A Dangerous Waste of Time: Teaching Every Intravenous Line Placement

Robert L. Mabry, MD; Peter J. Cuenca, MD

Department of Defense Disclaimer The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.

The time has come to remove intravenous catheteriza- Current doctrine mandates use of a tourniquet as a first- tion training from the Army’s Combat Life Saver (CLS) line treatment for casualties who have extremity hemorrhage Course. Obtaining intravenous (IV) access and initiating IV when care is administered under hostile fire.7 Yet ’ lives fluid resuscitation does not save lives on the battlefield. Re- were lost in the early phases of the conflicts in Iraq and turning effective fire, aggressive hemorrhage control with cor- Afghanistan because a tourniquet was not applied.8,9 The Army rect tourniquet and hemostatic dressing application, needle now issues individual commercially fabricated tourniquets to decompression of tension pneumothorax, and airway manage- each Soldier deploying to a combat zone. More than 400,000 ment are the Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TC3) skills that do tourniquets had been issued.10 save lives. The recent mandate by the U.S. Army Training and Other lifesaving skills emphasized in the TC3 include Doctrine Command (TRADOC) requiring all Soldiers entering needle decompression of a tension pneumothorax and airway Basic Combat Training (BCT) after October 1st 2007 to be CLS management, the second and third leading causes of preventa- certified is an outstanding step to improve training across the ble battle field deaths, causing 4% and 1% of all fatal injures re- Army in lifesaving first-aid skills.1 However, requiring all Sol- spectively.5,11 diers to be competent in placing an intravenous line and initi- The main purpose of performing IV catheterization in ating treatment with IV fluids, per the current CLS standards, the setting of trauma is to administer fluids or blood products to may not be the best use of precious training resources in the treat hemorrhagic shock. Seven percent of traumatically in- light of the most recent medical research and battlefield expe- jured patients on the battlefield require aggressive resuscita- rience. In fact, it may result in additional injury or death to tion.12 Current transfusion protocols emphasize fresh whole both injured Soldiers and their comrades providing aid. blood and pro-coagulants rather than crystalloids to restore The outcome of a battle casualty will often be deter- organ perfusion, prevent the dilution of clotting factors, and mined by whoever provides initial care. In most cases this will avoid hypothermia.12 For patients in significant hemorrhagic be a fellow Soldier, not the . The CLS course was de- shock, aggressive hemorrhage control at the point of wound- veloped to bridge the gap between self-aid or buddy aid until ing, followed by expeditious transport to surgical care is most care could provided by the 68W .2 The important. Evacuation and subsequent surgical management of CLS concept has been further refined over the last decade to non-compressible truncal hemorrhage should not be delayed by reflect the concepts of TC3. Tactical Combat Casualty Care attempts to place an IV. focuses on treating the leading causes of preventable battlefield In the management of shock, the traditional strategy of death while minimizing the risk to first-aid providers and the early fluid resuscitation beginning in the field and continuing tactical mission.3 The TC3 concept is possibly the most sig- into the operating room has been challenged, specifically in the nificant advance in point of injury care since the distribution context of penetrating thoracic trauma. In 1994, a prospective of the individual field dressing in the late 1800s.4 trial by Bickell et al., compared immediate versus delayed fluid The most important battlefield first-aid skill is con- resuscitation in hypotensive patients with penetrating torso in- trolling hemorrhage, by far the leading and most preventable juries. They reported that patients in whom fluids were re- cause of battlefield death in modern warfare. Bellamy showed stricted until arrival in the operating room had lower mortality, 7% of those killed in action during the Vietnam Conflict died fewer postoperative complications, and shorter hospital length of potentially preventable extremity hemorrhage.5 A similar fa- of stay.13 In a follow-up prospective trial, patients were divided tality rate from compressible extremity hemorrhage in Iraq was into either restrictive resuscitation (goal systolic blood pressure demonstrated by Cuadrado et al.6 (SBP) greater than 80 mm Hg) versus liberal resuscitation (goal Proper tourniquet application is the most important SBP greater than 100 mm Hg). There was not a significant dif- method in controlling severe hemorrhage in the tactical setting. ference in mortality between groups but hemorrhage did take

Previously Published 55 longer to control in the group with the liberal fluid strategy.14 under battlefield conditions. For this reason, TC3 guidelines These studies were largely responsible for significant emphasize sternal intraosseous catheter placement for fluid re- changes in the management of injured Soldiers on the battle- suscitation.22 field and were adopted by American Military and Israeli De- Insertion of an IV catheter is not without risks. Com- fense Forces.15-19 In 2003, the term “hypotensive plications include local and systemic infections, throm- resuscitation” was introduced in a paper entitled, “Fluid Re- bophlebitis, catheter embolism, and injury to associated suscitation in Modern Combat Casualty Care: Lessons nerves, tendons and arteries.23-25 These complications are in- Learned from Somalia.”15 Current military pre-hospital doc- versely related to skill and experience of the medical provider. trine now emphasizes restricting IV fluids in casualties who Using non-medical personnel to train basic trainees will likely have controlled hemorrhage, normal mental status, and stable result in an increased rate of complications and lost duty days vital signs or even mild hypotension (systolic blood pressure as Soldiers practice this skill on one another. greater than 90). A relatively small percentage of all combat Based on the literature available and the lessons being casualties are likely to benefit from IV fluid resuscitation on learned from both Iraq and Afghanistan, it is clear that IV the battlefield. These include patients with significant hy- placement is not a critical skill needed at the point of wound- potension resulting from severe hemorrhage that has been ing, while hemorrhage control is. Training all Soldiers to start controlled; and those with hypotension or severe hemorrhage IVs without the requisite understanding of the indications, con- and a head injury. All other casualties with uncontrolled hem- traindications, plus the risks and benefits of who would bene- orrhage and signs of shock may be challenged with a very lim- fit from IV fluids and who could be harmed is a waste of ited amount of IV fluid (1000 mLs of Hextend); further fluid precious training time that will result in many receiving un- administration is likely to be detrimental. The practice of per- needed or detrimental care on the battlefield. If Solders spend missive hypotension is designed to prevent “popping the clot” the vast majority of their first-aid training time learning IV off an injured vessel as well as diluting clotting factors with placement, the most time consuming skill in the CLS course, massive amounts of crystalloid fluid. yet one that does not save lives, which tool will they reach for Proper IV placement is a skill that requires significant under the stress of combat? How many Soldiers will be killed time to train. In the current CLS course, the IV portion is the by snipers as they waste precious minutes starting IVs? How longest, most resource and instructor intensive block of train- many casualties will have evacuation delayed while attempts ing. This time could be better spent focusing on tactical ca- to “get the IV” are made? How many will neglect proper sualty scenarios and emphasizing other skills that actually save tourniquet and dressing application in lieu of the more “tech- lives. In the civilian sector, basic emergency medical techni- nical” and “high-speed” IV insertion? cians (EMT-B) are not taught IV insertion. The first level of While most Soldiers will not benefit from IV training, civilian EMT to have IV placement in their scope of practice it may have a place in some units. Units operating far forward is EMT-Intermediates. The national standard curriculum for with little or no organic medical support such as Special Op- EMT-I requires 300 to 400 hours of classroom and field in- erations Forces (SOF) may benefit from this training. These struction. EMT-I students are required to place at least 25 IVs units are often small and have the time and resources to train on live patients of various age groups under instructor super- to a high standard in advanced first-aid skills. vision to be considered competent in this skill.20 The current The recent mandate by TRADOC to train all Soldiers 2006 CLS Course Instructor Guide (Edition B, Subcourse in IV placement is well-intentioned and shows our battlefield ISO0873) does not specify the number of successful IV commanders want robust first-aid training for our warriors. It catheterizations required to certify a CLS in this skill. It is left is the duty of the AMEDD and military healthcare providers to to the unit’s medical officer. Certification will not mean CLS advise our combat commanders what constitutes the best prac- trained personnel will be competent in placing IVs. At best it tices of battlefield care. Yet, few AMEDD officers have ever will mean they are familiar with the procedure. cared for a patient under fire or experienced ground combat. Casualties presenting in overt shock typically have Few understand the principles of Tactical Combat Casualty difficult intravenous access. They are often extremely di- Care. Since the majority of the AMEDD’s funding and focus aphoretic and their peripheral vasculature is constricted. is on hospital based care, we have in the past simply extended Placement of an IV in a trauma patient in a moving civilian trauma care principles to the battlefield. We can do by an experienced EMT-I or higher level provider takes 10 to better. Tactical and medical lessons from the present conflict 12 minutes and has a 10% to 40% failure rate.21 Paradoxi- must be synthesized to optimize the care of our Soldiers. This cally, starting an IV in those patients who would most benefit will require military healthcare providers to develop an un- from limited fluid resuscitation will be extremely difficult for derstanding of combat and the nature of the battlefield in order even the most skilled medical provider. to advise combat commanders how to balance the mission, In a hostile tactical situation combined with darkness, training, and resources with optimal medical care during com- fatigue, and fear it will be very unlikely that a Soldier without bat. significant medical experience will be able to place an IV Many line commanders likely participated in IV train-

56 Journal of Special Operations Medicine Volume 8, Edition 4 / Fall 08 ing led by their unit medical officers during their formative 9. Beekley A, Sebesta J, Blackbourne L, et al. Pre-hospital tourniquet years. Insertion of an IV on the “first stick” is probably con- use in Operation Iraqi Freedom: Effect on hemorrhage control and outcomes. Presented at the 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the sidered by many of them as the quintessential battlefield med- Western Trauma Association. Big Sky, Montana. March 2006. ical skill. It is not. Rapid hemorrhage control is. Adding 10. Personal communication, Donald Parsons, Deputy Director Depart- additional medical training for all Soldiers is much needed. ment of Combat Medic Training, November 2007. TRADOC has taken an excellent first step. It is up to the mil- 11. McPherson JJ, Feigin DS, Bellamy RF. (2006). Prevalence of ten- itary medical establishment to educate and advise our line sion pneumothorax in fatally wounded combat casualties. J Trauma; 60:573-578 commanders so together we can save lives on the battlefield 12. Beekley A, Starnes B, Sebesta J. (2007). Lessons learned from and accomplish the Army mission. modern military surgery. Surgical Clinics of North America 87(1) (February). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS: 13. Bickell W, Wall M, Pepe P, et al. (1994). Immediate versus delayed IV – intravenous fluid resuscitation for hypotensive patients with penetrating torso injuries. New England Journal of Medicine; 331(17): 1105-1109. TC3 – Tactical Combat Casualty Care 14. Dutton R, Mackenzie C, Scalea T. (2002). Hypotensive resuscita- TRADOC – Training and Doctrine Command tion during active hemorrhage: Impact on in-hospital mortality. SOF – Special Operations Forces Journal of Trauma; 52(6): 1141-1146. . SBP – Systolic Blood Pressure 15. Holcomb J. (2003). Fluid resuscitation in modern combat casualty AMEDD – Army Medical Department care: Lessons learned from Somalia. Journal of Trauma; 54(5 CLS – Combat Life Saver Suppl): S46-S51. . EMT-I – Emergency Medical Technician - Intermediate 16. Champion H. (2003). Combat fluid resuscitation: Introduction and BCT – Basic Combat Training overview of conferences. Journal of Trauma; 54(Suppl 5): S7- S12. . 17. Butler F, Hagmann J, Richards D. (2000). Tactical management of urban warfare casualties in Special Operations. ; MAJ Robert L. Mabry, MD 165(Suppl 4): 1-48. Medical Director for Academics 18. Krausz M. (2003).Fluid resuscitation strategies in the Israeli army. Department of Combat Medic Training Journal of Trauma; 54(Suppl 5): S39-S42. . Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 78234 19. Rhee P., Koustova E., Alam H. (2003). Searching for the optimal resuscitation method: Recommendations for the initial fluid resusci- tation of combat casualties. Journal of Trauma; 54(Suppl 5): S52- S62. . MAJ Peter J. Cuenca, MD 20. NREMT National Standard Curriculum for NREMT EMT-Interme- Staff Emergency diate, 1998. Accessed at http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/injury/ Department of ems/EMT-I/index.html. Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234 21. Lewis F. (1986). Prehospital intravenous fluid : Physiologic computer modelling. Journal of Trauma; 26(9): 804-811. 22. Butler FK, Holcomb JB, Giebner SD, et al: Tactical Combat Casu- alty Care 2007: Evolving Concepts and Battlefield Experience. REFERENCES U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research Technical Report. 30 1. Glasch, MA. “IV injections added to BCT requirements.” The March 2007. Leader. TRADOC News Service. September 14, 2007. Accessed at 23. Bregenzer T, Conen D, Sakmann P, Widmer A. (1998). Is routine www.tradoc.army.mil/pao/TNSarchives/September%2007/091407 replacement of peripheral intravenous catheters necessary? Arch -1.html. Int Med;158:151-6. 2. FM 4-02.4. APPENDIX C. Role of the Combat Lifesaver 24. Levine R, Spaite D, Valenzuela T, Criss E, Wright A, Meislin 3. Butler F. 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