
SCHEDULE - VII (See Clause 3(3)(6)(7) and 10(2)(3) under Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003)



S.No. Plants and Plant Material Scientific Name 84. 84. Alder buckthorn - Roots (dried) Rhamnus frangula for medicinal use 85. 85. Alumroot - Root (dried) for Geranium sp. medicinal use 86. 86. Artemisia - leaves (dried) for Artemisia spp. medicinal use 87. 87. Barberries - roots (dried) for Berberis medicinal use 88. 88. Bearded usnea - whole Plants Usnea barbata (dried) for medicinal use 89. 89. Bitterwort - Roots (dried) for Gentiana medicinal use 90. 90. Black Haw - Barks (dried) for Viburnum medicinal use 91. 91. Bladder Wrack - whole Plants (Fucus vesiculosus (dried) for medicinal use 92. 92. Blessed Thistle - Whole plants Carduus sp. (dried) for medicinal use 93. 93. Boldina - Leaves (dried) for Peumos boldus consumption 94. 94. Calandine - whole Plants (dried) Chelidonium majus for medicinal use 95. 95. Caltrop - whole plants (dried) for Tribulus terrestris medicinal use 96. 96. Cascarilla - Bark (dried) for Croton medicinal use 97. 97. Cat Thyme - whole Plants (dried) Teucrium marum for medicinal use 98. 98. Celtic Nard - whole plants (dried) Arnica Montana for medicinal use 99. 99. Centella - Leaves (dried) for Centella asiatica medicinal use 100. 100. Cinchona - Bark (dried) for Cinchona spp. medicinal use 101. 101. Clary sage - Leaves (dried) Salvia medicinal use 102. 102. Colic root - Roots/Bulbs (dried) Dioscorea for medicinal use 103. 103. Comfrey - Roots (dried) for Symphytum officinale medicinal use 104. 104. Common bilberry - Leaves Vaccinium myrtillus (dried) for medicinal use 105. 105. Common valerian - Roots (dried) Valeriana officinalis for medicinal use 106. 106. Damiana - whole plants (dried) Turnera sp. for medicinal use 107. 107. Deadly nightshade - Leaves/roots Atropa belladonna (dried) for medicinal use 108. 108. Devil’s Claw - Roots (dried) for Harpagophytum medicinal use 109. 109. Digitalis -Leaves (dried) for Digitalis medicinal use 110. 110. Duboisia leaves - Leaves (dried) Duboisia medicinal use 111. 111. English Yew - dried leaves for Taxus baccata medicinal use. 112. 112. Ergot of Rye - Grounded form for Secale medicinal use 113. 113. Eye-bright - whole Plants (dried) Euphrasia for medicinal use 114. 114. Field Horsetail - Leaves (dried) Equisetum arvense for medicinal use 115. 115. Figwort - whole plants (dried) for Scrophularia medicinal use 116. 116. Fringe Tree - Bark (dried for Chionanthus virginica medicinal use 117. 117. Ginseng - Roots (dried) for Panax quinquefolius medicinal use 118. 118. Ginkgo - Leaves (dried) for Ginkgo medicinal use 119. 119. Guaiacum - whole plants (dried) Guaiacum for medicinal use 120. 120. Guarana - Seeds (dried) for Paullinia cupana medicinal use 121. 121. Hop - Leaves (dried) for Humulus lupulus medicinal use 122. 122. Horse Chest Nut - dried seeds for Aesculus hippocastanum medicinal use 123. 123. House leek - Leaves (dried) for Sempervivum sp medicinal use 124. 124. Indian sage - whole plants (dried) Eupatorium for medicinal use 125. 125. Jaborandi - Leaves (dried) for Pilocarpus medicinal use 126. 126. John’s Wort - whole plants Hypericum perforatum (dried) for medicinal use 127. 127. Lactuca - whole plants (dried) for Lactuca virosa medicinal use 128. 128. Marsh-Tea - whole Plants (dried) Ledum for medicinal use 129. 129. Milk Thistle - Seeds (dried) for Cardui mariae (Silybum marianum) consumption 130. 130. Muira Puama - Root/Bark (dried) Liriosma for medicinal use 131. 131. Okoubaka - Roots (dried) for Okoubaka medicinal use 132. 132. Orthosiphon - Leaves (dried) for Orthosiphon medicinal use 133. 133. Pellitory - roots (dried) for Anacyclus pyrethrum(Anthemis) consumption. 134. 134. Persea bark - dried bark for Persea spp medicinal use 135. 135. Picrorhiza - Roots (dried) for Scrophulariaceae medicinal use 136. 136. Piscidia - Bark (dried) for Piscidia medicinal use 137. 137. Podophyllum - Rhizome/Roots Hexandrum (dried) for medicinal use 138. 138. Pygeum Bark - Bark (dried) for Prunus spp. medicinal use 139. 139. Ratanhia - Roots (dried) for Krameria medicinal use 140. 140. Rauwolfia - Root bark (dried) for Rauwolfia vomitoria medicinal use 141. 141. Roman Chamomile - Flower head Anthemis nobilis (dried) for medicinal use 142. 142. Sabadilla - crushed seeds (dried) Schoenocaulon for medicinal use 143. 143. Sabina - Twig (dried) for Juniperus medicinal use 144. 144. Saw Palmetto - Fruit (dried) for Sabal medicinal use 145. 145. Scammonia roots (dried) for consumption 146. 146. Senna - pods for Cassia spp. consumption/processing

147. 147. Smilax - Rhizomes/Roots (dried) Smilax for medicinal use 148. 148. St. Johnswort - whole plants Hypericum perforatum (dried) for medicinal use 149. 149. St. Ignatius Bean - Bean cut Ignatia (dried) for medicinal use 150. 150. Tongkat Ali - Roots/Bark (dried) Eurycoma longifolia for medicinal use 151. 151. Uva-Ursi - Leaves (dried) for Arctostaphylos medicinal use 152. 152. Voacanga seeds - Seeds (dried) Apocynaceae for medicinal use 153. 153. Wild Hops - Roots (dried) for Bryonia alba medicinal use 154. 154. Windflower - whole plants (dried) Pulsatilla (Anemone) for medicinal use 155. 155. Winter green - Leaves (dried) for Gaultheria procumbens medicinal use 156. 156. Yellow Pond-lily - Rhizomes Nuphar lutea (dried) for medicinal use 157. 157. Yohimbe Bark - Bark (dried) for Pausinystalia yohimbe medicinal use 158. 158. Basil - leaves (dried) for Ocimum basilicum consumption 159. 159. Capsicum - fruit & seed (dried) Capsicum annum for consumption 160. 160. Chamomile - Flowers (dried) for Chamaemelum nobile consumption 161. 161. Guar - Seeds (broken) for Cyamopsis tetragonoloba processing 162. 162. Hibiscus - Flowers (dried) for Hibiscus sabdariffa consumption 163. 163. Jigat - dried bark powder for Machilus macarantha consumption 164. 164. Kakkar singhi - (dried) for Rhus spp. consumption. 165. 165. Kapok - fibre (lint) for Ceiba pentandra/ Bombax ceiba consumption. 166. 166. Lavender - flowers (dried) for Lavandula angustifolia consumption 167. 167. Manjith - roots (dried) for tinctorum consumption 168. 168. Patchouli leaves - (dried) for Pogostemon cablin consumption) 169. 169. Pyrethrum - Flower Powder Chrysanthemum tanacetum (dried) for consumption 170. 170. – dried flowers for Crocus sativus consumption 171. 171. Seaweed - for consumption Ecklonia maxima

172. 172. Sticky wood - bark (dried) for Litsea spp. consumption 173. 173. Tamarind - Fruit pulp and seed Tamarindus indica for consumption 174. 174. - Rhizome (dried) for Curcuma longa consumption 175. 175. Acacia - wood for consumption Albizia lebbeck

176. 176. African white wood - wood for Triplochiton sckeroxylon consumption 177. 177. Arau (Timla) - wood for Ficus auriculata consumption 178. 178. Beli - wood for consumption Aegle marmelos/Limonia acidissima

179. 179. Cedar - wood for consumption Cedrus spp.

180. 180. Hnaw logs - wood for Adina cordifolia consumption. 181. 181. Htauk Kyant - wood for Terminalia sp. consumption. 182. 182. Jatoba Sawn Timber - wood for Hymenaea courbaril consumption 183. 183. Kapur - wood for consumption Dryobalanops spp.

184. 184. Kempas - wood for consumption Koompassia spp.

185. 185. Manau cane - Cane for Acorus calamus consumption 186. 186. Meranti wood - for consumption Shorea spp.

187. 187. Mersawa/Kaung HMU - wood for Anisoptera spp. consumption 188. 188. Millettia round logs - wood for Wisteria floribunda consumption. 189. 189. Moabi round logs - wood for Mimusops consumption 190. 190. Mora wood - for consumption. tinctoria

191. 191. Osyris - dry roots/ wood for Osyris rhamnoides consumption 192. 192. Rengas - wood for consumption Gluta spp. 193. 193. Resak wood - for consumption Vatica spp.

194. 194. Rosewood - wood for Dalbergia spp. consumption 195. 195. Sagawa (Champa) - wood for Michelia Champaca consumption 196. 196. Sandalwood– wood for Santalum spp consumption 197. 197. Sappan wood - wood for Caesalpinia sappan consumption 198. 198. Swietenia mahagoni - wood for Grandifoliola consumption 199. 199. Sycamore/Maple - wood for Acer pseudoplatanus consumption 200. 200. Tali - wood for consumption Erythorophleum

201. 201. Yemane- wood for consumption Gmelina spp.
