Update Needed Update Needed GGameame 8 MMurrayurray SStatetate aatt BBelmontelmont DDec.ec. 330,0, 22020020 CCurburb EEventvent CCenterenter NNashville,ashville, TTenn.enn. 6 pp.m..m. 22020-210 2 0- 2 1 MMURRAYU R R A Y SSTATET A T E RRACERSA CE R S BBASKETBALLA S K E T B A L L CContact:ontact: DDaveave WWinderinder CCell:ell: ((270)270) 2293-056693-0566
[email protected]@murraystate.edu @@MSURacersMSURacers @@RacersHoopsRacersHoops PPROBABLEROBABLE SSTARTERSTARTERS MMurrayurray SStatetate RRacersacers ((4-3)4-3) ((1-1)1-1) OhioOhio ValleyValley 22020-21020-21 SCHEDULESCHEDULE NOVEMBER TTevinevin BBrownrown BBelmontelmont BruinsBruins (8-1)(8-1) (2-0)(2-0) OhioOhio ValleyValley 29 Greenville H Won 173-95 G - 66-5-5 - JJr.r. DECEMBER FFairhope,airhope, AAla.la. Racers Meet Belmont In Nashville For Final Game Of 2020 02 Middle Tennessee A Lost 78-61 113.9ppg3.9ppg 229a9a The Murray State Racers (4-3, 1-1) hit the road for an Ohio Valley Conference tilt 05 Illinois State H Won 76-65 33PP 114-454-45 ((.311).311) against the Belmont Bruins (8-1, 2-0) at the Curb Center in Nashville, Tennessee. 08 *Austin Peay H Won 87-57 1100 11 Southern Illinois A Lost 70-66 The 6 p.m. tip brings together the two teams that met in the OVC Tournament 15 Transylvania H Won 90-49 JJusticeustice HHillill championship game last March in Evansville. 21 *Austin Peay A Lost 74-70 G - 66-0-0 - SSo.o. 30 *Belmont A ESPNU 6p The recent history of Racers and Bruins begins when they first met as OVC rivals JANUARY LLittleittle RRock,ock, AArk.rk.