9 November 2009 USU.S
9 November 2009 USU.S. Army Spc. Mic hae l RdRandazz iocondtducts a qu ikick searc hfh of some gear thtAfhithat an Afghan is us ing a dkdonkey to carry during a mission in Jaghato District, Wardak Province, Afghanistan, 8 July 2010. Spc. Randazzio is assigned to 1st Platoon, Able Company, 1-503rd Infantry Battalion, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt Russell Gilchrest/Released) (100708-A-6225G-103) U.S. Army 1st Lt. Nick Eidemiller communicates by radio with the rest of his platoon while his interpreter stands patiently next to him during a mission in Jaghato District, Wardak Province, Afghanistan, 8 July, 2010. 1st Lt. Eidemiller is assigned to 1st Platoon, Able Company, 1-503rd Infantry Battalion, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt Russell Gilchrest/Released) (100708-A-6225G-108) U.S. Army Soldiers, Afghan National Police Officers, and Afghan National Army Soldiers travel into the village of Calenday, Jaghato District, Wardak Province, Afghanistan, 10 July 2010. These U.S. Soldiers are assigned to 1st Platoon, Able Company, 1-503rd Infantry Battalion, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt Russell Gilchrest/Released) (100710-A-6225G-059) Afghan children stand in the doorway of their home and watch as a platoon of U.S. Army paratroopers pass by in the village of Calenday, Jaghato District, Wardak Province, Afghanistan, 10 July 2010. The U.S. Army is here to help build good relations with the locals. ((ypygU.S. Army photo by Sgt Russell Gilchrest/Released) (100710- A-6225G-097) U.S.
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