
J. metamorphic Geol., 2015, 33, 1003–1024 doi:10.1111/jmg.12166

LP/HT metamorphism as a temporal marker of change of deformation style within the Late Palaeozoic of central Chile

T. HYPPOLITO,1,2 C. JULIANI,1 A. GARCIA-CASCO,2,3 V. MEIRA,1 A. BUSTAMANTE4 AND C. HALL5 1Departamento de Geoquımica e Geotectonica,^ Instituto de Geociencias,^ Universidade de Sao~ Paulo, Rua do Lago 562, CEP 05508-080, Sao~ Paulo, SP, Brazil ([email protected]) 2Departamento de Mineralogıa y Petrologıa, Universidad de Granada, Avda. Fuentenueva SN, 18002 Granada, Spain 3Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-UGR), Avda. de las Palmeras 4, E-18100 Armilla, Granada, Spain 4Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Rua Academico^ Helio Ramos Varzea 50740530, Recife, PE, Brazil 5Argon Geochronology Laboratory, University of Michigan, 2534 C.C. Little Building, 1100 North University Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1005, USA

ABSTRACT A Late Palaeozoic accretionary , formed at the southwestern margin of from Early Carboniferous to Late Triassic, comprises the Coastal Accretionary Complex of central Chile (34–41°S). This fossil accretionary system is made up of two parallel contemporaneous metamorphic belts: a high-pressure/low temperature belt (HP/LT – Western Series) and a low pressure/high tem- perature belt (LP/HT – Eastern Series). However, the timing of deformation events associated with the growth of the accretionary prism (successive frontal and basal underplating) and the development of the LP/HT metamorphism in the shallower levels of the wedge are not continuously observed along this paired metamorphic belt, suggesting the former existence of local perturbations in the regime. In the Pichilemu , a well-preserved segment of the paired metamor- phic belt allows a first order correlation between the metamorphic and deformational evolution of the deep accreted slices of ( and HP greenschists from the Western Series) and deformation at the shallower levels of the wedge (the Eastern Series). LP/HT mineral assem- blages grew in response to arc-related granitic intrusions, and porphyroblasts constitute time markers recording the evolution of deformation within shallow wedge material. Integrated P–T–t–d analysis reveals that the LP/HT belt is formed between the stages of frontal accretion (D1) and basal under- plating of basic rocks (D2) forming blueschists at c. 300 Ma. A timeline evolution relating the forma- tion of blueschists and the formation and deformation of LP/HT mineral assemblages at shallower levels, combined with published geochronological/thermobarometric/geochemistry data suggests a cause–effect relation between the basal accretion of basic rocks and the deformation of the shallower LP/HT belt. The S2 that formed during basal accretion initiated near the base of the accre- tionary wedge at ~30 km depth at c. 308 Ma. Later, the S2 foliation developed at c. 300 Ma and ~15 km depth shortly after the emplacement of the granitoids and formation of the (LP/HT) peak metamorphic mineral assemblages. This shallow deformation may reflect a perturbation in the long- term subduction dynamics (e.g. entrance of a seamount), which would in turn have contributed to the coeval of the nearby blueschists at c. 300 Ma. Finally, 40Ar–39Ar cooling ages reveal that foliated LP/HT rocks were already at ~350 °Catc. 292 Ma, indicating a rapid cooling for this metamorphic system. Key words: accretionary prism; central Chile; paired metamorphic belt; P–T–t–d path.

thermally-contrasted (pene-) contemporaneous meta- INTRODUCTION morphic belts (sensu Miyashiro, 1961; Maruyama, The temporal and spatial relationships of thermal and 1997; and revisited by Brown, 2009, 2010, 2014; Mar- mechanical processes in orogens have been a topic of uyama et al., 2010) and (ii) the development of diverse debate for the past 40 years. Our understanding of deformational fabrics under the thermally contrasted accretionary wedge dynamics remains incomplete. environments (Platt, 1986; Maruyama, 1997; Feehan More specifically the relation between the two main & Brandon, 1999; Ring et al., 1999; Gray & Foster, geodynamic processes, namely (i) the formation of 2004; Richter et al., 2007). In paired metamorphic sys-

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1003 1004 T. HYPPOLITO ET AL. tems, the outer (oceanic) part of the accretionary ing change in the mode of accretion from frontal to prism evolves under cold thermal gradients that gener- basal underplating (Willner, 2005; Willner et al., ate high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) metamor- 2005; Richter et al., 2007; Massonne & Willner, phism, while the hinterland are typically 2008). associated with granitic (s.l.) intrusions and develop- Recently, considerable progress has been made in ment of low-pressure/high-temperature (LP/HT) meta- determining the structural configuration and thermal- morphism (e.g. Isozaki, 1996, 1997; Brown, 2010; tectonic evolution of the Chilean accretionary wedge, Isozaki et al., 2010 and references therein). During including (i) the characterization of contrasted fabrics wedge growth at active plate margin settings, the in the Western and Eastern Series (Glodny et al., mechanical response to forces acting under these dif- 2005; Richter et al., 2007), (ii) the correlation of P–T ferent thermal gradients includes the development of regime and structural position within the wedge contrasting foliations (e.g. sub-horizontal v. sub-verti- (Willner, 2005), and (iii) the definition of metamor- cal) and fabrics (e.g. symmetrical flattening v. non- phic-time relations in both series (Willner et al., coaxial deformation), large-scale thrust-, 2005), and a thermodynamic modelling approach has zones, and vertical faulting, which can affect gradually also been applied to explain the changes in accretion accreted rock assemblages at different depths in the mode within the wedge over time (Massonne & Will- wedge (Cloos, 1982; Platt, 1986, 1993; Cloos & Shreve, ner, 2008). In spite of this progress, local-scale obser- 1988; Isozaki, 1997; Feehan & Brandon, 1999; Ring & vations of the Chilean accretionary prism might Brandon, 1999; Ring et al., 1999; Gray & Foster, provide additional clues about the geodynamic pro- 2004; Glodny et al., 2005, 2008; Willner, 2005; Richter cesses that took place along this active plate margin. et al., 2007 and references therein; Willner et al., 2009, In this context, the tectonic evolution of this paired 2012; Angiboust et al., 2014). In spite of such complex belt was investigated by analyzing the temporal rela- dynamics much of our understanding of the tectonic tionships between the growth of porphyroblasts in evolution of deep and shallow levels of the accre- the LP/HT belt and the development of different tionary prism stems from the determination of pres- deformational stages observed in the wedge. Thus, sure–temperature–deformation–time (P–T–d–t) paths we evaluate how the low strain LP/HT series was and their correlation with deformation episodes (Fee- affected by basal accretion processes and exhuma- han & Brandon, 1999; Ring & Brandon, 1999; Willner, tion-related deformation. 2005; Richter et al., 2007). To address these questions, we characterize the The Palaeozoic accretionary complex of central evolution of metamorphic history and deformation of Chile (Fig. 1) exhibits a c. 300 Ma paired metamor- greenschist to amphibolite facies rocks associated phic belt comprising two contrasting lithological/ with the late Palaeozoic granitic intrusions in the structural/metamorphic series (Gonzalez-Bonorino & Pichilemu region, central Chile (Fig. 2). This region Aguirre, 1970; Gonzalez-Bonorino, 1971; Aguirre comprises an unusual occurrence of the paired et al., 1972; Herve et al., 1984; Willner, 2005; Willner metamorphic system, which is formed by a metasedi- et al., 2005; Richter et al., 2007; Herve et al., 2013; mentary-rich HP segment that includes only rare Hyppolito et al., 2014b). The Western Series com- ocean-derived lenses (blueschists and HP greenschists) prises strongly deformed oceanic-derived HP/LT that are sub-parallel to the isograds in the well-devel- units made of metabasic and metasedimentary rocks oped LP/HT belt (Willner, 2005; Figs 1 & 2). The related to abyssal and trench environments (Willner, occurrence of metabasic rocks in the HP belt might 2005; Hyppolito et al., 2014a,b), whereas the Eastern provide first-order evidence to decipher the nature of Series is formed by trench-to- metasedimen- the subducted oceanic crust and its influence on the tary rocks that are less deformed and were metamor- development of the active margin, e.g. whether sea- phosed at shallower levels of the accretionary wedge mounts or bathymetric highs were present on the (Herve et al., 1984; Herve, 1988; Willner, 2005). The subducted oceanic plate (Willner, 2005; Hyppolito latter records the thermal effects of subduction- et al., 2014a; Halama & Konrad-Schmolke, 2015). related granitic magmatism that intruded the wedge Here we present field/microstructural information (Willner, 2005; Richter et al., 2007) and triggered the recorded by garnet, biotite, chlorite, staurolite and LP/HT metamorphism (Gonzalez-Bonorino, 1971; andalusite porphyroblasts, new thermodynamic mod- Aguirre et al., 1972; Willner, 2005). Both series have elling, and 40Ar–39Ar ages of muscovite and biotite. been characterized as a continuous tectonic section These results were combined to derive P–T–t–d paths within an accretionary wedge that grew under two in order to understand the dynamic and thermal evo- successive modes of accretion (Richter et al., 2007). lution of the LP/HT metamorphic rocks in the tec- The progressive structural evolution between the two tonic framework of an accretionary prism (Willner, series and the change in the deformation style from 2005; Willner et al., 2005; Richter et al., 2007). This the Eastern to the Western Series (cf. Herve, 1988; work demonstrates how porphyroblasts formed at Richter et al., 2007) has been related to contrasting shallower levels of the wedge during LP/HT tectonic regimes prevailing at different portions of a metamorphism can shed light on the geodynamic single wedge (Glodny et al., 2005), and by the ongo- evolution of a paired metamorphic system when


70°W 66°W Pichilemu 30°S 74°W N 30°S South N America

Constitución 100 km

Eastern Sierras


Mendoza 36°S PACIFIC

OCEAN GONDWANA Santiago 34°S Concepción 34°S Guarguaráz Complex CHILENIA TERRANE Lanalhue Assumed Zone Central Valley Zones

Main Cordillera

Chile Argentina Temuco Chile

LEGEND Cenozoic and COASTAL CORDILLERA volcanic and sedimentary rocks 38°S Valdivia Argentina Late Triassic sedimentary rocks 40°S 38°S 36°S

Late Palaeozoic granitoids 40°S Bahia Eastern Series (LP) Mansa Western Series (HP)

Fault Puerto Montt Pichilemu area

74°W 72°W

Fig. 1. Geological maps of central Chile to show the location of the Pichilemu area in the Palaeozoic paired metamorphic belt, which comprises the Western and the Eastern Series and Late Palaeozoic granitoids of the Coastal Batholith. Modified after Willner (2005), and Willner et al. (2004, 2009). coupled to a study of the temporal and deformation cum-Pacific orogen located along the southwestern relationships at various depths in the accretionary margin of Gondwana (Gonzalez-Bonorino & prism. Aguirre, 1970; Gonzalez-Bonorino, 1971; Aguirre et al., 1972; Ernst, 1975; Herve et al., 1984; Willner et al., 2001, 2005, 2012; Glodny et al., 2005; Will- GEOLOGICAL SETTING ner, 2005; Herve et al., 2013, 2014). In the 1970s, this was described as a paired metamor- The Late Palaeozoic Coastal Cordillera phic belt sensu Miyashiro (1961) by Aguirre et al. The metamorphic basement in the Coastal Cordil- (1972). The Western HP/LT and the Eastern LP/ lera, which forms an almost continuous metamor- HT series represent parallel and coeval metamor- phic belt extending from 32°Sto54°S, includes a phic belts oriented N–S (Figs 1 & 2; Willner, 2005; Palaeozoic accretionary prism belonging to the cir- Willner et al., 2005).

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1006 T. HYPPOLITO ET AL.

Fig. 2. Geological map of the metamorphic zones in the Pichilemu region (after Gonzalez-Bonorino, 1971, Herve et al., 1984; Willner, 2005) with sample locations in the Tanume and Chorrillos areas. 40Ar–39Ar metamorphic ages are shown in yellow (white mica) and brown (biotite) and are labelled as follows: one star, from Willner et al. (2005); two stars, from this study; and three stars, from Hyppolito et al. (2014b). The main magmatic activity was dated by Willner et al. (2005) and is represented by the age in white (U–Pb zircon evaporation age). Mineral abbreviations follow Whitney & Evans (2010), with Olig, oligoclase.

The (LP/HT) Eastern Series includes psammo-peli- other hand, the subduction-related (HP/LT) Western tic sequences that represent post-Devonian trench-fill Series is composed of continental-derived rocks (Herve, 1988; Willner et al., 2005, 2008; (pelites and psammites) formed in abyssal, trench and Richter et al., 2007; Herve et al., 2013) and sedimen- settings that are associated with rare tary rocks of likely Devonian age from a pre- ocean-derived rocks now present as greenschist, blues- Carboniferous passive margin (e.g. Herve, 1988; chist, amphibolite and garnet amphibolite (Herve Glodny et al., 2008) both off scraped against the con- et al., 1984; Herve, 1988; Willner, 2005; Hyppolito tinental buttress during the earliest stages of Carbonif- et al., 2014a). The ocean-derived metabasites include erous accretion at an active plate margin developed at OIB, E-MORB and N-MORB types (Kato, 1985; the rear (West) of the Chilenia terrane (Willner et al., Herve, 1988; Kato & Godoy, 1995; Hyppolito et al., 2008, 2011). Throughout the development of the 2014a) thought to have formed in a plume–ridge inter- accretionary wedge, the Eastern Series was intruded action setting (Hyppolito et al., 2014a). It is likely that by granitic rocks (granodiorite, tonalite, granite) of fragments of seamounts were accreted against the the Coastal Batholith between c. 330 and c. 300 Ma, active margin during Palaeozoic subduction (Willner, with the main activity in central Chile occurring at c. 2005; Hyppolito et al., 2014a). The metasedimentary 305 Ma (Willner et al., 2005; Herve et al., 2013, and metabasic rocks are intercalated up to the 2014), which caused extensive metamorphic overprint- decametre scale, with metabasites forming lenses of up ing of the very low grade accretion-related metamor- to kilometre in length due to the of early phism (Willner, 2005; Willner et al., 2001). On the basal accretion (Willner, 2005; Willner et al., 2009).


The contact between the Western and Eastern Ser- the accretionary wedge c. 100 Ma later during the ies has been a matter of debate (Ernst, 1975; Herve, post-accretionary stage, supporting the transitional 1988; Glodny et al., 2006, 2008; Richter et al., 2007; nature for the contact. Willner et al., 2009). At issue is whether the two series were juxtaposed by a major tectonic disconti- nuity or whether they belong to a single growing Mineral zones, mineral assemblages and porphyroblast wedge (cf. Glodny et al., 2005; Richter et al., 2007). relations at the Eastern Series Recently, in central Chile Richter et al. (2007) pro- In the Pichilemu region, the metamorphic zonation posed that the two series comprise a continuous towards the batholith includes mineral assemblages structural section with deformation increasing to the of the greenschist (biotite zone), amphibolite (stauro- west (see also Herve, 1988). For Massonne & Willner lite–andalusite and sillimanite zones) and granulite (2008) such a gradational change is related to the (garnet–cordierite zone) facies, with curved mineral decreasing geothermal gradient in the subduction sys- isograds that are oriented approximately N–S (Fig. 2; tem (discussed further below). They proposed a Gonzalez-Bonorino & Aguirre, 1970; Gonzalez- cause/effect relation between the depth of maximum Bonorino, 1971; Aguirre et al., 1972; Gana & Herve, dehydration reactions that soften sedimentary rocks 1983; Herve et al., 1984; Willner, 2005). A summary and oceanic crust triggering detachment and accre- of mineral zones and facies is given in Table 1. tion of sedimentary and oceanic material at different The biotite zone is characterized by the coexistence depths under very low- to low-grade conditions. Will- of biotite + chlorite garnet, and the staurolite–an- ner et al. (2009) interpreted reverse faults with an dalusite zone is essentially defined by the assemblages oblique component located along the contact between garnet + biotite, garnet + biotite + staurolite, biotite the two series, such as the Pichilemu–Vichuquen + staurolite + andalusite (cf. Aguirre et al., 1972; Fault (Figs 1 & 2), to be related to deformation of Willner, 2005). The muscovite–sillimanite zone is

Table 1. Summary of mineral zones and metamorphic facies in central Chile; compiled from Gonzalez-Bonorino & Aguirre (1970), Aguirre et al. (1972), Herve et al. (1984), Willner (2005) and this work.

Mineral Zone/ Chl-Bt/ Grt-Olig/ Anda, St-Grta, Sil-Ia, Sila, Ms- Sil-IIa, Sil-Crd- Met. Facies Greenschist Greenschist- St-And/ Sil/ Grt-Kfsa, Kfs-Sil/ Condions Amphibolite Amphibolite Amphibolite Granulite

Quartz ------Albite ------Plagioclase ------K-feldspar ------Chlorite ------Muscovite ------Biote ------Chloritoid ----- Staurolite ------Andalusiteb ------Cordierite ------Sillimaniteb ------Garnet ------Cummingtonitec ------Clinopyroxenec ------Orthopyroxenec ------

aDifferent denominations for similar metamorphic zones given by Aguirre et al. (1972) and Willner (2005), respectively. In this study we denote this zone as ‘St–And’ due to the occur- rence of both minerals in the outer zone of the LP/HT belt. We propose ‘Ms–Sil’ and ‘Kfs–Sil’ zones in this study (see text for clarification). bTo the south of Pichilemu region, the absence of staurolite and the coexistence of these two polymorphs in medium-grade condition rocks led Willner (2005) to define the ‘andalusite– sillimanite zone’. cRare occurrences described at the Eastern Series (cf. Aguirre et al., 1972).

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1008 T. HYPPOLITO ET AL. characterized by the coexistence of sillimanite + gar- ner (2005) calculated P–T of 2–3 kbar and 400– net cordierite andalusite (Aguirre et al., 1972; 450 °C for the biotite zone using the assemblage Willner, 2005) (Fig. 2). The breakdown of muscovite biotite–chlorite–muscovite–quartz and assuming and appearance of K-feldspar (+cordierite) define the K-feldspar present (i.e. not present in the assemblage sillimanite subzone II of Aguirre et al. (1972), the but used in the calculations). For the staurolite– cordierite–sillimanite–garnet–K-feldspar zone of andalusite zone, P–T was estimated at 2.5–3 kbar Gonzalez-Bonorino (1971) and Willner (2005), or the and 520–580 °C in garnet–staurolite–biotite rocks K-feldspar–sillimanite zone (this study). A narrow based on the petrogentic grid of Spear & Cheney zone characterized by the appearance of oligoclase (1989) and 3.2 kbar and 555 °C using the multiequi- and garnet is observed between the biotite and stau- librium method of Berman (1988) applied to coexist- rolite–andalusite zones (Fig. 2; Gonzalez-Bonorino, ing plagioclase, garnet and biotite. Temperatures for 1971; Herve et al., 1984). In this study we maintain the assemblage cordierite–biotite–garnet–sillimanite– the delimitation of this intermediate zone and pre- plagioclase–quartz were estimated at 650–720 °Cand sent, for the first time, P–T estimates for these rocks. 2.5–3.5 kbar by combining multivariant reactions Complex mineral growth and deformation relation- and exchange thermometry (Willner, 2005). The ships characterize the porphyroblasts formed during breakdown of muscovite + quartz at temperature the LP/HT metamorphism. Herve et al. (1984) below the wet granite solidus indicates pressures pointed out that the internal foliation recorded lower than 3.6 kbar (Willner, 2005). within staurolite porphyroblasts in the staurolite–an- Importantly, Willner et al. (2000) showed that in dalusite zone in the Tanume region differs from the areas where the Eastern Series was not affected by external S2 foliation that wraps around them. On the the arc-related thermal overprint (e.g. the Chonos other hand, Willner (2005) considered staurolite and archipelago, 44–46°S), the P–T conditions indicate andalusite porphyroblasts to be essentially post-kine- very-low grade metamorphism of the pumpellyte– matic with respect to both the S1 and S2 foliations, actinolite facies (~5.5 kbar and 250–280 °C). In this and interpreted the local rotation of porphyroblasts study the earlier low-grade regional metamorphism is within S2 as evidence of waning deformation after interpreted to be related to frontal accretion (M1) as the thermal overprint under the same field that opposed to the thermal overprint that formed the prevailed before intrusion of the arc-related magmas. LP/HT metamorphic belt (M2). Willner et al. (2009) interpreted biotite, andalusite and staurolite as static post-S2 porphyroblasts that may be elongated parallel to the regional Structural features, modes of growth and geodynamic model for wedge evolution L2, and proposed that the Eastern Series was affected by D2 deformation during and after the high-T meta- Major systematic differences between the Western and morphism, reflecting the effects of deformational due Eastern Series include: (i) structural position within to basal underplating. Further to the south of the the accretionary wedge, (ii) internal fabric, and (iii) studied area (38°S), Glodny et al. (2008) described predominant constituent lithologies (Herve et al., andalusite as syn-to-post-S1, and staurolite and bio- 1984; Kato, 1985; Herve, 1988; Glodny et al., 2005, tite porphyroblasts as pre-dating S2. Herve (1977) 2008; Willner, 2005; Richter et al., 2007). The actual had already described syn- to post-S2 andalusite and geodynamic model proposed to explain such contrast- garnet porphyroblasts in the same area. Combining ing features recognizes that frontal and basal modes of petrological and geochronological data, Glodny et al. accretion occurred successively (Willner, 2005; Richter (2008) interpreted the arc magmas to have intruded et al., 2007) and led to the vertical growth of the the Eastern Series at 306–290 Ma, during D2 defor- wedge during c. 100 Ma of subduction (from c. 320 to mation at the rear of the wedge. Close to this region c. 224 Ma; Willner et al., 2005). This model is based (38–41°S), Martin et al. (1999) described LP/HT-re- on the flow-field concept of Feehan & Brandon (1999) lated minerals (andalusite, sillimanite, cordierite) as and Ring & Brandon (1999), which describe how pre- to syn-S1. Such interpretations highlight the material moving within a wedge is affected by different complex tectonic-thermal history along the fossil modes of accretion and how this culminates in the accretionary margin during the forearc evolution. observed architecture and internal fabrics. The mate- rial progressively transferred to the growing wedge is P–T balanced by erosion at the top affecting the resulting Previous estimates mode of accretion. If underplating (i.e. imbrication of Willner (2005) provided thermobarometric results for oceanic and sedimentary material at the base of the samples distributed along the Eastern Series in cen- wedge) does not occur, deformation is concentrated at tral Chile (34–35°300S) and a petrogenetic grid appro- the shallower levels of the prism and is dominated by priate to the P–T conditions of the lower and higher horizontal shortening of offscraped units, when a grade zones, suggesting similar peak pressures of thickening flow field prevails (Richter et al., 2007). 3.0 0.5 kbar during the thermal overprint. Using On the other hand, basal accretion enhances the for- the multiequilibrium method of Berman (1988), Will- mation of topographic elevations (and hence erosion)

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd CONTACT METAMORPHISM, PAIRED BELT, CHILE 1009 triggering the formation of a more active and erosive mica-rich layers, comprise the lithological varieties system, and vertical shortening develops due to a thin- along a few kilometres at the coastal zone of Chorrillos ning flow field. In the Chilean accretionary wedge, the (Figs 2 & 3). The structure is characterized by a sub- thickening flow field accounts for horizontal shorten- horizontal transposition foliation S2, in which the S1 ing of rocks forming the Eastern Series, as revealed by foliation is preserved as intrafolial folds (Fig. 3a). In the vertical S1 foliation related to the F1 folds. On the highly deformed domains, the S2 foliation is deformed other hand, the ensuing basal accretion is evidenced by by a S3 that locally transposes the the transposition of the S1 foliation by a sub-horizon- second foliation (Fig. 3b,c), pointing to continuous tal and penetrative S2 foliation (locally S3; Richter deformation, but remnants of the S1 are still recog- et al., 2007). nized (Fig. 3c). Greenschist facies metamorphism is Richter et al. (2007) proposed that the timing of characterized by the mineral assemblage chlorite–bi- change from frontal to basal accretion modes otite–muscovite–quartz–plagioclase–ilmenite defining occurred at c. 300 Ma (metamorphic peak ages of the biotite zone. Scarce fine-grained garnet marks the the Western Series estimated by means of 40Ar–39Ar appearance of the garnet–oligoclase zone indicating dating of phengite from blueschists at the Pichilemu transitional metamorphic conditions between the region; Willner et al., 2005). More recently, an age of greenschist and amphibolite facies. Quartz veins are c. 308 Ma was suggested for the change of the accre- widespread and form intrafolial F2 folds locally tion mode, based on the youngest detrital zircon ages refolded by F3 folds. In the oligoclase–garnet zone fine from the accreted metasedimentary rocks (Willner grained biotite andalusite occur within quartz veins 40 39 et al., 2008), also corroborated by Ar– Ar ages in folded by F2 folds. white mica (Willner et al., 2005; Hyppolito et al., 2014b). Willner et al. (2005) indicated that the LP/ HT metamorphism in central Chile formed at 301– Amphibolite facies zone (Tanume area) 296 Ma (40Ar–39Ar ages of muscovite from the Quartz-micaschists (andalusite, garnet and stauro- Pichilemu region and further south), in response to lite) and garnet-bearing psammites are the dominant the main magmatic arc activity in this region at lithotypes outcropping continuously for kilometres c. 305 Ma (Pb/Pb evaporation age of zircon from along the coast at Tanume (Fig. 3d). The pelites and granite; Willner et al., 2005), during the early stages psammites are intercalated at the centimetre-scale of accretion at the base of the wedge. Considering forming metric-scale sequences. Calc-silicate rocks the transitional nature of the structural contact, occur as rare lenses within the sequence (Herve et al., Richter et al. (2007) suggested that changing from 1984). The structure is characterized by a sub-hori- frontal to basal accretion was a gradual and not an zontal penetrative S2 foliation (Fig. S1a) but, locally, abrupt process in time. However the paucity of field the main foliation in dominant quartz- and feldspar- evidence precluded testing this assumption. rich packages is the S1 foliation and primary sedi- Based on pseudosection calculations for metabasite mentary structures such as cross stratification are still and psammo-pelite compositions, Massonne & Will- observed. Abundant quartz (andalusite) veins occur ner (2008) related the systematic change in the accre- and are isoclinally folded by F2 folds (Fig. 3d–f). tionary mode to the continuous cooling of the Medium-grade conditions are represented by the subduction system. Due to decreasing temperature, assemblages biotite–andalusite–staurolite–muscovite– significant dehydration (and softening of the wedge quartz–plagioclase–ilmenite and biotite–garnet– rocks) might occur at higher pressure conditions, quartz–plagioclase–ilmenite staurolite muscovite. resulting in deeper underplating (i.e. basal accretion; A prominent feature of these rocks is the presence Massonne & Willner, 2008). Even though this of chiastolitic andalusite porphyroblasts of up to approach provides an explanation for the gradual 25 cm of length (Figs 3e & S1b). Chiastolitic por- change in mode of accretion, the particular effects of phyroblasts show complex growth patterns character- basal accretion on the early accreted Eastern Series ized by randomly oriented grains that were folded, cannot be explained by cooling of the subduction sys- partially broken (Fig. 3e,f), rotated and wrapped tem alone, suggesting that tectonic/mechanical pro- (Fig. S1b) during the formation of the S2 transposi- cesses also controlled the strain distribution within tion foliation, revealing that andalusite growth pre- the wedge, as discussed below. ceded the main D2 event. The presence of andalusite within and at the walls of isoclinally folded quartz veins corroborates this interpretation (Fig. 3e,f). LITHOLOGY AND FIELD RELATIONS IN THE PICHILEMU REGION ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES Greenschist and transitional amphibolite facies zones Mineral analyses were obtained by wavelength dis- (Chorrillos area) persive spectrometry using a CAMECA SX-100 Metric sequences of gray to brownish phyllites, alter- microprobe analyser [Center of Scientific Facilities nating with centimetre- to decimetre-sized quartz- and (CIC), University of Granada] operated at 15 kV/

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1010 T. HYPPOLITO ET AL.

Chorrillos area

S3 S2

S1 S2

(a) (b)c S Tanumé area N S3


F2 S1 S1

(c) (d)

10 cm 10 cmcm F2 And

(e) (f)

Fig. 3. Field relations in the Chorrillos and Tanume areas. (a) Transposition foliation S2 and vestiges of the S1 foliation preserved as intrafolial folds at Chorrillos beach. (b) and (c) Highly deformed domains at Chorrilos area with crenulation (F3) of the S2 foliation. The inset in (c) shows vestiges of S1. (d) Transposition of the S1 foliation by F2 folding at Tanume beach, which is highlighted by abundant isoclinally folded quartz veins. (e) and (f) Isoclinally folded quartz veins bearing andalusite in a zone of transposition of the S1 foliation by S2.

15 nA beam current with a 5 lm beam diameter. Cr2O3 (Cr), diopside (Ca), TiO2 (Ti) and vanadinite Albite (Na), periclase (Mg), SiO2 (Si), Al2O3 (Al), (Cl) were used as calibration standards. Representa- sanidine (K), Fe2O3 (Fe), MnTiO3 (Mn), BaSO4 (Ba), tive analyses are provided in Table S1a–g. Chlorite

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd CONTACT METAMORPHISM, PAIRED BELT, CHILE 1011 and mica compositions were normalized to 28 and 11 2+ BULK COMPOSITION OF LOW-GRADE oxygen, respectively, assuming Fetotal = Fe . Garnet and ilmenite compositions were normalized to 12 and METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS FROM THE 3 oxygen, and 8 and 2 cations, respectively, with PICHILEMU REGION Fe3+ estimated by stoichiometry. Following Hold- Whole-rock compositions of metasedimentary rocks away et al. (1991, 1995), staurolite compositions were from the Eastern Series are scarce in the literature. normalized to 48 oxygen, Si+Al+2/3Ti+Fe3+ = 25.55, Here 15 new whole-rock analyses of samples from the 3+ and Fe = 3.5% of Fetotal. Plagioclase and epidote Chorrillos and Tanume areas are provided (Table S2). compositions were normalized to 8 and 12.5 oxygen, In Fig. S2, the whole-rock compositions are plotted 3+ respectively, assuming Fetotal as Fe . Mineral abbre- on the AKF (Al2O3–KAlO2–FeO) and AFM (Al2O3– viations follow the scheme of Whitney & Evans FeO–MgO) diagrams projected from the coexisting (2010). Atoms per formula unit and Mg-number phases quartz, ilmenite, plagioclase (Ab83, average 2+ (Mg/(Mg+Fe )) are abbreviated as a.p.f.u. and composition), apatite and H2O, using the exchange vec- Mg#, respectively. tors SiNaAlCa1,MnFe1 and MgFe1 (AKF), and Elemental X-ray maps were obtained with the quartz, muscovite (Si = 3.09, average composition), same machine operated at 15 keV and 250 nA, with plagioclase (Ab83, average), ilmenite, apatite and H2O, a focused beam, pixel size of 8 lm and counting using the exchange vectors MnFe1 and SiNaAlCa1 time of 30 ms per pixel. The images were processed (AFM), in order to properly condense the composi- with software DWImager (R. Torres-Roldan & A. tional space (i.e. so the number of old components Garcia-Casco, unpublished data) to highlight the equal to the number of new components). The average minerals and textures of interest. In the images, compositions of plagioclase (varying from albite to some minerals were masked out and minerals of andesine) and muscovite (see the AFM diagram) interest were overlain onto a grayscale image calcu- include chemical analyses from rocks belonging to the lated with the expression ∑ (a.p.f.u./nA/s)i 9 Ai biotite and staurolite–andalusite zones (greenschist to (where A is the atomic number and i corresponds to amphibolite facies). The thermodynamic validity of the Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, Ba, K, P, F and projections is not fully accomplished (Greenwood, Cl) that contains the basic textural information of 1975) because of the use of average compositions and the scanned areas. exchange vectors, but the imperfections are minor and Whole-rock major element (wt%) compositions the projections are valid for evaluating the variation in were determined at the CIC (University of Gran- bulk-rock composition and its effect on mineral assem- ada) with a PHILIPS Magix Pro (PW-2440) XRF blages. As shown in Fig. S2, the samples from green- spectrometer using glass beads made of 0.6 g of schist to amphibolite facies zones are pelites (AKF powdered sample diluted in 6 g of Li2B4O7. The diagram), and have broadly constant Mg# in the range results are listed in Table S2. Mineral and whole- 0.29–0.39 (AFM diagram), with the exception of one rock composition were plotted in composition low-Al and Fe-rich sample (also showing a low KAlO2 phase diagrams after projection from appropriate component) having Mg# 0.27. Apart from this sample, phases and exchange vectors using software CSpace a rough trend of increasing Al characterizes the (Torres-Roldan et al., 2000). Whole-rock composi- sequence from the biotite through the garnet–oligoclase tions of selected samples were used for the calcula- to the andalusite–staurolite zones. High Al and Fe con- tion of P–T pseudosections using the software tents favour the formation of staurolite–andalusite- package PERPLE_X (Connolly, 1990, 2005, version bearing assemblages, compatible with the formation of 6.6.8). staurolite at low-P medium-grade conditions. 40Ar/39Ar analyses of muscovite and biotite were performed at the Argon Geochronology Laboratory of the University of Michigan using a continuous TEXTURAL RELATIONS AND MINERAL laser for step heating and a VG 1200S noble gas CHEMISTRY mass spectrometer equipped with a Daly detector operated in analog mode. The mass spectrometer was Biotite zone operated using the methods outlined in Streepey Psammo-pelites from this zone are composed of chlo- et al. (2000) and Keane et al. (2006). Samples were rite–muscovite–biotite–albite–oligoclase–quartz–ilmenite, packed within pure Al foil packs and irradiated in a and accessory graphite, apatite, rutile, tourmaline medium flux location inside the McMaster Nuclear and zircon. These lithotypes are characterized by a reactor for 90 MWh within two irradiation packages. penetrative S2 foliation defined by phyllosilicates that Quoted ages are calculated relative to an age of transpose the S1 foliation preserved within crenula- 520.4 Ma for hornblende standard MMHb-1. After tion cleavage domains comprising muscovite–chlo- irradiation, a small number of grains (between two rite–quartz plagioclase ilmenite (Fig. 4a,b). and four) with 150–250 lm were chosen from each Biotite porphyroblasts (0.5 mm) are wrapped by sample for extraction and purification of argon by muscovite and chlorite (Fig. 4a,b), indicating pre-S2 the step-heating method. growth. Locally, graphite inclusions within biotite

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1012 T. HYPPOLITO ET AL.

Chorrillos area



(a) 1 mm (b)

S2 And


Chl (c) 0.25 mm (d) 0.50 mm

Fig. 4. Textural relations of biotite and garnet–oligoclase zone rocks in the Chorrillos area. (a) and (b) Pre-S2 biotite porphyroblast wrapped by the transposition foliation S2. (c) Sigmoidal biotite in psammo-pelite with S2 as the main foliation. (d) Quartz with biotite and andalusite oriented parallel to the S1 foliation. define trails orthogonal to the external S2 foliation, those from higher grade zones (Fig. S2), favouring suggesting post-S1 growth. Hence, we interpret D1 as Si-rich (Na-poor) muscovite compositions. On other related to regional low-grade metamorphism (M1) hand, the chemical zoning preserved within this predating the LP/HT metamorphism. In more group is irregular. Two samples have phengite com- strongly deformed samples, biotite lies parallel to the positions with Si contents of 3.23 and 3.28 a.p.f.u., main S2 foliation and also forms sigmoids that record which might represent relicts from the M1 metamor- the local development of ductile shear zones phism. Biotite shows minor chemical variability with (Fig. 4c). Chlorite and muscovite form subhedral Mg# in the range 0.37–0.41 and Ti contents of 0.09– flakes and are usually inter-grown along thin layers 0.12 a.p.f.u. (Table S1b). Chlorite has Mg# in the in both S1 and S2 domains, intercalated with quartz– range 0.40–0.42, where the lower values represent ret- plagioclase layers. Ilmenite is the main oxide phase rograde compositions (Table S1c). Plagioclase grains and occurs parallel to both S1 and S2. Local relicts of yield distinct albite (Xab = 0.99) and oligoclase rutile within ilmenite cores are interpreted as vestiges (Xab = 0.87–0.80) compositions (Table S1d) that we of a previous M1 mineral assemblage formed before interpret as representing solvus phases of the peris- the LP/HT metamorphism. Retrograde chlorite terite gap. Ilmenite records minor chemical variability replaces biotite porphyroblasts (Fig. 4a). and is characterized by Fe2+,Fe3+ and Mn contents Muscovite has Si, Mg#, Ti and Na values in the of 0.94, 0.01 and 0.04 a.p.f.u., respectively. ranges 3.05–3.15, 0.39–0.50, 0.01–0.05 and 0.07–0.14 a.p.f.u., respectively (Table S1a). In contrast to what – is expected during an isobaric heating path (Chatter- Garnet oligoclase zone jee & Froese, 1975), muscovite in the biotite zone has The lithotype in this zone comprises chlorite–mus- lower Na contents than muscovite from medium- covite–biotite–oligoclase–quartz–ilmenite and acces- grade conditions (Fig. S3). One explanation for this sory garnet, graphite, apatite, tourmaline and zircon. pattern might be the lower Al content of bulk rock When present, garnet is scarce (<1% mode). It forms compositions from the biotite zone compared to subhedral to euhedral crystals (~0.25 to <1mmin

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd CONTACT METAMORPHISM, PAIRED BELT, CHILE 1013 diameter) with quartz, ilmenite and rare calcite inclu- dote, apatite and tourmaline pyrite. The lack of sions. Biotite forms porphyroblasts (<1 mm in length). muscovite, the predominance of plagioclase (~45%) Chlorite–muscovite layers alternating with quartz–pla- and biotite (~23%), and low KAlO2 contents (as indi- gioclase layers defining the main S2 foliation. Andalu- cated by the samples with lower Al contents in the site biotite occurs in quartz–plagioclase veins AFM and AKF diagrams of Fig. S2) point to plagio- (Fig. 4d), which are folded by F2. Muscovite has Si, clase-rich sedimentary protoliths. The rock fabric is Mg#, Ti and Na contents varying in the ranges 3.03– characterized by a fine-grained matrix (0.01– 3.15, 0.36–0.53, 0.01–0.03, and 0.11–0.25 a.p.f.u., 0.15 mm), mainly formed of plagioclase with minor respectively (Table S1a). One analysis yielded graphite, quartz and ilmenite. Graphite trails define Si = 3.34 a.p.f.u., and likely represents M1 mica. Bio- the S1 foliation together with granoblastic bands of tite has Mg# in the range 0.35–0.40, and Ti contents in plagioclase. Biotite, garnet and chlorite form post the range 0.08–0.12 a.p.f.u. (Table S1b). Chlorite porphyroblasts (≤0.50, ≤0.50, and ≤1 mm, respec- records minor chemical variability and has Mg# in the tively). The continuity between inclusion trails defined range 0.37–0.42 (Table S1c). Garnet (Xprp0.07 by graphite, plagioclase and quartz in biotite grains Xgrs0.04Xalm0.74Xsps0.16, Table S1e) is unzoned. Pla- and the matrix foliation is conspicuous and clearly gioclase is oligoclase in composition with Xab in the identifies the growth as post-S1. Biotite is partially range of 0.77–0.87 (Table S1d). Ilmenite has Fe2+, resorbed, whereas garnet is euhedral. Compositional Fe3+ and Mn contents of 0.94, 0.02, and 0.04 a.p.f.u., maps show two generations of garnet, of which garnet respectively (Table S1f). I is locally resorbed and replaced by garnet II to form atoll-like grains (Fig. 5). Chlorite occurs as porphy- – roblasts and as flakes within biotite along the cleavage Staurolite andalusite zone or at the edges. This chlorite is aligned approximately with the hinges of the second crenulation foliation, Staurolite–andalusite-absent rocks indicating syn- to late-S2 growth. This lithotype comprises biotite–garnet–oligoclase/an- Biotite has irregular zoning but generally the inner desine–quartz–ilmenite with accessory graphite, epi- zones have slightly lower Mg# (0.33) than the rims

0 394 10 3418 500 µm 500 µm

Grt-I 154: Mn

470 1074 500 µm A

B Ab Ca-richer Pl

0.9 154:154: CaCa 0.8 118 356 500 µm Grt-I 0.7

0.6 X(Alm)

0.5 X(Prp)

0.4 X(Grs) Grt-II X(Sps) 0.3 Grt-I Grt-II Grt-I Grt-II 154:154: MgCa 0.2 154:154: CaCa 0.1

0.0 rim-A core-B

Fig. 5. Compositional images of garnet porphyroblasts and matrix plagioclase of psammo-pelite from the staurolite– andalusite zone (Tanume beach). Colour scale bar (counts/nA/s) represents high (red) and low (purple) concentrations. See text for details.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1014 T. HYPPOLITO ET AL.

(0.34 v. 0.37; Table S1b). Ti zoning is irregular, with several centimetres in length) form post-S1 porphy- contents varying in the range 0.06–0.13 a.p.f.u., but roblasts, as evidenced by the continuity of inclusions differences between cores and rims are not apparent. trails (mostly muscovite, quartz and graphite) with Ti-rich halos occur around ilmenite inclusions. Chlo- the matrix (≤0.03 mm) mineral fabric (Fig. 6a), trun- rite has Mg# in the range 0.37–0.39, with lower val- cation of the inclusion fabric and wrapping by the S2 2+ 3+ ues at the rims (Table S1c). Ilmenite has Fe ,Fe foliation (Si 6¼ Se; Fig. 6b,c). Biotite has subidioblas- and Mn contents in the ranges of 0.92–0.98, 0.0–0.07 tic habit and occurs intergrown with andalusite and 0.01–0.04 a.p.f.u., respectively (Table S1f). Epi- (Fig. 6d) or forms stacks (Fig. 6b). Staurolite and dote has Xcz and Xps contents of ~0.80 and ~0.20, andalusite occur in contact along rectilinear crystal respectively (Table S1f). Plagioclase is zoned (Fig. 5) faces indicating synchronous growth of all three por- with cores of oligoclase (Xab = 0.73–0.82) and rims of phyroblastic minerals prior to D2 and formation of andesine (Xab = 0.58–0.60) (Table S1d). Late plagio- the S2 foliation. Andalusite was also boudinaged and clase is albite (Xab = 0.91–0.97) and concentrates kinked during D2. Andalusite-bearing quartz veins along diffuse discordant strips that overprint/replace related to M2 are isoclinally folded by F2 (Fig. 6e), earlier plagioclase. In general, garnet porphyroblasts defining the same structural relations with respect to show prograde growth zoning characterized by S2 as the porphyroblasts (Fig. 6c,d). decreasing Mn contents towards the rims (Table S1e), Staurolite has idioblastic habit, but shows minor which is balanced by increasing Mg, Fe and Mg# resorption at its rims. Locally, it develops sector zon- (Xprp0.03–0.09Xgrs0.09–0.17Xalm0.67–0.83Xsps0.01–0.17 at ing (due to variations in Ti content). Staurolite forms the rims) (Fig. 5). However, as noted above, the poikiloblastic grains that may have inclusion-rich growth–dissolution history of garnet is complex. rims and inclusion-free cores, or that may show zonal Prograde garnet zoning was affected by a stage of concentration of inclusions (Fig. 6c), defining com- garnet resorption, which was followed by continued plex patterns with respect to the matrix foliation, and prograde growth (Fig. 5). Garnet I, which has higher pressure shadows of quartz biotite chlorite par- Mn and Ca, and lower Mg and Fe than garnet II, allel to S2 (Fig. 6c). More rarely, poikiloblastic stau- comprises most of the grain (core and mantle). Gar- rolite shows slightly crenulated quartz inclusions that net II forms inner and external overgrowths on gar- lack continuity with the S2 foliation (Si 6¼ Se), sug- net I and record peak conditions as indicated by the gesting local weak deformation of S1 prior to stauro- lowest Mn and highest Mg contents and highest Mg# lite growth. Ilmenite included in staurolite was not (Fig. 5). Garnet I shows an annulus of higher Ca affected by F2 folds, whereas partially included ilme- content (Xgrs = 0.11, 0.16, and 0.09 in the core, nite was deformed outside the porphyroblasts (e.g. intermediate zone, and mantle, respectively), and Fig. 7). flame-like features (cf. Pattison & Tinkham, 2009; Fine-grained muscovite defines the S1 foliation. It and references therein) developed within the mantles is folded by F2 and is included within post-S1 por- (Fig. 5). The high Ca annulus is not accompanied by phyroblasts. Late muscovite and chlorite form flakes complementary changes in Mn, Mg and Mg#, sug- aligned with the S2 crenulation cleavage (Fig. 6a,f) gesting kinetic effects likely involving other Ca-bear- but also truncate S2 (Fig. 6b). Muscovite fills necks ing phases (e.g. epidote and/or plagioclase as local of boudinaged andalusite and replaces it at the rims. sinks/sources for Ca) during prograde garnet growth Chlorite replaces biotite forming post-S2 pseudo- rather than recurrences in P–T conditions (cf. Cher- morphs. Such relations indicate syn-to late and post- noff & Carlson, 1997). Compositional maps show S2 growth of muscovite and chlorite. Mg-rich and Mn-poor zones similar in composition Muscovite has Si, Ti and Na values varying in the to garnet II rims that invade garnet I from the rim range 3.02–3.12, 0.01–0.02 and 0.14–0.27 a.p.f.u., (cf. Faryad et al., 2010) that may follow the internal respectively (Table S1a), yielding the highest Na con- concentric zoning of garnet I and develop atoll-like tents of all studied rocks, as indicated in Fig. S3 and structures (Fig. 5). This process involved the forma- in the AKF diagram of Fig. S2. The chemical zoning tion of minor biotite within the atoll, suggesting a is irregular, but a negative correlation between higher dissolution–precipitation event of garnet I during for- Ti and lower Na is observed (Table S1a), suggesting mation of the garnet II rims. Finally, local minor a trend of increasing temperature (Chatterjee & Fro- resorption of garnet II rims by quartz did not involve ese, 1975; Wu & Chen, 2015). Muscovite overgrowths diffusive modification of garnet compositions, indi- on andalusite are characterized by Si, Mg# and Na cating low-T retrograde conditions. contents of ~3.03, ~0.40 and 0.22–0.26 a.p.f.u., respectively. Biotite cores and rims have Mg# in the – – – ranges 0.35 0.40 and 0.37 0.41, respectively Staurolite andalusite-bearing rocks (Table S1b). Chlorite has Mg# of 0.39–0.43, with This lithotype comprises biotite–muscovite–chlorite– lower values towards the rims (Table S1c). Staurolite quartz–plagioclase staurolite andalusite–ilmenite zoning is faint. The rims and areas around ilmenite with accessory graphite and tourmaline. Biotite inclusions are richer in Ti (0.06–0.15 a.p.f.u.) as (≤0.80 mm), staurolite (≤3 cm) and andalusite (up to shown in compositional map of Fig. 7. A number of


Tanumé area

S1 S2 St Bt

S1 Bt S2

(a) 1 mm (b) Chl 0.25 mm


St And


(c) 1 mm (d) 1 mm

F2 S1 Ms

S2 S2 Bt S1 Chl And

(e) 0.10 mm (f) 0.25 mm

Fig. 6. Textural relations of staurolite–andalusite zone rocks at the Tanume area. (a) Metapelite with post-S1 biotite and staurolite. F2 crenulation and S2 spaced cleavage are shown. (b) Post-S1 biotite forming stacks parallel to S2; note inclusion trails of graphite oblique to the external foliation S2, and post-S2 chlorite. (c) Staurolite porphyroblast wrapped by S2 with pressure shadow of quartz, muscovite and chlorite. Note zonal concentration of inclusions within staurolite. (d) S2 wrapping around andalusite and rotated biotite marking the early foliation S1. (e) Folded andalusite-bearing quartz vein. (f) Late-chlorite and muscovite flakes growing near parallel to the axial surface of F2 . staurolite grains have core and rim compositions characterized by Mg# = 0.12–0.14 and 0.15–0.16, and THERMODYNAMIC MODELLING = – – Ti 0.05 0.08 and 0.08 0.16 a.p.f.u., respectively – – – – – – Pseudosections in the MnO Na2O CaO K2O FeO MgO (Table S1g). The highest Ti values, however, occur – – – around ilmenite inclusions. No chemical variations Al2O3 SiO2 H2O TiO2 system are observed between staurolite in different textural Pressure–temperature (P–T) pseudosections were positions. Plagioclase is oligoclase in composition calculated for three samples for which the peak with Xab in the range 0.78–0.84 (Table S1d). phase relationships and whole-rock compositions are

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1016 T. HYPPOLITO ET AL.

– – 6 155 DTH-70: Ti the C O H system (Ohmoto & Kerrick, 1977). Because dehydration reactions dominate in pelitic lithologies and the evolved H2O typically allows per- turbations in the fluid composition caused by addi- tion of external fluids to be overcome (Connolly & Cesare, 1993), the H2O, CO2 and CH4 contents of a C–O–H fluid coexisting with graphite (C), at fixed P– T, are those that satisfy the condition of maximum XH2O in the fluid, i.e., the composition of the fluid S1 must be located along the C–H2O join of a C–O–H triangular diagram. This allows the fluid composition to be constrained to a fixed H:O ratio of 2:1 (Oh- moto & Kerrick, 1977; Labotka, 1991; Connolly & Cesare, 1993; Connolly, 1995), allowing the calcula- tion of P–T pseudosections with varying but buffered fluid compositions. Phase equilibria modelling was performed in the MnO–Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2– H2O–TiO2 (MnNCKFMASHT) system. The CaO contents of the bulk compositions were corrected for 2 mm apatite (assuming all P2O5 in apatite). Total iron was 3+ assumed as FeOtotal and Fe was not treated as a Fig. 7. Map of Ti concentration in twinned staurolite. Colour ƒ scale bar (counts/nA/s) represents high (red) and low (purple) separate component, because O2 is low and con- concentrations. The red arrow indicates ilmenite deflection due trolled by equilibrium of graphite and fluid in gra- to D2. See text for details. phite-bearing metapelites (Connolly & Cesare, 1993; Pattison, 2006). Samples with a low mode of porphy- roblasts (<5%) were selected for thermodynamic depicted in AFM diagrams projected from the coex- modelling to diminish the effects of chemical frac- isting phasese muscovite, quartz, plagioclase, ilme- tionation during growth of zoned porphyroblasts nite, apatite and H2O fluid, and the exchange (Marmo et al., 2002; Konrad-Schmolke et al., 2008). vectors MnFe-1 and SiNaAlCa1 (Fig. S4). The bulk The P–T pseudosections were calculated in the range composition of sample DTH-1C from the biotite of 2–6 kbar and 350–650 °C with quartz and the zone plots on the tie-line biotite–chlorite. The bulk fluid phase considered in excess. The calculated P–T rock composition of sample DTH-68B from the diagrams include key isopleths of mineral composi- transitional garnet–oligoclase zone plots within the tion and abundance that allow tracking the metamor- tie-triangle chlorite–biotite–garnet. Note that projec- phic evolution during both M1 and M2. tion from oligoclase and the plagioclase exchange vector makes Ca-bearing garnet plot with lower Al than chlorite (Fig. S4, DTH-68B). The bulk compo- Biotite zone sition of sample DTH-69A from the staurolite–an- In the pseudosection for sample DTH-1C (Fig. 8a), dalusite zone plots within the andalusite–staurolite– the peak mineral assemblage chlorite–biotite–oligo- biotite tie-triangle (Fig. S4). These relations and the clase–albite–ilmenite–muscovite–quartz is represented lack of tieline intersections suggest near-equilibrium by a quadrivariant field with a maximum pressure of of the respective assemblages in a continuous petro- ~4.5 kbar and temperature range of 450–500 °C. logical–structural section at low to medium grade Using the Si and Na/Na+K contents of M2 mus- conditions. covite (3.05–3.15 and 0.07–0.14 a.p.f.u., respectively), Phase equilibria were calculated with the software the P–T conditions are ~3.6 kbar at 485 °C. At package PERPLE_X (Connolly, 1990, 2005; version <450 °C rutile is stable instead ilmenite, which is in 6.6.8). The thermodynamic data used in the calcula- accordance with observed relicts of rutile within tions are those of Holland & Powell (1998; revised in ilmenite cores in this sample. The bulk composition 2004, hp04ver.dat). The solution models of the solid is relatively Fe-rich and Al-poor (Figs S2 & S4) and, phases chosen for the calculations include: garnet, as expected, chlorite is stable over a wide P–T range potassic mica, staurolite, cordierite and ilmenite (Hol- up to ~500 °C, coexisting with staurolite within a land & Powell, 1998), plagioclase (Newton et al., very narrow field (trivariant field #11, Fig. 8a). Gar- 1980), chlorite (Holland et al., 1998), biotite (Powell net is stable at pressures higher than ~4 kbar & Holland, 1999; White et al., 2000), and chloritoid (>500 °C) or at low pressure at >550 °C, and (White et al., 2000). andalusite–staurolite–biotite coexist in a quadrivari- Due to the presence of graphite, the equilibrium ant field at >3.0 but <4.4 kbar, and at 500–550 °C composition of the fluid was treated as belonging to (#10, Fig. 8a).


Biotite Zone - DTH-1C Garnet-Oligoclase Zone - DTH-68B 6 Chl Ms 23 1 2 4 Chl 14 Chl (a) 25 Pl Ilm (b) Si-Ms Ms Pl Ms 20 Chl Ms Si-Ms Chl Chl Ms Grt Bt Ms Pl Ilm Ilm Grt M Pl Na/Na+K Ms Pl Ms Pl Ilm s Pl Ilm Pg Pg Grt Bt St Ms Ms St Bt St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Sil Mg# Grt Ilm 0

2Pl . Pl Ilm Ilm Grt 1 Ilm Grt Snp 0 0 Grt . 0 Pg Bt Pg 3 Pg Bt 5 Ms Pl Ilm 5.2 .1 3 Pg Rt 8 Grt Bt Sil Rt Chl Ms Chl Ms Pg 5 .0 Chl Ms Spn Pg Pl Rt 3 22 2Pl Ilm Pl Ilm Ms Chl Ms Zo Chl 1 Pg 13 .1 Bt Pg St Pl Spn Pg Ab 12 3 5 Chl Ms Bt .1 Ilm 23 11 3 0 Pl Ilm Pl .0 9 Bt 5 .0 6 21 Pg Rt Grt 4.4 3 7 Ms Pl Chl 7 Pl Ilm Chl Ilm .0 22 Pl Ilm Grt 3 Ilm Bt Ms Ms 8 Grt Bt Ms Bt Sil Kfs Sil 10 2Pl 9 Sil Czo Ms PlIlm Pg 1 10 Kfs Spn Ms St P(kbar) 1 21 27 . Grt Rt 0 Pg Pl Ilm Ms Pl Ilm Bt 24 Ab Chl Bt A 3.6 11 Bt And 26 nd 3 Crd Pl Ms Crd Pl Chl Chl .0 Pl Ilm Grt Chl Ms Pl Ilm 5 Ms Pl Ch Ilm I l Gt Grt Ms lm P r Chl 3 Sil Kfs l Pg Pl Ilm Ms 1 Gr B Sil Kfs 2Pl . Pl t Spn t Ms 0 Rt Pl Bt Crd Pl Pg Ms Pl Ilm Pl An Ilm 12 Ilm d 2Pl Ad Ilm Grt A Chl Ilm 8 9 Im K Bt n b Clh Bt And l fs Ilm Chl Bt Kf Ms Bt B A s And Kfs 3 Ms 15 t Rt nd Pl And Crd Pl Ilm 2.8 2Pl Ilm Kf 20 Pg Chl Pl Chl Ms Kfs Grt And Kfs s Ab Ms 7 2Pl Rt Ms Ilm Crd Pl llm Rt Pl 3 19 Rt . 15 2 Rt 6 0 16 Ms 2Pl Grt Kfs 3 18 13 Ilm And ChlMs 14 5 19 3 Ab 18 1 PlAb 17 16 17 4 24 26 2.0 Rt 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 T(° C) T(° C) Staurolite-Andalusite Zone - DTH-69A DTH-1C: 6- Chl Ms Ctd Pl Ilm Bt 10- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm 6.0 Ms St Chl Chl 18 19 20 7- Chl Ms Ctd St Pl Ilm Bt 11- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Bt Chl Ms Ctd Ch Grt Ky 1- Chl Ms Ilm Spn Pg Pl Rt l Ms Ms Ms St (c) Zo Pg Rt Ms Mg# St 17 Pl Ilm 8- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Bt 12- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Ctd St Pl 2- Ms Pl Ilm Grt Bt Pg Ctd Pl Ilm Bt 9- Ms St Pl Ilm Bt And 13- Chl Ms St Ctd Pl Ilm Grt Pg Xab Ilm Ilm 3- Chl Ms Pl Spn Ab Rt 1 Zo 16 Bt Chl Ms Pg Grt 20 Ms Pl Ilm 10- Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt And 14- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Pg Mg# Chl 4- Ms Pl Ilm Grt Bt Ky Ctd Cz M Mrg Pg Grt Bt Sil 11- Chl Ms Pl Spn Pg Rt 15- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Bt Pg r 21 5- Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Sil Pg Rt Rt g Si-Ms Rt 13 2 12- Ms Pl Ilm Grt Bt St Sil 16- Ms St Pl Ilm Bt Pg


15 . 6- Ms St Pl Ilm Bt Sil

5.2 0 13- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Pg 17- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Pg mol% H2O 5 7- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Pg 23 14- Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Ky 18- Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Pg 7 14 8- Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt And 2 0 40 15- Ms Pl Ilm Bt And kfs 19- Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt 8 9- Ms Pl Ilm Grt Bt And . 16- Pl Crd Ilm Grt Bt And Kfs 0 20- Ms St Pl Ilm Bt Ky 41 8 12 10- Ms St Pl Ilm Bt And 6 22 17- Ms Crd Pl Ilm Bt And Kfs 21- Ms St Pl Ilm Bt Sil 2 11- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Bt Pg 1 . 18- Ms Pl Ilm Bt And Kfs 22- Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Sil 0 3 12- Ms St Pl Ilm Bt And Pg 3 .0 19- Crd Pl Ilm Bt And Kfs 23- Ms Pl Ilm Grt Bt Sil Kfs 4.4 9 5 13- Ms Pl Ilm Bt And Pg 11 M 20- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Pg 24- Ms Pl Ilm Bt Sil Kfs s Pl Ilm Grt 14- Chl Ms Pl Ilm And Bt Pg Pl 21- Chl Ms Pl Spn Pg Ab Rt 25- Crd Pl Ilm Grt Bt Sil Kfs 0 Il Bt Sil Kfs 15- Ms 2Pl Ilm Bt And Pg 1 m . 22- Chl Ms Pl Ilm Grt Chl Ms Ctd 3 34 Bt 26- Crd Pl Ilm Grt Bt And Kfs 0 16- Crd Pl Ilm Grt Bt Kfs . 0 39 Sil 23- Ms Pl Ilm Grt Bt Ky 27- Chl Ms Ctd Pl Ilm And Pg Mrg Rt 3 17- Ms Crd Pl Ilm Bt And P(kbar) 24- Ms Crd Pl Ilm Bt And 28- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm And 10 18- Crd Pl Ilm Bt Kfs 25- Chl Ms Pl Ilm Zo Pg Rt 29- Chl Ms Ctd Pl Ilm And Pg 3.6 25 19- Crd Pl Ilm Bt And Kfs 24 Crd Pl 26- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Bt Pg 30- Chl Ms Ctd Pl Ilm And Pg Rt St Bt Pl 20- Crd Pl Ilm Grt Bt And Kfs I Ilm Grt 27-Chl Ms Ctd Pl Ilm Grt Bt Pg 31- Chl Ms St Ctd Pl Ilm And AIlnmdBt Pl lm 21- Ms St Pl Ilm Bt Pg And Gr Sil Kfs 32- Chl Ms St Ctd Pl Ilm Chl Ilm Ms t 22- Pl Ilm Bt Sill Kfs DTH-69A: B 33- Chl Ms St Ctd Pl Ilm And Pg M Pl t 23- Ms Pl Ilm Bt Sil Kfs 1- Chl Ms Ctd Cz Zo Pg Rt s A Ms Ilm nd 34- Ms St Grt And Pl Ilm Bt 1 Ctd P Crd Pl Ilm 24- Pl Crd Ilm Grt Bt Sil Kfs 2- Chl Ms Ctd Czo Zo Pg Mrg Rt 1. 33 Il l Bt Kf 9 Pl m s 3- Chl Ms Ctd Pl Pg Mrg Rt 35- Crd Pl Ilm And Kfs 2.8 0.45 B An Grt And Kfs Pg 32 t d DTH-68B: 36- Ms Crd Pl Ilm And Kfs A Kf 4- 2Chl Ms Ctd Pl Pg Mrg Rt 2Chl Ms Ctd Pg Mrg Rt Rt nd s 0 1- Chl Ms Pl Spn Ab Rt 37- Ms Crd Pl Ilm Bt And Kfs 31 And .5 5- Chl Ms Ctd Pl Ilm Pg Mrg Rt 3 30 27 1 2- Chl Ms Pl Spn Rt Pg Ab Kfs Cdr 38- Crd Pl Ilm And Kfs .0 Pl 6- Chl Ms Ctd Pl Ilm Pg Rt 1 26 35 3- Chl Ms Czo Zo Spn Pg Ab 29 42 Ilm Bt 39- Ms Pl Ilm Grt Bt And 4 28 7- Chl Ms St Ctd Pl Ilm Pg Rt 28 37 And 4- 2Chl Ms Pl Ilm Bt 40- Ms St Pl Ilm Grt Bt Sil 27 4336 Kfs 8- Chl Ms St Ctd Pl Ilm Pg 38 5- 2Chl Ms Ctd Pl Ilm Bt 41- Chl Ms Ctd Czo Pg Mrg Rt 2.0 9- Chl Ms St Pl Ilm Pg 350 400 450 500 550 600 650

Fig. 8. P–T pseudosections for samples DTH-1C (a), DTH-68B (b) and DTH-69A (c) from the biotite, garnet–oligoclase and staurolite–andalusite zones, respectively. The highest variance (F = 6) is represented by the darkest gray tone and the lowest variance by white in narrow divariant fields. Pseudo-univariant and true univariant reactions are represented by thick lines (pseudo-univariant reactions separate fields with similar variance but with F 6¼ 2).

– ~ – (3.06 a.p.f.u.) constrains the peak P T to 4.4 kbar Garnet oligoclase zone and ~515 °C (Fig. 8b). Garnet-bearing assemblages In the pseudosection for sample DTH-68B (Fig. 8b), are restricted to slightly higher pressures at medium the peak assemblage chlorite–biotite–oligoclase–gar- grade and low pressure at >525 °C, similar to net–ilmenite–muscovite–quartz is represented by a Fig. 8a. Andalusite, staurolite and biotite coexist quadrivariant field at 3.5–5.2 kbar and 500–525 °C. within a very narrow quadrivariant field (#9, Fig. 8b) Combining chemical isopleths for the peak garnet extending from 485 to 550 °C over a wide pressure rim Mg# (0.05) and Si contents in M2 muscovite range of up to 3.8 kbar.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1018 T. HYPPOLITO ET AL.

– – ble to those predicted from the P T pseudosection Staurolite andalusite zone (Fig. 8c). Retrograde conditions were also estimated In the pseudosection for sample DTH-69A (Fig. 8c), using muscovite that replaces andalusite (Ti poorer, which is Al- and Fe-rich (Fig. S4), the peak assemblage 0.01 a.p.f.u., and Na-richer, 0.22–0.25 a.p.f.u.). For a staurolite–biotite–andalusite–oligoclase–ilmenite–mus- pressure of 2.8 kbar (retrograde chlorite isopleth of covite–quartz is represented by a quadrivariant field Mg# = 0.45; Fig. 8c), temperatures of 388–344 °C from 2.4 to 4.3 kbar at 500–560 °C. There are minor are obtained. differences between the analyzed Mg# in staurolite – (0.12 0.16) and that predicted by thermodynamic – modelling (0.10–0.14), but the Mg#-in-staurolite iso- Ar Ar AGES pleth of 0.12 lies within the quadrivariant field of inter- Three samples were dated using the 40Ar/39Ar method, est. Combining the compositional isopleths for including one psammo-pelitic schist from the biotite staurolite (Mg# = 0.12) and plagioclase (Xab = 0.82) zone in the Chorrillos area (DTH-1F, muscovite sepa- constrains P–T conditions to ~4.2 kbar at ~555 °C. rates), one psammo-pelitic schist from the staurolite– andalusite zone in the Tanume area (DTH-70A, biotite separate), and one from Infiernillo Ti in muscovite thermometer beach in the HP belt (see Fig. 2 for location and Will- For ilmenite- and Al2SiO5-bearing assemblages the Ti ner, 2005 for the P–T conditions; DTH-86G, phengite in muscovite thermometer (Wu & Chen, 2015) has separate). In all samples, two runs were performed been applied to samples from the staurolite–an- using two to four grains per run (150–250 lm). Mus- dalusite zone (DTH-69A, DTH-69C, DTH-70A). For covite from sample DTH-1F yields plateau ages of a pressure of 4.2 kbar (Fig. 8c), using Ti-rich 295.7 1.6 Ma (MSWD = 1.65; 61.4% of 39Ar (0.02 a.p.f.u.) and Na-poor (0.14–0.20 a.p.f.u.) mus- released) and 294.9 1.5 Ma (MSWD = 0.38; 72.0% covite analyses (Table S1a) yielded 505 and 514 °C of 39Ar released) (Fig. 9a,b). For sample DTH-70A, (Table S3). Considering an uncertainty of 65 °C plateau ages for biotite are 292.1 1.6 Ma (Wu & Chen, 2015), these temperatures are compara- (MSWD = 1.52; 53.5% of 39Ar released) and

Sample DTH-1F - Biotite Zone - Muscovite age Sample DTH-70A - Staurolite-Andalusite Zone - Biotite age 350


250 Total Gas Age = 285.0±1.5 Ma 200 Total Gas Age = 288.5±1.5 Ma Plateau Age = 295.7±1.6 Ma Plateau Age = 292.1±1.6 Ma

Age in Ma 150 f39 = 61.4%, MSWD = 1.65 f39 = 53.5%, MSWD = 1.52 100



Sample DTH-1F - Biotite Zone - Muscovite age Sample DTH-70A - Staurolite-Andalusite Zone - Biotite age 350



200 Total Gas Age = 289.6±1.5 Ma Total Gas Age = 281.9±1.6 Ma Plateau Age = 294.9±1.5 Ma Plateau Age = 291.3±1.6 Ma

Age in Ma 150 f39 = 72.0%, MSWD = 0.38 f39 = 67.0%, MSWD = 0.46 100


0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Fraction of 39 Ar Released Fraction of 39 Ar Released Fig. 9. Results of incremental step heating analysis of muscovite and biotite from samples DTH-1F (biotite zone) and DTH-70A (staurolite zone). See text for discussion.


291.3 1.6 Ma (MSWD = 0.46; 67.0% of 39Ar and the psammo-pelitic host rocks in the Tanume released) (Fig. 9c,d). Phengite from sample DTH-86G and Chorrilos areas suggests that synmetamorphic yields a plateau age of 299.6 1.0 Ma veining with synchronous growth of andalusite in the (MSWD = 0.95; 85.6% of 39Ar released) and a total vein and host rock (Cesare, 1994) occurred during gas age of 295.0 0.9 Ma (Fig. S5). the thermal metamorphism, as would be expected To evaluate the geological meaning of these ages we given the steep dP/dT slopes of the strongly tempera- adopt Ar closure temperatures for white mica and ture-sensitive isopleths of H2O content in sample biotite of 420–350 °C and 300 50 °C, respectively DTH-69A (staurolite–andalusite zone; Fig. 8c). This (McDougall & Harrison, 1999). Considering the tem- process involves coeval hydrofracturing and effective peratures calculated for the biotite (~450 °C) and mass transport (intercrystalline diffusion and/or fluid- andalusite–staurolite zones (~550 °C), we interpret the mediated) associated with andalusite-producing dehy- Ar muscovite and biotite ages to record cooling. How- dration reactions, which allows the mobility of Al to ever, for the blueschist sample, considering the peak form andalusite-bearing quartz veins (cf. Cesare, conditions of 9.5–10.7 kbar and 350–385 °C estimated 1994 and references therein). by Willner (2005), the Ar phengite ages are interpreted In addition, X-ray composition maps reveal evi- to record the timing of peak metamorphism. dence of local garnet dissolution followed by new growth (Fig. 5), i.e. during prograde metamorphism. Based on the textural relations and continuous pro- DISCUSSION grade zoning evident in the garnet composition P–T–t–d (Fig. 5), it is likely that the dissolution/growth pro- The chemical-textural record and paths cess occurred close to peak P–T conditions during a For the most part, metasedimentary rocks of the single continuous metamorphic event. Hence we sug- Eastern Series only record the effects of the thermal gest that episodic infiltration of (relatively local or overprint, M2, that obliterated the textural and min- externally derived) fluid during prograde metamor- eralogical records of the regional low-grade metamor- phism triggered local dissolution of garnet-I while phism, M1 (Herve et al., 1984; Willner, 2005). buffering the temperature. After the fluid infiltration Combining field and microstructural data with ther- event, garnet-II formed in response to increasing tem- modynamic modelling of the lower grade zones, we perature in accordance with the observed prograde provide quantitative estimates of the P–T conditions zoning (Fig. 5). and relative timing of the formation of the peak min- Isoclinal folding of andalusite porphyroblasts and eral assemblages. These data constrain the evolution andalusite-bearing quartz veins-bearing by F2 folds of deformation within the central Chilean wedge and (Figs 3d–f & 6e), wrapping and rotation of biotite, can be integrated with published geodynamic models. andalusite and staurolite porphyroblasts by the S2 The pressures determined for each zone based on foliation (Figs 4a & 6c), and the presence of syn- to intersecting compositional isopleths vary from late-S2 chlorite and muscovite indicate that D2 defor- 3.6 kbar in the biotite zone, to 4.4 kbar in the gar- mation took place during cooling and exhumation net–oligoclase zone and 4.2 kbar in the staurolite–an- (Fig. 10). Retrograde conditions estimated using sam- dalusite zone. However, based on the mineral ples from the staurolite–andalusite zone are compati- assemblage fields, the calculated pseudosections ble with decreasing temperature (<400 °C) associated yielded consistent peak P–T estimates of 3.6–4.4 kbar with decreasing pressure (from 4.2 to 2.8 kbar). at 485–555 °C across all three zones. Thus, it is Previous authors had proposed that porphyroblasts unclear whether there are changes in depth from zone related to the thermal metamorphism were postkine- to zone, and the data are equally consistent with an matic with respect to both S1 and S2 foliations, and isobaric thermal overprint. Although slightly higher- likely grew in the waning stages of the D2 deforma- pressure estimates are obtained in this study, our tion (Willner, 2005; Willner et al., 2009), implying results are comparable to those obtained by Willner that thermal metamorphism occurred after a change (2005) for greenschist and amphibolite facies assem- in the accretion mode in the accretionary prism. Here blages (2–3 kbar, 400–450 °C; 2.5–3 kbar 520– we have shown that andalusite, staurolite and biotite 580 °C). The results are also in general agreement porphyroblast growth was post the S1 and pre the S2 with the expected evolution of staurolite-bearing fabric. However, we note that porphyroblasts grown phase assemblages in metapelites from low-P thermal late during D1 or early during D2 may exhibit similar aureoles (Waters & Lovegrove, 2002; Pattison & microstructural relations making it difficult to distin- Vogl, 2005; Pattison & Tinkham, 2009). guish between these alternative timing relations (cf. The formation of post-S1 chiastolitic andalusite, Passchier & Trouw, 2005). The connection between staurolite and biotite assemblages (e.g. Figs 6, 8 & the new observations made here and the different S4) reveals the static nature of the M2 metamor- deformational stages that prevailed in the wedge are phism. The textural–mineralogical similarities discussed next in the context of changing mode of between quartz veins bearing andalusite (biotite) accretion.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1020 T. HYPPOLITO ET AL.

+ Low strain stage (2005) from blueschists samples from the Pichilemu + + Magmatic heating and region. M1/D1 + emplacement of For a closure temperature of 300 50 °C for bio- S1 40 39 Frontal + granitoids tite in the Ar– Ar system, these result suggest that + Thermal overprint accretion S0 at c. 292 Ma the Eastern Series had likely cooled to + metamorphism Strain increasing a similar temperature to the high-P rocks forming + Horizontal M2/D2 the wedge, i.e. ~350 °C (Willner, 2005; Willner et al., + flow path Basal accretion 2005), corroborating rapid cooling after the thermal + (thickening effects overprint at c. 305 Ma, as was also suggested by flow field) + Willner et al. (2005) based on the uniformity of mus- + – S2 covite cooling ages (c. 301 296 Ma). The close timing

Eastern series + Post-D1 and pre-D2 S Chl 1 relation between blueschist facies metamorphism and + the cooling stage for the LP/HT belt suggests a tem- D2 + S2

P (kbar) poral correlation between basal accretion in the dee- Late- + S2 And per part and cooling in the upper part of the wedge. post-D2 + F 2 Furthermore, we infer that formation of the S folia- + 2 S1 tion in the LP/HT belt was a consequence of basal 300 T (° C) 600 + And c + accretion in the Pichilemu region at . 300 Ma (Fig. 10).

Subduction inception & The tectonic evolution of the accretionary prism Slab downgoing initial of mass Vertical (only burial) Richter et al. (2007) considered that only the deepest flow in the shortening (ductile thinning) portion of the Eastern Series, at depths ~20 km subduction M1/D1 where the S2 foliation is locally developed, was channel S //S 0 1 M2/D2 affected by basal accretion. Our thermobarometric Basal accretion calculations, and structural and microstructural evi- Western series HP peak & exhumation dence indicates that the crust affected by the thermal Seamounts Blueschist metamorphism in the Pichilemu area was subse- subduction metamorphic peak quently affected by the D2 deformation at depths & accretion age c. 300 Ma around ~11–16 km (this study; cf. Willner, 2005). The proposed model for the tectonic evolution of 320 310 300 290 the Central accretionary prism includes two different, Ma successive and gradual modes of accretion (frontal and basal) driving the growth of the wedge (Richter Fig. 10. Temporal relations between D1 and D2 deformations et al., 2007). Hyppolito et al. (2014a) showed that in both Western and Eastern series and geodynamic evolution of the accretionary wedge in the Pichilemu region (based on the subducting at the rear of the south- this study, Willner et al., 2005; Richter et al., 2007; Hyppolito western margin of Gondwana had a regional com- et al., 2014b). See text for discussion. posite NMORB–EMORB–OIB pattern, and proposed that seamounts likely subducted episodi- cally along the trench. Basal underplating started at c. 308 Ma, as documented by zircon dating of Timing relations and the development of the basal accreted sediments (Willner et al., 2008), and corrob- accretion-related foliation S 2 orated by 40Ar–39Ar cooling ages for phengite from The revised microstructural relations and new meta- HP greenschists and the earliest subducted materials morphic ages, combined with data from Willner et al. from the Western Series (Willner et al., 2005, 2009, (2005) allow the tectonic evolution of both the HP/ 2012; Hyppolito et al., 2014b). Basal accretion pre- LT and LP/HT series to be correlated in this region. ceded both the peak of blueschist metamorphism at 40Ar–39Ar plateau ages of c. 300 Ma for muscovite c. 300 Ma in the Pichilemu region (Willner et al., (Willner et al., 2005) and c. 292 Ma for biotite (this 2005) and cooling of the Eastern Series in the interval work) from staurolite–andalusite zone samples are 301–292 Ma (Willner et al., 2005; this study). These interpreted to record cooling. Muscovite from the chronological relations and the interpretation that biotite zone samples yield near peak 40Ar–39Ar pla- the blueschists represent accreted fragments of sea- teau ages of c. 295 Ma (this study). The blueschist mounts (Hyppolito et al., 2014a) suggest a possible sample from Infiernillo Beach yielded a 40Ar–39Ar causal relationship between seamount subduction and plateau age of c. 300 Ma, interpreted to date the tim- the D2 deformation at shallower levels of the accre- ing of the metamorphic peak, in general agreement tionary wedge (Fig. 10). 40 –39 with previous Ar Ar ages of c. 292 and c. After the D1 deformation, shallower levels in the 298 Ma retrieved from phengite by Willner et al. wedge behaved as a low strain zone, as indicated by

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd CONTACT METAMORPHISM, PAIRED BELT, CHILE 1021 the static nature of the thermal overprint between the the University of Sao~ Paulo, F. Herve (University of D1 and D2 deformations. Subsequently, shallower Chile) for sharing his knowledge of Chilean basement levels in the wedge were affected by the same defor- geology, and N. H. Carballo (Instituto Geologico y mation field as the deeper parts of the wedge, which Minero de Espana),~ the collaborators of the TOR- suggests a high level of coupling between the sub- project (CGL2012-38396-C03) and C. ducting and overriding plates (cf. Richter et al., Palape (University of Chile) for fruitful discussion in 2007). This increased coupling may be explained by a the field. We acknowledge A. Willner, D. Pattison seamount chain entering the subduction zone, which and J. Glodny for constructive reviews and improve- would have led to tectonic erosion (cf. Von Huene & ments to a first version of this manuscript. M. Brown Lallemand, 1990; Dominguez et al., 1998; Ueda, is fully acknowledged for careful revision and edito- 2005) and enhanced coupling by transferring material rial handling. from the toe of the wedge to deeper in the subduc- tion zone. In the Pichilemu region, the post-accre- tionary Pichilemu–Vichuquen fault juxtaposes REFERENCES different levels of the accretionary prism (Willner Aguirre, L., Herve, F. & Godoy, E., 1972. Distribution of et al., 2009), in contrast to the Maule region where metamorphic facies in Chile – an outline. Kristalinikum, 9, Richter et al. (2007) described a continuous lithologi- 7–19. cal and structural section between the Western and Angiboust, S., Glodny, J., Oncken, O. & Chopin, C., 2014. In search of transient subduction interfaces in the Dent Eastern series. Thus, it is plausible that the variable Blanche-Sesia Tectonic System (W. Alps). 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(a) Zone of intense foliation transposi- graphical and algebraic analysis of phase assemblages on tion; note the intrafolial quartz veins marking previ- 32-bit Wintel platforms. Computers and Geosciences, 26, ous foliation S1. (b) Andalusite porphyroblasts – 779 793. wrapped by S2 foliation. Ueda, H., 2005. Accretion and exhumation structures formed Figure S2. Bulk composition of metasedimentary by deeply subducted seamounts in the Kamuikotan high-P/T Zone, Hokkaido, Japan. Tectonics, 24, 1–17. rocks from the Chorrillos and Tanume areas plotted

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1024 T. HYPPOLITO ET AL. on AFM (left) and AKF (right, larger symbols) dia- Figure S4. AFM diagrams for selected samples grams (projected from coexisting phases and appro- from the biotite, garnet–oligoclase and staurolite–an- priate compositional vectors, see text for dalusite zones. The equilibrium mineral assemblages explanation). The plotted end members of phases of are indicated by the tie lines connecting mineral com- interest include those relevant for the lower grade positions. Bulk-rock compositions are also plotted. zones of the thermal overprint in the study area Olig., oligoclase. (Aguirre et al., 1972; Willner, 2005; this work). The Figure S5. Incremental step heating analysis of dashed circle in the biotite solid solution phase field phengite of blueschist sample DTH-86G. See text for shows the measured biotite composition (Table S1b). details. In the AKF diagram, muscovite compositions, which Table S1. Mineral composition of samples from are represented by smaller symbols than whole rock the Chorrillos (biotite and garnet–oligoclase zone) compositions, are displaced towards A apex showing and Tanume (staurolite–andalusite zone) areas. the influence of pyrophillitic (KXII + AlIV = ΥXII + Table S2. Bulk-rock composition of samples from SiIV) substitution and/or a paragonite component. the lower grade zones of the thermal overprint. Figure S3. Bivariant diagram showing chemical Table S3. Representative estimates of temperatures variation in white mica from the Chorrillos and using the Ti-in-Ms thermometer for muscovite coex- Tanume areas. There is a tendency for the Na con- isting with ilmenite and Al2SiO5 polymorphs (Wu & tent to increase as Si decreases from the low-Al Chen, 2015). pelites (biotite zone) to Al-richer pelites (staurolite– andalusite zone). See text for clarification. Received 21 August 2014; revision accepted 14 August 2015.

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