PMTurkeyCOLPEm Resource From: Williamson, Alicia Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 3:48 PM To: TurkeyCOL Resource Subject: TP Testimony - Handbook of Env Engineering Air Stripping by Huang and Shang Attachments: handbook of environemtnal engineering_air stripping_huang and shang.pdf 1 Hearing Identifier: TurkeyPoint_COL_Public Email Number: 1264 Mail Envelope Properties (e33ced2043254e2ba63e6dabcaac8594) Subject: TP Testimony - Handbook of Env Engineering Air Stripping by Huang and Shang Sent Date: 2/27/2017 3:47:59 PM Received Date: 2/27/2017 3:48:03 PM From: Williamson, Alicia Created By:
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[email protected]> Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 0 2/27/2017 3:48:03 PM handbook of environemtnal engineering_air stripping_huang and shang.pdf 2085000 Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date: Recipients Received: 2 Air Stripping Ju-Chang Huang and Chii Shang CONTENTS INTRODUCTION HENRY’S LAW AND THE MASS-TRANSFER COEFFICIENT ANALYTICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR AN AIR STRIPPING PROGRAM FEATURES AND DESIGN PILOT STUDIES AMMONIA STRIPPING WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS OFF-GAS EMISSIONS CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL COST ANALYSIS RECENT ADVANCEMENTS CONCLUSIONS NOMENCLATURE REFERENCES 1. INTRODUCTION Air stripping is a process by which a liquid, usually water or wastewater, is brought into intimate contact with a gas, usually air, so that some undesirable substances present in the liquid phase can be released and carried away by the gas. In the past, the major objectives of wastewater treatment were the removal of SS (suspended solids), BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), and coliform bacteria. It is only very recently that the removal of inorganic nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, has been brought into focus.