DhInInj_ Ciadgil Libnry IPmlomllDlDDlllm1 GIPE-PtnN~208S NARRATIVE AND CRITICAL HISTORY OF AMERICA V7: I· N . 84·G 2.0~5 1Cbt mntttb. ~tat£.u OF PART I NARRATIVE AND CRITICAL HISTORY OF AMERICA EDITED By JUSTIN WINSOR UBRARIAN OF HARVARD UNIVBRSITY CORRBSPONDING SECRETARY MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIBTY VOL. VI LONDON SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE Be RIVINGTON Lo. !It. lDururtan', 110 ... FETTER. LANB. FLEET STaEET, E. C. M.DCCCLXXxvm~ v 'k (the Scott . Fac-simile CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIOl\ 275 CHAPTER I. THE REVOLUTION IMPENDING, Mellen Ckamotrlai... II:LUSTRATIONS: George III., 20; Lord North. with Autograph, 21; Rocking- ham, 31; Fac-simile of Gloriou.r Nnu" May 16, 1766, 33; John Adams, 36; \5 Fac-simile of ~dams's Writing, 31 i Samuel Adams, with Autograph, 40; Samuel Adams, 41; Revere's Plan of State Street at the time of the Bos- ton Massacre. 48; Autognpbs of the Court for the Trial foUowiQg the Boston Massacre,-Benjamin Lynde, John Cushing, Peter Oliver, Edmund Trowbridge, Jonathan Sewall, Samuel Winthrop, So; of the Counsel,- Robert Treat Paine, Samuel Quincy, John Adams, Josiah Quincy, :Jr., and Sampson S. Blowers, SI; Joseph Warren, 54; Fac-simile of Broadside• . June 32. [773. 5S; A Contemporary Print, 59; Broadside, June .7, 17704. 61. CRITICAL E~SA y • 62 EDITORIAL NOTES 68 ILLUSTR.ATIONS: Statue of James Otis. 69i Jonathan Mayhew, 71; Autograph of Charles Chauncey, 71; George Ill., 76; Fac-simile of Handbill, Faneuil Hall Meeting, Oct. 28. 1767. 77 i of Broadside. TAe Trw SOIU 0/ liINrty, 78; List of Merchants importing OODtrary to agreement, 79; Broadside pro­ saibing William Jackson. 80; Revere's Cut of the Landing of Troops in Boston. 1768. 81; John Dickinson, with Autograph, 82 j Autograph of James Bowdoin, 83; William Livingston. 84 i I!..iberty Song, 86; Massachusetts Liberty Song~ 87; Fac-simile of Instructions to Representatives, signed by Richard Dana and William Cooper, 87; Handbill on the Anniversary of the Boston Massacre, 89; Handbill of Warning. Dee. " 1773, 9"; Philadel· phia Ppster about the Tea-Sbips. 93; Josiah Quincy's Manuscript Dedica­ tion of bis Port-Bill Tract. 94 i Quincy Mansion. ¢; Handbill announcing the Port Bill and Regulating Bill. en; Handbill of General Bntde's Letter, 1774. C)S j Autograph of Thomas Cushing, 99; Signen of the Congress of 1774. II»; Satirical Print. y;,.1u4/ Rq;ru~. 103 i Josiah Quincy's Diary, lOS; L<>rd North. 107; Chatham, 109; Richard Price, Portl1li. and Autograph,lllj Autograph of Lord. Dutmoutb,II •. :ONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER II. • (ECIPITATED. Tlte Ed;"'r. • • . 113 t~TIONS: Autograph of Admiral Graves, lt4; Notice of Committee of I~pondence. signed by William Cooper, I I S j Autograph of ]edediah ~ble, 116; of Joseph Hawley, 118; Roads of Roxbury and beyond, 120; .)ads between Boston and Marlborough, 121 j Heath's Account of the 'ight at MeRotomy. u6; General Heath, with Autograph, 127; Autograph ,f Ethan Allen, 128; Ruins of Ticonderoga, 129; Pen~and·lnk Sketch of the Roxbury Lines, 130; Warren's Last Note, 132; Notice to the Militia, '33; Order of the Committee of Safety, (lSi Autograph of Colonel William Prescott, 135 j of John Brooks. 136; of John Stark, 137; of Richard Pigot, 137; of Governor Tryon. with seal, 140; of Joseph Reed, 141 j Washing­ ton's Heads of Letter, July 10. 177St 141 j Letter of John Hancock, June 22, 1775, 143; Autograph of General Gage. 145; Handbill thrown within the British Lines, 147; Views of Country around Boston from Beacon Hill, 148, 149, 150, 151; A Vaudevil on Tlte B(1I1()11 BI«kade, 154; Playbill of Zara, 155; Autograph of General Knox. 1,S6; Views of Boston and of the Cast~ 157; Proclamation of Washington, 159; Guy Carleton, with Autograph, 1641 Seal of Lord Dunmore, 167; Plan of Attack on Fort Moultrie, 169; PJan of Attack on Charlestown, S. C., 170; WilHam Moultrie, 171. LTICAL ESSAY , OTES • '. 174 ILLUSTRATIONS: Colonel Parker's Lexington Deposition, 176; Colonel Barren's Concord Deposition, 177; Plan of Lexington, 179; of Concord, 180; Emer~ soo's, Diary, 181; Earl Percy, 182, 183; Lexington Green. 185 j Richard Frothingham, 186; Ezra Stiles, with Autograph. 188 i Autograph of Samuel Swett, 191; General Putnam, with Autograph, 19%; Autograph of General Ward, 192; Joseph Warren, 193; Handbill (Tory Account) of the Battle of Bunker Hill, rgG; View of the Battle of Bunker Hill, 197; Plans of Char1e5. town Peninsula and the Battle, 198. 199; Plan of the Battle, %01; Autograph of General Heath, 203; PIan of the Siege of Boston, zo6; Boston and Vicin­ ity. June, 1775, 208; Boston and Charlestown, 177S. %10; British Lines on Boston Neck, 211; Map of the St. Lawrence and Sorel Rivers, %IS; Gen­ eral Montgomery on the Capitulation of S1. John, %17; Attestation of Mont­ gomery's Will, %18; Richard Montgomery, %20,. %%1; Benedict Arnold, with Autograph, %:23; Montresor's Map of the Kennebec Region, 2%.4; David Wooster. with Autograph. 22'S; Plan of Siege of Quebec, %:26; Autograph of Charles CarToll of Carrollton, 22'J; View of Sallivan'. Island, 228 j View of Charles"""" S. C. and the British Fleet (In6), Z29- CHAPTER Ill. THE SE1ITIIIENT OF INDI!PENDENCE, ITS GROWTH AND CONSUIOIATION. George E. Ellis. • . 231 CRITICAL EsSAY • 252 EoITOIlIAL NOTES 255 lUUSTJlAT.o"., Autographs of the Mecklenburg Committee. 's6; Thoma Jel­ fenon, 291; State Ho..... Pbiladelpbia, 259; 0riginaJ Draft of the ~ tioD of Independence, .60; AutogT2pb of Thoma Jeft"""",- %6.; Porttait and Autograph of Roger Sherman, z6z; Autc>gr.lpbs of the SigneD of the Declaration of IndepeI1deoc:e, z6J-z66; Fa<>simiJe of a eontempon>y Broad- CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. v side of the Declaration, 267; John Dickinson, 268; John Hancock (the Scott picture), 270; (a German picture), 271 ; Charles .Thomson, 272; Fac-simile of a Page of Christopher Marshall's Diary. 273. CHAPTER IV. THE STRUGGLE FOR THE HUDSON. George W. Cullu", • • • • . • • • • 275 ILLUSTRATIONS: Mortier House, on. Richmond Hill, Washington's Headquarten:, 276; Lord Howe, 277 j General Sir William Howe, 278 ; Lord Stirling, 280 j Roger Morris House, Washington's Harlem Headquarters, 284 j Autograph ·of Knyphausen, 289; Portrait and A utograph of Burgoyne, 292; another Por­ trait. 293; Lord George Germain, 295; General Arthur St. Clair, 297; Auto­ graph of Generd Schuyler, 297; General John Stark, 301.; General Horatio Gates, 302; General Horatio Gates, with Autograph, 303 j Sir Henry Clin­ ton. Portraits and Autograph, 306. 307; General George Clinton,· Jo8; Fac­ simile of Burgoyne's Letter to Gates, 310; Rude contemporary Cuts of Washington and Gates, 311. CRlTICAL ESSAY. ~. • DISPOS~L OF THE CONVENTION TROOPS EDITORIAL NOTES 323 ILLUSTRATIONS: Plan of Fort Montgomery, 324; Chain at Fort Montgomery, 324; Plan of Constitution Island, 325; Plans of the Battle of Long Island, 327, 338; Rauer's smaller Map of New York City, 332; johnston's Map of New York Island (1776), 335; the Sauthier-Faden Plan of Campaign round New York (1776), 3,36; }4~ort Washington and Dependencies, 339; ,the Sauthier-TryDn Map of New York Province (1774), 340; the Present Seat of War, from Low's A./malUlC, 343; New York and Vicinity, from the Political MagoBine, 34t1; Campaign of 1776, from Hall's History, 344; Hes­ sian Map of the Campaign 'above New York (1776), 345; Map of Arnold's Fight near Valcour Island, 347; Trumbull's Plan of Ticonderoga and its Dependencies (1776), 352; Map of Ticonderoga (I777) used at St. Clair's Trial. 353; Fleury's Map of Fort Stanwiz, 355; Plan of the Conflict at Sara­ toga, 363; Attack on Forts Clinton and Montgomery as mapped by John Hills, 363; another Plan, from Leake's Lift of La",,,, .]65. CHAPTER V. • THB STRUGGLE FOR THE DELAWARE• ....!...PHILADELPHIA UNDER HOWE AND UNDER ARNOLD. F,.derick D •. StOM. • • • • • • • • • • . • . • . • 367 ILLUSTRATIONS: Charles Lee, 369; his A"Utograph, 370; Fac..simile of an Appeal of the Council of Safety, Dec. 8, 1776. 371 i Broadside of the Council of Safety, 37:; Lord Howe, J80; General Grey. 383 i General Sir William Howe, 383; Alexander Hamilton, J84; Anthony Wayne, J85; the Destruc­ tion of the U Augusta." J88 ; Fac·simile of Proclamation of Washington. Dec. 20t 1777, J90; Playbill of Theatre in Southwark. February, 1778, ]94- EDITORIAL NOTES 403 IUUSTllATIONS: Autograph of General RichanJ Prescott, 403 i Map, from the CnrllntfcJ,,'s MIIgtJsilfl, of the Neighborhood of New York. 404; Joseph Reed, 405; Charles Lee. 406; Marshall's Map of Trenton, Princeton, and Monmouth. 4oS; Hessian Map of Trenton and Princeton, 409; Faden's Map of Trenton and Princeton, 410; Wiederhold's Map of Trenton. 411; Wilkinson's Map of Trenton. 41:; of Princeton. 413; Hall's Map of the vi CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Campaign of 1777.414; Galloway's Map, 41S; General Sir WUllam Howe, 417,418; Washington's Map of Brandywine, 420; Hetlsian Map of Brandy. wine,422; Hessian Map of Paoli, 423; Faden's Map of Trudruffrin. or Paoli, 424; Approaches to Gennantown. 425; Montresor's Map of Gennantown Battle,426,427; Hessian Map of Gennantown,428; View of Stenton, Logan" House, 429; Faden's Map of Operations on the Delaware, 429; Lafayette's Map of the Attack at Gloucester, N. J., 430; Map of Fort Mifflin on Mud Island, 431; f1eury's Plan of Fort Mifflin, 432, 433; Attack on Fort Mif· flin. 434. 435; Plan of Mud Island Fort, 437; Attack 00 Mud Island, 4,38; Map of Valley Forge Encampment, 439; Defences of Philadelphia, 440, 441 ; Vicinity of Philadelphia, 442; Barren Hill, 443 j PJan of the Battle of Mon· mouth, 444; Monmouth and Vicinity, 445- THE TREASON OF ARNOLD. TI,e Editor .
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