Developing Military to Civilian Accelerated/Bridge Programs In
DEVELOPING MILITARY TO CIVILIAN ACCELERATED/ BRIDGE PROGRAMS IN HEALTHCARE Lessons and recommendations from a national scan of select related programs, focusing on opportunities for Army Medics (68W) in nursing and allied health occupations Linking Learning and Work June 2016 | ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CAEL wishes to acknowledge and thank the Michael Reese Health Trust for its generous support of the study that made this report possible, the dedicated staff at CAEL for carrying out the work, and the following interviewees who graciously donated their time, knowledge and expertise to assist with the research: Jose Alferez, Manager of Veterans Student Services, Kirsten Manzi, Academic Advisor, College of Nursing, College of DuPage University of South Florida Michele Bromberg, Nursing Coordinator, Illinois Marie Marcotte, Veteran Affairs Coordinator, Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Central College Kyle Chapman, Program Liaison, Texas Tech University Sandra Oliver-McNeil, Assistant Professor of Nursing, Stella Cirlos, Director of Nursing, Alamo Colleges Wayne State University Diane Cousert, Assistant Dean, Nursing and Faculty Lisa Pagano-Lawrence, Administrative Assistant for the Affairs, Parkland College VBSN, University of Michigan—Flint Bridgette Crotwell Pullis, Director, Veterans’ Bachelor of Lula Pelayo, District Director of Nursing and Allied Science in Nursing Program, University of Texas Health Health Programs, Alamo Colleges Science Center at Houston Alicia Gill Rossiter, Program Director, VCARE,
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