Ministry of Youth and Sports, in charge of Civic Education and Citizenry Construction

General Secretariat

Republic of the

One People – One Goal – One Faith


The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Mali, Mr. Mossa AG ATTAHER, has followed with interest the developments of the so-called “Harassment” case in the Malian environment, further to the indictment and detention warrant (according to judicial sources) against Mr. Amadou BAMBA, coach of the Under-19 girls national team, by the High Court (Tribunal de grande instance) of the Fourth Township of the District. The Minister acknowledges this judicial proceeding and wishes that the truth is brought to light in all cases of alleged sexual harassment on Malian female basket players.

The Government of the Republic of Mali also acknowledges the decision by the international basket federation (FIBA Monde) to open a disciplinary investigation, followed by a provisional suspension against Mr. Hamane NIANG, president of FIBA Monde, and Mr. Harouna MAIGA, president of the Mali basketball federation. Pending the outcome of these investigations, the Government of Mali will follow the developments of the cases with all due attention.

In accordance with its international obligations, the Government of Mali will ensure the strict compliance with the international legal instruments ratified by the country on these matters. The Government will stand with all victims until the full truth comes out and reassures the national and international public that it will make every effort to ensure that our children can thrive while practicing sport in an untroubled environment. It calls on the managers of the Mali basketball federation to do their utmost in order to preserve the image of Mali in this affair, in the superior interest of Malian sport.

Working closely with the Malian judicial system, the Sports Ministry will make every effort to accompany the competent jurisdictions so the whole truth can come out in these cases.

The Sports Ministry is confident it can count on the understanding of all parties.

Bamako, July 27th, 2021

On behalf of the Minister

The General Secretary

Amadou Diarra YALCOUYE

Chevalier of the National Order