December 3, 2020 • Legal Notices • the Weekly Newspapers • 305.743.0844
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DECEMBER 3, 2020 • LEGAL NOTICES • THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS • 305.743.0844 NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR on Wednesday, February 17, 197.3632(3)(a), Florida Statutes, mail to: County Administrator’s County will provide updates for CASE NO.: 20-CP-000268-K against decedent’s estate COMPETITIVE SOLICITATIONS 2021, at 3:00 P.M., the Monroe of its intent to use the uniform Office, 1100 Simonton Street, changing directives for Local IN RE: THE ESTATE OF must file their claims with NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that County Purchasing Office method of collecting non-ad Suite 205, Key West, FL Government Public Meetings JEAN M. SAVINO, this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS on Wednesday, January 13, will receive and open sealed valorem special assessments to 33040. The documents must on the County Website at: (a/k/a Jean Marie Savino, Jean S. AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST 2021, at 3:00 P.M., the Monroe responses for the following: be levied within the County, for be received by 3:00 P.M. on www.MonroeCounty-FL.Gov. McGuirl, Jean McGuirl) PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. County Purchasing Office KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL the cost of providing roadway Monday, December 7, 2020, and Below are the various options Deceased. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN will receive and open sealed AIRPORT ACCESS ROAD improvements, and sea level must include the submitter’s available to the public to view NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH responses for the following: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA rise improvements commencing name, address, phone number, the live meeting and/or to make The administration of the IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION DESIGN – BUILD Pursuant to F.S. § 50.0211(3) for the Fiscal Year beginning email address, and the agenda public comments on the public estate of Jean M. Savino, 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER ROCKLAND KEY PUBLIC (a), all published competitive on October 1, 2021 and item number to which the hearing. deceased, whose date of death BARRED. WORKS FACILITY solicitation notices can continuing until discontinued documents refer. The public can comment during was September 16, 2020, is NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA be viewed at: www. by the County. The County In the event any person the live Public Hearing either by pending in the Circuit Court PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, Pursuant to F.S. § 50.0211(3), will consider the adoption decides to appeal any decision phoning in or by connecting to for Monroe County, Florida, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) (a), all published competitive a searchable Statewide of a resolution electing to by the County with respect the live Zoom webinar link using Probate Division, the address of YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE solicitation notices can repository for all published use the uniform method of to any matter relating to the the following instructions: which is 500 Whitehead Street, DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS be viewed at: www. legal notices. Requirements for collecting such assessments consideration of the resolution a) To comment on an item by Key West, FL 33040. The names BARRED., submission and the selection authorized by section 197.3632, at the above-referenced phone: Dial (646) 518-9805 and addresses of the personal The date of first publication of a searchable Statewide criteria may be requested from Florida Statutes, at a public public hearing, a record of the or (669) 900-6833 and, when representative and her attorney this notice is: December 3, 2020 repository for all published DemandStar by Onvia at www. hearing to be held at 1:30 P.M. proceeding may be needed and prompted, enter the Webinar are set forth below. Personal Representatives: legal notices. Requirements for OR www. on December 9, 2020 at the in such an event, such person ID# 968 2320 6145 followed by All creditors of the decedent Natalie Miller Light submission and the selection The Commission Chambers, Murray may need to ensure that a the # key, then *9 to “Raise your and other persons having 900 E. Wyandotte criteria may be requested from Public Record is available upon Nelson Government Center verbatim record of the public hand” to be recognized by the claims or demands against the McAlester, Oklahoma 74501 DemandStar by Onvia at www. request. BOCC Room, 102050 Overseas hearing is made, which record Zoom webinar host. decedent’s estate on whom a William D. Miller, II OR www. In response to Covid-19, the Highway, Key Largo, Florida and includes the testimony and b) To comment on an item using copy of this notice is required to 4001 S. Bryant Ave. The Monroe County Purchasing via Communication Technology evidence on which the appeal is the live Zoom webinar link: be served must file their claims Moore, Oklahoma 73160 Public Record is available upon Department has implemented Technology (“CMT”), using a to be based. In accordance with Open this live Zoom webinar with this court ON OR BEFORE Attorney for Personal request. a new electronic process Zoom webinar platform as set the Americans with Disabilities link @ https://mcbocc.zoom. THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS Representatives: In response to Covid-19, the for reviewing and opening forth in more detail below. Act, persons needing a us/j/96823206145 (that also AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST Samantha J. Fitzgerald, Esq. Monroe County Purchasing sealed bids. Monroe County Such resolution will state the special accommodation or an appears in both the published PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE Attorney Department has implemented is committed to continuing to need for the levy and will interpreter to participate in this Agenda and Agenda Packet). OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE Florida Bar Number: 173762 a new electronic process receive and process competitive contain a legal description proceeding should contact the When prompted, enter your OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS 8551 W. Sunrise Boulevard for reviewing and opening solicitations while maintaining of the boundaries of the real County Administrator’s Office email address and name to NOTICE ON THEM. Suite 301 sealed bids. Monroe County the health and safety of our property subject to the levy. at (305) 292-4441, between join the webinar. When the All other creditors of the Plantation, FL 33322 is committed to continuing to employees and those who Copies of the proposed form the hours of 8:30 A.M and 5:00 Mayor calls for speakers on the decedent and other persons Telephone: (954) 580.3690 receive and process competitive attend bid openings. Please do of resolution, which contains P.M. prior to the date of the item(s) on which you wish to having claims or demands Fax: (888) 663.6471 solicitations while maintaining not mail or attempt to deliver in the legal description of the real hearing; if you are hearing comment, or when the Board against the decedent’s estate Email: samantha@ the health and safety of our person any sealed bids. Mailed/ property subject to the levy, are or voice impaired, call “711”. is nearing your item(s) as the must file their claims with employees and those who physically delivered bids/ on file at the Clerk of the Courts, Live Closed Captioning is meeting progresses, select this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS Publish: attend bid openings. Please do proposal/responses WILL NOT 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, available via our web portal @ the “Raised Hand” feature AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST December 3 & 10, 2020 not mail or attempt to deliver in be accepted. Florida. All interested persons http://monroecountyfl.iqm2. that appears at the bottom of PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. The Weekly Newspapers person any sealed bids. Mailed/ The Monroe County Purchasing are invited to attend. com/Citizens/Default.aspx the Zoom webinar screen, to ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN physically delivered bids/ Department hereby directs that Due to COVID-19 and in for meetings of the Monroe be recognized by the Zoom THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH proposal/responses WILL NOT bids be submitted via email to: consideration of the Center County Board of County webinar host. IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT be accepted. OMB-BIDS@monroecounty-fl. for Disease Control (“CDC”) Commissioners. The Zoom Webinar monitor 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER FOR The Monroe County Purchasing gov, no later than 3:00 P.M. social-distancing guidelines Dated at Key West, Florida, this will request the agenda BARRED. MONROE COUNTY, Department hereby directs that on February 17, 2021. Please established to contain the 3rd day of November 2020. item # on which you wish to NOT WITHSTANDING THE TIME FLORIDA bids be submitted via email to: submit your confidential spread of the COVID-19 virus, KEVIN MADOK, Clerk of the comment and will enable your PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, PROBATE DIVISION OMB-BIDS@monroecounty-fl. financial information in a the December 9, 2020, Public Circuit Court participation when the Mayor ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) CASE NO.: 20-CP-000260-K gov, no later than 3:00 P.M. on SEPARATE EMAIL from your bid Hearing will also be conducted and ex officio Clerk of the Board calls for public speakers on your YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE IN RE: THE ESTATE OF January 13, 2021. Please submit and required documents. Your via Communication Media of County item. To report problems with DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS KEVIN LEE STEWART, your confidential financial subject line on both emails Technology (“CMT”), using Commissioners of Monroe the broadcast, please call: (305) BARRED. Deceased. information in a SEPARATE must read as follows: a Zoom Webinar platform County, Florida 872-8831.