REMEMBERS e and the

INTRODUCTION THE WORLD RESPONDS e Gulf War of the early 1990s was a struggle that is Many in the international community condemned ’s well known to many. More than 4,000 Canadian Armed bold act of aggression and Canada soon joined a Forces members served in the region in 35-country, American-led multinational coalition to 1990-1991 as part of the international coalition of restore freedom to . Functioning under the countries that came together to drive the invading forces mandate of a (UN) resolution that of Iraq out of Kuwait. In the aftermath of the conict, approved the use of force, Operation Desert Shield saw Canadians would continue to serve with peacekeeping the build-up of Coalition forces in the Gulf region. e and embargo-enforcement eorts in the region for Canadian Armed Forces participation in the military several years. eorts there would be codenamed Operation Friction.

THE PERSIAN GULF Canada’s rst military contributions came at sea in Iraq and Kuwait are Arab countries located next to each August 1990, when three of our warships sailed to the other in the heart of the oil-rich Middle East, a region of Persian Gulf to be part of a Coalition eet that would the world steeped in history. In fact, many historians secure the waters o Iraq and occupied Kuwait. would say that human civilization itself was born in the Canadian CF-18 warplanes were sent to the Middle East “Fertile Crescent” – the land between the Tigris and in October 1990 to help take control of the skies above Euphrates Rivers in modern-day Iraq. the Gulf. A joint headquarters for the Canadian Armed Forces in the region was also established in Manamah, In the 20th century, both Iraq and Kuwait achieved in November 1990. Canadian medical, independence. e relationship between the two communications, logistical and security units would also countries, however, has not been smooth. Iraq had long bravely play support roles in the Gulf War. felt that Kuwait was really a part of Iraq and that Kuwaiti oil rigs were illegally tapping into Iraqi oil elds. On January 16-17, 1991, Operation Desert Storm began In the late 1980s, tensions grew and relations became as Coalition forces launched a devastating air campaign much worse. On August 2, 1990, the situation came to a after a nal deadline for Iraq’s withdrawal was ignored. head when Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait, quickly taking is was followed by an armoured and infantry ground control of its much smaller neighbour. oensive that commenced on February 24 which rapidly pushed the Iraqis out of Kuwait. is fullled their mandate to liberate Kuwait, and Coalition forces ceased

the oensive on February 28 and oered a ISC91-5253 Defence Department of National 1991. Photo: for take-o in April readying Canadian CF-18 in Royal Canadian Regiment soldiers on patrol in Qatar in December 1990. Photo: Department of National Defence ISC90-5050 • • • FACTS ANDFIGURES had beenimposedonIraq aftertheconict. warships helpedtoenforce theeconomicsanctionsthat weapons production facilities.On thewater, Canadian to seekoutIraq's biological,chemicalandnuclear role intheyears thatfollowed inthespecialcommission violations andclearinglandmines.Canadaalsohada zone between thetwocountries,investigating cease- re the Iraq-Kuwait border, monitoringthedemilitarized the region oftheUNpeacekeepingmissionalong aspart After theGulf War ended,Canadiantroops remained in Gulf War of2003 nallyswept himfrom power. control ofIraq formore than12years untilthesecond , retained power. He wouldremain in the warleftIraq defeatedbutthecountry’s leader, cease- re whichIraq acceptedonMarch 3.eendof very tensein1990-1991. very attack neighbouringcountries,madetheentire region weapons, aswell aslargemissilesthatcouldbeusedto force. helicopters withNo. 443Squadron were ofthis alsopart intheregion.the Coalitioneeteorts Five Sea King and thesupplyshipHMCSProtecteur —helped support destroyers HMCSTerra Nova andHMCSAthabaskan, some 2,700personnel. members inthePersian Gulf region atonetimewas efactthatIraq possessedchemicalandbiological e CanadianNaval Task Group—consisting ofthe e peaknumberofCanadianArmedForces Canadian installationsintheMiddle Eastin1990-1991. • • • • 1 Captain Fred Kaustinen,actingcommanderofCanada’s series ofexplosionsthatinjured manyAmericansoldiers. Coalition convoy caught re truck suddenly, settingoa On ahotafternooninKuwait City, anoverheated HEROES ANDBRAVERY women because they were serving in conservative Middle inconservative women becausetheywere serving duties. It wasespeciallychallengingforthesetrail-blazing Canadian ArmedForces combat membersperformed e Gulf War marked the rsttimethatfemale and evacuation forthewounded. took immediateaction,providing emergencytreatment and theRoyal 22 wounded. 1991. ishospitalcared forbothCoalitionandIraqi established inAl-Qaysumah, Saudi ArabiainFebruary Coalition airforces. Canadian planeswasusedinaerialrefueling dutiesfor carried personnelandcargointheregion. One ofthe attacks tookplaceduringtheconict. time sincetheKorean War, Canadianair-to-surface andreconnaissancecontrol, escort missions.For the rst Persian Gulf nationofQatar, combatair performing personnel operatedoutofthe‘CanadaDry’ basesinthe st CombatEngineer Regiment, and50ofhistroops Soldiers from unitsliketheRoyal CanadianRegiment A Canadian eldhospitalwith530personnelwas e CanadianAirCommand’s Transport Group CF-18 jetsquadrons withapproximately 500 e Régiment securitydutiesat performed Eastern countries where traditional gender roles are very CANADA REMEMBERS PROGRAM di erent than in Canada. e Canada Remembers Program of Veterans A airs Canada encourages all Canadians to learn about the HMCS Athabaskan took part in a tense mission in sacrices and achievements made by Canada's Veterans February 1991 when the ship went to the aid of the USS during times of war, military conict and peace, and to Princeton, which had been seriously damaged by Iraqi become involved in remembrance activities that will mines o the coast of Kuwait. Keeping a vigilant watch help to preserve their legacy for future generations of while crossing hundreds of kilometres of dangerous Canadians. waters and navigating through enemy mineelds, Athabaskan escorted a Coalition eet tugboat that would To learn more about Canada’s role in the Gulf War, safely extract the American warship. please visit the Veterans A airs Canada website at or call 1-866-522-2122 toll free. SACRIFICE eatres of war, like the Persian Gulf in the early 1990s, FOR MORE INFORMATION are dangerous places. ere are many risks that go beyond the obvious ones of enemy attack or landmines. • Canadian Military History Gateway: Friendly re incidents, vehicle accidents and the psychological impact of serving in such stressful conditions can take a heavy and life-long toll. • Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association: Debilitating medical conditions have struck some Veterans of the Gulf War, including symptoms like chronic fatigue, respiratory complaints and muscular pain. • Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping: Fortunately, no Canadian Armed Forces members died in the course of the Gulf War. A total of more than 1,800 Canadians have died in military service in the • e Royal Canadian Legion: post-war years, however. eir names are inscribed is publication is available in other formats upon request.

. September 1990. . September Nova and Terra , Protecteur left) HMCS Athabaskan (from Gulf: to the Persian at sea en route Canadian warships conduct replenishment Defence Department of National Photo: within the beautiful In the Service of Canada Book of Affairs, 2014. Veterans of the Minister by in Right of Canada, represented the Queen Majesty © Her in Canada V32-152/2005 ISBN: 0-662-69062-1 Printed Cat. No.: Remembrance that is displayed in the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.