Pollen Grain Germination and Fruit Set in 'Brazilian Seedless' Sugar Apple (Annona Squamosa

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Pollen Grain Germination and Fruit Set in 'Brazilian Seedless' Sugar Apple (Annona Squamosa NOTE Pollen grain germination and fruit set in ‘Brazilian seedless’ sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.) Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 12: 277-280, 2012 Brazilian Society of Plant Breeding. Printed in Brazil NOTE Pollen grain germination and fruit set in ‘Brazilian seedless’ sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.) Hellenn Thallyta Alves Mendes1, Márcia Regina Costa1, Silvia Nietsche1*, João Alison Alves Oliveira1 and Marlon Cristian Toledo Pereira1 Received 2 May 2012 Accepted 2 August 2012 Abstract - The purpose of this study was to evaluate fruit set and pollen grain germination of ‘Brazilian seedless’ sugar apple. Two experiments were performed: 1) one in a completely randomized design with three treatments (natural and artificial pollination and self-fertilization), with three replications of 10 flowers per plot, 2) and the other in a completely randomized design with three treat- ments: pollen grains of a seeded wild-type, ‘Brazilian seedless’ and atemoya (hybrid of sugar apple and cherimoya) ‘Gefner’, with five replications. A fruit set of 100% was achieved by artificial pollination. No fruit formation was observed after self-fertilization. The percentage of pollen grain germination in vitro was highest for ‘Brazilian seedless’ (52.5%) and lowest for cultivar Gefner (5.9%). Preliminary results indicated that pollen grains of ‘Brazilian seedless’ are viable and that natural or artificial pollination is essential for fruit set. Key words: Seedless fruit, atemoya, artificial pollination. INTRODUCTION to the authors, this mutant represents a particular case of stenospermocarpy, resulting in a failure in seed development In Brazil there are few well-established breeding pro- as the ovules or embryos get aborted (Lora et al. 2011). grams for sugar apple (also known as custard apple). Several cultivars have been developed including ‘Thai Lessard’ (a Despite being morphologically perfect, neither self or green type), ‘Purple’ or ‘Red’, ‘Kampong Mauve’ (purplish- cross-pollination takes place effectively in Annona spp.. Self- red types), and spontaneous seedless types known under pollination is hindered by the presence of protogyny, whereas different names, e.g., ‘Thai seedless’, ‘Cuban seedless’ and cross-pollination by insects is limited because the flowers ‘Brazilian seedless’ (Crane et al. 2005). According to Lora are not brightly colored and lack fragrance and nectar (Kahn et al. (2011), as Annona fruits do not normally develop et al. 1994, Pena et al. 2002).The low fruit set observed in parthenocarpically, hand pollination is commonly used to species of the Annonaceae family is associated with aspects ensure complete fertilization in commercial production. involving source of pollen grains and pollen grains viability (Saaveedra 1977, Rosell et al. 1999). Several studies have The absence of seeds in fruits can be a result of two shown how strongly pollination with viable pollen grains af- biologically distinct processes: parthenocarpy and steno- fects the physical and chemical characteristics of cherimoya, spermy (Revers 2006). Parthenocarpy may occur in cases custard apple and atemoya (Sulikeri et al. 1975, Kishirsagar where the ovary is able to develop without fertilization of the et al. 1976, Soria et al. 1990, Pereira et al. 2003). oosphere, whereas stenospermy is reported in cases where pollination and fertilization are required, but embryos are Considering the total absence of scientific studies on either not formed or are aborted before complete seed for- ‘Brazilian seedless’ mutant sugar apple, this work was mation (Stout 1946, Varoquaux et al. 2000). A recent study performed with the objective of evaluating the fruit set described the unique case of seedless fruit production in a by natural, artificial and self-fertilization and studying the mutant of Annona squamosa, ‘Thai seedless’. According pollen grain germination in this mutant. 1 Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Departamento de Ciências Agrárias, Campus de Janaúba, Reinaldo Viana 2630, 39.440-000, Janaúba, MG, Brazil. *E-mail: [email protected] Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 12: 277-280, 2012 277 Hellenn Thallyta Alves Mendes, Márcia Regina Costa, Silvia Nietsche, João Alison Alves Oliveira and Marlon Cristian Toledo Pereira HTA Mendes et al. MATERIAL AND METHODS KNO3 H3BO (Brewbaker and Kwack 1963) at pH 7.0 and 100 g L-1 sucrose. After autoclaving the medium (121 oC), ‘Brazilian seedless’ mutant sugar apple, a wild-type 10 mL aliquots were distributed on Petri dishes. The pollen sugar apple accession (P2), and atemoya (a hybrid of sugar grains of each genotype were distributed on the surface of apple (Annona squamosa) and cherimoya (Annona cheri- the medium with a brush (number one) to promote a uni- mola) cultivar Gefner) were planted on an experimental form distribution. Then, the Petri dishes were placed in a farm in March 2004. Plants and rows were spaced 3 m and biological oxygen demand (BOD) incubator, in the dark, 4 m apart, respectively, and irrigated by a micro sprinkler at controlled temperature (25 ± 1 oC) for 6 hours. After this system. All recommended cultural practices were applied period, 100 pollen grains were counted per Petri dish with throughout the growth period. a magnifying glass (Ken-A-Vision-3310). Pollen grains The experiments were performed during March and April, were considered germinated when the tube length was 2009. The plants were properly identified and the flowers equal to or greater than the diameter of the pollen grain. covered with paper bags before reaching the pistillate stage. The experimental design was completely randomized with The artificial pollination was performed when the flowers three genotypes, five replications and two Petri dishes per of ‘Brazilian seedless’ sugar apple reached the pistillate plot. The data were subjected to analysis of variance at 5% stage. Then, pollen grains were collected in the staminate probability, using the statistical program SAEG (Euclydes stage and artificially pollinated with a brush number two, 1983). Averages of temperature, air humidity and time of from 8:00 to 9:00 am. Thereafter, the flowers were covered pollen grain collection are described in Table 1. again to keep pollinating insects away. For self-pollination, the flowers were wrapped in paper bags before reaching RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the pistillate stage and maintained in the wrapping until the No fruit set was observed when flowers of ‘Brazilian end of the period of pistillate flowers. The natural pollina- seedless’ sugar apple (Table 2) were self-pollinated. Souza tion was performed by tagging pistillate flowers that were et al. (2010) also reported the absence of fruit set after self- left without any protection to allow insect pollination. All pollination in seedless sugar apple. treatments were applied in the same plant. The experimental design was completely randomized with three treatments The results of this study and of others published by (self-pollination, natural pollination and artificial pollination), Souza et al. (2010) and Lora et al. (2011) suggest that for with three replications. A total of 30 flowers per treatment fruit production, the mutant seedless sugar apple depends were evaluated. The percentage of fruit set was obtained by on the stimulation by natural or artificial pollination. counting the total number of fruits 20 days after pollination. Artificial and natural pollination promoted higher levels The physiochemical characteristics of fruits were not per- of fruit set, 100% and 90%, respectively (Table 2). Differ- formed due to the high incidence of fruit borer (Cerconota ent percentages of fruit set were observed in Annona spp. annonela) that attacked and damaged the fruits. In A. cherimola, the fruit set was 84% to 96% with self- Five flowers of each genotype were harvested. Pollen pollen, but a reduction was observed with mixed pollen, grains from ‘Brazilian seedless’ sugar apple, a wild-type 38% to 69% (Richardson and Anderson 1996). Duarte and sugar apple accession (P2), and atemoya cultivar Gefner Escobar (1998) showed a 4,7% of fruit set in cherimoya were collected from staminate flowers at 7:00 am and im- when pollen grain from atemoya was used. Studies con- mediately placed in plastic bags and sent to the laboratory ducted by Melo et al. (2002) in São Paulo state, which of Biotechnology. The in vitro germination tests were per- evaluated the natural and artificial pollination of cherimoya -1 formed in culture medium (5g L agar, 1.27 mMCa (NO3) flowers, reports percentages of fruit set of 61.2 and 19.6%, 2 4H2O, 0.87 mM MgSO4 7H2O, 0.99 mM and 1.62 mM respectively. Cavalcante et al. (2009) obtained fruit set rates Table 1. Percentage of pollen germination of the ‘Brazilian seedless’, sugar apple accession (P2), and atemoya cultivar Gefner Cultivars Pollen Germination (%) Temperature (oC) Humidity (%) Time of pollen collection Brazilian Seedless 52.5a 27.2 43 7:00 Sugar apple (P2) 38.5a 26.0 44 7:00 Gefner 5.9b 26.0 44 7:00 CV 27.49 Averages followed by the same letter do not differ from each other by the Tukey test at 5% probability. 278 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 12: 277-280, 2012 Pollen grain germination and fruit set in ‘Brazilian seedless’ sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.) of 31.1%, 4.65% and 0% by artificial, natural and self- pollen grains from flowers of ‘Gefner’ and sugar apple. pollination in Annona crassiflora. The high percentage of According to Saavedra (1977) Annona pollen presented a fruit set by natural and artificial pollination observed in this good proportion of dyads and tetrads intermingled among study may be related to environmental conditions such as individual viable and non-viable pollen grains, and the tetrads the high temperatures during the experiment, presence of were incapable of germinating on the stigmatic surface in pollinating insects and pollen viability. cherimoya. The authors conclude that the high concentra- tion of tetrads observed in atemoya is probably due to their Table 2. Percentage of fruit set and number of flowers in ‘Brazilian seed- less’ sugar apple that were pollinated naturally, artificially and by selfing interspecific constitution.
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    J. Entomol. Res. Soc., 19(2): 43-52, 2017 ISSN:1302-0250 Do Beetles Prefer the Odor of Female-Stage to Male-Stage Flowers in Atemoya, a Cantharophylous Protogynous Fruit Tree (Annonaceae)? Morio TSUKADA1* Miki INUI1 Noritaka SUZAKI2 1 Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University, Tsu, Mie 514-8507, JAPAN 2 Kinan Fruit Tree Science Branch, Mie Prefecture Agricultural Research Institute, Mihama, Mie 519-5202, JAPAN, e-mails: *[email protected] , [email protected] ABSTRACT The flowers of annonaceous fruit trees cherimoya (Annona cherimola) and atemoya (A. cherimola x squamosa) exhibit protogynous dichogamy. Their main pollinators are sap beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). However, pollination by beetles is usually not sufficient for commercial fruit production, so costly hand pollination is required in many areas. These beetles on cherimoya and atemoya are thought to visit the female-stage flower, remain inside it, and leave the flower when it has transitioned to the male stage; however, no study has yet directly elucidated the visiting behavior of the beetles. In this study, we examined this hypothesis using olfactometer testing in the field. Both male and female sap beetles, Carpophilus marginellus, were significantly attracted to the odor of female-stage flowers, but not to the odor of late male-stage flowers. We conclude that the beetles prefer the odor of female-stage flowers to that of late male-stage flowers. These findings support the above hypothesis describing beetle pollination behavior. Key words: Annonaceae, Nitidulidae, floral odor, beetle pollination, behavior. INTRODUCTION The custard apple, or cherimoya, Annona cherimola Miller, the sugar apple, A.
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