '15· 1~. . I 1~,.ka" ,no. . Weedon, Gen., at Branc;1ywine. 382. Whitney, MIN, "llItue of S. Adams, I WIIIIOII. Me1N/;""_NI. 0/ Ou/wl WI"le, 4]8. Weems. Muon L., Lye 4 M4rUm, 41. I Winoeba~on" 13? S';!· WhiltieT.J.G.... Greaflpswichfight," I Winaor.ju!ltlin.' Notelon theCauaea Wellin~, J. C., aD the »elt/~Z u8. of the Revolution." 68: "The Con- RUuUdu,IU. :;151. Whlltlesey. Col. ebu.• ExjeJiJiMto/ ftict Precipitated," IIJ; rekreRCd Wells.., J. C .• 72'9. D_,*",e, 114; Fq;ltw £111171, on the Aiege of Bo.ton '7:;1; bibli- Wehih, Thomas, 88. 649.,1-4. . CIg'oiIphyof Bunker Hil,1 185; edit. Wemms. Willi..:un, 86. Whittlesey, Capt. EZ .... 613. Ware'" joumal. 219; notes on the Wemple, Edw.• 3M. Whittlesey. E. D., 011 Marshall's ace. campaign round N. V.l'1"")' P1; Wemvs, Ma~ JameA., his opiniOOl of of Danbury exped., 3-t8. notes on the authoritiea OJ the om. genenls.31o ; criticises Ho_, 310; Whyte.Robert,425- paigo. of 1171-ll~8, -403: "The his papenr., Sl8, attacb Sumter, Wickes, Lambert, capt. in the Da"Y, Tre3sonaf Arnold,' .... 7. "Event. 4!!o.536. 370; carried the mit national vf:$Iel in lhe Norlh, I11tJ-I7~h," S~S; on Wesley, John, proteCts agairwt die aero. the ocean, 571; takes f·rank· the esteQl: of the <.:ontioental arm,. war, II I. lin OftT, 571 ; cruises asouoo Ireland, 5S!$. West, Ikn;amia. "'3; paints Bon· S72; difficulties in french ports, WillllaD~ paint. John Adami, )6. 's li~enesr.,~; his skctcbesof 512: lo5t at M:a, 513· Winter HIll (near Boston), Jell; bnes uet·s campaIgns, 6rof. Joho. 187,205. Gn!enlea{ plan, ;'5'; other plans., j Wilkea. John and the .. Soos Winthrop, Madam, 180. o1 II. "<;90 of6%., "5: news, 461: history I of Liberty.' 12; h~ dforu and Winthrop. R. c.. on (Juries H 1MUoft. of. by Boynton, 46 .. : fortified, 551- ~e!I, '10. '21; hi. commenfs on Ia..; on R. frothin~am, lSI',: Ati. Weo-tcheater G:Juoty (N. Y.), blstory, BUI"J!OV"De's ~ ]6s; .. Wilkes b'UMtI".",.i/iIllC I re.coll'. Statw, of. PSo ]40. OIInd Liberty. 28. l<)t; 07'tUUni III FIIH'A-t#arJr. 'S,; Westchester f.a~(_Seabary. Sam- : ":'lk~barTe, 606. addre. 011 Fon cn.wold, !/4 oel. and 'WIlkins" huc), 104: Fru i "',!Ik!ns, J~, hD tr.u:ts, 104- Winthrop, Sam'} autog., 50- T"-cIrts •. I04~ C_rrU6Ci1~tI. , \t, ~lk!OSOII. Ehza. LeU-I, S2O. 527. WilleT, Sally. diary ... "#I. 104: flam~lton s~pl,.. 10-4; A ~,~ . W,lkiDlOD.~. J~ on f'naD:a"'s Witken. Alex. S., Cltr_ielll '.f 8w. ~ I~ C,"'/~. 104; aathonhip I FOlirm. 356: In Canada. 2n: pbn I tI_ W_/_,. :;I-t8. 711. In dispute. 104- . I of Tre~Jloa, +12; of. PrillCelOn. 4'1; I WilhenpoOo, )(>hn, in Conpeu, 2.... ; Wesrcoct., Beary. c.n.u-itsJ S~. .JiI-wII,rr" 18c,: carnes new-. of Bur. aIJIOft"_, z..; life, alIs- .,., I ~cn:ne's SlUn'nder to~,).;I. , WilhmglOQ, L., :;119- West~. Fort (A~. Me.l..6), W:lk~. J. 8.. B''''r~,6]o. . Woedlke. karoo de,letten, us. Welbmnster (VL) 1JlUACR:, 112. W!Jlrill$OD: W; C., )61. . WoIc-ott, Oli

Woodbridge, Col. Rugglea, 346. Wright, Joshua G., AtIJ,ut, 168. Yorktown, campaign of, 541' evidence Woodbridge N. J. 372. Wright, W. E., translates Roc:ham­ on the responsibility of Q;mwalli, Woodbury, lame. t., 184- beau's M.",";'s, 516. or Clinton, 5048, 549 i cofrelPOndence Woodd, Lleut., 148. Writll of Auistance, 68; opposed by of the surrender, 549; news received II Woodford. Gen' l at Germantown.38Si Olia, n; a:plained, ;"Iegalized, in London, 549 j prisouen taktm. and hi. Virginaana, 5:15. 39; ruerenc:es. 65 j enforced by Ber­ $49 i, ~p8 of, 550, 55!. 5$2,553 ; Woodhull, Gen., captured, 280; death nard,65· mquuy mto the campalJtD In Eng­ of. ,30>. Wrottealey, Sir John, 330. land, 516: debates In Parliament, Woodruff, Samuel, 351. Wyandots, 610; their home, 135- SJ6; news received in England, 555; Woodstock~ N. Y'J 639. Wyatt, ~hos.. (dllWah/l'Ulnkdfllitll. ace. of centennial of, 55S j responlri.. Woolsey, 1 heodore, 464- Meaau,531' bility for the lurrender, 516 j aie~ Woolson, C. F.,