Bakhshali Manuscript
THE BAKHSHALI P 1' AN ANCIENT TREATISE OF INDIAN Alt I'I'I I N 4F,' EDITED BY Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvat I and 00 Usha,jyotishmati, M. Sc., D. Phil. Dr. Rataa Kumari Svadhyaya Sansthani ALLAHABAD. PUBLISHE S BY Dr. Ratn Kumari Svadhyaya Sansthana Vijnaua Parishad Buildings Maharshi Dayanand Marg Allahabad-211002 Phone : 54413 FIRST EDITION 1979 Price Rs. 50/-( £ 3.5 or $ 7 ) Printed at :- ARVIND PRINTERS 20-1), Bell Road, Allahabad, Phone Not 3711 CDr `-Patna umari Born 20-3- 19 12 Died 2-12-1964 PREFACE Dr. Ratna Kumari, M. A., D. Phil. was deeply interested in education, higher research and scholarship, and when she died in 1964, the Director of the Research Institute of Ancient Scientific Studies, Now Delhi, graciously agreed to publish in her commemo- ration a Series to be known as the "Dr. Raffia Kumari PubllcaNnu Series", and tinder this arrangement, the five volumes published were: Satapatha Brahmanain.Vol. I, 11 and III (1967, 1969, 19711): ltaudhayana Sulba Sutram (1968) and the Apastanrba Sulba Sutruun (1968).Itis to be regretted that in1971, Pundit Rain Swarnp Sharnta, the Director of the Institute died and shortly afterwards, the activities of the Institute came to a close.In 1971, from an endowment created by the relations of late Dr. Ratna Kurnari, Dr. Ratna Kumari Svadhyaya Sansthana, a research orgunicution for promotion of higher studiesamongstladies,wasostahll. shed at Allahabad, with Sri Anand Prakash, the younger son of 1)r. Ratna Kumari as the firstPresident.Svumi Satya Prukunlt (formerly, Prof. Dr. Satya Prakash)has authorisedDr.Ratna Kumari Svadhyaya Sansthana to publish several of his works, plirti.
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